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consciousness [clearly perceive various paticulars; engaging w individual particular objectsyul bye brag so sor, placeing /establishing them in consciousness rnam shes su bzhag pa gang yin pa de ni 'jug shes tshogs drug kho na la bya, 3rd of the rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis 12 links of dependent origination, cognition, 'cognizing' see also rnam shes consciousness/ perception, be conscious of a form, perceive, cognition, discrimination, perceptive functions consciousness mtshan nyid ni/ yul gyi ngo bo rnam par rig cing shes par byed pas rang rang gi dmigs pa'i ngo bo so sor rtog pa'i bdag nyid can gyi sems so] [IW]
consciousness, SA rnam shes [JV]
(ordinary) consciousness (one of twelve links of interdependent connection) [RB]
consciousness, [vijnana]; cognition, cognizing. consciousness / perception, to be conscious of a form, to perceive, cognition, discrimination, perceptive functions; ordinary discursive consciousness. Def. by Jamg�n Kongtr�l: mtshan nyid ni / yul gyi ngo bo rnam par rig cing shes par byed pas rang rang gi dmigs pa'i ngo bo so sor rtog pa'i bdag nyid can gyi sems so Def. by Jamg�n Kongtr�l: bye brag sna tshogs la gsal bar dmigs te yul bye brag so sor 'jug pas na rnam shes su bzhag pa gang yin pa de ni 'jug shes tshogs drug kho na la bya ste. 3rd of the rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis 12 links of dependent origination. See also rnam shes / [RY]
consciousness [IW]
consciousness [bye brag sna tshogs la gsal bar dmigs te yul bye brag so sor 'jug pas na rnam shes su bzhag pa gang yin pa de ni 'jug shes tshogs drug kho na la bya ste/-- consciousness, 3rd of the rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis 12 links of dependent origination, cognition, 'cognizing' see also rnam shes consciousness/ perception, be conscious of a form, perceive, cognition, discrimination, perceptive functions consciousness, 3rd of the rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis 12 links of dependent origination, cognition, 'cognizing' see also rnam shes consciousness/ perception, be conscious of a form, perceive, cognition, discrimination, perceptive functions- mtshan nyid ni/ yul gyi ngo bo rnam par rig cing shes par byed pas rang rang gi dmigs pa'i ngo bo so sor rtog pa'i bdag nyid can gyi sems so/] [IW]
1) consciousness [yul gyi ngo bo rnam par rig cing shes par byed cing, rang gi dmigs pa'i ngo bo so sor rtog pa'i bdag nyid can gyi sems te, mig gi rnam par shes pa nas yid kyi rnam par shes pa'i bar gyi rnam shes tshogs drug rnams so]; 2) mental bardo body [.Rnam shes gyen spor,...Rnam shes 'gugs pa,...Rnam shes mar 'bebs] [IW]
1) consciousness [yul gyi ngo bo rnam par rig cing shes par byed cing, rang gi dmigs pa'i ngo bo so sor rtog pa'i bdag nyid can gyi sems te, mig gi rnam par shes pa nas yid kyi rnam par shes pa'i bar gyi rnam shes tsogs drug rnams so]; 2) the mental body of the bardo [Rnam shes gyen spor,...Rnam shes 'gugs pa,...Rnam shes mar 'bebs] [IW]
1) consciousness; 2) mental bardo body [IW]