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| '''dharmata''' ([[chos nyid]]). The intrinsic nature of phenomena and mind. See also [[bardo of dharmata]] ([[chos nyid kyi bar do]]).
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| [[khyad chos drug]] - sic special qualities: 1) insight is elevated above the basis of confusion from the beginning. 2) its dharmata shines. 3) it discriminates the particulars of individual, personal insight. 4) it liberates into the sphere of wisdom. 5) its fruition is not dependent on other conditions. 6) it resolves as the nature of the inconceivable dharmata of directness all these (six qualities) are known as the great stage of primordial liberation [RY] | | [[Lamdre]] (Tibetan <tt>[[lam 'bras]]</tt>) represents one of the most precious non-canonical literatures of the [[Sakya]] tradition of [[Tibetan Buddhism]]. It generally covers esoteric teachings of [[Vajrayana]] and [[Hevajra]] Tantra. The term [[Lamdre]] means ''the path including its result''. The original [[Lamdre]] teachings are from the Indian [[mahasiddha]] [[Virupa]], especially an oral tradition of a text called [[Vajra Verses]]. |
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| [['khor 'das dbyer med]] - inseparable [[samsara and nirvana]] [equality / [[equanimity]] in ''dharmata'', main view of [[Sakya]] school] [IW] | | [[Lamdre]] covers teachings and practices of both Sutra [[Mahayana]] and [[Vajrayana]]. The main teachings based based on the [[Hevajra]] tantra. |
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| [[grags chen bco brgyad]] - the 18 renowned scriptures [of Sakya philosophy]. {[[so sor thar pa'i mdo]]}. - Pratimoksha sutra, {[['dul ba mdo rtsa ba]]}. - Vinaya sutra, {[[mngon rtogs rgyan]]}. - Abhisamayalamkara, {[[mdo sde rgyan]]}. - Sutralamakara, {[[rgyud bla ma]]}. - Uttara tantra, {[[dbus mtha' rnam 'byed]]}. - Madhyantha vibhanga, {[[chos dang chos nyid rnam 'byed]]}. - Dharmadharmata vibhanga, {[[spyod 'jug]]}. - Bodhicharyavatara, {[[dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab]]}. - Mulamadhyamika prajna, {[[bzhi brgya pa]]}. - Catuhsataka, {[[dbu ma la 'jug pa]]}. - Madhyamikavatara, {[[mngon pa kun btus]]}. - Abhidharma samuccaya, {[[mngon pa mdzod]]}. - Abhidharma kosha, {[[tshad ma kun btus]]}. - Pramana samuccaya, {[[tshad ma rnam 'grel]]}. - Pramana vartika, {[[tshad ma rnam nges]]}. - Pramana viniscaya, {[[tshad ma rigs gter]]}. - Pramana yuktiniti, {[[sdom gsum rab dbye]]}. - Trisamvara pravedha] [IW] | | == History == |
| | [[Lamdre]] arrived in Tibet by the famous Tibetan translator [[Drogmi Lotsawa]] around the mid 10th century. It was later written down and organized by the [[Sakya]] lama [[Sachen Kunga Nyingpo]] in the 12th century. |
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| [[nail of changeless intention]] ([[dgongs pa mi 'gyur ba'i gzer]]) - [one of the [[srog sdom gzer bzhi]], the view realizing the great emptiness, the pure equality of dharmata, des below at the time of samsara purifying habitual patterns of mind, above at the time of buddhahood mind is the secret of omniscience perfection the ground of the inconceivable fruition, between the path which is ripened on the path of the [[completion stage]] of bliss [[emptiness]] and non-thought] [IW]
| | == Contents of the Lamdre Literature == |
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| [['gyur ba'i chos nyid]] - nature/ dharmata of change [IW] | | Generally the [[Lamdre]] literature could be be classified into six parts: |
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| [[sounds, colors and lights]] ([[sgra 'od zer gsum]]) - The first manifestations in the bardo of dharmata [RY] | | # Expositions on the [[Hevajra]] [[Tantra]] (rgyu bad) |
| | # Classical [[Lamdre]] Manuscripts (lam 'bras glegs bam) |
| | # Hagiography of the Lineage Masters (bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar) |
| | # Treatises on Common [[Lamdre]] Teachings (lam 'bras tshogs bad) |
| | # Manuals on Uncommon [[Lamdre]] Teachings (lam 'bras slob bad) |
| | # Liturgy on Initiation Rites, Rituals and [[Hevajra]] [[Sadhana]] ([dba da dkyil chog sgrub thabs skor) |
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| [[reasoning of the essence]] ([[ngo bo chos nyid kyi rigs pa]]) - the dharmata [RY] | | === Translated Commentaries === |
| | * [[The Beautiful Triple Tantra]] by [[Panchen Ngawang Chodak]], Gorum Publications, ISBN 0958708517 |
| | ** pan chen ngang dbang chos grags kyis gsung gsung ngag rin po che'i dngos gzhi'i khrid rim rgyud gsum snying po'i legs bshad bzhugs so |
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| to see the [[door of manifest dharmata]] ([[mngon sum gyi sgo gzigs pa]]) - (h) [RY]
| | == External References == |
