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[[ka dag lhun grub]] - primordial purity and spontaneous presence [RY]
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[[ka dag lhun grub]] - primordial purity and spontaneous presence, original purity & self-perfection, primordially pure & self-perfected [JV]
[[khyab gdal lhun grub chen po'i zhing khams]] - the all-pervasive great realm of spontaneous presence, all encompassing great spontaneous [[buddhafield]] [RY]
[[khregs chod lam gyi bskyed rim bzhi]] - Four Creative Stages of the Path of Cutting Through Resistance. The abiding state {[[gnas]]}, the unwavering state {[[mi g.yo]]}, sameness {[[mnyam nyid]]}, and spontaneous presence {[[lhun grub]]} [RY]
[['char byed brgyad]] - eight modes/ ways that allow [''spontaneous presence''] to arise [RB]
[['char tshul brgyad]] - eight ways/ modes of [spontaneous presence] arising [RB]
[[mnyam rdzogs lhun grub thig le chen po]] - equal and perfect great sphere of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[means and knowledge]] ([[thabs dang shes rab]]) - Skt. [[prajna]] and [[upaya]]. [[Buddhahood]] is revealed by uniting [[means and knowledge]]; in [[Mahayana]], [[compassion and emptiness]], [[relative bodhichitta]] and [[ultimate bodhichitta]]. In [[Vajrayana]], [[means and knowledge]] are the [[development stage]] and [[completion stage]]. According to the [[Kagyü]] schools, means refers specifically to the '[[path of means]],' the [[Six Doctrines of Naropa]] and, knowledge to the '[[path of liberation]],' the actual practice of [[Mahamudra]]. According to [[Dzogchen]], 'knowledge' is the view of [[primordial purity]], the [[Trekchö]] practice of realizing the [[heart of enlightenment]] in the present moment, while 'means' is the meditation of [[spontaneous presence]], the [[Tögal]] practice of exhausting defilements and fixation through which the rainbow body is realized within one lifetime [RY]
[[thod rgal]] - Tögal. 'Direct crossing.' Dzogchen has two main sections: [[Trekchö]] and [[Tögal]]. The former emphasizes [[primordial purity]] ([[ka dag]]) and the latter spontaneous presence ([[lhun grub]]) [RY]
[[gdod nas lhun grub pa]] - primordial spontaneous presence [RY]
[[bar do drug]] - the [[six bardos]], {[[gnas lugs gzhi'i bar do]]} the ground bardo of the natural condition, {[['od gsal ting nge 'dzin gyi bar do]]} the samadhi bardo of luminosity, {[['khrul snang rmi lam gyi bar do]]} the dream bardo of deluded experience, {[['byung 'khrugs 'chi ka'i bar do]]} the death bardo of disturbed elements, {[[lhun grub chos nyid kyi bar do]]} the [[dharmata]] bardo of spontaneous presence, {[[srid pa las kyi bar do]]} the karmic bardo of becoming]. Syn {the six bardos, {[[skye gnas kyi bar do]]} the bardo of the place of birth, {[[rmi lam gyi bar do]]} of dream, {[[bsam gtan gyi bar do]]} of meditation, {[['chi kha'i bar do]]} of the moment of death, {[[chos nyid kyi bar do]]} of [[dharmata]], {[[srid pa'i bar do]]} of [[becoming]] [RY]
[['bras bu lhun grub rin po che gsang ba'i sbubs]] - the fruition precious secret space of spontaneous presence; the precious secret sphere of spontaneously present fruition [RY]
[[med pa phyal ba gcig pu lhun grub]] - nonexistent, free, sole and spontaneous, nonexistence, all-pervasive, oneness and spontaneous presence [RY]
[[gzhi snang gi lhun grub rin po che'i sbubs]] - the ground-display precious space of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[gzhi lhun grub]] - spontaneously present ground of being; isc. ground of being as spontaneous presence [RB]
[[gzhi lhun grub kyi gnas lugs]] - natural state of the ground of spontaneous presence, the ground condition of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[gzhi lhun grub rin po che'i sbubs]] - the ground precious space of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[ye shes lhun grub rig 'dzin la thim pa]] - Wisdom dissolving into the vidyadhara level of spontaneous presence. One of the last experiences during the [[bardo of dharmata]] [RY]
[[rang bzhin lhun gyis grub pa'i dkyil 'khor]] - natural mandala of spontaneous presence; [detailed expl., Light of Wisdom, Vol. 2, page 155] [RY]
