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'''perception''' ([[snang ba]]), [[nangwa]], any occurrence in the mind. Includes sense impressions, plans, memories and meditative experiences.
#redirect [[Four Schools]]
kun khyab tshad ma gsum - three kinds of universally valid cognition [scripture, inference, perception) [IW]
kun gyi mthun snang - the shared perception/ common experience of everyone [IW]
kun gyi mthun snang - the shared perception of all, common to the experience of everyone [RY]
kun 'gro lnga - the five ever-present [mental states]. 1) {sems pa}. - apprehension / intention. 2) {tshor ba} sensation. 3) {'du shes}. perception / recognition. 4) {yid la byed pa}. attention. 5) {reg pa}. contact [RY]
kun 'gro lnga - five pervasive mental states; 1) {sems pa} intention 2) {yid la byed pa} concentration 3) {reg pa} -contact 4) {tshor ba} sensation 5) {'du shes} recognition - the five ever-present (mental states) {sems pa - apprehension/ intention 2) {tshor ba} sensation} -) {'du shes} perception/ recognition 4) {yid la byed pa} attention 5) {reg pa} contact) sems thams cad kyi rjes su 'gro ba'i sems byung lnga ste tshor ba dang, 'du shes, sems pa, reg pa, yid byed bcas so/ lnga po de las gang rung gcig med na'ang sems yul la gtod pa'i bya ba mi rdzogs pas/ khams gsum gyis bsdus pa'i sems gtso bo rnam shes kun gyi rjes su 'gro ba'i phyir de skad ces bya] [IW]
kun 'gro lnga - five pervasive mental states; 1) {sems pa} intention 2) {yid la byed pa} concentration 3) {reg pa}-contact 4) {tshor ba} sensation 5) {'du shes} recognition - the five ever-present (mental states) {sems pa - apprehension/ intention 2) {tshor ba} sensation}-) {'du shes} perception/ recognition 4) {yid la byed pa} attention 5) {reg pa} contact) sems thams cad kyi rjes su 'gro ba'i sems byung lnga ste tshor ba dang, 'du shes, sems pa, reg pa, yid byed bcas so/ lnga po de las gang rung gcig med na'ang sems yul la gtod pa'i bya ba mi rdzogs pas/ khams gsum gyis bsdus pa'i sems gtso bo rnam shes kun gyi rjes su 'gro ba'i phyir de skad ces bya] [IW]
kun brtags pa'i gzugs - falsely conceived forms [like false perception of skeletons in charnel ground meditation, or impure samadhi] [IW]
kun nas nyon mongs phyogs kyi 'grel rkang nga gsum - 50 three divisions of ever-afflicted phenomena [1-5 {phung bo lnga} five aggregates/skandhas --11 {dbang bo drug} six sense faculties/powers 12-17 {rnam shes drug} six consciousnesses see {rnam shes tshogs brgyad} 18-23 {yul drug} {skye mched drug} six sources of perception (see {yul drug} {bskyed mched drug} 24-29 {reg pa drug} six contacts 30-35 {tshor ba drug} six feelings (see {tshor ba drug} 36-41 {'byung ba drug} six elements 42-53 {rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis} the twelve links of interdependent origination.] [IW]
kun nas nyon mongs phyogs kyi 'grel rkang lnga cu nga gsum - the fifty three divisions of ever-afflicted phenomena. 1-5 {phung bo lnga}. five aggregates. see. {phung po lnga}. 6-11 {dbang bo drug}. six sense faculties / powers [see. {dbang po drug}.) 12-17 {rnam shes drug}. six consciousnesses [see. {rnam shes tshogs brgyad}. 1-6) 18-23 {yul drug}. Syn {skye mched drug}. six sources of perception [see. {yul drug}. Syn {bskyed mched drug}.) 24-29 {reg pa drug}. six contacts [see. {reg ba drug}.) 30-35 {tshor ba drug}. six feelings [see. {tshor ba drug}.) 36-41 {'byung ba drug}. six elements [see. {byung ba drub}.) 42-53 {rten 'brel bcu gnyis}. the twelve links of interdependent origination [see. {rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis}]. See. {phung po lnga}. 6-11 {dbang bo drug}. six sense faculties / powers [see. {dbang po drug}.) 12-17 {rnam shes drug}. six consciousnesses [see. {rnam shes tshogs brgyad}. 1-6) 18-23 {yul drug}. Syn {skye mched drug}. six sources of perception [see. {yul drug}. Syn {bskyed mched drug}.) 24-29 {reg pa drug}. six contacts [see. {reg ba drug}.) 30-35 {tshor ba drug}. six feelings [see. {tshor ba drug}.) 36-41 {'byung ba drug}. six elements [see. {byung ba drub}.) 42-53 {rten 'brel bcu gnyis}. the twelve links of interdependent origination [see. {rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis}.] [RY]
