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[[Ralung Monastery]] (<font style="font-size: larger; font-family: Jomolhari">རྭ་ལུང</font> rwa lung)
#redirect [[Chetsun Nyingtik]]
===Throne Holders of Ralung===
*&nbsp;1. [[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje]] ([[gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje]]) (b.1161-d.1211).
*&nbsp;2. [[Dharma Senge Sangye On]]  ([[dhar ma seng ge sangs rgyas dbon]]) (b.1177-d.1237)<br>
*&nbsp;3. [[Drukpa Zhonnu Senge|Zhonnu Senge]] ([[gzhon nu seng ge]]) (b.1200-d.1266) - became throne holder at the age of 33.<br>
*&nbsp;4. [[Drukpa Nyima Senge|Nyima Senge]] ([[nyi ma seng ge]]) (b.1251-d.1287) - became throne holder at the age of 16.<br>
*&nbsp;5. [[Drukpa Senge Rinchen|Senge Rinchen]] ([[seng  ge rin chen]]) (b.1258- d. 1313) - ''aka'' Pökyapa (spos skya pa). - became throne holder at the age of 30.<br>
*&nbsp;6. [[Drukpa Senge Gyalpo|Senge Gyalpo]] ([[seng ge rgyal po]]) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at the age of 25.
*&nbsp;7. [[Drukpa Kunga Senge|Jamyang Kunga Senge]] ([['jam dbyangs kun dga' seng ge]]) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at the age of thirteen.<br>
*&nbsp;8. [[Drukpa Lodro Senge|Lodrö Senge]] ([[blo gros seng ge]]) (b.1345-d.1390) - <br>
*&nbsp;9. [[Drukpa Sherab Senge|Sherab Senge]] ([[shes rab seng ge]]) (b.1371-d.1392) - became throne holder at the age of 7.<br>
*&nbsp;10. [[Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen|Yeshe Rinchen]] ([[ye shes rin chen]]) (b.1364-d.1413) - became throne holder at the age of 29.<br>
*11. [[Drukpa Namkha Palzang|Namkha Palzang]] ([[nam mkha' dpal bzang]]) (b.1398-d.1425)<br>
*12. [[Drukpa Sherab Zangpo|Sherab Zangpo]] ([['brug pa shes rab bzang po|shes rab bzang po]]) (b.1400-d.1425)<br>
*13. [[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Kunga Paljor]] ([[kun dga' dpal 'byor]]) (1428-1476) - [[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Gyalwang Drukchen II]]<br>
*14. [[Drukpa Ngawang Chögyal|Ngawang Chögyal]] ([[ngag dbang chos rgyal]]) (b.1465-d.1540)<br>
*15. [[Drukpa Chung Rinpoche Ngakyi Wangpo|Ngakyi Wangchuck]]  (b.1517-d.1554)<br>
*16. [[Drukpa Mipham Chögyal|Mipham Chögyal]] (b.1543-d.1604) <br>
*17. [[Drukpa Mipham Tenpai Nyima|Mipham Tenpai Nyima]] (b.1567-d.1619)<br>
*18. [[Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal|Ngawang Namgyal]] (b.1594-d.1651)<br>
==Early Drukpa Lineage of Ralung==
Chart of the hereditary Palden Drukpa lineage (<span lang="bo" style="font-size:larger">དཔལ་ལྡན་འབྲུག་པའི་གདུང་བརྒྱུད་</span>) of Ralung from the founder [[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje|Tsangpa Gyare]] (12C.), through the "[[Incomparable Nine Lions]]" and the  to the 18th throne holder, [[Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal]] (17C.), who moved to Bhutan where he unified the country and established the Southern Drukpa Kagyu school.  Successive [[Ralung_Monastery#Hereditary_Throne_Holders_of_Ralung|throne holders]] are numbered with their names in bold text.
