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[[ka nas dag pa'i]] primordially pure [JV]
[[ka nas dag pa'i gnas lugs]] natural condition of primordial purity [JV]
[[ka nas dag pa'i rang bzhin]] nature of primordial purity [JV]
[[ka bed]] gourd [JV]
[[ka tsa rked nyag]] rusty and crooked [JV]
[[ka rtsa ga la]] sea [JV]
[[kun gyi mnyam nyid]] condition of universal equality [JV]
[[kun gyi gzhi]] universal basis, universal base [JV]
[[kun 'jug pa]] misery, suffering [JV]
[[kun tu brtag pa]] all-conceptualizing [JV]
[[kun tu 'phro ba la]] towards anything that manifests [JV]
[[kun rtog 'phro 'du]] spreading and reabsorbing of thoughts [JV]
[[kun dril ba]] all taken together [JV]
[[kun nas 'dud pa]] venerated by everybody or everywhere [JV]
[[kun spyod nges med]] unpredictable conduct [JV]
[[kun tshor]] all-perceiving [JV]
[[kun tshor yid shes]] all-perceiving mental consciousness [JV]
[[kun rdzob kyi dge ba]] relative virtues [JV]
[[kun rdzob rgyu'i thig le]] relative substance bindus [JV]
[[kun bzang rgyan]] ornament of Samantabhadra [JV]
[[kun bzang rdo rje sems dpa']] Samantabhadra Vajrasattva [JV]
[[kun gsal ye shes]] all-clear wisdom [JV]
[[ke ya]] wickedness [JV]
[[ke la ka]] ginger [JV]
[[ker gyis]] suddenly [JV]
[[ko kya]] pure [JV]
[[ko tan]] blood [JV]
[[ko tam pa'i gos]] jute cloth [JV]
[[ko thal]] cinders, ashes [JV]
[[ko ba mnyed mkhan]] tanner [JV]
[[ko sbrags]] hide filled with butter [JV]
[[ko tshal]] pieces of leather or hide [JV]
[[ko gzhong]] basin made of hide [JV]
[[ko rul]] rotten hide [JV]
[[ko rlon gtums]] packed in a fresh skin [JV]
[[ko lham]] leather shoes [JV]
[[kong khru]] kind of yellow satin [JV]
[[kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas]] 1813-1899 [JV]
[[kong mo]] cave, ditch [JV]
[[kyag pa nyid]] thickness [JV]
[[kyang kyong]] indolent, lazy, idle [JV]
[[kyang rung]] whether [JV]
[[kyal kyol]] poor, ill-conditioned [JV]
[[kyi glong]] elbow [JV]
[[kyi ling chu rta sngon po]] quick silver [JV]
[[kyir kyir]] round, circular, disk [JV]
[[kyir ba nyid]] roundness [JV]
[[kye ga]] magpie [JV]
[[kye re]] upright, erect [JV]
[[kyong kha]] quarrel [JV]
[[kyom pa]] soft and tough [JV]
[[kyor]] weak, feeble, unfortified [JV]
[[krad lhan]] patch for shoe [JV]
[[kram]] cabbage [JV]
[[krin nad]] colic [JV]
[[kru kru]] wind-pipe [JV]
[[kla klo'i spos]] garlic [JV]
[[klad sgo]] fontanel in the infant cranium [JV]
[[klad chung]] cerebellum [JV]
[[klad nas]] from the first [JV]
[[klad pa ye mi 'dug]] be very gullible [JV]
[[klad shubs]] thin covering of the brain [JV]
[[klung ma]] river [JV]
[[klog mkhan]] reader [JV]
[[klog pa po]] reader [JV]
[[klog mtshams bzhag pa]] stopped reading [JV]
[[klong chen nam mkha'i rnal 'byor]] yogin of the space of the universe [JV]
[[klong du]] inside [JV]
[[klong brdol]] gushed spontaneously [JV]
[[klong mdzod]] space treasury [JV]
[[klong yangs pa]] spacious dimension [JV]
[[klong gsal 'bar ba nyi ma'i gsang rgyud]] Secret Tantra of the Blazing Sun Expanse of Luminosity [JV]
[[dkan gyi yi ge]] palatal letters [JV]
[[dkan gnyer]] cleft palate [JV]
[[dka' thub ser po]] saffron [JV]
[[dka' ba nyid]] difficulty [JV]
[[dkar skyo]] pale, white [JV]
[[dkar rgya]] rose-colored, pale pink [JV]
[[dkar thag]] string of a bow [JV]
[[dkar nag]] positive and negative [JV]
[[dkar por bzlums pa]] converging in the white (light) [JV]
[[dkar mo rgyal]] (Pramoha) Karmo Gyal [JV]
[[dkar rtser ba]] very white or fair [JV]
[[dkar mdzod]] dispensary [JV]
[[dkar sham]] pure [JV]
[[dkar sangs]] pure white [JV]
[[dkar seng ge ba]] pure white [JV]
[[dkon mchog kun 'dus]] union of all jewels [JV]
[[dkyil 'khor 'dus pa]] unified mandala [JV]
[[dkyu rta]] race-horse [JV]
[[dkyus btags]] scarf of ordinary quality [JV]
[[dkyus tshad]] dimensions of anything when measured lengthwise [JV]
[[dkrig]] personally [JV]
[[dkris gyur]] surrounded, encircled, encompassed [JV]
[[bka' skor med pa]] without delay [JV]
[[bka' mngags gnang mdzod]] request [JV]
[[bka' gnyan pa]] very powerful and sensitive [JV]
[[bka' dang dam]] word and promise [JV]
[[bka' drin skyong mdzad rogs gnang]] please be so kind as to give us [JV]
[[bka' drin bskyang du gsol]] please be so kind as to teach [JV]
[[bka' drin de lhag mi 'dug]] you could not be more kind [JV]
[[bka' drin shin tu che]] very grateful, very kind [JV]
[[bka' babs kyi bdag po]] holder of the transmission [JV]
[[bka' babs pa]] transmission has fallen upon, transmission fallen upon [JV]
[[bka' tshogs]] reply in the way of instruction [JV]
[[bka' yi 'khor lo]] command circle [JV]
[[bkug shog]] summons [JV]
[[bkugs pa]] to inhale, fast inhalation [JV]
[[bkod pa gsal]] manifested [JV]
[[bkod ma'i chu]] fountain [JV]
[[bkra chen]] great painting [JV]
[[bkra bar 'dzin pa]] painter [JV]
[[bkra byed]] painter [JV]
[[bkra shis bde legs]] auspicious goodness [JV]
[[bkrag che]] very bright [JV]
[[bklags myong ba]] had been reading [JV]
[[rkang kri]] piece of cloth to wrap round the legs [JV]
[[rkang bkod]] manner of walking [JV]
[[rkang brgya]] centipede [JV]
[[rkang thang pa]] pedestrian [JV]
[[rkang drug tshes]] mango tree [JV]
[[rkang rdum]] maimed foot [JV]
[[rkang pa bskums]] contracted legs [JV]
[[rkang pa 'theng po]] lame [JV]
[[rkang pa'i mthe bo]] big toe [JV]
[[rkang pa'i mdzug gu]] toe [JV]
[[rkang phyin]] felt for covering the legs [JV]
[[rkang rus]] bone of the foot [JV]
[[rkang shing]] treadle of a loom [JV]
[[rkan sgra sgrogs]] smacking the palate [JV]
[[rku]] steal [JV]
[[rkun nor]] stolen goods [JV]
[[rked 'chu]] buttocks [JV]
[[rked so]] waist [JV]
[[rkong pa]] ringworm, itch [JV]
[[rkos sku]] engraved image [JV]
[[rkyang phyag btsal]] offered a full prostration [JV]
[[rkyen 'ga' zhig]] something [JV]
[[lkog glu]] secret hummed song [JV]
[[lkog chad]] secret punishment [JV]
[[lkog rnyan]] reward given secretly, bribe [JV]
[[lkog ma'i lha gong]] larynx [JV]
[[ska cig]] moment [JV]
[[skad sgra che]] loud voice, fame [JV]
[[skad ngar]] rough language [JV]
[[skad cig gis 'gyur]] changed in an instant [JV]
[[skad cig der]] in the instant, in that instant [JV]
[[skad cig ma yis]] in one instant [JV]
[[skad cig rig]] instant Rigpa [JV]
[[skad cig shes pa]] instantaneous awareness [JV]
[[skad drag pa]] powerful voice [JV]
[[skad 'don]] bawling out, loud voice [JV]
[[skad ya mtshan pa]] strange language [JV]
[[skad legs ma]] celestial courtesan [JV]
[[skabs rkyen]] temporary factor [JV]
[[skabs rkyen 'ga' zhig]] something [JV]
[[skabs byung ba]] found the occasion [JV]
[[skabs 'byed pa]] leisure [JV]
[[skabs shig na]] at a certain moment [JV]
[[skam sa chen po]] continent, mainland [JV]
[[skar ka]] weight [JV]
[[skar cha]] second [JV]
[[skar ma'i dpyod]] observation of the stars [JV]
[[skal dang ldan pa]] fortunate [JV]
[[skal par ldan]] blessed with good fortune [JV]
[[skal par mi ldan]] unsuitable [JV]
[[skal ba ngan pa]] misfortune [JV]
[[skal ba mchog]] most fortunate karma [JV]
[[skal ba thob pa]] had been fortunate [JV]
[[skal ba ma thob pa]] not have the fortune [JV]
[[skal ba ma byung]] not have the chance [JV]
[[sku brnyan khyad par can]] special statue [JV]
[[sku gdung cha brgyad mchod rten]] stupa of one eight of relics [JV]
[[sku mdun du]] in front of [JV]
[[sku gzugs bde po e yin]] how are you? [JV]
[[sku ye shes]] kayas and wisdoms [JV]
[[sku la klubs]] garbed [JV]
[[sku'i snang brnyan]] image [JV]
[[skur bstan]] manifests [JV]
[[skur gsal ba]] manifests as a dimension [JV]
[[ske dkris]] scarf, muffler [JV]
[[skem nad]] consumption [JV]
[[skor thag]] cord of a lathe [JV]
[[skor gsum]] trilogy [JV]
[[skya khrol le]] bleached white, very white [JV]
[[skya ga]] magpie [JV]
[[skya chen]] superior kind of plain scarf [JV]
[[skya mjug]] rudder [JV]
[[skya nyil]] zinc [JV]
[[skya bro]] picnic [JV]
[[skya rtsa]] dry grass [JV]
[[skyabs bya]] person who seeks refuge [JV]
[[skyabs su zungs]] hold as refuge [JV]
[[skyar gog]] naked [JV]
[[skyal]] swimming [JV]
[[skyi dkar]] white fatty side of a skin [JV]
[[skyi dkar gyi pags shog]] parchment [JV]
[[skyi sgam]] box, chest or trunk lined outside with dressed hide [JV]
[[skyi bung]] cloud [JV]
[[skyi g.ya' ba'i]] which makes one tremble [JV]
[[skyid mgo]] beginning of happiness [JV]
[[skyid ches]] comfortable [JV]
[[skyin mi]] debtor [JV]
[[skyil krung gi rgya]] cross-legged posture [JV]
[[skyil krung du 'khod]] sitting cross-legged [JV]
[[skyil dkrung phyed pa]] half-vajra posture [JV]
[[skye 'gro rnams]] beings [JV]
[[skye rga na 'chi]] birth, old age, sickness and death [JV]
[[skye 'chi]] birth and death [JV]
[[skye ba snga phyi]] past and future lives [JV]
[[skye ba'i mtha']] limitation of birth [JV]
[[skye bo'i tshogs]] assembly, crowd [JV]
[[skye tshe]] mustard [JV]
[[skye rags]] girdle [JV]
[[skyeg]] misfortune [JV]
[[skyems tshug]] cup, dish [JV]
[[skyems gsol]] beverage, drink [JV]
[[skyes skar]] birthday [JV]
[[skyes kha]] in return, in recompense [JV]
[[skyes bu pho]] man, male person [JV]
[[skyes bu gsum]] three types of individuals [JV]
[[skyes bu'i sgo gsum]] 3 gates of the individual [JV]
[[skyes bus byed pa'i 'bras bu]] result caused by the person [JV]
[[skyo nyams]] mind of sadness, tender yearning [JV]
[[skyo phyod de ba zhig la]] feeling sad [JV]
[[skyo ba bsangs]] relax [JV]
[[skyo bran]] servant, slave [JV]
[[skyo shas drag po]] strong sadness [JV]
[[skyogs lto 'bu]] snail [JV]
[[skyon spangs]] those who have overcome faults [JV]
[[skyon yon med pa]] neither defects nor qualities [JV]
[[skyob ston]] protector [JV]
[[skyor skyor]] again and again, repeatedly [JV]
[[skyor gyin]] repeatedly reciting [JV]
[[skra kham zhad]] blondish hair [JV]
[[skra mkhan]] barber [JV]
[[skra gnyis pa]] comet [JV]
[[skra yi mtshams]] hairline [JV]
[[skrangs po]] swelling, tumor [JV]
[[bskal pa thog med nas]] since beginningless kalpas [JV]
[[bskum 'khril ba]] drawn around [JV]
[[bskur gnang ba]] had been sent [JV]
[[bskul ma byas pa]] made a request, requested [JV]
[[bskyed rim gyi lha]] deity of the creation stage [JV]
[[bskyod 'tshal]] please approach [JV]
[[kha dkris]] scarf, muffler [JV]
[[kha skyur dri chil chil]] breath has rotten stench [JV]
[[kha khebs]] veil, cover [JV]
[[kha gab]] cover, lid [JV]
[[kha sgor]] shoulder bone [JV]
[[kha sgyer]] lip circle [JV]
[[kha bsgos]] advice [JV]
[[kha mngar]] bitter and sweet [JV]
[[kha rje khyu mchog]] merit, moral virtue [JV]
[[kha nyan po]] obedient [JV]
[[kha nyin]] the day before yesterday [JV]
[[kha to shing]] pointed stake used for the execution of criminals [JV]
[[kha thur]] chopsticks [JV]
[[kha dog chen po]] gold [JV]
[[kha dog mtha' yas pa]] variegated colors [JV]
[[kha dog sna lnga]] five-colored [JV]
[[kha dog sna tshogs pa]] multi-colored [JV]
[[kha nad]] mouth disease [JV]
[[kha ning]] last year [JV]
[[kha bsnan du]] additional [JV]
[[kha po]] speech [JV]
[[kha ba 'bab]] snowfall, avalanche [JV]
[[kha dbang]] eloquent [JV]
[[kha sbyor gyi rgyud]] Tantra of Union [JV]
[[kha ma bye]] store, repository [JV]
[[kha mi shes pa]] not knowing the language [JV]
[[kha tsho]] boasting [JV]
[[kha tshon chod pa]] determined [JV]
[[kha 'tshog]] abuse [JV]
[[kha zhur]] water-hen [JV]
[[kha zhes]] food, victuals [JV]
[[kha gzar]] spoon, ladle [JV]
[[kha gze pa]] coolie [JV]
[[kha g.yer ba]] wide opening [JV]
[[kha la bye la]] pass of glaciers and sand dunes, snow-laden sand dune [JV]
[[kha leb]] cover, lid [JV]
[[kha shugs can]] eloquent [JV]
[[kha sa]] yesterday [JV]
[[kha bsag]] talkative [JV]
[[kha bsab thub pa]] able to supplement [JV]
[[khag chen]] important [JV]
[[khang pa bkra ba]] painted house [JV]
[[khang pa'i thog rtseg gcig tsam]] the size of a one-storied house [JV]
[[khang byi'u]] sparrow [JV]
[[khang bzhis]] estate [JV]
[[khang bzo ba]] mason, architect [JV]
[[khad kyis bzlo]] speak of privately [JV]
[[khad du]] as far as [JV]
[[khab dang skud pa]] needle & thread [JV]
[[khab mig]] eye of a needle [JV]
[[khab le]] difficult [JV]
[[kham sdong]] apricot tree, peach tree [JV]
[[kham zhad]] blondish [JV]
[[khams kyis]] according to oneís condition [JV]
[[khams chen po]] mercury, quicksilver [JV]
[[khams thams cad]] all dimensions [JV]
[[khams 'dri byed]] inquire about health [JV]
[[khams gtsang la ngos 'jam pa]] tidy & smooth [JV]
[[khams gsum snod bcud]] dimensions and beings of the three worlds [JV]
[[khar shor ba]] fall under the power of [JV]
[[khal sga]] pack saddle [JV]
[[khal rta]] pack horse [JV]
[[khu ba'i 'pho]] discharge of the semen [JV]
[[khu sim pa]] quiet [JV]
[[khungs nas btsal]] searching for [JV]
[[khe 'bun bskyed]] practicing usury [JV]
[[khe med]] unprofitable [JV]
[[kheng pa]] arrogance [JV]
[[khen 'dra]] kind of cotton cloth [JV]
[[khem bu]] spoon [JV]
[[khel bar byung]] will be fulfilled [JV]
[[khes nyin]] the day before yesterday [JV]
[[kho na yin]] is just [JV]
[[kho na las]] apart from that [JV]
[[khog ldir]] teapot [JV]
[[khong gi]] her, his [JV]
[[khong rgyud]] drone [JV]
[[khong cag]] them [JV]
[[khong du chub pa]] fully comprehend, obtained, assimilated [JV]
[[khong du ma chud pa]] not to appreciate [JV]
[[khong nas gsal ba]] shines from within [JV]
[[khong spun]] claustrophobia [JV]
[[khong 'dzin]] anger, vindictiveness [JV]
[[khong sran can]] those with resistance [JV]
[[khongs yangs pa]] spacious [JV]
[[khongs ril]] crippled [JV]
[[khoms ma byung]] could not find time [JV]
[[khol du phyung]] adapted [JV]
[[khos chung]] unresourceful [JV]
[[khya le]] handful [JV]
[[khyad par can gyi]] special, extraordinary [JV]
[[khyad par can gyi bka' lung zab mo]] special profound teaching [JV]
[[khyad par can gyi gdams ngag]] extraordinary teaching, special teaching [JV]
[[khyad par du'ang]] particularly precise [JV]
[[khyad bsad nas]] completely scorned [JV]
[[khyab mchi]] that will do [JV]
[[khyab 'jug skyes]] fragrant sandal wood tree [JV]
[[khyab bdag chen po]] totally embracing [JV]
[[khyab brdal nam mkha'i khor yug]] total dimension of all-pervading space [JV]
[[khyab par 'phro ba]] spreads and pervades [JV]
[[khyams ring po]] long corridor [JV]
[[khyi 'khyar]] stray dog [JV]
[[khyi shig]] flea [JV]
[[khyim chas]] furniture [JV]
[[khyim bdag 'byor ldan]] rich householder [JV]
[[khyugs tsam zhig]] for a short time [JV]
[[khyur po]] entire, full [JV]
[[khyed kyi bka' babs]] whose transmission has fallen upon you [JV]
[[khyed cag 'ga' zhig]] some of you [JV]
[[khyed nyid la bka' babs pa]] whose transmission has fallen upon you [JV]
[[khyed rang la bka' babs pa'i]] whose transmission has fallen upon you [JV]
[[khyed la bka' babs pa'i]] whose transmission has fallen upon you [JV]
[[khyem gang]] handful [JV]
[[khyel 'dug]] loose posture [JV]
[[khyo 'dam ma]] bride [JV]
[[khyo pho]] husband [JV]
[[khyom khyom]] oblique, awry, irregularly shaped [JV]
[[khra glag]] eagle [JV]
[[khra chil chil du]] sparkling [JV]
[[khra thar thar du shar]] very bright and shining [JV]
[[khra 'brug]] Trandrug [JV]
[[khra tshub be]] variegated colors [JV]
[[khra tshubs]] different colors [JV]
[[khra lam mer]] vividly bright [JV]
[[khrag khrig snang ba]] mirage, optical illusion [JV]
[[khrag chag pa]] clotted blood, gore [JV]
[[khrag ro]] clotted blood [JV]
[[khrag ling]] clot of blood [JV]
[[khrad pa]] stretched out [JV]
[[khram sems can]] lying, mendacious [JV]
[[khri ber]] throne-cloak [JV]
[[khri le ba]] fear [JV]
[[khrigs se khrig]] draw up in formation [JV]
[[khrid lung 'don pa]] to give instructional reading transmission [JV]
[[khru gang]] one cubit [JV]
[[khrul po]] cheerful, merry, fornicator [JV]
[[khrus kyi brtul zhugs]] ascetic [JV]
[[khrus chab]] ablution water [JV]
[[khre]] millet [JV]
[[khregs su chod pas skyongs]] by letting all tensions dissolve [JV]
[[khrel gdong]] bashful face [JV]
[[khrel nas]] scornfully [JV]
[[khres]] load, burden [JV]
[[khro mon]] prison [JV]
[[khrong po]] close-fisted, stingy [JV]
[[khrom me]] sparkling, glittering [JV]
[[khrom tshogs chen po]] big crowd [JV]
[[khrom lam]] street, main street, avenue, boulevard [JV]
[[khrol mo]] brittle, fragile [JV]
[[mkha' 'gro gsang mdzod]] Secret Treasury of the Dakinis [JV]
[[mkha' dbyings stong pa]] empty sky [JV]
[[mkha' la]] in the sky [JV]
[[mkha' la spyod pa'i zhing khams]] pure celestial dimension [JV]
[[mkha'i 'gro'i snying thig]] heart essence of the dakinis [JV]
[[mkhar lding]] float in space [JV]
[[mkhar gzhis]] house [JV]
[[mkhar gzhis longs spyod]] house & belongings [JV]
[[mkhar bzung]] perceived as space [JV]
[[mkhas blun]] wise and foolish, wisdom and folly [JV]
[[mkhur ba]] cheeks [JV]
[[mkhyid gang ba]] five fingers in size [JV]
[[mkhyen gyi e yod]] do you know? [JV]
[[mkhyen thub]] can be understood [JV]
[[mkhris tshad]] bilious fever [JV]
[['khor gyi skye ba]] dependents [JV]
[['khor 'das thams cad]] all samsara and nirvana [JV]
[['khor 'das yongs]] the whole of samsara and nirvana [JV]
[['khor rnams su]] the surroundings [JV]
[['khor ba mtha' med]] infinite samsara [JV]
[['khor ba'i 'khor lo]] wheel of samsara [JV]
[['khor bar 'khyams pa]] wander in samsara [JV]
[['khor ma tshags]] without interruption [JV]
[['khor zhing 'khor ba]] continuously revolve [JV]
[['khor lo bzhin]] like a wheel [JV]
[['khor slob]] students [JV]
[['khyam khyi]] stray dog [JV]
[['khyams 'khyams su 'gro]] strolling [JV]
[['khyil skor]] circle [JV]
[['khrab tshan]] play, show, drama [JV]
[['khrig ma]] wrist of the hand [JV]
[['khris 'dzin]] brass [JV]
[['khrungs skar]] birthday [JV]
[['khrul grol]] confusion and liberation [JV]
[['khrul rgyu]] cause of illusion [JV]
[['khrul dus]] the time of illusion [JV]
[['khrul snang 'khor ba]] samsara of illusory vision [JV]
[['khrul snang bag chags]] karmic traces of illusory vision [JV]
[['khrul pa'i rgyu]] cause of illusion [JV]
[['khrul pa'i 'du shes]] deluded conceptions [JV]
[['khrul pa'i snang ba]] illusory vision [JV]
[['khrul pa'i gzhi lnga]] five bases of illusion [JV]
[['khrul 'byams]] ordinary profusion of deluded thoughts [JV]
[['khrul 'bras]] fruit of illusion [JV]
[['khrul zhen]] illusory attachment [JV]
[['khrul sems]] illusory mind [JV]
[[ga khral]] tax, duty [JV]
[[ga bar phebs]] where are you going? [JV]
[[ga zug]] how [JV]
[[ga gzi]] squinting [JV]
[[ga 'u]] small reliquary box [JV]
[[ga la wa ri]] Galawari [JV]
[[ga la 'os]] how could [JV]
[[ga log]] squinting [JV]
[[gang bklags pa]] what was read [JV]
[[gang skyes]] whatever arises [JV]
[[gang mjal]] what do you see? [JV]
[[gang thub thub]] as much as possible, as much as I could [JV]
[[gang zhig kyang med]] nothing else [JV]
[[gang zag gcig]] a person, the person [JV]
[[gang 'os]] whichever is suitable [JV]
[[gang yin nam snyams]] wondering what it could be [JV]
[[gang la'ang]] in any place [JV]
[[gang shar ba]] whatever manifests [JV]
[[gang su zhig]] whoever [JV]
[[gangs kyi]] snowy [JV]
[[gangs kyi ra ba]] snowy mountains [JV]
[[gangs kyi ra bas bskor ba]] surrounded by snowy mountains [JV]
[[gangs rud]] avalanche [JV]
[[gad snod]] dustpan [JV]
[[gad phyis chen po]] thorough cleaning [JV]
[[gam bu ra]] citron, lemon [JV]
[[gar byed pa]] to dance [JV]
[[gal te yod du chug kyang]] even if we thought the contrary [JV]
[[gu ti]] deaf [JV]
[[gu ya]] ring [JV]
[[gu ru rin po che]] Guru Rinpoche [JV]
[[gu le]] slowly, softly, gently [JV]
[[gu su]] garment, dress [JV]
[[gung dmar la phug]] carrot [JV]
[[gung tsam]] about noontime [JV]
[[gun]] loss, damage [JV]
[[gun po]] expensive, dear [JV]
[[gum par]] deadly [JV]
[[gur khyim klong]] inside a tent [JV]
[[gus nyin]] three days ago [JV]
[[gus po]] expensive, costly, dear [JV]
[[gus zhabs dang bcas]] with respect [JV]
[[gus srol]] politeness, courtesy, manners [JV]
[[go thog]] at the level of mere (intellectual) understanding [JV]
[[go ma de wi]] Gomadevi [JV]
[[go myong ma byung ba]] not find something to understand & experience [JV]
[[go ra la chud pa]] caught in a trap [JV]
[[go legs par bsdur ba]] compared [JV]
[[gong du bstan pa]] explained above [JV]
[[gong rim]] superior, higher authorities [JV]
[[goms pa klong gyur]] when familiarity has been mastered [JV]
[[goms pa'i nyams]] experience of familiarization [JV]
[[gyim bag]] amalgam [JV]
[[gyes pa'i mdo]] junction where (things) divide [JV]
[[gyes gzhi]] base of the separation [JV]
[[gyong gun]] loss [JV]
[[gra sgrig byas]] were preparing [JV]
[[grags stong]] resound while being empty [JV]
[[grangs med pa]] innumerable [JV]
[[grangs su 'dren pa]] counted [JV]
[[gram gcal]] sit [JV]
[[gral mtha']] end of the row [JV]
[[gri'u]] small knife [JV]
[[grub mtha'i phyogs]] sectarian school [JV]
[[gre mog 'bu]] ant, emmet [JV]
[[grong ba]] cold [JV]
[[grol cha]] on the side of liberation [JV]
[[grol thog tu bca']] [JV]
[[grol bar 'gyur]] self-liberate [JV]
[[grol bar mi 'gyur]] does not self-liberate [JV]
[[grol byed kyi gdams pa]] liberating instructions [JV]
[[grol tshad kyi gdings bzhi]] fourfold confidence of liberation [JV]
[[grol tshad nges pa'i gzer]] stakes of certainty of liberation [JV]
[[grol sa]] the state of liberation [JV]
[[grol sa gcig pu]] unique state of liberation [JV]
[[grwa pa'i chas can]] monk's attire [JV]
[[glang po chur 'jug gi rgyud phyi ma]] Subsequent Tantra of the Bathing Elephant [JV]
[[gling kha gtong du phyin]] went to have a picnic [JV]
[[gling mkhar]] castle [JV]
[[gling ras pa pad ma rdo rje]] 1128-1188 [JV]
[[glu gar]] song and dance [JV]
[[glu yi gdangs]] in the sound of the song [JV]
[[glo bur gyi bag chags]] momentary tendencies [JV]
[[glo bur bar chad]] temporary interruptions [JV]
[[dga' po byung]] I am happy [JV]
[[dga' bzhi 'gros thim]] progression and dissolution of the four joys [JV]
[[dga' ya le]] glowed with bliss [JV]
[[dgung ja]] lunch [JV]
[[dgun ka]] winter [JV]
[[dgun nyi ldog]] the winter solstice [JV]
[[dge sdig gi las]] virtuous & negative actions [JV]
[[dgeng la]] on, upon, in, at [JV]
[[dgong dro]] evening [JV]
[[dgong bar]] until the evening [JV]
[[dgong zhig gi nam tho rengs]] one early morning [JV]
[[dgong zas]] supper [JV]
[[dgongs dag]] pardon me, pardon [JV]
[[dgongs pa ngo sprod]] direct introduction to the state [JV]
[[dgongs pa rang gnas]] very condition of the state [JV]
[[dgongs par bzhugs mdzod]] remain in the principle [JV]
[[dgos kyi ma red]] do not need to [JV]
[[dgos gal che]] it is important [JV]
[[dgra yis btses pa]] under attack from one's enemies [JV]
[[dgra la rngam pa]] fierce & sharp [JV]
[[dgrar langs]] arise as the enemy [JV]
[[bgrus 'khor]] roller [JV]
[[mgur chen]] grand song [JV]
[[mgo nas mjug gi bar]] from beginning to end [JV]
[[mgo ras]] head scarf [JV]
[[mgyogs 'gros]] canter [JV]
[[mgyogs por phyin song]] went quickly across [JV]
[['gag bsdams]] reduce to [JV]
[['gag pa'i mtha']] limitation of ceasing [JV]
[['gag pa'i gnas]] place wherein to cease [JV]
[['gag 'bral med]] no separation [JV]
[['gag med pa]] unceasing [JV]
[['gangs pa]] difficult, troublesome [JV]
[['ga' yang med pa]] none whatsoever, there is nothing, not something [JV]
[['gal 'khrul]] confusion [JV]
[['gu med]] ungrateful [JV]
[['gog thabs byed pa]] so as to avoid [JV]
[['gog med]] without obstruction [JV]
[['gog bzlas bya]] recite silently [JV]
[['god par brtsams pa]] start to write down [JV]
[['gyur dga' rin po che]] Gyurga Rinpoche, also known as 'gyur med rgyal mtshan [JV]
[['gyur phyag]] translator's homage [JV]
[['gyur ba byung ba]] undergoes change [JV]
[['gyur ba'i rgyu chod]] as the cause of change has been severed [JV]
[['gyur med rgyal mtshan]] Gyurmed Gyaltsen, (1914-1972), son of byang chub rdo rje [JV]
[['gran sems can]] competitive [JV]
[['gram yig]] edict, proclamation, publication [JV]
[['grig dang 'grig]] of course we can, of course it is! [JV]
[['grem yig]] advertisement [JV]
[['gro kun]] all beings [JV]
[['gro dgos kyi ma red]] do not need to go [JV]
[['gro ran med]] it is not yet time to go [JV]
[['gro lam chen po]] road, avenue, boulevard [JV]
[[rgas ka]] old age [JV]
[[rgu]] many [JV]
[[rgod ma]] mare [JV]
[[rgod lan med]] unassailable [JV]
[[rgya che ba sa'i gter]] vast earth terma [JV]
[[rgya nag gi gzhung tshab khang]] Chinese embassy [JV]
[[rgya nag gi lha mo]] Chinese opera [JV]
[[rgya nag gzhung]] Chinese embassy [JV]
[[rgya mi lo gzhon]] young Chinese [JV]
[[rgya mtsho cog gzhag gi sgom pa]] meditation of the freely resting ocean [JV]
[[rgya mtsho'i tshogs]] vast hosts [JV]
[[rgyag 'dod]] like to build [JV]
[[rgyag rtsis]] had planned to build [JV]
[[rgyang zhags lam]] path of far-reaching lasso [JV]
[[rgyan gyis brgyan pa]] adorned with ornaments [JV]
[[rgyan cha lugs]] customary ornaments [JV]
[[rgyan chas rdzogs]] perfected with the ornaments [JV]
[[rgyab kyis phyogs]] turn one's back on, move away from [JV]
[[rgyabs kyis phyogs]] move away from, turn one's back on [JV]
[[rgyar chad pa]] fall into the limits of [JV]
[[rgyar ma chad pa]] has not fallen into the limits of, not divided into the limits of [JV]
[[rgyal kham gzhung]] central government [JV]
[[rgyal khams pa]] vagabond [JV]
[[rgyal spyi'i shes rig gi 'du gnas khang]] International Cultural Hall [JV]
[[rgyal sar 'khod]] enthroned [JV]
[[rgyal sras 'gyur dga' rin po che]] alias of rgyal sras 'gyur med rgyal mtshan [JV]
[[rgyal sras 'gyur med rgyal mtshan]] Gyalse Gyurmed Gyaltsen (1914-1972), son of byang chub rdo rje, teacher of chos rgyal nam mkha'i nor bu [JV]
[[rgyas thebs pa'i tshe]] when we are governed with [JV]
[[rgyas pa'i rgyu]] expanding cause [JV]
[[rgyas mi 'debs]] without sealing [JV]
[[rgyu sngon song sgrub kyi 'bras rtags]] effect sign proving a preceding cause [JV]
[[rgyu chod]] cause has been severed [JV]
[[rgyu mthun gyi 'bras bu]] result concordant with the cause [JV]
[[rgyu ba bcad pa]] puts an end to the journey [JV]
[[rgyu byas]] becomes the cause [JV]
[[rgyu 'bras med]] beyond cause and effect [JV]
[[rgyu 'bras gzhan]] other causes and effects [JV]
[[rgyu tshad]] typhoid [JV]
[[rgyu mtshan yang dag]] correct reason [JV]
[[rgyu mtshan ci'ang med]] there is no reason [JV]
[[rgyug 'gros]] gallop [JV]
[[rgyugs tshad]] exam [JV]
[[rgyud bskul ba]] invoking and activating [JV]
[[rgyun khyer]] daily practice [JV]
[[rgyun gyi rnal 'byor]] daily practice [JV]
[[rgyun gyi yi dam]] personal yidam [JV]
[[rgyun mi chad pa]] unceasingly, goes on without interruption [JV]
[[rgyun ring tsam zhig]] for quite some time, for some time [JV]
[[rgyun shes]] common sense [JV]
[[rgyu'i spyi sgrub kyi 'bras rtags]] effect sign proving a general cause [JV]
[[lga skya]] ginger [JV]
[[lgang zhu]] lantern [JV]
[[sga chas]] saddlery [JV]
[[sgud po]] father-in-law [JV]
[[sge'u khung]] window [JV]
[[sgo klad]] upper part of the door [JV]
[[sgo kha]] doorway [JV]
[[sgo khyi]] watchdog [JV]
[[sgo 'gram g.yas g.yon]] left and right sides of the door [JV]
[[sgo lnga po]] five sense doors [JV]
[[sgo pur]] foreskin, prepuce [JV]
[[sgo phug]] door, innermost part [JV]
[[sgo phugs]] entrance and centre, door and interior [JV]
[[sgo lo]] body, face [JV]
[[sgo gsum gyis]] with the three gates [JV]
[[sgo gsum gnyis rtog]] dualistic thought related to the three gates [JV]
[[sgo gsum spyod pa]] conduct of the three gates [JV]
[[sgom nyams]] experience during meditation [JV]
[[sgom med chung ngu]] lesser nonmeditation [JV]
[[sgom med chen po]] greater nonmeditation [JV]
[[sgom med 'bring]] medium nonmeditation [JV]
[[sgom med yengs med]] undistracted nonmeditation [JV]
[[sgo'i klad du]] on top of the door [JV]
[[sgor 'gyu]] moves at the door [JV]
[[sgyid khung]] hollow of the knee [JV]
[[sgyi'u]] bag, purse [JV]
[[sgyu 'phrul rol pa]] Rolpa (manifestation) of magical illusion [JV]
[[sgyu ma'i grong khyer]] illusory city [JV]
[[sgyu lus kyi man ngag]] upadesha on the illusory body [JV]
[[sgyu lus bor]] abandon illusory bodies [JV]
[[sgra grags]] all sounds [JV]
[[sgra sgyur]] translation [JV]
[[sgra thos]] hear a sound [JV]
[[sgra gnas]] abiding in sound [JV]
[[sgra byung grags pa]] terminological suitability [JV]
[[sgra sbyor]] phonetics [JV]
[[sgrig khrims]] discipline [JV]
[[sgrib pa sbyangs pa]] purify obstacles [JV]
[[sgrib sbyong]] purification of obstacles [JV]
[[sgril po]] manuscript [JV]
[[sgrub pa'i dus]] practice period [JV]
[[sgrub byed yang dag]] correct proof [JV]
[[sgrub brtson]] great practitioner [JV]
[[sgrub gzhung]] main texts of sadhana [JV]
[[sgrub gzhung rgyas pa]] elaborated sadhana [JV]
[[sgrub gzhung snying po]] heart sadhana [JV]
[[sgrub gzhung bsdus pa]] brief sadhana [JV]
[[sgrub gzhung 'bring]] middle length sadhana [JV]
[[sgro phyags]] feather duster [JV]
[[sgrog gu]] button [JV]
[[sgron khebs]] lamp shade [JV]
[[sgron me 'bar]] lamp blazes [JV]
[[sgron bzhin gsal]] shines like a lamp [JV]
[[sgrob]] haughtiness, arrogance, pride [JV]
[[sgros btags]] deem to exist [JV]
[[sgros dag]] excellent, elegant [JV]
[[sgros legs]] excellent [JV]
[[sgros shin tu legs par]] excellently written [JV]
[[brgyud pa'i]] transmitted by [JV]
[[brgyud mar]] continuously [JV]
[[bsgom pa chen po]] the great meditation, state of total meditation [JV]
[[bsgrib bya]] that which obscures [JV]
[[bsgrib byed]] the obscuring [JV]
[[bsgrub tu med pa]] without anything to be accomplished [JV]
[[bsgrub thag chod yin]] will certainly secure [JV]
[[bsgres]] old, aged [JV]
[[nga yi ba]] property [JV]
[[nga rang ha cang dga' po byung]] I am so happy [JV]
[[nga la dgos pa'i]] which I need [JV]
[[ngag gi bden tshig]] power of true speech [JV]
[[ngag gi smra brjod]] speeches of the voice [JV]
[[ngag sgug]] waiting for speech [JV]
[[ngang skyong]] sustain the state of [JV]
[[ngang gis shes]] recognition naturally arose [JV]
[[ngang rgyun bskyangs pa]] maintain the continuity [JV]
[[ngang chen po]] the great state, total state [JV]
[[ngang nyid de]] this state [JV]
[[ngang nyid pa]] very state [JV]
[[ngang der]] in the condition of, in this state, during that time, in the state of [JV]
[[ngang gdangs]] the natural condition [JV]
[[ngang bzhag]] left in their own condition [JV]
[[ngang bzhag chu bo'i rgyun gyi sgom pa]] remain in a state where meditation is like the continuous flow of a river [JV]
[[ngang la bzhag pa]] remain in the state [JV]
[[ngan par bsgyur]] try to impair [JV]
[[ngan rung]] feeble [JV]
[[nga'i snang ba 'gyur]] my vision changed [JV]
[[ngal 'tsho'i rgya]] resting mudra [JV]
[[ngal gso'i rgya]] resting mudra [JV]
[[ngas mjal myong ba]] where I have already been [JV]
[[ngu snying 'dod pa]] felt like crying forever [JV]
[[nged cag 'dus tshogs rnams]] all of us assembled there [JV]
[[nged cag tshang ma]] all of us [JV]
[[nged gnyis der phebs dang]] let's go there [JV]
[[nged gnyis 'phrad pa]] meet each other [JV]
[[nges pa rnyed pa]] to gain certainty [JV]
[[nges pa zhig gyis shig]] be certain to [JV]
[[nges pa'i]] noticeable [JV]
[[nges par gyis shig]] know for certain [JV]
[[nges par du bsgrub]] certainly secure [JV]
[[nges shes brtan por rnyed]] achieve stable understanding [JV]
[[nges gsang]] definitive secret [JV]
[[ngo mdog]] complexion, facial expression [JV]
[[ngo sprod cig mdzad]] gave direct introduction [JV]
[[ngo sprod bdun pa]] Sevenfold Pointing-out Instruction [JV]
[[ngo sprod byas byung]] introduced [JV]
[[ngo sprod mdzad song ba]] gave direct introduction [JV]
[[ngo bo 'khrul med]] unmistakable essence [JV]
[[ngo bo dang snang tshul]] essence and manifestation [JV]
[[ngo bo dbyer med]] inseparable essence [JV]
[[ngo ma 'phrod pa]] direct introduction has not taken effect [JV]
[[ngo ma shes]] not recognized [JV]
[[ngo g.yog]] master and servant [JV]
[[ngo rang thog tu 'phrod]] discover directly in one's condition [JV]
[[ngo rang thog sprad pa]] give direct introduction [JV]
[[ngog tu]] amidst [JV]
[[ngos 'jam pa]] smooth, smooth surface [JV]
[[ngos mnyam pa]] smooth surface [JV]
[[ngos der]] on the surface of [JV]
[[ngos bzung med]] cannot be defined [JV]
[[ngos len]] acceptance [JV]
[[ngos shin tu 'jam]] very smooth [JV]
[[dngul zhun]] molten silver [JV]
[[dngom pa]] brightness, splendor [JV]
[[dngos khams]] physics [JV]
[[dngos rgyu tshogs pa gcig]] one causal collection [JV]
[[dngos rtogs]] explicit realization [JV]
[[dngos stobs]] power of the thing [JV]
[[dngos po dag pa]] pure thing [JV]
[[dngos mang bsham ston khang]] museum [JV]
[[dngos mtshan]] concrete marks, with marks of concreteness [JV]
[[dngos mtshan ma grub]] no concrete marks to prove their existence [JV]
[[mnga' dbang sgyur ba]] to rule over [JV]
