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1) liberation, nirvana, release, freedom, emancipation, deliverance; 2) be free [vimoksha/ moksha]. [bcings pa las grol ba ste 'khor bar 'ching byed las dang nyon mongs gnyis yongs su spangs pa syn: grol ba, nges legs, 'chi med, don dam, rdul bral, rdul med, rnam grol, spangs pa, byang grol, byang chub pa, mya ngan 'das, myang 'das, zhi ba, yang srid med [IW]
conducive/ aids to liberation [IW]
1) liberation, nirvana, free from the lower realms / samsara, release, freedom, emancipation, deliverance. 2) to be free [so that] I free myself [from the lower realms], [[tshod ma]], [[rnam par thar pa]] [vimoksha / moksha]. 3) to escape [RY]
Liberation. Emancipation from samsaric existence [RY]
1) liberation, nirvana *, release, freedom, emancipation, deliverance, salvation; 2) be free [so that] [IW]
1) liberation, nirvana [free from the lower realms/ samsara], release, freedom, emancipation, deliverance, salvation; 2) be free [so that] [I free myself [from the lower realms], [[tshod ma]]., [[rnam par thar pa]]. [vimoksha/ moksha]. [tse] bcings pa las grol ba ste 'khor bar 'ching byed las dang nyon mongs gnyis yongs su spangs pa'i cha. = grol ba, nges legs, 'chi med, don dam, rdul bral, rdul med, rnam grol, spangs pa, byang grol, byang chub pa, mya ngan 'das, myang 'das, zhi ba, yang srid med] [IW]
place near dongtse, a sanskrit scholar, freedom, salvation, liberty, emancipation, nirvana, supreme happiness, escape, liberation [JV]
[[rang nyid gcig pu thar pa]] setting yourself free [RY]
liberation [RB]

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Revision as of 10:23, 28 December 2005

conducive/ aids to liberation [IW]