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mngon shes - {mngon par shes pa} sublime state of perception [RB]
mngon shes - {mngon par shes pa} sublime state of perception [RB]

mngon shes - super-knowledge, supernatural knowledge, higher perception, foresight, higher understanding, supersensible cognitions and faculties, seeing face to face, knowing directly, clairvoyance, fore-knowledge, supernormal cognition, (1 is miraculous powers, 2 is hearing human and divine voices, 3 is knowing thoughts of others, 4 is recollection of former lives, 5 is visions of beings passing away and reincarnating, 6 is awareness that all disturbing elements have lost their power of keeping one on low planes (for aryas only) [JV]
mngon shes - higher perception, ['clairvoyamce', super knowledge, foresight, foreknowledge, prophesy, supersensible cognition, clairvoyant knowledge, supernatural perception, peranormal cognition, supernormal knowledge, supernormal cognitive power (Gdmk) [mngon gyur dang, yul dus thag ring po na gnas pa'i lkog gyur dang, shin tu lkog gyur gyi gnas tsul mngon sum du rtogs thub pa'i shes pa [IW]
mngon shes mnga' ba - possess foreknowledge/ the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon shes lnga - five super knowledges/ higher perception [IW]
mngon  shes lnga - five sublime states of perception [RB]
mngon shes can - [one] possessing the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon shes drug - the six higher perceptions [IW]
mngon shes drug - the six higher perceptions [mngon shes lnga'i steng du, zag zad mkhyen pa'i mngon shes bsnan pas drug ste, sangs rgyas kho na la mnga' ba'i mngon par shes pa'o [IW]
mngon shes drug - six super-knowledges, six supernormal cognitive powers; six super-knowledges, six supernatural perceptions; six clairvoyant powers; In case of enlightened bodhisattvas, Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {gzhan dag gi skye ba shes pa, 'chi 'pho dang skye ba mngon par shes pa, skyes pa de dag gis smra ba'i ngag tshig shes pa lha'i rna ba'i mngon shes, de dag gi sems shes pa sems kyi rnam grangs shes pa'i mngon shes, sngon dge ba dang mi dge ba bskyed par shes pa sngon gyi gnas mngon par shes pa, gang na gdul bya yod pa de'i gnas su 'gro bar shes pa rdzu 'phrul gyi yul mngon par shes pa, ji ltar sems can rnams skye ba las 'byung bar 'gyur ba'i 'byung ba shes pa zag pa zad pa'i mngon par shes pa ste, 'jig rten gyi khams thams cad du don drug po de dag rab tu dbye ba dang bcas pa la shes pa mngon sum du gyur pa thogs pa med pa gang yin pa de ni byang chub sems dpa' rnams kyi mthu mngon par shes pas bsdus par bshad do} [RY]
mngon shes drug ldan - possessing the six higher perceptions [IW]
mngon shes drug ldan - possessing the six higher perceptions * buddha [IW]
mngon shes bshad - prophesy, tell what is known by higher perceptions [IW]
mngon sum - direct perception [RY]
mngon sum - actuality; 1) direct perception / perceiver, directly apprehended, perceptible, primal cognition. 2) fully, plainly. 3) in person, real, actual, vivid, manifest, evident, direct; clearly, manifestly, directly/ open, public; 1) manifest, evident to the senses 2) perception, "pratyaksha" Skt. visible / perceptible [RY]
mngon sum - 1) unconfused perception of real things; 2) directly perceived, not hidden; 3) <Pratyaksha> * unconfused knowledge free from confusion * direct perception/ perceiver, primal cognition directly apprehended/ perceptible, real, actual, vivid, manifest[ly], evident, direct fully, plainly, in person, by personal experience [IW]
mngon sum - 1) unconfused dngos gnas perception; 2) directly perceived, not hidden; 3) <Pratyaksha> [blo rig bdun gyi nang gses] unconfused knowledge free from confusion [eg bum 'dzin dbang mngon dang, gzhan sems shes pa'i mngon shes, 'phags pa'i mnyam bzhag ye shes {mngon sum yang dag yul gyi rnam pa 'khrul ba med pa'i sgo nas dngos su mthong ba sogs rtog pa dang bral ba'i shes pa rnam par dag pa'i tsad ma - dper na, gzugs 'dzin mig shes lta bu [IW]
mngon sum - pratyaksa, direct (experience, perception, awareness, perceiver), immediate (perception, apprehension), manifest, evident, SA rnal 'byor mngon sum (four are dbang, yid, rang rig, rnal 'byor), open, public, manifest, cognizable by the senses, direct perception, to perceive directly, evident to the senses, perception, directly, really [JV]
mngon sum - immediate/ direct experience/ perception/ cognition; actually/ directly; (to be) actually present [RB]
mngon sum 'khrul rgyu can - possessing the cause of confused perception [IW]
mngon sum gyi snang yul - appearing object of direct perception [RY]
mngon sum gyi tshad ma - valid perception [ggd] [RY]
mngon sum gyi tshad ma rnam pa bzhi - the four kinds of direct perception [1 {dbang po} sense, two {yid} mental, three {rnal 'byor} yogic, 4) {rang rig} self-cognizant) [IW]
mngon sum gyi tshad ma rnam pa bzhi - the four kinds of direct perception, 1) {dbang po} sense. 2) {yid} mental, 3) {rnal 'byor} yogic, 4) {rang rig} self-cognizant / self-knowing [RY]
mngon sum gyi tshad ma rnam pa bzhi - the four kinds of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum gyi shes pa - direct perception [RY]
mngon sum gyi shes pa - conceptionless knowledge of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum gyi shes yon - conceptionless knowledge of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum gyis rtogs pa - to realize by means of direct perception [RY]
mngon sum gyis rtogs pa - realize by means of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum gyis bsal ba - refuted by perception [bsal ba bzhi'i gras], dam bca' dang mngon sum gyi myong ba dang 'gal ba, eg, sgra mnyan bya min par 'dod pa lta bu'o [IW]
mngon sum gyis bsal ba - refuted by perception [IW]
mngon sum 'gros gsum - the three kinds of perception [IW]
mngon sum 'gros gsum - the three kinds of perception [mngon sum gyi shes pa skye ba'i tsul gsum ste, mig shes kyi gzugs bzung ba na thog mar dbang mngon skad cig ma gcig skye, de nas dbang mngon skad cig dang pos bdag rkyen byas nas dbang mngon skad gnyis pa dang yid mngon skad cig dang po gnyis dus mnyam du skye, mngon sum de gnyis kyi steng du rang rig mngon sum yod pa bcas mngon sum 'gros gsum mo,.. [IW]
mngon sum brgyad kyis zhi ba - pacify by the 8 perceptions ['dul ba las bshad pa'i rtsod pa zhi byed chos bdun gyi nang gses te, de la'ang lung rigs kyi byed pa la brten nas blo rtse gcig tu mthun par gyur pa lta bu rgol phyir rgol gyi mngon sum dang, de nyid rang stobs kyis ma zhi na dpang pos sgrub byed bkod nas zhi ba lta bu gzu bo'i mngon sum dang, des ma zhi na rtsod pa rgyus yod pa'i dge 'dun zhig la brten nas zhi ba lta bu dge 'dun gyis zhi ba'i mngon sum dang, des ma zhi na lung rigs la mkhas pa'i dge slong bzhi yan chad gsol gnyis las kyis bskos te khong tsos zhi bar byed pa gsal ba'i mngon sum dang, des ma zhi na dge slong de dag gis yang du gsol gnyis las kyis mkhas pa bzhan bskos te zhi bar byed pa gsal ba'i gsal ba'i mngon sum dang des kyang ma zhi na gans brtan dang bcas pa'i dge 'dun la rtsod pa phul te, de dag gis zhi bar byed pa gnas brtan dang bcas pa'i dge 'dun gyi mngon sum dang, des kyang ma zhi na kyu gyis tsad mar 'dzin pa'i sde snod 'dzin pa la phul te zhi bar byed pa sde snod 'dzin pa la phul te zhi bar byed pa sde snod 'dzin pa'i mngon sum dang, des kyang ma zhi na sus kyang bka' [IW]
mngon sum brgyad kyis zhi ba - pacify by the 8 perceptions [IW]
mngon sum nyid du rtogs pa - realize as direct perception [IW]
mngon sum snying tig - nyingtig of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum rtog pa can - determinate perception [ggd] [RY]
mngon sum rtog med - indeterminate perception [ggd] [RY]
mngon sum ltar snang - pseudo-perception [ggd] [RY]
mngon sum ltar snang - counterfeit direct perception, facsimiles of direct perceivers, superficial direct perception [RY]
mngon sum ltar snang - merely apparent perception [rtog med 'khrul ba'i shes pa ste, rang snang ba'i shes pa 'phral gyi 'khrul rgyus bslad pa'i dbang gis rang yul log par snang ba, dper na, zla gcig zla gnyis su snang ba lta bu grangs la 'khrul ba dang, dung ser snang lta bu kha dog la 'khrul ba dang, ri ljon 'gro bar snang ba lta bu bya ba la 'khrul ba dang, mgal me bar ma chad du 'khor bar snang ba lta bu dbyibs la 'khrul ba bcas te, dang po gnyis ni mig rab rib dang mkhris nad sogs nang gi 'khrul rgyus bslad pa dang, phyi ma gnyis ni grur zhugs pa dang, mgal me myur du bskor ba lta bu phyi'i 'khrul rgyus bslad pa las byung ba'i log shes so [IW]
mngon sum ltar snang - merely apparent perception * counterfeit/ superficial direct perception, fac similes of direct perceivers [IW]
mngon sum ltar snang bdun - the seven types of superficial direct perception [RY]
mngon sum ltar snang bdun - the 7 facsimiles/ counterfeits of direct perception chn [IW]
mngon sum ltar snang bzhi - the four facsimiles/ counterfeits of direct perception chn [IW]
mngon sum ltar snang bzhi - the four types of superficial direct perception [RY]
mngon sum ltar snang rab rib can - dim/ obscured direct perception [IW]
mngon sum dang bo ba - the 1st moment of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum du - in immediate/ direct experience/ perception/ cognition; actually/ directly; (to be) actually present [RB]
mngon sum du - in actuality / reality; direct perception/ cognition; actually/ directly; directly; actually, really, vividly, directly, fully, directly perceived, before one's eye [RY]
mngon sum du rtogs pa - direct cognition, direct realization, to realize directly; direct cognition / directly cognize, direct realization / directly realize, to know by direct perception [RY]
mngon sum snang la ma nges pa - direct perception w/o ascertainment [IW]
mngon sum snang la ma nges pa - direct perception without ascertainment [RY]
mngon sum pa - the direct perception [RY]
mngon sum pa - unconcealed really seen object, direct perception GD [IW]
mngon sum pa'i spyan nyid - the eye of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum spyan - the eye of direct perception (H) [IW]
mngon sum spyod yul - direct perception [RY]
mngon sum spyod yul - the sphere/ realm/ realization of direct perception, sphere of things of sense awareness, really existing things [IW]
mngon sum tshad 'bras - the fruit of the pram a of direct perception, fruition of perceptual pramana [IW]
mngon sum tshad ma - direct perception, direct valid cognition, perceptual validating cognition, obvious / manifest proof [RY]
mngon sum tshad ma - direct perception (gd-mk) direct (new) valid cognizer [manifest proof, direct prime cognizer, valid cognizer, perceptual valid[ating] cognition, perceptual [IW]
mngon sum tshad ma - direct prime cognizer, perceptual authority, direct perception, 1 of tshad ma gsum [JV]
mngon sum tshad ma - perceptual pramana * direct perception GD direct (new) valid cognizer [IW]
mngon sum tshad ma bzhi - the four kinds of pram na of direct perception chn [IW]
mngon sum tshad mas bden par sgrub pa - truly established by direct perception [IW]
mngon sum bzhi - fourfold direct perception [RY]
mngon sum bzhi - the four kinds of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum bzhi - the four kinds of direct perception [1 {dbang po} sense, two {yid} mental, three {rnal 'byor} yogic, 4) {rang rig} self-cognizant)[dbang mngon dang, yid mngon, rang rig mngon sum, rnal 'byor mngon sum [IW]
mngon sum yang dag - true perception [IW]
mngon sum yang dag - true direct perception [RY]
mngon sum la skur pa 'debs pa - disparage direct perception [IW]
mngon sum la sogs pa'i tshad ma - the pram as of direct perception and so forth [IW]
mngon sum gsum - three kinds of direct perception [IW]
mngon sum gsum - three kinds of direct perception [direct perception of the sense-organs {dbang po'i mngon sum} -irect perception of intrinsic awareness {rang rig mngon sum} -nd direct perception of yoga {rnal 'byor mngon sum}(gd-mk) the three kinds of perception [mngon sum la nges pa 'dren tsul gyis dbye na gsum ste, autpal ngo mi shes pa'i gang zag gi rgyud kyi autpal 'dzin pa'i dbang mngon lta bu mngon sum las dag po ba dang, yid sgra la chags dus kyi bzugs 'dzin dbnag mngon lta bu mngon sum yid ma gtad pa dang, rgyang ring po'i me'i kha dog mhtong ba'i dbang mngon lta bu mngon sum 'khrul rgyu can rnams so [IW]
mngon sum gsum - three kinds of direct perception [direct perception of the sense-organs {dbang po'i mngon sum} -}-irect perception of intrinsic awareness {rang rig mngon sum} -}-nd direct perception of yoga {rnal 'byor mngon sum}(gd-mk) the three kinds of perception [mngon sum la nges pa 'dren tsul gyis dbye na gsum ste, autpal ngo mi shes pa'i gang zag gi rgyud kyi autpal 'dzin pa'i dbang mngon lta bu mngon sum las dag po ba dang, yid sgra la chags dus kyi bzugs 'dzin dbnag mngon lta bu mngon sum yid ma gtad pa dang, rgyang ring po'i me'i kha dog mhtong ba'i dbang mngon lta bu mngon sum 'khrul rgyu can rnams so [IW]
mngon sum gsum - three kinds of direct perception. Direct perception of the sense-organs {dbang po'i mngon sum} direct perception of intrinsic awareness {rang rig mngon sum} and direct perception of yoga {rnal 'byor mngon sum} [RY]
sngon gnas rjes gyi mngon shes - higher perception of remembering former lives [IW]
sngon gnas rjes dran gyi mngon shes - the higher perception of remembering former lives [IW]
cang shes - 1) knowing [everything], omniscient; 2) by higher perceptions well informed, w unobstructed discriminative awareness; 3) knowledgeable, intelligent [IW]
cang shes - 1) ci'ang shes pa; 2) higher perceptions well informed, knowledgeable, intelligent [like the all-knowing horse who encircles everything in a moment] omniscient unobstructed discriminative awareness [IW]
ci mdzad legs mthong - to perceive whatever he does as good, pure perception [RY]
ci yang med pa'i skye mched - perception-sphere of Nothing Whatsoever, the activity field of nothing at all, one of the classes of gods of the {gzugs med pa'i khams} formless realm; realm of nothingness [RY]
ci yang med pa'i skye mched kyi snyoms 'jug - the serenity of the perception-sphere of Nothing Whatsoever [RY]
ci yang med pa'i skye mched kyi rnam thar - the emancipation of the perception-sphere of Nothing Whatsoever [RY]
ci yang med pa'i 'du shes - conception/ perception of nothing whatever [IW]
cer grol - freedom in immediate/ naked perception/ perceiving nakedly/ the bare act of perception [RB]
cer mthong - immediate/ fresh perception; perceiving . . . in all its freshness [RB]
gcer grol - naked freedom; freedom in immediate perception [cf. cer grol] [RB]
gcer mthong - naked perception [RB]
bcad shes - recognition, judgment of perception, inference, subsequent cognizer, subsequent cognition [JV]
bcad shes - subsequent cognition, subsequent perception [ggd] [RY]
lce'i dbang mngon - direct gustatory sense perception [RY]
lce'i dbang mngon - perception of tasting [IW]
lce'i sbang mngon - tongue faculty perception [IW]
chad pa med par 'jug pa'i yid byed - perception of uninterrupted engagement, one of the {sems gnas skabs kyi yid byed bzhi}, in the case of the {sems gnas brgyad} uninterruptedly engage the attention [IW]
chi nang gsang ba'i bar chad - outer, inner and innermost obstacles. To explain the outer, inner and innermost obstacles: the outer obstacles are disturbances of the four elements; the machinations of the Mara of the Lord of Death and the Mara of the Aggregates; disease, famine and warfare; and the dread of rebirth, death, and the bardo. The inner are obstacles for the channels, energies and essences; the machinations of the Mara of Emotions; and the deluded perceptions of desire, anger, and dullness. The innermost are the obstacles of the deluded concepts of perceiver and perceived; the machinations of the Mara of the Divine Child; and the hindrance for the state of omniscience. [DILGO KHYENTSE] [RY]
chen po'i 'du shes - inclusive perception of the form realm [IW]
chos kyi khams - dharma/mental object element/ dhatu [one of the 18 dhatus) {khams bco brgyad}, the three skandhas of feelings perceptions and formations tsor ba 'du shes 'du byed kyi phung po gsum &, rnam par rig byed min pa'i gzugs &, 'dus ma byas thams cad](3,38-39] [IW]
chos kyi rjes su shes pa - after-effect of the perception of the doctrine [RY]
chos kyi bdag 'dzin - conception of/ to conceive in terms of a (self-)identity to phenomena; isc. perception based on the assumption of phenomena having identity; perceiving as though phenomena had identity [RB]
chos kyi dmigs pa - conception of dharmas, perception of dharma, dharma-visualization [IW]
chos skur shar ba - arise as the Dharmakaya; x {dran snang thams cad chos skur ma shar bar} until all thoughts and perceptions arise as the Dharmakaya [RY]
chos can gyi snang ba thams cad - all perceptions of conditioned phenomena [RY]
chos rjes su dran pa'i mthar gyis pa - gradually becoming mindful/ aware of the dharma [among the {sher phyin don bdun cu}, gradual practice: the good qualities of scripture and realization at 1st not seeing the real and absolute sense and working w relative dharmas gradually becoming mindful of the perceptions of the path] [IW]
chos nyan pa'i skabs kyi 'du shes drug - the six perceptions at the time of listening to dharma [IW]
chos nyid mngon sum - actual/ direct perception of the (true) nature of phenomena* [RB]
chos nyid mngon sum - Manifest Dharmata, innate nature in actuality; visionary appearance of actual reality; actual/ direct perception of true nature of reality [RY]
chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba - The visionary appearance of direct perception of reality, appearance of the manifestation of dharmata [one of the {snang ba bzhi} the natural state of things as they are primordially pure dharmata by its manifestation being seen transcending the extremes of labelings of intellectual analysis opens the gate to the tathagata's secret buddha fields inconceivable to thought] [IW]
chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba - The visionary appearance of direct perception of reality, appearance of the manifestation of dharmata [IW]
chos nyid mngon sum gyi snang ba - 1 of snang ba bzhi, vision of direct perception of reality, the vision of the direct perception of reality [JV]
chos nyid mngon sum gyi snang ba - the direct vision of dharmata, vision of manifest reality; visionary appearance of the direct perception of reality; the vision of visibly manifest reality [RY]
chos la rin po cher 'du shes - perception of the preciousness of dharma [IW]
chos shes - cognition/knowledge/ perception of dharma[s] [the dharmas included in the desire realm 'dod khams kyis bsdus pa'i chos la in terms of the bden bzhi, the four noble truths, by seeing as it is/they are abandon them: experiencing the fruition of separation is the path that liberates {mthong lam skad cig bcu drug} since this is on the level of seeing there is no need to worry much about distinction of Dharma/ dharmas on this level] [IW]
chos shes - cognition of dharma, knowledge of, perception of the doctrine. {mthong lam skad cig bcu drug} [RY]
chos shes - cognition/ knowledge/ perception of dharma[s] [IW]
chos shes bzod pa - receptiveness to the perception of the doctrine [RY]
mched grogs la dag snang - pure perception of his spiritual friends [RY]
'char sgo - 1) experience; 2) vision; 4) perception[-mediums]; 5) thoughts of memory; 5) idea; 6) conception; 7) basis for manifestation; 8) [mind's] way of arising [IW]
'char sgo - thoughts, ideas, concepts/ appearances; perception-mediums; experience, vision, perception, thought, idea, conception [RY]
'char sgo - impressions; Thrangu Rinpoche: {'char ba} perception, experience [RY]
'char sgo - illusion, fantasy, thought, idea, conception, perception-mediums, vision, thought event, perceptual experiences, experience [JV]
'char sgo dang snang cha - experience and perception [RY]
'char gzhi - plan, basis for manifestation; ground for the arising (of things/ appearances); (lit. plan, design) perception/ basis of manifestation/ arising, appearing [RY]
'chi ba'i 'du shes - 1) the perception of death; 2) thinking about death [IW]
ji ltar snang ba - how everything appears, the way things appear, everything that appears, all that appears, no matter how this perception appears [JV]
'jig rten gyi mngon sum tsad ma - pramana of worldly direct perception [IW]
'jig rten gyi mngon sum tsad ma - pramana of worldly direct perception [experiential certainty of seeing, hearing, and other experience of sentient beings] [IW]
'jig rten gyi mngon sum tshad ma - mundane direct perception [RY]
'jig rten thams cad la mngon par mi dga' ba'i 'du shes - perception of all worlds as completely unhappy [IW]
'jig rten pa'i mngon sum - mundane direct perception [RY]
'jig rten las 'das pa'i mngon shes - the supramundane higher perceptions [RY]
'jig tshogs la lta ba nyi shu - the 20 views of a transitory collection as a self nature [four for each of the five skandhas: 1) / form is the self; 2) / form possesses the self; 3) / the self possesses forms four / the self abides within form / and likewise for feeing, perception, formations, and consciousness) [IW]
'jug - enter [actual usage of a term, collection, engager (p {zhugs} go into, enter, participate, follow, get involved in, steadily pursue, put in, stuff in, put into, go into, insert, let, allow, permit, make, force, put under, bring under control bring into, practice, enjoin, permit, make, cause, enable, establish, initiate, perceive, be occupied with, pervade, permeate, express (through the three kayas etc), proceed, function, act, start working, entertain, engage, apply involvement, action, functioning, perception, manifestation, incarnation, continuity (of cause and effect), {'du shes 'jug - entertain the idea that {rab 'jug - completely permeates -about compassion-, {byed 'jug pa - make, cause, enable, {byed du 'jug pa - make, cause, enable {rnam shes yul la 'jug - the consciousness engaged in an object] [IW]
'jug - infuse, insert; actual usage of a term, collection engage. p. {zhugs} 1) to go into, enter, participate. 2) follow [the path, doctrine], to get oneself involved, engaged in, occupied with, steady pursuance. 3) put, fill in, stuff, to put into, to go into, put in, insert. 4) to let, allow, permit. 5) to make, force. 6) to put under, bring under [power, control] stuff, bring into, practice, enjoin, permit, to make, cause, enable, establish, initiate, in, perceive, occupied with, pervade, permeate, express [through the three kayas etc], proceed, function, act, start working, entertain, engagement, application, involvement, action, functioning, 'perception', manifestation, incarnation, continuity [of cause and effect], {'du shes 'jug} to entertain the idea that.]. {rab 'jug} completely permeates about compassion-], {byed 'jug pa} to make, cause, enable, {byed du 'jug pa} to make, cause, enable]. {rnam shes yul la 'jug} the consciousness engaged in an object]; induce [RY]
'jug yul - object immersed in through inference or immediate perception, object of engagement, object of operation [JV]
rjes thob - 1) RJY: post-meditation, the post-meditative period, ensuing, after a period of contemplation, aftermath [of meditative absorption). Generally, the period of being involved in sense perceptions and daily activities. Specifically, the period of being distracted from the natural state of mind. 2) subsequent attainment / realization,  3) Jackson, 1994, EMS, "post-meditation practice." post-attainment, post-meditation experience, [Skt] prashthalabdha; postmeditative awareness, ["after-feeling"]; Thrangu Rinpoche: the feeling after {mnyam bzhag}  [RY]
rjes snang - Ensuing perception. [anu-abhi, anubhanu] permission, postcontemplative appearance [RY]
rjes snang - Ensuing perception. The perceptions or appearances perceived during the postmeditation state [RY]
rjes snang - ensuing perception [anu-abhi, anubhanu] permission, post- meditation appearance [IW]
rjes snang - ensuing perception; Thrangu Rinpoche: the perceptions during {rjes thob} [RY]
rjes dpag - judgment of perception, inference, conjecture, guessing, consideration, deliberation, syllogism, genuine or mediate inference, come to a new fact potentially involved in premises, inferential cognizer, SA dngos stobs rjes dpag, rtogs pa'i rjes dpag, grags pa'i rjes dpag, yid ches rjes dpag, dpe nyer 'jal gyi rjes dpag [JV]
rjes dpag gi tshad 'bras - the fruition of inferential pramana/ valid cognition [by power of a reason realize one's object as it is rang yul ji bzhin rtogs pa ste, EG, in inferring sound is impermanent, impermanant sound is the gzhal bya, from a reason in which the three modes are complete [tshul gsum tsang ba'i gtan tshigs], after the rnam pa [phenomenon, aspect, perception, situation, mental image ???] of the impermanence of sound has arisen, the new non-deceptive knowledge of theimpermanence of sound is pramana, which is the fruition of actually realizing the impermanence of sound] [IW]
