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[[Fixation - continued]] - return to [[Fixation]] (previous page)
[[dmigs]] - intention of the mind, see, visible, visualization, imagination, frame of mind, mind on one point, consciousness, idea, attainment, perception, acceptance, concentrating steadfastly, concepts, fixation, visualize [JV]
[[dmigs bcas]] - having a certain reference, fixation with an object, fixation with an object, conceptual, goal-oriented, with conceptual focus, through an object [JV]
[[dmigs bcas]] - with an object focus; referential, with reference point, conceptions, {[[dmigs pa dang bcas pa]]}; fixation with an object [RY]
dmigs gtad - reference point, aim, visualization, something to hold [mentally], to objectify, objectifying. focus, objective, goal, pursuit, fixation, {dmigs pa'i gtad so}; fixed/ localized/ rigid frame of reference, aim [RY]
dmigs gtad - reference point, aim, visualization, something to hold (mentally, objectify[ing focus], objective, goal, pursuit, fixation [IW]
dmigs gtad sems kyi mtshan ma - fixation of/ fixated reference points, characteristics of fixated mind [IW]
dmigs gtad sems kyi mtshan ma - the fixation of reference point [RY]
dmigs rten - visible support, support of fixation [JV]
dmigs dang bcas - fixation with an object, SA dmigs bcas [JV]
dmigs gnad - radiation (refers to the 5-colored light that one sees and experiences to emanate from and return to one's body), specific point of concentration, key point of fixation [JV]
dmigs pa med pa - fixation without an object, SA dmigs med [JV]
dmigs pa'i gtad - reference point, aim, visualization, something to hold (mentally, objectify[ing focus], objective, goal, pursuit, fixation [IW]
dmigs pa'i gtad so - reference point, aim, visualization, something to hold (mentally, objectify[ing focus], objective, goal, pursuit, fixation [IW]
dmigs med - without any external reference, fixation without an object, cannot be reduced to an objective reference, not limited to any specific object, not objectifiable, non-conceptualization, unobservability, aimlessness, non-conceptual, free from thought, independent, not depending, lacking any referent or point of reference, without focus, without concentrating upon, unlimited, cannot be made into an object, cannot be made into an object of thought [JV]
dmigs med - without an object; free from presentation, non-grasping [free from concepts]. nonconception, non-referential, without reference point, nonconceptual, objectless, aimless, without focus, beyond, without conception, non-fixation, the inapprehendable [RY]
dmigs med - non-grasping, non-conceptual/ referential, free from/w/o reference point/ concept[ion]/ focus/ object/ presentation, aimless, beyond conception, non-fixation, [the] unapprehendable, empty [IW]
smon pa - devoted attention, settled determination, fixation, aspiration, benediction, bless, wish, desire, intention, intention [JV]
mtsan med - nonconceptual, without fixation, formless, not centralized [Str from {mtsan ma} form, so {mtsan bcas} can mean practice with form, and {mtsan med} w/o [IW]
rtse gcig - ekagrata, one-pointedness, one-pointed concentration (in abhidharma and sutras), unitary experience (in tantras), the state of being focussed, unique kind of whole associated with shunya, SA rnal 'byor rnam bzhi, singleminded, undivided attention, one-pointedness of mind, sharply, one-pointed fixation [JV]
mtshan bcas - with characteristics, fixation with an attribute, with symbolic attributes, with concepts, with characteristics, with attributes [JV]
mtshan ma - quality, signs, qualification, (simple, identifiable) characteristic (sound while bkra ba is the melody), distractions, semantic distinctions, SA bkra ba, mere semantic, symptom, fixation, omen, gender, SA mtshan, symbolic, distinguishing mark, conceptual characteristics, conceptual characteristics [JV]
mtshan mar 'dzin pa - to conceive in terms of ordinary characteristics, grasp at/ invest with/ ascribe ordinary defining characteristics. 2) fixation on signs; fixation on signs, signification process, sign-habit / taking hold of as being [distinguishing]. mark [RY]
mtshan mar 'dzin pa - fixation [JV]
