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'''[[The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity]]''' (Front Cover)
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Ang ([[ang]]). An exclamation of deepfelt sadness. [RY]
Anguli Mala ([[sor mo phreng ba]]). A disciple of the Buddha who murdered 999 people, was converted and became an (arhant) (alt. sp. of [[arhat]]). [RY]
Angulimala Sutra ([[sor phreng gi mdo]]) [LW1] [RY]
Anoratha - Eleventh century king of Pagan who united Burma and converted to [[Theravadin Buddhism]]; also known as Anawrahta and Aniruddha  [RY]
antelope ([[gtsod]]) - The extremely hard horn of a the antelope (gtsod) is used as a tool to break clods of earth. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Anu ([[rjes su rnal 'byor]]). The second of the [[three inner tantras]]: [[Mahayoga]], [[Anu Yoga]], and [[Ati Yoga]]. It emphasizes the [[completion stage]] and the [[mandala]] as being contained within the [[vajra body]]. Same as '[[Lung Anu Yoga]].' [RY]
Anu ([[rjes su]]). See '[[Anu Yoga]].' [RY]
Anu {[[a nu]]}. The second of the [[Three Inner Tantras]] corresponding to the eigth of the [[nine vehicles]]. [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] (alt. sp.) [[Anuyoga]] ([[rjes su rnal 'byor]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] (alt. sp.) [[Anuyoga]] ([[rjes su rnal 'byor]]) means subsequent yoga. [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] (alt. sp.) [[Anuyoga]] ([[rjes su rnal 'byor]]). The second of the [[Three Inner Tantras]], Maha, Anu and Ati. It emphasizes knowledge (prajna) rather than means (upaya) and the completion stage rather than the development stage. The view of Anu Yoga is that liberation is attained through growing accustomed to the insight into the nondual nature of space and wisdom. The Anu Yoga mandala is regarded as contained within the vajra body. Anu means 'subsequent.'[AL] [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] (alt. sp.) [[Anuyoga]] ([[rjes su rnal 'byor]]); as Mother Tantra  [LWx] [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] (alt. sp.) [[Anuyoga]] [I]. ([[rjes su rnal 'byor]]). The second of the Three Inner Tantras. It emphasizes knowledge (prajna) rather than means (upaya) and the completion stage rather than the development stage. The view of Anu Yoga is that liberation is attained through growing accustomed to the insight into the nondual nature of space and wisdom. According to The Pool of White Lotus Flowers by Shechen Gyaltsab, the teachings of Anu Yoga appeared in this world when King Jah, a Dharma king also known as Lungten Dorje, Vajra Prophesy, received empowerment and instruction from the Lord of Secrets through which he gained full comprehension of the meaning. The scriptural lineage he received from the human vidyadhara Vimalakirti. The major texts of Anu Yoga are the Four Scriptures and the Summation. King Jah transmitted the Anu Yoga teachings to the master Uparaja, his own sons Shakputri, Nagaputri and Guhyaputri. Later lineage masters include Singhaputra, Kukuraja the Second, and Rolang Dewa (Garab Dorje). [ZL] [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] (alt. sp.) [[Anuyoga]] [II]. All the masters up to this point attained enlightenment together with their retinue and departed from this world without leaving a body behind. The dissolution of the physical body can also be attained through accomplishment in the mundane practices of essence-extract, manipulation of and control over the vital essences ([[bindu]]) or through prana mastery, but the accomplishment attained through the practice of Anu Yoga is superior because of transmuting the physical body of karmic ripening into luminosity by means of the practice connected to the nonconceptual wakefulness of the path of seeing. Subsequent masters in the transmission of Anu Yoga include Vajrahasya, Prabhahasti, Shakya Little Light, Shakyamitra and Shakya Senge (Padmasambhava). [ZL] [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] (alt. sp.) [[Anuyoga]] [III]. In India, Padmasambhava transmitted the teachings to Master Hungkara. From him the lineage continued to Dewa Seldzey, Dharmabodhi, Dharma Rajapala, Vasudhara of Nepal, Tsuklag Palgey, and finally Chetsen Kye from the country of Drusha who translated the Anu Yoga teachings into the Drusha language. This is the lineage that the translator Sangye Yeshe of Nub brought to Tibet. [ZL] [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] - First of the Three Tantras of the [[rnying ma]] tradition [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] - see also [[Tantra]]. [RY]
