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[[kun mkhyen]] - 1) omniscient, all-knowing, learned. 2) omniscience, the state of being all-knowing. 3) thoroughly versed. 4) the Omniscient One. [Buddha]. epithet of Buddha on highest order of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, knower of all things [RY]
#redirect [[Billion Worlds]]
[[kun mkhyen nyid]] - omniscience, all-knowledge [RY]
[[kun mkhyen spyan]] - all-knowing eyes, eyes of omniscience [RY]
[[kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba dang ldang ba thams cad mkhyen pa'i stobs]] - the power of knowing all afflictions perfections and acts of emergence the power of omniscience regarding the side of the [[klesha]]s,[suffering and its origin] and that of [[enlightenment]], [the path and cessation] [IW]
[[kun rig]] - all-aware/ omniscient; awareness of everything/ omniscience [RB]
[[kun shes nyid]] - omniscience [IW]
[[kun shes pa dong ldan pa]] - possessing omniscience [IW]
[[kun shes par 'dod pa nyid]] - desire for omniscience [IW]
[[mkhyen pa]] - omniscience, cognitive sensitivity, sensitivity, knowing, knowledge, aesthetically immediate awareness, intuition, 2 types([[ji lta ba mkhyen pa]] (seeing [[as it is]] - sunya), [[ji snyed pa mkhyen pa]], seeing as individual (not categorizing though), know, superior, of high order, to perceive, to see [JV]
[[mkhyen pa gsum]] - the three kinds of knowledge, part of {sher phyin dngos po brgyad} 1) {gzhi shes} basic knowledge. 2) {lam shes} knowledge of the subject / basis. 3) {rnam mkhyen} knowledge of the path [to nirvana] knowledge of the ground and the path, and omniscience, cognition of all things (see [[cognizance]]). knowledge of a subject, basic knowledge, knowing the way to nirvana [RY]
[[mkhyen pa gsum]] - {[[mkhyen gsum]]} three aspects of omniscience itself [RB]
mkhyen pa gsum gyi chos sum cu - the 30 dharmas of of the three kinds of knowledge; {[[rnam mkhyen gyi chos bcu gcig]]} the 11 dharmas of omniscience + {[[lam shes kyi chos bcu]]} the 10 dharmas of knwing the path + {[[gzhi shes kyi chos dgu]]} the 9 dharmas of knowing the ground) nl{[[mkhyen pa gsum gyi chos sum cu]] - [[sher phyin don bdun cu'i nang tshan]], [[mkhyen pa gsum mtshon byed kyi chos sum cu ste]], [[rnam mkhyen gyi chos bcu dang]], [[lam shes kyi chos bcu gcig dang]], [[gzhi shes kyi chos dgu bcas sum cu'o]], [IW]
[[mkhyen pa'i stobs bcu]] - ten powers of perfect knowledge {stobs bcu} (1 {[[gnas dang gnas min mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} power of knowing what is possible and impossible 2) {[[las kyi rnam par smin pa mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} power of knowing how actions will ripen 3) {[[mos pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} power of knowing the different dispositions of human beings 4) {[[khams sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} the power of knowing different elements 5) {[[dbang po mchog dang mchog ma yin pa'i stobs]]} power of knowing the supreme and lesser powers of human beings 6) {[[tams cad du 'gro ba'i lam mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} power of knowing the path that leads everywhere 7) {[[bsam gtan rnam par thar pa dang ting nge 'dzin dang snyom par 'jug pa'i kun nas nyon mongs pa rnam par 'byung ba dang dang ldan pa thams cad mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} omniscience regarding the origin of all suffering and which leads to dhyana, liberation, samadhi, and samapatti 8) {sngon [[gi gnas rjes su dran pa mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} power of knowledge that remembers former abodes 9) {[[shi pho ba dang skye ba mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} power of knowing death, transmigration, and birth 10){[[zag pa zad pa mkhyen pa'i stobs]]} the power of knowing how to exhaust defilement) [IW]
[[mkhyen gzigs]] - realize/ comprehend [[shes bya'i gnas]], vision of omniscience, supernatural perception [IW]
[[mkhyen gzigs]] - realize/ comprehend [[shes bya'i gnas]], omniscience, {[[gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes dang shes bya ji snyed pa gzigs pa'i ye shes]]} the wisdom which knows the nature of things and the wisdom that sees the extent of knowables), supernatural perception (attributes of a high lama or a [[Bodhisattva]], prophet [IW]
[[mkhyen gzigs]] - 1) omniscience. 2) Abbr. of {[[gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes]]} + {[[shes bya ji snyed pa gzigs pa'i ye shes]]} 3) supernatural perception [attributes of a high lama or a bodhisattva. 4) prophet [RY]
[[mkhyen gsum]] - {[[mkhyen pa gsum]]} three aspects of omniscience itself [RB]
[[dgongs pa mi 'gyur ba'i gzer]] - the [[nail of changeless intention]]. [one of the [[srog sdom gzer bzhi]], the view realizing the great emptiness, the pure equality of dharmata, as below at the time of samsara purifying habitual patterns of mind, so above at the time of buddhahood mind is the secret of omniscience perfection the ground of the inconceivable fruition, between on the path ripened on the path of the completion stage of bliss emptiness and non-thought] [IW]