rjes dpag gi tshad 'bras - the fruition of inferential pramana/ valid cognition [R], after the rnam pa [phenomenon, aspect, perception, situation, mental image ???] of the impermanence of sound has arisen, the new non- deceptive knowledge of the impermanence of sound is pramana, which is the fruition = actually realizing the impermanence of sound] [IW]
rjes shes bzod pa - receptiveness to the after-effect of the perception of the doctrine- [IW]
rjes shes bzod pa - receptiveness to the after-effect of the perception of the doctrine [RY]
nyan thos kyi rnal 'byor mngon sum - perception of the yoga of the shravakas [bden bzhi rnam pa bcu drug mngon sum du rtogs pa'i, nyan thos mthong sgom gyi mnyam bzhag ye shes dang dgra bcom pa'i mkhyen pa rnams so [IW]
nyan thos kyi rnal 'byor mngon sum - perception of the yoga of the shravakas [IW]
nyer len - perceptions {rang gi nyer len dbang du ma gyur bar} Without having mastered your own perceptions [RY]
gnyis snang - 1) duality. 2) dualistic perception / experience / phenomena / appearance; the dualitic way of perceiving; dualistic thought [RY]
gnyis snang - 1) external object and internal perceiver; 2) because of defects of the eyes * appearance of two suns or moons etc. dualistic perception / experience / phenomena /appearance /thoughts [IW]
gnyis 'dzin - dualism/ dualistic perception; isc. dichotomy [RB]
gnyis 'dzin - dualistic grasping, dualistic perception; dualistic fixation, holding as being two; grasping at duality, subject-object, dualistic perceptions [RY]
gnyis 'dzin - holding to two, doubt, unsteadiness, wavering, dualistic fixation, dualistic grasping, grasping at duality, dualistic thinking, tied to dualism, dualistic perception, duality, who are always in dualism [JV]
gnyis la dmigs pa - conception / perception of duality [IW]
mnyam bzhag snang med - meditation is devoid of solid perceptions; the meditation is devoid of appearances [RY]
bsnyon dor gyi gzugs can - [a gzugs can gyi rgyan, exemplified thing by speaking falsely about perception change is to is not by means of example and nature having been made 1 [one nature w the example? dpe dang ngo bo gcig tu byas pa'i don du dpe can khyad 'phags, ornament showing that] [IW]
tur re ba - clear, firm with regard to perceptions, without omissions or digression [JV]
btang snyoms kyi rgyu mtshan yid la byed pa - perception/ comprehension of the reason for equanimity [IW]
btang snyoms kyi sems - 1) perception w/o concern; 2) mind free from passion and aggression [IW]
rtags kyi phyogs gcig chos can la ma grub pa - rtags kyi phyogs gcig chos can la not established because of impossibility, EG, the dharmin sense perception of two moons, is perception, because it is free from confusion and non-conceptual [definition of perception] sense perception of two moons is non-conceptual but not unconfused, don la ma grub pa'i rtags drug gi nang gses [IW]
rten bcas kyi dbang po - sense organ/ dbang po extraordinary rten/ support or bdag rkyen/predominant condition of its rang 'bras [own/ intrinsic fruition] sense-knowledge [dbang shes], when sense perception really engages w its object [dbang shes yul la dngos su nye bar spyod pa'am dngos su 'jug bzhin pa'i skabs kyi] mig rna sna lce lus kyi dbang po rnams so [IW]
rtog snang - thoughts and perceptions [JV]
rtog pa 'khrul shes - invalid immediate perception, false cognition, everyday knowledge [JV]
rtog pa can - conceptual; determinate [perception] [ggd] [RY]
rtog pa can gyi mngon sum - determinate perception [ggd] [RY]
rtog med 'khrul shes - invalid immediate perception like dream or eye disease [JV]
rtog med can - indeterminate [perception], nonconceptual [ggd] [RY]
rtogs pa - (direct, comprehensive, intuitive) understanding, direct experience, intuition, know, understand, to intuitively grasp, direct aesthetic contact with reality through an indefinable empathy and intuition, recognize, (fully, thoroughly) comprehend, realize thorough perception, infallible knowledge, true perception of all things in general, metaphysical development, perceive, deduce, fathom, 1 of lam yan lag brgyad, non-judgmental real understanding, real knowledge, to realize, realization, discovers [JV]
rtogs pa rnam pa bzhi'i tshul rig pa ni shes pa'i mtshan nyid - the awareness as the four kinds of realization is the characteristic of perception [IW]
rtogs pa'i rjes dpag - judgment of perception [JV]
rtogs bzhi - four kinds of realisation [according to mah yoga the single basis {rgyu gcig pa} the manner of the seed- syllables {yig 'bru'i tshul} the consecration or blessing {byin gyis rlabs pa} and the direct perception {mngon sum pa] [IW]
rtogs bzhi - Four Kinds of Realization, according to Mahayoga. The single basis {rgyu gcig pa} the manner of the seed- syllables {yig 'bru'i tshul} the consecration. or blessing {byin gyis rlabs pa} and the direct perception {mngon sum pa} [RY]
bltas pa - 1) looked at, viewed; 2) (relative viewpoint; 3) perception (/ [p {lta ba} [IW]
tha dad pa bzhi - the four kinds of difference [rang ldog tha dad pa dang, ngo bo tha dad pa, rigs tha dad pa, rdzas tha dad pa ste bzhi'o{tha dad pa'i 'du shes mi mnga' ba - having no difference of perception ['khor 'das kyi chos rnams la bden dngos kyi blang dor gyi dri ma mi mnga' ba, ma 'dres pa'i chos bco brgyad kyi ya gyal zhig [IW]
tha dad pa'i 'du shes - conception / perception of difference [RY]
tha dad pa'i 'du shes - conception/ perception of difference [ngo bo'am ldog pa so so ba'i 'du shes [IW]
tha dad pa'i 'du shes - conception/ perception of difference. ngo bo'am ldog pa so so ba'i 'du shes [IW]
tha dad pa'i 'du shes mi mnga' ba - having no difference of perception ['khor 'das kyi chos rnams la bden dngos kyi blang dor gyi dri ma mi mnga' ba, ma 'dres pa'i chos bco brgyad kyi ya gyal zhig about the dharmas of samsara and nirvana 1 has no questions of truth and reality of accepting and rejecting [ma 'dres pa'i chos bco brgyad kyi ya gyal zhig] [IW]
tha dad pa'i 'du shes med pa - [the tathagata] has no perception of an [inherently existent] difference [between samsara and nirvana]. they are w/o diverse cognitions GD [IW]
tha dad pa'i 'du shes med pa - without different perception [the tathagata] has no perception of an [inherently existent] difference [between samsara and nirvana]. they are without diverse cognitions [Gdmk] [IW]
tha dad pa'i 'du shes med pa - without diverse cognitions, [the Tathagata] has no perception of an [inherently existent] difference [between samsara and nirvana] [RY]
tha don pa'i 'du shes - conception/ perception of difference [IW]
tha don pa'i 'du shes - conception / perception of difference [RY]
tha mal gyi snang ba - ordinary perception [RY]
tha mal gyi shes pa - ordinary mind [mahamudra technical term for unfabricated/genuine perception the enlightened essence, the natural mind, basic state] [IW]
tha mal snang ba - normal perception, ordinary experience [RY]
tha mal snang zhen - clinging to ordinary perception. TSE [IW]
tha mal snang zhen - clinging to ordinary perceptions [RY]
tha mal snang zhen - the clinging to ordinary perception [RY]
tha mal ma dag pa'i snang ba - ordinary, impure perception [RY]
thad tshor - direct perception [mig gis dngos su mthong ba dang, yid kyis dngos su dran pa] [IW]
thugs mngon sum pas 'dul ba - instruction by the direct perception of buddha-mind [Gd] [IW]
thugs mngon sum pas 'dul ba - instruction by the direct perception of buddha-mind [RY]
thur dpyad - in diseases like snying chu and mig nad bar 'grib, lus externally thur ma brgyab pas clearing away inner diseases, treatment after having diagnosed by perception or inference [IW]
theg chen gyi rnal 'byor mngon sum - perception of the yoga of mahayana [IW]
theg chen gyi rnal 'byor mngon sum - perception of the yoga of mahayana [byang phyogs kyi chos so bdun mngon du brnyes shing bdag med gnyis mngon sum du rtogs pa'i byang sems mthong sgom gyi mnyam bzhag ye shes dang sangs rgyas kyi rnam mkhyen rnams so] [IW]
theg chen gyi rnal 'byor mngon sum - yogic perception of mahayana [byang phyogs kyi chos so bdun mngon du brnyes shing bdag med gnyis mngon sum du rtogs pa'i byang sems mthong sgom gyi mnyam bzhag ye shes dang sangs rgyas kyi rnam mkhyen rnams so [IW]
thog tu - . . . thog tu - [in cases of rig pa, for example] (directly) in the immediacy of . . . ; in the immediate presence/ perception/ moment/ instant/ fact of . . . [in cases of sems + yul, for example] in direct/ immediate response to . . . [RB]
thogs pa'i 'du shes - perception of materiality [JV]
mtha' yas pa'i 'du shes - limitless perception [nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched nas 'du shes med 'du shes med min man chad kyi 'du shes so, [IW]
mtha' yas pa'i 'du shes - limitless perception [IW]
mthun snang - shared / common perception [RY]
mthun snang - common perception [RY]
mthun snang - shared/ common perception [IW]
mthun snang gi dngos po - the things of shared/ common perception [IW]
mthun snang du grub pa - establish shared/ common perception [IW]
mthun mi mthun phyogs gnyis kar rnam pa gnyis gnyis su 'jug pa - from the phyogs chos gtan tshigs dgu 1 of the dngos kyi ma nges pa'i rtags bzhi: rtags de gsal ba de'i mthun phyogs la khyab ma khyab gnyis ka &, mi mthun phyogs la'ang khyab ma khyab gnyis ka, EG, the dharmin perceptual knowledge of two moons, is perception, because it is perceptual knowledge, dbang shes de phyogs gnyis la rnam pa gnyis gnyis su 'jug pa ste, mthun phyogs = mngon sum la dbang shes yin min gnyis yod cing, mi mthun = mngon sum min pa la'ang dbang shes yin min gnyis yod pa'o, OR from the viewpoint of maintaining that the four elements are eternal atoms and touchable [that is their gzhi mthun], sound is impermanent because it is not touchable, like space and atoms [IW]
mthong chos - {mthong ba'i chos} phenomena in one's immediate perception [RB]
mthong snang - apparent phenomena manifesting in one's perceptions [RB]
mthong snang - visions, physical perception, mental perception, fantasy, sight, view, visualization [JV]
mthong ba - see, notice, recognize, peruse, view, look, perceive, behold any object, witness, observe, experience, endure, perception by inference, actual sight by personal observation, sight, to identify, to believe, to discover [JV]
mthong ba'i chos - phenomena in one's immediate perception [RB]
mthong ba'i chos - this lifetime, evident quality; phenomena in one's immediate perception [RY]
mthong ba'i chos la 'phags lam skye ba'i gegs sgrib pa gsum - Three veils hinder the arising of the noble path within this present lifetime; Mipham Rinpoche: {ngan song gsum lha min sgra mi snyan du skyes pa lta bu rten gyi dbang gis lam mi skye ba rnam smin gyi sgrib pa, mtshams med lnga dang chos spong sogs byas pas bden pa mthong mi nus pa las kyi sgrib pa, nyon mongs shin tu drag po rgyun chags pas lam la 'jug mi nus pa nyon mongs pa'i sgrib pa'o} Three veils hinder the arising of the noble path [within one's stream-of-being] within this present lifetime: i) The 'veil of karmic ripening' is the path [failing] to arise due to the influence of one's bodily support as, for instance, when reborn in the three lower realms, as a demigod, [a perceptionless god], or on the continent of Unpleasant Sound. ii) The 'veil of karma' is the inability to perceive the truths because of having committed such things as the five acts with immediate result or having abandoned the Dharma. iii) The 'veil of disturbing emotions' is the inability to enter the path because of ongoing and very strong disturbing emotions. [RY]
mthong ba'i yul - object to be perceived/ of perception; isc. outlook [RB]
dag snang - 1) pure perception, sacred outlook; perceiving everything as good, pure outlook, pure view, to see as pure. 2) vision; pure vision. Ex. {kun la dag snang sbyong ba} to regard everything with pure perception [RY]
dag snang - pure vision which comes through dreams and visions, symbol awareness, visionary, instructions passed on by manifestations of gurus and tutelaries in visions, sacred outlook, pure vision, pure vision, SA snang gsum, pure perception, sacred outlook [JV]
dag snang - perceiving everything as good, pure perception, sacred outlook, vision [snang srid snod bcud thams cad dag pa'i zhing du snang ba ste sku dang ye shes kyi rol bar snang ba] [IW]
dag snang - perceiving everything as good, seeing the good side of everything, pure perception, sacred outlook, vision [IW]
dag snang - pure perception. The Vajrayana principle of regarding the environment as a buddhafield, self and others as deities, sounds as mantras, and thoughts as the display of wisdom [RY]
dag snang kho na bya dgos - always maintain pure perception [RY]
dag snang byed pa - {lhag par yang dad pa dang dag snang byed dgos pa yin pa} strengthen your pure perception of him and increase your faith [RY]
dag snang 'ba' zhig sbyang dgos te - train yourself to have only pure perception [RY]
dag snang sbyang ba - to train in pure perception [RY]
dag snang sbyongs - cultivate pure perception [RY]
dag snang sbyongs - train in pure perception [RY]
dang bar gyur pa'i dmigs pa - concept/ perception of becoming pure [IW]
dad gus dag snang - faith, devotion, and pure perception [RY]
dad gus dag snang - faith, respect and pure perception [RY]
dad pa dag snang sbyang - learn to have faith in him and see him with pure perception [RY]
dal ba brgyad - Mipham Rinpoche: {ngan song gsum dang 'du shes med pa'i lha ste mi ma yin pa'i mi khoms pa'i gnas bzhi, mtha' 'khob kla klo, log lta can gyi rigs, sangs rgyas ma byon pa'i zhing, dbang shes blun lkug brda mi 'jal ba ste mi'i mi khoms pa bzhi ste, brgyad po bral ba'i dal ba brgyad} To dwell within the three lower realms or among the perceptionless gods are the 'four nonhuman unfree states'. To belong to a primitive border tribe, to hold wrong views, to dwell in a realm where a buddha has not appeared, or to possess defective faculties or mental capacity, such as being imbecilic, inept or incapable of communicating, are the 'four human unfree states'. To be free from these eight are the 'eight freedoms'. [RY]
de bzhin nyid la snyoms par zhugs dus kyi 'du shes - perception at the time of meditating on suchness [IW]
de bzhin dmigs pa - see things as they are [Notes {de} that, {bzhin} like, {dmigs pa} -}-perception, understanding, knowledge] [IW]
don goms pa can gyi dbang mngon tshad ma - sense perception of familiar objects [IW]
don goms pa can gyi dbang mngon tshad ma - bus pha'i form grasping sensory perception [IW]
don gyi 'du shes - perception of objects/ the meaning [IW]
don byed snang can gyi dbang mngon tshad ma - pramana of sensory perception of a power to produce a function [IW]
don byed snang can gyi dbang mngon tshad ma - pramana of sensory perception of a power to produce a function [EG mes btso bsreg gi don byed nus par 'jal ba'i dbang mngon tshad ma] [IW]
don rab 'byed pa'i bsam gtan - meaning revealing samadhi [form is like bubbles, feeling chu bur [bubble/ blister], perception like a mirage, formation like a plantain tree, consciousness like illusion: so grasp and meditate] [IW]
don rig - immediate perception, SA mngon sum, aware of the real meaning [JV]
dran snang - thoughts and perceptions; x {dran snang thams cad chos skur ma shar bar} until all thoughts and perceptions arise as the Dharmakaya [RY]
dri 'dzin dbang mngon - smell grasping sense perception [IW]
dri 'dzin dbang mngon - sense perception of smell [IW]
dri 'dzin yid mngon - mental perception of smell [IW]
bdag tu rmongs pa'i ma rig pa - the stupid ignorance of ego [the ego-fixation which is the root of samsara. Not knowing reality, wrongly and stupidly grasping the skandhas as eternal, blissful selfhood controller and complete in itself. the perception of sentient beings that is not in accord with the real nature.] [IW]
bdag tu 'dzin pa - {bdag tu bzung ba} to impute/ hold to have/ misconstrue as having identity; isc. perception based on the assumption of identity; to perceive as though there were identity [RB]
bdag tu bzung ba - {bdag tu 'dzin pa} to impute/ hold to have/ misconstrue as having identity; isc. perception based on the assumption of identity; to perceive as though there were identity [RB]
bdag med pa'i 'du shes - perception/ conception of non-self/ egolessness [IW]
bdag 'dzin - {bdag tu 'dzin pa} pa to impute/ hold to have/ misconstrue as having identity; isc. perception based on the assumption of identity; to perceive as though there were identity [RB]
bdag bzung - {bdag tu bzung ba} to impute/ hold to have/ misconstrue as having identity; isc. perception based on the assumption of identity; to perceive as though there were identity [RB]
bdag rig byed pa - subjective understanding [w mere appearance of perception and inference] [IW]
bden pa mthong ba - direct perception of truth/ true nature [RB]
bden pa mthong ba - perception of the truth, know the truth, degree of buddhist perfection, seeing the truth [JV]
bden pa mthong ba - 1) perception of the truth; seeing the truth; direct perception of truth / true nature. 2) to see what is true [RY]
bden pa mthong ba - perception of truth [realization of seeing emptiness] [IW]
'das pa'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes gzigs pa 'jug - entry into the perception of the wisdom which is unobstructed and unimpeded in respect of the past [IW]
'das pa'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes gzigs pa 'jug - entry into the perception of the wisdom which is unobstructed and unimpeded in respect of the past [for countless kalpas know all the history of dharmas which arose and, good and evil actions which were done w/oconfusion, 1 of the exclusive dharmas of the buddhas] [IW]
'das pa'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes gzigs pa 'jug pa - to enter into the perception of the pristine cognition which is unobstructed and unimpeded in respect of the past [RY]
'du byed pa - samskara, motivation-configuration, mind's activity, intellectual operations, projecting activity, motivation, reaction associations, tendency to bring about further suffering, initiate, wanting to do something about something, outright interfering, (seed impressions set in the mind as a result of previous experience and brought into play by their associations with the immediate perception, here the object becomes distorted by subjective associations which have the propensity of transforming a rope into a snake), intention [JV]
'du shes - perception [of characteristics] [as 'du shes phung po of phung po lnga], concept, idea[ology], consciousness [IW]
'du shes - perception [of characteristics] [which in samsara is also fixation. one of the five ever-present mental factors Kun 'gro lnga [, by which awareness discriminates characteristics not common to all objects by the power of how things are [dngos stobs]. thought concept[ion], idea, aggregate/skandha of perception, apprehension, discernment, discrimination, notion, image, "ideation", consideration, name, discrimination, recognition, distinguishing, consciousness, think, entertain an idea, feel an inclination of, skandha of perception. perception, samj¤a.] [IW]
'du shes - perception [of characteristics] [which in samsara is also fixation. 1 of the five ever-present mental factors Kun 'gro lnga [, by which awareness discriminates characteristics not common to all objects by the power of how things are [dngos stobs]. thought concept[ion], idea, aggregate/ skandha of perception, apprehension, discernment, discrimination, notion, image, "ideation", consideration, name, discrimination, recognition, distinguishing, consciousness, think, entertain an idea, feel an inclination of, skandha of perception. perception, samj¤a.] [IW]
'du shes - perception, notion, idea, thoughts, ideation, concept formation, imagination, discrimination, sentiment, conceptualization, mibp p.23, (collection of sensory data as an idea of the object of perception, a composite sensory impression of many different perceptions), ideology, discernment [JV]
'du shes - perception [of characteristics] *, concept, idea[ology], consciousness [IW]
'du shes - perception; idea; concept [RB]
'du shes - conception, perception [thd]
'du shes - Skt. samjna, 1) notion, conception, perception, activity, apprehension, concept, consciousness, consideration, discernment, discrimination, discrimination, distinguishing, idea, ideation, image, name, recognition, feelings, thought, perceptions; one of the {phung po lnga}. 2) {'du shes pa} to perceive; hold a notion / an idea, entertain an idea, feel an inclination of, think [RY]
'du shes kyi phung po - aggregate/ skandha of perceptions [one of the five skandhas [IW]
'du shes kyi phung po - aggregate/skandha of perceptions [one of the five skandhas [by fixating characteristics of objects and conventional designations, 3, four or more conditions are gathered together. Produced by such awareness, distinctions of objects or "spu ris" [picture drawn with 1 hair: hair splitting distinctions] not being mixed together, have the nature of fixated individuality, and many thoughts pile up] [IW]
'du shes kyi phung po - aggregate of conceptions, perceptions [RY]
'du shes kyi phung po - aggregate of perceptions [RB]
'du shes kyi phung po bcu gnyis - the 12 heaps of perceptions [IW]
'du shes kyi phung po'i rigs kyi chos lnga - the five kinds of dharmas of the skandha of perception [IW]
'du shes bsgyur ba - transformed perceptions: 1) thinking what is is not and vice versa etc.; 2) exchanging new and old [seeing faults in old ideas, perceiving them as new, in some new way] [IW]
'du shes bsgyur ba - transformed perceptions [IW]
'du shes lnga - The five perceptions [in teaching oneself is a doctor, dharma med., listeners patients, tathagata a holy being, the manner of the dharma will long remain] [IW]
'du shes lnga - The five perceptions [in teaching oneself is a doctor, dharma medicine, listeners patients, tathagata a holy being, the manner of the dharma will long remain] [IW]
'du shes lnga - The five perceptions [IW]
'du shes nyams - x {'dod pa'i dbang gis 'du shes nyams} - perceptions become debased under the influence of desire [RY]
'du shes gnyis - the two perceptions [IW]
'du shes gnyis - the two perceptions [that fixate the characteristics of 1) objects and 2) conventional designations] [IW]
'du shes gnyis - the two perceptions [that fixate the characteristics of 1) objects and 2) conventional designations.] [IW]
'du shes drug - the six kinds of perception; 1) with characteristics {mtshan bcas kyi 'du shes dang} 2) {mtshan med kyi 'du shes,} without characteristics, 3) {rgya chung ba'i 'du shes} of small extent, 4) {rgya che ba'i 'du shes, of great extent, 5) tsad med pa'i 'du shes, immeasurable, 6) ci yang med pa'i 'du shes nothing whatever OR 1) six perceptions in listening to the Dharma: ; 1) oneself is like a sick person 2) the Dharma is like med., 3) the spiritual friend is like a doctor, 4) earnest practice is like being cured 5) the manner of the Dharma la ?? long remaining 6) tathagata as a holy being.] [IW]
'du shes rnam dag - totally purified perception [JV]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched - the sphere of neither conception nor nonconception, neither perception nor non-perception. the activity field where there is neither perception nor nonperception; realm of neither perception nor nonperception [RY]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched - realm of neither perception nor nonperception [RB]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched - the ayatana/activity/realm field of neither perception/conception nor non-perception/conception [one of the four formless realms {gzugs med skye mched mu bzhi}, after thinking 'there is nothing at all' and so perceiving, one thinks 'even that is sickness and pain and I should abandon it.' With ever subtler refutations, one is without coarse perceptions, but having thought that even always being without such perceptions isn't proper there arises a very subtle kind of perception which is not non-existent. This is dwelling at [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched - neither perception nor non-perception [JV]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched - the ayatana/ activity/ realm field of neither perception/ conception nor non-perception/ conception [1of the four formless realms {gzugs med skye mched mu bzhi} [R] [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched - the ayatana/ activity/ realm field of neither perception/ conception nor non-perception/ conception [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched kyi rnam thar - the emancipation of the perception-sphere of neither conception nor nonconception [RY]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched kyi rnam thar - the liberation of the ayatana of neither perception nor non- perception. [1of the four liberations from the 1st four samapattis of the formless realm. [infinite space, time, consciousness, nothingness][R] [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched kyi rnam thar - the liberation of the ayatana of neither perception nor non- perception. [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched kyi rnam thar - the liberation of the ayatana of neither perception nor non- perception. [one of the four liberations from the first four samapattis of the formless realm. [infinite space, time, consciousness, nothingness] In each case, one thinks "This perception is sickness, a pustule, painful, and therefore faulty." Having refuted it, one gets ever- subtler until even always being without perception becomes [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min gyi skye mched - the perception-sphere of neither conception nor nonconception [RY]