[[Anu Yoga]] ([[rjes su rnal 'byor]]). The second of the three inner tantras: maha, anu, and ati. It emphasizes the completion stage and the mandala as being contained within the vajra body. [RY]
[[Anu Yoga Tantras]] are based on the [[mdo]] section of the [[bka' ma]]. The root text is the [[gong pa]] [['dus pa]]; important texts include the five Anu Yoga sutras. Emphasis is on the unity of appearances and openness. [RY]
Anuradhapura - Capital of Sri Lanka at the time of Ashoka' mission [RY]
Anustubh. 'Praise', n. of a Skt verse meter [RY]
[[Anuttara]] ([[bla na med pa]]). The 'Unexcelled,' the highest; especially anuttara yoga, the fourth of the four sections of tantra according to the [[New Tradition]]s. [RY]
[[Anuttara Vehicle]] ([[theg pa bla na med pa]]). Next. [RY]
[[Anuttara Yoga]] ([[rnal 'byor bla med]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Anuttara-yoga tantra]] ([[rnal 'byor bla med kyi rgyud]]). 'Highest Yoga Tantra', highest of the [[four levels of Tantra]]. [[Anuttara-yoga tantra]]s are themselves divided into three sections: Father Tantras, Mother Tantras, and Non -dual. The Father Tantras are concerned with the [[Development Stage]], and the Mother Tantras are concerned with the [[Completion Stage]]. Father Tantra may be related to [[Mahayoga]], Mother Tantra to [[Anuyoga]], and Non -dual Tantra to [[Ati Yoga]]. [[Realization]] can be gained within three human lives. [RY]
[[Aperture of Brahma]] ([[tshangs bug]], brahmarandra). The opening at the top of one's head eight fingers above the hair line. [RY]
[[Apparent luminosity]] ([[snang ba'i 'od gsal]]). The luminosity of the manifest aspect. Compare with [[empty luminosity]]. [RY]
[[Appearance]] ([[snang ba]]). 1) A sense impression or mental occurrence; anything that is experienced by a conscious mind. A normal person always feels that appearances are 'out there' and separate from the perceiver, while in the Buddhist philosophy of [[Mahayana]] appearances are understood first to be only mental events, then [[empty of inherent existence]], and finally beyond constructs such as [[arising, dwelling and ceasing]]. In [[Vajrayana]], i.e. from the viewpoint of [[self-existing wakefulness]], appearances are primordially indivisible from [[emptiness]] and therefore a pure expression of the male buddhas and the female buddhas and [[bodhisattva]]s; this is called '[[all-encompassing purity]] of appearance and existence.' 2) One of the three subtle dissolution stages. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
[[appearance and existence]] ([[snang srid]]). Appearance is the vessel-like world and existence is the contents-like [[sentient being]]s. ([[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]]). Also, it can mean "all which appears and exists" ([[snang tshad srid tshad]])  [LW1, pg. 233] [RY]
[[Appearance and Existence]] ([[snang srid]]). The world and the [[sentient being]]s; whatever can be experienced, the [[five elements]], and has the possibility of existence, the [[five aggregates]].  [RY]
[[Appearance, Increase and Attainment]] ([[snang mched thob gsum]]). The three stages in the process of [[dissolution]] either at the moment of dying or when falling asleep. [RY]
[[Application of the Activities]] ([[las sbyor]]). Refers chiefly to the [[four activities]] of pacifying, increasing, magnetizing and subjugating. [RY]
[[Approach]] ([[bsnyen pa]]). See '[[Four Aspects of Approach and Accomplishment]].' [RY]
[[approach and accomplishment]] ([[bsnyen sgrub]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Approach and accomplishment]] ([[bsnyen sgrub]]). Two aspects of [[sadhana practice]].
