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o rgyan rin po che'i zhal chems gsol 'debs ni e ma ho: chos sku kun bzang drug pa rdo rje 'chang % ston pa rdor sems bcom ldan sh'ky'i rgyal% mgon po tshe dpag med dang spyan ras gzigs% dbyer med pd+ma de la gsol ba 'debs% sku yi bdag nyid 'jam dpal gshin rje'i gshed% gsung gi bdag nyid dbang chen rta skad 'tsher% thugs kyi bdag nyid yang dag he ru ka% gu ru yid bzhin nor bu la gsol ba 'debs% yon tan zil gnon che mchog he ru ka% phrin las bdag nyid rdo rje gzhon nu'i sku% ma mo mkha' 'gro'i gtso bo mngon rdzogs rgyal% dpal chen thod phreng rtsal la gsol ba 'debs% sku yi dbyings su sgyu 'phrul zhi khro'i ngang % gsung gi gdangs skad yan lag bcu gnyis ldan% thugs kyi dgongs pa zang thal yongs la khyab% mkha' 'gro'i gtso bo rje la gsol ba 'debs% sku tshab lung bstan gsung tshab gter du spas% thugs kyi dgongs pa las can bu la gtad% brtse ba'i zhal chems bod 'bangs yongs la bzhag% drin chen sprul pa'i sku la gsol ba 'debs% bka' drin dran no gu ru rin po che% thugs dam zhal bzhes dgongs pas gzung du gsol% dus ngan 'di la re ltos gzhan ma mchis% thugs rjes gzigs shig o rgyan sprul pa'i sku% mthu rtsal nus pas dus ngan g.yo 'khrug bzlog% byin rlabs ye shes dbang chen bskur du gsol% nyams dang rtogs pa'i rtsal shugs rgyas pa dang % bstan 'gror phan pa'i mthu rtsal rab brtan cing % tshe gcig sangs rgyas 'grub par mdzad du gsol% zhes sprul pa'i gter chen mchog gyur gling pas karma'i dam can brag nas spyan drangs pa'i o rgyan rin po che'i rnam thar las byung ba'i zhal chems gsol 'debs byin rlabs can no

Chöku künzang drugpa dorje chang$
Tönpa dorsem chomden shakyey gyal$
Gönpo tsepag mey dang chenrey zig$
Yermey pema dela solwa deb$

Dharmakaya Samantabhadra and the Sixth Vajradhara,$
Teachers Vajrasattva and Bhagavan Shakyamuni,$
Protectors Amitayus and Avalokiteshvara,$
I supplicate Padma, from whom you are inseparable.$

Kuyi dagnyi jampal shinje shey$
Sung gi dagnyi wangchen takey tser$
Tugkyi dagnyi yangdag heruka$
Guru yishin norbu la solwa deb$

The nature of your body is Manjushri Yamantaka,$
The nature of your speech is the mighty Horse Neigher,$
The nature of your mind is Yangdag Heruka,$
I supplicate the Wishfulfilling Guru.$

Yönten silnön chemchok heruka$
Trinley dagnyi dorje shönu ku$
Mamo khandrö tsowo ngöndzog gyal$
Palchen tötreng tsal la solwa deb$

The splendor of your qualities is Chemchok Heruka,$
The nature of your activity is Vajra Kumara,$
Chief of the mother dakinis, Ngöndzok Gyalpo,$
I supplicate the great glorious Tötreng Tsal.$

Kuyi yingsu gyutrül shitrö ngang$
Sung gi dangkey yanlag chunyi den$
Tugkyi gongpa sangtal yongla khyab$
Khandröi tsowo je la solwa deb$

Within the sphere of your body is the magical display of the peaceful and wrathful ones.$
The melody of your voice is endowed with the twelve qualities.$
Your realized mind is unimpeded and all-pervasive.$
I supplicate you, Lord of Dakinis.$

Ku tsab lungten sungtsab terdu bey$
Tugkyi gongpa leychen bula tey$
Tsewey shelchem böbang yongla shag$
Drinchen trülpey kula solwa deb$

You foretold representatives of your body, and concealed treasures to represent your speech.$
You entrusted the realization of your mind to destined disciples,$
And gave affectionate advice to all the people of Tibet,$
I supplicate you, kindest nirmanakaya.$

Kadrin drenno guru rinpo chey$
Tugdam shelshey gongpey sungdu sol$
Dü ngen dila retö shen machi$
Tukje zigshig orgyen trülpey ku$

I think of your kindness, Precious Guru,$
Remember your vow and promise; please accept me.$
In this dark age, I have nowhere else to turn.$
Regard me with kindness, nirmanakaya of Uddiyana.$

Tu tsal nüpey dü ngen yotruk dok$
Jinlab yeshe wangchen kurdu sol$
Nyam dang tokpey tsalshug gyeypa dang$
Tendror phenpey tutsal rabden shing$
Tsechig sangye drubpar dzey du sol$

Dispel the troubles of this dark age with your strength and ability.$
Confer your blessings, the great empowerment of wisdom.$
Increase the depth of my experience and realization,$
Grant me the power to benefit the teachings and beings$
And to attain enlightenment in this very lifetime.$

This blessed Testament Supplication, which appears in the life-story of Orgyen Rinpoche, was revealed by the great incarnated tertön, Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, at Karma Damchen Drak.