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[[sku gsum dbyer med pa]] - indivisibility of the three kayas [RY]
#redirect [[Nine Gradual Vehicles]]
[[khyung chen]] - great garuda [in the manner of a great garuda who glides effortlessly through the sky and discerns all without special regard, the view is 1 of effortless conduct through realisation of the indivisibility of the expanse and pristine cognition] [IW]
[['khor 'das dbyer med]] - the indivisibility of [[samsara and nirvana]]. The main view in the Sakya School [RY]
[[rgyu 'bras dbyer med]] - the indivisibility of [[cause and effect]] [RY]
[[ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rje]] - [[essence, nature, and capacity]]. The three aspects of the sugata-garbha according to the Dzogchen system. Essence is the primordially pure wisdom of emptiness. The nature is the spontaneously present wisdom of cognizance. The capacity is the all-pervasive wisdom of indivisibility. This is, ultimately, the identity of the Three Roots, the Three Jewels and the three kayas [RY]
[[gdod nas sku gsum dbyer med chen po]] - great primordial indivisibility of the [[three kayas]] [RY]
[[bden pa gnyis med]] - indivisibility of the two truths [JV]
[['dres pa nan tan gyi phyag]] - homage of supreme indivisibility; [detailed expl., [[The Light of Wisdom]], Vol. 2, page 122] [RY]
[[rnam dbye med pa]] - indivisibility/ indivisible [RY]
[[rnal 'byor chen po]] - [[Mahayoga]]. The first of the '[[Three Inner Tantras]].' [[Mahayoga]] as scripture is divided into two parts: [[Tantra Section]] and [[Sadhana Section]]. The [[Tantra Section]] consists of the [[Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras]] while the [[Sadhana Section]] is comprised of the [[Eight Sadhana Teachings]]. [[Jamgön Kongtrül]] says in his ''Treasury of Knowledge'': "Mahayoga emphasizes means ([[upaya]]), the [[development stage]], and the view that liberation is attained through growing accustomed to the insight into the nature of the indivisibility of the superior two truths." The superior two truths in Mahayoga are purity and equality - the pure natures of the aggregates, elements and sense factors are the male and female buddhas and bodhisattvas. At the same time, everything which appears and exists is of the equal nature of emptiness [RY]
[[snang sems dbyer med]] - indivisibility of the perceiver and the perceived [RY]
[[byang chub sems]] - bodhicitta, pure & total presence, primordial state, total presence, enlightened attitude, life-force, energy, ethical impulse, bodhisattva's vow, seed of compassion, semen, as lived experience (myself and my milieu), as creativity ([[khu ba]] semen and [[rdul]] blood), as [[indivisibility]] (of [[stong nyid]] (e) the intended and [[snying rje]] (vam), mind principle of illumination, pure perfected [[nature of mind]], [[ka dag lhun grub dbyer med]], enlightened mind, [[awakened mind]], [[bodhichitta]] [JV]
[[dbyings ye dbyer med]] - indivisibility of ultimate sphere and [[primordial wisdom]] [JV]
[[dbyer med]] - indivisibility, undifferentiatedness, inseparable, not to be distinguished, union, simultaneously, inseparability, indivisible, to unify with, to unify with, indivisible unity [JV]
[[dbyer med]] - indivisibility; inseparability; inseparable, indivisible, undifferentiated, without differentiation, undivided, not to be distinguished, quite the same, identical, inseparably united, making no difference [RY]
[[zung 'jug]] - {[[zung du 'jug pa]]} unity, unified, united, [yuganaddha]; union, yoked; indivisible, indivisible unity, coemergence, indivisible, indivisibility, spiritual intermediation, union, unified. coalescence; unification, commingling, interpenetration, interfusion [RY]
[[zung du 'jug pa]] - unity, unified, coemergence, indivisible, indivisibility, spiritual intermediator, union, unified, make compatible [IW]
[[sems klong man ngag gi sde gsum]] - Mind, Space and Instruction Sections. After Garab Dorje established the six million four hundred thousand tantras of [[Dzogchen]] in the human world, his chief disciple, [[Manjushrimitra]], arranged these tantras into three categories: the [[Mind Section]] emphasizing [[luminosity]], the [[Space Section]] emphasizing [[emptiness]], and the [[Instruction Section]] emphasizing this [[indivisibility]] [RY]
[[lhag pa'i bden gnyis dbyer med]] - superior indivisibility of the two truths [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Rime']] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Latest revision as of 14:41, 9 March 2006