[[rang bzhin lhun grub kyi dkyil 'khor]] - (In [[Anu Yoga]]) The mandala of spontaneous self-existence, Kuntuzangpo's mandala of unbiased experience, the natural and spontaneously present mandala of Samantabhadra. the natural mandala of spontaneous presence (in [[Anu Yoga]]). spontaneously present mandala of natural expression [RY]
[[rang bzhin lhun grub kyi dkyil 'khor]] - spontaneously present [[mandala]] of natural expression. the natural and spontaneously present mandala of [[Samantabhadra]]. the natural mandala of spontaneous presence (in [[Anu Yoga]]) [RY]
[[rang bzhin lhun grub sgo brgyad pa]] - the natural eight gates of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[rig 'dzin rnam bzhi]] - Four Kinds of Awareness-Holder; The awareness-holder of maturation {[[rnam smin rig 'dzin]]} of power over the lifespan {[[tshe dbang rig 'dzin]]} of the great seal {[[phyag chen rig 'dzin]]} and of spontaneous presence {[[lhun grub rig 'dzin]]} [RY]
[[rin po che'i sbubs]] - Precious Sphere. Same as "precious realms of spontaneous presence." {[[lhun grub rin po che'i sbubs]]} precious enclosure/ inner space [RY]
[[shugs 'byung gi dran]] - spontaneous presence of mind [JV]
[[lhun gyi grub pa'i rig 'dzin]] - vidyadhara of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun gyis grub]] - spontaneous, spontaneously accomplished, spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun gyis grub pa]] - spontaneous presence, inherently / spontaneously present, effortless. Syn {[[lhun grub]]}. adj. spontaneous. spontaneously self perfected, effortlessly realized, [Skt. anabhoga]; spontaneously accomplished [RY]
[[lhun gyis grub pa]] - {[[lhun grub]]} spontaneous(ly accomplished/ present); spontaneous presence*; [isc.} spontaneously ensured/ fulfilled [RB]
[[lhun gyis grub pa nyid]] - spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun gyis grub pa'i nyams]] - experience of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun gyis grub pa'i theg pa]] - Syn {[[man ngag rdzogs pa chen po'i theg pa]]} the vehicle of spontaneous presence / absolute spontaneity [RY]
[[lhun gyis grub pa'i rig 'dzin]] - master/ holder of awareness of spontaneous presence* [RB]
[[lhun grub]] - 1) spontaneous presence, One of the two main aspects of [[Dzogchen]] teaching, the other being '[[primordial purity]]' ([[ka dag]]). 2) effortless/ spontaneous fulfillment; spontaneously self-perfected; effortless, spontaneously perfect / accomplished, spontaneously self-perfected, effortless manifestation, having everything without effort, inherent presence, inherently present, manifest effortlessly, natural achievement, natural spontaneity, naturally perfect, 3) one of the {[[phrin las lnga]]} the [[five activities]], self-existing, spontaneous, wishfulfilling [RY]
[[lhun grub]] - self-(perfected, formed, originated, existing, created), spontaneously (perfected, realized, present, perfect, accomplished, grown, produced), the given, immanently spontaneous, naturally perfect, 1 of 4 [[dam tshig]], (being is nowhere but in being, always here, uncreated, uncontrived), spontaneous presence, wish-fulfilling, spontaneous, miraculously sprung or grown, formed all at once, not contrived by human labor, personal name, state of spontaneous perfection, 1 of [[ting 'dzin rnam bzhi]], spontaneously accomplished, present, spontaneously self-perfected, effortlessly realized, spontaneous presence, self-perfection [JV]
[[lhun grub]] - {[[lhun gyis grub pa]]} spontaneous(ly accomplished/ present); spontaneous presence*; [isc.} spontaneously ensured/ fulfilled [RB]
[[lhun grub]] - spontaneously present; spontaneous presence; to spontaneously exist [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi klong]] - the space of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi sgo brgyad]] - eight gates of spontaneous presence: the gate of manifesting as compassion, as lights, as [[kayas]], as [[wisdom]], as [[nonduality]], as freedom from extremes, as the impure gate of [[samsara]] and as the pure gate of [[wisdom]]. 1) {[[thugs rje]]}. 2) {[['od]]} 3) {[[sku]]} 4) {[[ye shes]]} 5) {[[gnyis med]]} 6) {[[mtha' grol]]} 7) {[[ma dag pa 'khor ba'i sgo]]} 8) {[[dag pa ye shes kyi sgo]]} [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi sgo brgyad kyi snang ba]] - displays of the eight gates of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi 'char sgo]] - the manifestation avenues of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi 'char sgo brgyad]] - eight avenues for the arising of spontaneous presence [RB]
