5. Final Consonants: Difference between revisions

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[[dag pa'i gzhan dbang]] - pure paratantra [post meditation experience of the noble ones, without attachment to appearances and the pure Buddhafields, Sukhavati [[bde ba can]] etc] [IW]

== .1 ==
[[bde chen smon lam]] - aspiration for rebirth in Sukhavati written by {[[kar ma chags med]]} (17th cent) [RY]
Only the following ten: ''[[:Category:ga|ga]]'' ''[[:Category:nga|nga]]'' ''[[:Category:da|da]]'' ''[[:Category:na|na]]'' ''[[:Category:ba|ba]]'' ''[[:Category:ma|ma]]'' ''[[:Category:'a|'a]]'' ''[[:Category:ra|ra]]'' ''[[:Category:la|la]]'' ''[[:Category:sa|sa]]'' (and the four with affixed ''[[:Category:sa|sa]]'', [[Abbreviations|v.]] [[5. Final Consonants#.5|5.5]]) occur at the end of a syllable.

== .2 ==
[[bde ba can]] - Blissful realm, Sukhavati [pure land of Amitabha] [IW]
It must be observed, that ''[[:Category:ga|ga]]'' ''[[:Category:da|da]]'' ''[[:Category:ba|ba]]'' as finals are never pronounced like the English ''g, d, b'' in ''leg, bad, cab'', but are transformed differently in the different provinces. In [[Ladak]] they sound like ''k, t, p'' [[Abbreviations|e.g.]] ''[[sog]]'' = ''sock'', ''[[god]]'' = ''got'', ''[[thob]]'' = ''top''.

== .3 ==
[[bde ba can gyi zhing khams]] - the Blissful Realm, Sukhavati [RY]
In all Central Tibet, moreover, final ''[[:Category:da|da]]'' and ''[[:Category:na|na]]'', sometimes even ''[[:Category:la|la]]'', modify the sound of a preceeding vowel: ''a'' to ''ae'' (similar to the English ''a'' in ''hare'', ''man''), ''o'' to ''oe'' (French ''eu'' in ''jeu''), ''u'' into ''ue'' (French ''u'' in ''mur''). In most of the other provinces ''[[:Category:ga|ga]]'' and ''[[:Category:da|da]]'' are uttered so indistinctly as to be scarcely audible, so that ''[[sog]]'', ''[[god]]'' become ''so'', ''go''. In Tsang even final ''[[:Category:la|la]]'' is scarcely perceptible, and final ''[[:Category:ga|ga]]'', particularly after ''o'', is almost dissolved into a vowel sound = a:''[[sol ba]]'' ''so-wa'', ''[[dkon mchog]]'' kon-choa.

== .4 ==
[[bde ba can du smon lam 'debs pa]] - aspire to Sukhavati [IW]
Final ''[[:Category:sa|sa]]'' is sounded as ''s'' only in Northern Ladak; elsewhere it changes into ''i'' or disappears entirely,prolonging, or even modifying at the same time the preceding vowel. Thus the following words: ''[[nas]]'' 'barley', ''[[shes]]'' 'know', ''[[ris]]'' ,figure', ''[[chos]]'' ,religion', ''[[lus]]'' ,body', are pronounced in Northern Ladak: ''nas, shes, ris, chos''; in Lahoul: ''nai, shei, ri, cho, lu''; in Lhasa, and consequently by everyone who wishes to speak elegantly: ''na, she, ri, cho, lu''.

== .5 ==
[[bde ba can lha khang]] - Sukhavati Temple, at Yama Tashikhyil in Domey [RY]
In some words final ''[[:Category:sa|sa]]'' occurs as a second closing letter (affix), after ''[[:Category:ga|ga]]'' ''[[:Category:nga|nga]]'' ''[[:Category:ba|ba]]'' ''[[:Category:ma|ma]]'', as in ''[[nags]]'' ,forest', ''[[gangs]]'' ,glacier-ice', ''[[thabs]]'' ,means', ''[[rams]]'' ,indigo'; these are pronounced in N. Ladak: ''nacks, gangs, taps, rams'', elsewhere ''nack'' (in ''[[dbus|U]]'': ''na''), ''gang'' ([[Abbreviations|ET]] ''ghang''), ''tap'', ''ram''.

