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'''Milarepa''' [[mi la ras pa]], [[rje btsun mi la ras pa]], (1040-1123)
#REDIRECT [[Chetsun Senge Wangchuk]]
[[Image:JetsunMila.jpg|thumb|Jetsun Milarepa (1040-1123)]]
Famed yogi and patriarch of the [[Kagyu]] lineage. One of the most famous yogis and poets in Tibetan religious history. Most of the teachings of the [[Kagyu]] schools passed through him. He was the main disciple of [[Marpa]], the translator. His two main students were his “sun-like” disciple [[Gampopa]] and his “moon-like“ disciple [[Rechungpa]]. The picture shows one of three very old and sacred statues of Milarepa which are kept in [[Lapchi]] ([[la phyi]]), one of the places where Milarepa stayed for a long time meditating in various caves. This particular one belonged to [[Tsang Nyon Heruka]] ([[gtsang smyon he ru ka]]), (1452-1507) who compiled and published Milarepa’s biography ([[mi la rnam thar]]) and spiritual songs ([[mi la mgur 'bum]]) while doing retreat in [[Lapchi]] in 1488.
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===Literary Works===
===Main Teachers===
===Main Students===
'''The eight great sons:'''<br>
*[[Je Gampopa]], the sun-like son<br>
*[[Rechungpa]], the moon-like son<br>
'''and the star-like sons:'''<br>
*[[Ngendzong Jangchub Gyalpo]]<br>
*[[Repa Shiwa O]] <br>
*[[Seban Repa]] <br>
*[[Kyira Repa]] <br>
*[[Drigom Repa]] <br>
*[[Repa Sangye Khyab]] <br>
'''The thirteen close sons:'''<br>
*[[Shengom Repa]]<br>
*[[Lengom Repa]]<br>
*[[Megom Repa]]<br>
*[[Tsaphu Repa]]<br>
*[[Kharchung Repa]]<br>
*[[Rongchung Repa]]<br>
*[[Taggom Repa Dorje Wangchuk]]<br>
*[[Jogom Repa Darma Wangchuk]]<br>
*[[Dampa Gyakphuwa]]<br>
*[[Likor Charupa]]<br>
*[[Lotön Gendün]]<br>
*[[Kyotön Shakya Guna]]<br>
*[[Dretön Tashi Bar]]<br>
'''The four highly developed daughters:'''<br>
*[[Tshonga Rechungma]]<br>
*[[Nyanang Sale O]]<br>
*[[Chung Paldar Bum]]<br>
*[[Peta Gonkyi]]<br>
===Main Lineages===
===Alternate Names===
*[[Jetsun Milarepa]]<br>
*[[Jetsun Mila Shepa Dorje]]<br>
*[[Mila Shepa Dorje]]<br>
===Other Reference Sources===
*[[Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa]]: A Biography from the Tibetan being the Jetsun-Kahbum or Biographical History of Jetsun-Milarepa, According to the Late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Rendering; edited by [[W Y Evans Wentz]] ISBN 0195003012,
*[[Life of Milarepa]]; translated by [[Lobsang Lhalungpa]]; ISBN 0394726960, 
*[[Biography of the Great Yogi Milarepa]] by [[Tsang Nyon Heruka]]; ISBN 0140193502
*[[The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa]] compiled by [[Tsang Nyon Heruka]]; ISBN 0486428141
*[[Ten Teachings from 100,000 Songs of Milarepa]] by [[Thrangu Rinpoche]], translated by [[Peter Roberts]]; ISBN 8170307007
*[[The Message Of Milarepa]]: New Light Upon The Tibetan Way; Translated by [[Humphrey Clarke]]
*[[Herr der Yogis]], [[Tsang Nyon Heruka]]: Translated into German by [[Thomas Roth]], forthcoming.
*[[Drinking the Mountain Stream]]: Songs of Tibet's Beloved Saint, Milarepa, [[Lama Kunga Thartse Rinpoche]], ISBN 0861710630
===Internal Links===
===External Links===
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]

Latest revision as of 04:48, 15 December 2005