kun rdzob pa'i ngo bo mngon sum gyur pa - direct perception of a conventional identity [IW]
kun rdzob pa'i ngo bo mngon sum gyur pa - in a direct perception of a conventional identity [RY]
keng rus kyi 'du shes - the perception of skeletons [mi sdug pa sgom skabs chags yul ken grus kyi rnam par 'du shes pa'am sems pa] [IW]
keng rus kyi 'du shes - the perception of skeletons [RY]
dkar lam - the white experience mind of radiant white appearance [the falling of the white Bodhicitta from the head-center to the heart-center eg at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness, whiteness, the first of {snang ba gsum} {snang mched thob gsum}, white light] [IW]
dkar lam - the white experience mind of radiant white appearance [the falling of the white Bodhicitta from the head-center to the heart-center eg at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness, whiteness, the [IW]
dkar lam pa - Syn {dkar lam}. utter whiteness; 1) A mind of radiant white appearance. 2) the falling of the white Bodhichitta from the head-center to the heart-center at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death. accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness [RY]
dkar lam ba - [A mind] of radiant white appearance [the falling of the white bodhicitta from the head-center to the heart- center eg at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness] [IW]
dkrong bskyed - of instantaneous birth, instantaneous perception [JV]
bkra ba 'dzin - perception enriched by rnam rtog [JV]
skye mched - 1) ayatana * " the sources, bases [of cognition], faculty, sense fields/ factors/ spheres/ mediums/ bases, constituent[s of experience, arising expansion [as in {mu bzhi} entrances; 2) perception, state of mind; 3) source [of perception]; 4) six objects and six sense powers/ sense bases [IW]
skye mched - 1) [ayatana] "medium for a sense perception to arise," the sources, bases, base of cognition, faculty, sense fields / factors / spheres, sense mediums, sour of perception constituent[s) of experience; arising expansion [as in {mu bzhi}. entrances. abbr. of {skye mched bcu gnyis}. 2) perception, state of mind. 3) source. 4) six objects and the six sense powers or sense bases; {nyer spyod rnam par shes pa skye ba'i sgo las yul gzhan la mched par byed pa'i don gyis na skye mched ces bya'o} sense door, sense-factors, sense-field, source, experiential medium [RY]
skye mched - Sources of perception, the six objects and the six sense powers or sense bases; constituent[s] of experience, arising expansion [as in {mu bzhi}.] [RY]
skye mched - 1) ayatana; sense bases, sense-field, source, the sources of perception; The twelve sense factors are the five senses or the organs of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and the mental faculty as well as their corresponding objects which are visual form, sound, smell, taste, texture, and the mental object. 2) perception-sphere/s. A variety of states of meditative absorption, possibly lasting many aeons within the four formless realms. See also {skye mched mu bzi} 'fourfold spheres of perception.' See under {gzugs med khams} 'Formless Realms.' 3) base of perception [RY]
skye mched - ayatana; source; Sources of perception, the six objects and the six sense powers or sense bases; sensory field; sense-field [RY]
skye mched bcu gnyis - 12 ayatanas [mig la sogs pa'i rnam par shes pa drug 'byung zhing skye ba'i rgyu'am sgo lta bur gyur pa'i mig dang, rna ba, sna, lce, lus, yid bcas nang gi skye mched dbang po@drug dang, gzugs dang, sgra, dri, ro, reg chos bcas phyi'i skye mched yul drug bcas bcu gnyis so] the 12 sense bases/ sources of perception {phyi'i skye mched drug} six outer sources of perception {nang gi skye mched drug} six inner sources of perception The 12 bases or media for a perception/cognition to occur The sense-bases of; 1) {mig}; 2) {rna ba} 3) {sna} 4) {lce} 5) {lus} 6) {yid} 7) {gzugs} 8) {sgra} 9) {dri} 10) {ro} 11) {reg bya} 12) {chos Eye, nose, ear, tongue, body, mind, form, sound, smell, taste, texture, mental object] [IW]