| | | * [http://www.tbrc.org/catalog/W23649.php Lamdre Lobshe Collection] from [[TBRC]] |
| [[che zad lam zad mkhan]] - 1 who has exhausted the path of the great [very high/ good: like exhausting dharmata] [IW] | | * [http://www.tbrc.org/catalog/W23648.php Lamdre Tsogche Collection]from [[TBRC]] |
| | | * [http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/tib/yuthok-1.htm The Origin of the Lamdre Tradition in India] by Choetak |
| [[cho nyid bar do]] - intermediate state of reality, bardo of dharmata [IW]
| | * [http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/tib/sakya-la.htm Complete Catalogue of Lamdre Literature] by Choetak |
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| [[chos kyi chos nyid]] - the nature/suchness of dharmas, the dharmata of dharmas [IW]
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| [[chos kyi chos nyid]] - the nature of things, the nature of a thing; {[[chos thams cad]] [[kyi]] [[rang bzhin]] [[nam]] [[de kho na nyid]]}; nature/suchness of dharmas, the dharmata of dharmas. 2) 21th cent: natural properties of matter [RY]
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| [[chos nyid]] - 1) quality, nature; 2) the nature emptiness, dharmata [R]; 3) law [tshan rig gi chos nyis- scientific law] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid]] - 1) nature, innate nature, true nature of reality, dharmata, real condition of existence, reality, isness, nature-of-things, fact, [absolute / true nature], nature of things, the actual nature of phenomena, real nature. 2) quality, character, law, pure being, [in context of ultimate nature] - nature [in mundane context]. the great emptiness of all things. the ultimate content of what is. dharmata, reality; pure being, [in context of ultimate nature) - nature [in mundane context] [RY]
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| [[chos nyid]] - 1) quality, nature; 2) the nature emptiness, dharmata; 3) law [IW]
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| [[chos nyid]] - dharmata, real condition of existence, the very nature of things, ultimate nature of phenomena, [[suchness]], reality itself, the truth itself, nature of all that is, the actual state of things, meaningfulness of being, pre-reflective-nonthematic aspect of being, internal logic of being, meaning-as-such, pure experience as meaningfulness of being, suchness, absolutely real [JV]
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| [[chos nyid kun tu bzang po]] - dharmata Samantabhadra [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi sku]] - the [[kaya]]s of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid kyi sku]] - the body of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi ngo bo]] - the essence of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi dran pa]] - dharmata mindfulness [IW]
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| [[chos nyid kyi snang cha]] - the manifest/ apparent aspect of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid kyi snang cha]] - the manifest aspect of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi bar do]] - bardo of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid kyi bar do]] - Bardo of dharmata. The period from dying until emerging in the mental body of the bardo of becoming [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi mtshan nyid]] - the characteristics of dharmata [RY] | |
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| [[chos nyid kyi 'od gsal]] - Luminosity of dharmata [RY] | |
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| [[chos nyid kyi 'od gsal]] - luminosity of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid kyi rang sgra]] - natural/ spontaneous/ self- sound of dharmata/ reality [IW]
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| [[chos nyid kyi rang sgra]] - Natural / spontaneous sound of dharmata. One of the first displays in the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi rang sgra]] - Natural sound of dharmata, Spontaneous sound of dharmata, the self-sound of dharmata, natural sound of reality [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi rang mdangs]] - natural radiance of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi rigs]] - the gotra of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid kyi rol]] - manifestation of the dharmata [JV]
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| [[chos nyid kyi rol pa]] - display of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid kyi sems]] - the mind of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid kyis rnam par nges pa]] - ascertain dharmata/ the nature [IW]