[[nges legs thar pa dang thams cad mkhyen pa]] - the ultimate / certain excellence of liberation and omniscience [RY]
[[mngon par mkhyen pa]] - complete omniscience [RY]
[[chi nang gsang ba'i bar chad]] - outer, inner and innermost obstacles. To explain the outer, inner and innermost obstacles: the outer obstacles are disturbances of the four elements; the machinations of the [[Mara]] of the [[Lord of Death]] and the [[Mara of the Aggregates]]; disease, famine and warfare; and the dread of rebirth, death, and the bardo. The inner are obstacles for the [[channels, energies and essences]] (nadi, prana and bindu); the machinations of the [[Mara of Emotions]]; and the deluded perceptions of desire, anger, and dullness. The innermost are the obstacles of the deluded concepts of perceiver and perceived; the machinations of the [[Mara of the Divine Child]]; and the hindrance for the state of omniscience. [DILGO KHYENTSE] [RY]
[[ji snyed pa mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] - the wisdom of omniscience [IW]
[[thams mkhyen pa]] - all-knowing, omniscient, all-knowledge, omniscience, [Syn buddhahood] [RY]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa]] - omniscient one, omniscience (3 types are [[gzhi shes]], knowledge of foundation; [[rnam shes]], knowledge of emergent character of mentality; [[lam shes]], knowledge of the path), omniscient, all-knower, epithet of buddhas, omniscience [JV]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa]] - all knowing, [omniscient]; Level of omniscience, Omniscience, total enlightenment, buddhahood, all-knowledge, all knowing, [omniscient]. title for high lamas and an epithet of the Buddha [RY]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa]] - Level of omniscience. Same as complete [[buddhahood]] [RY]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa nyid]] - sarva-jnana, omniscience, seeing all dharmas as they are [IW]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa nyid]] - omniscience [RY]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa nyid thob par bya ba]] - attainment of omniscience, omniscience to be obtained [IW]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa nyid la nges par 'byung ba]] - the arising of true/ the certainty of omniscience [IW]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa nyid la mngon du phyogs pa]] - the manifestation of omniscience [IW]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa'i go 'phang]] - the level of omniscience [IW]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa'i spyan]] - the eye of omniscience [IW]
[[thams cad shes pa nyid]] - omniscience [IW]
[[thar pa dang thams cad mkhyen pa]] - Liberation and omniscience. Refers to liberation from samsaric existence and the state of complete enlightenment [RY]
[[thar pa dang thams cad mkhyen pa]] - Emancipation and omniscience. Liberation from samsara and perfect buddhahood [RY]
[[thar pa dang thams cad mkhyen pa'i go 'phang]] - will attain freedom and the level of omniscience [RY]
[[thar pa dang thams cad mkhyen pa'i go 'phang]] - liberation and omniscience [RY]
[[thugs kyi dngos grub]] - siddhi of mind [wisdom of omniscience [IW]
[[mthar thug pa'i mngon rtogs]] - ultimate realization/ omniscience [IW]
[[de bzhin gshegs pa'i stobs bcu]] - the 10 powers of a tathagata, {gnas dang gnas min mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing what is possible and impossible; {las kyi rnam par smin pa mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing how actions will ripen; {mos pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing the different dispositions of human beings; {khams sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs} the power of knowing different elements; {dbang po mchog dang mchog ma yin pa'i stobs} power of knowing the supreme and lesser powers of human beings; {thams cad du 'gro ba'i lam mkhyen pa'i stobs} -}-power of knowing the path that lads everywhere; {bsam gtan rnam par thar pa dang ting nge 'dzin dang snyom par 'jug pa'i kun nas nyon mongs pa rnam par 'byung ba dang dang ldan pa tams cad mkhyen pa'i stobs} omniscience regarding the original of all suffering and which leads to dhyana, liberation, samadhi, and samapatti; {sngon gi gnas rjes su dran pa mkhyen pa'i stobs} -}-power of knowledge that remembers former abodes {shi pho ba dang skye ba mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing death, transmigration, and birth {zag pa zad pa [IW]
[[de bzhin gshegs pa'i rnam pa thams cad]] - the omniscience of the tathagatas [IW]
[[de bzhin gshegs pa'i rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa]] - the omniscience [wisdom] of the tathagatas [IW]
[[don kun rtogs]] - realize omniscience [IW]
[[don kun snang ba]] - experience omniscience, the appearance of all phenomena/ benefits [IW]