== .6 ==
[[bde smon]] - [[rnam dag bde chen zhing gi smon lam]]; prayer (pranidhana) to be reborn in the Sukhavati paradise of Amitabha buddha; by {karma chags med mkhas grub r'a ga a syas} (17th cent) [RY]
''[[:Category:na|na]]'' bgefore ''[[:Category:pa|pa]]'' and ''[[:Category:ma|ma]]'' especially in [[Abbreviations|ET]] very often pronounced ''m'', [[Abbreviations|e.g.]] ''[[nyan pa]]'' ''nyaem pa'', ''[[nyon]]'' ''nyoem'', ''[[snyem pa]]'' ''nyem pa''.

[[man da ra ba me tog]] - Mandarava Flower. 1) coral tree; said to grow in Sukhavati ([[bde ba can]]) Syn. pron. 'Dewachen'. 2) name of one of Padmakara's consorts. Princess of Sahor and close disciple of [[Guru Rinpoche]] [RY]

<BR><BR>Click here to go to the front page of the [[Second Edition of H.A. Jaeschke's 'Tibetan Grammar']]
[[tshangs chen rigs lnga'i zhing]] - Realms of the five families of Great Purity / Maha Brahma: Sukhavati and so forth with the five teachers being the five buddha families of Amitabha, etc [RY]
[[zhing smon]] - prayer to be reborn in the Sukhavati paradise of Amitabha Buddha Amitabha; {[[rnam dag bde chen zhing gi smon lam]]} work by {[[kar ma chags med]]} [RY]
[['od dpag med]] - 1) boundless/ infinite light; 2) Amitabha)/ [lord of Sukhavati [[Buddhafield]] [IW]
[[rang bzhin sprul sku]] - Natural [[nirmanakaya]]. The pure nirmanakaya realms manifested by the buddhas of the [[five families]], such as the realm of Sukhavati [RY]
[[su kha lba ti]] - Sukhavati [IW]
[[Category: Key Terms]]

Revision as of 05:03, 28 January 2006

dag pa'i gzhan dbang - pure paratantra [post meditation experience of the noble ones, without attachment to appearances and the pure Buddhafields, Sukhavati bde ba can etc] [IW]

bde chen smon lam - aspiration for rebirth in Sukhavati written by {kar ma chags med} (17th cent) [RY]

bde ba can - Blissful realm, Sukhavati [pure land of Amitabha] [IW]

bde ba can gyi zhing khams - the Blissful Realm, Sukhavati [RY]

bde ba can du smon lam 'debs pa - aspire to Sukhavati [IW]

bde ba can lha khang - Sukhavati Temple, at Yama Tashikhyil in Domey [RY]

bde smon - rnam dag bde chen zhing gi smon lam; prayer (pranidhana) to be reborn in the Sukhavati paradise of Amitabha buddha; by {karma chags med mkhas grub r'a ga a syas} (17th cent) [RY]

man da ra ba me tog - Mandarava Flower. 1) coral tree; said to grow in Sukhavati (bde ba can) Syn. pron. 'Dewachen'. 2) name of one of Padmakara's consorts. Princess of Sahor and close disciple of Guru Rinpoche [RY]

tshangs chen rigs lnga'i zhing - Realms of the five families of Great Purity / Maha Brahma: Sukhavati and so forth with the five teachers being the five buddha families of Amitabha, etc [RY]

zhing smon - prayer to be reborn in the Sukhavati paradise of Amitabha Buddha Amitabha; {rnam dag bde chen zhing gi smon lam} work by {kar ma chags med} [RY]

'od dpag med - 1) boundless/ infinite light; 2) Amitabha)/ [lord of Sukhavati Buddhafield [IW]

rang bzhin sprul sku - Natural nirmanakaya. The pure nirmanakaya realms manifested by the buddhas of the five families, such as the realm of Sukhavati [RY]

su kha lba ti - Sukhavati [IW]