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A list of all pages that have property "english-comment" with value "Comment: someone who has cognized emptiness directly and thus has risen above the state of a common being.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1123  + (three natures; Comment: The three natures are imputational natures (kun btags, parikalpita), other-powered natures (gzhan dbang, paratantra), and thoroughly established natures (yongs grub, pariniSpanna).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/37  + (through the force of taming; Comment: Jik-through the force of taming; Comment: Jik-may-dam-chö-gya-tso reports that D#ra-d#i Ge-s#hay Rin-chen-dön-drup (pra sti dge bshes rin chen don grub) interprets "through the force of taming" as "through the force of taming trainees having the lineage of the Middle Way School by means of the literal reading" (gdul bya dbu ma pa'i rigs can sgras zin des 'dul ba'i dbang gis). However, Jik-may-dam-chö-gya-tso points out that D#zong-ka-b#a himself in the section on the Consequence School of the Essence of Eloquence glosses "through the force of taming" with "through the force of trainees' thought" (gdul bya'i bsam pa'i dbang gis). It seems to me that both interpretations are that both interpretations are suitable.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1918  + (triguNa; Comment: In SAmkhya the three material qualities (yon tan gsum, triguNa)are 1) lightness (snying stobs, sattva), 2) motility (rdul, rajas), 3) darkness (mun pa, tamas).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1848  + (two modes; the two systems; Comment: Gung-two modes; the two systems; Comment: Gung-tang takes "two modes" (tshul gnyis) as referring to two different great ways of positing what requires interpretation and what is definitive — as found in two modes of the Middle Way School and the Mind-Only School for commenting on the final thought of the Perfection of Wisdom SUtras.hought of the Perfection of Wisdom SUtras.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/514  + (ultimate deity; Comment: This is the firstultimate deity; Comment: This is the first of six stages in deity yoga meditation in the Concentration Concentration Tantra (bsam gtan phyi ma, dhyAnottara), an Action Tantra: ultimate deity or emptiness deity or suchness deity (don dam pa'i lha, stong pa nyid kyi lha, de kho na nyid kyi lha); sound deity (sgra'i lha); letter deity (yi ge'i lha); form deity (gzugs kyi lha); seal deity (phyag rgya'i lha); sign deity (mtshan ma'i lha).rgya'i lha); sign deity (mtshan ma'i lha).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/525  + (ultimate truths are understood in differenultimate truths are understood in different ways by the various Buddhist systems; see definition headingComment: The Sanskrit for "ultimate truth," paramArthasatya, is etymologized three ways within identifying parama as "highest" or "ultimate," artha as "object," and satya as "truth." In the first way, parama (highest, ultimate) refers to a consciousness of meditative equipoise directly realizing emptiness; artha (object) refers to the object of that consciousness, emptiness; and satya (truth) also refers to emptiness in that in direct perception emptiness appears the way it exists; that is, there is no discrepancy between the mode of appearance and the mode of being. In this interpretation, a paramArthasatya is a "truth-that-is-an-object-of-the-highest-consciousness." In the second way, both parama (highest, ultimate) and artha (object) refer to a consciousness of meditative equipoise directly realizing emptiness in that, in the broadest meaning of "object," both objects and subjects are objects, and a consciousness of meditative equipoise directly realizing emptiness is the highest consciousness and thus highest object; satya (truth), as before, refers to emptiness. In this second interpretation, a paramArthasatya is an emptiness that exists the way it appears to a highest consciousness, a "truth-of-a-highest-object." In the third etymology, all three parts refer to emptiness in that an emptiness is the highest (the ultimate) and is also an object and a truth, a "truth-that-is-the-highest-object." ChandrakIrti, the chief Consequentialist, favors the third etymology in his Clear Wordsors the third etymology in his Clear Words)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1439  + (unbalanced state; Comment: In the medical tree, this refers to the trunk of the unhealthy body, or diseased body, abiding in an unbalanced state.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1959  + (union; Comment: This is the sixth of the sunion; Comment: This is the sixth of the six stages of the completion stage in the GuhyasamAja system of Highest Yoga Tanta: physical isolation (lus dben), verbal isolation (ngag dben), mental isolation (sems dben), illusory body (sgyus lus), clear light ('od gsal), union (zung 'jug).clear light ('od gsal), union (zung 'jug).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/85  + (universal monarch; Comment: A universal monarch rules by way of a wheel.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/84  + (universal monarch; Comment: A universal monarch rules by way of a wheel.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/86  + (universal monarch; Comment: A universal monarch rules by way of a wheel.