Especially phases in the recitation stage according to [[Mahayoga Tantra]]. [RY]
[[approach and accomplishment]] ([[bsnyen sgrub]]); expl.; explaining the four aspects of Guru Dragpo; four aspects of; [LWx] [RY]
Approach, accomplishment and activities ([[bsnyen sgrub las gsum]]). The aspects of the
recitation part of [[sadhana practice]] connected to the [[development stage]]. [RY]
Approaching the Ultimate - ([[don dam bsnyen pa]]) [LW1] [RY]
Arapatsana mantra - The root mantra of the peaceful Manjusri, om a ra pa tsa na dhi. [MR
[['Half-cross legged' position]], as [[Tara]]s 8 and 21  ([[skyil krung phyed pa]]).  Ardha-paryanka.  [RY]
Arge Samten. The first Ngaktrin Rinpoche who was the retreat master at Palpung Monastery. [RY]
drinking water  -  In Sanskrit is Argham (Skt.) [RY]
[[Arhant]] ([[dgra bcom pa]]), fem. Arhanti ([[dgra bcom ma]]). One who has attained [[Nirvana]].
Pali Arahant.  See Also [[Arhat]].  [RY]
[[Arhant]] ([[dgra bcom pa]]). 'Foe destroyer;' someone who has conquered the four Maras and
attained the fourth and final result of the [[Hinayana Path]]. [RY]
[[Arhat]] - One who attains in Northern Burma that may have been influenced by Buddhist
[[Tantra]] *?* [RY]
[[Arhat]] {[[dgra bcom pa]]} -  To become an Arhat is the final goal of the [[Shravakayana]]. It is
a peaceful state beyond rebirth but is not perfect enlightenment. [RY]
Arik Geshe Chatral Ngawang Sönam ([[a]] [[rig]] [[dge shes]] [[bya bral]] [[nga]] [[dbang]] [[bsod]] [[rnam]]) founded Ganden Chökhorling Monastery ([[dga' ldan chos 'khor gling]].) [MR]
[[Aro Yeshe Jungney]] ([[a ro ye shes 'byung gnas]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Arousing at dawn]] …from the sleep of ignorance ([[tho rangs ma rig gnyid skrog]]). A practice to be done immediately upon waking up. [RY]
[[Arrangement of Samaya]] ([[dam tshig bkod pa]]). See [[Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras]]. [ZL] [RY]
[[Arrangement of the Three Samayas]] ([[dam tshig gsum bkod]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Array of Flowers]] {[[me tog bkram pa]]}. Name of a future [[aeon]] during which the
[[Secret Mantra]] will flourish. [RY]
[[Arrayed in Turquoise Petals]] ([[g.yu lo bkod pa'i zhing]]), the [[Buddhafield]] of Arya [[Tara]]. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
[[Arura]] (Skt.). Medicinal plant endowed with many wonderful qualities. [ZL] [RY]
[[Arya]] ([['phags ma]]). Lit. 'exalted'.  Feminine of Arya. A Noble Being, or Saint - one who has
realized the [[Path of Direct Insight into Ultimate Reality]]. [RY]
[[Arya]] ([['phags pa]]).
