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Eight Classes of Herukas (vocab. of Shiecha Dzö translation) brgyad:sgrub pa bka' brgyad 1) che mchog (bdud rtsi yon tan), the deity of qualities 2) 'jam dpal sku (gzhin rje), the deity of body 3) padma gsung (rta mgrin), the deity of speech 4) yang dag thugs, the deity of mind 5) phur pa 'phrin las, the deity of action 6) ma mo rbod gtong, the deity of inciting and dispatching 7) bla ma rig 'dzin, the Master (when added these become nine) 8) 'jigs rten mchod bstod, the worldly deities of offering and praise. 9) dmdo pa drag sngags, the wordly deities of exorcism. [MR]
'''Eight Classes of Herukas''' [[sgrub pa bka' brgyad]]
*(vocab. of Shiecha Dzö translation):<br>  1) [[che mchog]] ([[bdud rtsi yon tan]]), the deity of qualities<br> 2) [['jam dpal sku]] ([[gzhin rje]]), the deity of body<br> 3) [[padma gsung]] ([[rta mgrin]]), the deity of speech<br> 4) [[yang dag thugs]], the deity of mind<br> 5) [[phur pa 'phrin las]], the deity of action<br> 6) [[ma mo rbod gtong]], the deity of inciting and dispatching<br> 7) [[bla ma rig 'dzin]], the Master (when added these become nine)<br> 8) [['jigs rten mchod bstod]], the worldly deities of offering and praise.<br> 9) [[dmod pa drag sngags]], the wordly deities of exorcism. [MR]

Latest revision as of 13:27, 16 January 2006

Eight Classes of Herukas sgrub pa bka' brgyad