[[lhun grub kyi 'char tshul brgyad]] - the eight manifestation modes of spontaneous presence. Syn {[[lhun grub kyi sgo brgyad]]} [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi snang ba]] - experiences of spontaneous presence, spontaneously present manifestations [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi zhing snang chen po]] - great realm-display of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi gzugs sku]] - [[Rupakaya]] of spontaneous presence. The display of the [[bardo of dharmata]] [RY]
[[lhun grub sku gsum]] - spontaneous presence that is/ as the three kayas [RB]
[[lhun grub chen po]] - the great spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub tu yod pa]] - in all its spontaneous presence [RB]
[[lhun grub stug po bkod pa]] - the dense array of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub thod rgal]] - Direct Crossing of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub thod rgal]] - Direct Crossing of spontaneous presence; spontaneously accomplished [[Tögal]] practice, spontaneously present [[Tögal]], all-surpassing realization of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub don gyi dgongs pa]] - spontaneous presence as ultimate enlightened intent [RB]
[[lhun grub dbyings]] - spontaneous presence as basic space [RB]
[[lhun grub gzhi snang]] - the inherently present ground-appearance, the ground-appearance of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub gzugs sku]] - form body of spontaneous presence, [[Rupakaya]] of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub 'od kyi bsun ma]] - welcoming light of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub 'od gsal gyi snang ba]] - Luminosity manifestations of spontaneous presence. The display during the bardo of dharmata [RY]
[[lhun grub 'od gsal gyi snang ba]] - [[Luminosity]] manifestations of spontaneous presence, spontaneously present manifestations of luminosity [RY]
[[lhun grub rang mal]] - spontaneous presence as the natural place of rest [RB]
[[lhun grub rig 'dzin]] - {[[lhun gyis grub pa'i rig 'dzin]]} master/ holder of awareness of spontaneous presence* [RB]
[[lhun grub rig 'dzin]] - vidyadhara level of Spontaneous Presence; Vidyadhara of spontaneous presence, awareness holder of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub rig 'dzin gyi sa]] - [[Vidyadhara]] level of spontaneous presence. One of the stages during the [[bardo]] of [[dharmata]] [RY]
[[lhun grub rin po che'i snang ba]] - Syn {sku dang ye shes} the experience / manifestation of the precious spontaneous presence; display of the precious spontaneous presence. [RY]
[[lhun grub rin po che'i sbubs]] - precious enclosure/ inner space/ matrix of precious spontaneous presence [RB]
[[lhun grub rin po che'i sbubs]] - inner space of precious spontaneous presence; precious sphere / space of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[lhun grub rin po che'i zhing]] - Precious realms of spontaneous presence. One of the last experiences in the bardo of [[dharmata]] [RY]
[[lhun grub longs spyod rdzogs pa]] - [[sambhogakaya]]s of spontaneous presence [RY]
[[a nu'i dkyil 'khor gsum]] - three [[mandala]]s of [[Anu Yoga]]. For the three mandalas of [[Anu Yoga]], the view is to establish distinctly that [[all-ground phenomena]] are three mandalas: 1) the unconstructed basis space of nonarising is the pure expansive sky of the consort [[Samantabhadri]], also called 'the primordial mandala of isness.' 2) This doesn't obstruct the subject, the great bliss which is luminously present as [[self-existing awareness]], which is [[wisdom]] [[Samantabhadra]], also called 'the natural mandala of [[spontaneous presence]].' 3) This basic space and wisdom as nondual is the Child of Great Bliss, also called 'the fundamental mandala of awakened mind.'  [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Rime']]

Latest revision as of 22:14, 8 February 2006

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