mtshan mar 'dzin pa - fixation on signs, taking hold of as being a (distinguishing) mark, signification process, sign-habit [IW]
mtshan mar 'dzin pa'i rnam rtog pa - discursive thoughts of fixation, ordinary thoughts [RY]
mtshan med - without (characteristics, fixation), non-conceptual, SA rnam thar sgo gsum, fixation without an attribute, absence of identifying characteristics, devoid of gender, without signs, beyond any symbolical attributes, without a distinguishing mark, fixation without an object, without concepts, without characteristics, without characteristics, practice of non-conceptual contemplation, practice without attributes, without attributes, absence of characteristics [JV]
mtshan 'dzin - fixation on conceptual attributes [RY]
'dzin - 1) letter of testimony [including transaction receipts; 2) perceiver; 3) fixation; 4) hold, grasp, adhere to, catch, seize, consider, hold as, receipt, invoice, voucher check, wear * [IW]
'dzin - 1) letter of testimony [including transaction receipts; 2) perceiver; 3) fixation)/ [hold on to, uphold, regard, catch, capture, seize, control, manipulate, grasp, master fix, fixate on, take hold of the act of seizing, seizure, habit, (notion), perceptual habit, the 'holder', perceiver, apprehender] [IW]
'dzin rtog gnyis - fixation and conceptions [IW]
'dzin du 'jug pa - 1) enter into fixation; 2) grasp [IW]
'dzin pa - 1) hold [firmly]; 2) eclipse; 3) ego grasping; 4) receive in the mind/ apprehend; 4) understand; 5) desire/ attachment (6) black aconite [R] (7) hand (8) thought/ wish, (9) subject)/ [take hold of, accept, grasp, cling, catch, grab, apprehend, grasp, hold, cling, fixate, bear [in mind], take up, accept, be accepted, hold [on to], fixate on, cling to, hold holder or "fixation", watcher, grasper, clinging, grasping, holding, fixation, retention, attachment, comprehending the teachings {1 of the {chos spyod bcu} (10) religious practices] [IW]
'dzin pa - 1) grasp[ing][er]; 2) hold[er]; 3) subject; 4) accept [thugs rje de 'dzin par shog - may (their kindness accept you -"the holder" "fixation" "the watcher "] [IW]
'dzin pa - apprehending (act, agent), apprehension, apprehend, subject, interference, ego-centered, control, come under control, take up, hold to, lay hold of, uphold, hold, holding, seize, the seizing, he that seizes, comprehend, comprehension, believe, conceive, appropriate, gather, capture, catch, grab, clip, manipulate, grasp, master, remember, memorize, keep in mind, project, retention, endowed with, the apprehender, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, support, realize, conceive, consider, estimate, capacity, he that occupies, dispenser, retain, maintain, to reify, fixation, belief, to cling to, to regard as [JV]
'dzin pa - {zin pa} (process of) (subjectively oriented) fixation/ perception/ conceptualization; reification/ reifying concepts; to reify/ conceive (of)/ apprehend/ conceptualize (as a subject); to invest with; to perceive; isc. to perceive/ think in terms of . . .; isc. to misconstrue/ misperceive; isc. reifying perceptions [RB]
'dzin pa - subject, that which apprehends, [graha]; subject; memorize, retain/ to regard; to be a repository, to hold onto, to hold, adhere to; taking hold of, holder, accept, grasping, clinging, "the holder" or "fixation", "the watcher". catch, grab, apprehend, the grasper 'the watcher', to grasp, hold, cling, fixate, clinging, grasping, holding, fixation, retention, attachment, to bear, bearing in mind. 3) retain, comprehend the teachings, one of the {chos spyod bcu} 10 religious practices. take up, to accept, be accepted, to hold, hold on to, fixate on, cling to, holds, taken up, {bzung ba, gzung ba, zung}; to possess [RY]
'dzin pa dang gzung ba - 1) holder/ grasper and held/ grasped; 2) grasping and fixation [IW]
'dzin pa med pa nyid - non-fixation/ grasping [IW]
'dzin pa gzhan du gyur pa - fixation which has become other [IW]
'dzin pa bzlog pa - reverse fixation [IW]
'dzin pa rang sar dag - fixation naturally purified [RY]
'dzin pa rang sar dag - fixation purified naturally/ as it is [IW]
'dzin par nus pa - power of fixation [IW]
'dzin par snang ba - appearances of fixation [IW]