skye mched bcu gnyis - twelve born and increasing phenomena; the twelve sense bases / sources of perception. {phyi'i skye mched drug}. six outer sources of perception {nang gi skye mched drug}. six inner sources of perception. The 12 bases or media for a perception / cognition to occur. The sense-bases of 1) {mig}. 2) {rna ba}. 3) {sna}. 4) {lce}. 5) {lus}. 6) {yid}. 7) {gzugs}. 8) {sgra}. 9) {dri}. 10) {ro}. 11) {reg bya}. 12) {chos}. Eye, nose, ear, tongue, body, mind, form, sound, smell, taste, texture, mental object [RY]
skye mched drug gi rten 'brel - the interdependent link of six sources of perception, the link of the six cognitive faculties, the fifth link in the twelve linked chain of interdependent origination. Def: {yan lag lnga pa ni/ mngal gnas lnga'i rjes su dbang po drug gsal bar dod pa nyid skye mched rnams kyi ngo bo yin no} [RY]
skye mched drug gi rten 'brel - the interdependent link of the six ayatanas/ sources of perception/ cognitive faculties [IW]
skye mched mu bzhi - the four perception spheres/formless realms [See {gzugs med pa'i khams bzhi} {gzugs med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa bzhi} mu here = kind of] [IW]
skye mched mu bzhi - the four perception spheres/formless realms [IW]
skye mched mu bzhi - the four perception spheres. See {gzugs med pa'i khams bzhi, gzugs med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa bzhi} [RY]
skye mched mu bzhi - Fourfold spheres of perception. Same as the four formless realms. The four unenlightened meditative states of dwelling on the thoughts: Infinite Space, Infinite Consciousness, Nothing Whatsoever, and Neither Presence Nor Absence of conception [RY]
skye mched mu bzhi - {gzugs med pa'i khams bzhi}: {nam mkha' mtha' yas, rnam shes mtha' yas, ci yang med pa, yod min med min te skye mched mu bzhi'o} The four formless realms are the four perception-spheres of Infinite Space, Infinite Consciousness, Nothing Whatsoever, and Neither Presence Nor Absence [of Perception] [RY]
skye mched mu bzhi kyi gnas ris - Four realms of infinite perception. Same as the 'four Formless Realms.' [RY]
skye sched - sources of perception [IW]
skye med rang grol - nonarising self-liberation; nonarising and naturally freed; {byung tshor thams cad skye med rang grol du thag bcad} resolving that all perceptions are nonarising and naturally freed [RY]
skyes bu'i rtags - sense organ, faculty of sense perception [RY]
khong yangs pa - 1) spacious, open, vast, broad. 2) perception, understanding [RY]
khong yangs pa - spacious, open, vast, broad, perception, understanding [IW]
khral ma khrol - undefining perceptions, non-defined appearances [JV]
mkhyen pa - (h) 1) knowledge, wisdom, exalted wisdom, knowledge, insight, understanding, cognition, perception, cognizance. 2) to know, realize, perceive, insight, cognize, understand. 3) knowing; {mkhyen pa, mkhyen pa, mkhyen pa, mkhyen} intr. v.; wisdom, knowledge; to know [RY]
mkhyen pa'i klong du chub pa - (h) exalted wisdom, knowledge, insight, understanding, cognition, perception, cognizance, knowing know, realize, perceive, insight, cognize, understand [IW]
mkhyen gzigs - realize/ comprehend shes bya'i gnas, vision of omniscience, supernatural perception [IW]
mkhyen gzigs - supernatural perception, attributes of a high incarnate lama [JV]
mkhyen gzigs - realize/ comprehend shes bya'i gnas, omniscience, {gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes dang shes bya ji snyed pa gzigs pa'i ye shes} the wisdom that knows the nature of things and the wisdom that sees the extent of knowables), supernatural perception (attributes of a high lama or a Bodhisattva, prophet [IW]
mkhyen gzigs - 1) omniscience. 2) Abbr. of {gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes} + {shes bya ji snyed pa gzigs pa'i ye shes} 3) supernatural perception [attributes of a high lama or a bodhisattva. 4) prophet [RY]
mkhris nad can gyi dmigs pa - the perception of one w jaundice [IW]
'khor ba - Samsara. 'Cyclic existence,' 'vicious circle' or 'round' of birth and death and rebirth within the six realms of existence, characterized by suffering, impermanence, and ignorance. The state of ordinary sentient beings fettered by ignorance and dualistic perception, karma and disturbing emotions. Ordinary reality, an endless cycle of frustration and suffering generated as the result of karma [RY]