[[mnga' ris su bdag gir mdzad pa]] reigned [JV]
[[mngar]] sweet [JV]
[[mngar kham]] peach [JV]
[[mngar kham me tog]] peach flower [JV]
[[mngon gyur pa]] having concretely obtained the capacity to [JV]
[[mngon 'gyur gyi rig pa]] rigpa of realization [JV]
[[mngon cha che ba]] vivid [JV]
[[mngon chub pa]] concretely realizes, having concretely realized [JV]
[[mngon du 'gyur]] will realize, is realized [JV]
[[mngon du byas pa]] fully formed [JV]
[[mngon par ston 'os]] suitable to display [JV]
[[mngon par 'tshang rgya]] manifest the enlightenment [JV]
[[mngon par gsal]] manifest clearly as [JV]
[[mngon tshor]] clear feeling [JV]
[[mngon shes]] clairvoyance [JV]
[[mngon sum pa]] real manifestation [JV]
[[rnga pa]] drummer [JV]
[[rngu]] pain [JV]
[[lnga]] five [JV]
[[lnga mtshan chos]] fivefold phenomena [JV]
[[snga sngo]] vegetables, greens [JV]
[[snga dror]] in the morning [JV]
[[snga ma 'das]] the previous has passed [JV]
[[sngags chas can]] dressed in tantric clothes [JV]
[[sngags chas gzan khra]] tantric striped shawl [JV]
[[sngags pa gzhon nu]] young sorcerer [JV]
[[sngags 'bum]] collection of mantras [JV]
[[sngags tshig bral]] beyond recitation of mantras [JV]
[[sngar bzhin du]] just as before [JV]
[[sngas mgo]] pillow [JV]
[[sngon chad med]] unprecedented [JV]
[[sngon don dran pa]] recollection [JV]
[[sngon nas grub pa]] previously existed [JV]
[[sngon zhig na]] in the past [JV]
[[ca cus]] warped, distorted, awry [JV]
[[ca bo]] thing [JV]
[[ca ri]] bug [JV]
[[ca le co le]] irregular [JV]
[[cam pa ta lo]] mallow [JV]
[[cal]] noise [JV]
[[ci ga]] what? [JV]
[[ci gnas bar du]] as long as possible [JV]
[[ci bya bral]] without knowing what to do [JV]
[[ci byung ba]] things that happen [JV]
[[ci zhig kyang]] of any kind [JV]
[[ci zer]] what does he say? [JV]
[[ci yang rung ba]] whatever is permissible, suitable, whatever is suitable [JV]
[[cig car 'jug pa]] entering instantaneously [JV]
[[cir yang 'char du rung ba]] possibility of any kind of manifestation [JV]
[[cung zad brtan pa]] become a little more stable [JV]
[[cem tse]] scissors [JV]
[[cog ger]] by leaving it as it is [JV]
[[cog ger zhog]] leave as they are, leave it as it is [JV]
[[cog sgam]] shelf [JV]
[[cog sgam chen po]] big shelf [JV]
[[cog gzhag bzhi]] fourfold freely resting [JV]
[[cog bzhag rnam bzhi]] four Chogzhags [JV]
[[gcig grol]] liberated into a single state [JV]
[[gcig char du rdzogs pa]] perfected all at once [JV]
[[gcig tu 'du]] all included in one [JV]
[[gcig tu 'dus]] united, union [JV]
[[gcig dang phyed]] one and a half [JV]
[[gcig pa'i mtha']] limitation of sameness [JV]
[[gcen mo dang gcung mo]] sisters [JV]
[[gcer gyis bltas]] look directly at [JV]
[[gcer gyis gzigs]] to look directly at, looked directly at [JV]
[[gcer gyis ar gtad]] gaze directly at [JV]
[[gcer bur du]] naked [JV]
[[gces]] it is very important [JV]
[[bcar nas]] after coming [JV]
[[bcu gcig]] eleven [JV]
[[bcu drug]] sixteen [JV]
[[bcu phrag drug tsam pa]] about sixty [JV]
[[bcu phrag lhag pa zhig]] more than ten [JV]
[[bcu phrag lhag tsam zhig]] more than ten [JV]
[[bcu bzhi]] fourteen [JV]
[[bcu gsum]] thirteen [JV]
[[bcom ldan 'das dpal bde ba chen po]] Bhagavan Shri Mahasukha [JV]
[[bcos ma min pa]] uncontrived [JV]
[[bcos slad bral ba]] without modifying or contriving [JV]
[[lca sga]] white ginger [JV]
[[lcags sprel]] metal monkey year [JV]
[[lcags pho sprel]] metal male monkey year [JV]
[[lcags pho 'brug]] metal male dragon year [JV]
[[lcags 'brug]] metal dragon year [JV]
[[lcags mo glang]] metal female bull year [JV]
[[lcags mo bya]] metal female bird year [JV]
[[lcags mo sbrul]] metal female snake year [JV]
[[lcags smyug]] pen [JV]
[[lcags zam]] iron bridge [JV]
[[lcags bzo ba]] blacksmith [JV]
[[lcags rigs]] metal [JV]
[[lcung mo]] thimble [JV]
[[lce]] tongue [JV]
[[cha kun la]] on every part [JV]
[[cha sgam]] chest, wardrobe, cupboard, cabinet [JV]
[[cha brgyad]] one eighth [JV]
[[cha mchis]] is definitely [JV]
[[cha thams cad]] all [JV]
[[cha 'ding]] planning [JV]
[[cha phal che ba]] most of [JV]
[[cha tshan]] species, division, class [JV]
[[cha lam]] some, for the most part, rather [JV]
[[cha las]] from the aspect of, when the, as an aspect of [JV]
[[chag krum]] piece, fragment [JV]
[[chag chad]] rent, break, rupture [JV]
[[chag 'ding]] doubtful, incredible [JV]
[[chag mo]] bunch [JV]
[[chags pa med]] no attachment [JV]
[[chang khrims]] drinking rule [JV]
[[chad lta]] Annihilism [JV]
[[chad pa'i mtha']] limitation of nothingness [JV]
[[chad lhag]] omissions or additions [JV]
[[chad lhag gtan nas med pa]] without any omissions or additions [JV]
[[chab ram]] ice [JV]
[[chab len]] take purifying water [JV]
[[chas lugs]] dress [JV]
[[chin]] stringed instrument [JV]
[[chu 'gram]] bank, shore, coast [JV]
[[chu chu]] rhubarb [JV]
[[chu rta lo]] water horse year [JV]
[[chu pho khyi]] water male dog year [JV]
[[chu pho byi]] water male mouse year [JV]
[[chu bran]] small river [JV]
[[chu sbug]] water pipe [JV]
[[chu mo sprel]] water-male-monkey year [JV]
[[chu tshad]] degree, extent, level [JV]
[[chu tshod la bltas pa]] checked the time [JV]
[[chu zom]] pail, bucket [JV]
[[chu rags]] dam, dike [JV]
[[chu ru thim pa]] dissolving in water [JV]
[[chu lung sbyar]] irrigates the field [JV]
[[chung dus]] when I was very small [JV]
[[chud 'dug]] imprinted in [JV]
[[chur bzung]] perceived as water [JV]
[[che chung mi tshad]] human-sized [JV]
[[che la khongs yangs pa]] huge & spacious [JV]
[[che la mdzes pa]] big & beautiful [JV]
[[che legs]] large and nice [JV]
[[ched bskul]] special appeal [JV]
[[ched gtad]] with that intention [JV]
[[chen]] [JV]
[[chem me ba]] stillness, silence [JV]
[[ches cher 'phags pa]] far beyond [JV]
[[cho ga'i rim]] liturgical procedure [JV]
[[chos kyi rtsi]] substance of existence [JV]
[[chos sku ye gnas chen po]] total primordially dwelling dharmakaya [JV]
[[chos khrid]] teachings [JV]
[[chos khrid bgyid]] giving teachings, gave teachings [JV]
[[chos khrid 'debs]] giving teachings [JV]
[[chos khrid byed]] gave teachings [JV]
[[chos can dang chos nyid]] conditioned and the innate [JV]
[[chos 'chad kyi rgya]] mudra of teaching the dharma [JV]
[[chos ji snyed]] all phenomena [JV]
[[chos nyid rig pa'i gdangs]] Dang of the rigpa of dharmata [JV]
[[chos nyid gshis]] condition of Dharmata [JV]
[[chos ston pa po]] dharma teacher [JV]
[[chos tshan]] teaching [JV]
[[chos mdzad]] dharma practitioner [JV]
[[chos mdzod chen mo]] great dharma treasury [JV]
[[chos zad klong]] expanse of the exhaustion of phenomena [JV]
[[chos las 'das pa]] transcend phenomena [JV]
[[mchil ma]] saliva, spit, spittle [JV]
[[mchil ma'i thal ba lta bu]] like spitting in the dirt [JV]
[[mched du rung ba]] can potentially develop [JV]
[['chag can]] trodden, stamped, solid, firm, compact [JV]
[['chags sar]] on a road [JV]
[['char sgo 'gags med kyi rtsal]] expression of unobstructed experience [JV]
[['char du rung ba]] potentially open to the arising of [JV]
[['char sdud]] rises or sets [JV]
[['char snang]] impression [JV]
[['chi ba'i mtha']] limitation of death [JV]
[['ching zhen]] attachment [JV]
[['ching zhen gyi sgrog]] chain of attachment [JV]
[[ji skad]] what, whatever [JV]
[[ji snyed shes bya'i chos]] existing knowable phenomena [JV]
[[ji lta bar]] precise, precisely [JV]
[[ji lta bar rtogs pa]] precisely understanding [JV]
[[ji lta bar shes]] precise knowledge [JV]
[[ji ltar byas]] whatever is done [JV]
[[ji ltar lags]] how is it possible? [JV]
[[ji bya med par lus]] left without knowing what to do [JV]
[[ji mi snyam bzod]] don't care [JV]
[[ji bzhin mkhyen pa]] knowledge of things as they are [JV]
[[ji bzhin du rtogs pa]] authentic knowledge [JV]
[[ji bzhin par bzhugs pa]] remaining in the state of being just as it is [JV]
[[ji bzhin rig]] authentically recognized [JV]
[[jin tshal]] celery [JV]
[[jem tse]] scissors [JV]
[[mjal kha bstan]] I will show it [JV]
[[mjal dgos]] need to see [JV]
[[mjal du phyin]] went to visit [JV]
[[mjal phyag gcig btsal ba]] prostrated once [JV]
[[mjal byung]] found [JV]
[[mjal ma myong]] I have never seen [JV]
[[mjal med pa]] not see [JV]
[[mjal myong ba]] encountered [JV]
[[mjal tsam du 'gro]] go see [JV]
[[mjug bskyang]] to continue, concluded with [JV]
[[mjug bskyang ba]] read the remaining (verses) [JV]
[[mjug rdzogs]] finished, ended, reach its conclusion [JV]
[[mjug rdzogs nye tsam]] about at the end [JV]
[[mjug rdzogs pa]] ended [JV]
[[mjug yongs su rdzogs pa]] ended [JV]
[[mjug rings]] comet [JV]
[['jam chil gyis gnas]] remain quietly [JV]
[['jam ting nger]] quiet [JV]
[['ja' tshon bzhin]] just like a rainbow [JV]
[['jar snang]] appearing as a rainbow-hue [JV]
[['jal]] find [JV]
[['jig rten thad nas]] from society's point of view [JV]
[['jig rten ma lus kun]] all worlds [JV]
[['jig med pa]] no perishing [JV]
[['jigs pa'i cha lugs can]] terrifying [JV]
[['jing pa]] neck [JV]
[['jug par bde]] easy to practice [JV]
[['jum]] swoop [JV]
[['jur ta]] leather shoes [JV]
[['jur lham]] leather shoes [JV]
[['jol le]] hanging [JV]
[[rjid pa]] lean [JV]
[[rjes ngan]] disaster [JV]
[[rjes 'breng]] follow the concept of [JV]
[[rjes mi gcad]] do not follow after [JV]
[[rjes su skyongs]] care for [JV]
[[rjes su 'breng]] follow the concept of [JV]
[[ljang khu]] green [JV]
[[ljab]] flat, plain, even [JV]
[[ljid pa]] heaviness, weight [JV]
[[ljon zhing]] trees [JV]
[[brjed ngas]] forgetfulness [JV]
[[brjod bya'i yul]] object of expression [JV]
[[nya gang]] full moon [JV]
[[nya rgya]] fishing net [JV]
[[nya sha]] fish meat [JV]
[[nyang ka]] currant [JV]
[[nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer]] 1124-1192 [JV]
[[nyams kyi myong ba]] to gain experiences [JV]
[[nyams dams par 'gyur]] will decline [JV]
[[nyams bde ba]] happy, comfortable [JV]
[[nyams spro ba]] lively [JV]
[[nyams rim bzhi]] four stages of experience [JV]
[[nyams las 'das pa]] beyond experience [JV]
[[nyams len gyi gnad du dril]] essence of practice [JV]
[[nyams len bgyis]] practiced [JV]
[[nyams len dngos]] main practice [JV]
[[nyams shar ba]] manifesting as an experience [JV]
[[nyams shin tu ya mtshan pa]] amazing experiences [JV]
[[nyams su snang ba]] manifest as experience [JV]
[[nyams su len pa'i tshul]] the way to practice, way of practicing [JV]
[[nyal gur]] mosquito net [JV]
[[nyal gdan]] mattress [JV]
[[nyal gzan]] blanket [JV]
[[nyi dang 'od zer]] the sun and its rays [JV]
[[nyi gdugs]] umbrella, parasol [JV]
[[nyi ldog]] solstice [JV]
[[nyi ma snga dro]] early morning [JV]
[[nyi ma phyi dro]] afternoon [JV]
[[nyi ma me tog]] sunflower [JV]
[[nyi ma'i 'od 'phog]] hit by the light of the sun [JV]
[[nyi li li]] shrills [JV]
[[nyi hong rgyal khab]] Japan [JV]
[[nying to]] sure, trustworthy [JV]
[[nying sha]] one's own flesh [JV]
[[nyin dgung]] noon [JV]
[[nyin dgung gi za ma]] lunch [JV]
[[nyin mor byed]] shine like the sun [JV]
[[nyin zhig]] one day [JV]
[[nyin zhig tu]] one day [JV]
[[nyin shas gong na]] a few days before [JV]
[[nyil gyis thon]] come out [JV]
[[nyis 'gyur]] double [JV]
[[nyu ti]] pear [JV]
[[nyung]] scarcity [JV]
[[nye 'gram na]] near [JV]
[[nye drung du bslebs pa]] arrived near [JV]
[[nye phyogs shig na yod las che]] it must be somewhere around here [JV]
[[nye bar thob pa]] full attainment [JV]
[[nye bar blangs]] grasp at [JV]
[[nye bar bzhungs]] be present nearby [JV]
[[nye bar len]] continually experiencing, grasp at [JV]
[[nye tsam zhig]] about at the [JV]
[[nyer sngogs]] theme, task [JV]
[[nyer nyer]] dregs, sediment [JV]
[[nyer ma]] red pepper [JV]
[[nyes gyur]] corrupted [JV]
[[nyod pa]] food [JV]
[[nyon mongs 'gags]] emotions cease [JV]
[[nyon mongs pa'i rtog pa rnam pa lnga]] five thoughts of emotions [JV]
[[gnyi ga]] both [JV]
[[gnyis rtog shugs]] force of the dualistic concept [JV]
[[gnyis snang]] dualistic visions, appears as two [JV]
[[gnyis med rang ngo]] non-dual essence [JV]
[[gnyis 'dzin kun]] all the dualities [JV]
[[gnyis 'dzin gyi 'khrul sems]] dualistic illusory mind [JV]
[[gnyis 'dzin gyi mtha']] limitation of dualism [JV]
[[gnyis 'dzin ma rig pa]] dualistic ignorance [JV]
[[gnyis 'dzin zhen pa]] dualistic attachment [JV]
[[gnyis las 'das pa]] transcends duality [JV]
[[gnyis su 'khrul]] illusion of the duality of [JV]
[[gnyug ma'i dran pa]] natural mindfulness [JV]
[[gnyug ma'i rnal 'byor]] natural yoga, natural practice [JV]
[[gnyug ma'i 'od gsal]] luminescent nature [JV]
[[gnyer med]] uncared for [JV]
[[gnyod]] strength, durability, stoutness [JV]
[[mnyam nyid rig klong]] equality of the dimension of rigpa [JV]
[[mnyam nyid rig pa]] equality of rigpa [JV]
[[mnyam par brdal ba]] equal pervasiveness [JV]
[[mnyam par gnas pa]] remaining in equality [JV]
[[mnyam 'brel byas pa]] do something together [JV]
[[rnying grags pa can]] famous and ancient [JV]
[[rnyed byung zer ba]] said to have been found [JV]
[[rnyogs pa dang bral ba]] without sullying factors [JV]
[[rnyogs bral]] limpid, without sullying factors [JV]
[[snyan la dal ba]] melodious and slow, slow and melodious [JV]
[[snyan srab]] credulous [JV]
[[snying po drug]] six essences [JV]
[[snying po byang chub sems]] Essence-Bodhichitta [JV]
[[snying po'i]] essential [JV]
[[snying po'i rnal 'byor]] essential yoga [JV]
[[snyug ma]] reed, rush, bulrush [JV]
[[snyed du]] as vast as [JV]
[[ta na ga na]] uninhibited [JV]
[[ti ka]] explanation, commentary [JV]
[[ti nag]] heath-cock [JV]
[[ting nge]] clearly [JV]
[[ting nger]] quietly [JV]
[[ting 'dzin gyi ngang nyid]] state of contemplation [JV]
[[ting 'dzin rgyal po'i mdo]] Sutra of the King of Samadhi [JV]
[[ting 'dzin thun]] session of contemplation [JV]
[[ting 'dzin la zhugs]] enter contemplation [JV]
[[til snum]] sesame oil [JV]
[[til 'bru tsam yang]] even the size of a sesame seed [JV]
[[til ma]] sesame oil [JV]
[[tur re]] clear, distinct [JV]
[[to kyo]] Tokyo [JV]
[[tob ci]] button [JV]
[[tri shu la]] trident [JV]
[[gtang ba]] reduced to [JV]
[[gtad rgya lung bstan]] prophetic mind-mandate transmission [JV]
[[gtad tshigs]] conclusion, criteria, reasoning [JV]
[[gtad ra]] plans [JV]
[[gtad so dang bral ba]] free of conceptions [JV]
[[gtan 'khyil]] permanently staying [JV]
[[gtan gtan]] precisely [JV]
[[gtan nas mjal ma myong]] I have never seen [JV]
[[gtan tshigs kyis]] by means of logical reasoning [JV]
[[gtan yul]] homeland [JV]
[[gtan la phebs zin pa]] transcribed [JV]
[[gtam grags]] fame [JV]
[[gting thung ba]] shallow [JV]
[[gting mtha']] bottom & boundaries [JV]
[[gting nas 'khrugs]] stirred up from the depths [JV]
[[gting gsal gdangs]] Dang of innermost luminosity [JV]
[[gter tshab]] substitute for terma [JV]
[[gter len pa]] discovery of termas [JV]
[[gtor bshigs ma byas]] without being destroyed [JV]
[[btags du sgrub pa]] imputedly established [JV]
[[btang byung ba]] had sent [JV]
[[btang gzhag med pa]] without discarding or adopting [JV]
[[btab mdzad pa]] give [JV]
[[rta gal]] saddle bag [JV]
[[rta rgyug]] horse race [JV]
[[rtag pa'i mtha']] limitation of eternalism [JV]
[[rtag par smra ba]] Eternalist [JV]
[[rtag 'dzin]] fixation on permanence [JV]
[[rtags 'dzin sems]] mind apprehending the sign [JV]
[[rtags shig]] travel permit [JV]
[[rtig gi]] foal, colt [JV]
[[rtun pa]] diligence [JV]
[[rten pa med]] no support [JV]
[[rten 'brel gyi chos]] interdependent phenomena [JV]
[[rten 'brel 'byung ldog]] progressive and reverse order of dependent origination [JV]
[[rten 'brel shin tu legs]] auspicious coincidence [JV]
[[rtog ge'i rig pa]] theoretical dialectics [JV]
[[rtog pa snga phyi]] a thought that has passed and a thought yet to come [JV]
[[rtog pas btags tsam gyi chos]] phenomenon imputed by thought [JV]
[[rtogs dgos pa]] must be understood [JV]
[[rtogs ldan rin po che]] paternal uncle of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, also known as u rgyan bstan 'dzin, Togden Rinpoche [JV]
[[rtogs ldan u rgyan bstan 'dzin]] Togden Ugyen Tendzin (paternal uncle of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu) [JV]
[[rtogs pa'i yon tan]] qualities of knowledge [JV]
[[rtogs pa'i shes rab]] prajna of knowledge [JV]
[[rtogs par gyis shig]] thoroughly understand [JV]
[[rtogs pas gzhi chod]] the Base has been resolved through understanding [JV]
[[lta skor byed pa]] visit [JV]
[[lta nyul]] seeking further [JV]
[[lta stangs kyis gcun pa]] to gaze sharply at [JV]
[[lta ba dgongs pa]] principle of the view [JV]
[[lta ba mtho ba]] high view [JV]
[[lta ba po]] observer [JV]
[[lta ba'i gnad byang]] Main Points of the View [JV]
[[lta ba'i yul]] object to observe [JV]
[[lta bar bya ba]] object to observe [JV]
[[lta gzhung]] text on the view [JV]
[[ltag pa nang du bstan pa]] facing outwards [JV]
[[lti ri]] pitcher [JV]
[[lto gos]] food and clothes [JV]
[[ltongs]] summit [JV]
[[stag phrug]] tiger cub [JV]
[[stag mo]] tigress [JV]
[[stag dmar yag]] tiger in its prime [JV]
[[stag shing]] birch tree [JV]
[[stan bde ba]] comfortable seat [JV]
[[stabs legs]] how fortunate! [JV]
[[steng gi phyogs ga shed]] somewhere above [JV]
[[steng ngos der]] on its upper part [JV]
[[steng thog tu]] on [JV]
[[sto thag]] rope [JV]
[[stong gdangs]] Dang of emptiness [JV]
[[stong pa'i ngang las]] from the condition of emptiness [JV]
[[stong pa'i rang rtsal]] natural expression of emptiness [JV]
[[stong par]] into emptiness [JV]
[[stong par song ba]] dissolve into emptiness [JV]
[[stong phrag 'ga' shas]] thousands [JV]
[[stong zad du 'gro ba]] to waste [JV]
[[stong gsal rig pa]] empty & clear rigpa [JV]
[[stong had nam mkha']] blank empty space [JV]
[[ston mdzad]] showed [JV]
[[stobs grub]] finished distributing [JV]
[[stobs ldan dgra]] powerful enemies [JV]
[[brtan pa med pa]] groundless, nothing stable [JV]
[[brtan par gyur]] become stable [JV]
[[brtan par shar]] remain stable [JV]
[[brten can]] someone inside outer abode [JV]
[[bltar bcug pa]] make someone look [JV]
[[bstan pa dar rgyas]] spreading of the teaching [JV]
[[bstan pa yin]] I have revealed [JV]
[[bstan bya]] what is to be taught [JV]
[[bstan bya'i chos]] dharma to be taught [JV]
[[tha khug]] pipe [JV]
[[tha snyad bral]] beyond words & symbols [JV]
[[tha dad pa 'ga' yang med pa]] not something different [JV]
[[tha dad pa'i mtha']] limitation of difference [JV]
[[tha pi thu pi]] confusion, disorder [JV]
[[tha mi dad par]] inseparably [JV]
[[tha mi dad par ro gcig pa]] inseparably of one flavor [JV]
[[thag chod snyams ngang du lus]] was left with the conviction that [JV]
[[thag chod 'dug]] there is no doubt [JV]
[[thags se thag]] flapping [JV]
[[thang ka sgril po]] rolled up thangka [JV]
[[thad nas]] from the point of view of [JV]
[[than thun]] a little [JV]
[[thab kha]] hearth, fireplace [JV]
[[thab chi]] button [JV]
[[thabs khyad par can]] special method [JV]
[[thabs dam pa]] supreme method [JV]
[[thabs su gyur pa]] become the means for [JV]
[[thams cad mkhyen pa'i ye shes]] wisdom of omniscience [JV]
[[thams se tham]] menaces [JV]
[[tha'i rgyal khab]] Thailand [JV]
[[tha'u]] capsule, peach [JV]
[[thar thor du]] scattered here and there [JV]
[[thal skya]] grayish [JV]
[[thal lcag zhu ba]] slap [JV]
[[thal ba'i rdul]] dust of ash [JV]
[[thal bar gtang]] reduced to ashes [JV]
[[thim la ma rmugs pa]] absorbed without showing any characteristic [JV]
[[thir]] bell [JV]
[[thu re]] uninterrupted [JV]
[[thugs kyi dgongs]] wish and intent [JV]
[[thugs dgongs mtho ba]] wise [JV]
[[thugs rje'i byin mthu]] power of compassionate energy [JV]
[[thugs rje'i zer thag]] rays of energy-potentiality [JV]
[[thugs nyams 'bar]] their spirits were exhilarated [JV]
[[thugs dag]] you are right [JV]
[[thugs dran gsos]] recall [JV]
[[thugs 'dod]] wishes [JV]
[[thugs yid dbyer med du bsres]] indivisibly unified my mind with his Primordial State of Mind [JV]
[[thugs g.yengs shor ba]] get distracted [JV]
[[thun bsdus]] short thun [JV]
[[thun mong ma yin pa]] in particular [JV]
[[thub ma song]] have not been able [JV]
[[thur bu]] foal, colt, filly [JV]
[[thul le]] impressive [JV]
[[the rtog]] scruple, doubt, uncertainty, hesitation [JV]
[[the ped]] shuttlecock [JV]
[[the mo]] seal, signet, stamp [JV]
[[the tshoms can rnams]] parts about which I had doubts [JV]
[[the rel]] incomplete, defective, unfinished [JV]
[[theg pa kun]] all vehicles [JV]
[[theg pa'i rtse rgyal]] victorious summit of the vehicles [JV]
[[thengs kha shas shig]] a few times [JV]
[[thengs gcig]] once [JV]
[[then pa]] tax, duty, impost [JV]
[[them dud]] household, family [JV]
[[thems yig]] memorial [JV]
[[ther gzugs]] tightly [JV]
[[thel rtse]] stamp, seal [JV]
[[tho cor smras pa]] babble forth [JV]
[[tho chos]] dharma cairns [JV]
[[thog khebs]] roof [JV]
[[thog grol]] directly self-liberates [JV]
[[thog tu phebs pa]] directly experienced [JV]
[[thog rdug med pa]] unobstructed, penetrating [JV]
[[thog nas byas pa]] became [JV]
[[thog babs bzhag pa]] by leaving it directly as it is in that very moment [JV]
[[thog 'bebs]] direct entry into understanding [JV]
[[thog ma'i mgon po]] original protector, primordial lord [JV]
[[thog rtseg gcig]] one-storied [JV]
[[thog zer]] thunderbolt [JV]
[[thogs med pa]] not obstructed [JV]
[[thong spu]] mane of the camel [JV]
[[thod du bcings pa]] tied in a knot [JV]
[[thob byung ba]] received [JV]
[[thob srid pa]] possibility of obtaining [JV]
[[thol pa]] additional [JV]
[[thos byung]] arisen from hearing [JV]
[[mtha' klas pa'i rgya mtsho]] boundless reaches [JV]
[[mtha' mnyam]] boundless [JV]
[[mtha' med 'khor ba]] infinite samsara [JV]
[[mtha' la gtod]] remain drawn toward limits [JV]
[[mtha' la gnas]] confined to limitations of [JV]
[[mtha' las grol]] free from limitations [JV]
[[mthar skyol]] completion [JV]
[[mthar thug 'bras bu'i sgron ma]] lamp of final fruition [JV]
[[mthing ga khyab chen]] great encompassing blue [JV]
[[mthing gis bris pa]] written with azurite [JV]
[[mthing sngon nam mkha']] sky-blue [JV]
[[mthing 'od 'bar ba]] shining with blue light [JV]
[[mthil shing]] floor [JV]
[[mthu dang drag rtsal]] powerful [JV]
[[mthun rkyen gang dgos pa rnams]] favorable conditions [JV]
[[mthun rkyen bsgrub]] secure the favorable conditions [JV]
[[mthun par rtogs pa'i rgyu]] cause of concordant understanding [JV]
[[mthe gzer]] drawing pin, thumbtack [JV]
[[mtho skor tsam]] size of a round finger span [JV]
[[mthong ga]] chest, breast [JV]
[[mthong ba med]] not discover [JV]
[[mthong med]] not discover [JV]
[[mthong tshor gyi gnas]] place which can be seen and experienced [JV]
[[mthong tshor med pa]] not possible to see or experience [JV]
[[mthong gzhi lnga]] based on the five (ways) of seeing [JV]
[['thab 'dzing pa]] soldier, fighter, combatant [JV]
[['thob mi srid]] not have the possibility to obtain [JV]
[[da snga thengs kha shas shig]] on a few previous occasions [JV]
[[da lta'i bar]] until now [JV]
[[da phan]] in the past, formerly, before [JV]
[[da phrug]] orphan [JV]
[[da byid]] lizard [JV]
[[da tshur]] alum [JV]
[[da yag byung]] you did very well [JV]
[[da lan]] this time [JV]
[[da lan gyi skabs 'di]] this time [JV]
[[dag cha]] spelling [JV]
[[dag snang sbyang]] practicing pure vision [JV]
[[dag pa 'od sku]] pure body of light [JV]
[[dag pa'i zhing khams]] pure dimension [JV]
[[dag rdzas]] soap [JV]
[[dag gsal dwangs pa]] pure clear limpid [JV]
[[dang ga]] appetite [JV]
[[dang 'grogs]] together with [JV]
[[dang tha mi dad pa]] inseparable from [JV]
[[dang 'dres]] integrated with [JV]
[[dang ldan rnams]] those who have [JV]
[[dang bral ba]] is beyond [JV]
[[dang dbyer med]] inseparable from [JV]
[[dang 'brel ba'i]] which is related to [JV]
[[dam du phyin]] become tighter [JV]
[[dam pa'i ngang]] supreme state [JV]
[[dam pa'i don]] ultimate reality [JV]
[[dam pa'i don du]] in the absolute sense [JV]
[[dam pa'i gnas]] sacred place [JV]
[[dam pa'i gnas mchog]] supreme sacred place [JV]
[[dar skud]] silk thread [JV]
[[dar sngon po]] blue satin [JV]
[[dar 'bu]] silkworm [JV]
[[dar zhing rgyas]] dissemination [JV]
[[dal gyis klog pa]] read slowly [JV]
[[dal gyis bklags]] slowly read [JV]
[[dal ba ring ba]] long slow [JV]
[[dal ba'i gsung dbyangs]] slow tone [JV]
[[dal la 'jam pa]] slow and pleasant [JV]
[[dir dir du]] with a humming sound [JV]
[[du khung]] chimney [JV]
[[dug can]] poisonous [JV]
[[dug ti]] so, thus, in this manner [JV]
[[dug sbrang]] mosquito [JV]
[[dung zhun]] molten conch [JV]
[[dun pa]] great diligence, assiduity [JV]
[[dus skabs de tsam na]] at that time [JV]
[[dus ston khyad par can]] anniversary [JV]
[[dus tha ma]] final age, kaliyuga [JV]
[[dus de nas]] from then onwards [JV]
[[dus bzhi mnyam nyid]] equality of the fourth time [JV]
[[dus bzang]] holy day [JV]
[[dus re zhig na]] after some time [JV]
[[dus la ma babs pa]] time was not yet ripe [JV]
[[dus sang]] next year [JV]
[[dus su bzhengs pa]] made at the time of [JV]
[[dus su bzhengs pa'i]] which was built in the time of [JV]
[[de dag gi tshe]] in these occasions [JV]
[[de bden]] it is true [JV]
[[de tsam med pa]] without any [JV]
[[de tsam zhig na]] in that moment [JV]
[[de tsam las]] apart from that [JV]
[[de bzhin nyid]] the very condition, real condition [JV]
[[de bzhin nyid kyi gnas lugs]] natural condition [JV]
[[de bzhin shog]] let it be so [JV]
[[de las gzhan pa]] apart from it [JV]
[[deng phyin chad]] henceforth [JV]
[[dengs]] to enter [JV]
[[de'i ngang]] this state, this condition [JV]
[[de'i ched]] that is why [JV]
[[de'i gsham du]] followed by [JV]
[[der khrid]] led there [JV]
[[der phebs]] go there [JV]
[[der phyin pa]] went there [JV]
[[der 'dzin gyi rkyen]] fixating condition [JV]
[[do 'phur byas]] about to fly [JV]
[[dogs gnad]] problem, question [JV]
[[dogs pa'i yul]] object of fear [JV]
[[dong chu]] well water [JV]
[[dong pa]] padlock [JV]
[[dong ze]] wasp [JV]
[[don khong du chub pa]] fully comprehend [JV]
[[don gyi]] of the real meaning [JV]
[[don gyi cha kun]] all meanings [JV]
[[don gyi lta ba]] real view [JV]
[[don gyi brda phyag]] salutation of the real meaning [JV]
[[don gyis mi mtshon pa]] cannot be indicated by meanings [JV]
[[don gcig las ma 'das pa]] not go beyond the single meaning [JV]
[[don thad kar gshis thog tu phebs pa]] have an immediate and direct experience in one's own state [JV]
[[don dam chos nyid]] ultimate nature [JV]
[[don du byas]] done for the benefit of [JV]
[[don du med]] does not exist [JV]
[[don dbang]] essence of initiation [JV]
[[don med par 'gyur ba]] become meaningless [JV]
[[don mtshon]] revelation of meaning, represent [JV]
[[don la mi gnas pa]] not correspond to the real meaning [JV]
[[dor ba med pa'i]] which is not to be rejected [JV]
[[dor ba med pa'i stong pa nyid]] emptiness which is not to be rejected [JV]
[[dwang ga]] appetite [JV]
[[dwangs gsal gyi cha las]] from the purity aspect [JV]
[[dra gzhan]] exalted and common [JV]
[[drag la ngar ba]] violent & strong [JV]
[[dran rgya can]] scheming [JV]
[[dran rtog]] all thoughts, thoughts [JV]
[[dran tho 'god]] write down some notes [JV]
[[dran tho yi ge]] some notes [JV]
[[dran 'dun bag chags]] habitual thoughts [JV]
[[dran pa'i rten]] support of memory [JV]
[[dran med nyid du brgyal]] fell unconscious and lay senseless [JV]
[[dral te gshegs]] die and rot [JV]
[[dri bgos pa]] saffron [JV]
[[dri chil chil]] rotten stench, stinks [JV]
[[drin gyis skyong]] to look after with kindness, to be kind to [JV]
[[drin lan gzhal gyis mi 'khor ba]] cannot repay his kindness [JV]
[[dril chen]] gong [JV]
[[drung nas 'byin pa]] annihilated [JV]
[[dre]] mule [JV]
[[dre bo]] elbow [JV]
[[dro'i chos khrid]] morning session of teaching [JV]
[[gdag yul]] object of benefit [JV]
[[gdan 'dren byed]] escorting [JV]
[[gdan 'dren zhu]] escort, bring [JV]
[[gdan phebs]] arrived [JV]
[[gdams pas ma zin]] not taught about it [JV]
[[gdug can]] evil doers [JV]
[[gdung dung se dung]] yearns [JV]
[[gdung ma]] beam, piece of timber [JV]
[[gdung sras]] son [JV]
[[gdul bya rnams]] students [JV]
[[gdeng chen]] total confidence [JV]
[[gdeng chen chos]] find yourself in the total confidence [JV]
[[gdong dar]] blindfold [JV]
[[gdong g.yogs]] blindfold [JV]
[[gdod mar grol ba]] self-liberation in the primordial (state) [JV]
[[gdos bcas zag pa]] defiled materiality [JV]
[[bdag ces]] as the "I" [JV]
[[bdag tu rtog pa]] what is considered "self" [JV]
[[bdag tu 'dzin pa]] self-habit [JV]
[[bdag tu bzung]] is owned by [JV]
[[bdag rtog]] concept of an ego [JV]
[[bdag du snang]] appear as a self [JV]
[[bdag po med pa]] no lord [JV]
[[bdag med chos]] essenceless emptiness [JV]
[[bdag med rtogs pa]] understand the absence of a self [JV]
[[bdag tshur bzung pa]] believe in a self existing on one side [JV]
[[bdag 'dzin gnyis]] two types of self-clinging [JV]
[[bdag 'dzin rnam gnyis]] type types of self-clinging [JV]
[[bdag 'dzin lhan skyes]] instinctive self-habit [JV]
[[bdag gzhan gnyis snang]] dualistic visions of self and others [JV]
[[bdag la dgongs]] think of me [JV]
[[bdag la gzigs]] looked at me [JV]
[[bde skyid longs spyod]] happiness & enjoyments [JV]
[[bde sdug gnyis 'dzin]] dualism of happiness and suffering [JV]
[[bde sdug blang dor]] accepting happiness & rejecting suffering [JV]
[[bde par ma grub pa]] no true existence [JV]
[[bde ba cung zad]] slight happiness [JV]
[[bde ba che]] total bliss [JV]
[[bde ba 'dod]] wish for happiness [JV]
[[bde ba'i ku co]] roar of bliss [JV]
[[bde bar nyal ba]] lie down comfortably [JV]
[[bde bar 'ongs sam]] welcome [JV]
[[bde lag tu]] easily [JV]
[[bde gshegs ngo bo]] sugata-essence [JV]
[[bden pa bdor]] give a command [JV]
[[bden pa dbyer med]] indivisible two truths [JV]
[[bden par grub pa]] prove its true existence, true existence [JV]
[[bden par ma grub pa]] lack of true status, not possess true existence [JV]
[[bden tshig gi smon pa grub pa]] the power of prophecy [JV]
[[mdang sum]] last night [JV]
[[mda' rtsed]] archery [JV]
[[mdun gyi]] in front of me [JV]
[[mdun ngos]] front side [JV]
[[mdun ngos kyi]] in front of [JV]
[[mdun ngos phar tsam]] a little farther [JV]
[[mdun du bcar ba]] went in front of [JV]
[[mdur]] cantor [JV]
[[mdo dkon mchog brtsegs pa]] Ratnakuta Sutra [JV]
[[mdo sngags rnams]] monks and tantrikas [JV]
[[mdo bo lung]] valley [JV]
[[mdog nag]] dark [JV]
[[mdos gto]] cross thread ceremony [JV]
[['dag byi'u]] swallow [JV]
[['di 'dra ba'i]] of this kind [JV]
[['di nas bzung]] from now on, henceforth [JV]
[['dir yang]] also here [JV]
[['dir bslebs pa]] having arrived at this point [JV]
[['dis mtshon]] starting with this [JV]
[['du khang chen mo]] assembly hall, large church [JV]
[['du dang 'bral med pa]] beyond union and separation [JV]
[['du gnas khang]] assembly hall [JV]
[['du byed kyi mtha']] limitation of action [JV]
[['du 'dzi rtog pa]] distracting thoughts [JV]
[['du shes pa]] become aware of [JV]
[['dug tshul]] character [JV]
[['dug lugs]] posture [JV]
[['dun gros mkhan]] those who scheme [JV]
[['dun 'gros]] preoccupations, scheming [JV]
[['dus pa dang ldan pa]] pithy [JV]
[['dus byung ba]] gathered [JV]
[['dems bsal]] screened [JV]
[['dod pa rnams]] those who wish [JV]
[['dod yon gyi 'khrul snang]] illusory vision of the objects of enjoyment [JV]
[['dod yon thams cad]] all objects of enjoyment [JV]
[['dod yon sna tshogs pa]] various objects of sensory enjoyment [JV]
[['dod lha]] devas of desire [JV]
[['dom gang]] one fathom [JV]
[['doms skor tsam pa]] the size of a fathom in circumference [JV]
[['dra 'dug ang]] it really seems [JV]
[['dra ba gzhan zhig]] another similar [JV]
[['dre bkar]] ritual to send away an evil spirit [JV]
[['dre bsgrubs]] demon worship [JV]
[['dre gdon bsrung ba]] protecting oneself from evil spirits [JV]
[['dre bdud]] demon [JV]
[['dre bdud gnod byed]] maleficent demon [JV]
[['dre'i cho 'phrul]] magical attack from the spirits, magical display of the spirits [JV]
[['drer snang]] what appears as an evil spirit [JV]
[[rdu ba]] thistle [JV]
[[rdug]] shielding [JV]
[[rdul ltar 'phros]] spread like motes [JV]
[[rdul du phab pa]] reduce to dust [JV]
[[rdul phra mo]] subtle particle [JV]
[[rdul phran cha med]] indivisible subatomic particles [JV]
[[rdul phran phyogs kyi cha med]] indivisible minute particle [JV]
[[rdul bral gling]] immaculate land of Oddiyana [JV]
[[rdul rdzas brgyad]] eight material particles [JV]
[[rdo ka ma ru pa]] marble [JV]
[[rdo khri]] seat of stone [JV]
[[rdo chen po]] boulder [JV]
[[rdo rje mched lcam dral]] vajra brothers and sisters [JV]
