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threefold attainment [JV]
overcome by attainment [IW]
1) [[rlung sems rang dbang thob]]. 2) [[skye ba la rang dbang thob]], [['pho ba chen po'i sku]]. 3) [['jug pa la rang dbang thob]]. three Attainments, according to the great perfection. this, the third of the esoteric instructions contained in the Four consolidations [[mtha' rten bzhi]] comprises, according to the [[khrid yig ye shes bla ma]]. 1) the condition under which appearances arise as buddhafields by the attainment of power over external appearances [[phyi snang ba la dbang thob pas rkyen snang zhing khams su 'char]]. 2) the condition under which matter is purified into inner radiance by the attainment of power over the internal illusory body [[nang sgyu lus la dbang thob pas gdos bcas 'od gsal du dag]]. and 3) the condition under which the conscious ness endowed with the five inexpiable sins is entrusted to aware ness by the attainment of power over the secret vital energy and mind [[gsang ba rlung sems la dbang thob pas mtshams med lnga dang ldan pa'i rnam par shes pa yang rig pa gtang bas 'drongs pa'o]]. [Gd-mk] [IW]
three Attainments; 1) [[rlung sems rang dbang thob]]. 2) [[skye ba la rang dbang thob]], [['pho ba chen po'i sku]].; 3) [['jug pa la rang dbang thob]] OR according to the great perfection. this, the 3rd of the esoteric instructions contained in the four consolidations [[mtha' rten bzhi]] comprises, according to the [[khrid yig ye shes bla ma]]. 1) the condition under which appearances arise as buddhafields by the attainment of power over external appearances [[phyi snang ba la dbang thob pas rkyen snang zhing khams su 'char]] 2) the condition under which matter is purified into inner radiance by the attainment of power over the internal illusory body [[nang sgyu lus la dbang thob pas gdos bcas 'od gsal du dag]] and; 3) the condition under which the consciousness endowed w the five inexpiable sins is entrusted to awareness by the attainment of power over the secret vital energy and mind [[gsang ba rlung sems la dbang thob pas mtshams med lnga dang ldan pa'i rnam par shes pa yang rig pa gtang bas 'drongs pa]] [Gd] [IW]
Three Attainments, 1) [[rlung sems rang dbang thob]]. 2) [[skye ba la rang dbang thob]] / [['pho ba chen po'i sku]] 3) [['jug pa la rang dbang thob]] [Great Perfection: the third of Four Consolidations [[mtha' rten bzhi]], 1) appearances arise as buddhafields by the attainment of power over external appearances [[phyi snang ba la dbang thob pas rkyen snang zhing khams su 'char]]. 2) matter is purified into inner radiance by the attainment of power over the internal illusory body [[nang sgyu lus la dbang thob pas gdos bcas 'od gsal du dag]] and 3) consciousness endowed with the five inexpiable sins is entrusted to awareness by the attainment of power over the secret vital energy and mind [[gsang ba rlung sems la dbang thob pas mtshams med lnga dang ldan pa'i rnam par shes pa yang rig pa gtang bas 'drongs pa'o]] [gd]
three Attainments [1) [[rlung sems rang dbang thob]]. 2) [[skye ba la rang dbang thob]], [['pho ba chen po'i sku]]. 3) [['jug pa la rang dbang thob]]. OR three Attainments, according to the great perfection, Jigme Lingpa, this, the third of the esoteric instructions contained in the Four consolidations [[mtha' rten bzhi]] comprises, according to the [[khrid yig ye shes bla ma]]. 1) the condition under which appearances arise as buddhafields by the attainment of power over external appearances [[phyi snang ba la dbang thob pas rkyen snang zhing khams su 'char]]. 2) the condition under which matter is purified into inner radiance by the attainment of power over the internal illusory body [[nang sgyu lus la dbang thob pas gdos bcas 'od gsal du dag]]. and 3) the condition under which the conscious ness endowed with the five inexpiable sins is entrusted to aware ness by the attainment of power over the secret vital energy and mind [[gsang ba rlung sems la dbang thob pas mtshams med lnga dang ldan pa'i rnam par shes pa yang rig pa gtang bas 'drongs pa'o]]. [Gd] [IW]
three Attainments [IW]

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Revision as of 10:31, 28 December 2005

overcome by attainment [IW]