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| [[chos nyid skye ba med pa]] - Nonarising dharmata. The nature of things which like space does not come into being as a concrete, apprehensible entity [RY]
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| [[chos nyid khyab gdal chen po'i zhing khams]] - the great all-pervasive realm of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'khor lo]] - dharmata wheel [JV]
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| [[chos nyid ngang gi khro bo]] - basic self-nature of the natural wrathful dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid mngon sum]] - Manifest[ation of] dharmata [visionary appearance of actual reality (one of the {snang ba bzhi} [IW]
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| [[chos nyid mngon sum]] - dharmata becoming manifest [RY]
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| [[chos nyid mngon sum]] - direct realization of ultimate nature, manifest dharmata, SA snang bzhi, vision of the real manifestation of existence, visual manifestation of reality [JV]
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| [[chos nyid mngon sum]] - Manifest[ation of] dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba]] - The visionary appearance of direct perception of reality, appearance of the manifestation of dharmata [one of the {[[snang ba bzhi]]} the natural state of things as they are primordially pure dharmata by its manifestation being seen transcending the extremes of labelings of intellectual analysis herein openning the gate to the [[tathagata]]'s secret [[buddhafield]]s inconceivable to thought] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid mngon sum gyi snang ba]] - the direct vision of dharmata, vision of manifest reality; visionary appearance of the direct perception of reality; the vision of visibly manifest reality [RY]
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| [[chos nyid ji lta ba]] - the nature of dharmata, [unaccountable absolute] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid ji lta ba]] - the nature of dharmata, [IW]
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| [[chos nyid rjes dran]] - mindfulness of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid rjes dran]] - mindfulness of dharmata [one of the {[[rjes dran drug]]} {[[rjes su dran pa drug]]}, the [[six mindfulnesses]], and {[[rjes su dran pa bcu]]}, [[ten mindfulnesses]] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid gnyug ma]] - natural state [of dharmata] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid mnyam pa]] - the equality of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid mnyam pa chen po]] - the great equality of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid rtogs]] - realization of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid stong phyogs]] - the empty aspect of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid stong phyogs]] - the aspect of dharmata/ the nature emptiness [IW]
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| [[chos nyid stong gsal]] - Empty and luminous dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid thob pa]] - attain dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid dag pa'i snang ba]] - vision, experience of pure dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid dag pa'i snang ba]] - vision/ experience/appearance of pure dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid dag pa'i 'od gsal]] - luminosity of pure dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid dag pa'i ye gdangs]] - primordial display of pure dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid dang chos tha mi dad pa'i phyir]] - because dharmata and dharmas are not separate [IW]
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| [[chos nyid dang ni 'gal ba med]] - not contradictory/ incompatible w dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid dang mi 'gal ba]] - not contradictory / incompatible w dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid du 'dzin pa zad pa'i snang ba]] - the visionary appearance of the cessation of [clinging to reality/ fixating dharmata] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid du 'dzin pa'i zad pa]] - cessation /exhaustion of clinging to reality/ fixation to dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid de bzhin nyid]] - dharmata suchness [thatness] [[as it is]]{ness) and term synonymous [RY]
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| [[chos nyid de bzhin nyid la 'gog pa]] - cessation in the suchness of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid bde ba chen po'i zhing]] - the dharmata realm of great bliss [RY]
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| [[chos nyid bden pa'i byin rlabs]] - the blessings of the truth of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'du bral med pa]] - beyond unification with or separation from real nature, [the nature] dharmata beyond meeting or parting [RY]