[[rdo rje thugs]] vajra mind [JV]
[[rdo rje bsdams]] vajra hand-clasp [JV]
[[rdo rje phreng ba]] Vajra Garland [JV]
[[rdo rje g.yu'i sgron ma]] Dorje Yudronma [JV]
[[rdo rje'i gar rar]] on the mandala of the Vajra Dance [JV]
[[rdo rje'i glu dbyangs blangs pa]] sang the Song of the Vajra [JV]
[[rdo rje'i glu'i rnal 'byor]] yoga of the Song of the Vajra [JV]
[[rdo rje'i ting 'dzin]] vajra contemplations [JV]
[[rdo rje'i bum]] vase of the vajra, representation of human body in Tantrism [JV]
[[rdo pha wang]] boulder [JV]
[[rdo pha wang chen po]] big boulder [JV]
[[rdo'i khri]] stone seats [JV]
[[rdor dril bsnams]] holding a vajra and bell [JV]
[[rdor sems snying po]] essence mantra of Vajrasattva [JV]
[[rdor sems me long]] mirror of Vajrasattva [JV]
[[ldam ldem]] dubious, uncertain [JV]
[[lding khri]] seat [JV]
[[ldebs shig bstan]] join together [JV]
[[ldem 'gros]] walk [JV]
[[ldems]] flex [JV]
[[lde'u chos 'byung]] Tibetan history book about early Bon and Buddhism authored by family member of Dzin Dharmabodhi [JV]
[[lder]] on the side of a wall, on a wall [JV]
[[lder sku]] idol or statue made of clay, image painted on the wall [JV]
[[lder ba]] toughness, clamminess, potter's clay [JV]
[[lder mo]] claw [JV]
[[lder tsho]] idol or statue made of clay, image painted on the wall [JV]
[[ldog pa rnam lnga]] five different aspects [JV]
[[ldog pa rigs gcig]] similarity of reverse type [JV]
[[ldog pa'i gnas med]] no chance of falling back [JV]
[[sdig can]] sinner, sinful [JV]
[[sdig pa ra tsa]] scorpion [JV]
[[sdig rwa]] scorpion [JV]
[[sdug bsngal drag po]] atrocious sufferings [JV]
[[sdug mtha']] sad ending [JV]
[[sdun mi bsu]] do not welcome [JV]
[[sde 'khrugs]] civil wars [JV]
[[sde phyogs ris]] factions [JV]
[[sdod khang du log]] went back to my room [JV]
[[sdod rgyu med pa]] unbearable [JV]
[[sdod shag]] dormitory, hostel [JV]
[[brda sprod rig pa]] grammar [JV]
[[brda phyag 'tshal]] offer the salutation [JV]
[[brda sbyar]] announcement [JV]
[[brdal khyab]] all-pervading [JV]
[[brdung gtsog]] beaten up [JV]
[[bsdad pa]] sat down [JV]
[[bsdad myong ba]] had stayed [JV]
[[bsdus tshig]] abbreviation [JV]
[[na tshod mnyam pa]] of the same age [JV]
[[nag lce]] poisonous tongue [JV]
[[nag chags]] black cattle, horned cattle [JV]
[[nag pang]] blackboard [JV]
[[nag po 'gro shes]] clear legible writing [JV]
[[nag po dri ldan]] black sulphur [JV]
[[nag yor]] deep black [JV]
[[nags]] forest [JV]
[[nags tshal stugs po]] thick forests [JV]
[[nang skor du 'gro]] walk through the inner circumambulation path [JV]
[[nang ja]] breakfast [JV]
[[nang rtog]] internal thoughts [JV]
[[nang du khrid]] led inside [JV]
[[nang du thim pa]] dissolve inside [JV]
[[nang du sdud pa]] gathered inside [JV]
[[nang du bsdus pa]] gathering inside [JV]
[[nang du zhugs phyin pa]] to go inside, entered, entered inside [JV]
[[nang der]] inside [JV]
[[nang 'byung]] inner elements [JV]
[[nang mi mthun]] domestic strife [JV]
[[nang 'dzin pa]] inner fixation [JV]
[[nang yul]] inner objects [JV]
[[nang gsal gdangs]] Dang of inner clarity [JV]
[[nad tshab chen po]] severe illness [JV]
[[nan tan gyi sgo nas]] persistently [JV]
[[nan du]] with such effort [JV]
[[nan zhag]] late, recent [JV]
[[nam mkha' dang mnyam pa]] infinite as space [JV]
[[nam mkha' bem stong]] vacuum-like space [JV]
[[nam mkha'i khor yug]] space [JV]
[[nam mkha'i bem stong]] blang empty space [JV]
[[nam dgung]] midnight [JV]
[[nam smad]] second half of the night [JV]
[[nam yang 'thob mi srid]] never have the possibility to obtain [JV]
[[nam yang phal cher langs]] the day was almost dawning [JV]
[[nam yang langs gi yod 'dug]] day was dawning [JV]
[[nam yang langs tshar nas]] since dawn [JV]
[[nam srod la]] early in the night [JV]
[[nas phye]] barley flour [JV]
[[nas 'bru]] barley grain [JV]
[[nub kyi phyogs rol]] western direction [JV]
[[nub ja]] supper [JV]
[[nub byang]] northwest [JV]
[[nus bcud]] nourishing power [JV]
[[nus pa dang ldan pa]] potent [JV]
[[nus pa drag po]] wrathful energy [JV]
[[nus pa tshogs pa]] collective force [JV]
[[nus rtsal]] ability, skill [JV]
[[ne re]] sediment, settlings, dregs [JV]
[[nem bu]] doubt, error [JV]
[[nog]] cervical vertebra, hump of a camel [JV]
[[nor bu rdor 'khrul pa]] having mistaken a jewel for a stone [JV]
[[nor sha]] beef [JV]
[[gnang grab]] about to give [JV]
[[gnang na nas]] since our last meeting [JV]
[[gnang mdzad rogs gnang ang]] please help secure [JV]
[[gnang 'os pa]] should give [JV]
[[gnang rogs]] assist [JV]
[[gnangs lo]] the year after next [JV]
[[gnad kyis]] by means of [JV]
[[gnad kyis rig]] is recognized by means of [JV]
[[gnad gal po che]] most important point [JV]
[[gnad gcig po]] single essential point [JV]
[[gnad snying]] essential point [JV]
[[gnad du dril]] essence [JV]
[[gnad 'di]] this main point [JV]
[[gnad byang dang bcas pa]] together with its main points [JV]
[[gnad sbyor]] pith practices [JV]
[[gnad ma nor ba]] unmistaken essential point [JV]
[[gnad yig]] instructions on essential aspects [JV]
[[gnad la gzhol]] devote yourself to the crucial method [JV]
[[gnam kha]] azure, sky-color [JV]
[[gnam rig]] astronomy [JV]
[[gnam gshig]] weather [JV]
[[gnam gshis drag tu 'khrugs pa]] very stormy weather [JV]
[[gnam sa gnyis po sbrel]] join heaven and earth [JV]
[[gnas skabs kyi]] temporary [JV]
[[gnas skor]] pilgrimage [JV]
[[gnas bskor]] pilgrimage [JV]
[[gnas khyad par can]] special place [JV]
[[gnas gang du'ang]] in any place whatsoever [JV]
[[gnas gang yin ma nges pa]] unknown place [JV]
[[gnas dgos pa byung]] could only remain [JV]
[[gnas 'gyur ba]] transformation [JV]
[[gnas mchog ya mtshan po]] incredible place [JV]
[[gnas rten yul]] abode, support & place [JV]
[[gnas bstan sde]] school of the elders [JV]
[[gnas dang ldan]] have a body, be in a dimension [JV]
[[gnas der]] in this place [JV]
[[gnas 'dir]] to this place [JV]
[[gnas ldan]] have a body, be in a dimension [JV]
[[gnas sdod byed mkhan]] resident [JV]
[[gnas pa gzhi'i sgron ma]] lamp of the innate ground [JV]
[[gnas pa'i nyams]] meditative mood of stillness [JV]
[[gnas pa'i mtha']] limitation of dwelling [JV]
[[gnas pa'i yul]] place wherein to dwell [JV]
[[gnas par gyis]] remain [JV]
[[gnas 'brel]] pilgrimage [JV]
[[gnas sbyong]] purification of the seats [JV]
[[gnas tshul 'dri]] ask for information [JV]
[[gnas gzhi lte ba]] center [JV]
[[gnas zab mo]] profound crucial point [JV]
[[gnas yul khu sim po]] quiet place [JV]
[[gnas yul byin can]] powerful sacred place [JV]
[[gnas yul 'byung ba lnga]] five elements of a place [JV]
[[gnas yul rang mtshan pa]] identifiable place [JV]
[[gnas ris drug]] six realms [JV]
[[gnas lug nyag gcig]] single real condition [JV]
[[gnas lugs zab mo]] profound authentic condition, profound natural condition [JV]
[[gnas legs po]] good ground [JV]
[[gnas su ma gyur pa]] would not change [JV]
[[gnod pa can gyi rtags]] undermining sign [JV]
[[gnod pa 'jug yul]] object of harm [JV]
[[gnod byed kyi 'dre]] maleficent spirit [JV]
[[gnod byed par chas]] prepare to bring harm [JV]
[[gnon gzer]] drawing pin, thumbtack [JV]
[[gnon shugs]] pressure [JV]
[[mnad mnad]] falsehood, calumny [JV]
[[mnal ltas ngan pa]] nightmares [JV]
[[mnal ma khug par lus]] without falling asleep [JV]
[[mnal ma sad kyi bar]] before waking up [JV]
[[mnal zin]] fall asleep [JV]
[[mnal lam du ngos zin]] recognized that I was dreaming [JV]
[[mnol sgrib]] contaminations [JV]
[[rna ba]] ear [JV]
[[rnags]] ready money, cash [JV]
[[rnags pa]] festering [JV]
[[rnam kun ltar]] as always [JV]
[[rnam grangs mang]] numerous [JV]
[[rnam grol gyi lam]] path of complete liberation [JV]
[[rnam rtog snga ma]] previous thoughts [JV]
[[rnam snang mngon byang]] Abhisambodhi of Vairochana [JV]
[[rnam pa kun spyod]] external appearance [JV]
[[rnam pa kun gzhon]] ever-fresh [JV]
[[rnam pa lta bu]] in the style of [JV]
[[rnam pa ltar]] similar in shape [JV]
[[rnam pa dang mthun pa]] similar in aspect [JV]
[[rnam pa ma 'dres so sor]] unmixed and distinct forms [JV]
[[rnam pa bzhin mdzes]] handsome [JV]
[[rnam par grol]] totally free [JV]
[[rnam par grol ba'i lam]] path of complete liberation [JV]
[[rnam par rtog pa rig pa tsam]] applying conceptual reasoning [JV]
[[rnam par thar pa'i sgo]] door of liberation [JV]
[[rnam par thar pa'i sgo stong pa nyid]] emptiness as the door of liberation [JV]
[[rnam par spangs]] beyond everything [JV]
[[rnam par shes pa tshogs drug]] six aggregates of consciousness [JV]
[[rnam med]] formless [JV]
[[rnam smin mtha' med pa]] endless ripening [JV]
[[rnam bshad]] detailed explanation [JV]
[[rnal 'byor gyi snying po]] essence of yoga [JV]
[[rnal 'byor pa sku gzhon]] young yogin [JV]
[[rnal 'byor bla med kyi rgyud]] highest yoga tantra [JV]
[[rnal ma gshis]] real condition [JV]
[[rnal ma gshis dang 'dres]] integrated in the real condition [JV]
[[rno mthong]] divination [JV]
[[sna khung]] nostril [JV]
[[sna 'khrid]] guides [JV]
[[sna chu]] nose mucus [JV]
[[sna tshogs 'gyu ba]] movement of variety [JV]
[[sna tshogs snang tshul]] the way in which variety appears [JV]
[[snag shog]] ink and paper [JV]
[[snang cha dang 'dra ba]] it was like [JV]
[[snang char ji ltar shar ba]] all that had appeared in my vision [JV]
[[snang chos]] visible phenomena [JV]
[[snang chos kun]] all visible phenomena [JV]
[[snang du med par gshegs]] disappeared [JV]
[[snang ba gang shar]] whatever vision manifests [JV]
[[snang ba ngo sprod]] direct introduction to the vision [JV]
[[snang ba gnas 'gyur]] when one's vision changes [JV]
[[snang ba sna tshogs pa]] various visions [JV]
[[snang ba byung]] have the impression that, I had the feeling [JV]
[[snang ba wal wol]] indistinct visions [JV]
[[snang ba rang ngo sprad pa]] directly introducing the vision of self-perfection [JV]
[[snang ba sems la thim pa]] appearances dissolving into mind [JV]
[[snang tsam nyid nas]] in the moment of appearance [JV]
[[snang tsam ma grub]] visible yet non-existent [JV]
[[snang rig]] vision and Rigpa [JV]
[[snang rig gnyis med]] without any duality between vision and rigpa [JV]
[[snang rig mnyam nyid]] state of equality between vision and rigpa [JV]
[[snang rig rdo rje lu gu rgyud]] vajra chain of vision and Rigpa [JV]
[[snang rig gsal]] luminous perception [JV]
[[snang rung ma dmigs pa'i rtags]] sign which is a non-observation of the suitable to appear [JV]
[[snang sems gnyis dbyer med]] inseparability of vision and mind [JV]
[[snang sems 'dres]] integration of vision and mind [JV]
[[snabs rtug]] nasal mucus, snivel [JV]
[[snum zhu]] oil lamp [JV]
[[sne len byed pa]] entertain [JV]
[[snob zog can]] curious, inquisitive [JV]
[[bsnol ma]] crossed [JV]
[[pa ta]] cross [JV]
[[pa ben]] strip of wood, ledge, border [JV]
[[pa ra kha]] cross [JV]
[[pa ris]] Paris France [JV]
[[pad 'byung]] Padmasambhava [JV]
[[pad ma'i gdan]] lotus seat [JV]
[[pad rtsa]] lotus root [JV]
[[par snag]] printing ink [JV]
[[pir kha bsnun]] draw out a stroke [JV]
[[po tshal]] spinach [JV]
[[dpa' stobs]] bravery [JV]
[[dpa' bo dpa' mo]] dakas and dakinis [JV]
[[dpal kun tu kha sbyor gyi rgyud]] Glorious Tantra of Everlasting Union [JV]
[[dpal bde ba chen po]] Shri Mahasukha [JV]
[[dpal 'dzin ma]] Paldzinma [JV]
[[dpe sgra]] speech [JV]
[[dpe cha pu ti]] volumes [JV]
[[dpe cha mang zhig]] many books [JV]
[[dpe cha tshang ba]] complete text [JV]
[[dpe lta sa]] model, example [JV]
[[dpe deb]] books [JV]
[[dpe bral]] beyond analogy [JV]
[[dpe 'tshol]] search for a text [JV]
[[dpe bzang]] model [JV]
[[dpe yis mi mtshon pa]] cannot be indicated by examples [JV]
[[dpe las 'das pa]] beyond example [JV]
[[dper 'bebs pa]] transcribing [JV]
[[dpes ston pa]] exemplifiers [JV]
[[dpes mtshon pa]] for example [JV]
[[dpya 'phreng]] dangerous passages [JV]
[[dpyad shes]] subsequent cognizer [JV]
[[dpyid mgo]] plum [JV]
[[spang sgyur rang grol]] renunciation, transformation and self-liberation [JV]
[[spang sha]] mushroom [JV]
[[spang sangs]] clearing [JV]
[[span spun]] brothers, relatives [JV]
[[spu g.yos]] hairs stood on end [JV]
[[spu ring thung]] length of hair [JV]
[[spu shad rtse mo]] the tip of one hair [JV]
[[spos shel]] amber [JV]
[[spyi klong]] cosmic space [JV]
[[spyi gling]] park [JV]
[[spyi btang]] ordinary [JV]
[[spyi 'byams gshis shor]] falling away from one's innate disposition due to irregular habits [JV]
[[spyi yongs]] totality [JV]
[[spyod sgo]] use [JV]
[[spyod pa]] enjoying, applying a conduct [JV]
[[spyod pa'i spros pa]] the desire for [JV]
[[spyod yul min pa]] cannot be experienced by [JV]
[[spra spre'u]] monkeys [JV]
[[sprang phye]] beggar's flour [JV]
[[sprad byung ba]] gave [JV]
[[spri]] cream [JV]
[[sprin bral nam mkha']] cloudless sky [JV]
[[spru ma]] hellebore [JV]
[[sprul pa'i gnas 'gyur]] emanation [JV]
[[sprul pa'i zhing khams]] dimension of manifestation [JV]
[[sprul par shar]] emanation (body) arises [JV]
[[spro ba sems]] joyful [JV]
[[sprog ma]] little box for frankincense [JV]
[[spros mtha']] conceptual limitations [JV]
[[spros pa dang bral ba]] beyond conceptual constructs [JV]
[[spros pa med pa'i tig]] text: The Essence Free of Conceptual Limits [JV]
[[spros bral chung ngu]] lesser simplicity [JV]
[[spros bral chen po]] greater simplicity [JV]
[[spros bral 'bring]] medium simplicity [JV]
[[pha glang]] bull [JV]
[[pha ting]] sweet dried apricots [JV]
[[pha wam]] boulder [JV]
[[pha rol tu snang]] manifest on the other side [JV]
[[pha li]] shield, buckler [JV]
[[pha gsod pa]] patricide [JV]
[[pha lha gong ma]] ancestral sovereigns [JV]
[[phag rgod]] wild boar [JV]
[[phag sha]] pork [JV]
[[phag shig]] secluded place [JV]
[[phan gdag]] benefit, bring benefit [JV]
[[phan gdag tu gang yang med]] no benefit whatsoever [JV]
[[phan gdag pa]] bring benefit [JV]
[[phan gdag pa po]] bringer of benefit [JV]
[[phan gdag par chas]] prepare to bring benefit [JV]
[[phan gdag yul]] object of benefit [JV]
[[phan nus]] function, role [JV]
[[phan byed kyi lha]] beneficent deity [JV]
[[phan tshun spangs 'gal]] mutual exclusion [JV]
[[phabs pa]] transcription of terma scripts [JV]
[[pham che]] somewhat sorry [JV]
[[pham nyes]] failure [JV]
[[phar phar 'khyams 'khyams su 'gro]] strolling along [JV]
[[phar phyin tshur yong]] back and forth [JV]
[[phar phyogs kyi]] across the room [JV]
[[phar tsam phyin pa]] went ahead [JV]
[[phal can]] broad, wide [JV]
[[phal cher ... 'dra ba]] almost seemed, very similar to [JV]
[[phu shud]] hoopoe [JV]
[[phu se]] mouse, souslik [JV]
[[phug ngos]] innermost wall [JV]
[[phug phyogs su]] towards the innermost part [JV]
[[phugs ngos der]] in the innermost part [JV]
[[phugs phyogs]] in front of the innermost part [JV]
[[phugs phyogs der]] in its innermost part [JV]
[[phugs re]] ideal [JV]
[[phugs bsam]] ideal [JV]
[[phur zor]] dart [JV]
[[phebs mdzad]] let's go [JV]
[[pho sgo]] masculinity [JV]
[[pho chen]] gentlemen [JV]
[[pho nya mu dra]] mudra messengers [JV]
[[pho brang gi 'du khang]] assembly hall [JV]
[[pho ma ya]] Pomaia in Italy [JV]
[[pho zo bkra ba]] masculinity [JV]
[[phyag skyel]] pay respects [JV]
[[phyag chen klong yangs mtha' bral]] Mahamudra of Unconfined Vastness [JV]
[[phyag chen ma rig mun sel]] Mahamudra of Dispelling the Darkness of Ignorance [JV]
[[phyag chen smon lam]] Aspiration of Mahamudra [JV]
[[phyag chen zhal gdams]] Oral Advice on Mahamudra [JV]
[[phyag gnyis]] hands [JV]
[[phyag mnyam bzhag]] hands were in the meditation posture [JV]
[[phyag deb]] book [JV]
[[phyag phyi ba]] attendants [JV]
[[phyag sha stag 'tshal]] only prostrated [JV]
[[phyags ma]] broom [JV]
[[phyam phyad]] state of evenness, equality [JV]
[[phyam lhod]] equanimity and relaxation [JV]
[[phyar kha]] blame, affront, insult [JV]
[[phyi skogs]] shell [JV]
[[phyi rgyu'i theg pa]] outer causal vehicles [JV]
[[phyi than]] threat, menace [JV]
[[phyi don]] external object [JV]
[[phyi dror]] in the afternoon [JV]
[[phyi nang du mi rgyu]] does not escape from within [JV]
[[phyi 'byung]] outer elements [JV]
[[phyi ma'i tshes gzhung]] in the middle of the second of the 'og min mtshur phu'i gdan sa]] Ogmin Tsurphu Monastery [JV]
[[phyi tsam byung yod]] already some time had passed [JV]
[[phyi bzhin]] after [JV]
[[phyi yi]] external [JV]
[[phyi yi dri ma]] external impurities [JV]
[[phyi yul du]] outside [JV]
[[phyi ru mched pa]] spread outside [JV]
[[phyi'i snod]] outer world [JV]
[[phyir snang]] manifests outwardly, external vision [JV]
[[phyir shor]] lost outwardly [JV]
[[phyir gsal]] manifesting outside, that manifest outside, appear outside [JV]
[[phyis mi 'khrul]] one is no more deluded [JV]
[[phyugs zog]] domestic animal, draught animal [JV]
[[phyur bur bkang]] piled up [JV]
[[phyur bur khengs pa]] full of [JV]
[[phye ma myong]] never before taken sides [JV]
[[phyed cha tsam du]] about half-way, somewhere in the middle [JV]
[[phyed log ge ba]] extremely vivid [JV]
[[phyen]] wind, flatulence [JV]
[[phyogs kun tu 'phro]] spread in all directions [JV]
[[phyogs kun nas]] from many different places, from every direction [JV]
[[phyogs kyi]] local [JV]
[[phyogs kyi 'khor slob]] local students [JV]
[[phyogs ga shed du]] in some other place [JV]
[[phyogs mtha' las 'das pa]] beyond all limitations [JV]
[[phyogs mtha'i 'khor slob]] local and foreign students [JV]
[[phyogs med 'grim]] wandering carefree [JV]
[[phyogs su lta ba]] partial view [JV]
[[phyogs lhung lta ba log pa]] biased distorted view [JV]
[[phra sbom]] trunk (of the body) [JV]
[[phra zhing ring ba]] thin & long, long thin [JV]
[[phra la ring ba]] long and thin [JV]
[[phrag rgyug]] carrying pole [JV]
[[phral rkyen]] immediate disaster [JV]
[[phral gyi 'khrul rgyu]] superficial cause of error [JV]
[[phril phril]] vibrating [JV]
[[phril phril du]] continuously [JV]
[[phru chung]] personal belongings [JV]
[[phreng bsgribs]] stand up in a line [JV]
[[phreng rim du bsgrigs]] arranged in a row [JV]
[['phags pa sprel bsgom]] noble monkey meditator [JV]
[['phan tshar]] tassel [JV]
[['phal ga]] incision, indentation, notch [JV]
[['phel 'grib]] development and decline [JV]
[['pho ba chen po'i lus]] body of great transformation [JV]
[['pho ba'i sgrib pa]] obscuration to transition [JV]
[['phyar kha]] blame, affront, disgrace [JV]
[['phyi pa]] prairie dog [JV]
[['phyon ma]] harlot, prostitute [JV]
[['phrang 'phrul]] something hanging down [JV]
[['phrang ma gcod]] do not be ambushed [JV]
[['phrad myong ba]] had already met [JV]
[['phral sbyong]] temporary practice [JV]
[['phral g.yeng]] immediate diversions [JV]
[['phral sel]] temporary [JV]
[['phrul chas]] machinery [JV]
[['phrul thur]] catheter [JV]
[['phrul mthil]] drawer [JV]
[['phred gling]] flute [JV]
[['phro rgod 'thor ba]] wild and scattered discursive thoughts [JV]
[['phro dang bral]] will never be created [JV]
[['phrod sten]] hygiene, health, sanitation [JV]
[[ba phrug]] calf [JV]
[[ba 'bog]] clod, lump of earth [JV]
[[bag chags gnyid]] habitual sleep [JV]
[[bag chags tshul]] condition of karmic traces [JV]
[[bag rdul]] traces of dust [JV]
[[bag pheb pa]] relaxed, conducive [JV]
[[bang mdzod kyi rgyud]] Storehouse Tantra [JV]
[[bab mo]] soft, mild, chaste, modest [JV]
[[babs so]] transmission [JV]
[[bar du gcod pa'i rgyu]] obstructive cause [JV]
[[bar do 'dzin]] enter the bardo [JV]
[[bar do'i snang ba]] bardo vision [JV]
[[bar dor 'khyams pa]] wander in the Bardo [JV]
[[bar snang gi khams]] space [JV]
[[bar blon]] deputy ministers [JV]
[[bar ma do'i snang ba]] bardo vision [JV]
[[bar gseng de rnams su]] in the intermediate spaces among them [JV]
[[bu ga ha re]] disordered and empty [JV]
[[bu ston rin chen grub]] 1290-1364 [JV]
[[bu rdo]] idle talk, tittle-tattle [JV]
[[bu 'og ma]] younger brother [JV]
[[bu slob rnams]] students [JV]
[[bungs]] mass, heap, bulk [JV]
[[bun ner song]] vanished [JV]
[[bun long nge]] swirling, hazy [JV]
[[bem ston nam mkha']] vacuum-like space [JV]
[[bel]] leather bag [JV]
[[bong chung]] small-sized [JV]
[[bong thung]] short in stature [JV]
[[bong bu pa]] an ass-driver [JV]
[[bong tshod]] full-sized [JV]
[[bod skad sgra sbyor]] tibetan phonetics [JV]
[[bod dpe pu sti]] Tibetan volume [JV]
[[bod dbus]] central Tibet [JV]
[[bod yig pu sti]] Tibetan volumes [JV]
[[bod yig dbu can 'bru]] tibetan uchen characters [JV]
[[bod lo sar]] Tibetan new year [JV]
[[bya ga]] pliancy, nimbleness, agility of body [JV]
[[bya thabs bral]] without knowing what to do [JV]
[[bya de'i sgo nga]] egg [JV]
[[bya byed ngan]] bad dealings [JV]
[[bya ma byar skyag]] dandelion [JV]
[[bya btsal med]] nothing to search for or find [JV]
[[bya rtsol]] entailing effort, any effort [JV]
[[bya rtsol bral ba]] beyond action and effort [JV]
[[bya rtsol bral bar zhog]] let go of any effort to accept or reject [JV]
[[bya tshang]] bird's nest [JV]
[[bya lam rjes med]] traceless path of a bird [JV]
[[bya bsam]] acting and thinking [JV]
[[byang khog brgyangs]] lungs were blocked [JV]
[[byang chub 'khrul pa]] illusion of bodhi [JV]
[[byad gzugs]] figure [JV]
[[byams chos]] Teachings of Maitreya [JV]
[[byas pa don ldan]] meaningful action [JV]
[[byas ma byas]] engendering and not engendering [JV]
[[byi phrug]] bastard children [JV]
[[byi ze]] manner, way, method [JV]
[[byi ral]] sugar [JV]
[[bying rmug]] drowsiness [JV]
[[byin mthu]] power [JV]
[[byin 'bebs byas pa]] gave transmission [JV]
[[byil mo]] naked [JV]
[[byis pa'i skye bo]] childish people [JV]
[[bye leb]] butterfly [JV]
[[bye sa]] sand [JV]
[[byed rgyu nus med]] ineffective creative cause [JV]
[[byed thabs]] method, way, means [JV]
[[byed rtsol]] action or effort [JV]
[[byed yul]] object [JV]
[[byed rin yod pa]] be worth, deserve [JV]
[[byon skyems]] welcoming drink [JV]
[[byon 'byung]] the history [JV]
[[byon zan]] welcoming food [JV]
[[byon legs zhu]] welcoming [JV]
[[bra phye]] buckwheat flour [JV]
[[brag khug]] cave, corner of cave [JV]
[[brag sgam]] shelf made of stone [JV]
[[brag ngos su]] on the rocky face [JV]
[[brag cha bzhin]] just like an echo [JV]
[[brag dil]] rocky hill [JV]
[[brag phug nang ma]] inner cave [JV]
[[brag leb]] flat rock [JV]
[[brang kha]] chest [JV]
[[bral chen po]] totally without [JV]
[[bre ko]] basin for washing [JV]
[[brel dos]] overload [JV]
[[bro gar shigs se shig]] march in formation [JV]
[[bro mo]] folk dance [JV]
[[bla ljon]] life tree [JV]
[[bla bre]] canopy [JV]
[[bla dbye]] courtyard [JV]
[[bla ma bka' drin can rnams]] gracious gurus [JV]
[[bla ma'i sgrub pa]] practice on the spiritual master [JV]
[[blang dor gnas kun]] way of discipline [JV]
[[blo kha]] sentiment, mood [JV]
[[blo gtad chung]] little trust [JV]
[[blo gtan]] conceptual mind [JV]
[[blo btags]] mentally imputed [JV]
[[blo 'das chen po]] totally beyond conceptual mind [JV]
[[blo 'dod byed pa]] be willing to, wish to [JV]
[[blo sna brod]] be inspired [JV]
[[blo sna 'dzin]] take an attitude [JV]
[[blo pham]] unhappy, sorrow [JV]
[[blo pham che tsam zhig byung]] feel quite sorry [JV]
[[blo pham dang bcas]] remained sorry [JV]
[[blo pham tshad med]] immensely sorry [JV]
[[blo pham shin tu che bar skyes]] felt very sorry about it [JV]
[[blo bur]] sudden, suddenly [JV]
[[blo ma bstun]] should not trust [JV]
[[blo rtse gnyis]] doubtful [JV]
[[blo rtse gnyis su gyur]] become doubtful [JV]
[[blo tshim]] satisfy [JV]
[[blo zad]] exhaustion of concepts [JV]
[[blo bzang rgya mtsho]] Lobzang Gyatso [JV]
[[blo yi chos rnams kun]] all mental phenomena [JV]
[[blo yid]] intellect & mind [JV]
[[blo yid kyi myong]] mental experience [JV]
[[blo yid rtog pa'i yul]] object of intellect, mind & thoughts [JV]
[[blo yis ma bcad]] without any decision by the mind [JV]
[[blo ru zin]] having just memorized it [JV]
[[blo ru zin ma thag pa ltar]] as if just memorized [JV]
[[blo la chud 'dug]] imprinted in mind [JV]
[[blo log]] renounce [JV]
[[blo a 'thas]] mental attachment [JV]
[[dbang bskur bgyis pa]] gave the empowerment [JV]
[[dbang gi chu bo bzhi 'dus kyi rgyud]] Tantra that Embodies the Four Rivers of Empowerment [JV]
[[dbang lngar 'dzin pa]] contact with the five (objects of the) senses [JV]
[[dbang du byas na]] if we suppose that, let us consider [JV]
[[dbang snon]] perceptive [JV]
[[dbang po lnga tshogs pa]] aggregation of five senses [JV]
[[dbang po yang rab]] the most gifted individuals [JV]
[[dbang yul skye mched]] sense functions related to their objects [JV]
[[dbang rab]] supreme capacity [JV]
[[dbang lung khrid]] initiation, authorization, and explanation [JV]
[[dbu can sgros dag]] excellent Uchen (characters) [JV]
[[dbu can 'bru]] uchen characters [JV]
[[dbu btsugs]] start at the beginning [JV]
[[dbu btsugs byung]] started to [JV]
[[dbu 'dzugs song ba]] started to [JV]
[[dbugs bral gdan]] corpse seat [JV]
[[dbugs dbyung gnang]] reassured [JV]
[[dbus na]] in the center of [JV]
[[dben pa'i mtshams po che]] great isolated retreats [JV]
[[dbyings su grol]] self-liberated in the Ying [JV]
[[dbyings su bstim]] dissolve in the real dimension of emptiness [JV]
[[dbyug]] mace [JV]
[[dbye ba med]] free from the bias, inseparable [JV]
[[dbyen pa]] difference, dissension, discord, schism [JV]
[[dbyer med ngang]] inseparable state [JV]
[[dbyer med du]] indivisibly [JV]
[[dbyes]] magnitude, size, dimensions [JV]
[['bad rtsol ji ltar byas]] whatever effort is made [JV]
[['bar gyi mi 'dug]] did not light up [JV]
[['bu cha ga pa]] locust [JV]
[['bu bla ma ma ni]] dragonfly [JV]
[['bum 'khrugs]] tempest, thunderous [JV]
[['bur dod du bris pa]] written in relief [JV]
[['bong ba]] roundness, rotundity [JV]
[['bod byas byung ba]] had been invited [JV]
[['bod dbyangs]] lament [JV]
[['bol shig ger btang]] felt comfortable [JV]
[['byams klas pa]] remain absorbed, infinite [JV]
[['byung lnga'i dwangs ma]] essence of the five elements [JV]
[['byung chen 'od rnam pa lnga]] five lights of the great elements [JV]
[['byung 'jug 'jil]] emergence, continuation and destruction, emergence, continuation and destruction [JV]
[['byung 'jug med]] beyond emergence and entrance, without emerging or entering, beyond emergence and entrance, without emerging or entering [JV]
[['byung du med]] could never be [JV]
[['byung phran rnam pa lnga]] five minor elements [JV]
[['byung ba zang thal]] to penetrate the elements [JV]
[['byung ba ro snyoms]] equalizing the elements [JV]
[['byung bzhir thogs med pa]] not obstructed by the four elements [JV]
[['byed]] is opened [JV]
[['bras chan]] cooked rice [JV]
[['bras chod]] fruit has been resolved [JV]
[['bras ldan shing]] fruit tree [JV]
[['bras phye]] rice flour [JV]
[['bras bu dri ma med pa'i rgyud]] Tantra of Immaculate Fruition [JV]
[['bras shing]] fruit tree [JV]
[['bras sog]] rice straw [JV]
[['bring tsam pa]] medium size [JV]
[['bru gnon]] reading and following the syntax properly [JV]
[['brug sgra ldir]] thundering [JV]
[['brel thogs]] connection [JV]
[['brel pa don dang ldan]] whoever encounters you is fulfilled [JV]
[['brel zla ma dmigs pa'i rtags]] sign which is a non-observation of a related object [JV]
[['brog thang]] pastureland [JV]
[[rbab rgod]] avalanche [JV]
[[sbas pa'i sgum chung]] The Small Hidden Collection (Tunhuang manuscript by Buddhagupta) [JV]
[[sbur pa]] beetle [JV]
[[sbur ma]] chaff, husks [JV]
[[sbeg]] slender [JV]
[[sbod pa]] tassel, tuft [JV]
[[sbyar lcang]] willow [JV]
[[sbyar pa]] poplar, aspen [JV]
[[sbrang nag]] fly [JV]
[[sbreng]] sprinkle [JV]
[[ma bskyed pa'i gong]] before starting the visualization of [JV]
[[ma khyab pa]] not pervading [JV]
[[ma gol]] non-erroneous [JV]
[[ma gyur med]] there is nothing that is not [JV]
[[ma grol ba]] non-liberation [JV]
[[ma rga ri ta]] Margarita Island [JV]
[[ma rga ri ta mtsho gling]] Margarita Island [JV]
[[ma nges pa'i]] unnoticeable [JV]
[[ma bcings pa]] without being fettered by [JV]
[[ma bcos]] without modifying anything, remain unmodified [JV]
[[ma bcos gshis]] unmodified state [JV]
[[ma mchis]] do not exist [JV]
[[ma mchu]] lower lip [JV]
[[ma brjod pa]] not speaking [JV]
[[ma rnyed]] have never found [JV]
[[ma thag pa ltar]] as if just [JV]
[[ma thub par lus]] could not [JV]
[[ma dag las snang]] impure karmic vision [JV]
[[ma dros pa'i mdo]] Manarasowar Sutra [JV]
[[ma 'dres pa'i chos]] unshared qualities [JV]
[[ma 'dres so sor snang ba]] manifest unmixed and distinct, appear unmixed and distinctly [JV]
[[ma rdu]] thorn, prickle [JV]
[[ma ning yid]] neutral mind [JV]
[[ma pham]] invincible [JV]
[[ma phobs]] not dare to [JV]
[[ma tshang ba rnams]] parts which had been incomplete [JV]
[[ma zhi ba]] absence of peace [JV]
[[ma zhugs]] without entering [JV]
[[ma gzhig pa]] not analyze [JV]
[[ma zad kyi bar du]] until it is exhausted [JV]
[[ma g.yeng ba]] undistracted, without distraction [JV]
[[ma ri sa a lon so]] Marisa Alonso [JV]
[[ma rig pa 'khrigs]] ignorance thickens [JV]
[[ma rig pa'i 'du byed kyis]] through the function of ignorance [JV]
[[ma lab pa]] without speaking [JV]
[[ma lus kun]] al [JV]
[[ma lus sel]] all are eliminated [JV]
[[ma log pa]] non-erroneous [JV]
[[ma sems]] do not think that, one should not consider, one should not think that [JV]
[[ma lhungs]] not falling [JV]
[[man ngag khyad can]] particular upadesha [JV]
[[man ngag khyad par can]] special upadesha [JV]
[[man shel dwangs pa]] limpid crystal [JV]
[[mal chas]] bedding [JV]
[[mal du nyal]] went to bed [JV]
[[mal gdan]] mattress [JV]
[[mal gzan]] bedding [JV]
[[mi bkol]] no separation [JV]
[[mi dga' phyod de ba zhig la]] haunted [JV]
[[mi sgrib]] not having obstacles [JV]
[[mi mngon]] invisible, could not be seen [JV]
[[mi 'jal ba]] not scrutinizing [JV]
[[mi rje ba]] not engendering [JV]
[[mi rtog stong nyid]] nonconceptual emptiness [JV]
[[mi lto]] it does not matter [JV]
[[mi spyod pa]] not applying a conduct [JV]
[[mi 'bral]] without separating [JV]
[[mi 'bral bzung]] remain without separating [JV]
[[mi ma]] tears [JV]
[[mi tshad lnga]] five times the size of a human being [JV]
[[mi tshad 'bring]] medium-sized human being [JV]
[[mi tshe stong zad du 'gro ba]] to waste life [JV]
[[mi tshe tsam zhig]] the size of a human being [JV]
[[mi tshe hril po]] whole lifetime [JV]
[[mi tshor]] not notice [JV]
[[mi tshol ba]] not seeking [JV]
[[mi zad]] inexhaustible [JV]
[[mi g.yo ba yi ting 'dzin]] contemplation of non-movement [JV]
[[mi g.yo ba'i]] immovable [JV]
[[mi g.yo ba'i rgyal po]] immovable king [JV]
[[mi rigs mi 'dra ba]] different nationalities [JV]
[[mi len pa]] not accepting [JV]
[[mi shes pa]] ignorant [JV]
[[mi bsrung ba]] non-observance [JV]
[[mig rgya]] eye, vision [JV]
[[mig rgyang]] eye, vision [JV]
[[mig sgyu]] mirage [JV]
[[mig dpe]] model, example [JV]
[[mig btsum pa]] blink [JV]
[[ming tha dad du btags pa]] are given different names [JV]
[[ming yang med]] there does not even (remain) the name [JV]
[[mi'i 'gro ba]] human beings [JV]
[[mi'i chos pa]] religious people [JV]
[[mu mthud re byas]] hoping to continue [JV]
[[mu zi rdo]] brimstone [JV]
[[mun stugs po]] dense darkness [JV]
[[mun pa'i khrod]] darkness [JV]
[[mun pa'i smag rum]] dense gloom, utter darkness [JV]
[[mun tshub]] darkness, gloom [JV]
[[mur mur byed pa]] chew [JV]
[[mul thug]] fist [JV]
[[me glang]] fire bull year [JV]
[[me cha]] flint [JV]
[[me tog gi tshal]] flower garden [JV]
[[me tog ti ldum ra]] flower garden [JV]
[[me thur]] match [JV]
[[me rdo]] flint [JV]
[[me phung]] bonfire [JV]
[[me pho byi ba]] fire-male-mouse year [JV]
[[me sbrel]] fire monkey year [JV]
[[me mo glang]] fire female bull year [JV]
[[me bzung]] perceived as fire [JV]
[[me yol]] fire screen [JV]
[[me yos]] fire hare year [JV]
[[me long ltar ngos 'jam pa]] with a surface as smooth as a mirror [JV]
[[me long g.ya' dag pa]] pure mirror [JV]
[[med stong]] nihilism [JV]
[[med du mi rung ba]] indispensable [JV]
[[med pa la yod par shar ba]] believe to exist what does not exist [JV]
[[med par mi 'gyur]] does not disappear [JV]
[[med la bzhag]] disappear [JV]
[[men hri]] fur [JV]
[[mo mkhan]] soothsayer [JV]
[[mo ngan]] evil prophecy [JV]
[[mod]] nevertheless, although [JV]
[[mon te be lu na]] Montebelluna in north Italy [JV]
[[mon zha]] popularity, respect, reputation [JV]
[[mos ldan bu slob rnams]] devoted students [JV]
[[mos 'dzin]] devoted [JV]
[[mya ngam thang]] desert [JV]
[[myur du bskor ba]] quickly turning [JV]
[[myur du ma 'phrad pa]] be delayed [JV]
[[myul ma]] spy, secret agent [JV]
[[myong 'gyur chos]] one's own experience [JV]
[[myong ba dga' mo]] sound experience [JV]
