ruta (12819)

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Entry 12819, Page 456, Col. 1
(ruta, ruta)
ruta¦, nt. (= Pali id.; in Skt. seems to be used only of cries of animals and esp. birds; see also next), (1) voice, cry, sound, esp. (perh. exclusively) of any living being, incl. men and notably Buddhas: sattvānāṃ rutāni SP 357.5, of all creatures in the universe; sarva-ruta-kauśalyā- vartāṃ (see āvarta) ca nāma dhāraṇīṃ 475.9; ruta ma- dhura LV 421.14 (vs), of Buddha's voice; of the voice or speech of various creatures incl. Buddhas, Bhad 4, 18, 30, 31; snigdharutaiḥ LV 173.17 (vs), by sweet sounds, here parallel with rūpa, gandha, rasa, and sparśa, hence may be more general, = -śabda, sound of any sort; rutāni ca divyāni…saṃpravādyetsuḥ Mv ii.160.18; (2) in Laṅk, and cf. Sūtrāl. i.7 with Lévi's note, used in derogatory sense (Lévi connects it directly with the Skt. application of ruta to animal cries), (mere) words, the ‘letter’ as dis- tinguished from the (real, esoteric) meaning (artha): yathā- rutārthābhiniviṣṭānāṃ Laṅk 14.3, attached to the (super- ficial) meaning according to (literal) words; yathārutār- thagrahaṇaṃ na kartavyam bodhisattvena 154.8; de- finition of ruta, physiological speech, 154.14 ff., while in contrast (true, esoteric) artha is defined 154.17 ff.; in sub- stantially the same sense vyañjana, q.v., is commoner.


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