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[[mnyam nyid kyi ye shes]] - wisdom of equality, pristine cognition of sameness [RY]
[[Four Nails]] ([[gzer bzhi]]) - These are the four nails which control life-breath {[[srog sdom gzer bzhi]]} according to [[Yoga Tantra]], namely,
*1) the nail of unchanging intention {[[mi 'gyur dgongs pa'i gzer]]}
*2) the nail of contemplation on the [[deity]] {[[ting 'dzin lha'i gzer]]}
*3) the nail of mantra which is the nucleus {[[snying po sngags kyi gzer]]} and
*4) the nail of activity which is the emanation and absorption of light rays {[[phro 'du phrin las kyi gzer]]} [RY]

[[mnyam nyid ye shes]] - identity awareness, awareness of equality, equivalent brilliance, primal awareness of the ultimate identity, knowledge acquired by contemplation (the fact that [[samsara and nirvana]] as terminal contents of the noetic act are the same), wisdom of equality, balanced wisdom, impartial wisdom [JV]

[[mnyam nyid ye shes]] - equality wisdom, wisdom of equality, pristine cognition of sameness; all-equalizing wisdom [RY]

[[mnyam pa chen po'i thugs]] - the mind/ wisdom of equality [IW]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Rime']]
[[mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes]] - the wisdom of equality, equality wisdom, awareness of sameness, pristine awareness of equalness [RY]
[[mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes]] - SA [[mnyam nyid ye shes]], wisdom of equality [JV]
[[ye shes]] - wisdom, original wakefulness. Basic cognizance independent of intellectual constructs. There are also the five wisdoms, aspects of how the cognitive quality of buddha nature functions: the dharmadhatu wisdom, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom and all-accomplishing wisdom [RY]
[[ye shes lnga]] - Five wisdoms. The dharmadhatu wisdom, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom and all-accomplishing wisdom [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Rime']] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Latest revision as of 12:38, 20 February 2006

Four Nails (gzer bzhi) - These are the four nails which control life-breath {srog sdom gzer bzhi} according to Yoga Tantra, namely,