[[myong ba zab mo'i man ngag]] profound experiential upadesha [JV]
[[myong bas]] gained through experience [JV]
[[myong byung ba]] find something to experience [JV]
[[myong zhen dang bral ba]] without any attachment to experiences [JV]
[[myong zhen la dga' ba rnams]] those who delight in being attached to experiences [JV]
[[myong zab mo'i man ngag]] profound experiential upadesha [JV]
[[dmag sa]] battlefield [JV]
[[dma' po]] low [JV]
[[dmar nag]] dark red [JV]
[[dmar smug]] dark red [JV]
[[dmigs bsam mtshan ma]] ideas, thoughts & concepts [JV]
[[dmu rgod bsdu ba]] gathering of incorrigible disciples [JV]
[[dmod bor song ba]] invoked its appearance [JV]
[[dmyal ba'i gnas yul]] dimension of hell [JV]
[[dmyal ba'i las mkhan]] executioners of hell [JV]
[[rmang rdo]] foundation stone [JV]
[[rmang gzhi'i rgyugs tshad]] base exam (of SMS) [JV]
[[rmi rgod]] super dream [JV]
[[rmi lam skyes bu bzhin]] just like seeing someone in a dream [JV]
[[rmi lam gyi snang ba]] dream vision [JV]
[[rmi lam bzung]] practiced dream yoga [JV]
[[rmu rgod sa skye]] low-born savage [JV]
[[rmugs byed]] stuns [JV]
[[rmog]] helmet [JV]
[[rmongs dad]] blind faith [JV]
[[rmongs blo]] stupidity [JV]
[[rmod mo byed pa]] speak ill [JV]
[[sman bcos khang]] clinic [JV]
[[sman tho]] prescription [JV]
[[sman sbyor]] medicinal compound [JV]
[[sman btsun kar ma dpal 'dzin ma]] Mentsun Karma Paldzinma [JV]
[[sman btsun gyi rgyal mo]] queen of the pramohas [JV]
[[sman btsun pad ma dpal 'dzin ma]] Mentsun Padma Paldzinma, Mentsun Padma Paldzin, Pramoha Padma Paldzinma [JV]
[[sman btsun rat na dpal 'dzin ma]] Mentsun Ratna Paldzinma [JV]
[[sman rigs tshong khang]] chemist's shop, drugstore [JV]
[[smig rgyu bzhin]] just like a mirage [JV]
[[smug pa]] fog, mist [JV]
[[smug zhad]] brownish [JV]
[[smug longs 'khrigs pa]] dense fog [JV]
[[smon 'jug byang sems]] bodhichitta of intention and application [JV]
[[smon lam dbang bskur gyi gtad rgya]] mind-mandate transmission of aspirational empowerment [JV]
[[smos ma dgos pa lags]] there is no question [JV]
[[smyug rtsa]] bamboo shoot [JV]
[[smra rgyu]] explication [JV]
[[smrig rgyu]] mirage [JV]
[[tsam gyis kyang]] as soon as [JV]
[[tsam yang med pa]] not even the slightest [JV]
[[tsam re]] at least [JV]
[[tsu ta'i shing]] mango tree [JV]
[[tsen ne 'jog pa]] remain with a sense of precision [JV]
[[gtsang bu]] screen, parasol [JV]
[[gtsang gtsong]] steep, rugged, mountainous [JV]
[[gtsang sa]] clean place, comfortable place [JV]
[[gtsir gyis bzung]] seize firmly [JV]
[[btsad po]] nobleman [JV]
[[btsan skyil]] mounted side-saddle [JV]
[[btsan 'khrid]] abduction [JV]
[[btsun mo'i zla mo]] ladies-in-waiting [JV]
[[rtsa ba na]] under a tree [JV]
[[rtsa ba'i rlung]] basic winds [JV]
[[rtsa sbubs]] channel [JV]
[[rtsa sbur phra mo]] tiny grass stubble [JV]
[[rtsa gzhung]] root text [JV]
[[rtsa ro ma]] right channel [JV]
[[rtsad nas]] completely [JV]
[[rtsal bskyed]] energize, arouse the power [JV]
[[rtsal 'phro ba]] from which Tsal spreads [JV]
[[rtsal zer]] Tsal rays [JV]
[[rtsal shugs]] power, strength [JV]
[[rtsis gzhes zhu]] please accept it [JV]
[[rtsis su bkod]] set into order [JV]
[[rtse gri]] bayonet [JV]
[[rtse rgyal sgar]] Tsegyalgar [JV]
[[rtse sgro]] feathers [JV]
[[rtse gcig chung ngu]] lesser one-pointedness [JV]
[[rtse gcig chen po]] greater one-pointedness [JV]
[[rtse gcig 'bring]] medium one-pointedness [JV]
[[rtse thams cad gangs ri'i ra ba]] snowy mountain range [JV]
[[rtse sprod]] greeted as an equal, with equal respect [JV]
[[rtse bran]] crest ornaments [JV]
[[rtse rag]] irritable [JV]
[[rtse rol]] humor [JV]
[[rtse gsum]] trident [JV]
[[rtsed mo'i ra ba]] playground [JV]
[[rtsod sgrub rig pa]] dialectics [JV]
[[rtsod pa shor]] fights break out [JV]
[[rtsod pa'i sa yul]] property disputes [JV]
[[rtson]] nausea, vomiting [JV]
[[rtsom yig]] essay, article [JV]
[[rtsol dang bral]] beyond effort [JV]
[[rtsol bas bcos pa]] modifying through effort [JV]
[[rtswa ra ri khrod]] Tsara Hermitage [JV]
[[brtse ba'i thugs rje]] loving compassion [JV]
[[tshad du shes]] become the model [JV]
[[tshad mar gyur]] convinced [JV]
[[tshad gzung]] calculation [JV]
[[tshan ner]] quietly [JV]
[[tshan rig]] science [JV]
[[tshig gi cha rnams]] verses [JV]
[[tshig gis mi mtshon pa]] cannot be indicated by words [JV]
[[tshig bcad]] verse [JV]
[[tshig don tsang ma]] all the words and meanings [JV]
[[tshig tshogs]] sentences [JV]
[[tshig tshogs chad pa]] missing sentences [JV]
[[tshig sun]] insults [JV]
[[tshigs bdun gsol 'debs]] Seven Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava [JV]
[[tshim pa'i nyams]] contented [JV]
[[tshil chen]] human fat [JV]
[[tshu rol]] this side [JV]
[[tshugs thub du]] confidently [JV]
[[tshugs legs]] excellent [JV]
[[tshugs shin tu legs pa]] excellent [JV]
[[tshur dkar]] alum [JV]
[[tshul chen 'di la]] in this state as it is [JV]
[[tshul 'chos mkhan]] hypocrite [JV]
[[tshul ji bzhin du]] properly as it is [JV]
[[tshul bstan]] pretend [JV]
[[tshul mthong snang ngor]] appear in a way we can understand [JV]
[[tshul 'di]] this point [JV]
[[tshul mang zhig]] a great deal [JV]
[[tshul 'dzin]] appears in the form, manifest [JV]
[[tshul bzhin du]] precisely [JV]
[[tshul shing]] klong sde meditation stick to support chin [JV]
[[tshul gsum]] three modes [JV]
[[tshe gcig tu]] for a whole lifetime [JV]
[[tshe 'don]] coming of age [JV]
[[tshe ring ljongs]] Tsering Jong [JV]
[[tshe ring lha]] long-living gods [JV]
[[tshogs khang chen mo]] auditorium [JV]
[[tshogs mchog]] supreme assembly [JV]
[[tshogs gtor]] feast torma offerings [JV]
[[tshogs rdzas]] feast substances, ganachakra substances [JV]
[[tshogs sa]] assembly hall, meeting place [JV]
[[tshogs gsog]] the merit accumulated, collected an offering, provisions [JV]
[[tshon gang ba tsam zhig]] the size of a thumb [JV]
[[tshom bu'i dkyil 'khor]] mandala of clusters [JV]
[[tshor]] perceiving [JV]
[[tshor stong zung 'jug]] union of feeling and emptiness [JV]
[[mtshang rjen pa]] expose nakedly [JV]
[[mtshang phyar]] exposing the faults [JV]
[[mtshan nyid 'dzin pa'i ye shes]] wisdom which retains its characteristics [JV]
[[mtshan nyid 'dzin pa'i rig pa]] Rigpa that retains its characteristics [JV]
[[mtshan nyid rig pa]] philosophy [JV]
[[mtshan snyan]] fame, reputation [JV]
[[mtshan ltas brtag pa'i gcig lag]] science of interpreting omens [JV]
[[mtshan thun]] night session [JV]
[[mtshan ma chod]] unable to pass the night [JV]
[[mtshan ma a dkar]] symbol of the white A [JV]
[[mtshan ma'i chos]] conceptual phenomena [JV]
[[mtshams de btsal]] search for that stopping place [JV]
[[mtshams 'dir bslebs pa]] at this point [JV]
[[mtshams mtshams]] sometimes [JV]
[[mtshar gyi tshul]] jokingly [JV]
[[mtshungs par ldan pa]] similarities [JV]
[[mtsher lhang]] neigh [JV]
[[mtsho gling]] island [JV]
[[mtsho rgya]] lake [JV]
[[mtsho ngogs]] place by the sea [JV]
[[mtsho chen po]] big lake [JV]
[[mtshogs]] similar, like, equal [JV]
[[mtshon brjod]] symbols and explanations [JV]
[[mtshon don]] indication [JV]
[[mtshon pa tsam]] merely symbolized [JV]
[['tshang]] fault, error, offence, sin [JV]
[['tshig ro]] ash [JV]
[['tsho ba bya 'tshol]] seeking sustenance [JV]
[['tsho byed kyi sman]] medicine [JV]
[['tsho gzhes]] prosper [JV]
[[dzab bsnyen 'dren]] chanting the mantra [JV]
[[dzab dbyangs]] mantra melody [JV]
[[mdzub mo btsugs]] pointed to [JV]
[[mdzub mo zhi btsugs]] pointed out [JV]
[[mdzub mo zhig btsugs]] pointed to [JV]
[[mdzum]] smile [JV]
[[mdzum mdangs]] bright smile [JV]
[[mdzes ljongs]] scenery, landscape [JV]
[['dzam bur]] gun, cannon [JV]
[['dzar]] bob, tassel, tuft [JV]
[['dzin dgos pa lags]] must be maintained [JV]
[['dzin pa po]] the one who conceives [JV]
[['dzin pa tshur bzhag]] grasping subject [JV]
[['dzin pa'i]] which believes [JV]
[['dzin pa'i shes pa]] perceiving mind, consciousness which believes [JV]
[['dzin spras]] grasping and clinging [JV]
[['dzin rtsol gyis]] by means of grasping and effort [JV]
[['dzin shes]] grasping consciousness, grasping mind [JV]
[['dzum mdangs dang bcas]] smiled [JV]
[['dzum mer gyis]] with a smiling face [JV]
[['dzong 'dzong]] jagged, pointed, conical, oblong, cylindrical [JV]
[[rdza rdo]] landslide [JV]
[[rdza g.yam]] tile [JV]
[[rdza leb]] tile [JV]
[[rdzang]] chest, box [JV]
[[rdzas yod kyi bdag]] substantially existent self [JV]
[[rdzas su yod pa]] substantial existence [JV]
[[rdzu 'phrul gyi mngon shes]] clairvoyance of magical emanation [JV]
[[rdzu 'phrul ya ma zung rnams]] various miraculous powers [JV]
[[rdzun gyi mngon shes 'chad pa]] falsely claiming higher perceptions [JV]
[[rdzun gtam]] lie [JV]
[[rdzogs chen chos skor]] dzogchen texts [JV]
[[rdzogs chen snying tig]] Heart Essence of the Great Perfection [JV]
[[rdzogs chen a ti]] Dzogchen Ati [JV]
[[rdzogs so]] thus is concluded [JV]
[[rdzob po]] vain, empty, spurious, void [JV]
[[brdzus ma rnams]] impostors [JV]
[[wa mo]] fox [JV]
[[wal gyis dran gsos]] remembered very vividly, clearly recognized [JV]
[[wal wol]] indistinct [JV]
[[zha smyug]] pencil [JV]
[[zhag nya mig]] drop of oil [JV]
[[zhabs bkod pa]] come to [JV]
[[zhabs tog zhu dgos gang yod]] whatever assistance you need [JV]
[[zhal skod]] appendix [JV]
[[zhal sgom]] oral teaching and meditation practice [JV]
[[zhal snga nas thob pa]] orally received [JV]
[[zhal mjal du 'ongs pa]] came to meet [JV]
[[zhal bstan]] revealed herself [JV]
[[zhal mthong]] have a vision [JV]
[[zhal mi gsal ba]] obscure [JV]
[[zhi khro sgyu 'phrul]] Magical Display of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones [JV]
[[zhi byed kyi rgyud]] Tantra of Pacifying [JV]
[[zhi mi]] cat [JV]
[[zhig lta bu]] resembled [JV]
[[zhing sku]] pure dimension [JV]
[[zhing khams gang zhig]] some pure dimension [JV]
[[zhing khams gnyis]] two dimensions, SA sprul pa'i zhing khams, dag pa'i zhing khams [JV]
[[zhing bdag]] landlord [JV]
[[zhing 'brog]] farmers and nomads [JV]
[[zhin nan du]] carefully [JV]
[[zhib tu mjal]] to look carefully [JV]
[[zhib nan du bltas pa]] looked carefully [JV]
[[zhu dgos]] should as for [JV]
[[zhu dgos 'dug]] want to ask for [JV]
[[zhu chen tshul khrims rin chen]] CNN says he edited the Derge edition of the nyingma rgyud 'bum [JV]
[[zhugs la 'phen pa]] implicitly suggest [JV]
[[zhum dag]] edited [JV]
[[zhe thag pa]] sincerity [JV]
[[zhe la bzhag]] hold on to [JV]
[[zheng kha thung ba]] narrow [JV]
[[zhen gting nas log]] revulsion arises from our depths [JV]
[[zhen dang bral]] no attachment [JV]
[[zhen pa rang log]] natural revulsion [JV]
[[zhen rig]] determinative knower [JV]
[[zhes su grags pa]] so-called [JV]
[[zhog khog]] potato [JV]
[[zhogs ja]] breakfast [JV]
[[zhogs ja bzhes ran yod]] breakfast is ready [JV]
[[zhogs zas]] breakfast [JV]
[[zhwa gser mdangs]] black crown with golden ornaments [JV]
[[gzhad mo gnang]] laughed [JV]
[[gzhan kun]] all others [JV]
[[gzhan gang du'ang ma grub pa]] not exist anywhere else [JV]
[[gzhan du bzhung]] believe to be something other [JV]
[[gzhan du'ang]] something different [JV]
[[gzhan gnod bsdom]] abstaining from harming others [JV]
[[gzhan phan bslab]] training for the benefit of others [JV]
[[gzhan bya thabs bral]] nothing else to do [JV]
[[gzhan la thim pa]] dissolve as something else [JV]
[[gzhan las nges kyi tshad ma]] prime cognizer when ascertainment is induced by another [JV]
[[gzhal bar lang ba]] repay [JV]
[[gzhi gcig nyid]] one single (substance) as a base [JV]
[[gzhi thog grol]] directly self-liberates in the condition of the Base [JV]
[[gzhi mthun]] common locus [JV]
[[gzhi dang 'bras bu]] base and fruit [JV]
[[gzhi dang rtsa ba]] base and root [JV]
[[gzhi der]] on the background of [JV]
[[gzhi 'dun pa]] motivation [JV]
[[gzhi gnas ye shes]] wisdom abiding in the Base [JV]
[[gzhi gnas lugs kyi ye shes]] ground wisdom of the natural state [JV]
[[gzhi bral]] no-basis [JV]
[[gzhi ma rig pa'i dus su]] when the base is not recognized [JV]
[[gzhi 'dzin byang chub sems]] Bodhichitta of the Base [JV]
[[gzhi yi klong]] Base [JV]
[[gzhi yid]] mind of the base [JV]
[[gzhi ru thim pa]] dissolves in the base [JV]
[[gzhi las 'das pa]] transcend the base, not concretely exist in the base [JV]
[[gzhin ras]] face [JV]
[[gzhi'i rang gdangs]] natural Dang of the base [JV]
[[gzhi'i rig pa]] rigpa of the base [JV]
[[gzhu 'doms sum skor tsam pa]] about three arm spans in circumference [JV]
[[gzhung tshab khang]] embassy [JV]
[[gzhung tshig]] textual learning [JV]
[[gzhung 'dzugs]] set up bureaucracy [JV]
[[gzhe ra]] parsley [JV]
[[gzhengs]] building, erecting [JV]
[[gzhengs gnas]] building site [JV]
[[gzhengs rtsis]] plan to erect [JV]
[[gzhes ning lo]] the year before last [JV]
[[gzhon nus]] maiden [JV]
[[bzhag pa]] maintaining presence of, by leaving it [JV]
[[bzhi]] four [JV]
[[bzhi po]] the four [JV]
[[bzhugs]] herein is contained, engaging in [JV]
[[bzhugs pa'i]] which is found in [JV]
[[bzhugs mdzad song]] remained [JV]
[[bzhugs yod las che 'ang]] there might be [JV]
[[bzhugs red]] oh no [JV]
[[bzhengs pa'i]] which was built in [JV]
[[bzhed dgongs]] sayings and thoughts [JV]
[[bzhes mdzad song]] partook [JV]
[[bzho ba]] to milk [JV]
[[zang thal gyi rol pa]] rolpa energy manifestation penetrates all without material obstacles [JV]
[[zang thal chen po]] total state which penetrates all without material obstacles [JV]
[[zang thal du kha yan]] penetrating awareness [JV]
[[zad par zil gnon]] totalities and masteries [JV]
[[zab chos khyad can]] special profound teaching [JV]
[[zab gnad khyad par can]] extraordinary and profound essential teaching [JV]
[[zab ber]] brocade robe [JV]
[[zab lam sgyu lus]] profound path of illusory body [JV]
[[zab lam sgyu lus kyi man ngag]] Upadesha on the profound path of illusory body [JV]
[[zab lam gcod]] profound path of gcod [JV]
[[zas gos]] food and clothing [JV]
[[zing cha slong ba]] stir up trouble [JV]
[[zing zing po]] chaos [JV]
[[zin nyer]] almost [JV]
[[zin par bya]] make sure to attain [JV]
[[zim bu'i mig]] half-closed eyes [JV]
[[zur thig]] corner line, diagonal line [JV]
[[zur drug pa]] hexagonal [JV]
[[zur mo]] pain [JV]
[[zul ma]] cornered, angular [JV]
[[zo chu]] water wheel [JV]
[[zon phan]] abacus [JV]
[[zla gam gyi dbyibs]] shape of a half-moon [JV]
[[zla gam gyi dbyibs can]] half-moon shaped [JV]
[[zla shas]] a few months [JV]
[[zlos gar khang]] theatre [JV]
[[gzan ngar]] beasts of prey [JV]
[[gza' 'khor]] week [JV]
[[gza' gtad dang bral ba]] beyond fixation on a concept, beyond conceptual fixation [JV]
[[gza' gtad bral]] beyond fixation on a concept [JV]
[[gza' gtad bral ba]] beyond conceptual fixation, not conceptually fixate [JV]
[[gza' nad]] epilepsy [JV]
[[gza' zin]] eclipse [JV]
[[gzar bu]] ladle [JV]
[[gzas]] grazing [JV]
[[gzi ldan]] brilliance [JV]
[[gzims bzhugs]] went to bed [JV]
[[gzugs khog phra sbom]] trunk of the body [JV]
[[gzugs dbyings]] physical shapes [JV]
[[gzugs dbyibs]] physical form, physical shapes [JV]
[[gzugs ma mchis]] no material substance [JV]
[[gzugs sogs yul lnga]] five objects such as form and so forth [JV]
[[gzung dang 'dzin]] subjects and objects [JV]
[[gzung bya]] apprehended object [JV]
[[gzung 'brel]] unity [JV]
[[gzung 'dzin gyi mtha']] limitation of object and subject [JV]
[[gzung 'dzin gyi snang ba]] dualistic vision [JV]
[[gzung 'dzin gyi sems]] subject-object mind [JV]
[[gzeg mo byi]] hedgehog [JV]
[[bzang ngan kun rtog]] good or bad thoughts [JV]
[[bzang po lung bstan pa'i mdo]] Sutra Foretelling Goodness [JV]
[[bzang por bcos]] try to improve [JV]
[[bzang 'brel]] good connection [JV]
[[bzung ba chos kyi bdag]] self of phenomena as the perceived object [JV]
[[bzo zhing]] workers and peasants [JV]
[[bzod med du 'khul]] overwhelmed [JV]
[[bzos pa'i]] which was created by [JV]
[[bzlog bsgyur]] exorcism [JV]
[['a na yang]] although [JV]
[['ub chub pa]] integrated in [JV]
[['ur sgra rgyag]] loud noise [JV]
[['ur sgra ci rigs brgyags]] made loud noises [JV]
[['ur bzlas]] recitation like the movement of a wave [JV]
[['o skol]] we [JV]
[['o red red]] oh yes [JV]
[['o se]] mulberry [JV]
[['og 'gyu 'khrul 'byams]] undercurrent of proliferating delusions [JV]
[['ong ba po]] one to come [JV]
[['ong ba'i yul]] place to come to [JV]
[['od kyi rtsa sbubs]] channel of light [JV]
[['od dkar klong]] dimension of the white light [JV]
[['od khang]] lantern [JV]
[['od lnga las]] from the five lights [JV]
[['od lnga'i zer thag]] five-colored rays of light [JV]
[['od lngar mched pa]] develops as the five lights [JV]
[['od gdangs]] Dang of light [JV]
[['od rab]] supreme light [JV]
[['od gsal gyi dgongs pa]] luminous vision [JV]
[['od gsal ngang]] luminous clarity [JV]
[['od gsal brtan]] luminous clarity is stable [JV]
[['od gsal gdangs]] Dang of luminous clarity [JV]
[[ya cang yag po]] extremely good [JV]
[[ya mtshan chen po]] astonishing [JV]
[[ya mtshan pa'i rmi lam]] amazing dream [JV]
[[ya lan byas pa]] gave attention to [JV]
[[yag byung]] it is very good [JV]
[[yang skyar du]] once again [JV]
[[yang bcud]] sap [JV]
[[yang dag 'jog]] complete resting [JV]
[[yang dag don]] authentic reality [JV]
[[yang dag pa nyid kyi mtha']] ultimate perfection [JV]
[[yang dag ye shes]] pure wisdom [JV]
[[yang du]] again [JV]
[[yang zhu]] crest [JV]
[[yang zhun]] refined [JV]
[[yang zhun snying thig]] refined heart essence [JV]
[[yang la]] candle [JV]
[[yang slob]] pupil's pupil [JV]
[[yangs chen]] spacious state [JV]
[[yangs pa chen po]] spacious state [JV]
[[yan par btang]] let loose [JV]
[[yan lag gi rlung]] secondary winds [JV]
[[yab pha jo]] lord father [JV]
[[yab yum mnyam sbyor]] sexual union [JV]
[[yams]] epidemic, infectious disease [JV]
[[yar ngo'i zla ba]] waxing moon [JV]
[[yar mar du rgyu 'grul]] walking to and fro, [JV]
[[yar srid]] exists primordially, eternally [JV]
[[yi ge skur sa]] address [JV]
[[yi ge kha phye]] open a letter [JV]
[[yi ge'i ris su 'debs]] to write down [JV]
[[yi dwags kyi snod bcud]] world of pretas with its beings [JV]
[[yi tsi]] soap [JV]
[[yi gshor]] lost my mind [JV]
[[yig sgyur ba]] interpreter, translator [JV]
[[yig phreng mang po zhig]] many verses [JV]
[[yig shog]] letter paper [JV]
[[yid kyis]] imaginary [JV]
[[yid kyis gzung]] holding in mind [JV]
[[yid 'gyu ba]] discursive thoughts [JV]
[[yid dngangs]] fear for [JV]
[[yid ches brnyes]] have certainty [JV]
[[yid ches par byed pa]] having trust in [JV]
[[yid gnyis bskyed]] doubt is produced [JV]
[[yid rtog]] mind & thoughts [JV]
[[yid dang bral]] beyond mind [JV]
[[yid bying ba]] slothfulness [JV]
[[yid dbang 'phrog pa]] ravish away one's mind [JV]
[[yid mi bde ba]] unhappiness [JV]
[[yid mtshungs de ma thag]] immediate condition concomitant with the mind [JV]
[[yid bzhin nor bu rin po che]] precious wish-fulfilling jewel [JV]
[[yid la nges 'dug pa]] recall in mind [JV]
[[yid la gcags]] make sad [JV]
[[yid la ji bzhin nges 'dug pa]] recall very precisely in mind [JV]
[[yid la byas]] contemplated [JV]
[[yid lhung]] place in khams [JV]
[[yin snyam]] thought could be [JV]
[[yin snyams]] what seemed to be [JV]
[[yin stabs]] since it is [JV]
[[yin rung]] although it is [JV]
[[yu mar ja]] buttered tea [JV]
[[yud tsam du]] for a moment [JV]
[[yud tsam zhig na]] an instant later [JV]
[[yun du gnas pa]] lasting continuity [JV]
[[yun ring tsam du]] for quite a long time, for a long time [JV]
[[yun ring tsam zhig tu]] for a long time [JV]
[[yun ring zhig tu]] for quite a long time [JV]
[[yun ring zhig phyin song]] so long has passed [JV]
[[yul skad]] dialect [JV]
[[yul gyi 'khrul gzhi]] basis of the illusion of an object [JV]
[[yul grong]] district [JV]
[[yul steng nas]] with objective existence [JV]
[[yul du snang ba]] appear as an object [JV]
[[yul du dmigs pa]] conceiving as an object [JV]
[[yul drug sna tshogs]] all of the various objects of the six senses [JV]
[[yul 'di nas]] from here [JV]
[[yul rnams]] all phenomena [JV]
[[yul med du]] to nothing [JV]
[[yul med du grol]] dissolve without a trace [JV]
[[yul med du gtang ba]] reduced to nothing [JV]
[[yul bzung gnyis rtog]] dualistic concept of an object [JV]
[[yul rang rgyud par grub pa]] have independent existence on the object side [JV]
[[yus pa'i tshig]] words of deep feeling [JV]
[[ye grol dgongs pa]] primordial liberation [JV]
[[ye rngam chos la za]] expect something from existence [JV]
[[ye nas rang shar]] arise timeless and naturally [JV]
[[ye gnas]] primordial [JV]
[[ye gnas kyi shes pa]] primordial consciousness [JV]
[[ye bab rang byung gi gshis]] natural & self-originated state [JV]
[[ye rdzogs chen po]] original & total perfection [JV]
[[ye gzhi mngon 'gyur]] realization of the primordial base [JV]
[[ye gzhi snying po byang chub kyi sems]] essence-bodhichitta of the primordial base [JV]
[[ye gzhi yon tan]] qualities of the primordial basis [JV]
[[ye yod]] existing from the very beginning [JV]
[[ye shu ba'i]] Christian [JV]
[[ye shes kyi tshogs]] accumulation of wisdom [JV]
[[ye shes klong]] dimension of wisdom [JV]
[[ye shes chen po]] great wisdom, total wisdom [JV]
[[ye shes 'chol ba]] crazy wisdom [JV]
[[ye shes thig le]] Wisdom Bindu [JV]
[[ye shes gdangs]] Dang of wisdom [JV]
[[ye shes mig gcig dri ma med]] the single eye of wisdom is pure (snyan rgyud of lost Manjushri tantra) [JV]
[[ye shes tshom bu]] wisdom clusters [JV]
[[ye shes zang thal chen po]] total all-penetrating wisdom [JV]
[[ye shes rang ngo]] very essence of wisdom, wisdom essence [JV]
[[ye shes rang gsal]] self-cognizant wakefulness [JV]
[[ye sras]] primordial prince [JV]
[[yengs med du lta]] gaze without distraction [JV]
[[yo 'bog shing]] elm [JV]
[[yongs dag]] completely purified [JV]
[[yongs 'dzin gyi rgyu]] appropriating cause [JV]
[[yongs zad]] consumed [JV]
[[yongs lugs gnyis bstan]] spiritual and temporal teachings [JV]
[[yongs su 'das pa]] totally beyond [JV]
[[yongs su rdzogs]] totally complete [JV]
[[yongs su rdzogs ma thub pa]] not reach its conclusion [JV]
[[yod kyi ma red]] will not exist [JV]
[[yod ngang der]] while I was [JV]
[[yod du chug]] think something exists [JV]
[[yod pa bzhin]] what is [JV]
[[yod pa'i]] while staying in [JV]
[[yon tan tshig brjod]] words of praise [JV]
[[yor mo]] salmon [JV]
[[g.yang nas lhung ba]] falling from a precipice [JV]
[[g.yar gyis bzhes pa]] vow [JV]
[[g.yas]] right [JV]
[[g.yas ngos]] the right side [JV]
[[g.yu 'brug]] thunder [JV]
[[g.yugs g.yugs byed pa]] shake, sway, rock [JV]
[[g.yo ba med pa]] immovable [JV]
[[g.yo med du lhod]] immovable and relaxed [JV]
[[g.yon ngos kyi]] on my left [JV]
[[g.yom]] deception [JV]
[[ra skyis]] he-goat [JV]
[[ra gan]] brass [JV]
[[ra sdong]] weeping willow [JV]
[[ra ro]] intoxication, drunkenness [JV]
[[rag skud]] brass wire [JV]
[[rang 'khris]] selfishness [JV]
[[rang gar zhig]] spontaneously fell apart [JV]
[[rang gi grub mtha']] personal philosophy [JV]
[[rang gi ngo bos grub pa]] intrinsic objectivity [JV]
[[rang gi rnam rtog snga ma]] one's own previous thoughts [JV]
[[rang gi rtsal]] natural Tsal [JV]
[[rang gis bsgribs]] obscured by ourselves [JV]
[[rang gis shes]] when we realize [JV]
[[rang grol klong]] expanse of self-liberation [JV]
[[rang rgyud kyi snying po]] essence of our state [JV]
[[rang rgyud kyi sbyor ba]] autonomous syllogism [JV]
[[rang rgyud du skye ba]] arises in oneself [JV]
[[rang rgyud du grub pa]] independent existence [JV]
[[rang rgyud du 'dres]] integrate in your state [JV]
[[rang rgyud du bzung]] believe that it has an independent existence [JV]
[[rang rgyud par grub pa]] have independent existence [JV]
[[rang rgyud par bzung]] believe in independent existence [JV]
[[rang ngo ma shes]] not knowing one's state [JV]
[[rang ngo rang]] own nature [JV]
[[rang ngo rang thog phrad]] is directly introduced [JV]
[[rang ngo rig]] the very essence is recognized [JV]
[[rang ngo shes]] know one's nature [JV]
[[rang ngor blta]] observing one's condition [JV]
[[rang ngor yal ba]] vanished in one's state [JV]
[[rang ngos su grub pa]] exist independently [JV]
[[rang gcig pu]] singular unique state [JV]
[[rang chas gnas pa]] naturally endowed with, one's natural possession [JV]
[[rang chas bzhugs]] exists as one's natural possession [JV]
[[rang chas su grub pa]] naturally present [JV]
[[rang chas su rdzogs pa]] naturally endowed with, perfected as one's natural possession [JV]
[[rang chas su yod pa]] naturally present [JV]
[[rang nyams su blangs pa]] have personally practiced [JV]
[[rang nyams su len pa]] personal way of practicing [JV]
[[rang nyid 'ching ba]] binding itself, bind ourselves [JV]
[[rang nyid 'jigs pa]] one is afraid of [JV]
[[rang snyams su long]] put in practice [JV]
[[rang stobs kyi blos]] through their own intellectual capacities [JV]
[[rang thag chod pa'i gdengs]] confidence of ultimate certainty [JV]
[[rang thog ngo 'phrod]] having discovered in your state [JV]
[[rang thog tu rang grol ba]] self-liberates in oneself [JV]
[[rang thog tu rang ngo 'phrod]] discover in oneself [JV]
[[rang thog tu rang gdengs thob pa]] obtain confidence in one's own state [JV]
[[rang thog gtan la 'bebs]] is established in one's state [JV]
[[rang thog bltas pa]] directly observing [JV]
[[rang thob phebs pa]] directly experience [JV]
[[rang dang 'brel ba]] found within oneself, connected with oneself [JV]
[[rang gdangs rig]] recognize the natural Dang [JV]
[[rang mdog]] own color [JV]
[[rang gnas su]] in his own place [JV]
[[rang gnas su log song]] went back to their places [JV]
[[rang rnam]] autobiography [JV]
[[rang snang mched pa]] developed as our vision [JV]
[[rang snang rtogs]] understood as one's vision [JV]
[[rang snang du]] one's own vision [JV]
[[rang snang du mched pa]] developed in one's vision [JV]
[[rang snang rang grol]] self-liberation of one's vision [JV]
[[rang snang las]] from our vision [JV]
[[rang bem stong]] its vacuum [JV]
[[rang byan tshud pa]] totally master [JV]
[[rang byas kyi las snga ma]] one's previously created karma [JV]
[[rang byung gi]] natural [JV]
[[rang byung gi shel brag]] natural crystal rock [JV]
[[rang byung 'od lnga]] self-originated five lights [JV]
[[rang byung rig]] self-originated rigpa [JV]
[[rang byung shel gyi brag phug]] self-originated crystal cave [JV]
[[rang byung lhan skyes kyi ye shes]] innate and self-originated wisdom [JV]
[[rang blos ma spobs pa]] to one's surprise [JV]
[[rang 'bab chu]] tap water, running water [JV]
[[rang rtsal gdangs]] Dang of natural Tsal [JV]
[[rang mtshan pa]] identifiable [JV]
[[rang gzhan gnyis su byung]] originate as oneself and as another [JV]
[[rang bzhag pa]] disperse by themselves [JV]
[[rang bzhin rnam grol]] by nature totally free [JV]
[[rang bzhin sprul pa'i zhing]] natural nirmanakaya realm [JV]
[[rang bzhin babs]] naturally settled [JV]
[[rang yin]] that's it [JV]
[[rang yin par ngo shes pa]] recognizing it as one's own state of being [JV]
[[rang rang gi]] individual, of each individual [JV]
[[rang rang gi las]] individual karmas [JV]
[[rang rig ka dag]] primordially pure self-cognizance [JV]
[[rang rig pa'i]] who is my own rigpa [JV]
[[rang rig blo 'das]] self-cognizance beyond concepts [JV]
[[rang rig rtsal]] Tsal of your Rigpa [JV]
[[rang rig rang ngo]] condition of one's own rigpa [JV]
[[rang re'i]] our [JV]
[[rang la bka' babs pa]] transmission has fallen upon you [JV]
[[rang las snang ba]] what appears from oneself [JV]
[[rang las 'byung]] originate from oneself [JV]
[[rang shar rang grol]] arises and self-liberates [JV]
[[rang shes pa]] direct introduction [JV]
[[rang sa bzung pa]] maintain one's natural state [JV]
[[rang sar grol]] self-liberated in its own nature, self-liberate in their own nature [JV]
[[rang sar bzhag pa]] leave it in its own condition [JV]
[[rang sar lhugs]] relax in your own nature [JV]
[[rang so zin]] achieved [JV]
[[rang gsal ba las]] apart from one's clarity [JV]
[[rab bsgrub]] realize [JV]
[[rab byung gi chas can]] monk's attire [JV]
[[ral pa thod du bcings pa]] long hair tied in a knot [JV]
[[ras cha]] cloth, cotton cloth [JV]
[[ri kar do su 'ed]] Ricardo Sued [JV]
[[ri sgang]] hill [JV]
[[ri dang nags tshal]] mountains & forests [JV]
[[ri dil]] hill [JV]
[[ri dil bzhin brtsegs mar]] heaped up like a hill [JV]
[[ri bo]] mountain, hill [JV]
[[ri bo spos]] fragrant mountains [JV]
[[ri mtshams pa rnams]] retreatants, participants in the retreat [JV]
[[ri mtshams shig bgyid]] leading a retreat [JV]
[[ri mtshams shig tshugs pa]] held a retreat [JV]
[[rig ngo skyong]] sustaining the state of rigpa [JV]
[[rig gnas khang]] cultural center [JV]
[[rig pa cog bzhag]] chogzhag of rigpa [JV]
[[rig pa ma smin pa]] immature awareness [JV]
[[rig pa mig la gtad]] direct rigpa on the eyes [JV]
[[rig pa rang gi rtsal]] natural Tsal of rigpa [JV]
[[rig pa rang byung gi ye shes]] awareness]] naturally occurring timeless awareness [JV]
[[rig pa sems rtog 'khrul pa]] illusion of rigpa as the thinking mind [JV]
[[rig pa'i klong du]] in the expanse of rigpa [JV]
[[rig pa'i dgangs]] Dang of rigpa [JV]
[[rig pa'i sgyu 'phrul]] magical display of awareness [JV]
[[rig pa'i ye shes 'od]] light of the wisdom of rigpa [JV]
[[rig pa'i rang ngo]] state of rigpa [JV]
[[rig pa'i rang gdangs]] natural Dang of rigpa [JV]
[[rig byed rtsal]] dynamic energy functioning as cognition [JV]
[[rig ma rig]] knowledge and ignorance [JV]
[[rig 'dzin byang chub rdo rje]] Vidyadhara Changchub Dorje [JV]
[[rig gzhung gsar brje]] cultural revolution [JV]
[[rigs kyi nga rgyal]] family arrogance [JV]
[[rigs kyi bu rnams]] noble sons [JV]
[[rigs kyi mtshan ldan ma]] woman of authentic being [JV]
[[rigs rgyas bsdus]] elaborate and simplified mandalas [JV]
[[rigs drug gnas]] six lokas [JV]
[[rigs drug gnas sbyong]] purification of the 6 lokas, purification of the seats of the 6 lokas [JV]
[[rigs 'dus]] union of all families [JV]
[[rigs pa yang dag]] correct reasoning [JV]
[[rigs pa'i gzhung lugs]] theory [JV]
[[rings pa bzhin]] eager [JV]
[[rin chen gnyis pa]] silver [JV]
[[rin thang che ba]] precious [JV]
[[rin thang chen ba'i longs spyod]] precious value [JV]
[[rin po che sna tshogs pa]] different precious materials [JV]
[[rib ma]] fence, hedge, enclosure [JV]
[[rim gyis 'jug pa]] entering gradually [JV]
[[rim pa dang po]] first level training (of SMS) [JV]
[[rub sho]] currant [JV]
[[rus btog rgyag pa]] gnaw, nibble [JV]
[[rus sbal]] tortoise [JV]
[[re dogs kun bral]] beyond all hope and fear [JV]
[[re sprad]] each offered [JV]
[[re ba'i yul]] object of hope [JV]
[[re smon byed]] express the wish that [JV]
[[reg pa med]] is not discerned [JV]
[[ro gcig chung ngu]] lesser one taste [JV]
[[ro gcig chen po]] greater one taste [JV]
[[ro mig]] corpse eyes [JV]
[[ro tshogs]] funeral rituals [JV]
[[rod]] pride, haughtiness [JV]
[[rol pa 'byams klas]] infinite Rolpa [JV]
[[rol pa'i sems]] mind as display [JV]
[[rol mo mkhan]] musician [JV]
[[rol rtsal rgyan]] ornament of Rolpa and Tsal [JV]
[[rol gsal lags]] Rosa (wife of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu) [JV]
[[rwa co]] horn [JV]
[[rlung gi rta]] horse of prana [JV]
[[rlung thog]] gale of wind [JV]
[[rlung dang 'dres]] integrated with air [JV]
[[rlung dang sbyar]] join with prana [JV]
[[rlung dus su khegs]] stop prana [JV]
[[rlung tshubs]] whirlwind [JV]
[[rlung bzung]] perceived as air [JV]
[[rlung bsil po]] breeze [JV]
[[brla]] thigh [JV]
[[la gcad]] future tense of la zlo ba or la bzla ba [JV]
[[la bcad]] past tense of la zlo ba or la bzla ba [JV]
[[la gtad pa]] directing on [JV]
[[lag bcangs su gtod pa]] delivers into the palm of one's hand [JV]
[[lag 'thag]] mill [JV]
[[lag dar]] handkerchief [JV]
[[lag mda']] pistol [JV]
[[lag 'bras thon]] cut up [JV]
[[lag rtsal mkhas pa]] artisan [JV]
[[lag tshigs]] wrist [JV]
[[lag len du byed pa]] put into effect [JV]
[[lags nga rang bde po yod]] I am well [JV]
[[lags mo]] clean [JV]
[[lags shes byung]] yes I understand [JV]
[[lang tsho dar ba zhig byung]] regain one's health [JV]
[[lan skyar]] retribution, return [JV]
[[lan chags po]] creditor [JV]
[[labs pa]] told [JV]
[[labs song ba]] spoke [JV]
[[lam gyi rtogs]] path realization [JV]
[[lam gyi snang]] dream vision [JV]
[[lam gyi bye brag]] various paths [JV]
[[lam sngon]] preliminaries of the path [JV]
[[lam chung]] path, lane, alley, sidewalk, pavement, shortcut [JV]
[[lam chod]] the path has been resolved [JV]
[[lam nyams su len pa]] practice of the path [JV]