'dzin med - Nonfixation. The state of not holding on to subject and object [RY]
'dzin med - 1) non-grasping/ clinging; 2) free of fixation [IW]
'dzin med - non-fixation; nongrasping, non-clinging, free of fixation, not fixating [RY]
'dzin zhen - fixating concepts; conceptualization/ reification and fixation [RB]
zhe 'dzin - (all-consuming) fixation [RB]
zhen pa - to fixate/ seize (on)/ cling to; fixation/ attraction; obsession [RB]
zhen pa log pa - to repudiate fixation; (to experience) revulsion [RB]
zhen pas bcings pa - bound by fixation [RY]
zhen 'dzin - inclination, passion, attachment, fixation, clinging [JV]
zhen 'dzin - (all-consuming) fixation; isc. deeply ingrained fixation [RB]
zhen 'dzin - tightly grasp because of desire/ attachment, clinging, grasping, clinging and fixation to [IW]
zhen 'dzin - tightly grasp because of desire/attachment, clinging, grasping, clinging and fixation to [IW]
zhen 'dzin - clinging, grasping, clinging and fixation to; clinging and fixation [RY]
zhen yul - object of fixation [RB]
zhen log - {zhen pa log pa} to repudiate fixation; (to experience) revulsion [RB]
zin pa - {'dzin pa} (process of) (subjectively oriented) fixation/ perception/ conceptualization; reification/ reifying concepts; to reify/ conceive (of)/ apprehend/ conceptualize (as a subject); to invest with; to perceive; isc. to perceive/ think in terms of . . .; isc. to misconstrue/ misperceive; isc. reifying perceptions [RB]
zur gsum rtse gcig - one-pointed fixation like a triangle [JV]
gza' gtad - grasp, concepts, conceptions, fixation on a concept, object-aiming [JV]
gzung ba dang 'dzin pa - grasper and grasped/ fixation [IW]
gzung ba dang 'dzin pa dang bral ba - free from grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
gzung ba dang 'dzin pa'i chos su brtags pa - examine the dharmas of grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
gzung ba med pa dang 'dzin pa med pa'i don - reality w/o grasper and grasped/ fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin - object and subject duality, graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, apprehendable and the apprehender [IW]
gzung 'dzin - Grasping and fixation. Refers to the duality of an object perceived and the mind that perceives it [RY]
gzung 'dzin - perceiver and perceived, subject object duality; subject and object; graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, the grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, the apprehendable and the apprehender. Syn {bzung rtog dang 'dzin rtog}. Syn {bdag rnam gnyis}; dualistic perception of/ grasping at object and subject, object-subject dualism [RY]
gzung 'dzin gyi rtog tshogs - thoughts of subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin gyi snang ba - experience of perceiver and perceived/ subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin gyi bag chags - habitual patterns of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
gzung 'dzin gyi rdzas tha dad kyis stong pa nyid - emptiness of subject-object substantial dichotomy/ grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin grangs mnyam pa'i sems tsam rnam bden pa - true aspectarian mind only school of equal # of perceivers and perceived/ subject and object */ grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin chos rnams - all the dharmas of fixation and grasping [RY]
gzung 'dzin chos rnams - the dharmas of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
gzung 'dzin gnyis - grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
gzung 'dzin gnyis stong - emptiness of duality of subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin gnyis stong gi rnam shes - consciousness devoid of grasper and grasped/ subject and object */ grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin gnyis snang gi bag chags - habitual patterns of the dualistic appearance of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
gzung 'dzin gnyis su med pa - w/o duality of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
