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ASK Query
[[Category:External Dictionary - Hopkins Others' English 2015]] [[wylie::~*kun gzhi rnam shes*]]
SQL Query
  t0.smw_id AS id,
  t0.smw_title AS t,
  t0.smw_namespace AS ns,
  t0.smw_iw AS iw,
  t0.smw_subobject AS so,
  t0.smw_sortkey AS sortkey, t0.smw_sort
  `ry_smw_object_ids` AS t0
  (`ry_smw_fpt_inst` AS t2
  `ry_smw_ft_search` AS t4 ON t2.s_id=t4.s_id) ON t0.smw_id=t2.s_id
   AND (
   (MATCH(t4.o_text) AGAINST ('*kun gzhi rnam shes*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND t4.p_id=842800)
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw'
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-delete'
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-redi'
  t0.smw_sort ASC
SQL Explain
1SIMPLEt4fulltexts_id, p_id, o_texto_text01Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1SIMPLEt2refs_id, o_id, s_id_2, o_id_2s_id_29wiki.t4.s_id, const1Using index
1SIMPLEt0eq_refPRIMARY, smw_id, smw_iw, smw_iw_2PRIMARY4wiki.t4.s_id1Using where
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No auxilliary tables used.
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bstan bcos tshad ma rnam nges kyi ti ka chen dgongs pa rab gsal{GD:843} Gyel-tsap's (rgyal tshab) A Great Explanation of [Dharmakīrti's] Treatise, the Ascertainment of Valid Cognition. Part I (Collected Works, VII) Delhi:Guru Deva.
btags pa;rnam brtags{C}concept; conception; nominal concept/existence; conceptual entity; nominal entity; intimation; conceptual existence; spread; conceived; arranged; placed into; added on; put/thrown into; plunged into
byang ba'i rang bzhin thams cad shes par gyis shig{C}may you come to the state which is free from all passing away
byas pa shes pa{C}gratitude
bye brag shes pa{C}makes a distinction
bzod pa dang shes pa{C}patient acceptance of cognition
bzod shes{C}acceptance of the cognition of dharma; acceptance of subsequent cognition
cang shes pa{C}wise; thorough-bred; well-born
chog mi shes pa{C}glorified
chog shes{C}contentment
chog shes pa{C}easily contented
chos bzod shes{C}acceptance of the recognition of Dharma
chos gdags pa rnam par bzhag pa{C}distinction/definition of conventional dharmas
chos kyi 'khor lo bskor ba'i rnam bzhag{GD:847} Sakya Chok-den's (sakya mchog ldan) Presentation of the Turning of the Wheel. (Collected Works XVI) Thimphu [Bhutan]: Kunzang Topgey, 1971.
chos kyi tshul gyi rnam pa gang zhig{C}the method of considering dharmas (in their ultimate reality)
chos shes{C}cognition of Dharma
dbang po rab dang tha ma shes par bya ba{C}cognition of the higher and lower faculties (of others)
dbang po'i rnam pa thams cad yongs su rdzogs pa{C}faculties which are in every way perfect
dbye gzhi{GD:253} [conceptual] basis of a division
de yi 'du shes{C}notion of I
dge slong du shes pa{C}honoring recluses
dkar po rnam par mthong ba'i sa{C}stage of bright insight
'dri ba'i gzhi{C}foundation; basis; source; substratum; sustain; based; referring to; canvas
don rnam{GD:406} aspect as object
'dris pa shes pa{C}cognition of mastery
dran shes{GD:524} recollection
'dris pa ye shes{C}cognition of mastery
dus gsum du rnam par bzhugs pa{C}who appears in the three periods of time
gcig tu rnam par bkod pa{C}one single array; array; mass; (miraculous) harmony
'du byed sna tshogs rnam pa du ma{C}(the manifold) misfortunes of the karma-formations
'du shes{C}perception; notion; mental associations; ideation; motivation; conviction; cognize; perceive
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mchedsense-field of neither cognition nor non-cognition
'du shes med pa yin{C}no act of perceiving
gnas dang gnas ma yin pa bstan pa shes par bya ba{C}exposition of what can be and what cannot be
'du shes thams cad dang mthun pa thun mong ngo{C}the very cream of all beings
gnod sems kyi 'du shes{C}perception of ill-will
gnyis su med pa shes pa{C}subsequent cognition
gzhi{C}root; fudamental; storehouse; word; step; foot
gzhi gnasdispute; chapter; section
gzhi ji bzhin pa{C}one who sleeps at night wherever he may happen to be
gzhi med{C}trackless; without a trace
gzhi med pa{C}trackless; absence of entities; without a trace
gzhi med pa la gnas pa{C}slack; unable to slouch (on any resting place); cowed; sluggishness
gzhi nas{C}again
gzhi rnam shesstorehouse-consciousness
gzhi yin pa{C}support; source
ji lta bur grub pa'i shes rab kyis{C}using to the fullest extent
'dzin rnam{GD:602} that which has the aspect of the apprehended; subjectal aspect
kun gzhistorehouse; hang on to; settling place
kun gzhi rnam par shes pa;kun gzhi rnam shesstorehouse-consciousness; foundation-consciousness