'du shes med 'du shes med min gyi skye mched - the ayatana/activity/realm field of neither perception/conception nor non-perception/conception [one of the four formless realms {gzugs med skye mched mu bzhi}, after thinking 'there is nothing at all' and so perceiving, one thinks 'even that is sickness and pain and I should abandon it.' With ever subtler refutations, one is without coarse perceptions, but having thought that even always being without such perceptions isn't proper there arises a very subtle kind of perception which is not non-existent. This is dwelling at the peak of samsara.] [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min gyi skye mched - the ayatana/ activity/ realm field of neither perception/ conception nor non-perception/ conception [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min gyi skye mched - the ayatana/ activity/ realm field of neither perception/ conception nor non-perception/ conception [1of the four formless realms {gzugs med skye mched mu bzhi}[R] [IW]
'du shes med 'du shes med min gyi lha - deities of [the formless realm of] neither perception nor non-perception [IW]
'du shes med pa - [samapatti of] non-perception [Karmically impelled by it, a being born among the perceptionless gods, with cessation of mind and mental contents has one kind of non-associated [with sense-perception] formation of cessation, induced unconsciousness, or non-conception (one of the fourteen non-associated formations] [IW]
'du shes med pa - the perceptionless [gods] [RY]
'du shes med pa - without/ devoid of perception [RB]
'du shes med pa - [samapatti of] non-perception [IW]
'du shes med pa - 1) without/ devoid of perception 2) state of non-conception, as one of the fourteen non-concurrent formations. induced unconsciousness, non-perceptive; nonconception [RY]
'du shes med pa can - perceptionless being [as a great fruition of dwelling in the 4th dhyana, bsam gtan bzhi pa'i gnas 'bras bu che ba'i 1 exists isolated from cities w unified mind . As soon as that arises except for the time of death, the motion of mind and mental contents ceases and stays so for a period up to many kalpas.] [IW]
'du shes med pa can - perceptionless being [IW]
'du shes med pa ba - perceptionless being [IW]
'du shes med pa ba - perceptionless being [as a great fruition of dwelling in the 4th dhyana, bsam gtan bzhi pa'i gnas 'bras bu che ba'i 1 exists isolated from cities phyogs gcig na w unified mind. As soon as that arises except for the time of death, the motion of mind and mental contents ceases and stays so for a period up to many kalpas.] [IW]
'du shes med pa'i snyoms 'jug - the perceptionless serenity [RY]
'du shes med pa'i snyoms 'jug - 1) the samapatti of non- perception; 2) conceptionless equilibrium ** [IW]
'du shes med pa'i snyoms 'jug - 1) the samapatti of non-perception; 2) conceptionless equilibrium [one of the fourteen non-associated formations][Entered by one without desire for the spreading of virtue and happiness, not free from desire for the higher realms who says, 'by means of apprehension mind and its contents are not continually stable, cessation of situations of the six engaged cognitions [of sense objects] is produced in a kind of non-associated [with sense objects] karmic formation.]. [IW]
'du shes med pa'i snyoms 'jug - 1) the samapatti of non-perception; 2) conceptionless equilibrium [one of the 14 non-associated formations][R] [IW]
'du shes med pa'i sa - the level of non-perception/ conception [IW]
'du shes med pa'i lha - perceptionless/conceptionless gods [as a great fruition of dwelling in the 4th dhyana, they exist with unified mind. As soon as that arises except for the time of death, the motion of mind and mental contents ceases and stays so for a period up to many kalpas.] [IW]
'du shes med pa'i lha - perceptionless/ conceptionless gods [IW]
'du shes med pa'i lha - the perceptionless gods [RY]
'du shes med min - perception that is not non-existent [neither conception/ perception nor non-conception, {skye mched mu bzhi}; [IW]
'du shes med min - perception that is not non-existent [IW]
'du shes med min gyi skye mched - the perception-sphere of neither conception nor nonconception [RY]
'du shes med min gyi skye mched - the ayatana where perception is not non-existent [the ayatana/ activity/ realm field of neither perception/ conception nor non-perception/ conception [1of the four formless realms][R] [IW]
'du shes med min gyi skye mched - the ayatana where perception is not non-existent ** [IW]
'du shes med min gyi skye mched - the ayatana where perception is [IW]
'du shes bzhi - the four perceptions [IW]
'du shes yod min med min - Neither Presence nor Absence of Conceptions. The third abode in the Formless Realm dwelling on the thought "My perception is neither absent nor present!" [RY]
'du shes su byed pa - produce perception, produce conception [IW]
'du shes gsum ldan - endowed/ infused with/ within the context of three authentic perceptions [RB]
'du shes gsum ldan - 1) infused with / endowed with three notions, 2) within the context of three authentic perceptions [RY]
'dul ba rnam par bzhi - the four kinds of taming [four kinds of taming of the supreme emanational body (taming by the great merit of the buddha-body {sku bsod nams chen pos 'dul ba} taming by the direct perception of buddha-mind {thugs mngon sum pas 'dul ba} taming by inconceivable miraculous abilities {rdzu 'phrul bsam gyis [IW]
'dul ba rnam par bzhi - four conversions, Four Kinds of Instruction of the Supreme Emanation Body. Instruction by the great merit of the buddha- body {sku bsod nams chen pos 'dul ba} instruction by the direct perception of buddha-mind {thugs mngon sum pas 'dul ba} instruction by inconceivable miraculous abilities {rdzu 'phrul bsam gyis mi khyab pas 'dul ba} and instruction by knowledge conveyed in speech {gsung rig pas 'dul ba} [RY]
'dul ba bzhi'i cho 'phrul - Magical display of the four conversions, magical display of the fourfold conversion possessed by a nirmanakaya: Converting through the perfect deeds of his Body endowed with great merit; such as the Twelve Deeds {mdzad pa bcu gnyis} and so forth. Conversion through the direct perception of the great super-knowledges of his Mind which are the six super-knowledges {mngon shes drug}. Conversion through the great miraculous power of his inconceivable Qualities and Activities which are the various magical displays of the deeds of his Three Secrets {gsang gsum}. Conversion through the knowledge of teaching the five vehicles of his Speech or conversion through the Mahayana teaching of his Speech. The five vehicle are for gods, humans, shravaka and pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas, and the Secret Mantra. See {'dul ba rnam par bzhi} [RY]
'dus ma byas brgyad - the 8 unconditioned things [According to the Abhidharmakosha, the three suchnesses of good, bad and neutral dharmas, non-perception, at the time of the samapatti of cessation the two situations of mental cessation, {'du shes med dang 'gog snyoms kyi sems med gnyis} ???, and the three uncompounded entities 'dus ma byas gsum: space, and the two cessations, discriminating and non-discriminating. cf. {'dus ma byas rnam pa brgyad}.] [IW]
'dod pa'i dbang gis 'du shes nyams - perceptions become debased under the influence of desire [RY]
'dod yon gyi snang ba - (pleasureable) sense perceptions [RB]
ldobs rkyen pa - quick perception, understanding readily [JV]
sdug bsngal la chos shes pa - perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering [RY]
sdug bsngal la chos shes pa - perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering GD [IW]
sdug bsngal la chos shes pa'i bzod pa - receptiveness to the perception of the doctrine of suffering [RY]
sdug bsngal la chos shes pa'i bzod pa - receptiveness to the perception of the doctrine of suffering GD [IW]
sdug bsngal la rjes su rtogs pa'i shes pa - the after-effect of the perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering GD [IW]
sdug bsngal la rjes su rtogs pa'i shes pa - the after-effect of the perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering [RY]
sdug bsngal la rjes su rtogs pa'i shes pa'i bzod pa - receptiveness to the after-effect of the perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering [RY]
sdug bsngal la rjes su rtogs pa'i shes pa'i bzod pa - receptiveness to the after-effect of the perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering GD [IW]
bsdug bsngal gyi 'du shes - perception/ conception of suffering [IW]
bsdus pa'i chos la dmigs pa - conception/ perception of gathered dharmas [IW]
nag thom - 1) darkness rub pa, complete black[ness], jet black Zhu mar glo bur du nag thom ste shi song; 2) unclear perception/understanding rig pa [IW]
nang gi theg pa gsum - the three inner vehicles [gsang sngags rnying ma'i lugs la ma h' aa nu aa ti gsum{nang gi tshor ba - inner feeling/perception [yid kyi tshor ba'am, sems kyi tshor ba, yid shes su gyur pa'i tshor ba'o [IW]
nang gi tshor ba - inner feeling/perception [IW]
nang ngor shar ba - 1) perception D; 2) enlightenment D [IW]
nang ngor shar ba - perception, enlighten, SA snang ngor shar ba [JV]
nam kha' mtha' yas skye mched - the perception-sphere of infinite space [RY]
nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched kyi snyoms 'jug - the serenity of the perception-sphere of infinite space [RY]
nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched kyi rnam thar - the emancipation of the perception-sphere of infinite space [RY]
nam mkha' mtha' yas pa'i skye mched - perception-sphere of infinite space [RY]
rna ba'i dbang mngon - sense perception of hearing [dbang mngon lnga'i nang gses, rang gi bdag rkyen rna ba'i dbang po las byung zhing rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i gzhan rig dper na, gling bu'i sgra 'dzin pa'i rna shes lta bu'o] [IW]
rna ba'i dbang mngon - sense perception of hearing [IW]
rnam rtog - vikalpa, discursive thought, preconceived ideas, thoughts, interpretative concepts, habit-making thoughts, thought construction, postulates, cogitation, actual perception, thought, reflection, unreal conclusions, imagination, aberrations of the mind, obscuration, disgust, distaste, doubt, conceptual understanding, (subtle stage of mentality, division into subject and object, observable qualities defined, superstition, (man's dividedness against himself, division into subject and object, tendency to artificially divide reality, second stage of rtog med in which a mind is postulated dealing with sense fields and sense perceptions or with subject and object, clinging to duality, characterized by a thorough-going split), SA rtog pa kun rtog, divisive thoughts, thought state [JV]
rnam rtog - 1) experience/ perception of mind; 2) fears and doubts / * [discursive] thought, superstition, concept[ual thinking], conceptuality, discursiveness, conceptualization, reflective/ 2ndary thought, association, imaginating mind form, thought chains, idea[-construction] *] [IW]
rnam pa nyi shi byang chub pa - 20 ways in which the body is enlightened [according to ngushul khen rinpoche, refers to the 10 aspects of renunciation and 10 of realisation which pertain to the ten bodhisattva levels. may also refer in madhyamaka to the 4-fold view of self {bdag lta bzhi} which applies to each of the five skandhas: form, feeling, perception, habitual tendencies, and consciousness, and in mantra, it may refer to accomplishment in 20 specific exercises for experiential cultivation of the energy channels, currents and seminal points within the body] [IW]
rnam pa nyi shu byang chub pa - Twenty Ways In Which The Body Is Enlightened. According to Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche, this refers here to the ten aspects of renunciation and the ten aspects of realization which pertain to the ten bodhisattva levels. The term may also refer in Madhyamaka to the fourfold view of self {bdag lta bzhi} which applies to each of the five components of form, feeling, perception, habitual tendencies, and consciousness, and in the context of the vehicles of secret mantra, it may refer to accomplishment in twenty specific exercises pertaining to the experiential cultivation of the energy channels, currents and seminal points within the body. [GM] [RY]
rnam pa nyi shu byang chub pa - 20 ways in which [the body] is enlightened [according to ngushul khen rinpoche, this refers here to the ten aspects of renunciation and the ten aspects of realisation which pertain to the ten bodhisattva levels the term may also refer in madhyamaka to the fourfold view of self {bdag lta bzhi} which applies to each of the five components of form, feeling, perception, habitual tendencies, and consciousness, and in the context of the vehicles of secret mantra, it may refer to accomplishment in twenty specific exercises pertaining to the experiential cultivation of the energy channels, currents and seminal points within the body] [IW]
rnam par sngo ba'i 'du shes - perception of a rotting corpse [RB]
rnam par sngos pa'i 'du shes - perception of the livid [bluish corpse]; perception of a mottled corpse [RY]
rnam par sngos pa'i 'du shes - perception of a rotting corpse [RB]
rnam par sngos pa'i 'du shes - perception of the livid [bluish corpse] [IW]
rnam par 'thor ba'i 'du shes - perception of the scattered [corpse]; perception of a corpse scattered in pieces [RY]
rnam par 'thor ba'i 'du shes - perception of the scattered [corpse] [IW]
rnam par 'thor ba'i 'du shes - perception of a corpse scattered in pieces [RB]
rnam par gnag pa'i 'du shes - perception of a putrefying corpse [RB]
rnam par rnag pa'i 'du shes - perception of a putrefying corpse, perception of the festering [corpse] [RY]
rnam par rnag pa'i 'du shes - perception of a putrefying corpse [RB]
rnam par rnams pa'i 'du shes - perception of the festering [corpse] [IW]
rnam par bam pa'i 'du shes - perception of a decomposing corpse [RY]
rnam par 'bus gzhig pa'i 'du shes - perception of a maggot-ridden corpse [RB]
rnam par 'bus gzhig pa'i 'du shes - perception of the worm-eaten [corpse] [IW]
rnam par 'bus gzhig pa'i 'du shes - perception of the worm-eaten [corpse]; perception of a maggot-ridden corpse [RY]
rnam par dmar ba'i 'du shes - perception of a mottled corpse [RB]
rnam par dmar ba'i 'du shes - perception of a bloody corpse; perception of the bloody (corpse) [RY]
rnam par tshig pa'i 'du shes - perception of the burned [corpse] [RY]
rnam par 'tshig pa'i 'du shes - perception of a corpse being cremated [RY]
rnam par zos pa'i 'du shes - perception of [the corpse] being devoured; perception of a corpse devoured by wild animals [RY]
rnam par zos pa'i 'du shes - perception of [the corpse] being devoured [IW]
rnam par zos pa'i 'du shes - perception of a corpse devoured by wild animals [RB]
rnam par rig pa - perception [RY]
rnam par rig pa - perception, realization, thought, [formulated] knowledge, conceptualization, [ordinary] cognition, distorted by judgements, = {rnam shes}= counciousness, mind, knowing, cognizance [IW]
rnam par rul ba'i 'du shes - perception of a disintegrating corpse [RB]
rnam par shes pa - consciousness [clearly perceive various paticulars; engaging w individual particular objectsyul bye brag so sor, placeing /establishing them in consciousness rnam shes su bzhag pa gang yin pa de ni 'jug shes tshogs drug kho na la bya, 3rd of the {rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis} 12 links of dependent origination, cognition, 'cognizing' see also {rnam shes} consciousness/ perception, be conscious of a form, perceive, cognition, discrimination, perceptive functions consciousness mtshan nyid ni/ yul gyi ngo bo rnam par rig cing shes par byed pas rang rang gi dmigs pa'i ngo bo so sor rtog pa'i bdag nyid can gyi sems so] [IW]
rnam par shes pa - consciousness, [vijnana]; cognition, cognizing. consciousness / perception, to be conscious of a form, to perceive, cognition, discrimination, perceptive functions; ordinary discursive consciousness. Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {mtshan nyid ni / yul gyi ngo bo rnam par rig cing shes par byed pas rang rang gi dmigs pa'i ngo bo so sor rtog pa'i bdag nyid can gyi sems so} Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {bye brag sna tshogs la gsal bar dmigs te yul bye brag so sor 'jug pas na rnam shes su bzhag pa gang yin pa de ni 'jug shes tshogs drug kho na la bya ste}. 3rd of the {rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis} 12 links of dependent origination. See also {rnam shes} / [RY]
rnam par shes pa - consciousness [bye brag sna tshogs la gsal bar dmigs te yul bye brag so sor 'jug pas na rnam shes su bzhag pa gang yin pa de ni 'jug shes tshogs drug kho na la bya ste/-- consciousness, 3rd of the {rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis} 12 links of dependent origination, cognition, 'cognizing' see also {rnam shes} consciousness/ perception, be conscious of a form, perceive, cognition, discrimination, perceptive functions consciousness, 3rd of the {rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis} 12 links of dependent origination, cognition, 'cognizing' see also {rnam shes} consciousness/ perception, be conscious of a form, perceive, cognition, discrimination, perceptive functions- mtshan nyid ni/ yul gyi ngo bo rnam par rig cing shes par byed pas rang rang gi dmigs pa'i ngo bo so sor rtog pa'i bdag nyid can gyi sems so/] [IW]
rnam smin kyi sgrib pa - veil of karmic ripening; Mipham Rinpoche: {ngan song gsum lha min sgra mi snyan du skyes pa lta bu rten gyi dbang gis lam mi skye ba rnam smin gyi sgrib pa} The 'veil of karmic ripening' is the path [failing] to arise due to the influence of one's bodily support as, for instance, when reborn in the three lower realms, as a demigod, [a perceptionless god], or on the continent of Unpleasant Sound. One of {sgrib pa gsum} [RY]
rnam mtshungs - 'dzin stangs kyi gzung cha gcig pa ste if eye consciousness having phenomenon of blue is produced tshor ba'ang [feeling perception ??] is likewise produced in that [IW]
rnam shes - conciousness [principle], primary conciousness, discriminative cognition [mind is purely that which perceives it doesn't require brainwork, it is simple perception, just on the level of the nervous system this instinctive function is called 'mind' in sanskrit 'citta' means 'heart,' 'essence' that basic essence of mind which contains the faculty of perception this kind of perception called mind [reacting to opposites and so on] is very direct, simple and subtle at the same time conciosness on the other hand, is articulated and intelligent, it contains 'mind' feelings and thought patterns] [IW]
rnam shes - [primary] conciousness [principle], discriminative cognition [a point which needs to be made clear is the distinction between 'mind' and 'conciousness' In the buddhist tradition mind is purely that which perceives it doesn't require brainwork, it is simple perception, just on the level of the nervous system this instinctive function is called 'mind' in sanskrit 'citta' means 'heart,' 'essence' that basic essence of mind which contains the faculty of perception this kind of perception called mind [reacting to opposites and so on] is very direct, simple and subtle at the same time conciosness on the other hand, is articulated and intelligent, it contains 'mind' feelings and thought patterns] [IW]
rnam shes - consciousness, [vijnana]; {rten 'brel yan lag gsum pa ni/ kun gzhi'i rnam shes kyi steng du las kyi bag chags yongs su bzhag pas rnam shes de nyid yongs su 'gyur ba'i cha yin la/ de la'ang rgyu dus kyi rnam shes dang/ 'bras bu'i dus kyi rnam shes gnyis su yod do} the cognitions; consciousness, consciousness principle, primary consciousness, discriminative cognition, [a point which needs to be made clear is the distinction between 'mind' and 'consciousness.' In the Buddhist tradition mind is purely that which perceives. It doesn't require brainwork, it is simple perception, just on the level of the nervous system. This instinctive function is called 'mind.' In Sanskrit 'chitta' means 'heart,' 'essence' that basic essence of mind which contains the faculty of perception. This kind of perception called mind [reacting to opposites and so on] is very direct, simple and subtle at the same time. Consciousness on the other hand, is articulated and intelligent, it contains 'mind' feelings and thought patterns.]; mode of awareness perception; skye gnas su 'khrid par byed pa'i rgyu [RY]
rnam shes - vijnana, consciousness, perceptive function, distinct judgments of perception, perceiver, cognitive event, noetic capacity, modes of awareness, sensory perception, conscious activity, to perceive by observable qualities, consciousness principle, knowledge of emergent character of mentality, SA thams cad mkhyen, 1 of 5 phung po, soul of departed, consciousness, 9 kinds (kun gzhi, len pa'i rnam shes, nyon yid, mig, rna, sna, lce, lus, yid), mental consciousness [JV]
rnam shes kyi gnas pa bzhi - the four objects of consciousness [experiencing [nye bar spyod pa] defiled form/ feeling/ perception and formations] [IW]
rnam shes mtha' yas kyi skye mched - perception-sphere of Infinite Consciousness; realm of infinite consciousness [RY]
rnam shes tshogs drug - Six sense cognitions. A synonym for 'six sense perceptions.' [RY]
rnam shes yul brgyad - the eight consciousness objects [fields of perception] [RY]
rnam shes yul brgyad - the 8 consciousness objects [fields of perception] [IW]
rnal 'byor mngon sum - yogic perception, yogic direct perceiver, direct perception in yoga [RY]
rnal 'byor mngon sum - yogic perception, yogic direct perceiver, direct perception of yoga [IW]
rnal 'byor mngon sum - yogic direct perception [mngon sum bzhi'i nang gses, rang gi thun mong ma yin pa'i bdag rkyen zhi lhag zung 'brel gyi ting nge 'dzin la brten nas byung ba'i rang yul yang dag pa'i don la rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i mkhyen pa, dper na, bum pa mi rtag pa mngon sum du rtogs pa'i blo dang, mthong sgom mnyam bzhag dang, mi slob pa'i mkhyen pa lta bu'o] [IW]
rnal 'byor mngon sum - yogic direct perception [IW]
rnal 'byor mngon sum tshad ma - yogic direct perception [mngon sum@tshad ma'i nang gses, rang gi thun mong ma yin pa'i bdag rkyen zhi lhag zung 'brel gyi ting nge 'dzin las byung zhing rang yul yang dag pa'i don la rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i gsar du mi bslu ba'i shes pa, dper na, rnam mkhyen dang, mthong sgom mnyam bzhag skad cig dang po lta bu'o] [IW]
rnal 'byor mngon sum tshad ma - yogic direct perception [IW]
rnal 'byor mngon sum tshad ma - the validity of direct yogic perception [RY]
snang - abbr. of {snang ba} appearance, phenomena, presence, to appear, show, be seen, be visible, to manifest, seem, day light, app. to {mun pa} illumination, thought, heart, mind, ex. {chos gnang} to be on one's mind, to see {mthong ba} perception. Syn {myong ba} to illuminate, make visible {snang mdzad} to lighten, a vision, one's outlook, occur, manifestations, projections, manifest oneself, feeling for, inclination to, to experience, perceive, feel, think, appear, manifest, be present, illuminate; thoughts, mind/ experience; seems; outlook; phenomena [RY]
snang - appear[ance], phenomena, presence, show, be seen, be visible, manifest[ations], seem, day light, illumination, thought, heart, [be on 1's] mind, see, perception, experience, illuminate, make visible, 1's outlook, lighten, occur, projections, feeling for, inclination to, snang rdzong [IW]
snang ngo - (-gi) snang ngo(r) - in the perception(s) of . . . ;on the level of manifest appearance/ apparent reality [RB]
snang ngo ra - is seen, in [my] seeing/ perception/ "eyes" [IW]
snang ngor - as perceived by, in the perception [RY]
snang ngor - in the eyes of; impression, esteem, regard; in (someone's) experience, perception, is seen, in [my] seeing / perception, "eyes" [RY]
snang bcas rnal 'byor mngon sum - direct yogic perception w appearance [IW]