gzung 'dzin rtog pa - ego-grasping of dharmas and individuals or conception attached to true existence of object and perceiver/ grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin bdud bgegs - the maras and obstructing spirits of grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin rnam rtog - concepts/ thoughts of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
gzung 'dzin rdzas tha dad - substantial subject-object dichotomy/ grasping and fixation [IW]
gzung 'dzin zhen pa - dualistic fixation(s) [RB]
bzang ngan 'dzin pa - fixation on as good or bad [IW]
bzang ngan 'dzin pa - fixation as being good or bad [RY]
bzung 'dzin - apprehended apprehend, subject object fixation, subject and object. Syn {mtha' gnyis} Being and non-being. or subject and object [RY]
bzung 'dzin - subject and object, grasping and fixation [JV]
bzung 'dzin - apprehended, apprehender, subject-object fixation, subject and object, grasping and fixation [IW]
rang snang 'khrul 'dzin - confused fixation on personal manifestations [RY]
rig pa - Rigpa. The state of awareness devoid of ignorance and dualistic fixation [RY]
rig pa'i me tog - flower of awareness. To toss the 'flower of awareness' means to throw away the fixation on good and bad as to the dualistic experience of self-visualization and front-visualization, samaya being and wisdom being.  [RY]
rig po 'dzin pa'i gzhi - fixation basis for cognizing [RY]
rlung sems dmigs pa - breathing & mind & object of fixation [JV]
log par 'dzin pa - wrong understanding/grasping, perverse fixation [IW]
shun bdag mi shes ngar 'dzin gyi pa bud - the skin of ignorant ego-fixation fell away [IW]
shun bdag mi shes ngar 'dzin gyi pags pa bud - the skin of ignorant ego-fixation fell away [RY]
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa - Transcendent Knowledge, prajnaparamita. Intelligence that transcends conceptual thinking. 'Transcendent' literally means 'gone to the other shore' in the sense of having departed from 'this shore' of dualistic concepts. The Mahayana teachings on insight into emptiness, transcending the fixation of subject, object and action. Associated with the Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma [RY]
mshan ma - symptom, quality, fixation, omen, "mark" or "sign" (philosophical contexts) [IW]
mshan mar 'dzin gyi pa'i rnam rtog pa - discursive thoughts of fixation, ordinary thoughts [IW]
mshan med - non-conceptual, w/o fixation, formless, not centralized [IW]
sems tsam pa - Mind Only School, Chittamatra. A Mahayana school of Buddhist philosophy propagated by the great master Asanga and his followers. Founded on the Lankavatara Sutra and other scriptures, its main premise is that all phenomena are only mind, i.e. mental perceptions that appear within the all-ground consciousness due to habitual tendencies. Positively, this view relinquishes the fixation on a solid reality. Negatively, there is still clinging to a truly existing 'mind' within which everything takes place [RY]
sems 'dzin - focusing of the mind, fixing the mind / attention, concentration, focused attention; fixation of mind, Semdzin (a series of meditation exercises in Dzogchen); fixation [RY]
sems 'dzin - 21 dzogchen practices, grasping the mind, mental retention, fixation of mind, a series of meditation exercises in rdzogs, to hold or fixate the mind [JV]
sems 'dzin pa - fixation holding a mental object, concentrate on, focusing the mind [IW]
sems 'dzin pa - 1) fixation, holding a mental object, attention. 2) to concentrate on, focus the mind, focus, hold the mind, fix the attention. 3) the practice of arresting the flow of thought [RY]
gsang ba'i bar chad - Secret or innermost obstacles. The habitual tendency for grasping and fixation [RY]
a 'thas - exclusive reality, clinging, fantasies, fixation, grasping, phenomenon always occurring to oneself which is taken for reality [JV]
a 'thas - grasp as truly existing, clinging, grasping, substance, fixation, attachment, fixated on solidity, solidified, au tsugs te sra 'thas, stubbornness, obstinacy [IW]
a 'thas - solidified, clinging, grasping, substance, fixation, attachment, fixated on solidity; personal phenomena which one takes for real/ to fixate (?) [RY]
a 'thas mtshan ma - fixation and conceptions [RY]
a 'thas mtshan ma - fixation and conceptions, grasping [IW]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen

Revision as of 15:18, 12 March 2006

Fixation - continued - return to Fixation (previous page)

dmigs - intention of the mind, see, visible, visualization, imagination, frame of mind, mind on one point, consciousness, idea, attainment, perception, acceptance, concentrating steadfastly, concepts, fixation, visualize [JV]

dmigs bcas - having a certain reference, fixation with an object, fixation with an object, conceptual, goal-oriented, with conceptual focus, through an object [JV]

dmigs bcas - with an object focus; referential, with reference point, conceptions, {dmigs pa dang bcas pa}; fixation with an object [RY]

dmigs gtad - reference point, aim, visualization, something to hold [mentally], to objectify, objectifying. focus, objective, goal, pursuit, fixation, {dmigs pa'i gtad so}; fixed/ localized/ rigid frame of reference, aim [RY]

dmigs gtad - reference point, aim, visualization, something to hold (mentally, objectify[ing focus], objective, goal, pursuit, fixation [IW]

dmigs gtad sems kyi mtshan ma - fixation of/ fixated reference points, characteristics of fixated mind [IW]

dmigs gtad sems kyi mtshan ma - the fixation of reference point [RY]

dmigs rten - visible support, support of fixation [JV]

dmigs dang bcas - fixation with an object, SA dmigs bcas [JV]

dmigs gnad - radiation (refers to the 5-colored light that one sees and experiences to emanate from and return to one's body), specific point of concentration, key point of fixation [JV]

dmigs pa med pa - fixation without an object, SA dmigs med [JV]

dmigs pa'i gtad - reference point, aim, visualization, something to hold (mentally, objectify[ing focus], objective, goal, pursuit, fixation [IW]

dmigs pa'i gtad so - reference point, aim, visualization, something to hold (mentally, objectify[ing focus], objective, goal, pursuit, fixation [IW]

dmigs med - without any external reference, fixation without an object, cannot be reduced to an objective reference, not limited to any specific object, not objectifiable, non-conceptualization, unobservability, aimlessness, non-conceptual, free from thought, independent, not depending, lacking any referent or point of reference, without focus, without concentrating upon, unlimited, cannot be made into an object, cannot be made into an object of thought [JV]

dmigs med - without an object; free from presentation, non-grasping [free from concepts]. nonconception, non-referential, without reference point, nonconceptual, objectless, aimless, without focus, beyond, without conception, non-fixation, the inapprehendable [RY]

dmigs med - non-grasping, non-conceptual/ referential, free from/w/o reference point/ concept[ion]/ focus/ object/ presentation, aimless, beyond conception, non-fixation, [the] unapprehendable, empty [IW]

smon pa - devoted attention, settled determination, fixation, aspiration, benediction, bless, wish, desire, intention, intention [JV]

mtsan med - nonconceptual, without fixation, formless, not centralized [Str from {mtsan ma} form, so {mtsan bcas} can mean practice with form, and {mtsan med} w/o [IW]

rtse gcig - ekagrata, one-pointedness, one-pointed concentration (in abhidharma and sutras), unitary experience (in tantras), the state of being focussed, unique kind of whole associated with shunya, SA rnal 'byor rnam bzhi, singleminded, undivided attention, one-pointedness of mind, sharply, one-pointed fixation [JV]

mtshan bcas - with characteristics, fixation with an attribute, with symbolic attributes, with concepts, with characteristics, with attributes [JV]

mtshan ma - quality, signs, qualification, (simple, identifiable) characteristic (sound while bkra ba is the melody), distractions, semantic distinctions, SA bkra ba, mere semantic, symptom, fixation, omen, gender, SA mtshan, symbolic, distinguishing mark, conceptual characteristics, conceptual characteristics [JV]

mtshan mar 'dzin pa - to conceive in terms of ordinary characteristics, grasp at/ invest with/ ascribe ordinary defining characteristics. 2) fixation on signs; fixation on signs, signification process, sign-habit / taking hold of as being [distinguishing]. mark [RY]

mtshan mar 'dzin pa - fixation [JV]

