muṣṭi-bandha, -saṃbandha (12164)

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muṣṭi-bandha, -saṃbandha
Entry 12164, Page 435, Col. 2
(muzwibanDa, muzwi-banDa, -saMbanDa)
muṣṭi-bandha, -saṃbandha¦, m., a particular technique of grasping (the bow) with the fist (see s.v. muṣṭi); several times muṣṭi-b° is mentioned in a list of arts to be mastered by a prince: Mvy 4978; LV 156.12; Divy 100.12 and 442.7, along with pada-bandha or pāda°, and (in all but Divy 100.12) also śikhā-bandha; in both Divy passages these words are directly followed by dūra- vedha, which occurs not far away in Mvy (4991). That [Page436-a+ 71] a manner of wielding the bow is meant is suggested by the context in all, and proved by Mv ii.82.17 muṣṭisaṃ- bandho ca, yatra nāma vārāṇasyāṃ sthitena kāṇḍaṃ kṣiptaṃ. Tib. on Mvy and LV ḥdzin staṅs, grasping posture.


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