'khrul rgyu - the cause of confusion, the cause for a mistaken perception o arise [RY]
'khrul rgyu - the cause of confusion/ mistaken perception [IW]
'khrul ngo - 1) in delusion; 2) deluded perception [IW]
'khrul ngo - in delusion, deluded perception [RY]
'khrul snang - confused/ deluded appearance [appearance unlike things as they are: confused experience, projection, mistaken phenomena, erroneous perception, delusion, illusion, hallucination] [IW]
'khrul snang - 1) confused experience, projection, deluded perception, appearances, mistaken phenomena, appearances, erroneous perception, delusion. Syn {'khrul pa'i snang ba}. 2) illusion, hallucination. confused appearances; appearances/ apparent phenomena based upon/ arising from (states of) confusion; confused appearance; delusory appearances [RY]
'khrul snang - (sensory) appearances/ perceptions based on/ due to/ resulting from/ arising from (states of) confusion; sensory appearances perceived in confusion [RB]
'khrul snang bden med du thag bcad - being convinced that illusory perceptions are not real [RY]
'khrul snang bden med du thag bcad - be convinced that illusory perceptions are not real [IW]
'khrul snang la spyod pa - to experience, revel in deluded perceptions [RY]
'khrul snang la spyod pa - experience/ revel in deluded perceptions [IW]
'khrul pa'i snang ba - 1) confused experience; 2) deluded appearance; 3) erroneous perception [IW]
'khrul pa'i snang ba - 1)confused experience; 2) deluded appearance; 3) erroneous perception)/ [delusion, illusion, hallucination, projection] [IW]
'khrul pa'i shes pa - deluded mind / perception [RY]
'khrul ba'i snang ba - deluded experience, mistaken perception [RY]
'khrul 'dzin - confusing/ erroneous perceptions/ inferences [RB]
'khrul shes - deceptive cognition / consciousness, mistaken perception, mistaken consciousness; confused consciousness [RY]
'khrul shes - confused awareness/ perception [mind having ... ='du shes, not seeing and conceiving things as they are. deceptive, mistaken cognition] [IW]
'khrul shes kun rdzob pa - superficial mistaken perception [RY]
'khrul shes su 'gyur ba - which is a mistaken perception [RY]
'khrus - 1) washed/ rinsed; 2) seeming direct perception [IW]
'khrus - p. of {'khru} Syn with apparent direct perception {mngon sum ltar snag} [RY]
'khrus - 1) washed/ rinsed; 2) seeming direct perception)/; {mngon sum ltar snang} [IW]
gang zag gi bdag 'dzin - conception of/ to conceive of personal identity/ (self-) identity in/ of the individual personality; isc. perception based on the assumption of a personal identity; perceiving as though there were personal/ self-identity [RB]
go med - 1) meaningless, useless; 2) w/o understanding, feeling, perception; 3) unarmed [IW]
go med tshor med - w/o any perception/ feeling of good and bad, joy and sorrow [IW]
go shes - realization/ perception and knowledge [IW]
grags pa'i rjes dpag - metaphorical judgment of perception (phoebus means the sun), inference through renown [JV]
dge ba'i bshes gnyen la sman pa'i 'du shes - perception of the spiritual friend as a doctor [IW]
dgra bo'i 'du shes - perception of an enemy [IW]
dgra bo'i 'du shes su byed pa - produce perception of an enemy [IW]
'gal dmigs kyi rtags drug - six perceptions of inconsistent situations as reason [6 reasons which are an observation of a contradictory alleged situation [R] [IW]
'gal dmigs kyi rtags drug - six perceptions of inconsistent situations as reason [IW]
'gal dmigs kyi rtags drug - six perceptions of inconsistent situations as reason [six reasons which are an observation of a contradictory alleged situation [chn) of allegedly possibly apparent but contradictory situations [dmigs pa] with true reasons, among reasons which have the contradiction of not existing together with some aspect of the proof are: 1 bringing forth a situation as reason that contradicts the nature rang bzhin 'gal dmigs kyi rtags [IW]
'gal zla dmigs pa drug - 1) six perceptions of inconsistent fact reason [six signs which are an observation of a contradictory object chn] [IW]
'gal zla dmigs pa drug - 1) six perceptions of inconsistent fact reason [6 signs which are an observation of a contradictory object chn] [IW]
