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'''''(Dedicated to the continuing activities of [[Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche]])'''''
avici hell, hell of uninterrupted pain, 1 of 8 hells with excruciating pains, 1 of [[tsha dmyal brgyad]], ceaseless torture hell [JV]  

[[khres se]] - completely, totally relaxed, free and easy, not controlled or designed, left as it is [IW]
Avici. The hottest hell [RY]  

[[mkhyen pa]] - omniscience, cognitive sensitivity, sensitivity, knowing, knowledge, aesthetically immediate awareness, intuition, 2 types(ji lta ba mkhyen pa (seeing ''[[as it is]]'' - sunya), [[ji snyed pa mkhyen pa]], seeing as individual (not categorizing though), know, superior, of high order, to perceive, to see [JV]
the Avici hell, incessant hell, torment w/o respite incessant [IW]  

[[mkhyen pa gnyis]] - Twofold knowledge. The wisdom of knowing this nature as it is and the wisdom of perceiving all which exists. Knowledge of [[conventional and ultimate]] phenomena [RY]
the Incessant Hell, one of the eight hot hells [RY]  

[[gang 'dug]] - exactly as it is [JV]
Incessant Pain, unending state of torment; the Avichi hell, Incessant Hell. torment without respite; (hell of) ceaseless torment [RY]  

[[gang 'dug ci shar]] - exactly as it is and during any type of experience [JV]
(hell of) ceaseless/ unending torment [RB]  

[[sngar gnas sor bzhag]] - former rank/ position etc. - [[rang sor bzhag pa]] [stay as it is?] [IW]
the Incessant Hell [RY]  

[[ci lta ba bzhin]] - just, exactly, as it is. Syn {[[ji lta ba bzhin]]} [RY]