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/82  + (upanAha; resentment; Comment: This is one upanAha; resentment; Comment: This is one of the twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyon nyi shu, upakleza): (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) upanAha ('khon 'dzin, upanAha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakSa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradAsa); (5) jealousy (IrSyA); (6) miserliness (mAtsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, mAyA); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, zAThya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) harmfulness (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiMsA); (11) non-shame (ngo tsha med pa, AhrIkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrApya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styAna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) non-faith (ma dad pa, Azraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausIdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramAda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muSita-smRtitA); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaMprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).istraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/276  + (upekSA; Comment: This is one of the elevenupekSA; Comment: This is one of the eleven virtuous mental factors (sems byung dge ba, kuzalacaitta): (1) faith (dad pa, zraddhA); (2) shame (ngo tsha shes pa, hrI); (3) embarrassment (khrel yod pa, apatrApya); (4) non-attachment (ma chags pa, alobha); (5) non-hatred (zhe sdang med pa, adveSa); (6) non-ignorance (gti mug med pa, amoha); (7) effort (brtson 'grus, vIrya); (8) pliancy (shin tu sbyangs pa, prasrabdhi); (9) conscientiousness (bag yod pa, apramAda); (10) equanimity (btang snyoms, upekSA); (11) non-harmfulness (rnam par mi 'tshe ba, avihiMsA).mfulness (rnam par mi 'tshe ba, avihiMsA).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1652  + (utpattiniHsvabhAvatA; Comment: This is oneutpattiniHsvabhAvatA; Comment: This is one of the three non-natures: character-non-nature (mtshan nyid ngo bo nyid med pa, utpattiniHsvabhAvatA); production-non-nature (skye ba ngo bo nyid med pa, utpattiniHsvabhAvatA); ultimate-non-nature (don dam pa ngo bo nyid med pa, paramArthaniHsvabhAvatA). bo nyid med pa, paramArthaniHsvabhAvatA).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1651  + (utpattiniHsvabhAvatA; Comment: This is oneutpattiniHsvabhAvatA; Comment: This is one of the three non-natures: character-non-nature (mtshan nyid ngo bo nyid med pa, utpattiniHsvabhAvatA); production-non-nature (skye ba ngo bo nyid med pa, utpattiniHsvabhAvatA); ultimate-non-nature (don dam pa ngo bo nyid med pa, paramArthaniHsvabhAvatA). bo nyid med pa, paramArthaniHsvabhAvatA).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/232  + (vIrya; effort; Comment: This is one of thevIrya; effort; Comment: This is one of the eleven virtuous mental factors (sems byung dge ba, kuzalacaitta): (1) faith (dad pa, zraddhA); (2) shame (ngo tsha shes pa, hrI); (3) embarrassment (khrel yod pa, apatrApya); (4) non-attachment (ma chags pa, alobha); (5) non-hatred (zhe sdang med pa, adveSa); (6) non-ignorance (gti mug med pa, amoha); (7) vIrya (brtson 'grus, vIrya); (8) pliancy (shin tu sbyangs pa, prasrabdhi); (9) conscientiousness (bag yod pa, apramAda); (10) equanimity (btang snyoms, upekSA); (11) non-harmfulness (rnam par mi 'tshe ba, avihiMsA).mfulness (rnam par mi 'tshe ba, avihiMsA).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/781  + (various constituents; Comment: In the sevevarious constituents; Comment: In the seventh chapter of the SUtra Unraveling the Thought "various constituents" (sna tshogs pa) refers to the eighteen constituents and "manifold constituents" (khams du ma) refers to the six constituents. See also khams; khams tha dad pa; khams du ma.also khams; khams tha dad pa; khams du ma.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/934  + (videha; Comment: This is one of the eight videha; Comment: This is one of the eight smaller continents of Buddhist cosmology (gling phran brgyad) that, two each, are next to four large continents: In the center, is the monarch of mountains, ri rab (meru). The four continents and eight smaller continents are (1) shar lus 'phags po (videha), the eastern continent "land of [those with] superior/large bodies" with lus (deha) and lus 'phags (videha); (2) lho 'dzam bu gling (jambudvIpa), the southern continent "Jambu-tree land" with rnga yab (cAmara) and rnga yab gzhan (aparacAmara); (3) nub ba blang spyod (godanIya) the western continent "land of using cattle" with g.yo ldan (sAthA) and lam mchog 'gro (uttaramantriNa); (4) byang sgra mi snyan (kuru), the northern continent "land of unpleasant sound" with sgra mi snyan (kurava) and sgra mi snyan kyi zla (kaurava). Surrounding all of these is an outer rim of iron mountains.f these is an outer rim of iron mountains.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/727  + (view of the basal state; Comment: "The view of the basal state" is in contrast to "the view in the face of knowledge" (rig ngo lta ba) — the latter being the state of meditative equipoise directly realizing emptiness.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1437  + (vihiMsA; harmfulness; Comment: This is onevihiMsA; harmfulness; Comment: This is one of the twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyon nyi shu, upakleza): (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) resentment ('khon 'dzin, upanAha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakSa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradAsa); (5) jealousy (IrSyA); (6) miserliness (mAtsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, mAyA); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, zAThya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) vihiMsA (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiMsA); (11) non-shame (ngo tsha med pa, AhrIkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrApya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styAna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) non-faith (ma dad