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#redirect [[Four Sisters]]
== .1 ==
Since every consonant sign implies, like its [[Sanscrit]] prototype, a following ''a'', unless some other vowel sign is attached to it, no particular sign is wanted to denote this vowel, except in some cases specified in the following &&. The special vowel signs are [[character omitted]], [[character omitted]], [[character omitted]], pronounced respectively as ''e, i, o, u'' are in German, Italian and most other European languages, viz. [[character omitted]] like ''ay'' is ''say'', or ''e'' in ''ten'', like [[character omitted]] ''i'' in ''machine'', ''tin''; [[character omitted]] like ''o'' in ''so'', ''on''; [[character omitted]] like ''u'' in ''rule, pull''. It ought to be specially remarked that all vowels, including ''e'' and ''o'' (unlike the [[Sanscrit]] vowels from whom they have taken their signs) are short, since no long vowels at all occur in the Tibetan language, except particular circumstances, mentioned below ([[Abbreviations|s.]] [[9. Word; Accent; Quantity#.5|9.5]], [[6. Dipthongs|6]]).
== .2 ==
When the vowels are initial, ''[[:Category:a|a]]'' is used as their base, as is [[character omitted]] in Urdu, [[Abbreviations|e.g.]] ''[[a ma]]'' ,mother'.
== .3 ==
''[[:Category:'a|'a]]'' is originally different from ''[[:Category:a|a]]'', as the latter denotes the opening of the previously closed throat for pronouncing a vowel with that slight explosive sound which the Arabs mean by [[character omitted]] ([[character omitted]]), as the ''a'' in the words: the ''lily'', ''an'' endogen, which would be in Tibetan characters ''li li an''; ''[[:Category:'a|'a]]'' on the contrary is the mere vowel without that audible opening of the throat (as Arabic [[character omitted]] without [[character omitted]]), as in ''Lilian'', ''li li 'an''. In Eastern Tibet this difference is strictly observed; and ifthe vowelis ''o'' or ''u'' the intentional exercion for avoiding the sound of ''[[:Category:a|a]]'' which makes it resemble to ''wo'' and ''wu'': ''[['o ma]]'' ,the milk' almost like ''wo-ma'', ''[['ug pa]]'' ,the owl' = ''wug-pa''. In Western Tibet this has been obliterated, and ''[[:Category:'a|'a]]'' is there spoken just like ''[[:Category:a|a]]''.
<BR><BR>Click here to go to the front page of the [[Second Edition of H.A. Jaeschke's 'Tibetan Grammar']]

Revision as of 01:14, 28 January 2006

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