mtshan mar 'dzin pa - fixation on signs, taking hold of as being a (distinguishing) mark, signification process, sign-habit [IW]

mtshan mar 'dzin pa'i rnam rtog pa - discursive thoughts of fixation, ordinary thoughts [RY]

mtshan med - without (characteristics, fixation), non-conceptual, SA rnam thar sgo gsum, fixation without an attribute, absence of identifying characteristics, devoid of gender, without signs, beyond any symbolical attributes, without a distinguishing mark, fixation without an object, without concepts, without characteristics, without characteristics, practice of non-conceptual contemplation, practice without attributes, without attributes, absence of characteristics [JV]

mtshan 'dzin - fixation on conceptual attributes [RY]

'dzin - 1) letter of testimony [including transaction receipts; 2) perceiver; 3) fixation; 4) hold, grasp, adhere to, catch, seize, consider, hold as, receipt, invoice, voucher check, wear * [IW]

'dzin - 1) letter of testimony [including transaction receipts; 2) perceiver; 3) fixation)/ [hold on to, uphold, regard, catch, capture, seize, control, manipulate, grasp, master fix, fixate on, take hold of the act of seizing, seizure, habit, (notion), perceptual habit, the 'holder', perceiver, apprehender] [IW]

'dzin rtog gnyis - fixation and conceptions [IW]

'dzin du 'jug pa - 1) enter into fixation; 2) grasp [IW]

'dzin pa - 1) hold [firmly]; 2) eclipse; 3) ego grasping; 4) receive in the mind/ apprehend; 4) understand; 5) desire/ attachment (6) black aconite [R] (7) hand (8) thought/ wish, (9) subject)/ [take hold of, accept, grasp, cling, catch, grab, apprehend, grasp, hold, cling, fixate, bear [in mind], take up, accept, be accepted, hold [on to], fixate on, cling to, hold holder or "fixation", watcher, grasper, clinging, grasping, holding, fixation, retention, attachment, comprehending the teachings {1 of the {chos spyod bcu} (10) religious practices] [IW]

'dzin pa - 1) grasp[ing][er]; 2) hold[er]; 3) subject; 4) accept [thugs rje de 'dzin par shog - may (their kindness accept you -"the holder" "fixation" "the watcher "] [IW]

'dzin pa - apprehending (act, agent), apprehension, apprehend, subject, interference, ego-centered, control, come under control, take up, hold to, lay hold of, uphold, hold, holding, seize, the seizing, he that seizes, comprehend, comprehension, believe, conceive, appropriate, gather, capture, catch, grab, clip, manipulate, grasp, master, remember, memorize, keep in mind, project, retention, endowed with, the apprehender, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, support, realize, conceive, consider, estimate, capacity, he that occupies, dispenser, retain, maintain, to reify, fixation, belief, to cling to, to regard as [JV]

'dzin pa - {zin pa} (process of) (subjectively oriented) fixation/ perception/ conceptualization; reification/ reifying concepts; to reify/ conceive (of)/ apprehend/ conceptualize (as a subject); to invest with; to perceive; isc. to perceive/ think in terms of . . .; isc. to misconstrue/ misperceive; isc. reifying perceptions [RB]

'dzin pa - subject, that which apprehends, [graha]; subject; memorize, retain/ to regard; to be a repository, to hold onto, to hold, adhere to; taking hold of, holder, accept, grasping, clinging, "the holder" or "fixation", "the watcher". catch, grab, apprehend, the grasper 'the watcher', to grasp, hold, cling, fixate, clinging, grasping, holding, fixation, retention, attachment, to bear, bearing in mind. 3) retain, comprehend the teachings, one of the {chos spyod bcu} 10 religious practices. take up, to accept, be accepted, to hold, hold on to, fixate on, cling to, holds, taken up, {bzung ba, gzung ba, zung}; to possess [RY]

'dzin pa dang gzung ba - 1) holder/ grasper and held/ grasped; 2) grasping and fixation [IW]

'dzin pa med pa nyid - non-fixation/ grasping [IW]

'dzin pa gzhan du gyur pa - fixation which has become other [IW]