pa, Azraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausIdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramAda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muSita-smRtitA); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaMprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).istraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/451  + (virtue; Comment: Virtuous mental factors avirtue; Comment: Virtuous mental factors are one of six main groupings of mental factors (sems byung, caitta): (1) five omnipresent (kun 'gro, sarvatraga) mental factors; (2) five determining (yul nges, viSaya-pratiniyama) mental factors; (3) eleven virtuous (dge ba, kuzala) mental factors; (4) six root afflictions (rtsa nyon, mUla-kleza); (5) twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyong, upakleza); and (6) four changeable (gzhan 'gyur, anyathAbhAva) mental factors. "Indicated" or "revealed" (lung du bstan pa) means here "that which abides as either virtue or non-virtue." Thus, in this case of defining virtue, it means that which is virtuous. It means that which is definite as virtuous or non-virtuous. It does not necessarily refer to Buddha's having said it this way or that way which is what those words often mean ("indicated in scripture"). "Abides in the class of that which issues forth happiness" is said because there are, for instance, virtues which have been overcome by hatred and do not issue forth happiness, but they are still virtues. The phrase means that there are exceptions that merely "abide in the class of."tions that merely "abide in the class of.")
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/187  + (vizodhana; ck sp of Sanskrit Comment: transliteration of Sanskrit word—vizodhana)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1016  + (wisdom; Comment: Equivalents taken from Grounds and Paths (sa lam) are path of liberation (that lam), exalted wisdom (ye shes), clear realizer (mngon rtogs), mother (yum), vehicle (theg pa).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1684  + (without appearance; Comment: A non-conceptual consciousness of meditative equipoise is said to be "without appearance" since nothing but an absence appears.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/601  + (zAThya; Comment: This is one of the twentyzAThya; Comment: This is one of the twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyon nyi shu, upakleza): (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) resentment ('khon 'dzin, upanAha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakSa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradAsa); (5) jealousy (IrSyA); (6) miserliness (mAtsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, mAyA); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, zAThya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) harmfulness (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiMsA); (11) non-shame (ngo tsha med pa, AhrIkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrApya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styAna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) non-faith (ma dad pa, Azraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausIdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramAda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muSita-smRtitA); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaMprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).istraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/45  + ('dzam bu gling; Comment: In Buddhist cosmo'dzam bu gling; Comment: In Buddhist cosmology there are four large continents, each of which has two smaller continents (gling phran brgyad) next to it: In the center, is the monarch of mountains, ri rab (meru). The four continents and eight smaller continents are (1) shar lus 'phags po (videha), the eastern continent "land of [those with] superior/large bodies" with lus (deha) and lus 'phags (videha); (2) lho 'dzam bu gling (jambudvIpa), the southern continent "Jambu-tree land" with rnga yab (cAmara) and rnga yab gzhan (aparacAmara); (3) nub ba blang spyod (godanIya) the western continent "land of using cattle" with g.yo ldan (sAthA) and lam mchog 'gro (uttaramantriNa); (4) byang sgra mi snyan (kuru), the northern continent "land of unpleasant sound" with sgra mi snyan (kurava) and sgra mi snyan kyi zla (kaurava). Surrounding all of these is an outer rim of iron mountains.f these is an outer rim of iron mountains.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/911  + ('dzam bu gling; Comment: In Buddhist cosmo'dzam bu gling; Comment: In Buddhist cosmology there are four large continents, each of which has two smaller continents (gling phran brgyad) next to it: In the center, is the monarch of mountains, ri rab (meru). The four continents and eight smaller continents are (1) shar lus 'phags po (videha), the eastern continent "land of [those with] superior/large bodies" with lus (deha) and lus 'phags (videha); (2) lho 'dzam bu gling (jambudvIpa), the southern continent "Jambu-tree land" with rnga yab (cAmara) and rnga yab gzhan (aparacAmara); (3) nub ba blang spyod (godanIya) the western continent "land of using cattle" with g.yo ldan (sAthA) and lam mchog 'gro (uttaramantriNa); (4) byang sgra mi snyan (kuru), the northern continent "land of unpleasant sound" with sgra mi snyan (kurava) and sgra mi snyan kyi zla (kaurava). Surrounding all of these is an outer rim of iron mountains.f these is an outer rim of iron mountains.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/845  + (A#nandagarbha; Comment: Three Indian scholA#nandagarbha; Comment: Three Indian scholars are renowned especially for their works on Yoga Tantra, whom New Translation Schools consider the "Three People Expert/Proficient in Yoga [Tantra]" (yoga la mi mkhas pa gsum): Buddhaguhya (sangs rgyas gsang ba; fl. mid eighth century), ShAkyamitra (shA kya bshes gnyen), and A#nandagarbha (kun dga' snying po; fl. late ninth or early tenth century). D#zong-ka-b#a relies on A#nandagarbha for Yoga Tantra but criticizes his interpretation of the GuhyasamAja Tantra. interpretation of the GuhyasamAja Tantra.