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| [[chos nyid rdo rje'i rang sgra]] - the spontaneous vajra sound of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid ni grub pa yin]] - dharmata/ the nature is established/ exists [IW]
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| [[chos nyid rnam dag gi phyag rgya]] - the mudra of completely pure dharmata [one of the {[[phyag rgya drug]] - the six mudras (in rituals] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid rnam dag gi ye shes]] - innate pure wakefulness, the completely pure wisdom of dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid rnam par mi rtog pa'i ting nge 'dzin]] - the nonconceptual [[samadhi]] of dharmata, reality; the [RY]
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| [[chos nyid rnal ma'i don]] - genuine fact of isness, reality, dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid phyir]] - because/ for the sake of dharmata, by nature [IW]
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| [[chos nyid bar do]] - bardo of dharmata, bardo of the unconditioned. Syn {[[chos nyid kyi bar do]]}, the intermediate state of reality; the bardo of reality [RY]
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| [[chos nyid ma bu]] - mother and child of dharmata [primordial and the awareness resulting from practice] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid ma bu]] - mother and child of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid mi rtog pa'i ting nge 'dzin]] - [[nonconceptual samadhi]] of dharmata / reality [RY] | |
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| [[chos nyid gzhi la 'di ltar grol nas]] - having been so liberated into this ground of dharmata/reality [thinking "this is bliss" since nirvana is w/o individual characteristics, there is confidence that there is nothing to be obtained. The assurance that, having been so liberated in the ground of reality there is no need to aspire towards even that as an object of attainment because the nirvana wherein bliss is experienced is w/o individual characteristics] [IW] | |
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| [[chos nyid zad pa]] - exhaustion in dharmata; falling away of phenomena into true nature of reality [RY]
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| [[chos nyid zad pa'i snang ba]] - the appearance/experience of exhausting dharmata * vision of dharmata-exhaustion, visionary appearance of the cessation of reality [IW]
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| [[chos nyid zad pa'i snang ba]] - the vision of the consummation of reality; vision of dharmata-exhaustion, visionary appearance of the cessation of reality [RY]
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| [[chos nyid zad pa'i snang ba]] - the appearance/experience of exhausting dharmata [exhausting all dharmas beyond mind] vision of dharmata-exhaustion, visionary appearance of the cessation of reality [one of the [[snang ba bzhi]] ] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid zad sa]] - exhaustion of phenomena in dharmata, exhaustion in the absolute nature of phenomena [RY]
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| [[chos nyid zad sar 'khyol ba]] - dharmata has been exhausted [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'od gsal]] - Luminous dharmata. The innate wakefulness that is the nature of mind of all sentient beings [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'od gsal]] - [[luminosity]] of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'od gsal gyi snang cha]] - the manifest aspect of the luminosity of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'od gsal gyi snang ba]] - the luminous manifestations of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'od gsal gyi bar do]] - Luminous bardo of dharmata. The period from the moment after dying until emerging in the mental body of the bardo of becoming [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'od gsal gyi bar do]] - luminous bardo of dharmata, the bardo of dharmata luminosity [RY]
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| [[chos nyid 'od gsal gyi ye shes]] - luminous wisdom of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs]] - the naturally existing gotra of dharmata [one of {[[rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs gnyis]]} the body of reality consisting of the enlightened family in which reality naturally abides, the naturally present affinity of conditioned phenomena] [IW]
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| [[chos nyid rab tu rtogs pa]] - full realization of dharmata [RY]
