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1) Middle Way; Skt. Madhyamaka. The highest of the four Buddhist schools of philosophy. The Middle Way means not holding any extreme views, especially those of eternalism or nihilism. 2) avadhuti - central channel. The central subtle channel within the body, running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head [RY]
Heart of the Middle Way; Madhyamaka-hrdaya-karika; Bhavaviveka, 6th century [RY]

Madhyamika. The Middle Way. The highest of the four Buddhist schools of philosophy. The Middle Way means not holding any extreme views, especially those of eternalism or nihilism [RY]
the Madhyamaka-hridaya, Bhavaviveka's "essence of the middle way" [IW]

Middle Way [thd]
Core of the Middle Way [thd]

avadhuti [RY]
the Madhyamaka-hridaya, Bhavaviveka's "Essence of the Middle Way" [RY]
makhyama, central pathway, middle, middle course, central, principal artery, related to the center, SA ye shes kyi rlung, rnal 'byor spyod pa'i dbu ma rang rgyud pa, Centrism, Madhyamaka, central channel [JV]
Madhyamaka [RY]
Centrist [RY]
1) center, middle [1/ way]; 2) madhyamaka; 3) central channel; 4) 1 of the gzhung bka' pod lnga teaching emptiness [IW]
Central channel [RY]
middle way; central (channel); isc. middle ground [RB]
middle way; central (channel); Madhyamaka; 1) middle, center; 2) Madhyamaka, [Madhyamaka]; 1) the middle, central. 2) Madhyamika, the middle way, [Mahayana philosophical school]. 3) avadhuti, the central channel. [Syn. [[su su ma]], [[kun 'dar ma]]. 4) system of the Middle way Syn Madhyamaka, [Tibetan Monastic]. study of this system [RY]
1) center, middle; 2) madhyamaka [middle way school, discarding worldly extremes]; 3) central channel [support of all other nadis, without extremes of L R etc going straight up the middle, light blue, place of indivisible prajna and upaya and wisdom wind moving, avadhuti, [[su su ma]] [[kun 'dar ma]]; 4) one of the gzhung bka' pod lnga teaching emptiness [IW]

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Revision as of 12:42, 28 December 2005

Heart of the Middle Way; Madhyamaka-hrdaya-karika; Bhavaviveka, 6th century [RY]

the Madhyamaka-hridaya, Bhavaviveka's "essence of the middle way" [IW]

Core of the Middle Way [thd]

the Madhyamaka-hridaya, Bhavaviveka's "Essence of the Middle Way" [RY]