[[ci lta bu nyid]] - just as it is [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]]
[[ci 'dra ba nyid]] - just as it is [RY]
[[ci bzhin]] - as it is, SA [[ji bzhin]] [JV]
[[cer sa]] - [directly] in its place [as it is] [IW]
[[cer sar grol]] - liberated in its place as it is [IW]
[[cog bzhag]] - [[4 aspects of the practice of contemplation]], SA [[ri bo cog bzhag]], [[rgya mtsho cog bzhag]], [[rig pa'i cog bzhag]], [[snang ba cog bzhag]], imperturbable rest, leaving everything as it is [JV]
[[cog bzhag]] - freely resting, letting be, remain as it is [IW]
[[cog bzhag]] - freely resting, letting be, remain as it is {[[cog]]} = {[[ma bslad pa]]} unadulterated, sm {[[drang por]]} [IW]
[[cog bzhag]] - freely resting, total-presence. immovable presence, unadulterated, letting be, remain as it is, sm. {[[drang por]]} [RY]
[[chos sku rang babs]] - [self/ naturally]-existing dharmakaya, [[dharmakaya]] as it is [IW]
[[chos sku rang babs kyi dgongs pa]] - vision of dharmakaya as it is, self-existing realization/ natural intention of dharmakaya [IW]
[[chos sku rang byung]] - self/ naturally/ intrinsically- existing dharmakaya, dharmakaya as it is [IW]
[[chos nyid de bzhin nyid]] - [[dharmata]] [[suchness]]; as it is-ness and term synonymous [RY]
chos thams cad gzhi - King Dahenatalo of Uddiyana, and [[gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes]]'s view of the natural base of all phenomena which exists just as it is [JV]
[[ji lta]] - this nature as it is, things - as these are [RY]
[[ji lta ji snyed mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - Abbr. of {[[gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] [[dang]] [[shes bya ji snyed pa gzigs pa'i ye shes]]}. [informal:] the wisdom which knows all this can be known, just as it is [RY]
[[ji lta nyid]] - as-it-is-ness, the [this] nature as it is [RY]
[[ji lta ba]] - aesthetic awareness, as it is, in essence, [[suchness]], seeing as it is rather than as it appears, of what kind, (ultimately real), SA [[ji snyed pa]], [[ji lta]], [[mkhyen gnyis]]; noumenal, authentic [JV]
[[ji lta ba]] - {[[ji lta ba bzhin du]]} what simply is; (reality) just/ exactly as it is/ should be [RB]
[[ji lta ba]] - 1) unfabricated suchness/ nature, things as they are, just as they are, as it is; 2) [just] as, according to, in the way which, exactly, the same as, like this [in total presence] [IW]
[[ji lta ba]] - things as these are, just as they are, as it is, as, according to, in the way which, exactly, same as; exactly as/ in accordance with; things as [all] these are [RY]
[[ji lta ba mkhyen pa]] - seeing as it is (sunya), wisdom of knowing the [[absolute nature]] of all [JV]
[[ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - [[pristine awareness]] which knows the real nature of things just as it is; intuition, [[pristine cognition]] which qualitatively knows the view; intuition [RY]
[[ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - timeless awareness of what simply is/ which knows/ perceives reality just as it is/ [RB]
[[ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i shes rab]] - transcendent knowledge that knows the real nature of things just as it is [RY]
[[ji lta ba dang ji snyed pa'i mkhyen cha]] - the knowledge of the nature [as it is] and of [the extent of] all that exists [IW]
[[ji lta ba dang ji snyed pa'i mkhyen cha]] - the knowledge of the nature as it is and of all that exists [RY]
[[ji lta ba bzhin]] - as it is, exactly, in accordance with, exactly what it is, exactly, exactly as; the state of being just as it is; exactly as it is [RY]
[[ji lta ba bzhin]] - state of being just as it is [JV]
[[ji lta ba bzhin gyi gnas lugs]] - nature of things exactly as it is [RY]
[[ji lta ba bzhin du]] - [reality] just/ exactly as it is/ should be [RY]
[[ji lta ba bzhin du]] - just as it is [JV]
[[ji lta ba bzhin du]] - what simply is; (reality) just/ exactly as it is/ should be [RB]
[[ji lta ba gzigs]] - knowledge which sees the state just as it is [JV]