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| [[chos nyid la ma gtogs pa'i chos med pas]] - since there are no dharmas not included within dharmata [IW]
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| [[chos nyid lam]] - way of dharmata [JV]
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| chos nyid bsal bzhag dang bral pa - dharmata free from clearing away or establishing [IW]
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| [[chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa'i 'grel pa]] - "Commentary on the distinguishing dharmas and dharmata" [by [[Maitreya]] [one of the {[[pra ka ra na sde brgyad]]}, - the 8 prakarana of [[Vasubandhu]] ] [IW]
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| chos dang chos nyid rnam 'byed - Dharmadharmadh tuvibhanga distinguishing dharma and dharmata [by Maitreya. according w yogachara by [[Maitreya]], 1 of the {[[byams chos sde lnga]]} [IW]
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| [[chos zad blo 'das kyi snang ba]] - appearance /vision / experience of dharmata exhaustion beyond concepts [IW]
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| [[nyi zla kha sbyor gyi rgyud]] - [[Tantra of the Union of Sun and Moon]]. This tantra shows which experience a person undergoes in the intermediate state, the bardo, after passing away. It teaches how to resolve one's master's oral instructions during the bardo of this life, how to stabilize awareness during the bardo of dying, how to attain enlightenment through recognizing awareness during the bardo of dharmata, and, if necessary, how to be assured a rebirth in a natural nirmanakaya realm during the bardo of becoming and there attain buddhahood without further rebirths [RY]
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| [[thod rgal gyi snang ba]] - [[Tögal vision]]. The four 'visions' or stages of experience on the path of Tögal are 'manifest dharmata,' 'increased experience,' 'awareness reaching fullness,' and 'exhaustion of dharmas beyond concepts.' [RY]
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| [[thod rgal gyi snang ba bzhi]] - [[Four visions of Tögal]]. Four stages in Dzogchen practice: manifest dharmata, increased experience, awareness reaching fullness and exhaustion of concepts and phenomena [RY]
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| [[dag pa chos nyid kyi bar do]] - the pure bardo of dharmata [experienced by [[enlightened beings]] ] [RY]
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| [[dag pa chos nyid kyi bar do]] - the pure bardo of dharmata [IW]
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| [[dag pa rig 'dzin]] - Pure vidyadharas; appear in the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[de kho na nyid]] - the real, [[suchness]], the way things are, [emptiness, thusness, the natural state, dharmata, dharmadhatu, That, that very same, thatness, reality, reality, what actually is, the real thing (it does not always mean the absolute truth, it can also be relative. There is conventional suchness and absolute suchness it can be abbreviated by {[[de nyid]]} [IW]
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| [[de bzhin nyid]] - [[Suchness]], Skt. tattva. Synonym for emptiness or the 'nature of things,' dharmata, it can also be used to describe the unity of dependent origination and emptiness [RY]
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| [[de bzhin nyid gsum]] - the three kinds of suchness [mngon pa kun btus tradition suchness, dharmata though it is w/o distinctions, the dharmin rten tha dad pa'i sgo nas div into 3, the suchness of virtuous, non-virtuous, and neutral dharmas [IW]
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| [[de bzhin gshegs pa]] - [[Tathagata]]. 'Thus-gone.' Same as a fully enlightened buddha. A buddha who has gone (gata) to the state of dharmata suchness (tatha) [RY]
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| [[de gshegs sras bcas]] - Tathagatas and their sons. The buddhas who have gone (gata) to the state of dharmata suchness (tatha). Their sons are the bodhisattvas on the [[ten bhumis]] [RY]
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| [[don dam]] - / the absolute [1) (met) liberation 2) dharmata, the natural state of all dharmas inexpressible by speech and thought, the realm of individual and personal wisdom [[so so rang rig pa'i ye shes kyi spyod yul]] ] [IW]
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| [[gdal ba chos nyid kyi sa]] - the all-pervading level of dharmata [IW]
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| [[gding grol thog tu bca' ba]] - gaining confidence in liberation [manner of experience in meditation on alpha pure cutting through [[ka dag khregs chod kyi sgom rim nyams su len tshul]] all that appears arises as the primordial play of dharmata, now exists in it and, finally will dissolve back into it] [IW]
