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'khor gsum rnam par mi rtog pa - 3-fold non-conceptual purity [all dharmas are free from fixating thoughts of things and of actor, action, and object. For example there is the prajna that knows that no nature exists for the three partialities: the 1 who gives the gift, the wealth to be given, and the receiver, the object of the generosity] [IW] | |||
[[Category: | dngos med ngo bo nyid du shes pa'i mthar gyis sbyor ba - among the {sher phyin don bdun cu}, having that realized that all dharmas are essenceless in the absolute, gradually get used to it] [IW] | ||
ci yang med pa'i skye mched - sphere/ activity field of nothing at all [kinicany yatana, 1 of the 28 classes of gods of the {gzugs med pa'i khams} = formless realm, {gzugs med skye mched mu bzhi} all dharmas and the perceiving consciousness are limitless, no dharmas are seen which are not included in that, so 1 thinks, "there is nothing at all."] [IW] | |||
gcig du bral - devoid of being one or many, things not existing independently, the absence of singularity and plurality [a reasoning so resolving the way all dharmas are] [IW] | |||
chos kun - all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos kun - all that is, all that can be, all experiences, all phenomena, all events,, all dharmas [JV] | |||
chos kun - all dharmas, all phenomena, [informal:] all that exists [RY] | |||
chos kun gyi stong pa nyid - the emptiness of all dharmas, all-encompassing void [IW] | |||
chos kun gyi yul can - subject of all phenomena, perceiver of all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos kun stong pa nyid - the emptiness of all dharmas, all-encompassing void [IW] | |||
chos kyi bdag med rtogs pa - realize the non-self/ egolessness of all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos kyi bdag med rtogs pa'i shes rab - the knowledge / praj¤ which realizes the egolessness/ non-self of all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos kyi bdag med rtogs pa'i shes rab - the knowledge which realizes the nonself of dharmas, the prajna which realizes the egolessness of all dharmas [RY] | |||
chos kyi mdo bzhi - the four summaries/ synopses of the dharma {'du byed thams cad ni mi rtag pa'o},, {zag pa dang bcas pa ni sdug bsngal b'o},, {mya ngan las 'das pa ni zhi b'o}, {chos thams cad ni stong zhing bdag med pa'o}, all conditioned things are impermanent, what is defiled is suffering, nirvana is peace, all dharmas are empty and selfless] [IW] | |||
chos kyi dbyings - Dharma-element, dharmadhatu [as suchness, realm of dharmas, realm of phenomena sm {gnas lugs gyi don}, lit expanse of the dharma, ultimate reality, the realm of all dharmas, totality of existents, all-encompassing space, boundless space = voidness, openness, de bzhin nyid] [IW] | |||
chos kyi dbyings - Syn {de bzhin nyid} Dharma-element, Dharmadhatu, as suchness, realm of dharmas, realm of phenomena. Syn {gnas lugs gyi don}, lit. expanse of the Dharma, ultimate reality, synonym of voidness or openness, the realm of all dharmas, totality of existents, all-encompassing space, boundless space [RY] | |||
chos nyid zad pa'i snang ba - the appearance/experience of exhausting dharmata [exhausting all dharmas beyond mind] vision of dharmata-exhaustion, visionary appearance of the cessation of reality [one of the snang ba bzhi] [IW] | |||
chos thams cad - all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos thams cad kyi snying po - essence of all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin mnyam nyid rnam par spros pa ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal po'i mdo - The sutra giving a detailed explanation of the equality of all dharmas, the Samadhiraja [IW] | |||
chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin mnyam nyid rnam par spros pa ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal po'i mdo - The sutra giving a detailed explanation of the equality of all dharmas, the Samadhiraja [mdo 15 vol. ch 39, tr pandita sh'i lendra bodhi &, lotsawa monk ye shes sde and zhus pa] [IW] | |||
chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin stong pa'i ye shes - the wisdom of the empty wisdom nature of all dharmas/phenomena [IW] | |||
chos thams cad mkhyen pa la mi 'jigs pa - Fearlessness in knowledge of all things/ knowing all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos thams cad ngo bo nyid med pa nyid du ston pa - teacher of all dharmas as essenceless [IW] | |||
chos thams cad ngo bo nyid med pa drug - the six essencelessnesses of all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos thams cad mngon par byang chub pa la mi 'jigs pa - fearlessness in the true mastery of all dharmas [RY] | |||
chos thams cad 'jug pa med pa - inactivity of all dharmas [RY] | |||
chos thams cad mnyam pa nyid - the equality of all dharmas [IW] | |||
chos thams cad stong pa nyid - emptiness of all dharmas/ phenomena [one of the {stong pa nyid bco brgyad} = 18 emptinesses or 16 all inner and outer dharmas are impermanent, painful, empty, egoless hence in the absolute natureless: empty] [IW] | |||
chos thams cad stong pa nyid - emptiness of all dharmas/ phenomena [IW] | |||
chos thams cad stong zhing bdag med pa - all dharmas are empty and selfless [IW] | |||
chos thams cad ston pa nyid - emptiness of all dharmas, emptiness of all phenomena, openness of all dharmas, one of the {stong pa nyid bco brgyad}, eighteen types of openness [RY] | |||
chos thams cad ni bdag med pa'o - all things have no self-entity, all dharmas are devoid of a self [RY] | |||
chos thams cad ni bdag med pa'o chos thams cad la bdag tu leg par 'dzin pa - All dharmas are egoless; all dharmas are well grasped as self [IW] | |||
chos thams cad ye nas sangs rgyas pa - all dharmas are primordial/ ly perfect / enlightenment [IW] | |||
chos thams cad la bdag tu phar 'dzin pa - grasp all dharmas as external self-natures [IW] | |||
chos bdag med pa - absence of an [objective] self of dharmas [one of the two egolessnesses bdag med gnyis, all dharmas lack true existence] [IW] | |||
chos rnams thams cad ni bdag med - all dharmas are selfless [IW] | |||
chos zad blo 'das kyi snang ba - appearance /vision / experience of dharmata exhaustion beyond concepts [one of snang ba bzhi, all appearances in the 1 mandala of thig le chen po du dag nas blos btags pa'i all dharmas in the klong of dharmata long du are exhausted and & not even grasped as dharmata zad pa'i mthar phyin pa appearances of dharmata mthong ba] [IW] | |||
chos zad blo bral - that has exhausted all dharmas and is free from conceptual mind [RY] | |||
chos zad blo bral - dharma that has exhausted all dharmas and is free from conceptual mind [IW] | |||
chos so cog chos yod tshad - the nature of all dharmas, emptiness [IW] | |||
'jug gnas ldang gsum - entry, remaining, and leaving [a meditation of kriya tantra markless yoga, all dharmas of the skandhas etc. being analysed are realized as unborn and non thought] [IW] | |||
brjod bya - subject matter, [to be] expressed/ expressible (subject), style, content, meaning [object of expression/ to be expressed, expressive verbal present, adhidheya, abhishya, vacgama, subject [being talked about/ [to be] presented] [R] to be understandable from symbols, eg, like a pillar and vase &, depending on the expression of each 1's name, being able to understand the corresponding object of knowledge for all dharmas] [IW] | |||
gnyis su med pa'i skad cig ma'i sbyor ba - non-dual instantaneous union [among the sher phyin don bdun cu, all dharmas are not established as different subtances of subject and object, and in a single instant 1 is able to perceive/manifest instananeous realization, ultimate sems dpa'i rnal 'byor] [IW] | |||