snang bcas rnal 'byor mngon sum - direct yogic perception with appearance [RY]
snang cha - on the side of appearance, appearance aspect, projection, vision, perceiving quality, perceptual experience, perception [JV]
snang stong - appearance and emptiness, both visible and empty, what appears is open, they appear but are empty, vision and emptiness, simultaneity of appearance and emptiness, empty appearance, perceived emptiness, perceiving emptiness, empty perception [JV]
snang stong - unity of appearance/ manifestation/ perception and emptiness; (simultaneously) apparent/ manifest/ perceptible and/ yet empty [RB]
snang dor - as perceived by, in the perception [IW]
snang ba - sensory appearance; apparent phenomenon; perceived experience; apparent manifestation; vision (as in snang ba bzhi); illumination; to appear/ become apparent/ be evident/ manifest; to appear/ seem to (be) . . . ; (to give an) impression/ appearance (of); to take form; perceptions; isc. experience; isc. presence; isc. (enlightened) perspective (as is ye shes kyi snang ba or rig pa'i snang ba or chos sku'i snang ba) [RB]
snang ba - abhasa, form, phenomenality, appearance, presentation, apparent, light, presence, impression, material vision, daylight, karmic vision, arise, make its presence felt, to appear, to manifest, what appears, experience, that which is experienced, that which is directly experienced, how things appear, to make itself felt, brightness, lustre, glare, objective appearance, thing seen, apparition, visual seeing, one's sight, faculty of vision, thought, idea, notion, conception, attainments, intellectual illumination, emit light, shine, be bright, be seen, be perceived, show oneself, apparent, conscious, regard, seem, visualization, how things appear, vision, manifestation, apparent phenomena, phenomena, perceptions, perceptual experience, displays, perceptions [JV]
snang ba - + snang yul - sensory appearances in general and your individual perception of sense objects [cf. CYDz, fol. 72.a.3] [RB]
snang ba - {snang ba, snang ba, snang ba} intr. v.; 1) 1) to appear, become apparent, be evident, visible, manifest, present itself, come to light. 2) apparent, seem to be, come to one's notice. 3) appearance, phenomena, manifestation, apparent phenomenon / manifestation. 4) vision [as in {snang ba bzhi}, sight.5) experience, perception, impression, feeling, sensation, percept, that which is experienced. 6) thought, feeling, interest, idea, outlook. 7) to illuminate, emit light, shine, be bright, fill with light, enlighten. 8) light, illumination, daylight, splendor [RY]
snang ba 'gyur - change of experience / perception / outlook [RY]
snang ba 'gyur - change of experience/ perception/ outlook [IW]
snang ba 'gyur - transform one's perception, vision changed [JV]
snang ba thams cad - everything visible, all perceptions [JV]
snang ba dag pa - pure perception [RY]
snang ba sna tshogs - various types of perceptions, manifold perceptions [JV]
snang ba spro ba - elevating the mind [Notes Extend your creativity in dream, you see 3-fold vajra perceptions in dream form as deities, sound as mantra, thought patterns as coermergent wisdom, you make mandala out of dream [IW]
snang ba phyad phyod - perception flickers [JV]
snang ba phra rags - gross and subtle perceptions [JV]
snang ba ma dag - {rang gi snang ba ma dag na} if your perceptions were impure [RY]
snang ba bzhi - four visionary appearances [The visionary appearance of the direct perception of reality {chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba} the visionary appearance of ever-increasing contemplative experience {nyams gong 'phel ba'i snang ba} the visionary appearance of reaching the limit of awareness {rig pa tshad phebs kyi snang ba} and the visionary appearance of the cessation of clinging to reality {chos nyid du 'dzin pa zad pa'i snang ba} [gd] gsang sngags rdzogs pa chen po'i lam nyams su blangs pa las thob pa'i slob lam nas mi slob lam bar gyi lam gyi snang ba ste, chos nyid mngon sum gyi snang ba, nyams snang gong 'phel gyi snang ba, rig pa tshad phebs kyi snang ba, chos zad blo 'das kyi snang ba rnams so] [IW]
snang ba bzhi - four visions; snang ba bzhi - 1) {chos nyid mngon sum}. 2) {nyams snang gong 'phel} 3) {rig pa chad phebs} 4) {chos nyid zad pa} four visionary appearances. The visionary appearance of the direct perception of reality {chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba} the visionary appearance of ever-increasing contemplative experience {nyams gong 'phel ba'i snang ba} the visionary appearance of reaching the limit of awareness {rig pa tshad phebs kyi snang ba} and the visionary appearance of the cessation of clinging to reality {chos nyid du 'dzin pa zad pa'i snang ba} [RY]
snang ba la rtsal sbyong ba - training with perceptions [RY]
snang ba shar - the occurrence of a perception [JV]
snang ba lhan skyes - innate perception [JV]
snang ba'i ngo bo - identity of perception [JV]
snang ba'i 'char sgo - perceptions [JV]
snang ba'i yul - apparent (sense) object/ environment; sense object that manifests; isc. the/ one's perception of sense objects [cf. Longchenpa's distinction between snang ba (sensory appearances in general) and snang yul (the/ one's individual perception of these as sense objects)] [RB]
snang med - {mnyam bzhag snang med} meditation is devoid of solid perceptions [RY]
snang med rnal 'byor mngon sum - direct yogic perception w/o appearance [IW]
snang med rnal 'byor mngon sum - direct yogic perception without appearance [RY]
snang tshul log pa - perception as being perverted [RY]
snang tshul log par - perception as being perverted [IW]
snang zhen - tha mal snang zhen - clinging to ordinary perceptions [RY]
snang zhen - attachment / clinging to experiences, perceptions [RY]
snang zhen - attachment/clinging to experiences, perceptions TSE [IW]
snang zhen - fixated perception; fixation on sensory appearances [RB]
snang yul - {snang ba'i yul} apparent (sense) object/ environment; sense object that manifests; isc. the/ one's perception of sense objects [cf. Longchenpa's distinction between snang ba (sensory appearances in general) and snang yul (the/ one's individual perception of these as sense objects)] [RB]
snang rig gsal - luminous perception [RY]
snang la ma nges pa'i dbang mngon - sensory perception w unascertained appearance [IW]
snang la ma nges pa'i yid mngon - mental perception in which appearance is unascertained [IW]
snang sems - phenomena and perception [IW]
snang sems - phenomena and perception; mind apparent phenomena [RY]
snang sems - appearances & experiences, appearances and mind, percept and mind, objective appearances and subjective perception, perception, perceptions and mind , vision & mind, appearance & mind [JV]
snang gsum - 3 perceptions (impure, pure, and neutral), SA las snang, nyams snang, dag snang [JV]
sna'i dbang mngon - direct sense perception of smell [RY]
sna'i dbang mngon - nose/ smell sense perception [IW]
dpe nyer 'jal gyi rjes dpag - comparative judgment of perception [JV]
dpyad pa gsum gyis dag pa'i lung - scripture that is purified by the three kinds of analysis like {sangs rgyas kyi bka' tshad ma}, gzhal bya'i gnas gsum char brjod byar ston &, mngon gyur ston pa la are not refuted by perception, and the concealed lkog gyur ston pa la: are not refuted by inference, te very concealed ston pa of scripture are not internally contradictory [IW]
spyan lnga - the five eyes [possesed only by the buddhas; 1) the eye of flesh sha'i spyan; 2) the divine eye lha'i spyan, higher perceptions etc 3) the prajna eye shes rab kyi spyan, sees emptiness 4) dharma eye chos kyi spyan, wisdom eye ye shes kyi spyan] [IW]
spyan dmigs - apprehension, perception, conception, imagination [IW]
spyod yul - domain, operational (range, field), (mode, sphere) of life, for, action, sphere of (activity of object, activity), objectifying process of the mind, range, experience, benefit, objective realm, objects of experience, objects of perception, sphere of action, range of the activities of the senses, objects of experience, sphere of experience, sphere, range of finite experience [JV]
spyod yul yongs su dag pa - purification of one's entire range/ sphere of perception/ activity [RB]
spyod rig mnyam pa'i brtul zhugs - yogic discipline of having equalized conduct and insight. The yogic discipline of having equalized conduct and insight means, according to Khenpo Könchok Mönlam, to be able to act with pure perception as the outcome of having perfected the practices connected with the first empowerment. [EPK] [RY]
phung po lnga - five components/ aggregates/ compositional factors, consciousness, discrimination, feeling, form, 1 the component of moral discipline {tshul khrims kyi phung po} or s'i^laskandha, two the component of contemplation {ting 'dzin gyi phung po} or sam dhiskandha, three the component of discriminative awareness {shes rab kyi phung po} or prajn~ skandha, four the component of liberation {rnam par grol ba'i phung po} or vimuktiskandha, five and the component which perceives the liberated pristine cognition {rnam par grol ba'i ye shes mthong ba'i phung po} or vimuktijn~ nadars'anaskandha, mvt 104-108 - the five skandhas: form, 2) feeling, 3) idea, perception 4) formation 5) consciousness 1 {gzugs} 2) {tshor ba} 3) {'du shes} 4) {'du byed} 5) {rnam shes}. zag bcas kyi phung po lnga dang zag med kyi phung po lnga'o [IW]
phung po lnga - Five Components. Five Aggregates. compositional factor, consciousness, discrimination, feeling, form. the 5 skandhas 1) form. 2) feeling, 3)idea, perception 4) formation 5) consciousness. the 5 psychosomatic constituents, 1) {gzugs}. 2) {tshor ba} 3) {'du shes} 4) {'du byed} 5) {rnam shes} [RY]
phyad phyod - fluctuating, flickering, going here and there, to and fro. {yid kyang phyad phyod} my perception becomes uncertain, - {yad yud}, {za zi} [RY]
phyad phyod kyi yid - my perception becomes uncertain/ fluctuating/ wandering [IW]
phyad phyod yin kyang - my perception becomes uncertain [RY]
phyad phyod yin kyang - [though] my perception becomes uncertain [IW]
phyi yum lnga'i snang ba - the perceptions of the outer five objects [RY]
phyi yul lnga'i snang ba - the perception of the five outer objects [RY]
phyogs chos 'jal ba'i rtags 'dzin sems - thought grasping the reason evaluating the subject of the thesis [the cause of inference, knowledge of perception, inference and opinion, whichever it is grasping the manner of the subject of the thesis phyogs chos kyi tshul, EG by the reason "because it is produced" establishing sound as impermanent first there arises the thought evaluating or ascertaining sound as prduced; 1 of the rtags 'dzin sems gnyis] [IW]
phyogs med - impartial(ly)/ unbiased/ unprejudiced; without/ beyond extremes/ position; not subject to extremes [where reference is to how perception occurs]; isc. with no specific nature; isc. without one feeling partiality/ bias (toward . . . )/ without reacting (to . . . ); without division; isc. boundless/ unlimited [RB]
'phrul 'khor - 1) machine[RY]; 2) magic wheel (/ [for different purposes and symbol of higher perceptions] [IW]
bya rgyud kyi dngos grub gsum - the three accomplishments of kriya [supreme: becoming a rig 'dzin and higher perceptions and knowing all the shastras etc and, the middle: invisibility rasayana, swift walking etc, [8 ordinary siddhis], the lower gzhan dbang du 'du ba dang bsad bskrad etc. or, rdzas, lus, longs spyod etc.] [IW]
byung tshor - whose presence you notice, perceptions [JV]
byung tshor - perceptions; Thrangu Rinpoche: = snang ba; occurrence and feelings [RY]
byung tshor skye med du thag bcad pa - resolve that perceptions are nonarising [RY]
byung tshor thams cad skye med rang grol du thag bcad - resolving that all perceptions are nonarising and naturally freed [RY]
bles la bor - 1) [arch] discard w/o mastering; 2) mind, knowledge [1 {rang yul snang ba'i rig pa} the mind apprehending its objects: [ordinary level] awareness seeing a pillar, vase and so forth object-dharmas mthong. eg, like perception and inference. the mind remaining stably, an assembly of meany things the mind completely apprehending lings kyis bkal ba, evaluate in mind the real way things are, when in the common people's las don pham nyes occur be able to tshugs a stable mind two upaya and prajna or las jus, for a new project la completely relying on the mind, a person w experience inquiring in mind = go ba, nye bar dmigs, spobs byed, blo gros, rmongs 'joms, yid, rab mthong, rig pa, legs rtogs, shes pa, shes rab, sems pa, sems byed.] [IW]
blo mngo sum pa'i mtsha nyid bzhi - the four characteristics of mental? perception [IW]
blo gnyis snang - 1) dualistic perception of mind; 2) appearance of doubt [IW]
blo rtsal - power/ skill/ sharpness of mind/ mental perception/ wits [prajna] [IW]
blo tshad ma - knowledge w valid cognition/ pramana [like the Buddha's omniscient wisdom and the true perception of the minds of the noble 1s] [IW]
blo rig bdun - the 7 kinds of knowledge [1) mngon sum perception, 2) rjes dpag inference 3) bcad shes subsequent cognition, 4) yid dpyod assumption, 5) snang la ma nges pa uncertan appearance, 6) the tshom doubt, 7) log shes wrong knowledge] [IW]
blo'i dmigs bsam - the perceptions/ conceptions and thoughts of mind [IW]
dbang mngon - Syn {dbang po'i mngon sum}, direct sense perception [RY]
dbang mngon - direct sense perception [IW]
dbang mngon lnga - the five sense-perceptions [IW]
dbang mngon lnga - the five sense-perceptions [by means of the predominant condition of sense perceptions, having five divisions, eye gi dbang mngon dang, ear.., nose, tongue.., body] [IW]
dbang mngon tshad ma - the pramana of sense perception [among perceptual pramana {mngon sum tshad ma}, rang gi extraordinary predominant condition from the material sense organs las arising free from conception, non-confused, and new knowledge, eg gzugs sgra dri ro reg bya grasping sense perception being viewed in the 1st instant] [IW]
dbang mngon tshad ma - the pramana of sense perception [IW]
dbang mdon lnga - the five sense perceptions CHN [IW]
dbang po mngon sum - direct sense perception [RY]
dbang po mngon sum - sense perception [IW]
dbang po'i mngon sum - direct sense perception [IW]
dbang po'i mngon sum - direct perception by the sense-organs, sense direct perceiver, sense direct perception [among the {mngon sum bzhi}, arising from rang gi dominant condition the sense organs with form, free from conception, non- confused gzhan rig eg the ear organ grasping sound] [IW]
dbang po'i mngon sum - direct perception of the senses, sensory direct perception [thd]
dbang po'i mngon sum - sense perception [ggd] [RY]
dbang po'i mngon sum - sense direct perceiver, sense direct perception; Direct perception of the sense-organs [RY]
dbang po'i mngon sum - sensory direct perception [RY]
dbang po'i mngon sum - direct perception by the sense- organs, sense direct perceiver, sense direct perception [IW]
dbang po'i mngon sum tshad ma - the validity of direct sense perception [RY]
dbang po'i mngon sum tshad ma - the validity of direct sense perception, sensory pramana [IW]
dbang po'i rnam par shes pa - sense consciousness/ perception [IW]
dbang po'i rnam shes - sense perception, sense consciousnesses [RY]
dbang po'i rnam shes - sense perceiver/ perception/ consciousnesses [IW]
dbang por mdon sum - sense perception [IW]
dbang shes - sense consciousness/ cognition/ perception [IW]
dbang shes - sensory (perception, awareness, consciousness), motor act, perceptual situation, sense cognition, sense consciousnesses, senses & consciousness [JV]
dbang shes - sense consciousness/ cognition/ perception [depending on the five material sense organs, the five gates] [IW]
dbang shes - sense consciousness, sensory cognition, sense perception, {dbang po'i shes pa} [RY]
dbang shes kyi bdag rkyen - the dominant condition of sense-awareness [sense awareness in grasping its object chiefly producing seed, eg., appearance of blue, because of previous sense- perception sngor snang dbang shes sngon po 'dzin nus su chiefly producing kun gzhi'i steng gi nus pa] [IW]
'brel zla ma dmigs pa bzhi - the four kinds of reason of non- perception of a related fact/ sign which is an non-observation of a related object [IW]
'brel zla ma dmigs pa'i rtags - reason of non-perception of a related fact, sign which is an non-observation of a related object [a kind of possibly apparent but unperceived true reason, above the basis of dispute, for dharmas to be refuted, the non- affirming negation that certainly establishes that they do not exist is joined to the sign. eg, "On the dharmin a treeless rock fortress, there are no shapa trees, since it is treeless."] [IW]
'brel zla ma dmigs pa'i rtags - reason of non-perception of a related fact, sign which is an non-observation of a related object [IW]
'brel zla ma dmigs ma'i rtags - non-perception of related fact reason, sign which is an non-observation of a related object [RY]
ma nges pa'i yid dpyod - uncertain engagement/ perception TSE [IW]
ma rtogs pa log pa'i snang ba - mistaken perceptions of the unrealized [RY]
ma dag snang ba - impure perception [RY]
ma dag pa'i snang ba - impure experience / perception / outlook [RY]
ma dag pa'i snang ba - impure experience/ perception/ outlook [IW]
ma dag tshur mthong tshad ma - the impure pramana/ perception of this side [IW]
ma dag tshur mthong tshad ma - the impure pramana/perception of this side [sees what is present as impure as opposed to {dag pa gzigs pa'i tshad ma}, impure perception of ordinary people [IW]
ma dag tshur mthong tshad ma - the pramana that sees what is present as impure as opposed to {dag pa gzigs pa'i tshad ma} Also the impure perception of ordinary people [RY]
ma dmigs pa'i rtags - non perception fact [RY]
ma dmigs pa'i rtags - non perception fact, non-observation sign [RY]
ma dmigs pa'i rtags - non perception fact/sign/reason [rtags yang dag gi nang gses, dgag bya 'gog pa la tsul gsum tsang ba ste, dper na, mdun gyi gzhi 'dir chos can, sha za bskal don du song ba'i gang zag gi rgyud la sha za nges pa'i dpyad shes don mthun med de, gang zag de'i rgyud la sha za dmigs byed kyi tsad ma med pa'i phyir, zhes pa lta bu 'gog byed mi snang ma dmigs pa'i rtags kyis dgag bya sha za yod med kyi nges shes don mthun 'jug pa bkag pa'o [IW]
ma dmigs pa'i rtags - non perception fact/ sign/ reason [IW]
ma rig pa - avidya, unknowing, ignorance, lack of rigpa, mibp 72, unawareness, imperceptive, extrinsic perception, dimmed intrinsic awareness, unenlightenment, deluded mind, nonrecognition of awareness, unawareness, not notice, to not recognize [JV]
ma log shes -, the perception of one w/o jaundice [IW]
ma shar bar - until they arise; x {dran snang thams cad chos skur ma shar bar} until all thoughts and perceptions arise as the Dharmakaya [RY]
mi rtog pa - non-conceptual, conceptless non-thought non-thinking [doesn't necessarily mean 'completely without thoughts', but that one is still and does not want to move. With bliss and clarity one of three types of experience marking progress) dividing concepts, syn {yul snang la mi 'dzin pa} not grasping/fixating apparent objects. includes intrinsic conceptionlessness of perception, artificial non- thought of concentration etc. [IW]
mi dag pa'i snang ba - impure experience/ perception/ outlook [IW]
mi ldan pa'i 'du - interpretative schemata to represent relations between perceptions [JV]
mi sdug pa'i 'du shes - the perception of the repulsive [IW]
mi sdug pa'i 'du shes dgu - the 'nine perceptions of repulsiveness': The perception of the bloated, the worm-infested, the bleeding, the livid, the festering, the gnawed, the scattered, the burning, and the rotting [corpse] [RY]
mi snang ba'i 'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag - true sign of non-perception of a non-appearing excluding object [IW]
mi snang ba'i 'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag - true sign of nonperception of a nonappearing excluding object [de sgrub kyi mi snang ba'i 'gal zla dmigs pa'i tshul gsum yin pa ste} de sgrub kyi mi snang ba ma dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag gang zhig ma yin dgag dang sgrub pa gang rung yin pa true sign of nonperception of a nonappearing excluding object [IW]
mi snang ba'i 'brel zla rgyu ma dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag - true sign of non-perception of a non-appearing related object [IW]
mi snang ba'i 'brel zla rgyu ma dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag - true sign of nonperception of a nonappearing related object [lha'i bar srid bskal don du song ba'i gang zag gi rgyud kyi lha'i bar srid nges byed kyi tshad mas ma dmigs pa de} mdun gyi gzhi 'dir lha'i bar srid bskal don du song ba'i gang zag gi rgyud la lha'i bar srid nges byed kyi dpyad shes don mthun med par sgrub pa'i rtags true sign of nonperception of a cause which is a nonappearing related object [IW]
mi snang ba'i 'brel zla ma dmigs pa - non-perception of a non-appearing related object [IW]
mi snang ba'i 'brel zla ma dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag - true sign of non-perception of a non-appearing related object [IW]
mi snang ba'i 'brel zla ma dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag - true sign of nonperception of a nonappearing related object [de sgrub kyi mi snang ba ma dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag gang zhig rang gi dngos ming gi mthar med pa lta bu'i dgag sgra sbyar ba'i chos} [IW]
mi ma yin pa'i mi khoms pa'i gnas bzhi - {ngan song gsum dang 'du shes med pa'i lha} To dwell within the three lower realms or among the perceptionless gods are the 'four nonhuman unfree states'. [RY]
mi dmigs pa'i ngang - the state of non-conception/ non-perception/ non-focus [IW]
mi gtsang ba'i 'du shes dgu - nine perceptions of uncleanness [RY]
mig gi dbang mngon - eye perception, sight [rang gi bdag rkyen mig dbang la brten nas byung zhing rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i gzhan rig dper na, dung dkar por snang ba'i mig shes lta bu'o dbang mngon lnga'i nang gses [IW]
mig gi dbang mngon - eye perception, sight [IW]
mig shugs - vision, sight, perception, shrewdness [IW]
mig shed - vision, sight, perception, shrewdness [IW]
ming bzhi la ldan pa'i ting nge 'dzin - Four Names, the Contemplation endowed with. These are the four mental components of feeling, perception, habitual tendencies and consciousness which are separated from the fifth component, form, during the four formless absorptions at the summit of existence in samsara [RY]
ming bzhi la ldan pa'i ting nge 'dzin - the Contemplation endowed with four names, the four skandhas of name [the four skandhas of feeling, perception, habitual tendencies and consciousness separated from the fifth, form, during the four formless absorptions at the summit of existence in sams ra) (gd-mk) [IW]
med bzhin 'khrul ngo la snang ba - appearing in a confused perception, experience yet without / while not existing [RY]
med bzhin 'khrul ngo la snang ba - appearing in/ from the viewpoint of confused perception/ experience/ appearance while not existing [IW]
mo thig po - sharp higher perception in mo divination [IW]
dmigs - 1) object, support, focus, aim, purpose, objective, mental support, the thing observed, mental object, object of perception, conception, meditation, visualization, [imagination], attention, [thought, idea, notion], concept, conception, contemplation. 2) to focus [on], aim [at, for], imagine, visualize, hold, grasp mentally, conceive, direct one's attention towards, hold, have a thought of, notion about, see, observe, project, contemplate, fixate on, directed for, meant for, belonging to; imagine [RY]
dmigs - intention of the mind, see, visible, visualization, imagination, frame of mind, mind on one point, consciousness, idea, attainment, perception, acceptance, concentrating steadfastly, concepts, fixation, visualize [JV]
dmigs - object[ive], support, aim, purpose, project, [object/ support of] perception/ conception/ meditation/ imagination/ mind/ observation/ attention, visualize [- ation], attention, thought, idea, notion, concept[ion][of/ as], contemplate [-ation], focus [on/ of], [be] aim[ed] at/ meant for/ fixated on/ directed to, imagine [-ation], hold[ing] in mind, grasp mentally, conceive of/ as, direct attention to[wards], have a thought of/ notion about, observe, belonging to, consider to be [IW]
dmigs rkyen - objective (cause, condition), observed object, condition, referential cause-factor (color, sound), SA skyed byed rkyen bzhi, cooperating cause of perception, object-factor, conditional intentional object, objective condition [JV]