<div style="font-size:xx-small">
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |  GZT | |GZT=Gya Zurpo Tsape }}
{{Chart| |,|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|+|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|.| }}
{{Chart|KD| |LN| |LB| |MT| |JT| |GP| |TG| KD=Kalden|LN=Lhanyen|LB=Lhabum|MT=Mangtsen|JT=Jotsul|GP=Gomped|TG='''1. [[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje|Tsangpa Gyare]]'''<ref  group=c>[[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje]] ''(gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje)'' (b.1161-d.1211)</ref> }}
{{Chart| |,|-|-|-|(| | | |!| | | }}
{{Chart|DS| |LT | | CG| DS=2. '''[[Dharma Senge Sangye On|Dharma Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Dharma Senge Sangye On]] ''(dhar ma seng ge sangs rgyas dbon ras)''</ref>|LT=Lhatsen|CG=Chogo }}
{{Chart| |,|-|-|-|(| | | |!| | | }}
{{Chart|ZS| |RP| |LO| ZS=3. '''[[Drukpa Zhonnu Senge|Zhonnu Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Zhonnu Senge]] ([[gzhon nu seng ge]]) (b.1200-d.1266) - became throne holder at the age of 33.</ref>|RP=Rinchen Pel|LO=Lopon Ontag }}
{{Chart| | | | | |!| | |,|^|-|-|.| }}
{{Chart| | | |NS| |SS| |SR|NS=4. '''[[Drukpa Nyima Senge|Nyima Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Nyima Senge|Nyima Senge]] ([[nyi ma seng ge]]) (b.1251-d.1287) - became throne holder at the age of 16.</ref>|SS=DL Senge Sherab|SR=5. '''[[Drukpa Senge Rinchen|Senge Rinchen]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Senge Rinchen|Pökyapa Senge Rinchen]] ([[spos skya pa seng  ge rin chen]]) (b.1258- d. 1313) - became throne holder at the age of 30. </ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | |  |SG|SG=6. '''[[Drukpa Senge Gyalpo|Senge Gyalpo]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Senge Gyalpo|Senge Gyalpo]] ([[seng ge rgyal po]]) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at the age of 25</ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | |  | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | |  |KS|KS=7. '''[[Drukpa Kunga Senge|Jamyang Kunga Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Kunga Senge|Jamyang Kunga Senge]] ([['jam dbyangs kun dga' seng ge]]) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at the age of thirteen.</ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| }}
{{chart| | | | | | | | | | | |LS|LS=8. '''[[Drukpa Lodro Senge|Lodro Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Lodro Senge|Lodrö Senge]] ([[blo gros seng ge]]) (b.1345-d.1390)</ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | |,|-|^|-|.| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | |SS| |YR|SS=9. '''[[Drukpa Sherab Senge|Sherab Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Sherab Senge|Sherab Senge]] ([[shes rab seng ge]]) (b.1371-d.1392) - became throne holder at the age of 7.</ref>|YR=10. '''[[Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen|Yeshe Rinchen]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen|Yeshe Rinchen]] ([[ye shes rin chen]]) (b.1364-d.1413) - became throne holder at the age of 29</ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|v|-|^|-|.| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | |NP| |SZ| |DG|NP=11. '''[[Drukpa Namkha Palzang|Namkha Palzang]]'''<ref group=c> [[Drukpa Namkha Palzang|Namkha Palzang]] ([[nam mkha' dpal bzang]]) (b.1398-d.1425)</ref>|SZ=12. '''Sherab Zangpo'''<ref group=c>Sherab Zangpo ''(shes rab bzang po)'' (b.1400-d.1425)</ref>|DG=Dorje Gyalpo }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|(| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | KP| |LW| |RZ|KP=13. '''[[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Kunga Paljor]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Gyalwang Je Kunga Paljor]] ([[kun dga' dpal 'byor]]) (1428-1476) - [[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Gyalwang Drukchen II]]</ref>|LW=Lhawang|RZ=Rinchen Zangpo }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |NC| |DK|NC=14. '''Ngawang Chögyal'''<ref group=c>Ngawang Chögyal ''(ngag dbang chos rgyal)'' (b.1465-d.1540)</ref>|DK=[[Drukpa Kunleg]] }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|(| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | |ND| |NW| |NT|ND=Ngawang Dragpa|NW=15. '''Ngagi Wanghuck'''<ref group=c>Ngakyi Wangchuk Trakpa Gyaltsen ''(ngag gi dbang phyug grags pa rgyal mtshan)''(b.1517-d.1554)</ref>|NT=Ngawang Tenzin }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |MC| |TT|MC=16. '''Mipham Chögyal'''<ref group=c>Mipham Chögyal ''(mi pham chos rgyal)''(b.1543-d.1604)</ref> |TT=Tsewang Tenzin }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |TN| |TR|TN=17. '''Mipham Tenpai Nyima'''<ref group=c>Mipham Tenpai Nyima ''(mi pham bstan pa'i nyi ma)'' (b.1567-d.1619)</ref>|TR=Tenzin Rabgye }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |NN| | |NN=18. '''[[Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal]]'''<ref group=c>[[Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal]] ''(zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal)'' (b.1594-d.1651)</ref>  }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |JD| | |JD=Jampal  Dorje }}
=== Hereditary Throne Holders of Ralung ===
* ''Author:'' Yonten Dargye; ''Title:'' History of the Drukpa Kagyud School in Bhutan ''(12th to 17th Century A.D.)'' [ISBN 99936-616-0-0]
==External Links==
* [ Ralung]
* [  rwa lung] TBRC G44

Latest revision as of 15:50, 28 October 2006

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