bsnyel ba mi mnga' ba - not forgetting [quality of the mind of buddhahood, knowing all dharmas w/o obstruction or attachment, 1 of the 18 exclusive qualities of the buddhas {ma 'dres pa'i chos bco brgyad} [IW] | |||
rtogs pa phun tshogs la mi 'jigs pa - the fearlessness of perfect realization [mi 'jigs pa bzhi'i ya gyal zhig ste, since all dharmas are known and apprehended de la in the world is powerful and no one can argue w that] [IW] | |||
thams cad mkhyen pa nyid - sarva-jnana, omniscience, seeing all dharmas as they are [IW] | |||
thams cad yod par smra ba - Sarvastivada; one of the four main schools of Vinaya in India, those who hold that all dharmas exists in all the three times; one of {rtsa ba'i sde pa bzhi} also called {gzhi thams cad yod par smra ba}; one of {sde pa bco brgyad} [RY] | |||
da lta'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes gzigs pa 'jug pa - at the present time enter into the vision of undivided unobstructed wisdom [at present in all the 10 directions, know all dharmas that arise, 1 of the {sangs rgyas kyi ma 'dres pa'i chos bco brgyad} [IW] | |||
de kho na nyid kyi don la phyogs gcig pa - definite meaning of emptiness [arising of the prajna that knows the names of all dharmas as emptiness, {byang chub sems dpa'i mos pas spyod pa'i cha bzhi} [IW] | |||
don dam - / the absolute [1) (met) liberation 2) dharmata, the natural state of all dharmas inexpressible by speech and thought, the realm of individual and personal wisdom so so rang rig pa'i ye shes kyi spyod yul] [IW] | |||
don dam dkor bdun - the 7-fold absolute [Nyingma mantra, maha yoga view, in absolute truth te nature of all dharmas is the secret treasury of all the tathagatas, the 'bras chos lnga + dbyings + ye shes] [IW] | |||
don dam sems bskyed - arouse absolute bodhicitta [w yongs 'dzin dam pa: transmission of perfect buddhahood, rjes sgrub dam pa: the two accumulations gathering countless things into 1, rtogs pa dam pa: realization perceiving the egolessness of all dharmas, by those three ultimates khyad par du byas pa'i arouse the essence/ viewpoint of absolute mind [from shamatha and vipashyana] [IW] | |||
don gzhan la dgongs pa - the intention directed towards other meanings [all dharmas are natureless ces pa lta bu sgra ji bzhin pa ma yin pa] [IW] | |||
gdod nas ma skyes pa - primordial unborn-ness/ non- arising [of all dharmas in the absolute] [IW] | |||
bdag med gsum - the three kinds/ aspects of egolessness [the three aspects of sugata-essence, 1) gang zag gi bdag med dang, of individuals 2) chos kun gzung 'dzin dang rdzas gzhan gyis stong pa the emptiness of all dharmas of gzung 'dzin [subject and object, grasping and fixation] 3) chos bden grub kyis stong pa the emptiness of all dharmas of true existence OR 1) {gzhi dus kyi rang bzhin rnam dag}, the natural purity at the time of the ground 2) {lam dus kyi dag la ma dag}, the partial purity at the time of the path 3) {'bras dus kyi glo bur bral dag}, the purity of freedom from momentary (stains) at the time of fruition] [IW] | |||
bden stong - empty of true existence [all dharmas being {rang bzhin gyi grub pas stong pa} empty of concrete/inherent existence] [IW] | |||
snang ba sgyu ma - all dharmas appearing natureless like dream and illusion [IW] | |||
dpe ston ba - exemplifier [the Sautrantikas, or possibly their principal school: doctrine showing/teaching all dharmas by scriptural example] [IW] | |||
byang chub kyi yan lag - the factors of enlightenment [all dharmas are included in emptiness, realized by the wisdom of non-thought] [IW] | |||
dbu ma'i lta ba - middle way view, centrism [realizes the way all dharmas are] [IW] | |||
gzhi shes - knower of bases, knowledge of the foundation/ basis [gzhi all dharmas incolded in the skandhas, dhatus, and ayatanas. without an individual ego fully realizing hinayana knolwedge dwelling continuum 1 of the sher phyin dngos po brgyad] [IW] | |||