dmigs pa - 1) (Tha dad pa,, focus on, take as reference point, think about, meditate on; 2) (Tha mi dad pa,, see, apprehend, perceive (3; 1) Bsam yul, gnad, object of experience/ focus/ reference; 2) logs dang zur,//don gnad 'di'i skor gros bsdur byed rgyur dmigs su bsal ba,//ngal bso'i gung seng dmigs kyis bkar ba,//nang logs kyi gnas tshul sba gsang med par dmigs kyis bstan pa apprehension, conception, imagination, contemplate, insight, awareness, projecting, visualization, visualize, conceiving, conceptual, thought, existent, experience, focussed, mental image, vikalpa (Ll object of observation/ observed object, support, object of perception think, meditate, aim at, fancy, imagine, think, construe in one's mind, visualized image [IW]
dmigs pa - think, {bsam blo btang ba}, meditate; apprehension, conception, imagination, contemplate, insight, awareness, projecting, visualization, visualize, conceiving, conceptual, thought, existent, experience, focused, mental image, vikalpa. object of observation, observed object, support, object of perception. think, {bsam blo btang ba} meditate, to aim at, to fancy, to imagine, to think, to construe in one's mind, visualized image. la-dmigs-te - with. in mind/ as one's frame of reference; {dmigs pa, dmigs pa, dmigs pa, dmigs} trans. v.; (fixed) frame of reference; scope/ framework; to visualize; think, {bsam blo btang ba}; to meditate, to focus; a focal object, reference point, focus [RY]
dmigs pa dag pa - pure perception [JV]
dmigs pa bla ma la - are dedicated to the guru [belongings], mental object, object of perception, object of conception, object of meditation [RY]
dmigs pa bla ma la - dedicated to the guru (belongings mental object, object of perception/ conception/ meditation [IW]
dmigs pa mtshungs ldan - possess common/similar perceptions [of same object: if the eye consciousness apperceives form, feeling likewise apperceives it] [IW]
dmigs pa la mngon par 'du byed pa - manifest the visualization/ perception of [IW]
dmigs pa las mi 'phro bar byed pa - not emanate perceptions/ fixated objects [IW]
dmigs pa'i rtags - non perception fact [RY]
dmigs pa'i 'du shes drug - the six fixated perceptions CHN [IW]
dmigs pa'i 'phro 'du - emanate and gather perceptions [IW]
dmigs phyed pa - perceptions [IW]
dmigs med kyi blo - conceptionless/ perceptionless / unfocused mind, mind w/o reference point [IW]
dmigs mtshungs - common perception [in perceiving an object, if the eye consciousness apperceives form, feeling likewise apperceives it] [IW]
dmigs mtshungs - common perception [IW]
rmi lam gyi yul snang lta bu - like the perception of objects in dreams [RY]
gtso bo rnam rig - dominant perception [IW]
tshad ma - 1) true, non-deceptive [smras pa tshar mar bzungs ba]; 2) pramana [rang yul la mi bslu ba'i shes pa pa ste rang yul gsar du rtogs pa'i blo mngon sum yang dag dang, rjes dpag yang dag rnams so]; 2) logic, science of validi cognition [rig gnas che ba lnga'i ya gyal, tshad ma rig pa'o authenticity, validity, proof, pramana, logic, ideal, dialectics, epistemology, valid [cognition/ understanding], proof [of knowledge]. three kinds. direct perception {mngon sum}. inference, indirect {rjes su dpag pa}. trustworthy scripture or testimony {yid ches pa'i lung}. the study of pramana [in a monastic college]. authentic, genuine, convincing. right cognition/ understanding [free from illusion]. valid source of knowledge, true knowledge, reasoning, {'thad pa}, {rigs pa}. there are three pramanas, direct perception, inference and scripture. Someimtes the following three pramanas are discussed, direct {mngon gyur}, hidden {lkog gyur}. and very hidden {shin tu lkog gyur}. the {shin tu lkog gyur}. pramana in the buddhist sense has to be known through the Buddha's teaching., since ulktinmately valid cognition comes down to the buddhas' perception of things as they are [tse] [IW]
tshad ma - logic, (valid means of, genuine, correct) cognition, valid, epistemology, dialectics, logical basis, valid means of knowing, (prime, valid) cognizer, normal perception that is either direct or indirect, measure, rule, model, argument, proof, logical work, authority [JV]
tshad ma - true, proven, genuine; ideal, validity, valid cognition; authentic (standard)/ standard of authenticity; valid cognizer [when related to cognition]; validating; authenticity, validity, proof, pramana, logic, ideal, dialectics, epistemology, valid [cognition / understanding], proof [of knowledge]. three kinds. direct perception {mngon sum} inference, indirect {rjes su dpag pa} trustworthy scripture or testimony {yid ches pa'i lung} the study of pramana [in a monastic college]. authentic, genuine, convincing. right cognition / understanding [free from illusion]. valid source of knowledge, true knowledge, reasoning, {'thad pa}, {rigs pa} There are three pramanas, direct perception, inference and scripture. Sometimes the following three pramanas are discussed, direct {mngon gyur}, hidden {lkog gyur} and very hidden {shin tu lkog gyur} The {shin tu lkog gyur} pramana has to be known through the Buddha's teaching. reasoning, {'thad pa, rigs pa} [RY]
tshad ma kun btus - tshad ma kun las btus pa zhes bya ba [rgya gar gyi slob dpon phyogs kyi glang pos brtsams pa'i rtog ge'i tshig don brgyad dang khyad par du yang dag pa'i shes pa don tshan drug tu bsdus nas gtan la 'bebs par byed pa ste, mngon sum gyi le'u dang, rang don gyi le'u dang, sel ba brtag pa dang, gzhan don le'u dnag, dpe brtag pa dang, sun 'byin brtag pa bcas le'u drug gi bdag nyid can gyi tshad ma'i gzhung zhig go], pramanasamuccaya [by dignaga/ {phyogs glang}. his principal wo{tshad ma gsum - three Kinds of valid cognition [Direct perception {mngon sum tshad ma}, implicit inference {dngos stobs rjes dpag gi tshad ma}. and scriptural authority {lung}. or {shin tu lkog gyur gyi tshad ma}. [Gdmk] mngon sum tshad ma dang rjes dpag tshad ma, lung gi tshad ma bcas so] [IW]
tshad ma kun btus - compendium on right, perception; by Dignaga. The Compendium of Valid / Right Cognition, Pramana-Samucchaya [by Dignaga / {phyogs glang} his principal work, the foundation of Buddhist logic] [RY]
tshad ma gsum - 3 valid cognitive means (direct perception, inference, scriptural authority), 3 valid cognitions (direct perception, inference, scriptural quotations), mngon sum tshad ma, rjes dpag gi tshad ma, lung gi tshad ma, three unmistaken qualities (buddha's words, masters statements, root guru's instructions) [JV]
tshad ma gsum - Three Kinds of Valid Cognition. Direct perception {mngon sum tshad ma}, implicit inference {dngos stobs rjes dpag gi tshad ma} and scriptural authority {lung} or {shin tu lkog gyur gyi tshad ma}; the three kinds of perfect measure: rgyal ba'i bka' tshad ma - the perfect measure of the words of the victorious ones bla ma'i lung tshad ma - the perfect measure of the statements of masters rang gi rigs pa tshad ma - the perfect measure of personal reasoning [RY]
tshad ma gsum - three Kinds of valid cognition. Direct perception {mngon sum tshad ma}, implicit inference {dngos stobs rjes dpag gi tshad ma}. and scriptural authority {lung}. or {shin tu lkog gyur gyi tshad ma}. GD [IW]
tshad ma'i rigs pa - reasoning that correctly establishes [a proposition] ['thad pa sgrub pa : don la mi bslu bar sgrub pa'i rigs pa], including reasoning on the basis of mngon sum gyi tshad ma perception, rjes dpag gi tshad ma dang, lung gi tshad ma perceptual, inference, and scripture] [IW]
tshad med pa'i 'du shes - [ayatanna/ formless reralm of] limitless perception [nam mkha' mtha' yas + rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched gnyis bsdus pa'i 'du shes] [IW]
tshad med pa'i 'du shes - [ayatana/ formless realm of] limitless perception [IW]
tshig zin - rang dngos su brjod pa'i sgra tshig gis zin pa'am dmigs kyis bzung nas bstan te don gzhan rnam par gcod pa'i tshig EG, perception is unconfused apprehension free from conception, zhes pa'i tshig zin gyis w conception and confused awareness bcad pa [IW]
tshig zin - CM: rang dngos su brjod pa'i sgra tshig gis zin pa 'am dmigs kyis bzung nas bstan te don gzhan rnam par gcod pa'i tshig dper na/ mngon sum ni rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i shes pa yin/ zhes pa'i tshig zin gyis rtog bcas dang 'khrul shes rnams bcad pa lta bu'o. "A word that is taught through getting at, by the word, itself, explicitly expressed, or through apprehending it by the intention (dmigs) and that eliminates another meaning/object. For example, by the tshig zin of the phrase 'perception is a non-conceptual, non-mistaken consciousness' conceptual consciousnesses and mistaken consciousnesses are eliminated." [mss] [RY]
tshur mthong - confined perception [thd]
tshur mthong gi yul - objects of confined perception [RY]
tshogs drug gi snang - perceptions of the six senses [JV]
tshogs drug gi snang ba - the perceptions of the six collections [of consciousness] [IW]
tshogs drug gi snang ba - the perceptions of the six collections [of consciousness]; the appearances of the six-fold group [RY]
tshogs drug gi snang ba - Six sense perceptions. The experiences of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures and mental objects [RY]
tshogs drug yul gyi 'khrul snang - the deluded perceptions of the six types of objects [RY]
tshor nyams - feeling, sensation, perception [IW]
tshor 'du - {tshor ba} and {'du shes}, feeling and perception [IW]
tshor 'du gnyis - {tshor ba dang 'du shes gnyis} both sensations and perceptions [RY]
tshor 'du byed gsum - {tshor ba dang 'du shes dang 'du byed gsum} sensations, perceptions and formations [RY]
tshor rnon po - sensitive, keen in perception [IW]
tshor ba - 1) (tha mi dad pa) perceive, apprehend, touch, be aware of, know, feel [lus kyi sdug bsngal lus kyis tshor ba,//kho'i skad cha ngas tshor byung]; 2) Reg pas yul yongs su spyad pa'i rnam par smin pa sim gdung bar ma gang rung nyams su myong ba'i bdag nyid can gyi shes pa'o [bde sdug gi tshor ba,//tshor ba btang snyoms,//nyi ma tsha dus grib nag gi sar bsdad na tshor ba bsil po yong; kun 'gro lnga'i ya gyal; 3) hear; 4) mental/ physical feeling, sensation, perceptions, pleasure pain, [one of the {phung po lnga}, five aggregates/ skandhas. {rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis. = 12 links of dependent origination TSE] [IW]
tshor ba - 1) (tha mi dad pa perceive, apprehend, touch, be aware of, know, feel; 2) Reg pas yul yongs su spyad pa'i rnam par smin pa sim gdung bar ma gang rung nyams su myong ba'i bdag nyid can gyi shes pa'o; 3) hear; 4) mental/ physical feeling, sensation, perceptions, pleasure pain [one of the {phung po lnga}, five aggregates/ skandhas. {rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis. = 12 links of dependent origination TSE] [IW]
tshor ba - 1) (tha mi dad pa perceive, apprehend, touch, be aware of, know, feel, sense; 2) knowledge having the nature of touch yul yongs su spyad pa'i rnam par smin pa sim gdung bar ma gang rung; 3) hear; 4) mental/ physical feeling, sensation, perceptions, pleasure pain [IW]
tshor ba - vedana, feeling tones, mibp 19, feeling, feel, realize, physiological tone, judgment of feeling, perceive, sensation, hear, basic sentience (as far as kun gzhi is concerned), 1 of 5 phung po, sensibility, sensory perception, to notice, to physically feel [JV]
tshor ba - {tshor ba, tshor ba, tshor ba} intr. v.; 1) to hear. 2) mental or physical feeling, sensation, perceptions, pleasure pain, [seventh of the one of the {phung po lnga} the five aggregates / skandhas. {rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis} 12 links of dependent origination.]. feeling; sensation (i.e. as aggregate or one of twelve links); Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {yan lag bdun pa ni/ reg pa de la brten ns tshor ba bde sdug bar ma gsum myong ba yin te/ mig dbang dang/ yul gzugs yid 'ong/ mig shes gsum 'dus pa las thog mar mig shes kyis yul yongs su gcod pa'i reg pa 'byung/ de'i rjes su reg pas yongs su myong ba'i tshor ba bde bar 'byung bas mtshon no/ / dbang shes drug la tshor ba gsum gyi dbye bas yid nye bar rgyu ba bco brgyad ces bya} [RY]
tshor ba lnga - the five feelings [lus kyi tshor ba bde sdug gnyis, yid kyi tshor ba yid bde dang yid mi bde gnyis, tshor ba btang snyoms dang lnga'o, might also mean the five sense perceptions] [IW]
tshor ba'i dbang po lnga - the five sense perceptions [IW]
mtshan nyid sum bcu so drug - The Thirty-six Characteristics of Drama. According to Bharata, Natyashastra, Ch. 17, these are embellishment, bhushana. abbreviation, aksharasamghata. fortune / prosperity, s'obha. declaration, udaharana. cause, hetu. doubt [samshaya], illustration [d.rshtanta], attainment [prapti], intention [abhipraya], evidence [nidarshana], explanation [nirukta], accomplishment [siddhi], distinguishing [vis'eshana], lack of qualities [gunatipata], hyperbole [atishaya], equal scrutiny [tulyatarka], versification [padoccaya], perception [d.rshta], indication [upadshta], ideas [vicara], opposition [tadviparyaya], deviation [bhramsha], conciliation [anunaya], garlands [mala], skill [dakshinya], reproach [garhana], self-evidence [arthapatti], proof [prasiddhi], question [p.rccha], beauty [sarupya], imagination [manoratha], slight trace [lesha], agitation [kshobha], enumeration of qualities [gunakirtana], unmentioned accomplishment [anuktasiddhi], and words of affection [priyavacana]. [GM] [RY]
mtshan nyid sum bcu so drug - The 36 characteristics [of drama (according to bharata, natyash stra, ch 17, these are embellishment bh sana, abbreviation aksarasamgh ta, fortune/prosperity shobh, declaration ud harana, cause hetu, doubt (samshaya), illustration (drst nta), attainment (pr pti), intention (abhipr ya), evidence (nidarshana), explanation (nir kta), accomplishment (siddhi), distinguishing (vishesana), lack of qualities (gunatip ta), hyperbole (atishaya), equal scrutiny (tulyatarka), versification (padoccaya), perception (a), indication (upadsta), ideas (vic ra), opposition (tadvipary ya), deviation (bhramsha), conciliation (anunaya), garlands (m l), skill (daksinya), reproach (garhana), self-evidence (arth patti), proof (prasiddhi), question (prcch), beauty (s r pya), imagination (manoratha), slight trace (lesha), agitation (ksobha), enumeration of qualities (gunak rtana), unmentioned accomplishment (anuktasiddhi), and words of affection (priyavacana) (gd-mk) [IW]
mtshan nyid gsum - three natures [1 {kun brtags pa'i mtshan nyid - imaginary, parikalpita two {gzhan gyi bang gi mtshan nyid - relational, paratantra three {yongs su grub pa'i mtshan nyid - absolute, perfection, parinispanna), three characteristics of the continuum of the path (the awareness as the four kinds of realisation is the characteristic of perception {rtogs pa rnam pa bzhi'i tshul rig pa ni shes pa'i mtshan nyid} the repeated experience of it is the characteristic of the entrance {yang nas yang du goms par byed pa ni 'jug pa'i mtshan nyid} and the actualisation of it by the power of experience is the characteristic of the result {goms pa'i mthus mngon du gyur ba ni 'bras bu'i mtshan nyid}-gd-mk), three essential categories (gd-mk)(tserig) shes bya sems tzam pa'i lugs la thams cad mtshan nyid gsum du bsdus pa ste, kun tu brtags pa'i mtshan nyid dang, gzhan gyi dbang gi mtshan nyid, yongs su grub pa'i mtshan nyid bcas so,... [IW]
mtshan nyid gsum - three natures. 1) {kun brtags pa'i mtshan nyid} imaginary. 2) {gzhan gyi bang gi mtshan nyid} relational. 3) {yongs su grub pa'i mtshan nyid} absolute. Three Characteristics of the Continuum of the Path. The awareness as the four kinds of realization is the characteristic of perception {rtogs pa rnam pa bzhi'i tshul rig pa ni shes pa'i mtshan nyid} the repeated experience of it is the characteristic of the entrance {yang nas yang du goms par byed pa ni 'jug pa'i mtshan nyid} and the actualization of it by the power of experience is the characteristic of the result {goms pa'i mthus mngon du gyur ba ni 'bras bu'i mtshan nyid}. Three Essential Categories. nature [RY]
mtshan ma dang bcas pa'i 'du shes - conceptions w marks, perception w conceptions [IW]
mtshan ma dang bcas pa'i 'du shes - conceptions with marks; perception with conceptions / conception with marks [RY]
mtshan ma sna tshogs 'dzin pa'i 'du shes - conception/ perception grasping various attributes [IW]
mtshan ma med pa yid la byed pa - unconcretized/ markless perception [IW]
mtshan ma med pa la rtsol ba'i 'du shes - perception of conceptionless effort, conceptual concretization of conceptionless/ markless effort [IW]
mtshan ma med pa'i 'du shes - conceptionless perception/ markless conception [IW]
mtshan ma med pa'i 'du shes - markless conception; conceptionless perception [RY]
mtshan ma med pa'i yid la byed pa - unconcretized/ markless perception [IW]
mtshan ma 'dzin - aesthetic perception [JV]
mtshan ma'i dngos po - conceptual things, perception [RY]
mtshan ma'i 'du shes - attribute-perception / perceiving taking attributes as real [RY]
mtshan ma'i 'du shes - attribute-perception, taking attributes as real [IW]
mtshan med kyi dbyings kyi 'du shes - [conception/ perception of] markless space [IW]
mtshan mos mthong ba - perception by inference [JV]
'dzin - to hold on to. uphold, upholding [the heart of realization], regarded, to catch, capture, seize, to control, manipulate, to grasp, master Syn {khong du chud pa/ shes pa} grasp, fix, fixate on, take hold of. the act of seizing, seizure, grasp, gripe. habit, [notion], perceptual habit, the 'holder', perceiver, apprehender; Dhara; {zin pa} subjective perception/ grasping; to perceive/ apprehend/ grasp/ invest with [RY]
'dzin pa - {zin pa} (process of) (subjectively oriented) fixation/ perception/ conceptualization; reification/ reifying concepts; to reify/ conceive (of)/ apprehend/ conceptualize (as a subject); to invest with; to perceive; isc. to perceive/ think in terms of . . .; isc. to misconstrue/ misperceive; isc. reifying perceptions [RB]
rdzun gyi mngon shes 'chad pa - falsely claiming higher perceptions [RY]
zhing khams sbyong ba sems stobs chen po'i spyod yul yin pa - to transform your perception of the world require a strong and open mind [RY]
zhen snang - illusions/ confused perceptions [RY]
gzhan gyi 'du shes dang bral ba - free from perception of other [IW]
gzhan gyi sems shes pa'i mngon shes - the super- knowledge/ higher perception of knowing other's minds [IW]
gzhan ngo - other's perception, as seen by others [RY]
gzhan dang mthun par snang ba - to manifest in accord with the perceptions of others [RB]
gzhan snang - external perception, as seen by others; condition under which the - emanation body is perceived. shared experience, extraneously manifest, the outlook of others, visible to others. external/ other-induced appearance/ apparent phenomenon/ manifestation; appearance as/ of something "other" [RY]
gzhan snang - external perception, shared experience, the outlook of the other, visible to the other [the condition under which the - emanational body is perceived, the perceptual status of the buddha-bodies of reality and perfect rapture, in contrast to that of the emanational body which is extraneously manifest) [IW]
gzhan snang la sprul - the ability to manifest in the perception of the other [IW]
gzhan snang la sprul - the ability to manifest in the perception of others [RY]
gzhan dbang las 'phros pa'i rnam rig bcu gcig - the 12 kinds of perception emanating from relativity [IW]
gzhan rig - /knower knowlege of [things] other than the perceiver itself [engaged w external form etc. likke sense perception] [IW]
gzhan rig - referential awareness, cognition of something else, aware of observable aspects, other-knower, dbang & yid immediate perception, SA mngon sum, awareness of the other (external objects) [JV]
gzhan la gzhan gyi 'du shes dang bral ba'i phyir - because pf being free of perception of other by other [IW]
gzhan las nges kyi tshad ma - prime cognizer/pramana when ascertainment is induced by another [one's own pramana assistend in being ascertained by another eg, in the continnuum of a person who does not recognize an utpala an utpala grasping perception &, tshad ma in the mind of a person tshad ma'i brda la ma byang ba] [IW]
gzhan las nges pa gsum - the three kinds of ascertainment of pramana by another; 1) by oneself an uptpapa from far away only color doubting eye perception etc. bden pa gzhan las nges pa dang 2) seeing a juniper from far away yal 'dab can du nges kyang gang yin doubting etc. spyi rang las nges shing khyad par gzhan las nges pa 3) from far away seeing red light tsam nges kyang doubting whether it is from lamp, jewel rang las nges shing bdag nyid kyi spyi dang khyad par gzhan las nges pa ste gsum mo] [IW]
gzhal byed tshad ma gsum - te three kinds of evaluating pramana [mngon sum dang, rjes dpag, yid ches tshad ma; perception, inference, and faith/opinion] [IW]
gzhi rtsal - basis and expression (mind & perceptions) [JV]
zag bcas kyi mngon shes - contaminated higher perceptions [RY]
zag bcas kyi mngon shes - contaminated/worldly higher perceptions [IW]
zag bcas mngon shes - defiled /wordly higher perception [IW]
zag bcas mngon shes - defiled/ worldly higher perception [IW]
zag pa med pa'i mngon par shes pa - the super-knowledge/higher perception free from defilement [IW]
zag pa zad pa'i mngon shes - higher perception of exhaustion of defilements [IW]
zag pa zad pa'i mngon shes - higher perception of exhaustion of defilements [R] [IW]
zag med kyi sdom pa - 'du shes med pa ma gtogs pa 'dod gzugs kyi lha rnams la yod - excluding the gods in the perceptionless state, the gods in the desire and form [realms] can also possess the undefiling vow [RY]
zag zad kyi mngon shes - higher perception of exhaustion of defilement [IW]
zag zad kyi mngon shes - higher perception of exhaustion of defilement [R] [IW]
zad par gyi skye mched - spheres of totality;; perception field of totality [RY]
zin pa - {'dzin pa} (process of) (subjectively oriented) fixation/ perception/ conceptualization; reification/ reifying concepts; to reify/ conceive (of)/ apprehend/ conceptualize (as a subject); to invest with; to perceive; isc. to perceive/ think in terms of . . .; isc. to misconstrue/ misperceive; isc. reifying perceptions [RB]
zil gyis gnon pa'i skye mched brgyad - eight sense fields that overwhelm/ suppress [ordinary perceptions] [RB]
gzugs kyi 'du shes - perception of form [IW]
gzugs kyi rnam par rig pa - perception of form [IW]
gzugs khams kyi sas bsdus pa'i 'du shes - perception of all the levels of the form realm [IW]
gzugs gyi snang ba - visual perception [JV]
gzugs can min rnam rig pa - perception of what is w/o form [IW]
gzugs snang - {gzugs kyi snang ba}; visual form, visual perception [RY]
gzugs snang - visual form, visual perception [JV]
gzugs snang 'dzin nus pa'i mig shes - the visual consciousness capable of apprehending perceptions of form [RY]
gzugs med pa'i khams bzhi - {nam mkha' mtha' yas, rnam shes mtha' yas, ci yang med pa, yod min med min te skye mched mu bzhi'o} The four formless realms are the four perception-spheres of Infinite Space, Infinite Consciousness, Nothing Whatsoever, and Neither Presence Nor Absence [of Perception] [RY]
gzugs med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa bzhi - four formless absorptions: 1) {nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched}. = bounless space. 2) {rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched}. = bounless conciousness. 3) {ci med pa'i skye mched}. = nothingness. 4) {'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched}. = neither perception nor non-perception] [IW]
gzugs med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa bzhi - four formless absorptions. 1) {nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched} boundless space. 2) {rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched} boundless consciousness. 3) {ci med pa'i skye mched} nothingness. 4) {'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched} neither perception nor non-perception [RY]
gzugs med par 'du shes pa - formless perception [IW]
gzugs tshor 'du shes 'du byed rnam shes lnga - the five form, feeling, perception, formation, and consciousness [IW]
gzugs 'dzin dbang mngon - form grasping sense perception [its predominant condition is the eye faculty mig gi dbang po las dngos su skyes pa'i] [IW]
gzugs 'dzin dbang mngon - form grasping sense perception [IW]
gzugs 'dzin yid mngon - form grasping mental perception [IW]
gzugs 'dzin yid mngon - fomr grasping mental perception [form grasping mental perception [rang gi bdag rkyen gzugs 'dzin from the mental sense las dngos su skyes pa'i gzhan rig gi shes pa [knowlege of an entity other than the perceiver] non-confused and free from conception, like form-grasping sense-perception becomes in the subsequent instant; rising from its mmediately preceding condition, a rang gi gzugs don grogs su yod pa'i sense perception, gzhan rig gi shes pa [knowlege of an entity other than the perceiver] non-confused and free from conception [IW]
gzung - {gzung ba} perception (of objects); to reify/ perceive/ conceive of as/ to be an object [RB]