[[lam yang dag]] right path [JV]
[[lams se lam]] fluttering, flashing forth, dazzles and dazzles [JV]
[[las skal mchog]] most fortunate karma [JV]
[[las skal ldan pa]] endowed with fortunate karma [JV]
[[las 'ga' zhig]] some karmas [JV]
[[las nyon]] karmas and emotions [JV]
[[las dang nyon mongs]] karma and emotions [JV]
[[las ldog]] reversing from [JV]
[[las phyir phyogs]] turn one's back on [JV]
[[las byas pa don ldan]] meaningful thing [JV]
[[las byon pa'i]] which had appeared from [JV]
[[las mi 'da']] not depart from [JV]
[[las gzhan du'ang]] something different from [JV]
[[las gzhan pa]] apart from [JV]
[[las ring du song]] go far away from [JV]
[[li sdong]] pear tree [JV]
[[li ba]] squinting, squint-eyed [JV]
[[ling gis 'gyur]] completely changed [JV]
[[lu gu rgyud du]] without interruption [JV]
[[lug mig me tog]] chrysanthemum [JV]
[[lug sha]] mutton [JV]
[[lugs chen po]] great tradition [JV]
[[lugs mang]] many systems [JV]
[[lung gi dpe]] Lung scriptures [JV]
[[lung bstan bka' ma]] Prophecies of the Oral Lineage [JV]
[[lung ma bstan gyi chos]] neutral phenomenon [JV]
[[lung ma bstan du song]] it becomes a neutral state [JV]
[[lung ma bstan du song ba]] become a neutral state [JV]
[[lung zhig gsung mdzad rogs]] please give me the Lung [JV]
[[lung gsham]] lower part of a valley [JV]
[[lus kyi mdangs]] spirit [JV]
[[lus kyi spyod tshul]] attitude of body [JV]
[[lus gu rgyud]] interlinked [JV]
[[lus can rnams]] those with physical bodies [JV]
[[lus rdul phran dengs]] body enters into little atoms, body disappears into emptiness (not rainbow body) [JV]
[[lus gnad bsrang]] upright posture [JV]
[[lus snang]] apparent body [JV]
[[lus snang sems gsum]] body, perception, and mind [JV]
[[lus sbyong]] gymnastics, physical exercises [JV]
[[lus rtsal 'du khang]] gymnasium [JV]
[[lus zhen]] attachment to the body [JV]
[[lus la gtad pa]] direct on the body [JV]
[[lus sems]] body and mind [JV]
[[le tho]] calendar [JV]
[[legs skyes su]] as a gift [JV]
[[legs nyes ci byung ba]] good & bad things that happen [JV]
[[legs nas 'ong]] will be excellent [JV]
[[legs par bkod]] write down perfectly [JV]
[[legs par grub pa]] had passed [JV]
[[legs par mjal ba]] to look carefully at [JV]
[[legs par nyan pa]] listened carefully [JV]
[[legs par nyon cig]] listen well! [JV]
[[legs par thob]] received [JV]
[[legs par gzigs]] look well [JV]
[[legs por]] thoroughly [JV]
[[len mdzad]] intoned [JV]
[[len 'os pa]] acceptable [JV]
[[leb mo]] flat [JV]
[[lo ka]] world [JV]
[[lo 'khor dus chen]] anniversary [JV]
[[lo tog phan byed]] welfare of crops [JV]
[[lo phyi ma]] following year [JV]
[[lo mang tsam zhig]] many years [JV]
[[lo tsa]] translator [JV]
[[lo tsa ba]] translator [JV]
[[lo gsar]] new year [JV]
[[log nas thal]] stopped and turned around [JV]
[[log song]] went back to [JV]
[[logs la]] aside, apart [JV]
[[logs su bcad]] to separate from [JV]
[[long ka]] intestines, entrails, guts [JV]
[[longs spyod dang ldan pa'i]] wealthy [JV]
[[longs su spyod]] were enjoying [JV]
[[lon thabs byed pa]] drag for, dredge up [JV]
[[lon don]] London [JV]
[[sha bo]] enemy [JV]
[[sha mong]] mushroom [JV]
[[shar grol gnyis med]] no duality between arising and liberating [JV]
[[shar ba dag]] manifestations [JV]
[[shar ba tsam las]] apart from manifesting [JV]
[[shi bas bskor]] surrounded by death [JV]
[[shing cha]] timber [JV]
[[shing tog ngang lag ma]] banana [JV]
[[shing tog mdzug gu]] banana [JV]
[[shing stag pa]] birch tree [JV]
[[shing spang]] woodland meadow [JV]
[[shing pho stag]] male wood tiger year [JV]
[[shing pho byi]] wood male mouse year [JV]
[[shing mo phag]] wood-female-pig year [JV]
[[shing mo sbrul]] wood female snake year [JV]
[[shing bzo pa]] carpenter [JV]
[[shin tu khu sim pa]] very quiet [JV]
[[shin tu gal gnad]] extremely important [JV]
[[shin tu che ba]] extremely [JV]
[[shin tu nyams dga' ba]] very pleasant [JV]
[[shin tu mtho ba]] very high [JV]
[[shin tu 'dzoms po]] totally perfect [JV]
[[shin tu ya mtshan]] very strange [JV]
[[shin tu ya mtshan pa]] amazing [JV]
[[shin tu yi mug]] very unhappy, very sad [JV]
[[shin tu legs]] very good, auspicious [JV]
[[shin tu legs pa]] excellent [JV]
[[shin tu gsal sgros can]] very clear and elegant [JV]
[[shin tu gsal la dag pa]] very clear and pure [JV]
[[shugs kyis chod pa]] cut through as a matter of course [JV]
[[shugs chen po bskyed]] concentrate [JV]
[[shugs bton]] sing loudly [JV]
[[shugs drag]] strongly express [JV]
[[shul kha]] road [JV]
[[shul du lus pa gang zhig kyang med pa]] no trace is left behind [JV]
[[she mong rgyas]] muscles full [JV]
[[sher snying]] Heart of Transcendent Knowledge [JV]
[[shel dkar mchod rten]] crystal of white crystal [JV]
[[shel gyi me long]] crystal mirror [JV]
[[shel snang]] visible appearance of the crystal [JV]
[[shel brag mthing sngon]] blue crystal rock [JV]
[[shel brag phug pa]] crystal rock cave [JV]
[[shel brag me long]] crystal mirror [JV]
[[shes rgyun]] continuity of awareness [JV]
[[shes pa tsam gyis]] by merely understanding [JV]
[[shes pa sing nge ba]] lucid wakefulness [JV]
[[shes pa'i sgo nas]] with the awareness of [JV]
[[shes par gyis shig]] know that [JV]
[[shes rab chen po]] total prajna [JV]
[[shes rab tsam]] merely intelligence [JV]
[[shes rig rgyal po]] king of consciousness [JV]
[[shog bya]] kite [JV]
[[shog sbag]] firecrackers [JV]
[[shog smyug]] paper and pen [JV]
[[gshis thog tu phebs pa]] have an immediate experience in one's own state [JV]
[[gshis thog tu shor ba]] straying into the innate [JV]
[[gshis la gnas pa]] abiding in the real condition [JV]
[[gshis shor gyi gol sa]] deviation where one falls away from one's innate disposition [JV]
[[gsho mo]] lever [JV]
[[gshog gling]] separate plates [JV]
[[bshal lam]] diarrhea [JV]
[[bshi ring nge]] shrieked [JV]
[[bshugs glu'i dbyangs]] whistling tune [JV]
[[bshud sgra]] whistle [JV]
[[bshe'u]] inundation, flood [JV]
[[bshor po]] liberal, munificent [JV]
[[sa rgyus]] geography [JV]
[[sa gcig pa]] single stage [JV]
[[sa rdul]] dust [JV]
[[sa non pa]] achieving the level [JV]
[[sa sna ru]] border [JV]
[[sa snum]] kerosene [JV]
[[sa phug]] cave, hole, cavern [JV]
[[sa pho rta]] earth-male-horse year [JV]
[[sa pho stag]] earth-male-tiger [JV]
[[sa ma non pa]] not achieving the level [JV]
[[sa mo yos]] earth female hare year [JV]
[[sa mo lug]] earth-female-sheep year [JV]
[[sa rtsa]] crude [JV]
[[sa gzhi der]] on the ground [JV]
[[sa bzung]] perceived as earth [JV]
[[sa ya]] one million [JV]
[[sa yos]] earth hare year [JV]
[[sa gshis]] place [JV]
[[sa gshis mtho zhing gnam gshis grang]] cold elevated place [JV]
[[sangs rgyas thod pa'i rgyud]] Buddha Skull Tantra [JV]
[[sangs rgyas pas]] as enlightenment has been accomplished [JV]
[[sa'i khams]] element of earth [JV]
[[sa'i go la]] the earth, globe [JV]
[[sug mthil]] hoof [JV]
[[sum phrug]] three-fold [JV]
[[se gol gcig gtogs]] snapped his fingers [JV]
[[se pan]] capsicum, hot pepper, chili [JV]
[[seng khri]] lion throne [JV]
[[sems kyi klong du]] in the expanse of one's mind [JV]
[[sems kyi dge ba]] mental virtue, virtue of the mind [JV]
[[sems kyi ngang du]] in the nature of mind [JV]
[[sems kyi byed las]] function of mind [JV]
[[sems khrid]] teachings on the nature of mind [JV]
[[sems grol]] liberate the mind [JV]
[[sems can gyi sems nyid]] mind-essence of sentient beings [JV]
[[sems can rang rang gi]] of each individual being [JV]
[[sems rtog]] thoughts of the mind, thinking mind [JV]
[[sems rtog phra mo]] subtle thoughts of the mind [JV]
[[sems snang]] mental vision, mind & vision [JV]
[[sems snang mched pa]] develop mental vision [JV]
[[sems snang 'du 'bral med pa]] no union nor separation between mind and vision [JV]
[[sems byung yul nges]] determining mental factors [JV]
[[sems rig 'byed]] separate the mind and rigpa [JV]
[[sems la gnod pa byas pa]] bring harm to the mind [JV]
[[sems shugs]] enthusiasm [JV]
[[so thar]] individual liberation [JV]
[[so sman bye ma]] tooth powder [JV]
[[so so'i las snang]] each individual's karmic vision [JV]
[[son phan]] abacus [JV]
[[som nyi]] doubt [JV]
[[soms]] consider how [JV]
[[sor gang ba tsam]] about a fingerbreadth [JV]
[[sor rtogs ye shes]] discriminating wisdom [JV]
[[sor 'dus]] withdrawal [JV]
[[sol ril]] briquette [JV]
[[srang lam]] lane, alley, path [JV]
[[sran snum]] bean oil [JV]
[[sran ser]] soybean [JV]
[[srab mda']] reins [JV]
[[srid gnas]] abodes of existence [JV]
[[srid gnas drug]] six abodes of existence [JV]
[[srid pa hrul por byed pa]] existence falls into pieces [JV]
[[srid mtsho]] ocean of existence [JV]
[[srid mtshor 'khyams pa]] wander in the ocean of existence [JV]
[[srid las rnam grol]] complete liberation from existence [JV]
[[srin gong]] cocoon [JV]
[[srung skyobs byas]] has been safeguarded [JV]
[[srung ba sna tshogs]] various protective means [JV]
[[sred bo]] miserly [JV]
[[srog chad]] cease to be [JV]
[[srog mthu]] life force [JV]
[[srog rtsol 'pho ba]] life force and descent [JV]
[[sla gam]] half-moon [JV]
[[slar mi ldog]] one does not return again [JV]
[[slebs 'ong]] coming towards [JV]
[[slob khang]] classroom, schoolroom [JV]
[[slob khrid bgyid]] gave teachings, giving teachings [JV]
[[slob ston bgyis pa]] told [JV]
[[slob deb]] textbook [JV]
[[slob tshogs 'dus pa rnams]] students [JV]
[[slob tshogs rnams]] students [JV]
[[gsang rgya]] secrecy [JV]
[[gsang gter]] secretly discovered terma [JV]
[[gsang don]] secret [JV]
[[gsang 'byung]] secret elements [JV]
[[gsar bzhengs]] newly built [JV]
[[gsal rgyas su bstan]] taught clearly and extensively [JV]
[[gsal dwangs dri med]] clear limpid immaculate [JV]
[[gsal gdangs]] cognizant expression [JV]
[[gsal mdangs]] luminous radiance [JV]
[[gsal por mkhyen thub]] can be clearly understood [JV]
[[gsal por mngon thub]] will clearly see [JV]
[[gsal por mjal]] clearly saw [JV]
[[gsal por shar]] appear clearly [JV]
[[gsal ba'i 'dren pa]] explanation [JV]
[[gsal ba'i 'od]] light which clearly manifests [JV]
[[gsal bar mngon byung]] had the clear impression [JV]
[[gsal byed kyi sgra]] sound of consonants [JV]
[[gsal tsam rig tsam]] mere clarity and presence [JV]
[[gsal sa le ba]] vividly clear [JV]
[[gsal lham mer 'char]] vividly appeared [JV]
[[gsung skad sgrom shin tu che ba]] a very elegant voice [JV]
[[gsung gi yang snying]] quintessence of teachings [JV]
[[gsung rgyud]] oral lineage [JV]
[[gsung dbyangs snyan la dal ba]] slow and melodious tone [JV]
[[gsungs gyin]] teaching [JV]
[[gsum po]] the three [JV]
[[gsum re]] each with three [JV]
[[gser sku]] golden image [JV]
[[gser gyi]] golden [JV]
[[gser mdangs 'bar ba]] shining in golden light [JV]
[[gser phye]] gold dust [JV]
[[gser zhun gyis bris pa]] written with molten gold [JV]
[[gso thag]] hempen cord [JV]
[[gson dus]] when one was alive [JV]
[[gsol pa]] said [JV]
[[gsol mar]] butter [JV]
[[gsos sman]] restore and benefit [JV]
[[gsos su 'gyur]] nourishing [JV]
[[bsang chu]] purifying water [JV]
[[bsang bu]] food, fare [JV]
[[bsangs sbyangs]] applying this purification [JV]
[[bsam brjod]] thoughts & explanations [JV]
[[bsam gtan sgom pa]] cultivating samadhi [JV]
[[bsam gtan spyod lam]] attitude of samadhi [JV]
[[bsam mtha' yas pa]] inconceivable [JV]
[[bsam na]] if one leaves thought free [JV]
[[bsam gzhig legs par btang ba]] examined carefully [JV]
[[bsam bse'u]] seminal vesicle [JV]
[[bsu skyel]] went to greet [JV]
[[bsu sman]] clyster [JV]
[[bsu ru btang]] send to invite [JV]
[[bsod nams kyi tshogs]] accumulation of merit [JV]
[[ha yegs]] woe [JV]
[[had kyis]] suddenly [JV]
[[has]] exaggeration, hyperbole [JV]
[[hi ra]] diamond [JV]
[[hi ling]] noise [JV]
[[hus]] moisture, humidity [JV]
[[hon hon]] stupid, foolish [JV]
[[hrul por byed pa]] to fall into pieces [JV]
[[hrem pa]] swollen [JV]
[[lha sgom pa]] meditating on a deity [JV]
[[lha 'dre'i cho 'phrul]] power of gods and demons [JV]
[[lha bu'i bdud]] demon of the son of the Devas [JV]
[[lha 'brum]] smallpox [JV]
[[lhag pa zhig]] more than [JV]
[[lhag pa zhig la]] more than [JV]
[[lhag med myang ngan las 'das pa]] nirvana without remainder [JV]
[[lhang gis skyes pa]] vividly arisen [JV]
[[lhang nger 'bar ba]] brightly shining [JV]
[[lhan du bsdad pa]] stayed with [JV]
[[lham mer bkra]] vividly manifest [JV]
[[lham mer gsal ba]] brightly shining [JV]
[[lha'i dngos grub]] siddhi from the deities [JV]
[[lha'i bsnyen pa]] divine approximation [JV]
[[lha'i rna ba]] divine ear [JV]
[[lha'i rnal 'byor]] deity yoga [JV]
[[lhar snang yul med]] what appears as deity does not exist as an object [JV]
[[lhar 'dzin pa po]] the one who conceives a deity [JV]
[[lhug par]] relaxed, in a relaxed way [JV]
[[lhug par skyong ba]] maintains in a relaxed manner [JV]
[[lhug par skyongs]] sustain it in a relaxed way [JV]
[[lhun gyis 'jug pa]] entering spontaneously [JV]
[[lhun grub kyi snang ba]] vision of self-perfection [JV]
[[lhun grub snang ba]] vision of self-perfection [JV]
[[lhun grub dbyings]] dimension of self-perfection [JV]
[[lhun grub yon tan]] qualities of self-perfection [JV]
[[lhun grub rang bzhin]] nature of self-perfection [JV]
[[lhun grub rol pa]] self-perfected Rolpa [JV]
[[lhem lhem du]] vibrating [JV]
[[lhems lhem du]] vibrating [JV]
[[lhems lhem pa]] dazzling [JV]
[[lho]] south [JV]
[[lho bkra shis sgar]] Tashigar South near Tanti in Argentina [JV]
[[lho sprin]] southern cloud [JV]
[[lho a me ri ka]] South America [JV]
[[lho a me ri kha]] South America [JV]
[[lhog rgod]] fatal ulcerous sores [JV]
[[a dkar bla ma'i rnal 'byor]] Guruyoga of the White A [JV]
[[a dkar 'tsher ba]] brilliant white AH [JV]
[[a gar sgron shing]] cedar [JV]
[[a chen rgyal po]] cosmic king [JV]
[[a ti rdzogs pa chen po]] Ati Dzogpa Chenpo [JV]
[[a 'thas mtshan ma]] fixation and conceptions [JV]
[[a phyi]] grandmother [JV]
[[a yu mkha' 'gro]] Ayu Khandro [JV]
[[a shu]] apricot [JV]
[[a sru]] aunt [JV]
[[a gsal la]] openly, manifestly, publicly [JV]
[[an]] white chalk [JV]
[[an dre ya del an ge lo]] Andrea Dell'Angelo [JV]
[[am chog]] ear, bosom [JV]
[[ar jag rgod]] wild bandits [JV]
[[ar gtad pa]] directly gazing at [JV]
[[ar 'dam]] cement [JV]
[[ar dza ka]] cotton [JV]
[[as ma gar bha]] emerald [JV]
[[i ta li ya'i skad]] Italian language [JV]
[[u rgyan bstan 'dzin]] uncle of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu [JV]
[[u rgyan rdul bral gling]] immaculate land of Oddiyana [JV]
[[u rgyan shel brag rdul bral gling]] Land of the stainless crystal rock of Oddiyana [JV]
[[e ster]] Easter [JV]
[[e byed]] will you do? [JV]
[[e yod]] does there exist? [JV]
[[en ri ko del an ge lo]] Enrico Dell'Angelo [JV]
[[em chung gnam rdzong]] hermitage in Khamdogar [JV]
[[o rgyan gyi skad]] Oddiyana language [JV]
[[o ce a ni ya]] Oceania [JV]
[[og rgya]] beard [JV]
[[ong log]] ptarmigan [JV]
[[aus tra li ya]] Australia [JV]
[[rat na dpal 'dzin ma]] Ratna Paldzinma [JV]
[[ci'ang ma mchis]] not have in any way [JV]
[[hua hin]] Hua Hin in Thailand [JV]
ka dag stong nyid]] primordially pure emptiness, emptiness of primordial purity [JV]
[[kar ma dpal 'dzin ma]] Karma Paldzinma, dakini in retinue of Yudronma [JV]
[[kun mkhyen]] all-knowing, Buddha, Omniscient One, all-knowing, physician, epithet of buddha and highest order of bodhisattva, omniscience [JV]
[[kun chub]] wisdom, all-perfection, divine knowledge, total realization [JV]
[[kun tu rtog pa]] parikalpita, stage 3 of rtog med, logical fictions, infinite possibilities of a bewildering variety of appearance, unlimited variety of numbers and shapes arising from duality, introduced by rnam par rtog pa, imagined (coarse), SA kun rtog, thought, conceptualizing [JV]
[[kun tu brtags pa two-fold]] pluralistic]] the knowable [JV]
[[kun tu gsal]] sky, clear inside and outside, very clear, lucid, illuminated, shines clearly everywhere [JV]
[[kun rtog]] coarse stage of mentality, infinite possibilities of a bewildering variety of appearance, conceptually determined and subject-object divided, worldly thoughts, fancy, illusory associations, SA rtog pa, rnam rtog, SA rnam rtog, imputation, concepts, thinking, thoughts [JV]
[[kun snang]] all-illuminating, totality of vision [JV]
[[kun 'byung]] source of all, origin, noble truth of frustration, origin of suffering, source, all-growing, misery, sin , origin of all [JV]
[[kun rdzob]] samvrtya, commonly accepted truth, conventionally real, superficial, illusory, obscured, relatively true, log pa'i kun rdzob delusively conventionally real, SA yang dag kun rdzob, the relative plane, relative reality, at a relative level, of the relative condition [JV]
[[kun rdzob two-fold]] yang dag kun rdzob veridically conventionally real [JV]
[[kun gzhi]] alaya, (universal, primal, common) ground, substratum-awareness, foundation of everything, stratum of all and everything, accounts for unity of being all ground, common comprehensive foundation of both samsara and nirvana, fundamental structuring of all experience spirit, primeval in a special sense, innermost essence, inherent nature all-ground spirit, basis, mind, base of all, base, (sometimes synonymous with rang byung ye shes, byang chub sems, bon nyid), primordial base, universal ground of emptiness, the basis of everything, universal base consciousness, universal basis, ground of all ordinary experience [JV]
[[kun gzhi two-fold]] alaya & alaya-vijnana [JV]
[[ko ki lak sha]] a tree [JV]
[[klong]] space, vast expanse, point-instant, undulating movement, subsection, sphere, extend, mass, body, bulk, depth, abyss, wave, any undulating thing, expresses idea of vastness or space, center, middle, under one's power, fully comprehended, over-powered, compass, SA dkyel, internal space, dimension, primordial dimension, dimension of the natural essence, in the dimension of [JV]
[[klong gyur]] attain the totally realized state, has been mastered [JV]
[[klong 'dres pa]] integrated in the dimension, merging in the dimension [JV]
[[dkyus]] twisted into a point, length, length-wise, untruth, untrue, spurious, bold, insolent, main part of a text [JV]
[[dkrogs]] shook awake, disturbed [JV]
[[bka' drin]] favors, grace, kindness, boon, kindness, be so kind as to, gracious, precious, kind, grateful [JV]
[[bka' lung]] precepts, instructions, advice, command-prophecy, suggested, order, injunction, spiritual exhortation, admonition, recitation transmission, teaching [JV]
[[bkug pa]] bend, curve, hunch, drawn or pulled forward, to arrest, to keep under control, to inhale, fast inhalation [JV]
[[bkol ba]] boil, bind to service, employ, SA 'khol ba, to be under the absolute sway of, separation [JV]
[[bkra]] wash, SA 'khrud pa, manifest [JV]
[[bkra ba]] variegated characteristic (melody while mtshan ma is the sound) clearly, beautiful, vivid, adorned, variegated, multicolored, blooming, glossy, well-fed, multicolored, beautiful, lovely, bright, shining [JV]
[[bkra shis sgar]] Tashigar (South near Tanti in Argentina, North on Margarita Island in Venezuela), rdzogs chen 'dus sde under chos rgyal nam mkha'i nor bu near Cordova Argentina [JV]
[[rkang lag]] foot, limb [JV]
[[rkyen gyis]] because of, due to, owing to, because, for, therefore, so, by reason of, on account of, by, by reason of this condition, caused by [JV]
[[rkyen gsum]] 3 conditions for existence, 3 conditions of concretization, (appearance, symbols like gestures & language, possibilities of experience) motility-mentality is subtle & primary, fertilizing power of ma and pa is coarse and cause factor, organizatory, materiality-developing process is opaque & concomitant, SA mtshan ma, mtshungs pa de ma thag rkyen [JV]
[[skad]] voice, sound, speech, language, cry, say, ladder, noise, shout, yell, "it is said" particle, I had heard that, I found out that, declare [JV]
[[skabs 'gar]] occasionally, sometimes [JV]
[[skabs der]] while, at that moment, at that time, then, on that occasion, now, at this point, thereafter, at the time of, during that time, at present, in that moment, at the very same moment [JV]
[[skal ba]] chance, portion, share, good fortune, lot, fate, destiny, allotment, opportunity, lucky, condition [JV]
[[skal ba mchog ldan]] excellent condition, endowed with the best fortune [JV]
[[sku]] kaya, body, dimension, primordial contact, authentic existence, embodied being, real being, existential value of being, being-as-value, existential significance, possibilities of being in the world, pattern of man's existence, man's being in an environment, incarnate existence, significant being-in-the-world, authentic being in the world, true existence, structures of experience, dimension of existence, Guru's Body, forms, communication, buddha-bodies, honorific his her or yours, dimension of awakening, dimension of form, enlightened embodiment, dimensions of awakening, awakened dimensions, bodily form, statue, forms of deities, figure, enlightened form [JV]
[[sku gzhon]] young, youthful body [JV]
[[sku gzugs]] physical body, statue, body [JV]
[[skur gyur]] transformed into the body of, to take on the form of [JV]
[[skor]] about, with regard to, on, circle, luminous circle, lantern, hang up, SA skar ba, cycle of literature, trilogies, set of teachings, round, class, order, appertaining to, subject, body, anything round, section, division, repetition, religious circumambulation, about, concerning, to surround, encircle, to go around, circumambulate, circumference [JV]
[[skyid sdug]] joy & pain, union, good and ill-luck, happiness and misery, one's general circumstances, happiness and misery, good and adverse fortune, ill-luck, joys and sorrows [JV]
[[skye mched]] ayatanas, (arise]] spread), (interactional, operational, cognitive, sense, psychological action) fields, sources, interactional bases, localized fields of sensations, sensory creation of one's world, Vasubhandu, SA ci yang med pa'i skye mched, zil gyis gnon pa'i skye mched, rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched, sphere (name for the 4 formless dhyana), sense-bases/factors, sense bases, sources and places of origin of the senses, inner and outward organs of sense, field of extension (consciousness emerges and spreads), sense faculties, experiential medium, bases, sense sources, sense functions [JV]
[[skye gnas]] seats of rebirth, birthplace, station, locality, female generative organ, state of birth, sphere of rebirth, rebirth [JV]
[[skye med]] without birth, unoriginatedness, unoriginated, unborn, never becomes what it seems to be, does not come about, non-arising, uncreated, not produced, beyond birth, nonarising [JV]
[[skyed]] formation, generation, news, SA skyes, growth, progress, increase, interest, profit, gain, to grow, increase, widen,\, develop [JV]
[[skyes bu]] individuals, purusa, superior man, man, holy man, person, noble person, great being [JV]
[[skyes bu chen po]] great man, saint, epithet of Buddha, great practitioner [JV]
[[skyongs]] protect, SA skyong ba, to continue, to train, sustain, continue the training, maintain [JV]
[[bskur mdzad pa]] that you sent, has sent [JV]
[[bskul]] activate, excite, incite into action, SA skul ba, encouraged [JV]
[[bskul ma 'debs]] rebuke, incite, exhorted [JV]
[[bskor ba]] circulate, cycle, to rotate, SA tshigs sbyong lnga, surrounded by, turning [JV]
[[bskyed]] cultivate, visualize, wave, is produced, are produced [JV]
[[bskyed rim]] utpannakrama, developing stage, stage of generation, gradual development of ideas, powers of an occult nature, generation phase, phase of creation, phase of development, generation process, steps of production, development stage, visualization process, creation stage [JV]
[[kha thug]] literal, straight, to the brim, directly [JV]
[[kha mthun pa]] unanimous, conspire, cooperate, agree upon, agreeing upon, together with, unanimously [JV]
[[kha ba dkar po]] important religious institution in khams, sacred mountain in southwest china [JV]
[[kha byang]] title, topic, subject, list, address, label, with the face downwards, learned, wise, general prophetic guide, prophetic guide, prophetic introduction, titles [JV]
[[khams]] constituents of experience [JV]
[[khams]] appetite, health, condition, physical constitution of the body, root, essential part, that which constitutes the nature of a thing, 6 elements (sa chu me rlung nam mkha' rnam shes), empire, territory, world, easternmost districts of tibet, semen, essence, proper name of Eastern Tibet, experiential element, sensory spheres, sense bases, sensory bases, acumen, elemental constitution, elemental condition, physical condition, sense constituents [JV]
[[khams dbang]] condition and capacities, person's disposition and capacity [JV]
[[khams gtsang]] tidy, refine [JV]
[[khar]] upon, on, at, beside, at the time of, name of a city, upon, "about to" clause connective, adjective conjunctive particle, verbal clause connective [JV]
[[khong du chud pa]] assimilated, obtained, fully comprehend, grasp, master, understand, knowledge, to internalize [JV]
[[khong nas]] from my depths, from my heart, out of, from within [JV]
[[khor yug]] outer wall of world (surrounds mount meru), horizon, 1 of 10 kings of mountains, SA ri'i rgyal po chen po bcu, SA nye 'khor, outmost limit, outer line or circumference, at all times, total dimension [JV]
[[khyab bdag]] encompass within oneself, all-pervading lord, lord, sovereign, all-pervasive identity, all-embracing [JV]
[[khyab brdal]] all-embracing, all-absorbing, all-encompassing, widely diffused, omnipresence, comprehensive, pervasive and extensive, pervades everything, all-pervading [JV]
[[khyams]] corridor, yard, courtyard, gallery, open, uncovered place, open passage or ground around a monastery or temple, court, hall [JV]
[[khyams chen]] big corridor, huge hall [JV]
[[khyugs se ba]] shimmering, dazzling [JV]
[[khri stegs]] seat, throne [JV]
[[khrid]] counsel, guidance, instructions, commentaries, explanation, lead, accompanied by, bringing with, instruction, tutelage, row, order, serial arrangement, SA 'khrid pa, instruction, past of 'khrid, explanation, guiding explanation, guidance, led [JV]
[[khrol]] play music, sounded, SA 'khrol ba, sound, loosening, unfastening, that which is unfastened, to walk, decipher [JV]
[[mkha' 'gro'i brda yig]] symbolic script of the Dakinis, dakini script [JV]
[[mkha' dbyings su gcer]] gaze directly into space, directly into open space [JV]
[['khor ba]] samsara, fictitious being, turn, use, utilize, apply, cyclical existence, transmigration, walk around, revolve, cycle, rotate, wheel, world, turn round, circumambulate, walk all round, elapse, be completed, be formed, perfected, rotatory existence, round of transmigration, cyclic existence, cyclic life, to linger in, spin [JV]
[['khyams]] dispersed, roaming about, transmigrate, wander [JV]
[['khyil ba]] pervade, contain, clasping (wind in womb) wind, twist, whirl round, swirl into, rolling, remaining, clot, curl, twisted, curly [JV]
[['khrigs]] stick together, couple, SA 'khrig pa, thickening, thickens [JV]
[['khrul]] distracted, mistake, frenzy, madness, error, illusion, mistaken, deranged, deluded, moral or intellectual mistakes, be insane, fall under illusion [JV]
[['khrul pa]] bharma, bhranti, going astray, mistaken, malfunctioning, deceptiveness, halfway between emotion and cognition, bewilderment, deviation from reality, error, errancy, erring, doppler shift, go astray, aimless, illusion, distortion, deception, deceptive, delusion, mistake, confusion, SA 'khrul, deception, confusion, mistaking [JV]
[['khrul med]] beyond illusion, without errors, inerrant, without delusion, unmistakably, without mistake, authentic, unmistakable, genuine, true, real, undeluded [JV]
[[ga la yod]] "how can it be okay?", how can there be, where are? [JV]
[[gang ltar yang]] maybe because of this, anyway, in any case [JV]
[[gang thub]] as far as possible, as much as possible [JV]
[[gang du'ang]] either, at whatever time, wherever, seldom, where, anywhere, everywhere, whatsoever [JV]
[[gang drag]] whatever is good, "it's a pity" construction, forgive me [JV]
[[gang zhig]] some, any, what, which, which one, whichever one, something [JV]
[[gang zag gi bdag]] self of the individual, self-identity [JV]
[[gang zag gi bdag med]] absence of a self in the individual, selflessness of persons self of persons [JV]
[[gang yin]] why, what for, whatever, something, there may be, what was, whether, what could it be [JV]
[[gang lags]] why?, what is? [JV]
[[ga'u]] small reliquary box, small box (pendant for keeping religious objects), locket, amulet, brooch containing charms [JV]
[[gal gnad]] important, utmost importance, crucial, stress [JV]
[[gis]] through the, according to, by, SA kyis, instrumental particle, adverbializer [JV]
[[gus pa]] eager for, rejoice, reverence, to revere, humility, respect, reverence, devotion, respectful, devout, paying respect to [JV]
[[go bsdur]] compare, consultation, discussion [JV]
[[goms pa]] habituation, be used to, spoil, skilled, wont, one practiced in any work, familiarization, adept, habit, accustomation, familiarity [JV]
[[gol]] separate, err, SA 'gol ba, to deviate from, erroneous [JV]
[[gyin]] repeatedly, (use present continuous tense), SA kying, while [JV]
[[gyur]] is, consumed, become, change, translate, SA 'gyur ba, past of 'gyur, are transformed into, to turn into, to find oneself in [JV]
[[gyur pa]] is, became, SA 'gyur ba [JV]
[[gyes]] going asunder, diffuse, SA so sor, 'gye ba, be dispersed, issue, spread, separation [JV]
[[grags pa]] resound, glory, fame, reputation, metaphor, bind, fasten, designated, SA 'grags pa, is found in, listed, to point out, to be exalted in, to be known as , resounding, nameable, divulged [JV]
[[grabs byas]] prepared to, to make preparations [JV]
[[grub pa]] comes into existence, is formed, valid, exist, is, proceed from, a datum, what is there, realized, that which is logically valid, service and attention, realize, accomplish, prove, understand, accomplishments, to be found if inquired into, established, proven, accomplished, saint, existing, success, mustard, SA 'grub pa, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, type of lha, magical emanation, corroborated, realization, realized ones, exist as, existence [JV]
[[grol]] liberation, freedom, release, releasing, disperse, loosen, deliver, deliverance, SA 'grol ba, to be over, to be let out (from class / meeting), are released, become liberated in, liberating, one will be liberated, dissolve, self-liberates [JV]
[[grol 'khrul]] liberation and delusion, liberation and illusion [JV]
[[gling kha]] garden, park, picnic [JV]
[[glo bur]] temporary, accidental, incidental, adventitious, fortuitous, suddenly, random, mere surface, merely superficial, immediately, momentary, sudden [JV]
[[gha]] (not in DAS) [JV]
[[ghan]] (not in DAS) [JV]
[[ghas]] (not in DAS) [JV]
[[ghu ra wi ra]] sacred place in central part of the world called Akara where thang stong rgyal po lives [JV]
[[dgag sgrub]] discrimination, refuting and defending, negating and proving, refuse or accept, deny or affirm, block off or encourage, inhibit and promote, repress or encourage, judging, repression or indulgence, suppression or indulgence [JV]
[[dga' thag chod]] very happy, being extraordinarily happy [JV]
[[dga' ba]] happy, delighted, joyful, rejoice, enjoy, like, love, enjoyment, be fond of, joy, joyous zest, sympathetic joy, zest, joyfulness, joyous excitement, 5 degrees linked with objective reference, head chakra, SA dgyes pa, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, delight, happiness, be pleased, 1 of dga' ba bzhi, to prefer, joyful realm, to delight in [JV]
[[dge]] propitious, virtue [JV]
[[dge sbyor]] practice of virtue, practice, one who has attained to a stage of holiness by religious devotion and works, spiritual practice, virtuous activities, virtuous actions [JV]
[[dgong dag]] I am sorry, night [JV]
[[dgongs don]] principles, meaning of the principle of consciousness, fundamental principle, sense of the instructions, intended meaning, ultimate knowledge, meaning, authentic principle [JV]