[[ji lta ba gzigs pa'i ye shes]] - the knowing of knowing the [this] nature as it is; the knowledge of quality, the knowledge which sees this state just as it is; exalted knower of the varieties [RY]
[[ji lta ba shes pa'i mthong ba]] - the seeing of knowing it as it is [RY]
[[ji lta ba shes pa'i shes rab]] - {[[ji lta bar mkhyen pa'i shes rab]]} sublime knowing/ wisdom/ transcendent knowledge that knows/ perceives reality just as it is/ just how things are/ the real nature of things just as it is [RB]
[[ji lta ba shes pa'i lhag mthong]] - the insight of knowing as it is [RY]
[[ji lta bar mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - the wisdom of knowing the nature as it is / things as they are [IW]
[[ji lta bar mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - the wisdom of knowing the nature as it is, the wisdom of knowing things as they are [RY]
[[ji lta bar mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - timeless awareness of what simply is/ this knows/ perceives reality just as it is/ just how things are/ the real nature of things just as it is [RB]
[[ji lta bar mkhyen pa'i shes rab]] - {[[ji lta bar]] [[[shes pa'i]] [[shes rab]]} sublime knowing/ wisdom/ transcendent knowledge which knows/ perceives reality just as it is/ just how things are/ the real nature of things just as it is [RB]
[[ji lta bar mthong ba]] - seeing it as it is / exactly [RY]
[[ji lta'i ye shes mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - the wisdom of knowing the nature as it is / things as they are [RY]
[[ji ltar rtogs pa'i chos rnam par bzhag pa]] - presentation of the qualities of realizing - as it is [RY]
[[ji ltar brtags pa de ltar med]] - not as it is imagined [RY]
[[ji ma ji bzhin]] - exactly like that, as it is [RY]
[[ji bzhin]] - as regards, just as it is, as it is, how, like what, in its very being, exactly as it is, natural , exactly, in an authentic manner, precisely, just as if, precise, precisely [JV]
[[ji bzhin]] - what simply is; (what is/ reality) just as it is/ exactly as it should be; isc. just so; as ideally intended [RB]
[[ji bzhin nyid]] - [[suchness]]; THIS state of being just as it is; just as it is [RY]
[[ji bzhin nyid]] - the state of being just as it is, condition of being just as it is, the state of being just what it is, authentic condition [JV]
[[ji bzhin nyid]] - just as it is [IW]
[[ji bzhin rtogs pa]] - realizing it as it is [RY]
[[ji bzhin pa]] - as it is, suchness, the authentic condition, state of being just as it is, natural state [JV]
[[ji bzhin pa]] - 1) authentic; as it is; the state of being just as it is; just as it is/should be; exactly as it is/should be. 2) how [RY]
[[ji bzhin pa]] - as it is, authentic [IW]
[[ji bzhin pa]] - what simply is; (what is/ reality) just as it is/ exactly as it should be; isc. just so; as ideally intended [RB]
[[ji bzhin par bzhugs pa]] - remaining in THIS state of being just as it is [RY]
[[gnyug ma rang babs]] - Thrangu Rinpoche: as it is, and its own way / as it flows by itself [RY]
[[tha snyad kyi gnas tshul]] - [actual] conventional situation [as it is] [IW]
[[tha snyad kyi gnas tshul sems pa'i rnal 'byor pa]] - yogin apprehending the conventional as it is [IW]
[[tha mal]] - ordinary, common/ natural; ordinary, common, vulgar, low class, petty, not high or important nor low or bad / rejectable, but just however it is, as it is; ordinariness, mediocrity [RY]
[[da lta'i char]] - for the present, as it is now [IW]
[[de kho na nyid]] - absolute suchness, ultimate, ultimately real essence, nature, immanent reality, that alone, just that, just such, fundamental nature, tathata, the state of being just as it is, suchness, essential condition, characteristic condition, thatness, fundamental nature [JV]
[[de kho na nyid]] - 1) thatness, reality, suchness, thusness, natural state, real nature, real, That, what actually is, the real thing, state of being just as it is. Syn tathata {[[gnas lugs]], [[stong pa nyid]], [[de nyid]], [[chos nyid]], [[yang dag pa]], [[de bzhin nyid]]}. can be abbreviated by {[[de nyid]]} reality; Skt. tattva or tatva, thatness itself. 2) that very same, that itself [RY]