gzung ba - held, interest, inclination, bias, object, the 'held', perceived, apprehended, grasped, to objectify, objectification; (objective) perception/ grasping; to appreciate; ft. of {'dzin pa}; object, that which is apprehended, [grahya] [RY]
gzung ba - perception (of objects); to reify/ perceive/ conceive of as/ to be an object [RB]
gzung ba'i shes pa - perceptions [JV]
gzung 'dzin - dualistic perception(s); subject-object dualism; dualistic grasping at/ perception of subject and object [RB]
gzung 'dzin - grahya grahaka, object and subject, percept and percipient, apprehendable object and apprehending subject, objective and subjective, apprehending-apprehended, structuring, subject-object dichotomy, grasping and grasper, apprehended and apprehender, perceived object and perceiver, dualistic perception [JV]
gzung 'dzin - perceiver and perceived, subject object duality; subject and object; graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, the grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, the apprehendable and the apprehender. Syn {bzung rtog dang 'dzin rtog}. Syn {bdag rnam gnyis}; dualistic perception of/ grasping at object and subject, object-subject dualism [RY]
yid - manas, mind, mental functioning, sentience, mental process, integrative mental capacity, categorical perception, ego act, conceptual and emotional elaboration, human constant, subjective frame of mind, function-event particularly concerned with conceptualization, (interprets data transmitted to its center by senses; 2 aspects (transcendent, determinate); example (gzugs mig mig-gi rnam-shes, chos yid yid-kyi rnam-shes), 1 of 28 astrological terms for harmony of influence in the destiny of a person, intellect, powers of perception and imagination, mental talents, sentiment, disposition, functional mind, bio-computer in the brain, conceptual mind, perceptual consciousness [JV]
yid kyang phyad phyod - my perception becomes uncertain [RY]
yid kyi mgon sum - mental direct perception [RY]
yid kyi mngon sum - immediate referential awareness, direct mental perception, mental direct perceiver; mental direct perceiver [RY]
yid kyi mngon sum - immediate referential awareness, direct mental perception, mental direct perceiver [1) mngon sum bzhi'i nang gses, rang 'dren byed kyi dbang mngon las byung zhing de'i gzung don skad cig gnyis pa 'dzin pa'i cha nas bzhag pa'i rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i gzhan rig dper na, bum 'dzin mig shes 'gag ma thag tu de'i rgyu las byung ba'i yid mngon dus mtha'i skad cig ma'i yun tshad skye ba lta bu, dbang mngon skad cig phyi ma'o; 2) rang gi bdag rkyen yid dbang la brten nas byung ba'i rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i gzhan rig dper na gzhan sems shes pa'i mngon shes lta bu'o,//. [IW]
yid kyi mngon sum - direct mental perception [IW]
yid kyi mngon sum tshad ma - the validity/ pramana of direct mental perception [IW]
yid kyi mngon sum tshad ma - the validity of direct mental perception [RY]
yid mngon - mental perception [IW]
yid mngon - mental perception [ggd] [RY]
yid mngon lnga - the five kinds of mental perception [IW]
yid mngon lnga - the five kinds of mental perception [yid kyi mngon sum la rten gyi sgo nas dbye na, gzugs 'dzin yid mngon dang, sgra 'dzin yid mngon dang, dri 'dzin yid mngon dang, ro 'dzin yid mngon dang, reg 'dzin yid mngon te lnga'o [IW]
yid mngon tshad ma - pramana/ valid cognition of mental perception [IW]
yid ches rjes dpag - doctrinal judgment of perception (generosity brings satisfaction), inference through belief [JV]
yid dvags - Hungry ghosts. One of the six classes of sentient beings. Such beings are tormented by their own impure karmic perception causing them to suffer tremendously from craving, hunger and thirst [RY]
yul rkyen - object, support, mind, perceptions, situations, things and circumstances / conditions [RY]
yul rkyen - object, support, mind, perceptions, situations, things and circumstances/ conditions [IW]
yul rkyen 'byung ba'i ngo bo - essence of occurring perceptions [RY]
yul can - visayin, owner of the objective situation, subject, mind, having an objective field, object possessor, suited, proper, being in its place, fulfilling its purpose, that which is treated objectively, perceiver subjective perceptions [JV]
yul thog tu - in the immediate perception of sense objects [RB]
yul snang - perception of objects; the objects of your perception; {rmi lam gyi yul snang lta bu} like the perception of objects in dreams [RY]
yul la 'jug pa - to settle on an object, apperception [JV]
yul gsum gyad du gyur pa - three aspects of objective perception being consummated [development stage] [RB]
ye shes bcu drug - sixteen moments of pristine cognition. The perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering {sdug bsngal la chos shes pa}, receptiveness to the perception of the doctrine of suffering {sdug bsngal la chos shes pa'i bzod pa}, the after-effect of the perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering {sdug bsngal la rjes su rtogs pa'i shes pa} and receptiveness to the after-effect of the perception of the doctrine of the truth of suffering {sdug bsngal la rjes su rtogs pa'i shes pa'i bzod pa}. These four moments are then applied in the same order to the truths of the origin of suffering, of its cessation and the path, making sixteen moments in all [RY]
yod min med min - Neither Presence nor Absence [of conceptions]. The third abode in the Formless Realm dwelling on the thought "My perception is neither absent nor present!" [RY]
yod min med min - neither perception nor non-perception, 1 of skye mched mu bzhi [JV]
yod min med min skye mched - {yod min med min gyi skye mched} field of neither perception nor nonperception (4th of 4 states in formless realm) [RB]
yod min med min skye mched - perception-sphere of Neither Presence nor Absence. Syn {srid rtse} [RY]
yod min med min skye mched pa - syn {srid pa'i rtse mo}, Mipham: The perception-sphere of Neither Presence Nor Absence [of Perception] is also called the Summit of Existence. [RY]
yod min med min gyi skye mched - field of neither perception nor nonperception (4th of 4 states in formless realm) [RB]
rang gi snang ba - one's own projection / experience / perception; one's own experience perception [RY]
rang gi snang ba - 1's own projection/ experience/ perception [IW]
rang gi snang ba dag ma dag - the purity or impurity of our perceptions [RY]
rang rgyal gyi rnal 'byor mngon sum - yogic perception of pratyekabuddhas [IW]
rang rgyal gyi rnal 'byor mngon sum - yogic perception of pratyekabuddhas [rten 'brel lugs 'byung ldog gi chos rnams mngon sum du rtogs pa'i rang rgyal mthong sgom gyi mnyam bzhag ye shes dang rang sangs rgyas kyi mkhyen pa rnams [eg taking a bit of bone in a charnel ground and tracing its previous karmic history re the 12 nidanas by yogic perception ] [IW]
rang ngo la ltos nas - based on personal perception [RY]
rang snang - 1) appearances/ experience arising in 1's mind/ sight, personal experiences, [self/1's own] arising/ appearances/ perception/ projections/ experiences/ phenomena/ display/ manifestations/ subjectivity/ outlook, personal phenomena/ experience, manifest in and of itself [IW]
rang snang - 1) appearances/ experience arising in the mind/ 1's sight, personal experiences, self arising/ -appearances/ -phenomena/ -display, manifestations, / display, subjectivity, 1's own perception/ projections/ appearances/ experiences, outlook, personal phenomena/ experience, manifest in and of itself [the perceptual status of the buddha-bodies of reality and perfect rapture, in contrast to that of the emanational body which is extraneously manifest [gzhan-snang] book 1, p, book 2, p] [IW]
rang snang - one's own appearances, own experiences, self display, personal phenomena. 1) self arising, self-appearances / manifestations, self-phenomena / display, subjectivity. Syn {rang shed} one's own perception. 2) outlook. 3) [your own] projections, personal experience. 4) manifest in and of itself; inherently self-manifesting appearance/ apparent phenomenon/ manifestation; manifest in and of itself. personal experiences, self arising, self-appearances / manifestations, self-phenomena / display, subjectivity. Syn {rang shed} one's own perception, outlook, [your own] projections, personal experience. self manifestation, self manifesting; self-display, self-phenomena [RY]
rang snang rnam par dag pa - pure perception; sacred outlook; one's own completely sacred outlook [RY]
rang snang ma dag - impure experience / perception; negative attitude, to profane sacred outlook, See the world as impure [RY]
rang snang ye shes kyi 'khor lo - wisdom wheel of personal perception [RY]
rang mtshan - own/ self- [particular[izing]/ identifying]/ individual mark[s]/ character[istics], individual, specifically characterized phenomenon/ object, * [thing existing/established as such by its own particular characteristics, not merely in verbally imputation but actually established from its own side, pillar, vase etc. not depending on dgag bya bcad pa dang don spyi 'char ba, in perception rang nyid 'char du yod pa'i compounded/conditioned dharmas. Things are rang mtshan from the point of view of abhidharma, while this is considered self-contradictory from the viewpoint of madhyamika] [IW]
rang mtshan - particular[izing]/ [identifying/individual] mark[s]/characteristics, own/ self-character, specifically characterized phenomenon/ object, [thing existing/established as such by its own particular characteristics, not merely in verbally imputation but actually established from its own side, pillar, vase etc. not depending on dgag bya bcad pa dang don spyi 'char ba, in perception rang nyid 'char du yod pa'i compounded/conditioned dharmas. Things are rang mtshan from the point of view of abhidharma, while this is considered self-contradictory from the viewpoint of madhyamika] [IW]
rang 'dzin tshad ma - naturally grasped pramana [non-confused awareness/ perception of gzugs sgra dri ro reg bya lnga grasping five gates of the senses dbang po sgo lnga'i shes pa ma 'khrul ba'o [IW]
rang bzhin brgyad cu'i rtog pa - Eighty inherent thought states. 33 resulting from anger, 40 from desire and 7 from delusion. First, the thirty-three thought states resulting from anger, according to the Spyod bsdus composed by Aryadeva, are: detachment, medium detachment, intense detachment, inner mental going, and coming, sadness, medium sadness, intense sadness, quietude, conceptualization, fear, medium fear, intense fear, craving, medium craving, intense craving, grasping, nonvirtue, hunger, thirst, sensation, medium sensation, intense sensation, cognizing, cognizance, perception-basis, discrimination, conscience, compassion, love, medium love, intense love, apprehensiveness, attraction, and jealousy. Secondly, the forty thought states of desire according to the spyod bsdus are: attachment, lack of clarity, thorough lust, delight, medium delight, intense delight, rejoicing, strong joy, amazement, laughter, satisfaction, embracing, kissing, clasping, supporting, exertion, pride, engagement, helpfulness, strength, joy, joining in bliss, medium joining in bliss, intense joining in bliss, gracefulness, strong flirtation, hostility, virtue, lucidity, truth, nontruth, ascertainment, grasping, generosity, encouragement, bravery, shamelessness, perkiness, viciousness, unruliness, and strong deceitfulness. The seven thought states of delusion are, again according to the spyod bsdus: medium desire, forgetfulness, confusion, speechlessness, weariness, laziness, and doubt [RY]
rang rig - one's own insight; 1) self awareness; aware of oneself; 2) self consciousness (according to Chittamatra), [svasamvedana]; self-cognizing (intrinsic) awareness; [lit.] your mind, inherent cognizance. [one's] self-cognizance. 1) self-known, self-aware, natural awareness, intrinsic awareness, apperception. 2) abr. of {rang byung rig pa} self-existing insight. 3) self knower, proprioceptive, self-consciousness [apperceptive], self-knower, one's mind, one's own insight, insight, my own mind. 4) the absolute truth in Y. comp. {rang gi rig pa}; self-existing awareness [RY]
rang rig - proprioceptive, intrinsic/ natural awareness, self-knower/ cognizance/-known/ -aware/ -existing insight, apperception[ive [self-consciousness], [my/ your/ 1's own] mind/ insight, absolute truth, inherent cognizance TSE [IW]
rang rig - self-cognition, apperception [ggd] [RY]
rang rig - svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by sautrantikas and yogacara), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own rig pa, apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa [JV]
rang rig mngon sum - direct perception of intrinsic awareness. self- knowing direct perceiver [RY]
rang rig mngon sum - direct perception of intrinsic awareness/ self-cognizance, self- knowing direct perceiver TSE [IW]
rang rig mngon sum - direct perception of intrinsic awareness/self-cognizance, self- knowing direct perceiver [Tserig] [mngon sum bzhi'i nang gses, rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i 'dzin rnam ste, rang gi bdag nyid du gyur pa'i yul la kha nang kho nar phyogs nas 'dzin pa'i shes pa, dper na bum 'dzin mig shes kyi steng gi rang gis rang myong ba'i cha lta bu'o [IW]
rang rig mngon sum - direct perception of self-awareness [RY]
rang rig mngon sum tshad ma - pramana of direct perception of intrinsic awareness/ self-cognizance [IW]
rang rig mngon sum tshad ma - pramana of direct perception of intrinsic awareness/self-cognizance [mngon sum bzhi'i nang gses, rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i gsar du mi bslu ba'i 'dzin rnam, dper na, rnam mkhyen myong ba'i rang rig dang, bum 'dzin mig shes dang rtog pa skad cig dang po myong ba'i rang rig lta bu'o [IW]
rang rig mngon gsum - the direct perception of self-cognizance [RY]
rang las nges kyi tshad ma - prime cognizer/ pramana which induces ascertainment by itself [tshad ma gang zhig rang nyid tshad ma yin par rang stobs kyis nges pa 'dren pa, EG, "sound is impermanent" realizing inferential pramana &, utpala recognizing individual gi rgyud kyi nye ba'i utpala grasping sense perception pramana &, tshad ma'i brda la byang ba'i person's'i continum's pramana knowledge/ [IW]
rab rib can gyi mig shes - the visual perception of a person w cataracts/ impaired vision TSE [IW]
rab rib can gyi dmigs pa - the visual perception of a person w cataracts/ impaired vision [IW]
rig - perception, texts in which the teachings are verified and demonstrated in accordance with logical reasoning, logic, discovers, presence [JV]
rig pa - (pure, sheer, instantaneous, instant) presence, know, knower, knowledge, understand, actually experience, (immediate, pure, intrinsic, aesthetic, value-sustained, pure non-dual) awareness, noetic act, pure sensation, information input, cognition, cognitive (capacity, being), energetic charge, intrinsic perception, science, SA rtogs pa'i rig pa, the flash of knowing that gives awareness its illumining quality, insight, logic, mantra, talent, wit, science, learning, literature, intellectual reasoning, awakened awareness, knowing in-a-flash, state of contemplation, intelligence, true condition of the mind of the individual, conscious mind, to notice, to recognize, to see, discovering, discovers, real knowledge, recognition [JV]
rigs pa - 1.(Tha mi dad pa) suitable, proper, logical, tenable, appropriate, fits, makes sense [,//de ltar byed mi rigs,//shin tu rigs pa]; 2) Yin lugs rgyu mtsan [rigs pa dang 'gal ba,//rigs pa dang ldan pa,//rigs pa ma yin pa,//rigs pas grags pa,//rigs pas sgrub pa]; 2) antidote to the kleshas [bden bzhi'i rnam pa bcu drug gi nang gses shig]; 3) philosophy, reasoning, reason, rational thinking [w logical principles and analysis, logical arguement, suitably correct method, the right method, 14th of the {'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi rnam pa bcu drug tu phye ba} = the 16 aspects of the four Noble Truths reasoning, see {rgyu bya ba byed pa'i rigs pa}, {'bras bu ltos pa'i rigs pa}, {'thad par 'grub pa'i rigs pa} and {ngo bo chos nyid kyi rigs pa}Note that all four of these reasoning have both pramanas, direct perception and inference nyaya, yukti, pramana, something new and fresh, true understanding rather than one's ordinary understanding adj logical, tenable, appropriate, fits, makes sense two philosophy, reasoning, reason, rational thinking - the type of reasoning that employs logical principles and analysis, logical arguement, suitably correct method, the right method, 14th of the {'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi rnam pa bcu drug tu phye ba} = the 16 aspects of the four Noble Truths] [IW]
rus pa'i 'du shes - perception of bones (from a corpse) [RB]
rus pa'i 'du shes - Syn {rus gong gi 'du shes}; perception of bones (from a corpse) [RY]
reg 'dzin dbang mngon - sense perception of touch, touchable grasping sense perception [IW]
reg 'dzin dbang mngon - sense perception of touch, touchable graspinf sense percaption [reg bya 'dzin pa'i dbang po'i mngon sum ste, rang gi bdag rkyen lus kyi dbang po las dngos su skyes pa'i gzhan rig shes pa rtog bral ma 'khrul ba [IW]
reg 'dzin yid mngon - touchable grasping mind-faculty perception, mental perception of touch [IW]
reg 'dzin yid mngon - touchable grasping mind- faculty perception [R] [IW]
reg 'dzin yid mngon - mental perception of touch [reg bya 'dzin pa'i yid kyi dbang po'i mngon sum ste, rang gi bdag rkyen reg bya 'dzin pa'i yid kyi dbang po las dngos su skyes pa'i gzhan rig gi shes pa rtog bral ma 'khrul ba de, reg 'dzin dbang mngon skad cig phyi ma lta bu, rang gi gzung don grogs su yod pa'i dbang mngon gcig gis de ma thag rkyen byas pa las byung ba'i gzhan rig gi shes pa rtog bral ma 'khrul ba'i phyir [IW]
ro 'dzin dbang mngon - taste grasping sense perception [IW]
ro 'dzin dbang mngon - taste grasping sense perception [ro 'dzin pa'i dbang pa'o mngon sum ste, rang gi bdag rkyen lce'i dbang po las dngos su skyes pa'i gzhan rig shes pa rtog bral ma 'khrul ba,//] [IW]
ro 'dzin yid mngon - taste grasping mental perception [IW]
ro 'dzin yid mngon - tase grasping metanl perception [rang gi bdag rkyen ro 'dzin yid kyi dbang po las dngos su skyes pa'i gzhan rig gi shes pa rtog bral ma 'khrul ba ste, ro 'dzin dbang mngon skad cig phyi ma lta bu, rang gi gzung don grogs su yod pa'i dbang mngon gcig gis de ma thag rkyen byas pa las byung ba'i gzhan rig gi shes pa'o,//] [IW]
rlom pa - (I (Tha dad pa brlams pa, brlam pa, rloms,; 1) arouse/ incite evil * (II (Tha mi dad pa brlams pa, brlam pa,; 1) grasp exaggerated/ false perception; 2) be proud [of], conceit[ed], arrogance, glory in, boast of; 3) consider [1self] [IW]
rlom pa - (I) (Tha dad pa) brlams pa, brlam pa, rloms,, ; 1) arouse/ incite evil [lha 'dres sems rlom,//gzhan gyi khog par brlams pa,//rgyab nas ma rlom] (II) (Tha mi dad pa) brlams pa, brlam pa,, ; 1) grasp exaggerated/ false 'du shesxperception [mi shes shes rlom,//stobs 'byor phun sum tsogs par brlams pa,//rang rlom,//rang nyid mkhas rlom]; 2) be proud [of], conceit[ed], glory in, boast of; 3) consider [oneself] [IW]
las snang dag pa - pure karmic perception; pure vision and good karma [RY]
las snang dag pa - pure karmic perception [RY]
lung rtogs -statement and realization; perception and learning. what has been told and what has been experienced [RY]
lung rtogs - learning/ scripture and realization, perception and learning, what has been told and what has been experienced [IW]
lung rtogs gnyis - learning and realization, perception and learning, what has been told and what has been experienced [IW]
lus kyi dbang mngon - bodily sense perception [IW]
lus snang - feeling of body, appearance of body, bodily perception [IW]
lus snang sems gsum - body, perception, and mind [RY]
lus su snang ba - appearance as a body, feeling of the body, bodily perception [IW]
len pa'i rnam shes - the basic consciousness that continually identifies with the physical body, as well as with objects of perception [RY]
log par mdon par 'du byed pa - wrong perception/ conception [IW]
log shes - wrong consciousness/knowledge, error, perception of one w jaundice [IW]
shes rgyud - 1) continuum/ stream of mind; 2) nature/ rgyu dag stuff of mind spirit; 3) wisdom lineage; 4) perception [IW]
shes rgyud - mind-stream, spirit, perception; spirit. stream of conscious awareness; stream of consciousness, [vijnana santana] [RY]
shes dang shes bya kun mkhyen - knowledge of all perceptions and knowables [RY]
shes dang shes bya kyun mkhyen - knowledge of all perceptions and knowables [IW]
shes pa - 1) (Tha mi dad pa understand[ing], realize, apprehend, cognition, cognize, cognitive capacity, recognize, distinguish, perceptions * know[ledge], learn[ing] [IW]
shes pa - 1) {shes pa, shes pa, shes pa} intr. v. to understand; know, realize, be aware; cognize. 2) def. {gsal zhing rig pa} cognition, mind, consciousness, wakefulness, cognitive capacity, knowledge, perception, understanding, awareness, 3) Syn {shes rab} awareness 4) to recognize as abb. of {ngo shes pa} 5) Syn {rnam shes} consciousness; thought, mind. 6) to consider, be aware/ conscious (of); distinguish 7) cognitive; (state of) awareness / consciousness; 8) to be able to can, be able to do; know how, verb + shes pa - to be able to, possible to do (verb). 9) Syn {rtogs pa} realized, ex {rang sems bla ma ru} having realized that one's mind is the guru [RY]
shes tshor - feeling, sense, inkling, perception, sensation [JV]
shes sla ba - quick perception, understanding readily, easy to understand [JV]
sangs po'i dran pa - sharp memory/ perception [IW]
sems can gyi las snang - the karmic perceptions of sentient beings [RY]
sems pa - {sems pa, bsams pa, bsam pa, soms} trans. v.; 1) to think, reflect, assume, apprehend, intend, direct one's mind, pay, attention, be conscious. 2) contemplation, one of the {chos spyod bcu} ten religious practices. 3) intention, motivation, mentation, thinking, directing thought, mentation, apprehension, reflection, volition. 4) will, act of will. 5) motivator, activator. 6) conscious apprehension. 7) Attraction, as one of the five ever-present mental states; one of {kun 'gro lnga}. Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {sems yul la g.yo ba'i gnas skabs kyi yid kyi rnam 'byur}, connects primary mind to an object of perception or action. Syn {las} / {'du byed} [RY]
sems byung - {sems las byung ba} 1) mental event; mental factor / function, thought pattern, mental outflows, mental contents, all the reactions that follow initial perception. mental state / event, 'resulting from a cognitive act'. secondary mind. See also {sems dang sems byung} [RY]
sems byung - 1) mental factor/ function/ outflows/ contents, thought pattern/ state/ event [all the reactions that follow initial perception]; 2) secondary mind [IW]
sems med pa'i gnas skabs - cognitionless states; Mipham Rinpoche: {'du shes med pa dang, 'gog pa'i snyoms 'jug, 'du shes med pa'i snyoms 'jug gsum lta bu'o} cognitionless states are, for instance, the perceptionless [gods], the serenity of cessation, and the perceptionless serenity [RY]
sems med pa'i gnas skabs lnga - the five situations w/o mind/ thoughts ['du shes med pa'i lha perceptionless gods, snyoms 'jug gnyis [of cessation and w/o perception 'du shes med], gnyid sleep, brgyal ba faiting/ unconsciousness] [IW]
sems tsam pa - Mind Only School, Chittamatra. A Mahayana school of Buddhist philosophy propagated by the great master Asanga and his followers. Founded on the Lankavatara Sutra and other scriptures, its main premise is that all phenomena are only mind, i.e. mental perceptions that appear within the all-ground consciousness due to habitual tendencies. Positively, this view relinquishes the fixation on a solid reality. Negatively, there is still clinging to a truly existing 'mind' within which everything takes place [RY]
sel bas 'jug pa - perception through exclusion [RY]
srid pa'i rtse mo - syn {yod min med min skye mched pa}, Mipham: The perception-sphere of Neither Presence Nor Absence [of Perception] is also called the Summit of Existence. [RY]
gsal snang - 1) clearly arise; 2) shining light; 3) (met the sun clear appearance/ vision, vivid presence/ appearance /perception /understanding [IW]
bsam blo rgya chen po - vast thinking/ ideas/ perception, broad-minded, far-sighted [IW]
bsal ba bzhi - the four kinds of clearing away [mngon sum gyis bsal ba dang, dngos stobs kyis bsal ba dang, khas blangs kyis bsal ba dang, grags pas bsal ba by perception, the power of things themselves [as basis of inference/pramana] assertion [in scripture] opinion [without the foreging justifications] [IW]
lha stim pa - by yogic perception lha la lha dissolve into and lha rang gzhan la dissolve [IW]
lha yi mig gi mngon shes - higher perception of the divine eye [IW]
lha'i mig gi mngon shes - clairvoyance/ super-knowledge/ higher perception of the divine eye [IW]