[[dgongs pa]] spiritual horizon, vision, primordial state, deep experience, realization, primordial condition, deepest sense, deep structure, intentionality, Mind, intention, state, mind, consideration, thought, opinion, view, to contemplate, intend, think, reflect, meditate, consider, permission, thought, fundamental principles, method of knowledge, principle of knowledge, Mind, true state, enlightened intent, intent, state of knowledge, state of realization, principle of knowledge, principle, state [JV]
[[dgongs pa rnal ma]] authentic principle, the natural primordial state, authentic principle of knowledge [JV]
[[dgos don]] significance, reason [JV]
[[bgyid]] to do, gave [JV]
[[mgur]] poems, specific song always sung by gurus about realization or dharma, SA mgu bar, throat, neck, voice, song, air, melody, religious song, meditative song, spiritual song [JV]
[[mgo 'khor ba]] fooling oneself, infatuated with, head being turned, puzzled, dizzy [JV]
[['gag pa med pa]] uninterrupted, SA 'gag med, without interruption, without interruption [JV]
[['gags]] cessation, hinder, stop, stay, SA 'gag pa, disappeared, cease [JV]
[['ga' yang med]] there is nothing, none whatsoever, not something, not any, never have any [JV]
[['gal ba]] contradiction, violate, commit, adverse, go against, contradictory, transgress, contradict, disagree, mistake, contradiction, to be at odds with [JV]
[['god pa]] write down, publish, issue, report, direct, SA bkod pa, design, project, plan, found, establish, lay out, build, manufacture, form, frame, put, fix, transfer into a certain state or condition, set or place in order, set down in writing, rule, govern [JV]
[['gyu ba]] working, fleeting movement of thoughts, movements, move quickly to and fro, lightning, quivering air in a mirage, motion and versatility of the mind, thought occurrence, movement of thought, movement, thoughts, thought movement, springs from [JV]
[['gyur med]] immutable, invariable, unchanging, immutably, unchangeable, infallible [JV]
[['gram du]] on the shore of, near, at beside, by, close by, close to, near [JV]
[['grig ga]] OK then, not bad, ok, all right, it'll do, appropriate, suitable, can, may, proper, right, correct [JV]
[['grib]] decrease, dim, decline [JV]
[['grub]] to achieve, fulfill, complete, there appears, to accomplish, will succeed, will be accomplished [JV]
[['grub par 'gyur]] will be finished, will be performed, will be accomplished [JV]
[['grogs]] to associate with, to have a close relationship with, to keep company with, together with [JV]
[['grol]] to untie, set loose, undo knots, to set free, release, liberate, decipher [JV]
[['gros]] order, gait, manner of walking, passage, demeanor [JV]
[[rgya]] mudra, India, China, seal, stamp, token, mark, sign, saiga antelope, net, trap, extent, size, it has been sealed, covering, shell, whiskers, GYA [JV]
[[rgya che]] very learned, larger, more extensive, huge [JV]
[[rgya che ba]] huge, broad, wide, large, extent, far-reaching consequences, great ramifications, extensive (refers to spyod pa and the ethical side of the Buddha's teaching) great, copious, diffused, spacious, unlimited [JV]
[[rgya mtsho cog bzhag]] 1 of cog bzhag, state of relaxation similar to the ocean (eyes which are open), chogzhag of the ocean [JV]
[[rgyag]] expressing, rushes on one, auxiliary verb (build, shoot, do), to make a prayer [JV]
[[rgyal spyi]] worldwide, internationality, international [JV]
[[rgyal dbang]] victorious lord, Dalai Lama [JV]
[[rgyu]] primary cause, motive, goal-seeking character of life, necessary condition, immanent teleology, directed control, impetus, initial impulse, sustaining cause factor, Tathagatagarbha, be going to, shall, will, cause, root cause, cause, driving power, motive of Buddhahood, causal forces, SA byed rgyu, lhan cig 'byung ba'i rgyu, skal mnyam gyi rgyu, mtshungs ldan gyi rgyu, kun 'gro'i rgyu, rnam smin gyi rgyu, nyer len gyi rgyu, skyed byed kyi rgyu, gsal byed kyi rgyu brand, kind of blanket, matter, substance, material, arrangement, preparation, stuff for weaving, (indicates supine or infinitive), nominalizing particle, future tense particle, "should not" construction particle, to string, to put into a hole, indicates future tense of verb, to circulate, flow [JV]
[[rgyu med]] fortuitous, impossible, without any cause, no question of, no cause for, without a cause [JV]
[[rgyun mi 'chad]] goes on without interruption, unceasingly, is not discontinuous, continuous, without interruption, uninterrupted flow, knows no interruption [JV]
[[sgam]] shelf, chest, suitcase, trunk, box, testes, box [JV]
[[sgur]] bearing, SA dgur, bowed [JV]
[[sgo chen]] big door, great gate, big gate [JV]
[[sgo nas]] by, adverbializer (in the manner of, by means of), having done something, through, with [JV]
[[sgom med]] beyond meditation, nothing to be meditated upon, nonmeditation, without meditation, SA rnal 'byor rnam bzhi [JV]
[[sgor]] spindle in a turning lathe, money, dollar, rupee, in the gate of [JV]
[[sgyu 'phrul]] manifestation, apparitional manifestations, magical display, miracle, miraculous play, magical deception, series of mahayoga in 80 chapters, magical illusion [JV]
[[sgyu 'phrul drwa ba]] web of illusion, main mahayoga tantra, full title is rdo rje sems dpa' sgyu 'phrul drwa ba rtsa ba'i rgyud gsang ba snying po gsang ba snying po SA sgyu 'phrul drwa ba, a name designating certain mahayoga texts especially the gsang ba snying po, The Net of Magic Manifestation, magical net [JV]
[[sgyu lus]] apparitional existence, apparition as a magic spell, vision of phantom-body, apparitional embodiment, illusory body, immaterial body of the soul in bardo, (animal, human, apparent) body, phantom, illusion body, illusory body [JV]
[[sgra thal 'gyur]] Transcendental Sound, 1 of 17 man ngag sde tantras [JV]
[[sgrib]] pollution, eclipse, cover over, defilement, obscure, SA sgrib pa, to cover, to conceal, obstacles [JV]
[[sgrog]] strap, 1 of 28 constellations, SA rgyu skar, to shout, call out, to utter, to sound, was pronouncing [JV]
[[sgrom bu]] small box, casket, vessel, casket, drombu, drombu (oval casket indicating the rediscovery of a terma) [JV]
[[brgal]] controversy, disputation, ford, SA rgal pa, to walk along [JV]
[[brgyags]] victuals, provisions, make [JV]
[[bsgrags]] proclaimed, read, recited loudly, call, SA sgrog pa, past of sgrog, intoned [JV]
[[bsgrub]] make a reality of, accomplish, make ready, approach, complete, SA sgrub pa, bsnyen pa, future of sgrub, method of practice, to practice, to obtain, secure [JV]
[[ngag snyan]] cuckoo, pleasant voice, sweet language, poetry, voice will be melodious [JV]
[[ngang skyong ba]] continuity, is maintained [JV]
[[ngang rgyun]] continuous state, continuity [JV]
[[ngang du lus]] to be stranded in, I was left in this condition [JV]
[[ngang tshul]] natural disposition or temperament, good conduct, naturally good disposition, 1 of 23 famous buddhist sages, condition, condition, nature [JV]
[[nges med]] optional, unnecessary, unknown, varied, casual, contingency, uncertain, unlikely, number, undefined, homeless, cannot be limited, spontaneous, indeterminate, unspecified, unpredictable [JV]
[[ngo sprod]] introduction, to introduce, to encounter transmission, pointing out, identity, introduction, introduction to people or topics, pointing-out instruction, to discover, pointing-out instruction, direct introduction [JV]
[[ngo 'phrod]] realized, realization, can discover, discovered in oneself, discovers [JV]
[[ngo bo nyid]] factuality, temperament, character, essential nature, fundamental nature, the real condition of, ultimate nature, the essence itself, the very essence [JV]
[[ngo bo nyid kyi sku]] svabhavikakaya, 2 aspects are rang bzhin rnam dag (pure in being itself) and blo bur dri bral (pure as regards removal of incidental stains), dimension of the existence of the union of chos sku, essential kaya, Essence-Kaya [JV]
[[ngo bo nyid sku]] essential dimension of awakening, Essence-Kaya [JV]
[[ngogs]] bank of river or lake, surface [JV]
[[ngos su]] openly, on the face, publicly, plainly, facing, towards the slope, on the cover, on the surface of, at the surface of [JV]
[[dngos grub]] obtainment, siddhi, realization, attainments, rewards of one's labor, wealth, juice, enriching, opulent, accomplishment sought for, perfection, excellence, anything superior, honor, riches, talents, wisdom, spiritual power, 8 ordinary acquisitions (ral gri'i dngos grub, ril bu, mig sman, rkang mgyogs, bcud len, mkha' spyod, mi snang ba, sa 'og), SA mchog gi dngos, thun mong dngos grub, feat [JV]
[[dngos po med]] non-existent, immaterial [JV]
[[mngon gyur]] immediately given, manifest, clearly before one's eyes, manifest phenomenon, direct, manifest phenomenon, to concretely realize, actualized, have realized, will realize [JV]
[[mngon 'gyur]] manifest, realize, to make really so, SA mngon gyur, become manifest, make manifest, become manifest, concrete, actualized, to be actualized, realization [JV]
[[mngon du gyur pa]] "the one which is present" (6th level, discriminating awareness), actualize, manifesting stage, 1 of 10 stages of bodhisattva perfection, to be made manifest, realization, has been realized [JV]
[[mngon du byas]] made manifest, seek to realize [JV]
[[mngon du byed pa]] to concretely apply, is made manifest [JV]
[[mngon rdzogs rgyal po]] Ngˆndzog Gyalpo, king of the perfected ones [JV]
[[lnga ldan]] city in ancient khoteng, liyul, fivefold, five-colored, fivefold (manifestation of colors) [JV]
[[sngar]] before, beforehand, previously, formerly, at first, formerly, in the past, as before, prior to, former, previous, before, previously, just like before, earlier, of the past [JV]
[[sngo skya]] pale-green, light blue, grayish-blue [JV]
[[sngon rjes]] before and after, preceding and following, earlier & later occasions, one after the other [JV]
[[sngon dus]] formerly, of old, anciently, ancient time, olden times, previously [JV]
[[cang med]] absolute nothingness, never [JV]
[[ci snang]] no matter what is perceived, whatever appears [JV]
[[ci rigs]] whatever is appropriate, suitable, some degree of, variety, some, whichever [JV]
[[ci rigs pa]] in some measure, to a certain degree, in part, partly, of very sort, various, variety, whichever, some [JV]
[[cung tsam na]] a short time later, a little while later [JV]
[[cung zhig na]] after a short while, after a short time, after awhile, at a certain point [JV]
[[cog bzhag]] 4 aspects of practice of contemplation, SA ri bo cog bzhag, rgya mtsho cog bzhag, rig pa'i cog bzhag, snang ba cog bzhag, imperturbable rest, leaving everything as it is, Chogzhag [JV]
[[gcig tu bsdus pa]] unity, unified, combine, gather together [JV]
[[gcig pa]] same, alike, compatible, equal, equivalent, parity, same, uniform, uniformity, the first, of one kind, not different, not manifold, one single thing, correspond to, sameness [JV]
[[gcud pa]] turn, turn round, twist, twine, plait, braid, stabilized, conditioned by [JV]
[[bcang]] hold, SA 'chang ba, kept [JV]
[[bcos]] boil, prepare, make, artificial, build, put on clothes, SA 'tshod pa, 'cho ba, 'chos pa, bco ba, to make, create, self-correction, to improve, SA 'grams bcos, to fashion, adjust, correction [JV]
[[bcos bslad]] correcting and modifying, corrected, modification or adulteration [JV]
[[lcags glang]] Iron-Bull year, metal bull year [JV]
[[lcags sbrul]] iron-snake year, metal snake year [JV]
[[lcog]] pot, arched roof of house, turret, pinnacle, aquatic plant trapa bispinosa, table [JV]
[[cha rkyen]] condition, share of destiny, conditions, circumstances, facilities, factor, base, point, secondary factors [JV]
[[cha tshang]] complete in all its parts, complete suit of ornaments, complete entire, full, integrate, complete, all, whole, completely, in its entirety [JV]
[[cha tshang ba]] complete, finished, in its entirety [JV]
[[cha shas]] part of shape, part, portion, share, shape of the body, a single thing, partial, the body, limb, single aspect, fraction, proportion, each phenomenon, subtle concept [JV]
[[chags]] attraction, desire, love, dignified, indebtedness, animal, break, SA 'chag pa, to become, change into, breaches [JV]
[[chags sdang]] love and hate, passion for, passionate attachment, attachment & hatred, attachment and aversion [JV]
[[chags med]] no attachment, non-attachment, reversing one's obsession for the world, absence of attachment, non-desire [JV]
[[chad pa]] negativism, nihilism, break, snap, lack, be short of, bundle, open, separate, liberate, give out, promise, bind one's self, punishment, be descended from, eliminated, fail, lack, missing, intercourse, be born of or with, temporal, omit, nothingness, arising from [JV]
[[chas]] emblems, thing, tool, requisite, dress, assure, garment, appearance, form, shape, ornament, attire, dressed in the attire of accouterments, SA rgyan, SA 'che ba, prepare to [JV]
[[chub pa]] accomplished, perfected, realization [JV]
[[che chung]] big & small, magnitude, size, joint wife, great and small, dimensions, size, material limits, large and small, higher and lower [JV]
[[che la brjid pa]] big & majestic, large and majestic [JV]
[[ched du]] to this end, purposely, again, for, in order to, behalf, sake, for the purpose of, SA ched, purposive connective, before verbs, with intentionality, intentionally, deliberately, on purpose, on the occasion of, for the benefit, to [JV]
[[ches mang]] rather large, too many, so many [JV]
[[chod]] cut, chop off, decision, partition, wall, cutting, SA gcod pa, to suffice, resolved, severed [JV]
[[chos kun]] all that is, all that can be, all experiences, all phenomena, all events,, all dharmas, all the things [JV]
[[chos skor]] cycle of teachings, texts [JV]
[[chos 'chad]] explaining the doctrine, teaching the dharma [JV]
[[mched pa]] effulgence, spread of light, process of unfolding, increase, spread, gain ground, multiply, radiating, develop, increase [JV]
[['chad spel]] cultivate, explain [JV]
[['char gzhi]] intend, plan, plot, project, proposal, scheme, plan, basis, base of manifestation [JV]
[['chi bdag bdud]] devil, lord of death, demon of the lord of death [JV]
[[ji ltar bya]] what shall I do?, what to do? [JV]
[[ji bzhin]] as regards, just as it is, as it is, how, like what, in its very being, exactly as it is, natural , exactly, in an authentic manner, precisely, just as if, precise, precisely, very precisely [JV]
[[ji bzhin du]] accordingly, precisely, correctly, authentic [JV]
[[ji bzhin rig pa]] precise knowledge of rigpa, precisely recognizes, authentic rigpa [JV]
[[je che je che]] grew larger and larger, more and more [JV]
[[mjal du 'gro]] go to visit, walking to meet, going to visit, going to see [JV]
[[mjug bskyangs]] continued, concluded with, to continue [JV]
[['jam lhod]] peaceful and relaxed, silent [JV]
[['jug sgo]] approach, entryway, gateway, entrance, lead towards [JV]
[[rje ba]] change, barter, give in exchange, take in exchange, shift, pass on, engendering [JV]
[[rjes 'gro]] emulate, follow according to [JV]
[[rjes med]] without leaving any traces, trackless, without leaving a trace behind, traceless [JV]
[[ljang skya]] greenish-white, light green, grayish-green [JV]
[[brjid pa]] shine, glitter, splendor, magnificent, majestic, elegant [JV]
[[brjod pa]] mention, quote, utter, it is called, speaking [JV]
[[nyams]] feeling-sentiment, failures, soul, thought, strength, state, experiences, deteriorate, faults, experiential sign of the development of practice, violation, conviction, transgressor, corruption, corrupted, humiliated, apprehension of ideas, soul, manner, extent, degree, condition, elegance, charm, dignity, meditative experience, mystical experience, corrupted, meditation-mood, meditative moods, moods, diminish, signs-experiences, sign experience, impairments [JV]
[[nyams chags]] transgression, corruption, decline, decrement, impairments & breaches [JV]
[[nyi ma shar]] sun has risen, sun shines east, sun arises [JV]
[[nyi ma'i 'od]] names of the sun's rays (nam mkha' 'jal, 'od chags snang ba, gdung byed, tsha zer, chu 'thung 'od, mtshan mo 'joms, 'od kyi char, kun snang 'bar pa), light of the sun [JV]
[[nye drung du phyin]] coming near, went in front of it [JV]
[[nye gnas]] male organ, disciple, place nearby, near [JV]
[[nye bar len pa]] take up, conflicting emotions, having to put up with what you have, grasping, seize eagerly, strive for earnestly, aspire to, SA nyer len, to grasp at, continually experiencing [JV]
[[nyes]] shortcomings, to beat, hit, to beat, hit, danger, faults [JV]
[[nyes pa]] wrong doing, blame, faults, crime, slander, evil, misfortune, injurious occurrence, moral fault, offence, commit an offence, punishment, disease, to be in danger of, negative consequences [JV]
[[nyon mongs bdud]] devils of passion, demon of emotions [JV]
[[gnyis med]] advaya, freedom from duality, formal identity, non-duality, not two, unity, not different, union, matchless, identical, inseparability, indivisible, non-dual, nondual, inseparable, beyond the duality of, where there is no duality, without any duality, without duality, no duality [JV]
[[gnyis 'dzin]] holding to two, doubt, unsteadiness, wavering, dualistic fixation, dualistic grasping, grasping at duality, dualistic thinking, tied to dualism, dualistic perception, duality, who are always in dualism, dualism [JV]
[[mnyam nyid]] absolute, sameness, equanimity, identity, integration, great equanimity, fundamental alikeness, very sameness, impartiality, evenness, equality, justice, state of absolute identity, 1 of ting 'dzin rnam bzhi, the state of identity, unity, total equality, absolute equality, condition of sameness, state of equality [JV]
[[mnyam par]] equally, in the state of equanimity [JV]
[[mnyam par bzhag]] steady placement, resting steadily, remain in balance, equipoise, settling down, remain in equanimous contemplation, equanimity of contemplation, remain composed, keep mind composed, remained in they equanimity of contemplation, remained in the equality of contemplation [JV]
[[mnyam bzhag]] immediate experience, knowledge by experience into which no concepts enter, transcending awareness of mystic, illumination, to continue in the state, composure, concentration, non-conceptual primordial awareness, period of contemplation, knowledge through immediate experience, concentrative composure, hand gesture of meditative equanimity, settle into naturalness, meditative equipoise, absorption, naturalness, contemplative equipoise, sessions of practice, (for males, back of right hand on left palm with thumbs touching), state of even contemplation, equipoise, evenly composed, equanimity, evenness, remain in the equanimity of contemplation, to settle in the state of the equanimity of contemplation, hands in meditation gesture, remain in contemplation, remain in the equanimity of contemplation [JV]
[[snyan 'jeb]] sweet, melodious [JV]
[[snyan pa'i gsung dbyangs]] sweet melody, sweet sounding tone [JV]
[[snyigs ma]] whetstone, impurity in food, poison in food, impure, sediment, member between two joints, degenerate, residue, sewage, impure, impurities [JV]
[[snying po byang chub kyi sems]] bodhicitta of the essence, Bodhichitta essence, essence-bodhichitta [JV]
[[snyom 'jug]] absorptions, meditative absorption [JV]
[[te]] (stop letter) (affix denoting the gerund, finite tense when followed by 'dug or yod, continuative particle), number 99, gerundive connective, in fact [JV]
[[gtang]] give, send, SA gtong ba, to take, reduced to [JV]
[[gtan med]] perishable, without duration, no continuation, without a reference point [JV]
[[gtan tshigs]] logical, indisputable evidence, syllogism, reason, argument, SA brten nas btags pa'i gtan tshigs, expression of fixed meaning, sign, not deviating from what has been first settled, proof, demonstrated conclusion, logical reason, logical reason, establishing, criteria by which objects of intellectual knowledge are evaluated, logical justification, logical motivations, axiom, line of reasoning [JV]
[[gtan la phab]] to explain on the basis of, reach conclusions, reach a conclusion, [JV]
[[gtan la phab pa]] decide a question, to settle something, to reach a conclusion, reach conclusions [JV]
[[gtan la phebs]] will be established, ascertain, is ascertained [JV]
[[gtan la phebs pa]] come to understand, become certain about, to establish certainty, is ascertained, ascertain, have been ascertained [JV]
[[gtan la 'bebs]] resolve conclusively, explained and understood, to ascertain, establish, is established [JV]
[[gtan la ma phebs]] not established, haven not ascertained that [JV]
[[gting gsal]] profound clarity, profound depth of clarity, innermost luminosity [JV]
[[gtor]] diffuse, scatter, be strewn, expel, SA 'thor pa, 'thor ba, to destroy, demolish, scattering [JV]
[[btab]] transfiguration, sewn, expel, throw, SA 'debs pa, past of 'debs, past of 'debs, splash, to add, expressed [JV]
[[btab pa]] mark, SA 'debs pa, 1 of zhing las, to pronounce, to recite, to recite, prayed, gave [JV]
[[btud]] bend, bow, SA 'dud pa, bow down [JV]
[[bton pa]] drawn from, extracted, to take out, to take off, is caused to manifest, sing [JV]
[[rten]] basis, support, object, representation, seat, dwelling place, reliance, base, shrine, sacred, temple, because of, due to, owing to, because, for, working basis (the most precious human body and mind with the 3 kinds of confidence), being-there and being-oneself, situation, substratum, relic in shape of stupa or god that originated from parts of the corpse during cremation, hold, locative case, that which holds or contains or supports a thing, outer abode [JV]
[[rten khyad par can]] special basis, special sacred support [JV]
[[rten 'brel]] pratityasamutpada, interdependent (causation, origination, causes), functional (correlation, dependence), mutual relationship, interrelation, relativity, dependent arising, relational existence, causal nexus, interconnection, auspicious conjunction of events, 12 links of conditioned co-production (ma rig pa, 'du byed, rnam par shes pa, ming dang gzugs, skye mched drug, reg pa, tshor ba, sred pa, nye bar len pa, srid pa, skye ba, rga zhi), mutually, contributory, omen, diagnosis, circumstances combining to found a judgment, coincidence, sign, auspicious, ceremony, favorable circumstances, auspicious circumstances, ceremony, celebration, omen, interdependence, interdependent conditions, interdependent factors [JV]
[[rten med]] houseless, bodiless, no abode, unsupported, which has no support [JV]
[[rtogs]] attainment, understanding, comprehensive understanding, intuition, experiential realization, full grasp, thorough comprehension, consider, SA rtog pa, discovers, is understood [JV]
[[lta rtog]] theory and examination, management, observation, surveillance, vigil, ward, considerations, examining, examined [JV]
[[lta ba'i gnad]] key point of the view, main point of the view, essence of the view [JV]
[[lta bu]] resembled, as if [JV]
[[lta bu]] be like, to be as, be equal to, likeness, reflected image, image, similar, like, as, is it not the case that, is it not true that, such as, in similar way to, like it had been, and so forth [JV]
[[lta byed]] eye, observer [JV]
[[lte ba'i gnas gzhi]] central seat, center, main seat [JV]
[[stabs yag]] fortunately, luckily, lucky, fortunate, this is fortunate [JV]
[[ste]] affix for the gerund, gerundive connective, this is when, that is [JV]
[[stong pa'i ngang]] open state, dimension of emptiness, essentiality of voidness, empty condition [JV]
[[stong phrag mang po]] hundreds, many thousands [JV]
[[stong gsal]] empty cognizance, empty luminosity, empty and cognizant, emptiness and cognizance, emptiness & clarity, empty yet lucid, empty and aware, empty & clear [JV]
[[stod gos]] overcoat, upper garment, upper garment of buddhist monks, jacket [JV]
[[ston pa po]] demonstrator, explainer, teacher [JV]
[[brtag pa]] examined, careful inquiry, minute investigation, inquire into, section, examination, conceptualizing [JV]
[[brtan]] stabilizing, 1 of 28 astrological terms for harmony of influence in the destiny of a person, beneficent, on the ground, stable [JV]
[[brten]] relations, keep, SA rten pa, because, with the dat-loc+_+nas = basing/based on, depending on, to comply with, by applying, through, is based on, touching, thanks to the [JV]
[[bstan grub pa]] have transmitted, having finished teaching [JV]
[[bstan pa]] teaching, religion, doctrine, doctrinal teaching, system of doctrines, point out, directed, facing, shown, the doctrine or teaching of the Buddha, demonstration, to treat, to show, reveal, to be indicated by, to disclose, to display, to face toward, to transmit, transmitted, it can be shown that [JV]
[[bstan pa dam pa]] supreme teaching, sacred teaching [JV]
[[bstun pa'i]] which tallies with, according to, in accordance to [JV]
[[tha snyad tsam]] mere stipulation, denotation, designation, proposition, interpretation, conversational counters, nominal sense, the very expressions, mere designations [JV]
[[tha dad pa]] distinction, separated, not mixed up together, manifold, difference [JV]
[[tha ma]] lower beings, last vile, inferior, poor, humble, last, lowest, uttermost, at the end, lesser type, end [JV]
[[tha mal]] original, ordinary, in my ordinary form [JV]
[[thag chod pa]] solve, settle, to decide something to be the case, decide, be certain, certainty, surety, evidence, SA thag gcod pa, definitive recognize, definitive recognition, to disperse doubts, become certain, resolve, settle decisively, definitely realize, having the certainty that, gain the certainty that [JV]
[[thar]] SA thar thor, to escape, to get free, released [JV]
[[thig phran]] small thigles, small circles [JV]
[[thugs rje]] karuna, energy, compassion, grace, favor, mercy, blessing, value, compassionate (responsiveness, expression), noble (purpose, heart), generosity, pity, commiseration, responsiveness, felt reality, resonance, omnipresent (compassion, power), potentiality of energy, potentiality of manifestation, potentiality of manifestation of energy (SA gdangs, rol pa, rtsal), 1 of chos gsum, innate compassionate responsiveness, potentiality of one's state, potentiality of compassionate energy, potentiality of compassion-energy, responsiveness, capacity, potentiality, energy-potentiality [JV]
[[thengs 'gar]] a few more times, a few times [JV]
[[thog tu phab pa]] to communicate the real meaning, inflict, bring down upon [JV]
[[thog babs]] thunder, directly as it is in that very moment [JV]
[[thog mar]] in the beginning, at first, before, at the beginning of, prima facie, initially, at the beginning, first, first of all [JV]
[[thogs pa med pa]] non-obstructive, unhindered, unobstructed, no difficulties, without material obstructions, unimpeded [JV]
[[thob]] inner glow, throw, exhortation, receive, SA 'debs pa, wo win, to get, obtain, will be obtained [JV]
[[thob pa]] attain, possess, gain control over, accept, get, gain, obtain, receive, suffer, win, acquisition, find, get, become, profit, that which has been obtained, the sum, result of gain, acquire, earn, fare, inherit, win, possession, acquired, to reach, gain, had received [JV]
[[mtha' grol]] unbounded, liberated from extremes, free from extremes, liberated from all limitations, limitations self-liberate [JV]
[[mtha' grol chen po]] great liberation from all limits, total liberation from limitations, total state in which all limitations self-liberate [JV]
[[mtha' dbus]] border & center, periphery and center [JV]
[[mtha' med]] without limitations, boundless, unlimited, without end, infinite [JV]
[[mtha' med pa]] endless, eternal, everlasting, endless [JV]
[[mtha' las 'das]] beyond limitations, beyond extremes, transcending all extremes [JV]
[[mthar]] beyond, to the limit, ultimately, finally, at last, in the end, lastly, finally, in conclusion, to the very last, wholly, altogether, after, behind, finally, at last, in the end, to conclude, finality, at the end, until finally [JV]
[[mthing kha]] deep blue, azure blue, light blue, blue, sky-blue [JV]
[[mthing sngon]] a blue stone used in medicine, lapis lazuli, blue [JV]
[[mthing zhun]] a place on the tibetan-chinese frontier, molten blue, molten azurite [JV]
[[mthing shog]] dark blue paper, sky-blue paper [JV]
[[mtho dman]] height, high & low, height, levels, higher and lower [JV]
[[mtho rim]] high level, university [JV]
[[da snga]] before, in the past, previously [JV]
[[da lta lam sang]] at once, now right away, right now [JV]
[[dang ldan pa]] possessed of, provided with, possessing, having, endowed with [JV]
[[dang 'brel]] related to, joined with, "together with" connective, connected to [JV]
[[dam chos]] noble doctrine, holy dharma, supreme teaching [JV]
[[dam pa]] true, pure, just right, together (bodily tactile), reliable, solid, decent, real, ultimately real, sublime, most excellent, worthy person, worthwhile, holy persons, learned, best, sacred, sanctity, excellent, superior, best, steady, firm, tight, holy, deceased, the late, holiness, the good, the late, the deceased, supreme state, authentic, elevated, supreme [JV]
[[dal cig]] once, a moment, a while, for awhile, for awhile [JV]
[[dud kha]] having the color of smoke, family, household, smoke-emitters, chimney, smoky brown, dark brown [JV]
[[dus chen]] festival, solar terms, season, fete, holiday, festival, holiday, occasion, anniversary [JV]
[[dus ston]] periodical feast, ceremony, festival, holiday, festival, anniversary [JV]
[[dus de tsam zhig na]] at that moment, at about the same time [JV]
[[dus babs]] appointed time, natural course of events, such a timely method, so timely, appropriate time [JV]
[[dus med]] no occasion, endless, time never arrives, never, will never [JV]
[[de ga]] that, that one, precisely so, just so, that itself, this itself [JV]
[[de sngon]] previously, in the past, before [JV]
[[de rjes su]] subsequently, then, it was followed by [JV]
[[de thog tu]] from the start, in that state itself, in that state [JV]
[[de nas]] secondly, then, after that, afterwards, from there, thence, then, after that, next, from that time onwards [JV]
[[de nas bzung]] since that time, from then onwards, from that point onwards [JV]
[[de bas na]] therefore, hence, thus, so then, accordingly, therefore, consequently, now then, so, for this reason [JV]
[[de tshe]] at that time, now, at this, at that moment, in that moment [JV]
[[de'i tshe]] at that time, then, at that point [JV]
[[der 'dus]] gathering there, assembled there [JV]
[[do dam pa]] supervisor, overseer, authorized person, manager, custodian [JV]
[[don rgya chen po]] immense benefit, immense benefit, enormous benefit [JV]
[[dwangs bcud]] luminous essence, luminescent nectar, pure essences [JV]
[[dwangs pa]] clean & polished glare, SA dwangs, revive spirit, become limpid, limpid [JV]
[[drag po]] acute, intense, cruel, ruthless, stern, severe, terrible, sharp, violent, radical, fierce, fearful, terrific deity, immediacy, ardent, subjugation, wrathful activity, drastic, enemy, intense wrath, wrathful, type of lha, fierce, harsh, strong, destroying, 1 of 4 'phrin las bzhi, ferocity, suppress with some force, strong, atrocious [JV]
[[dran tho bkod pa]] to write down notes, to write down notes, write down some notes [JV]
[[dran tho rags tsam]] brief notes, rough notes [JV]
[[dran gsos]] to remember, remembered, recognized [JV]
[[dri ma]] impure, smell, defilements, odor, scent, filth, excrement, manure, interlocutory month in the lunar calendar, impurities [JV]
[[dri med]] vimala, the stainless one (2nd level), immaculate, pure, without smell, odorless, bright, flawless [JV]
[[dris]] asked, an interrogation, ask, SA dri ba, past of 'dri, intimately bound up with [JV]
[[dha thim]] symbol's dissolved, esoteric utterance marking the end of a visionary revelation [JV]
[[dhar]] (not in DAS) [JV]
[[dhu]] (not in DAS) [JV]
[[dhu ti]] central life-vein in the human body, central channel, channels [JV]
[[dhu tir tshud]] enter the central channel [JV]