[[Arya Ratnamegha Sutra]] ([['phags pa dkon mchog sprin gyi mdo]]). See
(Clouds of Precious Jewels) [LW1] [RY]
[[Arya]] [[Sadaprarudita]] ([[rtag tu ngu]]) Lit. 'Ever weeping'; a great [[Bodhisattva]] in the
[[Prajnaparamita]] literature (see [[Chapter XXX — Sadaprarudita (RiBa)]]; who manifested great
fortitude in attempting to obtain the [[Prajnaparamita]] teachings during the time of the Buddha
Dharmodgata. [RY]
[[Arya]] [[Tara]] ([['phags ma sgrol ma]]). A female buddha. [RY]
[[Aryadeva]] - Disciple of [[Nagarjuna]]; author of many famous commentaries [RY]
[[Aryadeva]] ([['phags pa'i lha]]). One of the important Buddhist philosophers of India and a
disciple of [[Nagarjuna]] whose writings he explained extensively.  Also, Aryadeva was one of the
seven spiritual sons of [[Nagarjuna]]. [RY]
[[Aryadeva]]; ([['phags pa lha]]) According to the legend, Aryadeva was born from a lotus flower
in a garden of the king of Singala. According to [[Chandrakirti]] he was born as the son of [[King
Pancasrnaga of Singhala]]. Soon, Aryadeva renounced his regency, embrassed monastic life
and became a disciple of the illustrious master [[Nagarjuna]] in South India. At one point there
was a Hindu logician named Asvagosha. He had vision his [[tutelary deity]], [[Ishvara]], and
requested him the boon of invincibility in debate. Asvagosha went to [[Nalanda]] and started
humiliating the Buddhist monks there. The monks supplicated their protector [[Mahakala]] to
help them send a letter to Nagarjuna, following which Mahakala manifested as a crow and
took the letter. [MR]
[[Aryas' Seven Treasures]] (dhana, [['phags pa'i nor]]). Faith, morality, conscience, consideration, learning, generosity and wisdom. [RY]
[[Asanga]] - with [[Nagarjuna]], one of the founders of the [[Mahayana]] [[shastra]] tradition; a direct
student of the [[Bodhisattva]] [[Maitreya]] [RY]
[[Asanga]] ([[thogs med]]). A great Indian master of philosophy who was a direct disciple of [[Maitreya]]. [RY]
[[Asanga]] 1. ([[thogs med]]). Asanga was born as the son of an exceedingly learned brahmin
woman who was herself the rebirth of a monk blessed by [[Avalokiteshvara]]. Having mastered
most of the scriptures of the Tripitaka, before undertaking the study of the Transcendence of
Wisdom he decided to take up on actual spiritual practice. Yet, after twelve years of meditation
upon Maitreya he still had no signs of realization. Utterly dismayed, he walked away from his
cave. Soon, he came across a half-dead bitch whose lower half was infested with worms. Great
compassion arose in Asanga. To save the bitch without killing the worms, Asanga cut a strip of
his own flesh to feed the worms and closing his eyes set on removing them from the bitch's
wounds with his tongue, so as to not harm them. When, doing so, he could not reach them he
opened his eyes he beheld not the bitch but Maitreya, radiant, displaying the marks and signs of
a perfect Buddha. [RY]
[[Asanga]] 2. Asanga exclaimed, "O my sole father, all those years I have been constantly
meditating upon you and calling you, yet you did not come!" [[Maitreya]] spoke: "I was in your
presence continually, yet because of your karmic veils you were unable to see me. Now, through
your cutting off your own flesh of our great compassion, your obscurations have been purified."
Then [[Maitreya]] took [[Asanga]] for fifty years in [[Tushita]] heaven and gave to Asanga the
[[Mahayana]] teachings, following which [[Asanga]] wrote down the [[Five Teachings of Maitreya]];.
Later, having come back on earth he wrote many more treatises, performed countless miracles
and converted to the [[Mahayana]] his younger brother, [[Vasubandhu]], himself one of the
greatest sage and erudite of all times. [MR]
[[Asanga]], [[Buddhapalita]], [[Vasubandhu]], [[Dignaga]], [[Aryadeva]] (450): fifth century. [MR]
[[Asanga]]; [[system of bodhichitta]] [LWx] [RY]
[[Ashoka]] – [[Great Dharma king of India]], active in propagating the teachings [RY]
[[Ashoka]] ([[mya ngan med pa]], [[mya ngan 'tshang]]). The three Jonesia asoka, with magnificent
red flowers, Lit. 'sorrowless' [RY]
[[aspiration and application]]; expl. [LWx] [RY]
''Aspiration for Purifying the Realm of the Three Kayas'' ([[sku gsum zhing sbyong smon lam]]). Written by [[Jigmey Lingpa]]. [RY]
[[Aspiration of Mahamudra]] ([[phyag chen smon lam]]). [EMP] [RY]
[[Assemblage of Knowledge Scripture]] ([[kun 'dus rig pa'i mdo]]). An [[Anu Yoga]] scripture. [ZL] [RY]
