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Erik, The term shes sgrib seems to have two connotations:
#redirect [[Three obscurations]]
1. obstruction to omniscience (is the shes bya here referring to "what is to be known", i.e., omniscience?)
2. cognitive obscuration (is the shes bya here referring to cognition and thus taken in a negative sense?)
I've always been puzzled by this.
Thanks, --Gerry
:[Erik:] I always understood that the first connotation was its function while the second was its identity. Therefore, to translate something as "that which does such and such" could be correct, but then again, what would "obstructions to omniscience" be in Tibetan?
:[Erik]: PS. Now where is Zenkar Rinpoche's dictionary of the eight practice lineages?
:[Richard]:  The obstruction to omniscience IS the cognitive obscuration, is my take on this.  It's pretty much what Erik indicated.  These are two aspects or attributes of one and the same action. (different facets of the same diamond)  However mutually interdependent these may come to appear to us, at this same moment these are not synonymous.
:In omniscience, as all things are realized 'at once', here we find no room (so to speak) for the conceptual re-cognitive process which would allow for any differentiation such as "from essence to object", from this timeless infinitude to the particulars of linear thought and dualistic discursiveness.
:In, or as such a consideration, a time/space factor would allow for a transition from this pure experiencing 'as-this-is' to the more habitually and seemingly comfortable conceived notion of a "what is" or even "this is".  As is indicated then, all 'things' are beheld pristinely and without any separation into particulars such as time and/or duration, space and/or placement. Any "individuality" is effortlessly dissolved in this sea of equanimously pure reflection. 
:IOW, all 'things' are realized (other than 'known') as spontaneously 'present', though even 'presence' is known prior to it's own cognitive separation as would be delineated by some conceptual past and/or future.  All particulars lose ground, as does even any notion of sameness.  As any and all notions for differentiation into particulars simultaneously dissolves so also do any notions of sameness.  See?
:So...what happens now?  Omniscience is realized as being all things whatsoever which are known - yet still beyond anything which is known...which is why we speak of realization.  This speaks TO this place which has no words to describe.
:Needless to say also...any ideas such as negative OR positive notions dissolve as well.  'Things' come to be revealed in and as only "all-Good".
:The [[kun byed rgyal po]] explains this in stark detail.

Latest revision as of 14:20, 26 January 2006

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