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causally concordant effect, effect resembling the cause, the result which is similar to the cause, the result compatible to the cause, the result which is in conformity with the cause; result consonant with its cause [RY]
'gal ba'i khyab bya dmigs pa bzhi'i nang gses, gnod byed kyi khyab bya rtags su bkod nas gnod bya'i rgyu 'gog pa ste, dper na, tsan dan gyi mes khyab par non pa'i gzhir chos can, grang rgyu nus pa thogs med med de, tsan dan gyi mes khyab par non pa'i dngos po yin pa'i phyir, zhes pa lta bu tsan dan gyi mes grang reg gi rgyu med par sgrub pa'o*** [IW]
result consonant/ in harmony with its cause [RB]
causally concordant effect, effect resembling/ similar to/ compatible w / in conformity w the cause [IW]

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Revision as of 08:37, 28 December 2005

'gal ba'i khyab bya dmigs pa bzhi'i nang gses, gnod byed kyi khyab bya rtags su bkod nas gnod bya'i rgyu 'gog pa ste, dper na, tsan dan gyi mes khyab par non pa'i gzhir chos can, grang rgyu nus pa thogs med med de, tsan dan gyi mes khyab par non pa'i dngos po yin pa'i phyir, zhes pa lta bu tsan dan gyi mes grang reg gi rgyu med par sgrub pa'o*** [IW]