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1340  + (Abider in the Fruit of Stream Enterer; ComAbider in the Fruit of Stream Enterer; Comment: This is one of the eight types of enterers and abiders (zhugs gnas brgyad): Approacher to Stream Enterer (rgyun zhugs zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of Stream Enterer (rgyun zhugs 'bras gnas); Approacher to Once Returner (phyir 'ong zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of Once Returner (phyir 'ong 'bras gnas); Approacher to Never Returner (phyir mi 'ong zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of (phyir mi 'ong 'bras gnas); Approacher to Foe Destroyer (dgra bcom zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of (dgra bcom 'bras gnas). For the Sanskrit see the individual entries.r the Sanskrit see the individual entries.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1117  + (AhrIkya; non-shame; Comment: This is one oAhrIkya; non-shame; Comment: This is one of the twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyon nyi shu, upakleza): (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) resentment ('khon 'dzin, upanAha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakSa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradAsa); (5) jealousy (IrSyA); (6) miserliness (mAtsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, mAyA); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, zAThya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) harmfulness (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiMsA); (11) AhrIkya (ngo tsha med pa, AhrIkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrApya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styAna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) non-faith (ma dad pa, Azraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausIdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramAda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muSita-smRtitA); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaMprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).istraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1339  + (Approacher to Stream Enterer; Comment: ThiApproacher to Stream Enterer; Comment: This is one of the eight types of enterers and abiders (zhugs gnas brgyad): Approacher to Stream Enterer (rgyun zhugs zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of Stream Enterer (rgyun zhugs 'bras gnas); Approacher to Once Returner (phyir 'ong zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of Once Returner (phyir 'ong 'bras gnas); Approacher to Never Returner (phyir mi 'ong zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of (phyir mi 'ong 'bras gnas); Approacher to Foe Destroyer (dgra bcom zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of (dgra bcom 'bras gnas). For the Sanskrit see the individual entries.r the Sanskrit see the individual entries.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/950  + (Azraddhya; non-faith; Comment: This is oneAzraddhya; non-faith; Comment: This is one of the twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyon nyi shu, upakleza): (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) resentment ('khon 'dzin, upanAha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakSa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradAsa); (5) jealousy (IrSyA); (6) miserliness (mAtsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, mAyA); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, zAThya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) harmfulness (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiMsA); (11) non-shame (ngo tsha med pa, AhrIkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrApya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styAna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) Azraddhya (ma dad pa, Azraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausIdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramAda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muSita-smRtitA); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaMprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).istraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/176  + (Bliss-Arising; Comment: also known as maheBliss-Arising; Comment: also known as mahezvara or ziva. Gung-tang reports that Maheshvara (Great Lord) is called "Bliss-Arising" not because he himself becomes blissful in dependence upon the goddess Uma but because his body is so supremely satisfying that when others see it, all virtues, including liberation, as well as temporary happiness arise. This is why Maheshvara is called a source of joy. why Maheshvara is called a source of joy.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/940  + (Bodiless Lord; Comment: the God of Desire Bodiless Lord; Comment: the God of Desire ('dod lha, kAmadeva), the demonic Lord of Love (dga' rab dbang phyug). According to Gung-tang, he shot his five arrows — which cause arrogance, dullness, thorough obscuration, fainting, and mindlessness while Maheshvara was dwelling in asceticism in union with the goddess Uma, thereby causing Maheshvara to fall from his practice. Understanding that this was done by a demon, Maheshvara angered and emitted fire from his third eye of fire — the other two being sun and moon — burning away the body of the Sinful Demon (bdud sdig can, an epithet of the God of Desire), who thereby came to be called the "Bodiless Lord."eby came to be called the "Bodiless Lord.")
