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ASK Query
[[Category:External Dictionary - RangjungYeshe]] [[wylie::~*tha mal gyi shes pa*]]
SQL Query
  t0.smw_id AS id,
  t0.smw_title AS t,
  t0.smw_namespace AS ns,
  t0.smw_iw AS iw,
  t0.smw_subobject AS so,
  t0.smw_sortkey AS sortkey, t0.smw_sort
  `ry_smw_object_ids` AS t0
  (`ry_smw_fpt_inst` AS t2
  `ry_smw_ft_search` AS t4 ON t2.s_id=t4.s_id) ON t0.smw_id=t2.s_id
   AND (
   (MATCH(t4.o_text) AGAINST ('*tha mal gyi shes*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND t4.p_id=842800)
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw'
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-delete'
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-redi'
  t0.smw_sort ASC
SQL Explain
1SIMPLEt4fulltexts_id, p_id, o_texto_text01Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1SIMPLEt2refs_id, o_id, s_id_2, o_id_2s_id_29wiki.t4.s_id, const1Using index
1SIMPLEt0eq_refPRIMARY, smw_id, smw_iw, smw_iw_2PRIMARY4wiki.t4.s_id1Using where
Auxilliary Tables
No auxilliary tables used.
Query Metrics
Errors and Warnings
'chi med ye shes kyi bdud rtsis bkang bafilled with the wisdom nectar of immortality
'chi 'pho ba dang skye ba'i mngon shesthe superknowledge of deaths and rebirths, mngon shes,]
'chi 'pho ba dang skye ba shes paknowledge of death, transmigration and birth
'chi 'pho dang skye pa mngon par shes pathe superknowledge of death, transmigration and birth
'chi 'pho skye ba shes paknowledge of death, transmigration and birth
cho ga shes papriest
chog mi shesknows no end
chog mi shes painsatiable
chog shes bsten paremain content, to keep content
chog shescontentment; contentment, meek, content, satisfied, content with what one has, satisfaction, knowledge of ritual; to be content; contentment
chog shes dang tshim pagser gyi ri thob kyang nam shi bar chog shes dang tshim pa med will never be satisfied even though they obtain a mountain of gold
chog shes medmalcontent, unfulfilled
chog shes med padiscontent, dissatisfied, never content
chog shes med pawas not satisfied with
chog shes pabe content; opp of brnab sems
chog shes pato be content; to know/ have contentment
chos bzod chos shes rjes bzod rjes shessee mthong lam skad cig bcu drug #
chos dbyings kyi ye shesdharmadhatu wisdom, pristine cognition of the expanse of reality
chos dbyings ye shesdharmadhatu wisdom, wisdom of dharmadhatu; dharmadhatu pristine awareness; awareness of the expanse of dharma. pristine cognition of the expanse of reality. one of the ye shes lnga
chos dbyings ye shes lngathe five aspects of the dharmadhatu wisdom
chos kun shes nasknowing all things
chos kyi bdag med rtogs pa'i shes rabthe knowledge which realizes the nonself of dharmas, the prajna which realizes the egolessness of all dharmas
chos kyi bzod shesacceptance and cognition of the dharmas [of the four truths in the desire realm]
chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shes[dharmadhatu-jnana] dharmadhatu wisdom, wisdom of dharmadhatu, awareness of the expanse of dharma. one of the ye shes lnga, five types of pristine awareness
chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shesDharmadhatu wisdom
chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shesdharmadhatu wisdom, wisdom of dharmadhatu, awareness of the expanse of dharma. one of the ye shes lnga, five types of pristine awareness; the wisdom of all-encompassing space, dharmadhatu wisdom
chos kyi ded dpon ye shes dpalsee ye shes dpal
chos kyi 'du shes skyed la rtag tu 'badstrive always to develop awareness of the Dharma
chos la bdag med pa'i ye shes rnam par mi rtog pathoughtfree wakefulness [that sees] the absence of self-entity in things
chos la nges shes kyi bzod pathe acceptance of having certainty in the Dharma
chos la rin po cher 'du shesthe notion of the Dharma being precious
chos la shes bsamconcern for the Dharma; thoughtfulness of the teachings
chos la sman gyi 'du shesthe notion of the Dharma being medicine
chos nyan pa'i skabs kyi 'du shes drugthe six notions [to keep] when listening to teachings
chos nyid rnam dag gi ye shesinnate pure wakefulness
chos rab rnam 'byed so sor rtogs pa'i shes rab kyi lhag mthongthe insight of discriminating knowledge that fully discerns phenomena
chos rab tu rnam par 'byed pa'i shes rabthe knowledge that fully discerns phenomena
chos rjes shes bzodcognition, ensuing cognition, acceptance and ensuing acceptance of the Dharma
chos rnams sgyu ma lta bur shes pato understand that all things are like magic / all phenomena are illusory
chos rnams thams cad de bzhin shes par gyisKnow that all phenomena are like this
chos shescognition of dharma, knowledge of, perception of the doctrine. mthong lam skad cig bcu drug
chos shes pacognition of dharmas, one of the shes pa bcu, ten types of knowledge. shes pa bcu gcig,]
chos sku'i ye shesdharmakaya wisdom, primordial wisdom of the dharmakaya
chos sku'i ye shes gsumthe threefold dharmakaya wisdom
chos sku rang byung gi ye shesself-existing wakefulness of dharmakaya
chos sku spros pa dang bral ba'i ye shesthe unconstructed wisdom of dharmakaya
chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin stong pa'i ye shesthe empty wisdom nature of all phenomena
bdag gis mngon shes bden paI am omniscient; this is the truth
chung ngu'i 'du shes'dod pa'i sas bsdus pa'i 'du shes lesser conception [in the 'dod khams,]
chung ngus chog shes pacontent with little