'gal zla dmigs pa drug - 1) six perceptions of inconsistent fact reason [IW]
'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags - perception of inconsistent situation as reason/sign [chn.] among possibly apparent unobserved situations used as reasons [snang rung ma dmigs pa'i rtags] the subject of debate rtsod gzhi'i steng du? having the power to establish the dharma to be refuted as certainly non-existing is given as a reason dgag bya'i chos med nges su sgrub nus pa'i sgrub pa rtags su sbyor ba ste, eg. "The dharmin fire by great force me stobs chen pos is a basis of arising of khyab par non pa, the grang [ba'i] reg [bya] is without continuous existence rgyun chags su gnas pa med de, because fire is a thing by great force a basis of arising of khyab par non pa the establishing reason la dgag sgra in a way without any joining/connection refutes what is to be refuted [IW]
'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags - sign which is an observation of a contradictory object; perception of inconsistent fact reason [RY]
'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags - perception of inconsistent situation as reason/ sign [IW]
'gal zla dmigs pa'i rtags - perception of inconsistent situation as reason/ sign [chn.] among possibly apparent unobserved situations used as reasons [R] [IW]
'gog snyoms zhugs sems - mind which has entered the absorption of cessation. [w cessation of coarse feeling and perception] [IW]
'gog pa la dmigs pa - the conception/ perception/ object of cessation [IW]
'gog pa'i snyoms 'jug - equilibrium of cessation [A samapatti which makes coarse feeling and perception cease without the desire for/of the ayatana of nothing whatsoever, the summit of samsara las gyen du disturbances abiding in peace's perception previously btang ba'i yid la byed pa, by which the dharmas of mind and mental contents unstable and some of the stable ones too cease. Here, the seven consciousnesses [the six sense consciousnesses and klesha mind] cease in the final samadhi of the nine samapattis.]{'gog snyoms - samapatti/equilibrium of cessation: 1) absorption of cessation; 2) the equilibrium of no cessation, as one of the fourteen non-concurrent formations; 3) attainment of the suspension of attitudinal and functional operations)/ the mind of shamatha of the summit of samsara and vipashyana having the characteristic of being completely in accord with the undefiled of the continuua of the noble ones of hinayana, depending on which there are never mind and mental contents the six consciousnesses and constant cessation of klesha mind.] [IW]
'gog pa'i rnam thar - the liberation of cessation [one of the eight liberations, rnam thar brgyad. Within nature of the path where mind and mental contents dwell in complete pacification there is a liberation in which coarse feeling and perception cease.] [IW]
rgyab 'gal gyi snang - opposing perceptions [JV]
rgyu rkyen rten 'brel gyi snang ba - perceptions that are interdependency of causes and conditions [RY]
rgyu khyad par sgrub kyi 'bras rtags - rkyen gzhan la ltos pa'i rtags kyis rang rgyu khyad par ba gzhan yod par sgrub pa ste, dper na, the dharmin sense perception, dbang yid las gzhan pa'i rang rgyu yod de, rang gi dmigs rkyen med na mi skye ba'i phyir, zhes pa lta bu dbang shes skye ba la dbang yid de ma thag rkyen yod dgos par ma zad, phyi rol gyi yul med na mi skye bas rgyu khyad par ba'am bye brag pa dmigs rkyen yod par sgrub byed kyi 'bras rtags yin no***'bras bu'i rtags lnga'i nang gses [IW]
rgyu mthun pa'i dge ba - {nyer zhi mya ngan las 'das pa thob pa de'i dbang gis 'jig rten las 'das pa'i mngon shes sogs yon tan 'grub pa'o} 'Virtues resembling their cause' will accomplish the qualities of the supramundane higher perceptions and so forth, by means of the attainment of the nirvana of total peace. [RY]
sger gyi snang ba - individual perception [IW]
sger gyi snang ba - individual perception. Syn {rang snang} [RY]
sgo lnga - 5 (sense organs, senses, sense perceptions) [JV]
sgo lnga'i 'khrul snang - the deluded perceptions of the five senses [RY]
sgo lnga'i rnam shes - Five sense consciousnesses. The five functions of cognizing the sense objects of visual form, sound, smell, taste and texture. consciousnesses of the five senses; five sense-cognitions, perceptions of the five sense-doors [RY]