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perception (snang ba), nangwa, any occurrence in the mind. Includes sense impressions, plans, memories and meditative experiences.

kun khyab tshad ma gsum - three kinds of universally valid cognition [scripture, inference, perception) [IW]

kun gyi mthun snang - the shared perception/ common experience of everyone [IW]

kun gyi mthun snang - the shared perception of all, common to the experience of everyone [RY]

kun 'gro lnga - the five ever-present [mental states]. 1) {sems pa}. - apprehension / intention. 2) {tshor ba} sensation. 3) {'du shes}. perception / recognition. 4) {yid la byed pa}. attention. 5) {reg pa}. contact [RY]

kun 'gro lnga - five pervasive mental states; 1) {sems pa} intention 2) {yid la byed pa} concentration 3) {reg pa} -contact 4) {tshor ba} sensation 5) {'du shes} recognition - the five ever-present (mental states) {sems pa - apprehension/ intention 2) {tshor ba} sensation} -) {'du shes} perception/ recognition 4) {yid la byed pa} attention 5) {reg pa} contact) sems thams cad kyi rjes su 'gro ba'i sems byung lnga ste tshor ba dang, 'du shes, sems pa, reg pa, yid byed bcas so/ lnga po de las gang rung gcig med na'ang sems yul la gtod pa'i bya ba mi rdzogs pas/ khams gsum gyis bsdus pa'i sems gtso bo rnam shes kun gyi rjes su 'gro ba'i phyir de skad ces bya] [IW]

kun 'gro lnga - five pervasive mental states; 1) {sems pa} intention 2) {yid la byed pa} concentration 3) {reg pa}-contact 4) {tshor ba} sensation 5) {'du shes} recognition - the five ever-present (mental states) {sems pa - apprehension/ intention 2) {tshor ba} sensation}-) {'du shes} perception/ recognition 4) {yid la byed pa} attention 5) {reg pa} contact) sems thams cad kyi rjes su 'gro ba'i sems byung lnga ste tshor ba dang, 'du shes, sems pa, reg pa, yid byed bcas so/ lnga po de las gang rung gcig med na'ang sems yul la gtod pa'i bya ba mi rdzogs pas/ khams gsum gyis bsdus pa'i sems gtso bo rnam shes kun gyi rjes su 'gro ba'i phyir de skad ces bya] [IW]

kun brtags pa'i gzugs - falsely conceived forms [like false perception of skeletons in charnel ground meditation, or impure samadhi] [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs phyogs kyi 'grel rkang nga gsum - 50 three divisions of ever-afflicted phenomena [1-5 {phung bo lnga} five aggregates/skandhas --11 {dbang bo drug} six sense faculties/powers 12-17 {rnam shes drug} six consciousnesses see {rnam shes tshogs brgyad} 18-23 {yul drug} {skye mched drug} six sources of perception (see {yul drug} {bskyed mched drug} 24-29 {reg pa drug} six contacts 30-35 {tshor ba drug} six feelings (see {tshor ba drug} 36-41 {'byung ba drug} six elements 42-53 {rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis} the twelve links of interdependent origination.] [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs phyogs kyi 'grel rkang lnga cu nga gsum - the fifty three divisions of ever-afflicted phenomena. 1-5 {phung bo lnga}. five aggregates. see. {phung po lnga}. 6-11 {dbang bo drug}. six sense faculties / powers [see. {dbang po drug}.) 12-17 {rnam shes drug}. six consciousnesses [see. {rnam shes tshogs brgyad}. 1-6) 18-23 {yul drug}. Syn {skye mched drug}. six sources of perception [see. {yul drug}. Syn {bskyed mched drug}.) 24-29 {reg pa drug}. six contacts [see. {reg ba drug}.) 30-35 {tshor ba drug}. six feelings [see. {tshor ba drug}.) 36-41 {'byung ba drug}. six elements [see. {byung ba drub}.) 42-53 {rten 'brel bcu gnyis}. the twelve links of interdependent origination [see. {rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis}]. See. {phung po lnga}. 6-11 {dbang bo drug}. six sense faculties / powers [see. {dbang po drug}.) 12-17 {rnam shes drug}. six consciousnesses [see. {rnam shes tshogs brgyad}. 1-6) 18-23 {yul drug}. Syn {skye mched drug}. six sources of perception [see. {yul drug}. Syn {bskyed mched drug}.) 24-29 {reg pa drug}. six contacts [see. {reg ba drug}.) 30-35 {tshor ba drug}. six feelings [see. {tshor ba drug}.) 36-41 {'byung ba drug}. six elements [see. {byung ba drub}.) 42-53 {rten 'brel bcu gnyis}. the twelve links of interdependent origination [see. {rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis}.] [RY]

kun rdzob pa'i ngo bo mngon sum gyur pa - direct perception of a conventional identity [IW]

kun rdzob pa'i ngo bo mngon sum gyur pa - in a direct perception of a conventional identity [RY]

keng rus kyi 'du shes - the perception of skeletons [mi sdug pa sgom skabs chags yul ken grus kyi rnam par 'du shes pa'am sems pa] [IW]

keng rus kyi 'du shes - the perception of skeletons [RY]

dkar lam - the white experience mind of radiant white appearance [the falling of the white Bodhicitta from the head-center to the heart-center eg at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness, whiteness, the first of {snang ba gsum} {snang mched thob gsum}, white light] [IW]

dkar lam - the white experience mind of radiant white appearance [the falling of the white Bodhicitta from the head-center to the heart-center eg at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness, whiteness, the [IW]

dkar lam pa - Syn {dkar lam}. utter whiteness; 1) A mind of radiant white appearance. 2) the falling of the white Bodhichitta from the head-center to the heart-center at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death. accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness [RY]

dkar lam ba - [A mind] of radiant white appearance [the falling of the white bodhicitta from the head-center to the heart- center eg at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness] [IW]

dkrong bskyed - of instantaneous birth, instantaneous perception [JV]

bkra ba 'dzin - perception enriched by rnam rtog [JV]

skye mched - 1) ayatana * " the sources, bases [of cognition], faculty, sense fields/ factors/ spheres/ mediums/ bases, constituent[s of experience, arising expansion [as in {mu bzhi} entrances; 2) perception, state of mind; 3) source [of perception]; 4) six objects and six sense powers/ sense bases [IW]

skye mched - 1) [ayatana] "medium for a sense perception to arise," the sources, bases, base of cognition, faculty, sense fields / factors / spheres, sense mediums, sour of perception constituent[s) of experience; arising expansion [as in {mu bzhi}. entrances. abbr. of {skye mched bcu gnyis}. 2) perception, state of mind. 3) source. 4) six objects and the six sense powers or sense bases; {nyer spyod rnam par shes pa skye ba'i sgo las yul gzhan la mched par byed pa'i don gyis na skye mched ces bya'o} sense door, sense-factors, sense-field, source, experiential medium [RY]