'dzin pa bzlog pa - reverse fixation [IW]

'dzin pa rang sar dag - fixation naturally purified [RY]

'dzin pa rang sar dag - fixation purified naturally/ as it is [IW]

'dzin par nus pa - power of fixation [IW]

'dzin par snang ba - appearances of fixation [IW]

'dzin med - Nonfixation. The state of not holding on to subject and object [RY]

'dzin med - 1) non-grasping/ clinging; 2) free of fixation [IW]

'dzin med - non-fixation; nongrasping, non-clinging, free of fixation, not fixating [RY]

'dzin zhen - fixating concepts; conceptualization/ reification and fixation [RB]

zhe 'dzin - (all-consuming) fixation [RB]

zhen pa - to fixate/ seize (on)/ cling to; fixation/ attraction; obsession [RB]

zhen pa log pa - to repudiate fixation; (to experience) revulsion [RB]

zhen pas bcings pa - bound by fixation [RY]

zhen 'dzin - inclination, passion, attachment, fixation, clinging [JV]

zhen 'dzin - (all-consuming) fixation; isc. deeply ingrained fixation [RB]

zhen 'dzin - tightly grasp because of desire/ attachment, clinging, grasping, clinging and fixation to [IW]

zhen 'dzin - tightly grasp because of desire/attachment, clinging, grasping, clinging and fixation to [IW]

zhen 'dzin - clinging, grasping, clinging and fixation to; clinging and fixation [RY]

zhen yul - object of fixation [RB]

zhen log - {zhen pa log pa} to repudiate fixation; (to experience) revulsion [RB]

zin pa - {'dzin pa} (process of) (subjectively oriented) fixation/ perception/ conceptualization; reification/ reifying concepts; to reify/ conceive (of)/ apprehend/ conceptualize (as a subject); to invest with; to perceive; isc. to perceive/ think in terms of . . .; isc. to misconstrue/ misperceive; isc. reifying perceptions [RB]

zur gsum rtse gcig - one-pointed fixation like a triangle [JV]

gza' gtad - grasp, concepts, conceptions, fixation on a concept, object-aiming [JV]

gzung ba dang 'dzin pa - grasper and grasped/ fixation [IW]

gzung ba dang 'dzin pa dang bral ba - free from grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]

gzung ba dang 'dzin pa'i chos su brtags pa - examine the dharmas of grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]

gzung ba med pa dang 'dzin pa med pa'i don - reality w/o grasper and grasped/ fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin - object and subject duality, graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, apprehendable and the apprehender [IW]

gzung 'dzin - Grasping and fixation. Refers to the duality of an object perceived and the mind that perceives it [RY]

gzung 'dzin - perceiver and perceived, subject object duality; subject and object; graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, the grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, the apprehendable and the apprehender. Syn {bzung rtog dang 'dzin rtog}. Syn {bdag rnam gnyis}; dualistic perception of/ grasping at object and subject, object-subject dualism [RY]

gzung 'dzin gyi rtog tshogs - thoughts of subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin gyi snang ba - experience of perceiver and perceived/ subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin gyi bag chags - habitual patterns of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]

gzung 'dzin gyi rdzas tha dad kyis stong pa nyid - emptiness of subject-object substantial dichotomy/ grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin grangs mnyam pa'i sems tsam rnam bden pa - true aspectarian mind only school of equal # of perceivers and perceived/ subject and object */ grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin chos rnams - all the dharmas of fixation and grasping [RY]

gzung 'dzin chos rnams - the dharmas of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]

gzung 'dzin gnyis - grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]

gzung 'dzin gnyis stong - emptiness of duality of subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin gnyis stong gi rnam shes - consciousness devoid of grasper and grasped/ subject and object */ grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin gnyis snang gi bag chags - habitual patterns of the dualistic appearance of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]

gzung 'dzin gnyis su med pa - w/o duality of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]

gzung 'dzin rtog pa - ego-grasping of dharmas and individuals or conception attached to true existence of object and perceiver/ grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin bdud bgegs - the maras and obstructing spirits of grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin rnam rtog - concepts/ thoughts of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]

