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'''The Heart Essence of Chetsun''' - Chetsün Nyingtig ([[lce btsun snying tig]]
#redirect [[Chetsun Nyingtik]]
The Chetsün Nyingtig is one of the most important [[Dzogchen]] instructions, based on a transmission from [[Vimalamitra]]. [[Jamyang Khyentse]] had a vision of [[Chetsün Senge Wangchuk]] which inspired him to write the precious teaching known as [[Chetsün Nyingtig]]. Senge Wangchuk (11th-12th century) is among the lineage gurus in the Nyingtig transmission, which he received from his root guru, Dangma Lhüngyal ([[gnas brtan ldang ma lhun gyi rgyal mtshan]]), as well as directly from [[Vimalamitra]]. As a result of his high level of realization, his physical body transformed to a [[rainbow body]] at the time of death. In a later [[reincarnation]] as [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]], he remembered the [[Dzogchen]] teachings which Senge Wangchuk had transmitted to the [[dakini]] Palgyi Lodrö and wrote them down as the terma [[Chetsün Nyingtig]], the 'Heart Essence of Chetsün.' The name Chetsün ([[lce btsun]]) means "noble tongued" - someone who never lied, slandered or gossiped.  [[RY]]
*[[Garab Dorje]]<br>
*[[Shri Singha]]<br>
*[[Nyang Tingdzin Zangpo]]<br>
*[[Be Lodro Wangchuk]]<br>
*[[Drom Rinchen Bar]]<br>
*[[Dangma Lhundrup Gyaltsen]]<br>
*[[Chetsun Senge Wangchuk]] (11th-12th centuries)<br>
These teachings were later re-revealed as [[Yangter]] ([[yang gter]]) in the 19th century by:
*[[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]], who then passed them on to:
*[[Jamgon Kongtrul]]
*[[Adzom Drukpa]]
*[[Lerab Lingpa]]
*[[Jedrung Trinley Jampa Jungne]]
*[[Khenchen Tashi Ozer]]
==Primary Texts==
*[[man ngag thams cad kyi rgyal po klong lnga'i yi ge dum bu gsum pa]]
*[[khrid yig snying po'i bcud dril thig le gsang rdzogs]]
*[[bshad khrid chu 'babs su bkod pa snying po'i bcud dril ye shes thig le]]
*[[zab khrid dpal ldan bla ma'i zhal lung bslad med yid la gang zin gyi zin tho]]]
*[[khrid kyi zin bris bla ba'i dgongs rgyan]]
*[['od gsal rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang bla na med pa spyi'i khyad par gyi khrid yig lam bzang ye shes snying po]]
==Bibliography Information==
*''[[lce btsun snying thig]]''. New Delhi: Sechen Publications, 2004. Available at [[Sechen Monastery]] in Kathmandu, Nepal.
*[ TBRC Page]
*[ TBRC Page]
*[ TBRC Page]
==Related Links==
*[[Nyingthig Yabshi]]
==Other Reference Sources==
*[[Terton Sogyal]] [[Lerab Lingpa]]. ''[[The Sphere of Timeless Awareness]]'': A commentary on ''[[The Heart Drop of Chetzun]]''. Translated by Richard Barron. Turquoise Dragon, 1999.
*Dudjom Rinpoche (1991). ''[[The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism]]: Its Fundamentals and History''. Translated by Gyurme Dorje and Matthew Kapstein. Boston: Wisdom Publications.
*Thondup, Tulku. ''[[Masters of Meditation and Miracles]]''. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1996.
*Nyoshul Khenpo Jamyang Dorjé. ''[[A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems]]''. Junction City: Padma Publishing, 2005.
[[Category:Nyingma Lineages]]
[[Category:Nyingma Literature]]

Latest revision as of 14:51, 28 October 2006

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