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[[kun tu bzang mo]] - 1) female of Samantabhadra; Samantabhadri, (p.n. of the [[Primordial Wisdom]]). 2) name of a sadhana [Caturanga Sadhana Samantabhadri Nama) one of the {[[chos bcu bzhi]]}, fourteen treatises on the [[Guhyasamaja]] commentaries by {[[sangs rgyas ye shes]]}. 3) myth. n. of a flower growing on [[Mount Meru]]. consort of [[Samantabhadra]]. [[Samantabhadri]] [RY]
Anuttara-yoga tantra [RY]  

[[kun tu bzang mo]] - Ever-Excellent Lady, Skt. Samantabhadri. The All-good, the mother of all the [[buddhas of the three times]]; the female counterpart / consort of [[Samantabhadra]], the [[dharmakaya buddha]]. She symbolizes [[emptiness]] and [[dharmadhatu]] [RY]
highest yoga tantra [RY]  

[[kun tu bzang mo]] - 1) ''Samantabhadri'', [[Mandarava]], female figured in connection with [[kun tu bzang po]]. 2) A kind of flower growing on the [[Sumeru Mountain]] [JV]
The highest division of tantra according to the New Translation (Tib. gsar ma) schools.
Further divided into '''Father''' Tantras (those emphasising method), '''Mother''' Tantras (those emphasizing wisdom) and '''Non-Dual''' Tantras.

[[kun tu bzang mo]] - ''Samantabhadri'', the feminine aspect of the [[primordial Buddha]] [RY]
These three subdivisions roughly equate to the Maha-, Anu-, and Ati-Yoga tantras in the Inner Tantra division of the Nyingma schema.

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[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Tantra]]  
[[Category: Key Terms]][[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Vajrayana]][[Category: Tantra]][[Category: Tantric Deities]]
[[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Teachings]]

Revision as of 17:33, 9 February 2006

Anuttara-yoga tantra [RY]

highest yoga tantra [RY]

The highest division of tantra according to the New Translation (Tib. gsar ma) schools. Further divided into Father Tantras (those emphasising method), Mother Tantras (those emphasizing wisdom) and Non-Dual Tantras.

These three subdivisions roughly equate to the Maha-, Anu-, and Ati-Yoga tantras in the Inner Tantra division of the Nyingma schema.

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