[[Assemblage of Mother Deities]] ([[ma mo 'dus pa]]). [ZL] [RY]
[[Assemblage of Realization]] ([[dgongs 'dus]]) Body Tantra of [LW1] [RY]
[[Assemblage of Secrets]] ([[gsang ba 'dus pa]]). A [[Mahayoga]] scripture. Vol. TSA of the
[[Nyingma Gyübum]]. Sometimes counted among the [[Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras]] as the
''tantra of enlightened mind''. [ZL] [RY]
[[Assemblage of Sugatas]] ([[bde gshegs 'dus pa]]). '[[Deshek Düpa]].' Important cycle of teachings connected to the [[Sadhana Section]] of [[Mahayoga]]. The tantras belonging to this cycle are found in Vol. OM of the [[Nyingma Gyübum]] as well as in the revelations of [[Nyang Ral Nyima Özer]]. These teachings were transmitted by [[Samantabhadra]], manifest in the form of the [[peaceful]] [[Vajrasattva]] and [[wrathful]] [[Chemchok Heruka]]. The [[Lord of Secrets]] compiled and entrusted them to the [[dakini]] [[Leykyi Wangmo]]. She concealed these tantras in the stupa called Enchanting Mound ([[bde byed brtsegs pa]]) and later transmitted them to the [[Eight Vidyadharas]], one teaching to each master: [[Manjushri Body]] to [[Manjushrimitra]], [[Lotus Speech]] to [[Nagarjuna]], [[Vishuddha Mind]] to [[Hungkara]], [[Nectar Quality]] to [[Vimalamitra]], [[Kilaya Activity]] to [[Prabhahasti]], [[Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities]] to [[Dhana Sanskrita]], [[Maledictory Fierce Mantra]] to [[Shintam Garbha]], and [[Mundane Worship]] to [[Guhyachandra]]. Each of these [[Vidyadharas]] later transmitted their teachings to [[Padmasambhava]] who then became the main holder of all. [ZL] [RY]
[[Assemblage of the Peaceful and Wrathful Sugatas]]. [Daki] [RY]
Assembly sadhana ([[tshogs sgrub]]). A group sadhana practice usually involving a great number of people and lasting for several days. [RY]
[[Assumed instructions]] {[[mos]] [[khrid]]}. This is given when one is not actually capable of doing the practice but one aspires to do so. [RY]
[[Asura]] ([[lha ma yin]], [[lha min]]).  1) A class of beings slightly inferior to [[devas]], who live
within sight of a deva realm and are plagued by [[envy]] of their neighbors.  2) The demi-gods who
always fight with the gods. One of the [[six classes of beings]]. [RY]
[[Asura Cave]] ([[a su ra'i brag phug]]). The cave where [[Guru Rinpoche]] subdued the evil forces of Nepal through the practice of [[Vajra Kilaya]]. Situated near Pharping in the Kathmandu valley. [RY]
[[Asvagosha]]; ([[slob dpon dpa' bo]]) [MR]
At 4600 meters, and with 320 sqare kilometers, [[Lake Manasarovar]] is the highest large body of fresh water in the world. Its other names are the [[Unvanquished Turquoise Lake]] ([[ma pham g.yu mtsho]]), ''Anavatapta, the Ever-cool Lake'' ([[mtsho ma dros pa]]), and the ''Divine Lotus Lake'' ([[pad ma lha mtsho]]). It is called the Unvanquished Lake because when one examines all the other great lakes of Tibet to see if they possess the eight qualities of perfect water ([[chu yan lag brgyad ldan]]) they are faulty in some respect. It is called Turquoise Lake because its limpid waters resemble a turquoise mandala. It is given the name Ever-cool Lake because it is the palace of the [[naga]] king Anavatapta, "Who Never Warms Up." It is called Divine Lotus Lake because it resembles a fully opened eight-petaled lotus ([[pad ma 'dab brgyad]]). See MK, pp. 65-73 and 109. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
[[Ati]] ([[shin tu rnal 'byor]]). The third of the [[three inner tantras]]. Same as '[[Dzogchen]].' [RY]
[[Ati Kopa]] ([[a ti bkod pa]]). A tantra of the [[Great Perfection]], [[Dzogchen]], [[Mahasandhi]], [[rdzogs chen]] [RY]
[[Ati Yoga]] ([[shin tu rnal 'byor]]) means perfect yoga. [RY]
[[Ati Yoga]] ([[shin tu rnal 'byor]]). The third of the [[Three Inner Tantras]]. It emphasizes, according to [[Jamgön Kongtrül]] the First, the view that liberation is attained through growing accustomed to [[insight]] into the nature of [[primordial enlightenment]], free from [[accepting and rejecting]], [[hope and fear]]. The more common word for [[Ati Yoga]] nowadays is '[[Dzogchen]],' the [[Great Perfection]].  [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
Of  [[Ati Yoga]] and [[Three Inner Tantras]],  in The Light of Wisdom, vol. I, pg. 212;
''The Tantra of the Mind Mirror of [[Vajrasattva]]'' says:
*[[Development Stage]] of [[Mahayoga]] resembles the '''''ground''''' of all [[phenomena]].
