tāḍa, (1) (6888)

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tāḍa, (1)
Entry 6888, Page 251, Col. 1
(tAqa, tAqa)
tāḍa, (1)¦ m. or nt. (Skt. tāla, Pali tāḷa, cymbal or some percussion instrument; also clap of the hand etc.), a musical instrument, cymbal: vīṇāś ca tāḍā paṇavāś ca SP 51.13 (vs); saṃgīti-tāḍa-samaye ca viniścayajñāḥ RP 42.17 (vs), but here and in the next tāḍa could mean not the instrument, but the sound made by striking it; vādya- tāḍa-nināda-nirghoṣa-śabdair SP 338.11 (prose); others, see s.v. śamya; see also tāḍāvacara; (2) m. (= Pali tāḷa, m.; see next), key (in Skt. tāla, lock, cf. tālaka; see John- ston, note on Buddhac.): saddharma-tāḍena Buddhac. 1.74; tāḍam ādāya gṛham asya gatvā Av ii.56.2; tāḍam apahṛtya gṛhaṃ gatvā 3 (ms. tāḍan both times).


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