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Kunden Repa. 1148-1217. a disciple of Phagmo Drubpa [RY]
produced or grown everywhere [IW]
Kunden Repa [1148-1217 a disciple of phagmo drupa) rin po che rgyal tsha'i gcung 'di, born in the the 3rd rabjung in the earth male dragon year in gtsang, shab smad. he asked Pgagmo Grupa for instuctions and by meditating on them attained siddhi, khro phur slob ma bskyangs pa'i gtso bo ni de'i dbon po khro phu lo ts' ba byams pa'i dpal yin. In the fire female ox year he died. [IW]
Kunden Repa [1148-1217 a disciple of phagmo drupa) rin po che rgyal tsha'i gcung 'di phag mo grupa rdo rje rgyal po'i slob ma zhig ste, rab byung gsum pa'i sapho 'brug la gtsang gi shab smad du 'khrungs, phag gru la gdams pa zhus te bsgomspas grub thob tu gyur, khro phur slob ma bskyangs pa'i gtso boni de'i dbon po khro phu lo ts' ba byams pa'i dpal yin, me moglang la gshegs [IW]

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Revision as of 07:50, 28 December 2005

produced or grown everywhere [IW]