[[de bzhin nyid]] - tathata, [[suchness]], like-this-ness, just-this-ness, just as it is, thusness, actual state of existence, reality, identity, essence, that-ness, pure fact of being, real nature, reality as it is, [[de]] (a pointer), [[bzhin]] (continuity of what is pointed out), [[nyid]] (emphasis, forget about anything else), SA [[rang bzhin rnam dag gi de bzhin nyid]], [[glo bur bral dag gi de bzhin nyid]], [[dri bcas]] [[kyi]] [[de bzhin nyid]], [[dri med]] [[kyi]] [[de bzhin nyid]], transcendent reality, essential nature itself, essential nature, just like that, just so, just this way, true meaning, true nature, the state of being just as it is, natural condition, the condition as it is, fundamental nature, essential condition [JV]
[[de bzhin nyid]] - Skt tathata. suchness, just as it is, reality, thusness, as it is, state of being just as it is. Suchness, as one of the four noncompounds. Def. by [[Jamgön Kongtrül]]: {[[brjod]] [[dang]] [[rtog pa]] [[las 'das]] [[de bzhin nyid]]/ /[[ngag gis]] [[brjod pa]] [[dang]] [[yid kyis]] [[rtog pa'i yul]] [[las 'das pa]]'i [[chos nyid]] [[ni]] [[de bzhin nyid]] [[de]] [['phags pa'i mnyam gzhag]] [[rnam par mi rtog pa'i ye shes]] [[kho na]]'i [[spyod yul]] lo} / [[de'i]] [[ming gi rnam grangs]] [[kyang]] [[stong pa nyid]] [[dang]]/ [[mtshan ma med pa]] [[dang]]/ [[yang dag pa'i mtha']] [[dang]]/ [[don dam pa]] [[dang]]/ [[chos kyi dbyings]]} Syn {[[de kho na nyid]]} [RY]
[[deng gi cha]] - at present, as it is now [IW]
[[deng gi char]] - at present, as it is now [IW]
[[don ji bshin gyi don]] - the meaning as it is [IW]
[[don ltar bshad]] - tell it as it is/ was heard [IW]
[[gdul bya ji lta ba bshin du chos ston pa]] - teach students the dharma as it is [IW]
[[gnas lugs kyi rang mtshang ji bzhin]] - innate suchness of the natural state exactly as it is [RY]
[[gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - wisdom of knowing the nature as it is [RY]
[[gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - Wisdom of knowing the nature as it is. The knowledge which cognizes the nature of phenomena [RY]
[[gnas lugs ji lta ba bzhin]] - the natural state as it is [IW]
[[gnas lugs ji lta ba gzigs pa'i ye shes]] - the knowledge of quality, the knowledge which sees this natural state just as it is [RY]
[[gnas lugs de bzhin nyid]] - this natural state as it is, the suchness nature [RY]
[[gnas lugs phyag chen]] - [[Mahamudra]] as it is, things as they are-Mahamudra, [ground Mahamudra] [RY]
[[phyi'i yul nam mkha' sprin dengs la gtod pas rig pa rang sa sangs phyed la snang ba'i 'bel myur]] - the essential which intensifies the appearance of awareness, pure as it is, by focusing on the outer object which is like the vanishing of clouds in the sky [IW]
[[ma bcos rang babs rang rig]] - self-cognizance of unfabricated naturalness, uncontrived self-awareness as it is [IW]
[[tshul bzhin]] - correct, properly; appropriate, proper, suitable, self-justifying; accordingly, in accord with, according to, proper, awareness, rightly, correctly, properly, according to the custom / wise. as it is, {tshul} means nature. For example, {tshul khrims} means the natural or proper system, manner [RY]
[['dzin pa rang sar dag]] - fixation purified naturally/ as it is [IW]
[[gzhan ltar]] - as it is in the other [RY]
[[gzhi ji bzhin pa]] - the ground just as it is [RY]
[[gzhi ji bzhin pa]] - recluse, "who stays where he is", the base just as it is [JV]
[[zang ka ma]] - just so, ordinary, simply; the true, genuine, real, genuine, {zang [[thal]]} Syn {[[rjen ne]]} / {[[dngos ma]]}; just as it is [RY]
[[yin lugs]] - as it is, fundamental being, innate condition, modes of reality. abiding nature of reality, the true / absolute nature, the mode of being, 'how it is', the condition of [the detailed characteristics of the nature] the natural state, natural state of existence; the mode of being; mode/ manner of being; the way something/ things actually is/ are. Syn {gnas lugs} [RY]
[[ye ji bzhin pa]] - primordial suchness, primordial state of being just as it is [JV]
[[ye ji bzhin pa]] - the primordial state of being just as it is; primordial isness [RY]