[[gdangs]] radiance, lustre, (primordial, inner, natural) glow, self-radiance, (ultimate, subtle) clarity, resonance, creativity, actuality, lucid manifestation, incessant creativity, SA mdangs, dwangs, luminous nature, inner ultimate, subtle force, profundity, chant (slow & formal with syllables extended), manifestation, open tune, tone or pitch of one's voice, music, harmony, melody, forehead, the very nature of energy, capacity of energy to manifest its own nature just as a crystal which is put into a colored cloth reveals the qualities by which it is characterized, past of gdang, primary energy of potentiality of manifestation, SA thugs rje, translucency, primal manifestation of energy, Dang energy, sound, Dang [JV]
[[gdung]] beam, pedigree, spiritual descent, bones, remains of deceased, person, family, descendants, 1 of 5 signs of attainment at death, pea-size white ones, colored pea-size to mustard-seed ones, large hard relics, exceptional remains of fully enlightened beings, funerary mounds, afflictions, legacy [JV]
[[gdong]] face, the front, clan, faces, facing [JV]
[[gdon]] issue, utter, evil spirit, demon causing disease, certainty, surety, possessed by, 360 demons, expel, SA 'don pa, negative spirits, negative energies, ghost, evil spirit, demon, SA 'byung po'i gdon, smyo byed kyi gdon, brjed byed kyi gdon, gza' yi gdon, klu'i gdon, provocations of energy in the sense of disturbances tied to the individual's psychoenergetic dimension, refers both to the classes of beings that cause disturbances and the disturbances themselves, to doubt, implies the process of the formation of doubt, negative provocations, provocations of negative energy, provocations of energy, energy-provocations [JV]
[[gdos bcas]] material, corporeal, materiality [JV]
[[bdag po]] lord, master, owner, proprietor, spouse, husband, companion for life, dominance, environment, boss, proprietor, owner, guardian, entity [JV]
[[bdag med]] anatman, without self, non-individuality, not-self, non-entitativeness, non-existence of an ontological principle, without any individuality of its own, (two aspects are chos kyi bdag med, gang zag gi bdag med), (realization that the constituting elements are unwarranted as ultimate entities and incapable of resisting criticism), voidity, emptiness, the quality of being not absolute, unowned, forlorn, friendless, vagabond, selflessness, (there is nothing that makes anything what it is), derelict, wild, devoid of identity, insubstantiality, absence of a self, without any self, no self-entity [JV]
[[bdag 'dzin]] belief in a pure ego, belief in self, grasping at a self, selfishness, clinging to the I, egotism, apprehended selfhood, apprehension of self, ego-clinging, ego, ego-fixation, self-grasping, sense of I, grasping at a self, grasping at the reality of, self-clinging [JV]
[[bde drod]] bliss-warmth, pleasure and heat [JV]
[[bde ba dam pa]] great happiness, supreme happiness [JV]
[[bde bar bsdad]] to sit at ease, sat down comfortably, comfortably sitting, sat down comfortably, sat down at ease [JV]
[[bden par zhen]] believe in the reality of, believe in their reality and being attached [JV]
[[mdun lcog]] table in front of deity, table in front [JV]
[[mdo]] sutra, discourse, axiom, rule, lower part of valley, crossroads, conjunction, meeting place, short sentence, text, 1 of 12 gsung rab yan lag, scripture, discourse, junction [JV]
[['das pa]] surpass, overtake, surmount, exceed, after time has elapsed, transcend, bygone, past, past tense, 1 of dus gsum, to deviate from, to transcend, beyond [JV]
[['di lta ste]] to wit, that is to say, for example, for instance, such as, in this way, like this, this is what was written, in the following way [JV]
[['di bzhin du]] likewise, in this way [JV]
[['dir]] here, here, here, at this, in our case, here instead, in a particular, so now, to this point, at this point, to this place [JV]
[['du khang]] assembly hall, congregation hall, hall [JV]
[['du gnas]] house, the world, place where many live huddled together, pen, fold, cattle enclosure, assembly hall, place [JV]
[['du byed]] conditioned existence, formation, impulses, karmic formations, power of thought, volition aspects of being caught up in a situation, conditioned events, compositional factors, formation of karma, SA 'du byed pa, mental formations, formative action, impulses of mental action, functions, action, function [JV]
[['du 'bral]] subtract from or add to, union or separation, come together or separate [JV]
[['du 'bral med pa]] no union nor separation, beyond union or separation, nothing can be added or subtracted, non-fusability and inseparability, can't be constructed or taken apart [JV]
[['debs]] throw, explain, establish, puncheon tool, to plant, sow, gave, giving [JV]
[['doms]] induce, explain, private parts, SA 'dom pa, fathom [JV]
[['dra ba]] corresponding to, similar to, likeness, seemingly, be like, resemble, it seems, as if, same, alike, resemble, like similar to, very near to, to be similar to, sort of, just like, something like a, such a, which looked as if, sort of a, what seemed to be, looked like [JV]
[['dra ba zhig]] something like, it looked like, what seemed to be [JV]
[['dra zhig byung]] I had the feeling that, it seemed like [JV]
[[rdul phra rab]] atoms, minute particle, indivisible particle, minute particles of matter, atomic particles [JV]
[[rdul bral]] salvation, emancipation, stainless [JV]
[[rdo rje snying po]] heart of enlightenment, place where Buddha attained enlightenment, vajra essences [JV]
[[rdo rje g.yu sgron ma]] Dorje Yudrîn, Dorje Yudronma [JV]
[[rdo la gser zhun]] pure gold extracted from ore, 1 of 5 earlier translated sems sde tantras, earlier translated sems sde tantra, Gold Refined from Ore, 1 of snga 'gyur lnga, 1 of 82 sems phran according to sog bzlog pa blo gros rgyal mtshan [JV]
[[rdol ba]] come forth, make its appearance, come up, be revealed, erupt, puncture, welling forth [JV]
[[lder bzo]] image, statue, figures modelled of clay, clay, statue made of clay [JV]
[[ldog pa]] differentiating attributes, revert, come back, return, go home, send back, change, turn away, reciprocal, mutual, each separately, isolate, reverse, different aspects, isolated factors, reverse order, contradict, absent, aspects [JV]
[[sdig]] scorpion, disservice, negativities, negativity [JV]
[[sdig pa bsags pa]] sinner, accumulation of negativities [JV]
[[sdig pa'i las]] evil deeds, negative actions [JV]
[[sdod khang]] residence, living place, dormitory, hostel, accommodation, domicile, villa, room [JV]
[[brda khrol]] decode, decipher the symbols [JV]
[[brda phyag]] sign of salutation, salutation [JV]
[[brdas]] SA 'ded, through the symbol [JV]
[[bsdad]] remain, sit, SA sdod pa, past of sdod, sat down, was sitting [JV]
[[bsdus pa]] abbreviated, gathered around, abridged, brief, summarized, encompassed, gathering [JV]
[[na bun bzhin]] like mist, just like mist [JV]
[[nag nyil]] blackish liquid, black fluid [JV]
[[nang bcud]] inner essence, beings inhabiting spyi snod, internally for beings, beings who are the inner contents [JV]
[[nang stong pa nyid]] nothingness with regard to the internal, inner emptiness [JV]
[[nang gsal]] inner (luminous clarity, clarity, luminosity, light), clear inside, lucid, elucidation, attired in colored cloth or woven silk, inner luminosity, internal luminosity, inner lucidity, manifesting inside [JV]
[[nan tan du]] earnestly, with all one's effort, intently [JV]
[[nam mkha']] sky, heaven, space element, spaciousness, spaciality, space, (2 kinds (enclosed space like hole in nose, absolute space = asamskrita, not mathematical space), thread cross which harmonizes the energy of the five elements, ordinary space [JV]
[[nam tho rengs]] at dawn, in the early morning [JV]
[[nam yang langs]] dawn, the day had dawned [JV]
[[nam langs]] daybreak, 1 of 12 dus tshod, to be dawn, dawn, day breaks, the day was dawning [JV]
[[nus mthu]] supreme final potentiality, power, ability, experience,able, competent, very powerful, efficacious, species of amaranth, occult powers [JV]
[[gnad]] (main, key, essential, crucial) point, practice, essence, the most important decisive thing, the very nature, pith, heart, quintessence, technique, essential, way, the point is, fundamental points, specific points, methods, crucial importance, main point, main points, key point, key points, method, pith-instruction, crucial method [JV]
[[gnad kyi gdams pa]] key instruction, essential teaching [JV]
[[gnad don]] proper meaning, the pith of the matter, real meaning of the essential point, real meaning [JV]
[[gnad byang]] inner prophetic guide, main points [JV]
[[gnam gzer]] thunderbolt, lightning, decisive experience [JV]
[[gna' dus su]] in the past, in the past [JV]
[[gnas]] situation, stabilization, one's status, locale, sacred lands, site, home, abode, be at peace with, location, duration, stay, presence, place, chapter, keep, static, center of teaching, inherence, section, maintenance, (indicates some temporary stableness), abiding, come to rest, sacred ground, state, spot, locality, spot, piece of ground, swelling place, temporary lodging, holy place, place of pilgrimage, monastery, clerical dignity, religious personage, object, heading, point, division, sphere, province, 1 of gnas pa dgu, seat, repository, environments, dwelling place, remain, to dwell in, abide in, dwells in, dimension, dimension, area, dwells, remain [JV]
[[gnas khang]] dwelling, house, hall [JV]
[[gnas gyur]] transform, transformation, to change, changed [JV]
[[gnas pa]] place, stationary, remain, preoccupied with, to be established, calm state, continuity, dwell, stableness, subsistence, stabilization, maintain, stay with, exists, have existed as, exist, in, abide, being, contain, last, situated, subsist, tarry, sit, be placed, be in force, continue to exist, reside, stay, remain, continue, adhere to, persevere, religious exercise, monastic function, devotions, SA ldan pa, bstan pa, 1 of ting 'dzin rnam bzhi, state of calm, is contained in, to sustain, find oneself in the state of, state of calm, to be established, quiescent, to be based upon, to be perceived as, abide, live in, to depend upon, remain in that way, dwelling, confined to, endowed with, dwelling in a place [JV]
[[gnas med]] without an abode, not something, with no abode, beyond any concept of, without a place, no context for [JV]
[[gnas yul]] address, pilgrimage places, seats, dimension, quiet place, place [JV]
[[gnas lugs]] natural (situation, condition of things, state, state of all things), essential nature, mode of subsistence, mode of abiding, reality, being, real (disposition, being, existence), genuine (existence, deep-structuring), existential presence, circumstances, condition, situation, principle, truth, haeceity, presence, being-oneself, being-in-itself, primordial experience of being, the fact of being, blunt fact of existence, things as they are, SA dngos po'i gnas lugs, absolute nature, situation, condition, fundamental nature, actuality, enduring condition, true essence, natural state, true nature, way of abiding, real mode, real nature, real condition [JV]
[[gnas lugs don]] the thing-in-itself, bare haeceity of an object, authenticity, real nature [JV]
[[gnas su 'gyur ba]] come to a place, arrive at, changes [JV]
[[gnod byed]] those who inflict injury, those who cause harm, maleficent [JV]
[[mnal las sad]] to be woken up, woke up from the dream, was woken up, woke up, woke me up [JV]
[[mnal sad]] woke up, wake up [JV]
[[rnam rgyal sgar]] rdzogs chen 'dus sde in Australia, Namgyalgar [JV]
[[rnam dag]] impeccable, completely pure, nonconceptual, transformation, quite pure, most holy, state of purity, very pure, thoroughly cleansed, a chaitya on the site of which buddha cut off his locks to renounce world, total purity, original purity, to purify, totally purified, pure forms, utterly pure [JV]
[[rnam snang chos bdun]] 7 venerable sermons of vairocana, 7 point posture of vairocana (crossed legs, hands in fists or right over left or on knees, shoulders raised and slightly forward, spine straight, chin tucked slightly toward throat, tongue tip touching palate, eyes unblinking and unwavering 12 finger-breadths from tip of nose), seven dharmas of Vairocana, sevenfold posture of Vairochana (legs in full lotus, spine straight, shoulders broadened, neck slightly bent, hands in gesture of equanimity, the tip of tongue touching the palate, the gaze placed in the direction of the nose), Vairochana position with seven characteristics, seven-fold Vairochana posture [JV]
[[rnam par rgyal]] to be completely victorious, complete victory over, achieves complete victory over [JV]
[[rnal du dbab pa]] settle into the natural state, resting in naturalness, to bring into the natural state, relax in the natural condition [JV]
[[rnal 'byor zab mo]] deep yoga, profound yoga [JV]
[[sna drangs]] take the lead, having taken the lead of, leader, conductor, led by [JV]
[[snang ba]] abhasa, form, phenomenality, appearance, presentation, apparent, light, presence, impression, material vision, daylight, karmic vision, arise, make its presence felt, to appear, to manifest, what appears, experience, that which is experienced, that which is directly experienced, how things appear, to make itself felt, brightness, lustre, glare, objective appearance, thing seen, apparition, visual seeing, one's sight, faculty of vision, thought, idea, notion, conception, attainments, intellectual illumination, emit light, shine, be bright, be seen, be perceived, show oneself, apparent, conscious, regard, seem, visualization, how things appear, vision, manifestation, apparent phenomena, phenomena, perceptions, perceptual experience, displays, perceptions, appearing [JV]
[[snang ba cog bzhag]] 1 of cog bzhag, state of relaxation of the vision (visions of phenomenal reality are recognized in a state of presence and clarity beyond dualistic judgement), chogzhag of vision [JV]
[[snang ba mched pa]] increase of light, vision develops, develops vision [JV]
[[snang ba'i yul]] apparent object, appearing object, objects of vision, object of vision [JV]
[[snang tshul]] feeling, sense, phenomenon, outward appearance of landscape or scenery, appearance, manifestation, appearance, look, the way of appearing [JV]
[[snang yul]] (apparent, appearing,-) object, concretization of presence into an object, percept, things that appear, the thing which is apparent, sense objects which are perceived, appearance of objects, objects of vision, realm of appearance [JV]
[[snang srid]] all phenomenal existence, universe, the world of appearances and the fictions about it, appearances & existences, life forms & their experiences, beings and their worlds, appearances & beings, visible, external world appearance and existence, phenomenal world, animate and inanimate universe, universe and beings, all that appears and that exists, the universe and existence, world of appearances and possibilities, apparitional existence, worlds and beings, appearance and existence, phenomena & beings, universe [JV]
[[snang srid thams cad]] all phenomena of the animate and inanimate universe, all the inanimate and animate universe [JV]
[[snod bcud]] container world and the living beings in it, the world as vessel and the sentient beings as its content, universe and its inhabitants, material world and its inhabitants, environments & their inhabitants, world of inanimate and sentient beings, environment and inhabitants, animate and inanimate worlds, all the universe and beings, all the animate and inanimate world, vase & substance, universe, world and its beings, universe and its beings, dimensions and beings, universe of dimensions and beings, universe with its beings, the world as container and the beings as its contents [JV]
[[snod bcud thams cad]] animate and inanimate universe, all dimensions and beings [JV]
[[pas na]] because connective, since [JV]
[[dpa' mo]] heroine, a yaksha queen, Pamos [JV]
[[dpe snying]] ancient manuscript, ancient text [JV]
[[dpe don]] example and meaning, examples and meanings [JV]
[[dpe med]] beyond analogy, city in ancient india, incomparable [JV]
[[spyi gzhi]] common ground, universal base, universal basis, common basis [JV]
[[spyod lam]] morality, course of life, way of acting, deportment (walking, standing, sitting, lying down), behavior, daily activities, attitude [JV]
[[sprad]] past of sprod, gave, handed, offered, gave [JV]
[[spro bsdu]] emanate and resolve, proliferation and resolution [JV]
[[spros pa'i mtha' brgyad]] 8 limiting conceptual constructs, conceptually constructed limitations, eight conceptual limitations [JV]
[[spros bral]] nisprapanca, ineffability, beyond judgment, free from (mental proliferation, mental or verbal formulation, construction, intellectual elaboration, discursiveness, complexities), associated with mahashunya, non-conceptualization and non-verbalization, non-diffusion, non-concretization of things, undispersed spirituality, unconstructed, simplicity, unconditioned, free from extremes of elaboration, SA rnal 'byor rnam bzhi, transcend concepts, freedom from limiting constructs, free of concepts, free of conceptual elaborations, beyond conceptual limits, unformulated, non-conceptual, beyond conceptual constructs [JV]
[[pha rol tu]] next, beyond, outside, abroad, to the other side, on the other side [JV]
[[phar phar]] indirectly, eventually, later on, ahead [JV]
[[phar phar 'gro]] walk away from, walking ahead [JV]
[[phar phar phyin pa]] to start walking, went farther ahead [JV]
[[phar tsam na]] a short distance in front, a short distance away, across from, nearby [JV]
[[phar tsam na]] on the other side of, a little way off, on the other side of the place [JV]
[[phar tsam bslebs pa]] gone quite a way, went a little farther [JV]
[[phal cher]] mostly, near, probably, approximately, about, i am afraid, i think, roughly, nearly, almost, as if, seemingly, as a rule, generally, for the most part, majority of people, usually, many, majority, plenty, enough, likely, may, probably, almost, mainly, most of the, nearly all, almost all, perhaps, most probably, maybe [JV]
[[phug pa chen po]] big cave, big cave, large cave [JV]
[[phung khams]] aggregates and constituents, aggregates & sense constituents [JV]
[[phebs pa]] to attune, came to [JV]
[[phyag]] folding one's hands, hand, salutation, reverence, do homage, bow down, hands [JV]
[[phyag mchod]] salutation & worshipping, prostrations & offerings [JV]
[[phyag dbang zhus pa]] to request a hand blessing, asked him to bless us with his hands, asked to be blessed with his hand [JV]
[[phyi stong pa nyid]] nothingness with regard to the external, outer emptiness [JV]
[[phyi yul]] foreign land, outer objects [JV]
[[phyin pa]] pass, cross, go through, set out, go, reach, come to, arrive at, having reached [JV]
[[phyir thon]] projection, to come out from, to come out of, went out of [JV]
[[phyir phyogs]] having the face turned back, disinclined towards, regardless of, turn one's back on [JV]
[[phyis]] late, last, at the back, behind, to the rear, rag, scrap of cloth, be late, SA 'phyi ba, be wiped off, SA 'byi ba, to wipe, no more [JV]
[[phyogs]] contrast with, extreme, opposites, partial, directions, part, conducive to, logical form, set, aspect, respect, side, cardinal points, separate, orientations, base, side, outskirts, interests, benefits, party, about, lately, limits, surface, place, should be prepared, direction, "manner of" construction, part, limited aggregation, cycle, towards [JV]
[[phyogs kun tu]] in all directions, every part of [JV]
[[phyogs mtha']] limitations, end of the world, ultimate aim, final use, limited views, from other countries [JV]
[[phyogs pa]] to turn to a side, to become partial, to be conducive to, go aside, diverge, turn, become visible, make evident, face, be evidently attached to, strongly turned towards, partisan, adherent, to turn towards, directed towards [JV]
[[phyogs lhung]] partiality, tendency, tend, limitations, SA chags sdang, partitions, biased, partialities [JV]
[[phyogs lhung bral ba]] without falling into limitations, beyond all partialities, beyond all limitations [JV]
[[phran]] little, trifle, trifling, part of the body, knives used in surgery, I, minor [JV]
[['phel]] 1 of 28 astrological terms for harmony of influence in the destiny of a person, flourish, to increase, multiply, develop, expand, will increase, development [JV]
[['phrad pa]] meet, touch, knock against, run into, come across, interview, meet together, confront, encounter, to discover, having contact with [JV]
[['phral du]] at once, immediately, quickly, suddenly, "as soon as" clause connective, for use before verbs, at a given moment [JV]
[['phro 'du]] projection and withdrawal, radiation and reabsorption, to send out and re-absorb light, radiation and re-absorption, expansion and re-absorption, expansion and absorption, spreading and reabsorbing [JV]
[[ban chung]] novice, pupil in a monastery, insignificant bande [JV]
[[babs]] occurrences, occurring, descend, taking, assuming, SA 'bab pa, babs pa, past of 'bab, to fall, land, come down, descend, in accordance with some verbal action, settled [JV]
[[bar ma]] intermediate, open possibility, middle tone in music, middle one of three things, dancing woman, waist zone of the body, (those for whom we have) neutral (feelings), neutral [JV]
[[bu]] children, son, offspring, boy, maiden, sonny, child, copy of any document, son, young boy, disciples, indicates male in modern Tibetan, but included both sexes in ancient times, followers, individual [JV]
[[bem stong]] impotent, nothingness, nihilistic, emptiness, inanimate substance, blank emptiness, mere vacuum [JV]
[[bod yig dbu can]] Tibetan uchen script, Tibetan Uchen characters [JV]
[[bor]] throw, SA 'bor ba, 'bor, to lose, past of 'bor, to cast aside, to cast away, abandon [JV]
[[bya btsal]] exertion,action and seeking [JV]
[[bya lam]] sky, bird's flight, bird flying in the sky, path of a bird [JV]
[[byang phyogs su]] northerly, facing north [JV]
[[byas na]] if, if it is done, when done, well then, if that is so [JV]
[[byin can]] magnificent, splendid, brilliant, powerful [JV]
[[byung gnas 'gro]] arrival, remaining and departure, arise, dwell & disappear [JV]
[[bye brag sna tshogs]] most varied forms, various and different kinds [JV]
[[byed pa]] move, act, get, work, handle, make, do, proceed, go ahead, go on, start work, touch, becomes, over-all effectiveness, initiative (aspect of basic cause situation), SA rgyu rkyen, make, manufacture, cause, force to do anything, bring about, perform, copulate, (emphasis for verbs), style, denominate, tell, mention, the person that does a thing, doer, performer, author, the doing, dealings, diagrams, render, actions, to embark upon, to act upon, what is considered, the consideration of [JV]
[[byed las]] function, activities, actions [JV]
[[byon pa]] SA 'byon pa, arise, manifested out of, had appeared [JV]
[[bla ma bka' drin]] gracious guru, kind lama [JV]
[[bla ma mchog]] chief lama, supreme guru [JV]
[[bla ma dam pa]] master, authentic teacher, sacred master [JV]
[[bla mtsho]] lake where gods and nagas live, Latso (lake in yid lhung in khams) [JV]
[[blo thag chod]] the matter is decided, deliberation is cut off, conviction, resolved [JV]
[[blo mthun]] comrade, having the same opinions, comrade, agreed, agreement [JV]
[[blo 'das]] transcendence, beyond mind, beyond the intellect, transcendence of concepts, nothingness, transcending conception by the intellect, beyond concepts, beyond conceptual mind [JV]
[[bha]] ?? where in dictionary, capable of carrying heavy burdens [JV]
[[bha ke ra kud]] town in country of tamal [JV]
[[bha ga]] vagina, SA dbyings, primordial source, womb [JV]
[[bha ga na]] fairy [JV]
[[bha dra la]] SA bha dra la'i phye ma [JV]
[[bha ra ta]] actor, stage player, king [JV]
[[bha ra na]] indian buddhist pandit about 61 Ad [JV]
[[bha len dra]] country varendra, north bengal [JV]
[[bhang ga la]] eastern bengal [JV]
[[bhang ba'i tung bar]] entreaty, application of perfumes [JV]
[[bhang ba'i tung bar byas]] invitation [JV]
[[bhan dha]] skull, cranium [JV]
[[bha']] inspiration [JV]
[[bhu]] mixed [JV]
[[bhe ka]] toad [JV]
[[dbang gis]] because, for, therefore, so, by, by dint of, by means of, in virtue of, in consequence of, the causal connective, due to, according to whether, through the power of [JV]
[[dbang chen]] great initiation, indra, running water, god of water, epithet of paracu rama [JV]
[[dbang du gyur ba]] be subservient to, be obedient to, mastery of [JV]
[[dbu drangs]] at the beginning, on top [JV]
[[dbus]] center, midst, core, mid, middle, SA dkyil, name of central province of tibet, center, middle, at the center of, in the center of, central [JV]
[['bur du dod pa]] carved in relief, carved in relief [JV]
[['bru]] syllable, seed, letter, dig, chisel, examine, corn, grain, granule, grain of anything, particle, piece, characters [JV]
[['brug sgra]] thundering, thunderclap [JV]
[['brel]] "together with" clause connective, the "according to" clause connective, linked to, connecting [JV]
[['brel ba]] connection, conjunction, agreement, contact, relation, relationship, related, adhere together, combine, become connected, meet together, alliance, communication, pertain, contact, linked to, combine with, consisting of [JV]
[[sba]] secret, hidden, SA sba wa, tu bury, hide [JV]
[[sbyong]] practice, purifications, dispelling [JV]
[[sbyong ba]] clean, remove by cleansing, clear away, take away, subtract, exercise, train, purify, refining away, to loosen, process of purification, purification, dispelling, purifications [JV]
[[ma grub]] not created, not made of anything, not to be found if inquired into, unproven, indefinable, is not something concrete, there is no, does not exist, cannot be deemed, cannot be defined as,, to be devoid of, not existent, has never existed, not concretely exist, there is no, could never be, nothing can be, it has no, there being no, does not exist as, do not exist, not to be found, no-existent [JV]
[[ma grub pa]] not existing, to be devoid of, not find anything concrete, has never existed, not comprised of, being free from, has never existed, not concretely exist, there is no, could never be, nothing can be, it has no, there being no, does not exist as, do not exist, not to be found [JV]
[[ma 'gags pa]] indestructibility, unbroken, unimpeded, incessant, unobstructed, uninterrupted, unceasing, anirodha, unconfined, unconfined, unobstructed, without interruption [JV]
[[ma bcad]] unshaken, uncut, unhappened, without any decision [JV]
[[ma bcos pa]] natural, dry ground, unaltered, not improved, not trying to correct, uncontrived, unmodified [JV]
[[ma gtogs pa]] except, besides, not belonging to, not included in [JV]
[[ma dag pa]] impure, inaccurate, incorrect, impurity [JV]
[[ma ning]] other beings, eunuch, hermaphrodite who is neither man nor woman, without sexual distinction, unable to beget, barren, childless, neutral, neutral (condition) [JV]
[[ma 'phros]] not to wander off, has never been created [JV]
[[ma 'ongs]] future (time), future tense, for the future [JV]
[[ma rig pa]] avidya, unknowing, ignorance, lack of rigpa, mibp 72, unawareness, imperceptive, extrinsic perception, dimmed intrinsic awareness, unenlightenment, deluded mind, nonrecognition of awareness, unawareness, not notice, to not recognize, not recognized [JV]
[[mak ti ka]] a kind of mercury used in the alchemical process [JV]
[[mak si sa]] a kind of mercury used in the alchemical process [JV]
[[mang]] great quantity, more, abundance [JV]
[[mang nyung]] quantity, quantity, amount, number, abundance and scarcity [JV]
[[man ngag]] secret method, upadesha, instruction, guidance, secret instruction, teaching, religious advice, direction, (rdzas, sngags, sman, bsgom pa, 'don pa, bzo byed), same as sngags for common people, esoteric instructions, texts which are derived from the experiences of the practice of the masters and which are transmitted secretly, oral instructions, secret oral instruction, direct transmission, pith instructions [JV]
[[mal nas langs]] got out of bed, got up [JV]
[[mi 'gyur]] unchangeable, steady, it would never happen, never become, does not become [JV]
[[mi 'gyur ba]] unchanging, continuous, unchangeable, SA chen po lnga, stable, immutable, not be deemed, it would never happen, never become, does not become [JV]
[[mi mngon pa]] king, ruler, could not be seen, invisible [JV]
[[mi gnyis]] not two, not dual, not separate from, non dual [JV]
[[mi 'da']] not depart, not beyond [JV]
[[mi 'da']] heaven, sky, gun, is not something beyond, not being beyond [JV]
[[mi 'da' ba]] to find oneself in, not passing over or beyond, not transgressing, to not forsake, to never separate from, never beyond, without departing from [JV]
[[mi 'dug]] haven't, not exist, unable [JV]
[[mi gnas pa]] vacillating, unsteady, fickle, evanescent, not remaining at a place steadily, unfixed, nonabiding, not dwelling on anything at all, not abide in any specific way, never dwelt anywhere, not dwelling in a place [JV]
[[mi snang ba]] invisible (-, referent), not (present, to be seen, be, have), vanish, vanishing, gone away, invisible, not appearing [JV]
[[mi 'phro]] stagnant, is not being created [JV]
[[mi dmigs pa]] non-objectifiable, non-referential, inconceivable, state free of concepts, beyond concepts, cannot be conceived, nothing can be conceived, not conceptually focusing [JV]
[[mi rtsol]] not dependent upon effort, absence of effort [JV]
[[mi tshad]] size of a full-grown man, not having enough, not resting satisfied, SA mi brtan po, ma zad, not enough, SA ma zad, human-sized [JV]
[[mi gzhan pa]] others, not different from [JV]
[[mi g.yo]] continuous, unshakable, that never moves, sky, unperturbed, is not moving, imperturbable, does not move, non-movement, never moves from [JV]
[[mi g.yo ba]] unswerving, unshaking, no tendency to ripple, the unmoved, unmoving, changeless, not agitated, mountain, not leaning toward one or the other, "the unshakable one" (8th level), steady, firm, unwavering stage, state of no disturbance, 1 of ting 'dzin rnam bzhi, imperturbability, unperturbed, unperturbed state, immutable, not waver from, non-movement, not moving, immovable [JV]
[[mi sems]] people's minds, not think, do not think that, one should not consider, one should not think that [JV]
[[mi slob pa]] not a pupil, arhat, not necessary to train again, already disciplined, not learning [JV]
[[mi gsal ba]] indistinct, blurred, obscured, unclear, lack of clarity [JV]
[[min pa]] except, be without, be not, not only in, negation [JV]
[[mug]] illegitimate children, impure condition of the birth of an illegitimate child, unhappy, famine, sadness [JV]
[[med snang]] paradox of a presence without anything present, SA med bzhin snang ba, that manifest even though they do not exist, clearly apparent without truly existing [JV]
[[med pa]] non-existent (nothing, not relation; 1 of 4 dam tshig), lack, be short, of no real existence, lack identity, nothing, without, devoid, negative of yod pa and red pa, be not, not to be, be without, not to have, devoid of any substance, non-being, cannot be reduced to, not something concrete, to be devoid of, absence, ineffability, nonexistence, nonexistent, is irrelevant [JV]
[[med pa gsal snang]] illusions, clearly apparent yet ineffable, non-existent clear appearance [JV]
[[med par 'gyur]] become nothing, to come to be without, to come into the state of not existing, disappear [JV]
[[med bzhin du snang ba]] appearance of the non-existent, appears although having no existence [JV]
[[mos ldan]] devoted, respectful, unflagging faith, interested [JV]
[[dmar ser]] disk of the sun, halo surrounding the sun, reddish-yellow, honey-colored, orange, orange-colored [JV]
[[dmigs]] intention, visualization, intention of the mind, see, visible, visualization, imagination, frame of mind, mind on one point, consciousness, idea, attainment, perception, acceptance, concentrating steadfastly, concepts, fixation, visualize [JV]
