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<div class="tlw-tabs-wrapper">
<div class="tlw-tabs-wrapper">
<div class="group">
<h3 class="tlw-header nowrap float-left">
<div class="tlw-tsadra-logo"></div> Lotsawa Workbench {{#info:{{Lotsawa Workbench Project}}|note}}
<div class="float-right mr-3">{{TopButtons}}</div>
<div class="tlw-content">{{#if: {{#ask:[[HeadWord::{{ROOTPAGENAME}}]][[SubobjectType::Sense]]}} |
<h3> Senses </h3>
</ol> | }}
<h3> Tsadra Research Library Glossaries </h3>
|Dict-Tibetan={{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Dict-Tibetan }}
|Dict-Wylie={{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Dict-Wylie }}
|Dict-Sanskrit={{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Dict-Sanskrit }}
[[{{PAGENAME}}/gloss|Click here (or the '''Glossaries''' tab) to see more results &nbsp;<i class="fa-duotone fa-arrow-up-right align-middle"></i>]]

<div class="float-right mr-3">{{TopButtons}}</div>

<h3 class="tlw-header">
<h3>84000 Glossary</h3>
<div class="tlw-tsadra-logo"></div> Lotsawa Workbench {{#info:{{Lotsawa Workbench Project}}|note}}
{{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - 84000Dict]][[wylie::~"{{PAGENAME}}"]]
<div class="tlw-content">
|default=''No direct match.''
<h3> English Glossaries</h3>
<table class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap m-0" >
{{DirectQueryWylieEnglish|RangjungYeshe}}{{DirectQueryWylieEnglish|Hopkins2015}}{{DirectQueryWylieEnglish|Hopkins-Def2015}}{{DirectQueryWylieEnglish|Hopkins-Divisions2015}}{{DirectQueryWylieEnglish|Hopkins Others' English 2015}}{{ExternalDictionaryQueryRow
|dictionary=Hopkins Synonyms 1992
|dictionary=Tsepak Rigdzin
<h3> Tibetan-Tibetan dictionary</h3>

<div class="float-right">

<h3> Term Info </h3>
[[{{PAGENAME}}/tib|Click here (or the '''Tibetan''' tab) to see more Tibetan language resources &nbsp;<i class="fa-duotone fa-arrow-up-right align-middle"></i>]]

{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap"
| colspan="2" | <center><span class="TibUni24">{{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Dict-Tibetan }}</span></center>
! style="width: 120px;" {{!}} Wylie
! Part of Speech
| {{{ Dict-PartOfSpeech | }}} {{#if: {{{ Dict-PartOfSpeech-Notes | }}} | {{#info: {{{ Dict-PartOfSpeech-Notes | }}} | note }} | }}
! Semantic Fields
| {{{ Dict-SemanticFields | }}} {{#if: {{{ Dict-SemanticFields-Notes | }}} | {{#info: {{{ Dict-SemanticFields-Notes | }}} | note }} | }}
! Cognates
| {{{ Dict-Cognates | }}} {{#if: {{{ Dict-Cognates-Notes | }}} | {{#info: {{{ Dict-Cognates-Notes | }}} | note }} | }}
! Etymology
| {{{ Dict-Etymology | }}} {{#if: {{{ Dict-Etymology-Notes | }}} | {{#info: {{{ Dict-Etymology-Notes | }}} | note }} | }}
! Old Forms
| {{{ Dict-OldForms | }}} {{#if: {{{ Dict-OldForms-Notes | }}} | {{#info: {{{ Dict-OldForms-Notes | }}} | note }} | }}
! Dialectal Forms
| {{{ Dict-DialectalForms | }}} {{#if: {{{ Dict-DialectalForms-Notes | }}} | {{#info: {{{ Dict-DialectalForms-Notes | }}} | note }} | }}

<h3> Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary</h3>

<div class="group">{{PersonCheck|{{PAGENAME}};klong chen}}</div>

<h3> English </h3>
[[{{PAGENAME}}/skt|Click here (or the '''Sanskrit''' tab) to see more Sanskrit language resources &nbsp;<i class="fa-duotone fa-arrow-up-right align-middle"></i>]]

{| class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap" {{#if: {{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - RangjungYeshe]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]}} | <br>
! Rangjung Yeshe
{{!}} class="highlight" {{!}} {{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - RangjungYeshe]][[wylie::{{PAGENAME}}]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]
}} | }}{{#if: {{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - 84000Dict]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]}} | <br>
! 84000 Glossary
{{!}} {{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - 84000Dict]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]
|intro=<table class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap m-0">
}} | }}
{{#if: {{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - 84000 Definitions]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]}} |
! 84000 Definitions
{{!}} {{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - 84000 Definitions]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]
|intro=<table class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap m-0">
}} | }}

<h3> Verb Forms </h3>
<h3> (Related) Verb Forms </h3>

{{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - Verbinator]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]OR
[[Category:External Dictionary - Verbinator]][[wylie::~*{{#replaceset:{{PAGENAME}}|/ pa/=|/ ma/=|/ po/=|/ mo/=}}*]]
|intro=<table class="smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap m-0"><caption>Verbinator</caption>
|outro=</table>{{#ifexpr:{{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - Verbinator]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]OR[[Category:External Dictionary - Verbinator]][[wylie::~*{{#replaceset:{{PAGENAME}}|/ pa/=|/ ma/=|/ po/=|/ mo/=}}*]]|format=count}}>5
|<center>{{#ask: [[Category:External Dictionary - Verbinator]][[wylie::~*{{PAGENAME}}*]]OR[[Category:External Dictionary - Verbinator]][[wylie::~*{{#replaceset:{{PAGENAME}}|/ pa/=|/ ma/=|/ po/=|/ mo/=}}*]]
|class=smwtable-clean th-top-right th-nowrap m-0 highlight
|searchlabel=More results...

</div>[[Category:Terms]][[Category:Beta Pages]]{{#set:
|Dict-Mvyut={{{ Dict-Mvyut | }}}
|Dict-Mvyut={{{ Dict-Mvyut | }}}
|Dict-Phonetic={{{ Dict-Phonetic | }}}|+sep=;
|Dict-Phonetic={{{ Dict-Phonetic | }}}|+sep=;
Line 143: Line 116:
|Dict-DialectalForms-Notes={{{ Dict-DialectalForms-Notes | }}}
|Dict-DialectalForms-Notes={{{ Dict-DialectalForms-Notes | }}}
|Dict-Page-Content={{{ Dict-Page-Content | }}}
|Dict-Page-Content={{{ Dict-Page-Content | }}}
|otherlinks={{#arraymap:{{{ otherlinks | }}}
|otherlinks={{#arraymap:{{{ otherlinks | }}}|\n|@@@@|@@@@|%%%%}}|+sep=%%%%
|Dict-Homonyms={{{ Dict-Homonyms | }}}|+sep=;
|Dict-Phorep={{{ Dict-Phorep | }}}
|Dict-Sound={{{ Dict-Sound | }}}
|Dict-Phovar={{{ Dict-Phovar | }}}|+sep=;
|Dict-Orthovar={{{ Dict-Orthovar | }}}|+sep=;

Latest revision as of 15:19, 25 August 2022