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1505  + (Buddhaguhya; Comment: Three Indian scholarBuddhaguhya; Comment: Three Indian scholars are renowned especially for their works on Yoga Tantra, whom New Translation Schools consider the "Three People Expert/Proficient in Yoga [Tantra]" (yoga la mi mkhas pa gsum): Buddhaguhya (sangs rgyas gsang ba; fl. mid eighth century), ShAkyamitra (shA kya bshes gnyen), and A#nandagarbha (kun dga' snying po; fl. late ninth or early tenth century). Buddhaguhya authored the Entry into the Meaning of the Tantra (rgyud kyi don la 'jug pa, tantrArthAvatara), as well as commentaries on Action and Performance Tantras. As an important figure in N#ying-ma MahAyoga lineages he taught Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra and authored texts.mbhava and Vimalamitra and authored texts.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1318  + (Check Tib ex. 1—'phren pa, not 'phen pa (T)Comment: See also tshu rol mdzes pa.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1732  + (Cloud Mount; Comment: also known as indra or zakra. Gung-tang reports that Shakra is called "Cloud Mount" because of being mounted on an elephant that, like a cloud, is very large and moves about gently, with magnificent bearing.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/648  + (Comment: "Adventitious" in this context does not mean "uncaused"; it means "superficial" and is the opposite of "innermost" (phugs).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/672  + (Comment: "Countless" in this context is said to be a number very diffuclt to reckon, specifically a one with fifty-nine zeros (NWLD).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/472  + (Comment: "Nine" may come to mean "all" due to the fact that there are nine levels in cyclic existence.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/497  + (Comment: "Subsistence" here does not mean "merely getting by" as it does with subsistence farming; rather, it means "existence" or "persisting existence.")
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/990  + (Comment: (GD:119) One of DharmakIrti's fouComment: (GD:119) One of DharmakIrti's four criteria for specifically characterized phenomena. The others are: (1) having the power to produce effects (don byed nus pa), (3) not directly denotable by language (sgra'i yul ma yin), (4) apprehensible without reliance on other factors (rgyu mtshan ?????????)e on other factors (rgyu mtshan ?????????))
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1852  + (Comment: A Nihilist school of Indian philosophy, represented by JayarAzi BhaTTa, author of the Tattvopalava-siMha. Caru means "beautiful." See rgyang phan pa.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/1846  + (Comment: A Nihilist school of Indian philosophy, represented by JayarAzi BhaTTa, author of the Tattvopalava-siMha. Caru means "beautiful." See rgyang phan pa.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/673  + (Comment: A commentary on Maitreya's AbhisamayAlaMkAra (Ornament for Clear Realization), which is a commentary on the ASTasAhasrikAprajJApAramitAsUtra (Eight Thousand Stanza Perfection of Wisdom SUtra).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/59  + (Comment: A commentary on Maitreya's AbhisamayAlaMkAra (Ornament for Clear Realization), which is a commentary on the ASTasAhasrikAprajJApAramitAsUtra (Eight Thousand Stanza Perfection of Wisdom SUtra).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/914  + (Comment: A definition from Awareness and Knowledge is: a phenomenon that limited beings must realize definitively in dependence on a sign (tshur mthong rnams kyis thog mar rtags la brten nas nges par rtogs dgos pa'i chos).)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/738  + (Comment: A form's being a conceived object of a conceptual consciousness [means] that a form is taken as the object of the mode of apprehension apprehending form by way of being conceived [that is, thought about] by a conceptual consciousness.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/739  + (Comment: A form's being a referent of a coComment: A form's being a referent of a conceptual consciousness [means] that a form appears to a sense consciousness as a basis for the affixing of name and terminology from the side of its [that is, the form's] own mode of abiding, without depending on the association of conventions by terms and conceptuality, whereupon a subsequent conceptual consciousness also adheres to such an appearance and takes it to be a basis of conceiving — with regard to the form — "This is a form."ith regard to the form — "This is a form.")
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/83  + (Comment: A logical term used when the oppoComment: A logical term used when the opponent has been boxed in. The three are to have asserted either explicitly or implicitly (1) the entailment/pervasion (khyab pa khas blangs pa red), (2) the reason (rtags khas blangs pa red), and (3) the opposite of the predicate of the consequence (gsal ba'i zlogs phyogs khas blangs pa red). Spoken or shouted in debate by the challenger to indicate that the opponent cannot deny the reason or the pervasion, yet cannot accept the "thesis" of the consequence.ot accept the "thesis" of the consequence.)