rang stong - intrinsic emptiness, emptiness of itself [all things of samsara are empty of their own inherent essence] asserted of all dharmas in the rangtong system of philosophy- self-emptiness, the rangtong system of philosophy, intrinsic emptiness, also jo nang pa'i view of shentong relative or kun rdzob: chos thams cad rang ngos su bden pas stong pa'i lta ba'o [IW] | |||
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Teachings]] |
Latest revision as of 03:26, 4 February 2006
'khor gsum rnam par mi rtog pa - 3-fold non-conceptual purity [all dharmas are free from fixating thoughts of things and of actor, action, and object. For example there is the prajna that knows that no nature exists for the three partialities: the 1 who gives the gift, the wealth to be given, and the receiver, the object of the generosity] [IW]
dngos med ngo bo nyid du shes pa'i mthar gyis sbyor ba - among the {sher phyin don bdun cu}, having that realized that all dharmas are essenceless in the absolute, gradually get used to it] [IW]
ci yang med pa'i skye mched - sphere/ activity field of nothing at all [kinicany yatana, 1 of the 28 classes of gods of the {gzugs med pa'i khams} = formless realm, {gzugs med skye mched mu bzhi} all dharmas and the perceiving consciousness are limitless, no dharmas are seen which are not included in that, so 1 thinks, "there is nothing at all."] [IW]
gcig du bral - devoid of being one or many, things not existing independently, the absence of singularity and plurality [a reasoning so resolving the way all dharmas are] [IW]
chos kun - all dharmas [IW]
chos kun - all that is, all that can be, all experiences, all phenomena, all events,, all dharmas [JV]
chos kun - all dharmas, all phenomena, [informal:] all that exists [RY]
chos kun gyi stong pa nyid - the emptiness of all dharmas, all-encompassing void [IW]
chos kun gyi yul can - subject of all phenomena, perceiver of all dharmas [IW]
chos kun stong pa nyid - the emptiness of all dharmas, all-encompassing void [IW]
chos kyi bdag med rtogs pa - realize the non-self/ egolessness of all dharmas [IW]
chos kyi bdag med rtogs pa'i shes rab - the knowledge / praj¤ which realizes the egolessness/ non-self of all dharmas [IW]
chos kyi bdag med rtogs pa'i shes rab - the knowledge which realizes the nonself of dharmas, the prajna which realizes the egolessness of all dharmas [RY]
chos kyi mdo bzhi - the four summaries/ synopses of the dharma {'du byed thams cad ni mi rtag pa'o},, {zag pa dang bcas pa ni sdug bsngal b'o},, {mya ngan las 'das pa ni zhi b'o}, {chos thams cad ni stong zhing bdag med pa'o}, all conditioned things are impermanent, what is defiled is suffering, nirvana is peace, all dharmas are empty and selfless] [IW]
chos kyi dbyings - Dharma-element, dharmadhatu [as suchness, realm of dharmas, realm of phenomena sm {gnas lugs gyi don}, lit expanse of the dharma, ultimate reality, the realm of all dharmas, totality of existents, all-encompassing space, boundless space = voidness, openness, de bzhin nyid] [IW]
chos kyi dbyings - Syn {de bzhin nyid} Dharma-element, Dharmadhatu, as suchness, realm of dharmas, realm of phenomena. Syn {gnas lugs gyi don}, lit. expanse of the Dharma, ultimate reality, synonym of voidness or openness, the realm of all dharmas, totality of existents, all-encompassing space, boundless space [RY]
chos nyid zad pa'i snang ba - the appearance/experience of exhausting dharmata [exhausting all dharmas beyond mind] vision of dharmata-exhaustion, visionary appearance of the cessation of reality [one of the snang ba bzhi] [IW]
chos thams cad - all dharmas [IW]
chos thams cad kyi snying po - essence of all dharmas [IW]
chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin mnyam nyid rnam par spros pa ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal po'i mdo - The sutra giving a detailed explanation of the equality of all dharmas, the Samadhiraja [IW]
chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin mnyam nyid rnam par spros pa ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal po'i mdo - The sutra giving a detailed explanation of the equality of all dharmas, the Samadhiraja [mdo 15 vol. ch 39, tr pandita sh'i lendra bodhi &, lotsawa monk ye shes sde and zhus pa] [IW]
chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin stong pa'i ye shes - the wisdom of the empty wisdom nature of all dharmas/phenomena [IW]
chos thams cad mkhyen pa la mi 'jigs pa - Fearlessness in knowledge of all things/ knowing all dharmas [IW]
chos thams cad ngo bo nyid med pa nyid du ston pa - teacher of all dharmas as essenceless [IW]
chos thams cad ngo bo nyid med pa drug - the six essencelessnesses of all dharmas [IW]
chos thams cad mngon par byang chub pa la mi 'jigs pa - fearlessness in the true mastery of all dharmas [RY]
chos thams cad 'jug pa med pa - inactivity of all dharmas [RY]
chos thams cad mnyam pa nyid - the equality of all dharmas [IW]
chos thams cad stong pa nyid - emptiness of all dharmas/ phenomena [one of the {stong pa nyid bco brgyad} = 18 emptinesses or 16 all inner and outer dharmas are impermanent, painful, empty, egoless hence in the absolute natureless: empty] [IW]
chos thams cad stong pa nyid - emptiness of all dharmas/ phenomena [IW]
chos thams cad stong zhing bdag med pa - all dharmas are empty and selfless [IW]
chos thams cad ston pa nyid - emptiness of all dharmas, emptiness of all phenomena, openness of all dharmas, one of the {stong pa nyid bco brgyad}, eighteen types of openness [RY]
chos thams cad ni bdag med pa'o - all things have no self-entity, all dharmas are devoid of a self [RY]
chos thams cad ni bdag med pa'o chos thams cad la bdag tu leg par 'dzin pa - All dharmas are egoless; all dharmas are well grasped as self [IW]
chos thams cad ye nas sangs rgyas pa - all dharmas are primordial/ ly perfect / enlightenment [IW]
chos thams cad la bdag tu phar 'dzin pa - grasp all dharmas as external self-natures [IW]
chos bdag med pa - absence of an [objective] self of dharmas [one of the two egolessnesses bdag med gnyis, all dharmas lack true existence] [IW]
chos rnams thams cad ni bdag med - all dharmas are selfless [IW]
chos zad blo 'das kyi snang ba - appearance /vision / experience of dharmata exhaustion beyond concepts [one of snang ba bzhi, all appearances in the 1 mandala of thig le chen po du dag nas blos btags pa'i all dharmas in the klong of dharmata long du are exhausted and & not even grasped as dharmata zad pa'i mthar phyin pa appearances of dharmata mthong ba] [IW]
chos zad blo bral - that has exhausted all dharmas and is free from conceptual mind [RY]
chos zad blo bral - dharma that has exhausted all dharmas and is free from conceptual mind [IW]
chos so cog chos yod tshad - the nature of all dharmas, emptiness [IW]
'jug gnas ldang gsum - entry, remaining, and leaving [a meditation of kriya tantra markless yoga, all dharmas of the skandhas etc. being analysed are realized as unborn and non thought] [IW]
brjod bya - subject matter, [to be] expressed/ expressible (subject), style, content, meaning [object of expression/ to be expressed, expressive verbal present, adhidheya, abhishya, vacgama, subject [being talked about/ [to be] presented] [R] to be understandable from symbols, eg, like a pillar and vase &, depending on the expression of each 1's name, being able to understand the corresponding object of knowledge for all dharmas] [IW]
gnyis su med pa'i skad cig ma'i sbyor ba - non-dual instantaneous union [among the sher phyin don bdun cu, all dharmas are not established as different subtances of subject and object, and in a single instant 1 is able to perceive/manifest instananeous realization, ultimate sems dpa'i rnal 'byor] [IW]
bsnyel ba mi mnga' ba - not forgetting [quality of the mind of buddhahood, knowing all dharmas w/o obstruction or attachment, 1 of the 18 exclusive qualities of the buddhas {ma 'dres pa'i chos bco brgyad} [IW]
