dṛṣṭi (7485)

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Entry 7485, Page 269, Col. 2
(dfzwi, dfzwi)
dṛṣṭi¦, f. (= Pali diṭṭhi), view, opinion; rarely in a good sense, (tena, sc. by Buddha, dṛṣṭam acalaṃ paraṃ sukhaṃ, mss. sukha) dṛṣṭibhiḥ paramasādhudṛṣṭibhiḥ Mv i.73.17 (vs), he has seen immovable supreme bliss by views characterized by supremely good insight; but, as in Pali, almost always wrong opinion, heresy: SP 71.2; (sattveṣu …nānā-)-dṛṣṭi-praskanneṣu LV 248.15, attacked by various heresies; Mv i.179.2, 3; prahīna-d° Mv iii.61.7; 62.12, having abandoned heresy; dṛṣṭiṃ kurvāmi ujjukām SP 125.14 (vs), I make a heretical view straight (correct it); five dṛṣṭi listed Dharmas 68 and Mvy 1955--59, satkāya-d°, antagrāha-d°, mithyā-d°, dṛṣṭi-parāmarśa, śīlavrata- parāmarśa, qq.v.; these same five under other designa- tions AbhidhK. LaV-P. v.15, as explained in the sequel; there are also, as in Pali, 62 dṛṣṭi, see s.v. dṛṣṭikṛta; see the following items, and upalambha (-dṛṣṭi).


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