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1. ''Holarrhena pubescens'' Wall. ex G.Don (Apocynaceae) Conessie (Wangyal 2020) <br>
1. ''Holarrhena pubescens'' Wall. ex G.Don (Apocynaceae) Conessie (Wangyal 2020) <br>
2. ''Beaumontia grandiflora'' Wall. (Apocynaceae) Easter lily vine, Nepal trumpet flower (Wangchuk 2011 Bhutan) <br>
2. ''Beaumontia grandiflora'' Wall. (Apocynaceae) Easter lily vine, Nepal trumpet flower (Wangchuk 2011 Bhutan) <br>
The sanskrit name '''''kuṭaja''''' is present in the synonym given in the Shel gong, '''ku ta dza'i sa bon''', and like the other indian synonyms (Vatsakabīja, Indrayava, Śakrabīja and Bhadrayava) it indicates a ''Holarrhena'' species (Kurchi fruit). But the illustrations in the Medical Thangkas and the Eye Ornament are much closer to the herbaceous ''Vincetoxicum'' species, identified with '''[[sngo dug mo nyung]]''', than with the tree '''Holarrhena'''. <br>
[[User:Johannes Schmidt|Johannes Schmidt]] ([[User talk:Johannes Schmidt|talk]]) 16:11, 3 April 2024 (EDT)
[[User:Johannes Schmidt|Johannes Schmidt]] ([[User talk:Johannes Schmidt|talk]]) 16:11, 3 April 2024 (EDT)

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  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:da]]

Revision as of 16:19, 8 April 2024

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med. herb [bitter, cooling, by its power mkhris pa'i nad dang, tsa 'khru gcod pa sogs la phan syn: bcad skye dang, spu can, be'u can, ri yi phreng ba, shing skya] [IW]

med. herb [IW]

pycnostelma lateriflorum hemsl. medicinal fruit akin to karaya to stop dysentery or biliousness, kalika plant, mystic word [JV]

(med) Conessi
Synonyms : bcad skyes, indra ya bam, dbang po'i nas, pha la, 'bras, bha dra ya bam, nas bzang, kri shna sa ka, 'bras nag, su mu kha, bzhin bzang, sha kram, brgya byin shing, barsa kam, bu can, gi ri malli ta, rigs phreng, e ta syai, bde ba'i 'bras bu, indra rdza ba, dbang po'i sa bon, batstsha ka, dbang po, brgya byin, lha min dgra, sha ma le (Shel gong)
Sanskrit : kuṭaja, kaliṅgā (Pandanus)

dug mo nyung gis mkhris sel tsha 'khru gcod / ces par / rang byung pas / dug nyung mkhris nad gnyen po ste / gsungs / ming / bcad skyes / indra ya bam / dbang po'i nas / pha la / 'bras / bha dra ya bam / nas bzang / kri shna sa ka / 'bras nag / su mu kha / bzhin bzang / sha kram / brgya byin shing / barsa kam / bu can / gi ri malli ta / rigs phreng / e ta syai / bde ba'i 'bras bu / indra rdza ba / dbang po'i sa bon / batstsha ka zer / [325] rgyud sam pu ta las / dbang po'i nas ni ku ta dza'i sa bon te / zhes dang / lha dbang brgya byin gyis nas kyi sa bon smon lam bcas btab pa las byung bar bshad pas / indra dbang po dang / ya ba nas yin pas / dbang po'i nas so / gab tu / dbang po dang / brgya byin dang / lha min dgra dang / sha ma le zer / mngon rtogs las / indra ya ba zhes bya ba / sa rong gram dang nags gseb skye / lo ma bra lo 'dra la che / sdong bu shing la 'khris nas skye / 'khri na grogs kyis gar slebs skye / me tog ser po chung ba yin / gong bu ril mo mchu rings nang / 'bras bu ne tso'i lce ba 'dra / bya rgod spu 'dras dril nas yod / ces gsungs pas gsal / rgya bal lho mon nas 'bras bu ne tso'i lce tsam yod pa 'byung ba bzang zhes dang / chags sman rin rgyal bas / shin tu phra ba'i dug mo nyung / zhes chung na bzang bar bshad / 'on kyang ro gang kha ba bzang gsungs so // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 324.5)
dug mo nyung ni / indra / dbang po zer / 'khril nas skyes ba lo ma rkang ljang khu me tog ser skya gang bu ril mo mchu ring gi 'bru byi'i lce lta bu bya rgod spu 'dras dril nas yod do // 'bras bu ne tso'i lce 'dra ba / zhes pa rgya [?] lho mon nas ne tso'i lce ltar che gang bu mtho re tsam ring po yod pa bzang zer / chags sman rin rgyal bas / shin tu phra ba'i dug mo nyung / zhes chung na bzang por yang bshad pas gang yang khyad med do // des mkhris sel tsha 'khru gcod // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 184)

Illustrations : Dawa 1999. 'Jam-dpal (print p 184) dug mo nyung chung ba mchog, tshi gu, rgya gar gyi che ba

1. Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex G.Don (Apocynaceae) Conessie (Wangyal 2020)
2. Beaumontia grandiflora Wall. (Apocynaceae) Easter lily vine, Nepal trumpet flower (Wangchuk 2011 Bhutan)

The sanskrit name kuṭaja is present in the synonym given in the Shel gong, ku ta dza'i sa bon, and like the other indian synonyms (Vatsakabīja, Indrayava, Śakrabīja and Bhadrayava) it indicates a Holarrhena species (Kurchi fruit). But the illustrations in the Medical Thangkas and the Eye Ornament are much closer to the herbaceous Vincetoxicum species, identified with sngo dug mo nyung, than with the tree Holarrhena.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 16:11, 3 April 2024 (EDT)