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| [[rdo rje sems dpa' khong seng gi lam]] - [[Inner Path of Vajrasattva]]. One of the last experiences in the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[brda' don rtags gsum]] - [[Symbol, meaning, and sign]]. Three aspects of Vajrayana teachings. For example, the peaceful and wrathful deities depicted are the symbol. The meaning they symbolize is the enlightened qualities spontaneously present within the buddha nature. The sign is that they naturally manifest during the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[nam mkha' 'od gsal la thim pa]] - Space dissolving in luminosity. The dividing point between the bardo of dying and the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[gnad gsum chos nyid kyi 'khor lo]] - dharmata wheel of the three key points [RY]
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| [[gnas lugs chos nyid kyi ngang]] - continuity of the dharmata nature [RY]
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| [[rnal 'byor ma]] - Yoginis. 1) Female practitioners. 2) Female manifestations appearing in the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[rnal ma'i don]] - [meaning of] dharmata [IW]
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| [[snang ba bzhi]] - Four visions. Four stages in Dzogchen practice: manifest dharmata, increased experience, awareness reaching fullness, and exhaustion of concepts and phenomena [RY]
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| [[snang bzhi]] - Syn {snang ba bzhi; revelation of dharmata, increasing experience, maturation of insight, exhausting dharmata. Syn {snang ba bzhi} [RY]
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| [[bar do drug]] - the six bardos, {[[gnas lugs gzhi'i bar do]]} the ground bardo of the natural condition, {[['od gsal ting nge 'dzin gyi bar do]]} the [[samadhi]] bardo of luminosity, {[['khrul snang rmi lam gyi bar do]]} the dream bardo of deluded experience, {[['byung 'khrugs 'chi ka'i bar do]]} the death bardo of disturbed elements, {[[lhun grub chos nyid kyi bar do]]} the dharmata bardo of spontaneous presence, {[[srid pa las kyi bar do]]} the karmic bardo of becoming]. Syn {the six bardos, {[[skye gnas kyi bar do]]} the bardo of the place of birth, {[[rmi lam gyi bar do]]} of dream, {[[bsam gtan gyi bar do]]} of meditation, {[['chi kha'i bar do]]} of the moment of death, {[[chos nyid kyi bar do]]} of dharmata, {[[srid pa'i bar do]]} of becoming [RY]
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| [[bar do bzhi]] - the four bardos, [of birth place, dying, dharmata, and becoming]. see {[[bar do drug]]} [RY]
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| [[byams chos sde lnga]] - five treatises of Maitreya, the Five Doctrines of Maitreya, 1) {[[theg pa chen po'i mdo sde rgyan gyi tshig le'ur byas ba]]} [Mahayana Sutralamkara Karika]. 2) {[[dbus dang mtha' rnam par 'byed pa]]} [madhyaanta-vibhanga] 3) {[[chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa]]} [Dharma-dharmataa-vibhanya] 4) {[[theg pa chen po'i rgyan bla ma'i bstan bcos]]} [Mahaayanaottaratantra-shaastra] 5) {[[mngon par rtogs ba'i rgyan]]} [Abhisamayaalam.kaara] [RY]
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| [[blo zad chos zad]] - 1) exhaustion of conceptual mind and dharmas [= exhaustion of dharmata = {[[chos nyid zad pa]]} see {[[snang ba bzhi]]} [IW]
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| [[dbugs chen 'byin pa'i rnal 'byor]] - yoga of releasing the great breath or receiving the great confirmation [one of the [[rnal 'byor lnga]], Nyingma, in the path of seeing free from the [['jigs pa lnga]], five fears and seeing {[[chos nyid mngon sum]]} manifestation of dharmata, by being all worldly dharmas = [[dbugs chen 'byin pa'i rnal 'byor]] 1 of five yogas, . Whew!] [IW]
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| [['bras bu rnam dag rang bzhin gyi dkyil 'khor]] - 1) the natural mandala of perfect fruition; 2) the mandala of fruition by nature completely pure)/ [see {dkyil 'khor rnam pa gsum} having entered into the symbolic mandala, the reality samadhi with complexities with visualization and recitation of the peaceful and wrathful deities, by viewing the simplicity of the completion stage reality mandala of the meaning, the manifestation of dharmata, one reaches perfection of the four appearances, snang ba bzhi, and so the mandala of the youthful vase body is made to manifest] [IW]
