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[[mkha' 'gro chos skyong phrin las kyi rtsa ba]] - [[Dakini]] and dharmapala, the roots of activity [RY]
#redirect [[Dharmapala]]
[[mgon po]] - lord, patron, principal, master, tutelar god, refuge, protector, defender, savior, guardian (of Dharma), the lord of Sukhavati, leader, dharmapala) [IW]
[[mgon po phyag drug pa]] - a dharmapala [IW]
[[mgon po phyag bzhi pa]] - a dharmapala [IW]
[[chos skyong]] - [[dharma]] protectors, dharmapala, guardian of the teachings, defender of the faith, oracle, embodiment of wisdom, protect by justice keep [[samaya]] and make sure teachings are properly practiced] [IW]
[[chos skyong]] - dharmapala/ dharma protector/ protective deity [RB]
[[chos skyong]] - dharmapala, protector, defender of the (teaching, faith), one of [[sku lnga rgyal po]], 5 skull crown & 3rd eye, SA [[dpal ldan lha mo]], [[tshangs pa dkar po]], [[lcam sring]], [[gshin rje]], [[mgon po]], [[rnam thos sras]], [[rta mgrin]], [[gshin rje gshed]], [[drag ched]], [[nag po chen po]], protector, defender, name given to 4 buddhist guardian kings, popular astrologers, religious protectors, guardians of the teaching [JV]
[[chos skyong]] - dharma protectors, dharmapala, guardian of the teachings, defender of the faith, oracle, embodiment of wisdom, protect by justice [IW]
[[chos skyong khang]] - dharmapala shrine [IW]
[[chos skyong mgon po]] - the lord of dharmapalas, Mahakala [IW]
[[chos skyong dam can rgya mtsho]] - the ocean of vowed guardians and dharmapalas [RY]
[[chos skyong ma dgon lcam dral]] - the dharmapalas Mahakala mahakali and their brothers and sisters [IW]
[[chos skyong ma dgon lcam dral]] - the dharmapalas, Mahakala, Mahakali and their brothers and sisters [RY]
[[chos skyong srung ma]] - dharmapalas and guardian spirits [IW]
[[stod 'dul]] - regulations of the [['dul ba]] introduced by kashmirian pandit sakya shri, upper lineage of vinaya brought to tibet by indian scholar named dharmapala [JV]
[[bstan srung]] - 1) guardians of the teachings/ religion; 2) dharmapalas [wrathful deities who protect the teachings] [IW]
[[bstan srung]] - 1) guardians of the teachings/ religion; 2) dharmapalas [IW]
[[dam can]] - a vow-holder; loyal guardians, samaya-bound, vow-holders. protectors; oath-bound one; ex. {[[chos skyong dam can rgya mtsho]]} the ocean of vowed guardians and dharmapalas [RY]
[[nag po chen po]] - [[Mahakala]]; great black one. Wrathful aspect of [[Avalokiteshvara]] Mahakalas are the chief dharmapalas, protectors of the Dharma. They are either black or dark blue in color and wrathful [RY]
[[phug gtor]] - primary torma [represents the dwelling place of the devas of the mandala. Vajrayogini has 1 large 1 and four smaller ones in the four directions there are different torma to house gurus, {yi dam}, dakinis and dharmapalas in various sadhanas. sometimes these are made of precious metal] [IW]
[[bing chen]] - a club [dharmapala club like Pernagchen, Hanuman. hollow inside] [IW]
[[bing chen]] - a club, dharmapala club like Bernakchen camris - also Hanuman - hollow inside; a club (like Hanumann's) [RY]
[['bul gtor]] - offering torma [to deities yidams, dharmapalas etc.] [IW]
[[tsi'u dmar po]] - {[dharmapala of Samye] [IW]
[[tsi'u dmar po]] - dharmapala of Samye; {[[gnod sbyin chen po]]} protective deity [RY]
[[tse'u dmar po]] - dharmapala of Samye [RY]
[[tse'u dmar po]] - {[[tse'u dmar po]]} [dharmapala of samye] [IW]
[[rtsa gsum]] - 1) the three nadis [[lus kyi rtsa ro ma dang]], [[rkyang ma, dbu ma gsum]]; 2) the three roots [guru, yidam, dakini [+ dharmapala] producers of dharma, the root of blessing is the guru, the root of [[siddhi]] the yidam, the root of protection from obstacles the dakini] [IW]
[[rtsa gsum]] - 1) the three roots, [guru, yidam, dakini [+ dharmapala]. 2) the three channels, {[[ro ma]]} / {[[la la na]]}, {[[rkyang ma]]} / {[[ra sa na]]}, {[[dbu ma]]} / {[[kun 'dar ma]]} / avadhuti] [RY]
[[rtsa gsum]] - roots, three Guru, yidam, and dharmapala. These three are objects of refuge in the Vajrayana in addition to the Three Jewels [RY]
[['tshengs pa sum ldan]] - The three satisfactions are: the negative being's mind is liberated in the [[dharmadhatu]], the dharmapalas receive the flesh and blood of the deceased being transformed into wisdom nectar, and the yogi's life force increases. [RY]

Latest revision as of 14:01, 25 January 2006

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