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[[ku ru kul le gsang sgrub]] - the secret practice / [[sadhana of Kurukulle]]. ([[RY]])
#redirect [[mtshan ldan gyi bla ma]]
[[kye rdor sgrub thabs yan lag drug]] - [[six-branched sadhana of Hevajra]]. ([[RY]])
[[dkon mchog mngon rtogs]] - a [[sadhana]] of [[lhag pa'i lha]]. ([[IW]])
[[dkyil 'khor sgrub mchod]] - [[sadhana of the mandala]]. ([[IW]])
[[khrag 'thung chen po'i sgrub thabs yang dag par grub pa]] - the [[perfect accomplishment of the sadhana of the Great Heruka]]. [Title of a tantric scripture]. ([[RY]])
[[khro chen gtum po'i sgrub thabs]] - the [[sadhana of the Great Ferocious One]]. ([[RY]])
[[khro bo gtum po chen po'i sgrub thabs]] - the [[sadhana of the Great Ferocious One]]. ([[RY]])
[[khro bo stobs po che'i sgrub babs]] - the [[sadhana of the Great Wrathful Powerful One]]. ([[RY]])
[[dgyes pa rdo rje'i sgrub pa'i thabs]] - [[sadhana of Hevajra]]. ([[RY]])
[[mgon po'i sgrub thabs]] - the [[sadhana of the principal deity]]. ([[IW]])
[[sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs]] - [[sadhana of White Tara]]. ([[IW]])
[['jam dbyangs nang sgrub]] - the [[inner sadhana of Manjushri]]. ([[RY]])
[[bsnyun gnas]] - Fasting-silence. A two day Vajrayana practice of combined silence and fasting based on a [[sadhana of Lokeshvara]]. ([[RY]])
[[rta mgrin gyi sgrub thabs]] - [[sadhana of Hayagriva]]. ([[IW]])
[[rta pham yid bzhin nor bu]] - the [[sadhana of Hayagriva and Vajra Varahi which is like a wish fulfilling gems]]. ([[RY]])
[[thugs kyi sgrub pa]] - heart practice, the [[sadhana of the mind]]. ([[RY]])
[[thugs sgrub rgyun gyi bkol byang]] - [[Daily Practice Manual of Tukdrub]]. The condensed version of the [[guru sadhana]] of [[Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel]]. ([[RY]])
[[drag sgrub]] - [[sadhana of the wrathful aspect]]; [[sadhana of subjugation]]; comp. {[[zhi sgrub]]}. ([[RY]])
[[bdud rtsi sman sgrub]] - nectar-elixir, the [[sadhana of making sacred medicine]]. ([[RY]])
[[rdo rje dbyings kyi dkyil 'khor]] - [[Vajradhatu Mandala]]. An important [[sadhana of Mahayoga]] containing the [[42 peaceful deities]]. ([[RY]])
[[rnam thos sras kyi sgrub pa'i thabs]] - [[sadhana of Vaishravana]]. ([[IW]])
[[rnal 'byor rgyun gyi bkol byang]] - [[Concise Manual For Daily Practice]]. [[The condensed version of the guru sadhana of Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel]]. ([[RY]])
[[spros med don sgrub]] - the [[ultimate sadhana of simplicity]]. ([[RY]])
[[phyag stong spyan stong gi sgrub thabs]] - [[Sadhana of Avalokiteshvara with 1,000 Eyes and Hands]]. ([[IW]])
[[phrin las snying po]] - [[Trinley Nyingpo]]. [[The Essence Practice]]. The [[short version of the guru sadhana of Barchey Künsel]]. ([[RY]])
[[bla sgrub skor bzhi]] - [[Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana]]. In the terms of the [[Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana]], [[Nangsi Zilnön]] is the central figure in [[the outer sadhana of Barchey Künsel]]; [[Padmasambhava]] as [[Guru Mahasukha]] is the [[inner sadhana of Sampa Lhündrub]]; [[Tsokye Dorje]] is for the [[secret sadhana of Tsokye Nyingtig]]; and [[Dorje Drakpo Tsal]] is the central figure for [[the innermost sadhana of Guru Drakpo]]. ([[EPK]]) ([[RY]])
[[dbyangs can ma'i sgrub thabs]] - [[sadhana of Sarasvati]]. ([[RY]])
[[mon kha ne'u ring]] - [[Meadow of Mönkha]]. Possibly identical with [[Mönkha Senge Dzong]], a cave situated to the east of [[Bumthang]] in [[Bhutan]] which was used by [[Padmasambhava]] and later by [[Yeshe Tsogyal]] as a sacred place for the [[sadhana of Vajra Kilaya]]. ([[RY]])
[[rtsa ba'i thugs sgrub gsal byed thugs nor]] - [[main sadhana of bla ma dgongs 'dus]], by {[[sangs rgyas gling pa]]}. ([[RY]])
[[rtsa gsum spyir sgrub]] - [[general sadhana of the Three Roots]]. ([[RY]])
[[rtsa gsum las byang]] - [[sadhana of the Three Roots]]. ([[RY]])
[[tshe sgrub gsang 'dus]] - [[sambhogakaya sadhana of Padmasambhava]] by {[[ratna gling pa]]}. ([[RY]])
[[zhi khro dong sprugs]] - 1) [[combined sadhana of the peaceful and wrathful]]. 2) Abbr. of {[[zhi khro na rak dong sprugs]]}; see also {[[na rak dong sprugs]]}. ([[RY]])
[[zhi khro'i phrin las]] - [[sadhana of the peaceful and wrathful deities]]. ([[RY]])
[[zhi sgrub]] - [[sadhana of the peaceful aspect]]; comp. {[[drag sgrub]]}. ([[RY]])
[[zhi ba rdo rje dbyings kyi dkyil 'khor]] - [[Vajradhatu Mandala of Peaceful Deities]]. An important [[sadhana]] of [[Mahayoga]]. See also '[[Forty-two peaceful deities]].' ([[RY]])
[[longs sku 'chi med 'od snang]] - [[sambhogakaya sadhana of Padmasambhava]] from {[[byang gter dgongs pa zang thal]]}. ([[RY]])
[[zhi khro na rak dong sprugs]] - [[sadhana of the peaceful and wrathful deities to overturn the deepest hell]]. [RY]

Latest revision as of 12:13, 24 September 2007