[[rang ga ma]] - just as it is [RB]
[[rang dgar]] - casual, careless, at pleasure, leaving something as it is, free [JV]
[[rang babs]] - unfabricated and natural state, natural, naturalness, self-occurring, spontaneously happening, spontaneous, self-manifesting, natural flow, natural mind, as it is, naturalness, as it is naturally, as it is by itself, in its own way, the natural state, left alone, self-occurring; self occurring; naturalness; natural condition falling out in and of itself; just so, natural flow, as it naturally is. naturalness, self-occurring, spontaneously happening, spontaneous, self-manifesting, natural mind, as it is, as it is by itself, in its own way, the natural state, left alone, self-occurring, unfabricated and natural state [RY]
[[rang lugs]] - {[[rang lugs su]]} (in its) own/ natural mode; isc. as it is in itself [RB]
[[rang sa]] - 1) 1's fatherland; 2) place 1 is living; 3) 1's bhumi/ level; 3) in its own place/ state, in itself, where/ as it is/ was; 4) natural state; 5) own level; 6) same level as 1self [IW]
[[gshis ji bzhin pa]] - the basic nature, exactly as it is [RY]
[[sangs rgyas]] - [[buddhahood]]. The perfect and complete enlightenment dwelling in neither samsara nor nirvana; the state of having eradicated all obscurations, endowed with the wisdom of seeing the nature of things as it is and with the wisdom of perceiving all which exists [RY]
[[sems kyi gnas lugs]] - mind as it is, the ultimate nature/ real condition of mind [IW]
[[sems kyi gnas lugs]] - spirituality, presence of spirituality, mind as it is [JV]
[[sems rang bzhin gyis rnam par dag pa'i gnas lugs ji lta ba shes pa'i lhag mthong]] - vipashyana which perceives the naturally perfect and innate state of mind as it is [RY]
[[sor bzhag]] - take as authoritative, leave alone/ ''as it is''/ untouched, put aside as reserve [IW]
[[a ti yo ga'i theg pa]] - ati yoga yana [the 9th of 9 vehicles of [[Nyingma]], also called [[shin tu rnal 'byor]] [[rdzogs pa chen po]]'i [[theg pa]], supreme yoga, the [vehicle of the] [[great perfection]]. As preliminaries [[rig pa'i rtsal]] [[bzhi]]s [four powers of insight/awareness] are ripened, the view is insight/awareness beyond any discursive conceptuality of mind (which equals our attribute of [[innate nature]] as [[primordial wisdom]]) the intrinsic face or reality of these [[three kayas]]; the empty nature [[dharmakaya]], the luminous nature [[sambhogakaya]], all pervading compasssion as [[nirmanakaya]]. In meditation having joined the experiences of timeless purity cutting through what appears as both physical and conceptual solidity ([[ka dag khregs chod]]) and, the [[spontaneous presence]] of sudden pefection -[[as it is]]- of [[thod rgal]] practice qv, whatever sitations appear arise as this play of manifestations of [[dharmata]], therefore presented without [[accepting and rejecting]] [[hope and fear]]. The fruition is reaching four appearances, [[snang bzhi]], qv. By this the [[rainbow body]],[['ja' lus]], the supreme body of the great transformation [['pho ba chen po'i sku]] [[mchog]] is attained, or more appropriately - 'comes to be revealed'. This is called the level of the guru, [[awareness]], [[ye shes bla ma'i sa]]; the level of [[Samantabhadra]]; [[11th bhumi]], or the permanent domain of the youthful vase body, [[gzhon nu bum sku]]'i [[gtan srid]]. [IW]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Rime']] [[Category: Buddhist Teachers]] [[Category: Sacred Sites]] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Latest revision as of 14:19, 22 February 2006

avici hell, hell of uninterrupted pain, 1 of 8 hells with excruciating pains, 1 of tsha dmyal brgyad, ceaseless torture hell [JV]

Avici. The hottest hell [RY]

the Avici hell, incessant hell, torment w/o respite incessant [IW]

the Incessant Hell, one of the eight hot hells [RY]

Incessant Pain, unending state of torment; the Avichi hell, Incessant Hell. torment without respite; (hell of) ceaseless torment [RY]

(hell of) ceaseless/ unending torment [RB]

the Incessant Hell [RY]