gzung 'dzin rdzas tha dad - substantial subject-object dichotomy/ grasping and fixation [IW]

gzung 'dzin zhen pa - dualistic fixation(s) [RB]

bzang ngan 'dzin pa - fixation on as good or bad [IW]

bzang ngan 'dzin pa - fixation as being good or bad [RY]

bzung 'dzin - apprehended apprehend, subject object fixation, subject and object. Syn {mtha' gnyis} Being and non-being. or subject and object [RY]

bzung 'dzin - subject and object, grasping and fixation [JV]

bzung 'dzin - apprehended, apprehender, subject-object fixation, subject and object, grasping and fixation [IW]

rang snang 'khrul 'dzin - confused fixation on personal manifestations [RY]

rig pa - Rigpa. The state of awareness devoid of ignorance and dualistic fixation [RY]

rig pa'i me tog - flower of awareness. To toss the 'flower of awareness' means to throw away the fixation on good and bad as to the dualistic experience of self-visualization and front-visualization, samaya being and wisdom being. [RY]

rig po 'dzin pa'i gzhi - fixation basis for cognizing [RY]

rlung sems dmigs pa - breathing & mind & object of fixation [JV]

log par 'dzin pa - wrong understanding/grasping, perverse fixation [IW]

shun bdag mi shes ngar 'dzin gyi pa bud - the skin of ignorant ego-fixation fell away [IW]

shun bdag mi shes ngar 'dzin gyi pags pa bud - the skin of ignorant ego-fixation fell away [RY]

shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa - Transcendent Knowledge, prajnaparamita. Intelligence that transcends conceptual thinking. 'Transcendent' literally means 'gone to the other shore' in the sense of having departed from 'this shore' of dualistic concepts. The Mahayana teachings on insight into emptiness, transcending the fixation of subject, object and action. Associated with the Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma [RY]

mshan ma - symptom, quality, fixation, omen, "mark" or "sign" (philosophical contexts) [IW]

mshan mar 'dzin gyi pa'i rnam rtog pa - discursive thoughts of fixation, ordinary thoughts [IW]

mshan med - non-conceptual, w/o fixation, formless, not centralized [IW]

sems tsam pa - Mind Only School, Chittamatra. A Mahayana school of Buddhist philosophy propagated by the great master Asanga and his followers. Founded on the Lankavatara Sutra and other scriptures, its main premise is that all phenomena are only mind, i.e. mental perceptions that appear within the all-ground consciousness due to habitual tendencies. Positively, this view relinquishes the fixation on a solid reality. Negatively, there is still clinging to a truly existing 'mind' within which everything takes place [RY]

sems 'dzin - focusing of the mind, fixing the mind / attention, concentration, focused attention; fixation of mind, Semdzin (a series of meditation exercises in Dzogchen); fixation [RY]

sems 'dzin - 21 dzogchen practices, grasping the mind, mental retention, fixation of mind, a series of meditation exercises in rdzogs, to hold or fixate the mind [JV]

sems 'dzin pa - fixation holding a mental object, concentrate on, focusing the mind [IW]

sems 'dzin pa - 1) fixation, holding a mental object, attention. 2) to concentrate on, focus the mind, focus, hold the mind, fix the attention. 3) the practice of arresting the flow of thought [RY]

gsang ba'i bar chad - Secret or innermost obstacles. The habitual tendency for grasping and fixation [RY]

a 'thas - exclusive reality, clinging, fantasies, fixation, grasping, phenomenon always occurring to oneself which is taken for reality [JV]

a 'thas - grasp as truly existing, clinging, grasping, substance, fixation, attachment, fixated on solidity, solidified, au tsugs te sra 'thas, stubbornness, obstinacy [IW]

a 'thas - solidified, clinging, grasping, substance, fixation, attachment, fixated on solidity; personal phenomena which one takes for real/ to fixate (?) [RY]

a 'thas mtshan ma - fixation and conceptions [RY]

a 'thas mtshan ma - fixation and conceptions, grasping [IW] [[Category: Dzogchen