[[don la rton pa]] - 1) the essence of the intended meaning cha 'jog pa; 2) reliance on the meaning [one of the four reliances Rton pa bzhi, don't rely on the words rely on the meaning world transcending dharmas on the side of enlightenment ston pa &, in particular the path and fruition of complete non-conception of the three worlds bcas pa, in brief rely on extraordinary upayas of manifesting the wisdom of omniscience.] [IW]
[[rnam kun mngon rdzogs sbyor ba]] - practice of complete relization of allaspects [so tht realization of the mkhyen gsum [of ground path and fruition (omniscience] may become autonomous, gather them into the siplicity of the unborn; sems dpa'i rnal 'byor accomplished by meditating on the 100 aspects of the mkhyen gsum and prajna meditating on the don gsum, sher phyin dngos po brgyad kyi ya gyal] [IW]
[[rnam mkhyen]] - {[[rnam pa thams chad mkhyen pa]]} total omniscience [RB]
[[rnam mkhyen]] - omniscience, cognitive sensitivity, exalted knower of all aspects, cognition of all things, intelligent [JV]
[[rnam mkhyen]] - 1) omniscience; 2) mind [h]  [IW]
[[rnam mkhyen gyi chos]] - the qualities / attributes of omniscience [RY]
[[rnam mkhyen gyi chos bcu]] - the 10 [[dharmas]] of omniscience [[sher phyin don bdun cu las mkhyen pa gsum gyi chos sum cu'i nang tsan]], [[rnam mkhyen mtshon byed kyi chos bcu ste]], [[theg chen sems bskyed dang]], [[gdams ngag dang]], [[nges 'byed yan lag dang]], [[sgrub pa'i rten dang]], [[sgrub pa'i dmigs pa dang]], [[sgrub pa'i ched du bya ba dang]], [[go sgrub dang]], [['jug sgrub dang]], [[tsogs sgrub dang]], [[nges 'byung sgrub pa bcas bcu'o]] [IW]
[[rnam mkhyen sangs rgyas kyi sgo 'phang]] - Buddhahood of omniscience [RY]
[[rnam pa tham cad mkhyen pa]] - omniscience [RY]
[[rnam pa thams cad khyen pa]] - total omniscience [RB]
[[rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa yon tan]] - the quality of omniscience [RY]
[[bya ba grub pa'i ye shes]] - [[All-accomplishing wisdom]] [omniscience transforming the eye etc. the consciousnesses of the five gates the stains of conceptualizing various dharmas as different rang gzugs don yod grub] [IW]
[[byang chub mchog]] - perfect/ supreme enlightenment [buddha omniscience] [IW]
[['bras bu rnam mkhyen gyi ye shes]] - the resultant wisdom of omniscience [RY]
[['bras bu'i chos]] - 1) fruition dharma; 2) dharmas of the fruition; 3) the dharma fruition; 4) the power of fruition; 5) empowerment of the fruition)/ [nirvana with remainders of the [[skandha]]s and with no remainder and also the four kayas and omniscience. the symbol abhisheka which makes unsurpassable [[enlightenment]], the ultimate fruition of the great light rays empowerment, the empowerment of the fruition of supreme attainment]. [IW]
[['bras yum]] - fruition consort/ omniscience [IW]
[[gzhi shes]] - knowledge of the (foundation, subject), basic knowledge, omniscience, (1 of 3 types, knowledge of the foundation for meditation), SA thams cad mkhyen [JV]
[[gzugs nas rnam mkhyen gyi bsdus pa'i chos]] - the [[dharmas]] from A to z, from form to omniscience [IW]
[[gzugs nas rnam mkhyen gyi bar]] - from A to Z, from form to omniscience [RY]
[[yongs shes]] - 1) omniscience; 2) yongs shes abandoning what is abandoned by seeing [IW]
[[yongs su ma shes pa shes pa'i dbang po]] - faculty of omniscience [IW]
[[yongs su shes pa rtogs pa'i dbang po]] - faculty of omniscience [IW]
[[yongs su shes pa'i dbang po]] - faculty of omniscience [IW]
[[shes sgrib]] - objective obscuration, obstruction to omniscience, obstruction to simultaneous cognition of all phenomena, obstruction to knowledge; objective obscuration, obstruction to omniscience, obstruction to simultaneous cognition of all phenomena, obstruction to knowledge [RY]
[[shes bya'i sgrib pa]] - intellectual obscurations, obscurations to (knowledge, omniscience), veil of primitive beliefs about reality, sin produced from the objects of cognition, obstructions to omniscience, cognitive obscuration, obscurations due to intellectual knowledge, conceptual obstacles, conceptual obscuration [JV]
[[shes bya'i sgrib pa]] - cognitive obscuration; The subtle obscuration of holding on to the concepts of subject, object and action. It is temporarily purified in the moment of recognizing the nature of mind, and utterly purified through the vajra-like samadhi at the end of the tenth bhumi. Also: knowledge veil, knowledge obscuration, obscuration concerning the knowable, obstruction to omniscience, obstructions to objects of knowledge, veil of [dualistic] knowledge, conceptual veil, obscuration with regard to knowables, obscuration to the knowable, instinctive ignorance; obscuration due to ignorance concerning the knowable; obscuration of not knowing; {thams cad mkhyen pa la sgrib byed} obscurations due to (erroneous) intellectual knowledge; obstructions to omniscience [RY]
[[sangs rgyas kyi mig]] - the Buddha eye, omniscience [IW]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Latest revision as of 02:49, 4 March 2006

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