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Vishnu [IW]
the two bodhicittas [in terms of essence ngo bo'i sgo nas dbye na rnam pa gnyis te, don dam sems bskyed dang, kun rdzob sems bskyed do absolute and relative [Tse] chn] [IW]
[1] smon pa'i bslab bya tshad med bzhi bsgom zhing [2] 'jug pa'i bslab bya pha rol phyin drug spyod. [mss] [RY]
the two bodhicittas [IW]

  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:sa]]
  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:sa]]

Revision as of 17:41, 28 December 2005

the two bodhicittas [in terms of essence ngo bo'i sgo nas dbye na rnam pa gnyis te, don dam sems bskyed dang, kun rdzob sems bskyed do absolute and relative [Tse] chn] [IW]

[1] smon pa'i bslab bya tshad med bzhi bsgom zhing [2] 'jug pa'i bslab bya pha rol phyin drug spyod. [mss] [RY]

the two bodhicittas [IW]