rtogs pa phun tshogs la mi 'jigs pa - the fearlessness of perfect realization [mi 'jigs pa bzhi'i ya gyal zhig ste, since all dharmas are known and apprehended de la in the world is powerful and no one can argue w that] [IW]
thams cad mkhyen pa nyid - sarva-jnana, omniscience, seeing all dharmas as they are [IW]
thams cad yod par smra ba - Sarvastivada; one of the four main schools of Vinaya in India, those who hold that all dharmas exists in all the three times; one of {rtsa ba'i sde pa bzhi} also called {gzhi thams cad yod par smra ba}; one of {sde pa bco brgyad} [RY]
da lta'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes gzigs pa 'jug pa - at the present time enter into the vision of undivided unobstructed wisdom [at present in all the 10 directions, know all dharmas that arise, 1 of the {sangs rgyas kyi ma 'dres pa'i chos bco brgyad} [IW]
de kho na nyid kyi don la phyogs gcig pa - definite meaning of emptiness [arising of the prajna that knows the names of all dharmas as emptiness, {byang chub sems dpa'i mos pas spyod pa'i cha bzhi} [IW]
don dam - / the absolute [1) (met) liberation 2) dharmata, the natural state of all dharmas inexpressible by speech and thought, the realm of individual and personal wisdom so so rang rig pa'i ye shes kyi spyod yul] [IW]
don dam dkor bdun - the 7-fold absolute [Nyingma mantra, maha yoga view, in absolute truth te nature of all dharmas is the secret treasury of all the tathagatas, the 'bras chos lnga + dbyings + ye shes] [IW]
don dam sems bskyed - arouse absolute bodhicitta [w yongs 'dzin dam pa: transmission of perfect buddhahood, rjes sgrub dam pa: the two accumulations gathering countless things into 1, rtogs pa dam pa: realization perceiving the egolessness of all dharmas, by those three ultimates khyad par du byas pa'i arouse the essence/ viewpoint of absolute mind [from shamatha and vipashyana] [IW]
don gzhan la dgongs pa - the intention directed towards other meanings [all dharmas are natureless ces pa lta bu sgra ji bzhin pa ma yin pa] [IW]
gdod nas ma skyes pa - primordial unborn-ness/ non- arising [of all dharmas in the absolute] [IW]
bdag med gsum - the three kinds/ aspects of egolessness [the three aspects of sugata-essence, 1) gang zag gi bdag med dang, of individuals 2) chos kun gzung 'dzin dang rdzas gzhan gyis stong pa the emptiness of all dharmas of gzung 'dzin [subject and object, grasping and fixation] 3) chos bden grub kyis stong pa the emptiness of all dharmas of true existence OR 1) {gzhi dus kyi rang bzhin rnam dag}, the natural purity at the time of the ground 2) {lam dus kyi dag la ma dag}, the partial purity at the time of the path 3) {'bras dus kyi glo bur bral dag}, the purity of freedom from momentary (stains) at the time of fruition] [IW]
bden stong - empty of true existence [all dharmas being {rang bzhin gyi grub pas stong pa} empty of concrete/inherent existence] [IW]
snang ba sgyu ma - all dharmas appearing natureless like dream and illusion [IW]
dpe ston ba - exemplifier [the Sautrantikas, or possibly their principal school: doctrine showing/teaching all dharmas by scriptural example] [IW]
byang chub kyi yan lag - the factors of enlightenment [all dharmas are included in emptiness, realized by the wisdom of non-thought] [IW]
dbu ma'i lta ba - middle way view, centrism [realizes the way all dharmas are] [IW]
gzhi shes - knower of bases, knowledge of the foundation/ basis [gzhi all dharmas incolded in the skandhas, dhatus, and ayatanas. without an individual ego fully realizing hinayana knolwedge dwelling continuum 1 of the sher phyin dngos po brgyad] [IW]
rang stong - intrinsic emptiness, emptiness of itself [all things of samsara are empty of their own inherent essence] asserted of all dharmas in the rangtong system of philosophy- self-emptiness, the rangtong system of philosophy, intrinsic emptiness, also jo nang pa'i view of shentong relative or kun rdzob: chos thams cad rang ngos su bden pas stong pa'i lta ba'o [IW]