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Brahma/ God; pure/ chaste [RB]
#REDIRECT [[Life of the 2nd Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdral Yeshe Dorje]]
pure, clean, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA [[sbyor ba nyer bdun]], whole, purified, holy, brahma, pervasive spirit, brahma [JV]
Brahma. The ruler of the gods of the Realm of Form [RY]
Brahma one of the [[phyogs skyong bcu]] the ten guardians of ten directions. Brahma, [ruler of the realm of form], whole, complete. Brahma (God); pure/ chaste [RY]
[[kun 'gyed]] - epith. of Brahma [RY]
[[skye bdag]] - the lord of living creatures; 2) 5th year of the 60 years cycle; 3) Brahma [IW]
[[skye bdag]] - the lord of living creatures, abbr. of {[[skye dgu'i bdag po]]}. 2) n. of the fifth year of the 60 years cycle. 3) epithet of Brahma [RY]
[[skye bo'i bdag po]] - "the Lord of living creatures," Brahma [IW]
[[kha nas skyes pa]] - "born from the mouth" Brahman, Brahma [IW]
[[kha nas skyes pa]] - :born from the mouth" brahman, epith. of Brahma [RY]
[[khu phangs]] - n. of Brahma or Vishnu [RY]
[[khu phangs]] - Brahma / Vishnu [IW]
[[khyad gzhi tshangs pa]] - the god Brahma [RY]
[[khyab 'jug]] - Vishnu. Probably 'the Pervader'; as preserver of the universe, he forms part of the Hindu triad of gods, with Brahma the creator and Shiva the destroyer. 2) Syn {[[gza']] [[ra hu la]]} 3) rule [RY]
[['gags pa med pa tshangs pa'i dbyangs]] - the free-flowing melody of Brahma [RY]
[[brgya byin - tshangs pa brgya byin]] - Brahma and Indra [RY]
[[sngags rgyab]] - to blow mantras on (something); [SNT used it to describe how Brahma breathed life into the goddess named [[thig le mchog ma]].] [mss] [RY]
[['chad pa'i tshul drug]] - Six modes of exposition; are: body straight, the eyebrows heightened, gazing with the eyes half closed, mouth open, with the tongue extended in between the conch-white teeth, and speaking with the melodious voice of Brahma [RY]
[[lte ba skyes]] - raven, epithet of Brahma [JV]
[[thig le mchog ma]] - STN (oral comm.): name of a goddess in a Hindu myth of how Brahma got 4 heads. [mss] [RY]
[[bram ze theg pa'i sgom]] - meditation according to the Brahma vehicle [RY]
[[mi mjed bdag po]] - lord of the Saha world, Buddha, Brahma [IW]
[[tshang pa]] - Brahma [RY]
[[tshang pa'i 'jig rten]] - the Brahma world [RY]
[[tshang pa'i gnas bzhi]] - the four abodes of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs]] - Brahma; whole, complete, Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs skud]] - Sacred thread, Brahma sutra. Thread worn over the shoulder by brahmans [RY]
[[tshangs chen]] - the Abode of Maha Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs chen]] - The [gods] in the Abode of Maha Brahma; Mipham Rinpoche: {[[phyin ci log gi lta ba can]] [[ste]] [[thams cad bdag gis byas so snyam du sems pa]]s [['phags pa]] [[dag]] [[der]] [[mi skye ba]]s [[zag med kyi sdom pa]] [[skye ba med]] [[ces]] [[bye smras 'dod]], [[theg chen las]] [[byang sems]] [[rnams]] [[der]] [[skye ba bzhes pa]] [[yod pa]]r [[bzhed do]]} The [gods] in the Abode of Maha Brahma harbor the mistaken view of thinking: “Everything is created by me!” Thus, the Vaibhashikas hold that these gods do not obtain the undefiling vow since noble ones do not take birth there. According to the [[Mahayana]], it is held that [[bodhisattva]]s do accept rebirth in that realm. [RY]
[[tshangs dung gi thor tshugs can]] - Brahma with Conch topknot, [head of all {[[rje'u rigs]]} [RY]
[[tshangs gnas gsum]] - Three Brahma Abodes [RY]
[[tshangs pa]] - Brahma one of the {[[phyogs skyong bcu]]} the ten guardians of the directions. Brahma, [ruler of the realm of form], whole, complete. Brahma (God); pure/ chaste [RY]
[[tshangs pa brgya byin]] - Brahma and Indra [RY]
[[tshangs pa chen po]] - Great Brahma, Mahabrahma, [the highest abode in {[[bsam gtan dang po]]}. n. of the highest heaven of the first dhyana [[bhumi]]. {[[bsam gtan]]} Of the Brahma [Mahabrahma], one of the 28 classes of gods in the form realm {[[gzugs kyi khams]]} of the first absorption {[[bsam gtan dang po'i]]} [RY]
[[tshangs pa dang brgya byin sogs lha rnams]] - Brahma and Sakra and other gods [RY]
[[tshangs pa dung gi thor tshugs can]] - Brahma w conch topknot, [head of all {rje'u rigs} [IW]
[[tshangs pa dung gi thor tshugs can]] - Brahma with Conch topknot, [head of all {rje'u rigs} [RY]
[[tshangs pa dung gi thor tshugs can]] - Brahma w conch topknot, [IW]