*[[Completion Stage]] of [[Anu Yoga]] resembles the '''''path''''' of all [[phenomena]].
*[[Great Perfection]] [[Ati Yoga]] resembles the '''''fruition''''' of all [[phenomena]].  (See also [[Dzogchen]])  [RY]
[[Mahayoga]] means great yoga.  [[Anu Yoga]] means subsequent yoga.  [[Ati Yoga]] means sublime yoga.” [RY]
[[Ati Yoga]] ([[shin tu rnal 'byor]]); as [[Nondual Tantra]]; meaning of; [[threefold wisdom]] of [LWx] [RY]  See also: [[Atiyoga]]
*Of  [[Ati Yoga]] and [[Nondual Tantra]],  in The Light of Wisdom, vol. I, pg. 212;
“As for outer and inner [[Vajrayana]], the resultant vehicles of Mantra have outer and inner sections, among which the [[Three Outer Tantras]] are [[Kriya Tantra]], [[Charya Tantra]], and [[Yoga Tantra]], and the [[Three Inner Tantras]] are Father Tantra [[Mahayoga]], Mother Tantra [[Anu Yoga]], and Nondual Tantra [[Ati Yoga]].” [RY]  See also: [[Atiyoga]]
*Of  [[Ati Yoga]] and the [[threefold wisdom]],  in The Light of Wisdom, vol. I, pg. 222;
“According to Ati Yoga, the [[threefold wisdom]] refers to the dharmakaya wisdom of the primordially pure essence, the sambhogakaya wisdom of the spontaneously present nature, and the nirmanakaya wisdom of the unobstructed capacity.” [RY]  See also: [[Atiyoga]]
[[Ati Yoga]] 1. ([[shin tu rnal 'byor]]). The third of the [[Three Inner Tantras]]. It emphasizes, according to [[Jamgön Kongtrül]] the First, the view that liberation is attained through growing accustomed to [[insight]] into the nature of [[primordial enlightenment]], free from [[accepting and rejecting]], [[hope and fear]]. The more common word for[[Ati Yoga]] nowadays is '[[Dzogchen]].' The [[Ati Yoga]] teachings first appeared in this world to [[Garab Dorje]] in the country of [[Uddiyana]] to the west of India. According to The Narration of the Precious Revelation of the Terma Treasures by Longchen Rabjam (p. 87-88), the great master [[Padmasambhava]] described the teaching of [[Ati Yoga]] in the following way before imparting them to [[Yeshe Tsogyal]]: "It is an instruction unlike any I have given in the past, the summit which transcends all of the [[nine gradual vehicles]]. [ZL] [RY]  See also: [[Atiyoga]]
[[Ati Yoga]] 2. By seeing its vital point, mind-made views and meditations are shattered. The paths and levels are perfected with no need for struggle. Disturbing emotions are liberated into their natural state without any need for reform or remedy. This instruction brings [[realization]] of a fruition within oneself which is not produced from some cause. This instantly brings forth spontaneously present [[realization]], liberates the material body of flesh and blood into the luminous [[sambhogakaya]] within this very lifetime, and enables you to capture the permanent abode, the precious [[dharmakaya]] realm of [[spontaneous presence]], within three years, in the domain of [[Akanishtha]]. I possess such an instruction and I shall teach it to you!" See also [[Great Perfection]] and [[Dzogchen]]. [ZL] [RY]  See also: [[Atiyoga]]
[[Atiyoga]] - The highest [most refined] of the [[Three Inner Tantras]] of the [[Nyingma Tradition]], known in Tibetan as [[rdzogs chen]] [RY]  See also: [[Ati Yoga]]