sgo lnga'i rnam shes pa - the perception of the five sense-doors, cognition of the five senses-doors [IW]
sgo lnga'i shes pa - consciousnesses/cognitions/perceptions of the five sense-doors [IW]
sgo lnga'i shes pa - consciousnesses of the five sense-doors, five sensory perceptions, five sense door cognitions [RY]
sgyu ma'i snang ba - illusive perception [RY]
sgyu ma'i dpe brgyad du bltas pa - seeing [all the objects of your perception] as in the eight similes of illusion [RY]
sgra 'dzin dbang mngon - direct sense perception that apprehends sound [RY]
sgra 'dzin dbang mngon - sense perception of the sound grasping faculty [IW]
sgra 'dzin yid mngon - direct mental perception that apprehends sound [RY]
sgra 'dzin yid mngon - sound grasping mental faculty perception [IW]
sgrib pa - Obscuration. The two veils of disturbing emotions and dualistic perception that cover one's buddha nature [RY]
sgrib pa - Obscurations. The veils that covers one's direct perception of the nature of mind. In the general Buddhist teachings several types are mentions: the obscuration of karma preventing one from entering the path of enlightenment, the obscuration of disturbing emotions preventing progress along the path, the obscuration of habitual tendencies preventing the vanishing of confusion, and the final obscuration of dualistic knowledge preventing the full attainment of buddhahood [RY]
nges 'byung snying rje dag snang - renunciation, compassion, and pure perception [RY]
ngor snang - perceived by, seen as, in the perception of; manifest to [us] [RY]
dngon par shes pa'i dngos grub - the siddhis of higher perception [IW]
dngos - real[ity], [real] existence [-t]/ thing, matter, material, (objective entity, substance, substantiality, property, goods, given thing, perceivable entity serving as a base for cognition/ imputation, substance, substantial entity, functional/ effective thing, that which is able to perform a function, subject, category, that which corresponds to the meaning of a word, fact, phenomena, activity, being, essence, article (in a household, (conditioned entity, {yod pa}, {ngo bo}, nature, {dgongs pa}, meaning, solidity, impermanent thing, objects, Bhava, (8th year, male wood dog {shing pho khyi}, topic, exist[ent], ground luminosity, actual[ly][ity], incarnate, genuine, explicit, direct, proper, full, concrete[ness], manifest, the main [part], embodiment; 1) direct, in person, face to face unconcealed perception; 2) directly, not through another; 3) not made up/ false but true/ original, genuine [IW]
dngos stobs rjes dpag - immediate inference, existential judgment of perception, (we pass to new symbolic formulation of same existent fact, example - in recognizing impermanence, we also recognize the concrete nature of that which is impermanent), inference by the power of the fact, objectively impelled inference [JV]
dngos po mthong ba - direct perception of reality - [RY]
dngos po 'du shes can - possessing perception of things [IW]
dngos por dmigs pa - conception/ perception of things / solidity [IW]
dngos yul - [actual] object [having really appeared to the mind and been understood, eg, in perception of a vase, vase grasping dngos yul is a vase] [IW]
mngon - see, envision, observe, be[come] visible/ evident, show, manifest, display, expose, reveal, appear, apparent, manifestation, show, demonstrate, aspect of clarity/ manifestation in perception, before 1, directly present [IW]
mngon bkhyen - (H) supernormal knowledge, higher perception clearly know [IW]
mngon mkhyen - - (h) of {mngon shes} supernormal knowledge, clearly knows, higher perception [RY]
mngon mkhyen - [h] supernormal knowledge, higher perception [IW]
mngon pa - conspicuous, visible, evident, obvious manifest[ation], perception, making (or becoming) manifest, be evident, 1.(Tha mi dad pa),, be clear, seen, apprehended; 2) (Aabhi) abhidharma nirvana la mngon du phyogs pa'i truth etc &, each dharma whether it is or is not gzugs can etc. having discriminated again and again is shown &, phas rgol overcome &, by this we realize the meaning of the sutras as manifested by the four reasonings [IW]