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| [[ma ha'i dza pra dgongs drug]] - the six recitation dgongs objects of maha yoga [1 {yi ge phreng bzhi dgongs pa} the four garlands of letters two {'phro 'du las bsnyen gyi dgongs pa} gathering and expanding, the object of the approaching recitation three {dgra dza pra kyi dgongs pa} enemies 4) {thun zor las sbyor ltar bzlas pa'i dgongs pa} exorcising by joining the session with sorcery 5) {gzas po gnas spar ba'i dgongs pa} 6) {chos nyid kyi dgongs pa} dharmata [IW]
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| [[tshig rgyud gsum]] - Three types of "tantra of words": a] Tantra manifest as sound (sgrar snang ba'i rgyud) is mind transmission or both the transmission of mind and symbol. b] Tantra uttered as sound (sgrar grags pa'i rgyud) is oral transmission of great masters. c] Tantra turned into symbols (brdar gyur pa'i rgyud) is the letter characters of the scriptures. For example, the terma teachings belong to the category of the three types of tantra of words; the mind transmission is to keep in mind what he initially have heard, the oral transmission he uttered it to the King and the subjects as the spontaneous sound of dharmata, and the Word Transmission of Yellow Parchment (shog ser tshig brgyud) is the teaching written down on the yellow parchment [RY] | |
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| [[zhi gnas 'thom du shor ba]] - The '[[straying into absent-minded shamatha]]' means your mind goes stagnant so that you are unaware of the nature of dharmata. def {[[shes pa]] [[ltengs]] [[nas]] [[chos nyid kyi]] [[don]] [[ma gsal ba]]} [RY]
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| [[gzhan gyi dngos po stong pa nyid]] - emptiness of other substance/being/entity things that are other [dharmata realized by world-transcending non-conceptual wisdom] [IW]
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| [[gzhom med chos nyid kyi sngags sgra]] - the indestructible mantra sound of dharmata [RY]
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| [[zung 'jug ye shes la thim pa]] - Unity dissolving into wisdom. One of the phases of the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[gzugs sku lhun grub kyi 'od gsal]] - Spontaneously present luminosity of the rupakayas. The display during the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [['od gsal chos nyid kyi bar do]] - the luminous bardo of dharmata [IW]
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| [['od gsal zung 'jug la thim pa]] - Luminosity dissolving into union. One of the dissolution stages during the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[yid dpyod chos nyid]] - to intellectualize dharmata [RY]
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| [[yul du chos nyid gtan yul bzung]] - take hold of dharmata as your homeland [RY]
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| [[ye shes lhun grub rig 'dzin la thim pa]] - Wisdom dissolving into the vidyadhara level of spontaneous presence. One of the last experiences during the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[rang zhal]] - 1) one's face [h]; 2) the face of; 3) [dharmata and the mind of the natural state] true/ natural/ original face/identity [IW]
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| [[rig pa'i dbang]] - abhisheka of insight [completely transforming the ma rig pa'i rang bzhin lnga into the nature of insight, dharmata, the five buddhas and five wisdoms] [IW]
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| [[longs sku'i 'od gsal]] - Sambhogakaya luminosity. Often: The luminosity during the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[sems chos nyid]] - the dharmata of mind, nature of mind [RY]
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| [[bsam gyi mi khyab pa'i chos nyid]] - inconceivable nature/ dharmata [IW]
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| [[bsre 'pho]] - mixing and transference [mixing space and awareness [mind and prana] and ejection of consciousness into luminous dharmata] [IW]
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| [[lhun grub kyi gzugs sku]] - [[Rupakaya]] of [[spontaneous presence]]. The display of the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[lhun grub 'od gsal gyi snang ba]] - Luminosity manifestations of [[spontaneous presence]]. The display during the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[lhun grub rig 'dzin gyi sa]] - Vidyadhara level of [[spontaneous presence]]. One of the stages during the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[lhun grub rin po che'i zhing]] - Precious realms of [[spontaneous presence]]. One of the last experiences in the bardo of dharmata [RY]
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| [[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]]
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