[[Atiyoga]] Tantras are based on the Sems section of the bKa' ma; these are the Absolute Perfection teachings. They are divided into three parts: the Sems sde, or Mind section; the Klong sde, or Unending Experience of Being section; and the Man ngag gi sde, or Guidance section which contains the sNying thing, the 'Quintessential Instructions'. The first of the Ati realizations: Chos nyid mngon gsum; second realization: Nyams snang gong; third: Rig pa tshad phebs; fourth and highest: Chos nyid zad pa. The Ati is also divided into vision, meditation, action, and fruit. [RY]  ]  See also: [[Ati Yoga]]
[[Atisha]] ([[jo bo rje]])  - Eleventh century [982-1054 CE]  Indian pandita from Vikramashila who spent the last twelve years of his life in Tibet; also known as Dipamkarashrijnana [RY]
[[Atisha]] {[[a ti sha]]}. Jowo Je Palden Atisha, also called Dipamkara Shri Jnana (982-1054). [RY]
[[Atisha]] Dipamkara (Skt.). Eleventh century Indian pandita from Vikramashila who spent the last twelve years of his life in Tibet. Founding forefather of the [[Kadampa]] School of Tibetan Buddhism; also known as Dipamkara Shrijnana and Jowo Jey ([[jo bo rje]]). [ZL] [RY]
''"Atsamana!"'' ([[a tsa ma na]]). An exclamation of deep sadness. [RY]
Atsara ([[a tsa ra]]). An Indian wandering medicant. [RY]
Atsara Yeshe ([[a tsar ye shes]]). Same as Atsara Yeshe Yang of Ba. See under [[Yeshe Yang]]. [ZL] [RY]
Atsara [[Yeshe Yang]] of Ba ([[sba a tsar ye shes dbyangs]]). Early Tibetan translator. 'Atsara' is a corrupt form of the Sanskrit word '[[acharya]], which means ‘master.' See under [[Yeshe Yang]]. [ZL] [RY]
Atsara, a common name for Indian wandering ascetics, or sadhus, which is a distortion of the Sanskrit word [[acharya]], meaning "master." [MR-ShabkarNotes]
[[Attainment]] ([[thob pa]]). The third of the three experiences of [[appearance]], [[increase]] and [[attainment]]. This experience corresponds to the dissolving of the seven thought states resulting from stupidity and is accompanied by a perception of darkness.  [RY]
''Attainment of the Vidyadhara Life''; teachings ([[rig 'dzin srog sgrub]]) by Lhatsün Namkhai Jigme [RY]
attendant ([[mgron gnyer]], lit. the "one who looks after the guests")  [MR-ShabkarNotes]
attention ([[yid byed]]) [LW1] [RY]
attention of discernment ([[dpyod pa yid byed]]) [LW1] [RY]
attention of taking delight ([[dga' ba sdud pa'i yid byed]]) [LW1] [RY]
attention of the basis of application ([[sbyor ba'i mtha' yid la byed pa]]) [LW1] [RY]
attention of the result of the basis of application ([[sbyor ba'i mtha'i 'bras bu yid byed]]) [LW1] [RY]
attention resulting from interest ([[mos pa las byung ba'i yid byed]]) [LW1] [RY]
attention resulting from total seclusion ([[rab tu dben pa las byung ba'i yid byed]]) [LW1] [RY]
attention which fully discriminates characteristics ([[mtshan nyid rab tu 'byed pa'i yid byed]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Attitude]] {[[kun klong]]}. Literally means all-aroused. From among all thoughts one arouses a special thought. [RY]
[[Attractions]], four samgraha, or Means of Attraction samgraha-vastu, ([[bsdu ba'i dngos po bzhi]]). Giving, pleasant speech, helping, and consistency. [RY]
[[Attribute]] ([[mtshan ma]]). [RY]
[[Auspicious Lamp Tantra]] ([[bkra shis sgron ma'i rgyud]]). One of [[The Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]]. [ZL] [RY]
[[Auspicious Melody]] [LW1] [RY]
[[Authoritative scriptures]] ([[gzhung]]). Books on philosophy with established validity. [RY]