mngon par rtogs pa - clear (understanding, comprehension, perception), right (discernment, knowledge), hymn-like description of a deity [JV]
mngon par zhes pa - super-sensory perception [IW]
mngon par shes - the higher perceptions, clearly/ fully know [IW]
mngon par shes mngon par bsgrubs pa - fully establish the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa - higher perceptions [RY]
mngon par shes pa - {mngon shes} sublime state of perception [RB]
mngon par shes pa - (the) higher perceptions, clairvoyance, super knowledge, faculty of prescience, true knowledge [IW]
mngon par shes pa - Superknowledge. Usually refers to the six 'higher perceptions' including clairvoyance, knowledge of other's minds etc. See 'six superknowledges.' [RY]
mngon par shes pa - extraordinary powers; [the] higher perceptions, clairvoyance, superknowledge. the faculty of prescience, true knowledge; superior knowledge; higher perception, superknowledge, super-sensory perception [RY]
mngon par shes pa - supernormal cognition/ perception [RY]
mngon  par shes pa lnga - five sublime states of perception [RB]
mngon par shes pa lnga dang ldan pa - possessing the five higher perceptions [1 {lha'i mig - {lha'i rna ba - {gzhan gyi sems shes pa} -}-) {'chi 'pho dang skye ba dran pa} -}-) {rdzu 'phrul gyi mngon par shes pa} [IW]
mngon par shes pa lnga dang ldan pa - possessing the five higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa drug - six super-knowledges/ higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa drug - six super-knowledges/higher perceptions [1 {lha'i spyan} eyes of the gods two {lha'i snyan} -hearing of the gods three {pha rol gyi sems shes pa} ability to read the minds of others 4) {sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa shes pa} eemembrance of past lives 5) {rdzu 'phrul gyi bya ba zhes pa} ability to perform miraculous transformations 6) {zag pa sad pa shes pa} ability to destroy all imperfections) [IW]
mngon par shes pa drug - six super-knowledges/higher perceptions [1 {lha'i spyan} eyes of the gods two {lha'i snyan} -}-hearing of the gods three {pha rol gyi sems shes pa} ability to read the minds of others 4) {sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa shes pa} eemembrance of past lives 5) {rdzu 'phrul gyi bya ba zhes pa} ability to perform miraculous transformations 6) {zag pa sad pa shes pa} ability to destroy all imperfections) [IW]
mngon par shes pa drug dang ldan - possessing the six higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa drug dang ldan pa - possessing the six higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa ma nyams pa - not experience the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa myur ba nyid - swiftness of higher perception [RY]
mngon par shes pa myur ba nyid - quickly attain the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa 'i rdzu 'phrul - the miracles of clairvoyance/ super knowledge/ the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa la sogs pa - the higher perceptions and so forth [IW]
mngon par shes pa la sogs pa yon tan khyad par can rnams kyis dbang phyug sbyin par byed pa - bestow the gift of special qualities such as the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa'i mngon shes - the higher perception of superknowledge [RY]
mngon par shes pa'i spyod pa - realization of the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa'i ye shes - the wisdom of the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon par shes pa'i shes pa - the knowledge of the higher perceptions [IW]
mngon gzigs - true perception [RY]
mngon shes - clairvoyance, clairvoyant power, abhijnana; higher perception, super knowledge, foresight, foreknowledge, prophesy, supersensible cognition, clairvoyant knowledge, supernatural perception, paranormal cognition, supernormal knowledge, supernormal cognitive power; precognition; supernatural knowledge [RY]
mngon shes - higher perceptions [IW]
mngon shes - {mngon par shes pa} sublime state of perception [RB]
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Latest revision as of 03:14, 26 January 2006

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