skye mched - Sources of perception, the six objects and the six sense powers or sense bases; constituent[s] of experience, arising expansion [as in {mu bzhi}.] [RY]

skye mched - 1) ayatana; sense bases, sense-field, source, the sources of perception; The twelve sense factors are the five senses or the organs of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and the mental faculty as well as their corresponding objects which are visual form, sound, smell, taste, texture, and the mental object. 2) perception-sphere/s. A variety of states of meditative absorption, possibly lasting many aeons within the four formless realms. See also {skye mched mu bzi} 'fourfold spheres of perception.' See under {gzugs med khams} 'Formless Realms.' 3) base of perception [RY]

skye mched - ayatana; source; Sources of perception, the six objects and the six sense powers or sense bases; sensory field; sense-field [RY]

skye mched bcu gnyis - 12 ayatanas [mig la sogs pa'i rnam par shes pa drug 'byung zhing skye ba'i rgyu'am sgo lta bur gyur pa'i mig dang, rna ba, sna, lce, lus, yid bcas nang gi skye mched dbang po@drug dang, gzugs dang, sgra, dri, ro, reg chos bcas phyi'i skye mched yul drug bcas bcu gnyis so] the 12 sense bases/ sources of perception {phyi'i skye mched drug} six outer sources of perception {nang gi skye mched drug} six inner sources of perception The 12 bases or media for a perception/cognition to occur The sense-bases of; 1) {mig}; 2) {rna ba} 3) {sna} 4) {lce} 5) {lus} 6) {yid} 7) {gzugs} 8) {sgra} 9) {dri} 10) {ro} 11) {reg bya} 12) {chos Eye, nose, ear, tongue, body, mind, form, sound, smell, taste, texture, mental object] [IW]

skye mched bcu gnyis - twelve born and increasing phenomena; the twelve sense bases / sources of perception. {phyi'i skye mched drug}. six outer sources of perception {nang gi skye mched drug}. six inner sources of perception. The 12 bases or media for a perception / cognition to occur. The sense-bases of 1) {mig}. 2) {rna ba}. 3) {sna}. 4) {lce}. 5) {lus}. 6) {yid}. 7) {gzugs}. 8) {sgra}. 9) {dri}. 10) {ro}. 11) {reg bya}. 12) {chos}. Eye, nose, ear, tongue, body, mind, form, sound, smell, taste, texture, mental object [RY]

skye mched drug gi rten 'brel - the interdependent link of six sources of perception, the link of the six cognitive faculties, the fifth link in the twelve linked chain of interdependent origination. Def: {yan lag lnga pa ni/ mngal gnas lnga'i rjes su dbang po drug gsal bar dod pa nyid skye mched rnams kyi ngo bo yin no} [RY]

skye mched drug gi rten 'brel - the interdependent link of the six ayatanas/ sources of perception/ cognitive faculties [IW]

skye mched mu bzhi - the four perception spheres/formless realms [See {gzugs med pa'i khams bzhi} {gzugs med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa bzhi} mu here = kind of] [IW]

skye mched mu bzhi - the four perception spheres/formless realms [IW]

skye mched mu bzhi - the four perception spheres. See {gzugs med pa'i khams bzhi, gzugs med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa bzhi} [RY]

skye mched mu bzhi - Fourfold spheres of perception. Same as the four formless realms. The four unenlightened meditative states of dwelling on the thoughts: Infinite Space, Infinite Consciousness, Nothing Whatsoever, and Neither Presence Nor Absence of conception [RY]

skye mched mu bzhi - {gzugs med pa'i khams bzhi}: {nam mkha' mtha' yas, rnam shes mtha' yas, ci yang med pa, yod min med min te skye mched mu bzhi'o} The four formless realms are the four perception-spheres of Infinite Space, Infinite Consciousness, Nothing Whatsoever, and Neither Presence Nor Absence [of Perception] [RY]

skye mched mu bzhi kyi gnas ris - Four realms of infinite perception. Same as the 'four Formless Realms.' [RY]

skye sched - sources of perception [IW]

skye med rang grol - nonarising self-liberation; nonarising and naturally freed; {byung tshor thams cad skye med rang grol du thag bcad} resolving that all perceptions are nonarising and naturally freed [RY]

skyes bu'i rtags - sense organ, faculty of sense perception [RY]

khong yangs pa - 1) spacious, open, vast, broad. 2) perception, understanding [RY]

khong yangs pa - spacious, open, vast, broad, perception, understanding [IW]

khral ma khrol - undefining perceptions, non-defined appearances [JV]

mkhyen pa - (h) 1) knowledge, wisdom, exalted wisdom, knowledge, insight, understanding, cognition, perception, cognizance. 2) to know, realize, perceive, insight, cognize, understand. 3) knowing; {mkhyen pa, mkhyen pa, mkhyen pa, mkhyen} intr. v.; wisdom, knowledge; to know [RY]

mkhyen pa'i klong du chub pa - (h) exalted wisdom, knowledge, insight, understanding, cognition, perception, cognizance, knowing know, realize, perceive, insight, cognize, understand [IW]

mkhyen gzigs - realize/ comprehend shes bya'i gnas, vision of omniscience, supernatural perception [IW]

mkhyen gzigs - supernatural perception, attributes of a high incarnate lama [JV]

mkhyen gzigs - realize/ comprehend shes bya'i gnas, omniscience, {gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes dang shes bya ji snyed pa gzigs pa'i ye shes} the wisdom that knows the nature of things and the wisdom that sees the extent of knowables), supernatural perception (attributes of a high lama or a Bodhisattva, prophet [IW]

mkhyen gzigs - 1) omniscience. 2) Abbr. of {gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes} + {shes bya ji snyed pa gzigs pa'i ye shes} 3) supernatural perception [attributes of a high lama or a bodhisattva. 4) prophet [RY]

mkhris nad can gyi dmigs pa - the perception of one w jaundice [IW]

'khor ba - Samsara. 'Cyclic existence,' 'vicious circle' or 'round' of birth and death and rebirth within the six realms of existence, characterized by suffering, impermanence, and ignorance. The state of ordinary sentient beings fettered by ignorance and dualistic perception, karma and disturbing emotions. Ordinary reality, an endless cycle of frustration and suffering generated as the result of karma [RY]

'khrul rgyu - the cause of confusion, the cause for a mistaken perception o arise [RY]

'khrul rgyu - the cause of confusion/ mistaken perception [IW]

'khrul ngo - 1) in delusion; 2) deluded perception [IW]

'khrul ngo - in delusion, deluded perception [RY]

'khrul snang - confused/ deluded appearance [appearance unlike things as they are: confused experience, projection, mistaken phenomena, erroneous perception, delusion, illusion, hallucination] [IW]

'khrul snang - 1) confused experience, projection, deluded perception, appearances, mistaken phenomena, appearances, erroneous perception, delusion. Syn {'khrul pa'i snang ba}. 2) illusion, hallucination. confused appearances; appearances/ apparent phenomena based upon/ arising from (states of) confusion; confused appearance; delusory appearances [RY]

'khrul snang - (sensory) appearances/ perceptions based on/ due to/ resulting from/ arising from (states of) confusion; sensory appearances perceived in confusion [RB]

'khrul snang bden med du thag bcad - being convinced that illusory perceptions are not real [RY]

'khrul snang bden med du thag bcad - be convinced that illusory perceptions are not real [IW]

'khrul snang la spyod pa - to experience, revel in deluded perceptions [RY]

'khrul snang la spyod pa - experience/ revel in deluded perceptions [IW]

'khrul pa'i snang ba - 1) confused experience; 2) deluded appearance; 3) erroneous perception [IW]

'khrul pa'i snang ba - 1)confused experience; 2) deluded appearance; 3) erroneous perception)/ [delusion, illusion, hallucination, projection] [IW]

'khrul pa'i shes pa - deluded mind / perception [RY]

'khrul ba'i snang ba - deluded experience, mistaken perception [RY]

'khrul 'dzin - confusing/ erroneous perceptions/ inferences [RB]

'khrul shes - deceptive cognition / consciousness, mistaken perception, mistaken consciousness; confused consciousness [RY]

'khrul shes - confused awareness/ perception [mind having ... ='du shes, not seeing and conceiving things as they are. deceptive, mistaken cognition] [IW]

'khrul shes kun rdzob pa - superficial mistaken perception [RY]

'khrul shes su 'gyur ba - which is a mistaken perception [RY]

'khrus - 1) washed/ rinsed; 2) seeming direct perception [IW]

'khrus - p. of {'khru} Syn with apparent direct perception {mngon sum ltar snag} [RY]

'khrus - 1) washed/ rinsed; 2) seeming direct perception)/; {mngon sum ltar snang} [IW]

gang zag gi bdag 'dzin - conception of/ to conceive of personal identity/ (self-) identity in/ of the individual personality; isc. perception based on the assumption of a personal identity; perceiving as though there were personal/ self-identity [RB]

go med - 1) meaningless, useless; 2) w/o understanding, feeling, perception; 3) unarmed [IW]

go med tshor med - w/o any perception/ feeling of good and bad, joy and sorrow [IW]

go shes - realization/ perception and knowledge [IW]

grags pa'i rjes dpag - metaphorical judgment of perception (phoebus means the sun), inference through renown [JV]

dge ba'i bshes gnyen la sman pa'i 'du shes - perception of the spiritual friend as a doctor [IW]

dgra bo'i 'du shes - perception of an enemy [IW]

dgra bo'i 'du shes su byed pa - produce perception of an enemy [IW]

'gal dmigs kyi rtags drug - six perceptions of inconsistent situations as reason [6 reasons which are an observation of a contradictory alleged situation [R] [IW]

'gal dmigs kyi rtags drug - six perceptions of inconsistent situations as reason [IW]

'gal dmigs kyi rtags drug - six perceptions of inconsistent situations as reason [six reasons which are an observation of a contradictory alleged situation [chn) of allegedly possibly apparent but contradictory situations [dmigs pa] with true reasons, among reasons which have the contradiction of not existing together with some aspect of the proof are: 1 bringing forth a situation as reason that contradicts the nature rang bzhin 'gal dmigs kyi rtags [IW]

'gal zla dmigs pa drug - 1) six perceptions of inconsistent fact reason [six signs which are an observation of a contradictory object chn] [IW]

'gal zla dmigs pa drug - 1) six perceptions of inconsistent fact reason [6 signs which are an observation of a contradictory object chn] [IW]

'gal zla dmigs pa drug - 1) six perceptions of inconsistent fact reason [IW]

'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags - perception of inconsistent situation as reason/sign [chn.] among possibly apparent unobserved situations used as reasons [snang rung ma dmigs pa'i rtags] the subject of debate rtsod gzhi'i steng du? having the power to establish the dharma to be refuted as certainly non-existing is given as a reason dgag bya'i chos med nges su sgrub nus pa'i sgrub pa rtags su sbyor ba ste, eg. "The dharmin fire by great force me stobs chen pos is a basis of arising of khyab par non pa, the grang [ba'i] reg [bya] is without continuous existence rgyun chags su gnas pa med de, because fire is a thing by great force a basis of arising of khyab par non pa the establishing reason la dgag sgra in a way without any joining/connection refutes what is to be refuted [IW]

'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags - sign which is an observation of a contradictory object; perception of inconsistent fact reason [RY]

'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags - perception of inconsistent situation as reason/ sign [IW]

'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags - perception of inconsistent situation as reason/ sign [chn.] among possibly apparent unobserved situations used as reasons [R] [IW]

'gog snyoms zhugs sems - mind which has entered the absorption of cessation. [w cessation of coarse feeling and perception] [IW]

'gog pa la dmigs pa - the conception/ perception/ object of cessation [IW]

'gog pa'i snyoms 'jug - equilibrium of cessation [A samapatti which makes coarse feeling and perception cease without the desire for/of the ayatana of nothing whatsoever, the summit of samsara las gyen du disturbances abiding in peace's perception previously btang ba'i yid la byed pa, by which the dharmas of mind and mental contents unstable and some of the stable ones too cease. Here, the seven consciousnesses [the six sense consciousnesses and klesha mind] cease in the final samadhi of the nine samapattis.]{'gog snyoms - samapatti/equilibrium of cessation: 1) absorption of cessation; 2) the equilibrium of no cessation, as one of the fourteen non-concurrent formations; 3) attainment of the suspension of attitudinal and functional operations)/ the mind of shamatha of the summit of samsara and vipashyana having the characteristic of being completely in accord with the undefiled of the continuua of the noble ones of hinayana, depending on which there are never mind and mental contents the six consciousnesses and constant cessation of klesha mind.] [IW]

'gog pa'i rnam thar - the liberation of cessation [one of the eight liberations, rnam thar brgyad. Within nature of the path where mind and mental contents dwell in complete pacification there is a liberation in which coarse feeling and perception cease.] [IW]

rgyab 'gal gyi snang - opposing perceptions [JV]

rgyu rkyen rten 'brel gyi snang ba - perceptions that are interdependency of causes and conditions [RY]

rgyu khyad par sgrub kyi 'bras rtags - rkyen gzhan la ltos pa'i rtags kyis rang rgyu khyad par ba gzhan yod par sgrub pa ste, dper na, the dharmin sense perception, dbang yid las gzhan pa'i rang rgyu yod de, rang gi dmigs rkyen med na mi skye ba'i phyir, zhes pa lta bu dbang shes skye ba la dbang yid de ma thag rkyen yod dgos par ma zad, phyi rol gyi yul med na mi skye bas rgyu khyad par ba'am bye brag pa dmigs rkyen yod par sgrub byed kyi 'bras rtags yin no***'bras bu'i rtags lnga'i nang gses [IW]

rgyu mthun pa'i dge ba - {nyer zhi mya ngan las 'das pa thob pa de'i dbang gis 'jig rten las 'das pa'i mngon shes sogs yon tan 'grub pa'o} 'Virtues resembling their cause' will accomplish the qualities of the supramundane higher perceptions and so forth, by means of the attainment of the nirvana of total peace. [RY]

sger gyi snang ba - individual perception [IW]

sger gyi snang ba - individual perception. Syn {rang snang} [RY]

sgo lnga - 5 (sense organs, senses, sense perceptions) [JV]

sgo lnga'i 'khrul snang - the deluded perceptions of the five senses [RY]

sgo lnga'i rnam shes - Five sense consciousnesses. The five functions of cognizing the sense objects of visual form, sound, smell, taste and texture. consciousnesses of the five senses; five sense-cognitions, perceptions of the five sense-doors [RY]

sgo lnga'i rnam shes pa - the perception of the five sense-doors, cognition of the five senses-doors [IW]

sgo lnga'i shes pa - consciousnesses/cognitions/perceptions of the five sense-doors [IW]

sgo lnga'i shes pa - consciousnesses of the five sense-doors, five sensory perceptions, five sense door cognitions [RY]

sgyu ma'i snang ba - illusive perception [RY]

sgyu ma'i dpe brgyad du bltas pa - seeing [all the objects of your perception] as in the eight similes of illusion [RY]

sgra 'dzin dbang mngon - direct sense perception that apprehends sound [RY]

sgra 'dzin dbang mngon - sense perception of the sound grasping faculty [IW]

sgra 'dzin yid mngon - direct mental perception that apprehends sound [RY]

sgra 'dzin yid mngon - sound grasping mental faculty perception [IW]

sgrib pa - Obscuration. The two veils of disturbing emotions and dualistic perception that cover one's buddha nature [RY]

sgrib pa - Obscurations. The veils that covers one's direct perception of the nature of mind. In the general Buddhist teachings several types are mentions: the obscuration of karma preventing one from entering the path of enlightenment, the obscuration of disturbing emotions preventing progress along the path, the obscuration of habitual tendencies preventing the vanishing of confusion, and the final obscuration of dualistic knowledge preventing the full attainment of buddhahood [RY]

nges 'byung snying rje dag snang - renunciation, compassion, and pure perception [RY]

ngor snang - perceived by, seen as, in the perception of; manifest to [us] [RY]

dngon par shes pa'i dngos grub - the siddhis of higher perception [IW]

dngos - real[ity], [real] existence [-t]/ thing, matter, material, (objective entity, substance, substantiality, property, goods, given thing, perceivable entity serving as a base for cognition/ imputation, substance, substantial entity, functional/ effective thing, that which is able to perform a function, subject, category, that which corresponds to the meaning of a word, fact, phenomena, activity, being, essence, article (in a household, (conditioned entity, {yod pa}, {ngo bo}, nature, {dgongs pa}, meaning, solidity, impermanent thing, objects, Bhava, (8th year, male wood dog {shing pho khyi}, topic, exist[ent], ground luminosity, actual[ly][ity], incarnate, genuine, explicit, direct, proper, full, concrete[ness], manifest, the main [part], embodiment; 1) direct, in person, face to face unconcealed perception; 2) directly, not through another; 3) not made up/ false but true/ original, genuine [IW]

dngos stobs rjes dpag - immediate inference, existential judgment of perception, (we pass to new symbolic formulation of same existent fact, example - in recognizing impermanence, we also recognize the concrete nature of that which is impermanent), inference by the power of the fact, objectively impelled inference [JV]

dngos po mthong ba - direct perception of reality - [RY]

dngos po 'du shes can - possessing perception of things [IW]

dngos por dmigs pa - conception/ perception of things / solidity [IW]

dngos yul - [actual] object [having really appeared to the mind and been understood, eg, in perception of a vase, vase grasping dngos yul is a vase] [IW]

mngon - see, envision, observe, be[come] visible/ evident, show, manifest, display, expose, reveal, appear, apparent, manifestation, show, demonstrate, aspect of clarity/ manifestation in perception, before 1, directly present [IW]

mngon bkhyen - (H) supernormal knowledge, higher perception clearly know [IW]

mngon mkhyen - - (h) of {mngon shes} supernormal knowledge, clearly knows, higher perception [RY]

mngon mkhyen - [h] supernormal knowledge, higher perception [IW]

mngon pa - conspicuous, visible, evident, obvious manifest[ation], perception, making (or becoming) manifest, be evident, 1.(Tha mi dad pa),, be clear, seen, apprehended; 2) (Aabhi) abhidharma nirvana la mngon du phyogs pa'i truth etc &, each dharma whether it is or is not gzugs can etc. having discriminated again and again is shown &, phas rgol overcome &, by this we realize the meaning of the sutras as manifested by the four reasonings [IW]

mngon par rtogs pa - clear (understanding, comprehension, perception), right (discernment, knowledge), hymn-like description of a deity [JV]

mngon par zhes pa - super-sensory perception [IW]

mngon par shes - the higher perceptions, clearly/ fully know [IW]

mngon par shes mngon par bsgrubs pa - fully establish the higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa - higher perceptions [RY]

mngon par shes pa - {mngon shes} sublime state of perception [RB]

mngon par shes pa - (the) higher perceptions, clairvoyance, super knowledge, faculty of prescience, true knowledge [IW]

mngon par shes pa - Superknowledge. Usually refers to the six 'higher perceptions' including clairvoyance, knowledge of other's minds etc. See 'six superknowledges.' [RY]

mngon par shes pa - extraordinary powers; [the] higher perceptions, clairvoyance, superknowledge. the faculty of prescience, true knowledge; superior knowledge; higher perception, superknowledge, super-sensory perception [RY]

mngon par shes pa - supernormal cognition/ perception [RY]

mngon par shes pa lnga - five sublime states of perception [RB]

mngon par shes pa lnga dang ldan pa - possessing the five higher perceptions [1 {lha'i mig - {lha'i rna ba - {gzhan gyi sems shes pa} -}-) {'chi 'pho dang skye ba dran pa} -}-) {rdzu 'phrul gyi mngon par shes pa} [IW]

mngon par shes pa lnga dang ldan pa - possessing the five higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa drug - six super-knowledges/ higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa drug - six super-knowledges/higher perceptions [1 {lha'i spyan} eyes of the gods two {lha'i snyan} -hearing of the gods three {pha rol gyi sems shes pa} ability to read the minds of others 4) {sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa shes pa} eemembrance of past lives 5) {rdzu 'phrul gyi bya ba zhes pa} ability to perform miraculous transformations 6) {zag pa sad pa shes pa} ability to destroy all imperfections) [IW]

mngon par shes pa drug - six super-knowledges/higher perceptions [1 {lha'i spyan} eyes of the gods two {lha'i snyan} -}-hearing of the gods three {pha rol gyi sems shes pa} ability to read the minds of others 4) {sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa shes pa} eemembrance of past lives 5) {rdzu 'phrul gyi bya ba zhes pa} ability to perform miraculous transformations 6) {zag pa sad pa shes pa} ability to destroy all imperfections) [IW]

mngon par shes pa drug dang ldan - possessing the six higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa drug dang ldan pa - possessing the six higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa ma nyams pa - not experience the higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa myur ba nyid - swiftness of higher perception [RY]

mngon par shes pa myur ba nyid - quickly attain the higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa 'i rdzu 'phrul - the miracles of clairvoyance/ super knowledge/ the higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa la sogs pa - the higher perceptions and so forth [IW]

mngon par shes pa la sogs pa yon tan khyad par can rnams kyis dbang phyug sbyin par byed pa - bestow the gift of special qualities such as the higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa'i mngon shes - the higher perception of superknowledge [RY]

mngon par shes pa'i spyod pa - realization of the higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa'i ye shes - the wisdom of the higher perceptions [IW]

mngon par shes pa'i shes pa - the knowledge of the higher perceptions [IW]

mngon gzigs - true perception [RY]

mngon shes - clairvoyance, clairvoyant power, abhijnana; higher perception, super knowledge, foresight, foreknowledge, prophesy, supersensible cognition, clairvoyant knowledge, supernatural perception, paranormal cognition, supernormal knowledge, supernormal cognitive power; precognition; supernatural knowledge [RY]

mngon shes - higher perceptions [IW]

mngon shes - {mngon par shes pa} sublime state of perception [RB]

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