[[Avadhuti]] (Skt). The central [[subtle channel]] within the body. It runs from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
Avalokita ([[spyan ras gzigs]]). 'He who looks down from on high', n. of a Bodhisattva, often called Avalokiteshvara (spyan ras gzigs dbang phyugs) 'Lord Avalokita', Aryavalokiteshvara 'Noble Lord A.', etc. [RY]
[[Avalokiteshvara]] ([[spyan ras gzigs]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Avalokiteshvara]] ([[spyan ras gzigs]]) known as the [[Bodhisattva of Compassion]], he is an emanation of the [[Dhyanibuddha Amitabha]]. Avalokiteshvara manifested in Tibet as [[King Srong btsan sgam po]] in order to help the Tibetan people and to lay the foundation for the spread of the [[Dharma]]. [RY]
[[Avalokiteshvara]] ([[spyan ras gzigs]]). 1) The buddha of compassion. 2) One of the eight main bodhisattvas. [RY]
[[Avalokiteshvara]]. The bodhisattva of compassion; an [[emanation]] of [[Buddha Amitabha]]. One of the eight main bodhisattvas. [Primer] [RY]
[[Avalokiteshvara]]; his entrustment of Tibet [LWx] [RY]
[[Avatamsaka Sutra]] ([[mdo phal po che]]). A sutra belonging to the [[third turning of the Wheel of Dharma]]. Published as Flower Adornment Sutra, Shambhala Publications. [ZL] [RY]
[[Avatamsaka Sutra]] ([[phal po che]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Avichi hell]] ([[mnar med kyi dmyal ba]]). The lowest of the eight hot hells. [RY]
[[Avici]] ([[mnar med]]). The hottest hell. The hell with the most intense suffering, where those who have violated [[samaya]] are born.[RY]
[[Awakened mind]] ([[byang chub kyi sems]], [[bodhichitta]]). See [[bodhichitta]]. [ZL] [RY]
[[Awakening]] ([[bodhi]], [[byang chub]]). [[Enlightenment]]. [RY]
[[Awakening from the Sleep of Ignorance]] ([[ma rig gnyid skrog]]). A practice to be done immediately upon waking up. [RY]
[[Awareness]] ([[rig pa]]). 1) In the context of '[[stillness, occurrence, and awareness]],' it means to notice whatever takes place in one's mind, be it stillness or thought occurrence. 2) When referring to the view of the [[Great Perfection]], [[Dzogchen]] or [[Mahamudra]], it means consciousness devoid of ignorance and [[dualistic fixation]]. [RY]
[[Awareness Cuckoo Scripture]] ([[rig pa khu byug gi lung]]). A tantra belonging the [[Mind Section]] of the [[Great Perfection]]. Vol. [[Ka]] of the [[Nyingma Gyübum]]. [ZL] [RY]
[[Awareness discipline]] ([[rig pa rtul zhugs]]). [[Action]] free from [[accepting and rejecting]]. [RY]
[[Awesome Wisdom Lightning]] ([[ye shes rngams glog]]). See [[Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras]]. [ZL] [RY]
[[ayatana]] (T: [[skye mched]]; [[sense field]])
[[Ayodhya]]. The capital of Kosala. [RY]
[[Ayu Khandro, Dorje Palden]]: 1839-1953 [MR]
[[Azom Drukpa]] ([[A 'dzom 'brug pa]]): 1842-1924 [MR]
[[Azom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje]]: 1895- [MR]
[[Azure Queen Mountain]] ([[mthon mthing rgyal mo]]) also known as the [[Peak of the Five Sisters of Long Life]] ([[tshe ring mched lnga]]) and as Gaurishankar in Nepali, is a beautiful snow peak of triangular shape (7146 m), east of Lapchi. It is considered to be the palace of [[Tseringma]] and her sisters. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
'''[[The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity]]''' (Front Cover)
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