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transcendent knowledge realizing the nonexistence of self, the prajna that realizes nonself [RY]
The Sutra of the Inquiry of the Noble 1 Dakmepa, 'phags pa bdag med pa dris pa zhes bya ba'i mdo, [IW]

sublime knowing/ wisdom/ transcendent knowledge realizing the nonexistence/ absence of identity (in self and phenomena) [RB]
The Sutra of the Inquiry of the Noble 1 Dakmepa, 'phags pa bdag med pa dris pa zhes bya ba'i mdo, [translated by the Indian khenpo ka ma la gubha and, the Tibetan translator rin chen bzang po] [IW]
prajna that realizes non-self [IW]

  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:da]]
  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:da]]

Revision as of 11:57, 28 December 2005

The Sutra of the Inquiry of the Noble 1 Dakmepa, 'phags pa bdag med pa dris pa zhes bya ba'i mdo, [IW]

The Sutra of the Inquiry of the Noble 1 Dakmepa, 'phags pa bdag med pa dris pa zhes bya ba'i mdo, [translated by the Indian khenpo ka ma la gubha and, the Tibetan translator rin chen bzang po] [IW]