[[tshangs pa mdun na 'don]] - Leading Brahmas, [second abode in {[[bsam gtan dang po]]}. Acolytes of Brahma [Brahmapurohita], one of the 28 classes of gods in the {[[gzugs kyi khams]]} form realm on the first absorption. Brahmapurohita. or Priest Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa ba]] - Followers of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i sgra dbyangs]] - the melodious voice of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i dngos po dag la gshegs par gyur to]] - went to the actual heaven of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i rnga sgra]] - Thunder of the Drum of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i 'jig rten]] - Brahma Loka, the world of Brahma, the Brahma abodes / realms. [the abodes of {[[bsam gtan dang po]]} [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i 'jig rten]] - 1) Brahma loka/ world[s]/ abodes/ realms; 2) the universe up to the level of the 1st dhyana [IW]
[[tshangs pa'i 'jig rten]] - Abode of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i 'jig rten]] - 1) Brahma loka/ world[s]/ abodes/ realms [of {bsam gtan dang po}; 2) the universe up to the level of the 1st dhyana [IW]
[[tshangs pa'i 'jig rten]] - x {[[yul]] [[tshangs pa'i 'jig rten]] [[bzhin tu]] [[skyong ba]] [[zhig yod]] [[pa]]} protected his land as if it were the land of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i 'jig rten]] - Brahma Loka. The samsaric realms of the god Brahma within the Realm of Form [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i theg pa]] - 1) the vehicle of Brahma {lha dang mi'i theg pa} two detailed explanation, word explanation GD [IW]
[[tshangs pa'i gnas]] - the Brahma abodes [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i gnas pa bzhi]] - Four Brahma Abodes [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i gnas bzhi]] - the four abodes of Brahma / Brahmaviharas, {[[snying rje]]}, {[[byams pa]]}, {[[dga' ba]]}, {[[btang snyoms]]}. [comp. with {[[tshad med bzhi]]}. the four divine abidings / states [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i bu ga]] - brahmarandra, aperture of Brahma [IW]
[[tshangs pa'i dbang po]] - Lord Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i dbyangs]] - gsung 'gags pa med pa tshangs pa'i dbyangs - your speech is the free-flowing melody of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i dbyangs]] - melody of Brahma [IW]
[[tshangs pa'i ris]] - the Brahma realms [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i lam]] - the aperture of Brahma [IW]
[[tshangs pa'i lam]] - Syn {[[tshangs bug]]} the aperture of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs pa'i lha]] - the Brahma gods / devas [RY]
[[tshangs bug]] - brahmarandra, aperture of Brahma [IW]
[[tshangs dbang]] - Lord Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs rigs kyi lha]] - the gods / devas of the Brahma realm / class [RY]
[[tshangs ris]] - the Brahma abodes, {[[bsam gtan dang po'i gnas]]}. 'Of Brahma's group' or class of the gods, Brahma- kayika, Brahma- kayika [RY]
[[tshangs ris]] - the Abode of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs ris pa]] - Brahmakayika. or Stratum Of Brahma [RY]
[[tshangs gsal bas]] - Brahma prayed [RY]
[[tshangs lha]] - Brahma-devas, the gods of the Brahma realms [RY]
[[gza' phur bu]] - thursday, Brhaspati, teacher of the Hindu deity Brahma [JV]
[[rus rgyan drug]] - bone ornaments, six. The bone ornaments that are common for both the peaceful and wrathful deities are: the bone ornament at the crown of the head that symbolizes concentration and Akshobhya; the earrings that symbolize patience and Amitabha; the choker that symbolizes generosity and Ratnasambhava; the bracelets and anklets that symbolize discipline and Vairochana; the belt that symbolizes diligence and Amoghasiddhi; and the human ashes and Brahma cord on the torso that symbolize the Vajra Bearer or Vajradhara.  [RY]
[[rlung bcu]] - [[Ten Kinds of Vital Energy]]. These are the five basic energies {[[rtsa ba rlung lnga]]} of breath {[[srog 'dzin]]} or prana. secretion / reproduction {[[thur sel]]} or apana. speech {[[rgyen rgyu]]} or udana. digestion {[[mnyam rgyu]]} or samana. and metabolism / circulation / muscular movement {[[khyab byed]]} or vyapin. Then the five ancillary energies {[[yan lag gi rlung lnga]]} are those of the nagas {[[klu'i rlung]]} or [[naga]]. connecting with the eyes, of the tortoise {[[ru sbal gi rlung]]} or kurma. connecting with the heart, of Brahma {[[tshang pa'i rlung]]} or brahma / k.rkila. connecting with the nose, of Devadatta {[[lha sbyin gi rlung]]} or devadatta. connecting with the tongue and of the King of Wealth {[[nor lha rgyal gi rlung]]} or dhanan~jaya. connecting with the whole body. [GM] [RY]
[[bsam gtan dang po'i gnas gsum]] - the three abodes of the First Dhyana: {tshangs ris} the Abode of Brahma, {tshangs pa mdun na 'don gyi lha} the gods of Brahma's Priests, {tshangs chen gyi gnas} the Abode of Maha Brahma [RY]
[[lha'i yul tshangs pa'i 'jig rten]] - the heaven of Brahma [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]]

Revision as of 15:02, 25 April 2006