[[dmigs pa]] objective support, basis, reference, epistemological object, observations, in reference to, tends toward, refers to, the objective pole of the intentional structure, conception, imagination, visualization, frame of reference, sense objects, noema, thematizing cognition, contemplate, insight, awareness, projecting, conceiving, object of attention, focus, devote, fancy, imagine, project, speculate, fancy, imagine, construe in one's mind, thought, idea, conception, concentration, concept, attitude, to become a concept, object of concentration, (always presupposes a division into subject and object), to bring into focus, focussing on an object, imagination, to concentrate upon, construct, framework, frame of reference, concentrating, fixing on, conceptually focusing [JV]
[[dmigs pa gtad]] to direct the concentration, direct the concentration upon, to concentrate on, direct your visualization [JV]
[[dmigs 'dzin]] dependent, depending on a support, grasp through concepts [JV]
[[smon 'jug]] aspiration and application, aspiring and entering, wish and its accomplishment, intention and application [JV]
[[smon pa med pa]] apranihita, wishlessness, wishless, no yearning with respect to 'bras bu, 1 of rnam thar gsum, freedom from aspirations, SA rnam thar sgo gsum, passionless, not fixed on, absence of wishfulness, absence of speculation, without intention, absence of aspiration [JV]
[[smon lam]] pranidhana, aspiration, prayer, vow, commitment, resolution, good wishes, 1 of 10 stobs bcu, meditation, supplication, expression of noble aspiration, aspiration prayer, invocation, aspiration vow, wish [JV]
[[tsam gyis]] as soon as, by merely, simply [JV]
[[tsam nyid nas]] from the very moment, in the moment of [JV]
[[tsam pa]] roasted barley flour, about or of the size, flour from parched barley, country east of kashmir, ancient bhagalpur, ancient name of cambodia, the size of, tsampa flour, the size of, in size [JV]
[[tsam yang]] (with negative) not the least, with negatives, slightest [JV]
[[btsal]] search, seek, SA 'tshol ba, 'tshol, past of 'tshol, to search for, searched [JV]
[[btses pa]] SA 'tshe ba, under attack [JV]
[[rtsa chen]] dear, precious, noble, very great, divine, holiness, holy, sacred, sanctity, sacred [JV]
[[rtsal snang]] appearances of power, expression, vibrant display, expressions, manifestation of Tsal, Tsal vision [JV]
[[rtsal sprugs]] the most essential point of potentialities, internal movement of energy, to strive, to consume energy, the most essential point of potentialities, internal movement of energy [JV]
[[rtsi]] juice, complexion, fluid, paint, varnish, all fluids of a certain consistency, juice of some fruits, plants, substance [JV]
[[rtsi thog]] grass, plants, quitch-grass [JV]
[[rtsol bral]] beyond effort, to transcend effort, without effort, effortless [JV]
[[brtsams pa]] commenced, commencement, start to [JV]
[[brtsegs pa]] one above another, piled one upon another, masonry wall, heaped up [JV]
[[brtson]] energetic, practice, rouse, perseverance, engage in, must endeavor [JV]
[[brtson pa]] study hard, strive, aim at, exert oneself for, endeavour, effort, care, exertion, captive, diligent, assiduous, studious, to engage in, devote oneself to, engage in [JV]
[[bstsal ba]] to grant, given by [JV]
[[tshar gcig]] once, for the first time, one time [JV]
[[tshigs pa]] joints, burned [JV]
[[tshugs pa]] make up, form, constitute, plant, erect, stage, station, to do one harm, hurt, inflict, firm, steady, held [JV]
[[tshogs]] totality, group-patterns, functional cognitions, patterns, acquisitions, offerings, prerequisites (merits and knowledge), assemble, unite, SA 'tshogs pa, aggregates, collections, mass, accumulation, host, feast, band, bunch, fleet, gang, group, herd, swarm, assemblage, mass, accumulation, multitude, feast offering, past of 'tshogs, tantric offering feast, are present, clusters, aggregation [JV]
[[tshogs drug]] 6 functional cognitions, 6 types of perceptiveness, six collections, six aggregates of consciousness, six consciousness aggregates, six modes of consciousness, six senses, six sense impressions, six aggregates of consciousness [JV]
[[tshogs pa]] group, organization, hold a meeting, assemble, collection, aggregates, party, union, assemble together, set, people gathered there, aggregation, clusters [JV]
[[tshogs bsags pa]] accumulation of merits, accumulating [JV]
[[tshom bu]] focal points, bundle, SA tshom pa, grain, placing of precious stones and other things on top of a dkyil 'khor, clusters [JV]
[[tshol ba]] splinter, wood splinter, to pursue, seeking [JV]
[[mtshan nyid 'dzin pa]] retain attributes, retains its characteristics [JV]
[[mtshan ma med pa]] animitta, signlessness, unconditioned, (lack of any real enduring distinctive features with respect to rgyu), 1 of rnam thar gsum, characterless, nonconceptual, SA rnam thar sgo gsum, absence of ultimate defining characteristics, beyond material conceptual characteristics, absence of characteristic signs [JV]
[[mtshams gcod]] cessation, termination, end of the line, at the end of the line [JV]
[[mtshams bzhag]] stopped, took a break, stopped [JV]
[[mtshams bzhag pa]] halt, stopped, took a break [JV]
[[mtsho ma pham]] lake manasarowar, Manasarovar [JV]
[[mtshon pa]] set forth, indicate, express, mean, show, reflect, display, reveal, characterized by leader, showman, bring forward, quote, exhibit, sign, symbol, point, model, paradigm, denote, depict, portray, to be introduced to, to communicate the teachings, represent [JV]
[['tshal]] to prostrate, to exist, "I beg", please, I request, offer [JV]
[['tsher ba]] neigh, grieve, shine, glitter, apprehensive, quake, lazy, be weary of, brilliant, luminous [JV]
[['dzin pa]] apprehending (act, agent), apprehension, apprehend, subject, interference, ego-centered, control, come under control, take up, hold to, lay hold of, uphold, hold, holding, seize, the seizing, he that seizes, comprehend, comprehension, believe, conceive, appropriate, gather, capture, catch, grab, clip, manipulate, grasp, master, remember, memorize, keep in mind, project, retention, endowed with, the apprehender, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, support, realize, conceive, consider, estimate, capacity, he that occupies, dispenser, retain, maintain, to reify, fixation, belief, to cling to, to regard as, perceiving subject [JV]
[['dzin med]] detached, non-subjectivity, not subjective, without holding on to it, non-grasping, not to grasp anything with concepts, without being fixated on, without clinging, without fixating, without grasping, no grasping [JV]
[['dzoms po]] abundant, plentiful, perfect [JV]
[[rdzogs pa chen po]] great perfection, SA rdzogs chen , total perfection, Dzogpa Chenpo [JV]
[[wa ler]] vividness, directness, vividly clear [JV]
[[zhi]] quietude, nirvana, peaceful cessation, passive, subside, pacifying, 1 of 'phrin las bcu, at peace, will subside, peace of nirvana [JV]
[[zhig]] destroy, break, vanish, relax, one, fell apart, an, a, SA cig, 'jig pa, one, a, imperative particle, dissolves, break down [JV]
[[zhing]] flayed human skin, sphere, body, holy place, field, ground, soil, cultivation, realm, buddha (joins things on the same level; continuation particle), arable land, verbal conjunctive clause connective, with adjectives, sacred places, dimension [JV]
[[zhing khams]] dimensions, buddha-field, universe, realm, heavenly, paradise, holy sphere, spiritual sphere, country, pure dimension [JV]
[[zhu rgyu]] subject of a petition, will ask [JV]
[[zhugs pa]] join, attend, take part in, enter, cherish, converted to a religion, imbibe faith, be involved in, desire, to adopt, to espouse, entered [JV]
[[zhog]] place, renounce, cut, SA 'jog, SA 'jog pa, place in upper dbus e. of lhasa, let us, relax, to totally relax, maintain presence, remain, let go of [JV]
[[gzhag]] let it go on, place, SA 'jog pa, adopting [JV]
[[gzhan du]] otherwise, else, another, elsewhere, to another place, independently of, as something different, to other things, by anything else, for others, as something else, to be something other [JV]
[[gzhan med]] do not exist apart from, are not other than, there is no other, nothing exists other than, nothing but [JV]
[[gzhal ba]] weigh, SA 'jal ba, scrutinizing [JV]
[[gzhi lnga]] 5 basic topics, five bases [JV]
[[gzhi ji bzhin pa]] recluse, "who stays where he is", the base just as it is, authentic original condition [JV]
[[gzhi gdan]] foundation, background [JV]
[[gzhi gnas]] primordial state, abiding as the base, primordial basis, abiding in the Base, base [JV]
[[gzhi snang]] being presenting itself in its totality, appearances of the basis ground-manifestation, ground-appearance, ground manifestation, ground of being manifesting as appearances, vision of the base [JV]
[[gzhi dbyings]] continuum that is the ground, ultimate sphere at the basis, (no gaps in being; creates conditions and provides info for actualization of human potentials), ground of being as basic space, ground of being as basic space, Ying of the basis, Ying of the Base [JV]
[[gzhi med rtsa bral]] groundless and rootless, without a basis or root [JV]
[[gzhi rtsa]] foundations, bases, origin, primary cause, source, elementary, fundamental root, rudiment, basis, bases & roots, base [JV]
[[gzhi yi gnas lugs]] fundamental enduring condition, natural condition of the Base [JV]
[[gzhig pa]] make minute inquiry of every point, investigate, examine, destroy, SA bshigs, 'jig pa, to deconstruct, analyze [JV]
[[gzhu 'doms]] cord, fathom, thong or rope made of yak skin nine fathoms long, arm spans [JV]
[[gzhon]] 1 of 28 astrological terms for harmony of influence in the destiny of a person, fresh [JV]
[[gzhon nu ma]] ms., maiden, miss, virgin, youthful girl, 1 of lha mo bdun, young girl, young woman, young women, girl [JV]
[[gzhol]] set on, maintains, exercising, sowed, dedicate oneself to, apply, to enter into, devote yourself to, devote oneself to, practiced [JV]
[[gzhol ba]] train, trail, retinue, flow down, alight, dismount, remain fixed, absorbed in, be low, open out to, to apply a method, aim at, lead to, devote oneself to, devote yourself to [JV]
[[dzha]] (not in das) [JV]
[[bzhag]] summon, postulate, take as, propound, implant, composure, relax, set up, expound, place, inner parts of the body, SA 'jog pa, let go, inner parts of the body, past of 'jog, position, assertion, logical establishment of one's own view, to place attention, leave, remain, to place on, established, left (as it is) [JV]
[[bzhin]] i.e., that is, like, (continued state particle), as, according to, face, countenance, corresponds to, during, as in, just as, just like, accordingly [JV]
[[bzhin du]] according to, as, while, in, according to, in conformity with, present tense complement, "while", simultaneous with, even though, but at the same time, as though [JV]
[[bzhes pa]] take, receive, accept, seize, confiscate, food, meat, proclaimed, dressed with [JV]
[[zang thal]] direct, unobstructed, transparent, unimpeded, penetrating, directly penetrating, direct penetration, unhindered, unobstructed, immaterial, openness, wide-open, all-penetrating, which penetrates all without material obstacles, which penetrates all without material obstacles, directly penetrate [JV]
[[zang ma]] open, pure & simple [JV]
[[zad]] end, is to be used, send, SA 'dzad pa, exhaustion, it ends up that, basing oneself upon, to wear out, consumed, to come to an end, to extinguish, are nothing more than, is consumed [JV]
[[zad pa'i sa]] the level of extinction of existence, point of resolution [JV]
[[zab gnad]] profound key point, profound method, profound teaching, profound point [JV]
[[zab gnad kyi gdams]] profound teaching, profound essential teaching [JV]
[[zin]] capture, this ends, maintained, recognition, the "completed/finished" auxiliary verb, to recognize, already accomplished, earth element, 1 of spar kha brgyad, has been conquered, already accomplished, already perfect [JV]
[[zin pa]] already, come under control, (use past or perfect tense), completed, memorize, terminated, concluded, exhausted, consume, recognition, maintained, (commit to retain in, retentive) memory, learn, be at the end, be finished, (affix in older writings denoting that action is complete and finished), SA 'dzin pa, possessed, captured, accomplish, done, completed, to be afflicted by, to be governed by, to be conditioned by, to be caused by, to be dominated by, natural perfection, to embrace, already accomplished, already perfect [JV]
[[zil gyis gnon pa]] suppress with lustre, be inferior to, eclipsed [JV]
[[zug pa]] pain, building, erection, thrust into, SA 'dzugs pa, zug, pierce [JV]
[[zla]] thin, easy, pack, comparison [JV]
[[gzan khra]] multicolored shawl, striped (ed and white) shawl [JV]
[[gza' skar]] planet, planets & stars, constellations [JV]
[[gza' gtad]] grasp, concepts, conceptions, fixation on a concept, object-aiming, conceptual fixation [JV]
[[gzi brjid]] glorious, glory, honorable, honor, healthy appearance, prosperity, brightness, lustre, halo, light, radiance, brilliance, beauty, fair, healthy complexion, esteem, celebrity, confidence, dignity, splendor, full of splendor, grandeur, majesty, longest of 3 biographies of gshen rab mi bo che in 12 volumes, elegant [JV]
[[gzi brjid che ba]] great splendor, brilliancy, lustrous, very elegant [JV]
[[gzim khang]] house, bedroom, room [JV]
[[gzung yul]] apprehendable object, object to be dealt with, objects, external objects, perceivable objects [JV]
[[bzang ngan med]] beyond good and bad, no difference in quality [JV]
[[bzung]] remain, start, begin, dismiss, take up, held back, hold, seize, SA 'dzin pa, accept, past of 'dzin, embrace, to hold the breath, to keep, starting from, believe, believe something to be, perceived object, perceived [JV]
[[bzung ba]] lay hold, held, take, capture, SA 'dzin pa, to reify, grip, to be governed by, to visualize, to place upon, to embrace, to regard as, to hold the breath, perceived object [JV]
[[bzla ba]] SA zla ba, to overcome, totally transcended [JV]
[[bzlums pa]] SA bsdums pa, converging [JV]
[['ang]] also, too, as well, but, yet, still, nevertheless, even if, even, even including, though, although, ever, soever, SA kyang, that [JV]
[['o lags]] leader in conversation or in a deputation to a great man, mouth piece, yes sir, just so, Okay [JV]
[['od kyi gong bu]] luminous spheres, sphere of light [JV]
[['od thig]] light drop, sphere of light, thigle of light [JV]
[['od snang]] visible light, visions like light, light, vision of the lights [JV]
[['od rab gsal]] shining with the supreme light, luminous, supreme light shines [JV]
[['od gsal ba]] primordial potentiality, luster, brightness, luminous clarity [JV]
[[ya mtshan pa]] amaze, marvel, surprise, wonder, astonishing, strange, amazing, marvelous [JV]
[[yang]] also, too, as well, but, yet, still, nevertheless, even (-, if, though, more), including, still, though, again, once more, but yet, and, further, then, too, although (on verb), both...and (with 2nd yang), SA kyang, once more, as for, even if, next, furthermore, moreover, lightness, even though, light [JV]
[[yang snying]] after all, actually, at last, to the end, real substance, principal object, essence, inner essence, core, ultimate essence, quintessence [JV]
[[yang thig]] even more essential, important system of rdzogs chen man ngag sde practices, ultimate essence, quintessence [JV]
[[yang dag]] right, positive, genuine, actual, real, the very, indeed, authentic, sublime, vajraheruka, completely, pure like space, pure [JV]
[[yang yang du]] quite often, again and again, many times, repeatedly [JV]
[[yi mug]] sadness, gloomy, despair, somber, unhappy [JV]
[[yig phreng]] line of a book, lines, verses [JV]
[[yig 'bru]] spell letters, syllables, letters [JV]
[[yid ches]] belief, confidence, faith, convinced, trust, proof, certainty, trust [JV]
[[yid smon]] wish, desire, prayer, aspire, aspiration or wish [JV]
[[yid la zungs]] bear in mind, remember, understand, retain it in mind [JV]
[[yin]] yes, be, existence, the linking verb "is", constitute [JV]
[[yin pa]] is (adjectival verb, not existential), (direct affirmation, often found in past sense, attribute connector without expressing existence, auxiliary verb for present or past), as the, the way of being, to entail, to constitute, what is going on, what is there, affirmation [JV]
[[yin lugs]] distorted description of the presence, the whole of empirical reality, being this or that, the state of existence of things, innate condition, natural state of existence, things as they are, mode of being, actual mode, real nature, way of being [JV]
[[yis]] instrumental particle, as, due to [JV]
[[yud tsam]] mere flash, a little while, in a moment, about a moment, awhile, moment, division of time (30 thang), short time, a moment, for awhile, for a brief moment, for an instant [JV]
[[yul rkyen]] support, objective condition [JV]
[[yul med]] improper, not in its place, nonexistent as an object, nonreferential, has no object, not exist as an object, without an object [JV]
[[ye stong chen po]] great primordial emptiness, total primordial emptiness [JV]
[[ye nas sangs rgyas]] primordial enlightenment, primordial Buddha [JV]
[[ye shes zang thal]] directly penetrating knowledge, unimpeded wisdom, all-penetrating wisdom [JV]
[[yengs med]] undisturbed, unswerving, without distraction, undistracted non-distraction, non-wandering, awareness, free from wandering, never be distracted, without being distracted [JV]
[[yongs bral ba]] completely overcome, completely beyond [JV]
[[yongs rdzogs]] all, completely, entirely, everybody, whole, total, altogether, absolute, utterly, all, entire, whole, totality, totally perfected, fully perfected, perfectly endowed with [JV]
[[yongs su 'das]] totally beyond, totally transcends [JV]
[[yongs su bral ba]] utterly transcend, completely beyond, totally beyond [JV]
[[yongs su rdzogs pa]] thus is concluded, in its entirety [JV]
[[yongs su rdzogs pa]] perfect fulfillment, fully perfected, completed, totality, completeness, finishing [JV]
[[yod 'dug pa]] was, there are [JV]
[[yon tan rdzogs]] perfected qualified, complete with all qualities [JV]
[[g.ya' dag pa]] freed from rust, clear, polish, to purify, pure [JV]
[[ra ba]] yard, courtyard, fence basin for water around the root of a tree, enclosure, fence, enclosed wall, barricade, enclosure, rail, ranch, (mountain) range [JV]
[[rak ta]] blood, red, saffron, minium, cinnabar, blood, 1 of bdud rtsi lnga [JV]
[[rak ta mar gyi]] rare tantra of anuyoga [JV]
[[rak ta dmar gyi rgyud]] anuyoga rare tantra [JV]
[[rang gis]] by virtue of its own inherent... , by one's own self, by ourselves [JV]
[[rang rgyud du]] in themselves, in practice, in one's mind, in oneself, in your state [JV]
[[rang rgyud pa]] svatantrikas, freedom, SA rnal 'byor spyod pa'i dbu ma rang rgyud pa, exist independently [JV]
[[rang ngo]] state, essence, very essence [JV]
[[rang ngo]] essence, self-essence, natural face, that very essence, one's own real nature, one's own face, one's own original face, one's state, in oneself, in themselves, our own state [JV]
[[rang ngo sprad pa]] introducing directly in oneself, directly introducing [JV]
[[rang ngo rang thog]] directly, directly in their own state [JV]
[[rang chas]] intrinsic, its own, naturally, one's natural possession [JV]
[[rang chas su]] as a natural possession, as one's natural possession [JV]
[[rang thog]] in themselves, in one's state, in oneself [JV]
[[rang thog tu]] in one's own condition, in one's own natural state, in one's condition, within oneself, in oneself, in one's state [JV]
[[rang thog tu ngo 'phrod pa]] to rediscover directly, to discover in one's state [JV]
[[rang gdangs]] manifestation, inherent radiance, natural profundity, natural clarity, inherent translucent radiance, Dang energy, natural Dang, natural radiance [JV]
[[rang gnas]] self-sustaining, self-abiding, self-existent, very condition of [JV]
[[rang snang]] self- (manifestation, presentation, appearances, display), appearance in itself, subjectivity, projections, self-appearances, one's vision, self-manifesting, naturally manifest, one's own manifestation, our vision, one's own vision, appear as one's vision, natural vision, one's vision [JV]
[[rang byas]] to progress simply, created by oneself [JV]
[[rang byung ye shes]] self-originated primal awareness, self-refreshing pristine awareness, self-arising wisdom, self-existing wakefulness, self-originated wisdom, naturally occurring timeless awareness [JV]
[[rang byon]] naturally appeared, miraculous & auspicious occurrence, epithet of brahma, self-evolved, self-grown, born of itself, as if spontaneously appeared in that way, self-appeared, self-arisen [JV]
[[rang rtsal]] self-potency, inherent potency, natural expression, manifestation, inherent potentiality, inherent energy, inherent creative energy, one's own potentiality, its tsal energy, natural Tsal energy, Tsal energy, one's Tsal [JV]
[[rang zhal]] (one's own, natural, innate) face, true face, face to face, own-face, natural face [JV]
[[rang gzhan]] oneself & others, buddhists and non-buddhists, yourself and others, self & other [JV]
[[rang bzhin 'od gsal]] natural clear light, natural luminous clarity [JV]
[[rang rig]] svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by sautrantikas and yogacara), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own rig pa, apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa, their own Rigpa [JV]
[[rang rig ye shes]] self-cognizant wisdom, wisdom of one's rigpa, wisdom of your rigpa [JV]
[[rang shar]] self- (rising, presence, arisen, originating, manifestation), arise spontaneously, arise out of oneself, to spontaneously arise, arises [JV]
[[ran]] certain time, kind of grass, shave-grass, equisetum arvense, "time to do" particle, average dimensions [JV]
[[rab gsal]] completely banish, clear away, very clear, illuminated, quite evident, small balcony or gallery, illumination, cheerfulness, a legendary king, fully manifest, supremely shines [JV]
[[ri rgyal]] very high mountain, mt. tise, mt. sumeru, king of mountains [JV]
[[ri bo cog bzhag]] 1 of cog bzhag, state of relaxation which is stable like a mountain, chogzhag of the mountain [JV]
[[rig]] perception, texts in which the teachings are verified and demonstrated in accordance with logical reasoning, logic, discovers, presence, is recognized [JV]
[[rig klong]] state of rigpa, dimension of rigpa [JV]
[[rig ngo]] essence of rigpa, state of rigpa [JV]
[[rig pa'i klong]] rigpa dimension, dimension of Rigpa [JV]
[[rig pa'i ye shes]] genuine awareness grounded in cognitive being, primal awareness of pure presence, primal cognition of awareness, awareness-wisdom, knowledge which is immediate awareness, knowledge of the state of Awareness, wisdom of Rigpa [JV]
[[rig 'dzin 'dus pa'i tshogs]] ganapuja of Rigdzin DÅpa [JV]
[[rigs kyi bu]] noble and honored sirs, noble son, noble offspring, son of a noble family [JV]
[[rigs drug]] six (realms, families) (chos sku as 6th), 6 lokas, six classes of beings [JV]
[[ring du song]] elongated, stretched, go far away from [JV]
[[rim pa]] layer, stratum, order, series, succession, separate order, method, degree, stage, time multiple, process, phase, category, course, respective, specification, ranked officials [JV]
[[rim bzhin du]] gradually, one after another, one after the other [JV]
[[rung ba]] serve as, suitable, proper, relevant, fit, capable for, right, deemed appropriate, practical, valid, to enable, potentially open to [JV]
[[reg pa]] sparsha, contact, total pattern, rapport, mibp 27, get in touch with, attain to, reach, touch, come in contact with, feel, perceive, connection, dab, to encounter, discerned [JV]
[[reg bya]] experience, touch, pressure, the tactile, touchable, tangible object, object of touch, what is felt or may be felt, palpable, tangible, sense of feeling, feeling of, tactile sensation [JV]
[[rogs]] cooperation, relief, companion, friend, associate, assistant, please help, please [JV]
[[rol pa]] merriment, playfulness, inside energy manifestation, internal manifestation, SA sprul pa, pleasures, enjoy, play, play of experience, excitement, display, manifestation, reflecting energy of potentiality of manifestation, SA thugs rje, to manifest, creative energy, display, Rolpa energy, Rolpa [JV]
[[rol rtsal]] manifest potency, Rolpa and Tsal [JV]
[[rlung dmigs]] visualization of the vital wind, breathing and concentration [JV]
[[la]] at, in, on, for, of, to, as to, into, up to, by, from, unto, among, under, hillside, mountain slope, towards, mountain pass, candle, taper, wax-light, figure 26, the dative-locative particle, conjunctive of adjectives ("as well *as"), as a clause connector, a mountain pass, can indicate "while something was going on", regarding, in front of, while [JV]
[[la brten]] through, thanks to [JV]
[[la zlo ba]] put limits to, settle finally, to overcome the limits of concepts [JV]
[[la bzla ba]] to transcend, go beyond conceptions, beyond concepts, to utterly transcend, to totally overthrow, total conquest, to accede to?, to totally overcome concepts, to arrive beyond, to attain a state beyond concepts, to get beyond, to find oneself beyond any concept whatsoever, to come to a decisive experience, to overcome the limits of concepts [JV]
[[lan tsha]] ornamental nepalese writing style, salt [JV]
[[lam brgyud]] transit, pathway, passing through the path [JV]
[[las ngan]] bad action, mean profession or work, evil action, wicked work, bad karmas, negative actions [JV]
[[las bzhi]] four actions, SA 'phrin las bzhi [JV]
[[lugs]] status, tradition, line of thought, order, systems of thought, SA yin lugs, mode, casting, founding, of metal, way, manner, fashion, mode, method, opinion, view, judgment, style of proceeding, established manner, custom, usage, rite, "manner" construction particle, principle, model, system [JV]
[[lung]] shastra, stamp, handle, tradition, precepts, (-, reading) transmission, instruction, permission, scripture, sacred story, epic, text, prophecy, scriptural (tradition, authority), behest, authorization from hearing text, read aloud, holder, carrying sling, bent handle, strap of a vessel, basket, injunction, spiritual exhortation, admonition, esoteric teachings, texts in which experiences of the masters are expressed with regard to the teachings, texts extracted from rgyud, sacred authority, agama, scriptural authorization, quotations, Lung scriptures [JV]
[[lung bstan]] predictions, prophecy, precept, injunction, teachings, revelation, message, to inform [JV]
[[lung ma bstan]] neutral (-, state, character), ethically neutral, indeterminate, undetermined, nondescript state of being, dull state of mind, not essentially compromised, neutrality, morally neutral, dull blank state of mind, neutral state, indeterminacy, absent-minded, oblivion, apathetic, neutral state [JV]
[[lus yang]] light body, the body is light, body will be light [JV]
[[legs nyes]] beautiful or ugly, good & bad [JV]
[[legs par zungs]] imprint well, keep it well [JV]
[[legs so]] very well, well done, it would be excellent, praises [JV]
[[len pa]] upadana, ascription-organization, self-identification, absorb, connect, join, catch, fetch, get, receive, accept, take, bring, carry, acceptance, latch onto, get, obtain, accept what is offered or given, seize, lay hold of, grasp, bear, suffer patiently with, put up with, place in pempo, adopt, exaction, accepting [JV]
[[log]] return, SA ldog pa side, to return, reversed, went back to [JV]
[[log pa]] return, come, go back, leave behind, avert, opposite, turn a somersault, tumble over, roll, return, come back, come again, turn round, be turned upside down, tumble down, reversed, inverted, irrational, wrong, SA ldog pa, distorted, to turn away from, to misunderstand, erroneous [JV]
[[longs spyod]] enjoyment, abundance, wealth, spiritual enrichment, joy of participating, scope of enjoyment, sense objects, sensuous and sensual enjoyments, wealth of sensuous enjoyments, prosperity, possessions, attainment, enjoyment, sensual pleasures, eating & drinking, plenty, abundance, fortune, qualification, enjoyments and riches, perfected qualifications, to perfectly enjoy, to perfectly enjoy, belongings, value [JV]
[[longs spyod ldan]] full enjoyment, prosperous, possessed of health & prosperity & happiness [JV]
[[shar]] east, into the flesh, direct, straight, east, appeared, manifests as, manifest in, manifests its, arise [JV]
[[shar grol]] arise & dissolve, liberation as soon as it arises, self-liberated as it arises, frees whatever arises, liberation at arising, simultaneous liberation-at-arising, liberation upon arising, liberation as soon as it arises, arising & liberating , arising & self-liberating [JV]
[[shar nub]] rising and setting, Orientals and Westerners [JV]
[[shar phyogs]] east, eastern direction or quarter, orient, Oriental [JV]
[[shing ko ki la ksa]] tree of cuckoo's eye [JV]
[[shing a ti muk ta]] tree called harimantha [JV]
[[shin tu che]] very big, very [JV]
[[shin tu zab pa]] extremely deep, very profound [JV]
[[shel gong]] crystal globe, crystal sphere [JV]
[[shel rdo]] rock crystal, crystal, crystal rock [JV]
[[shel 'od]] crystal lights, light of the crystal, the crystal and its light [JV]
[[shes]] consciousness principle so, thus, question marker,, when we realize, is known [JV]
[[shes rgyud]] knowledge, stream of consciousness, consciousness, minds [JV]
[[shes ldan]] one possessed of wisdom and learning, possessed of consciousness, all living beings, intelligent, intelligent persons [JV]
[[shes pa]] noeticness, cognition, cognize, awareness, consciousness, mind, mode of knowing, noetic capacity, cognitive (situation, capacity), conscious process, perceptive functions, comprehend, grasp, master, be aware of, come to understand, can, be able to, know, learn, to sense, perceive, apprehend, wisdom, intelligence, science, learning, knowledge (2 kinds are dbang shes pa, yid shes pa), (10 kinds are chos, pha rol gyi sems, rjes su rtogs pa, kun rdzog, sdug bsngal, kun byung, 'gog pa, lam, zad pa, mi skye ba), to recognize, feelings, attention, wakefulness, knowledge, is known as [JV]
[[shes bya'i sgrib pa]] intellectual obscurations, obscurations to (knowledge, omniscience), veil of primitive beliefs about reality, sin produced from the objects of cognition, obstructions to omniscience, cognitive obscuration, obscurations due to intellectual knowledge, conceptual obstacles, conceptual obscuration, obstacles to knowledge [JV]
[[shes rab kyi mig]] wisdom eye, eye of prajna [JV]
[[shes rig]] civilization, awareness, wisdom, awareness which knows, a knowing awareness, consciousness [JV]
[[gsham du]] below, at foot, under, below, beneath, in the following sections, followed by [JV]
[[gshis kyi gnas lugs]] natural state of how things are present, natural state, basic natural state, real nature [JV]
[[sa khul]] area, domain, locality, territory, region, zone, province [JV]
[[sar bsdad]] sit on the ground, sat down on the ground [JV]
[[su zhig]] what, which, who, somebody, someone, a certain, any of, whoever [JV]
[[sum mdo]] where several roads or rivers meet, junction of roads or rivers, chakra of fire at joint, junction of the three (channels) [JV]
[[sems kyis]] mentally, through the mind [JV]
[[sems ngo]] my own mind, essence of mind, mind-essence, mind essence [JV]
[[sems dpa']] sattva, ethical impulse, heroes, brave mind, bodhisattva, SA byang chub sems dpa', sometimes an abbreviation of rdo rje sems dpa', heroic being [JV]
[[sems bzung]] concentrate, focused mind [JV]
[[song ba]] fall gone, passed, proceeded, reabsorb into, to fall into, depart, become, to join, dissolve into [JV]
[[srid]] worldliness, height, length, extension, dominion, government, till, during, world, phenomena, society, temporal, cosmic, "possible" auxiliary verb, it might be, may arise, is produced, may occur, produces the existence of, conditioned existence [JV]
[[srid na]] in the world, if there were to exist [JV]
[[srin bu]] insect, worm, vermin, firefly, silkworm [JV]
[[sla mo]] thin, easy, wife [JV]
[[slob pa]] teach, instruct, discipline, learner, learn, act of learning, teacher, instructor, pupil, student, to train oneself in, learning [JV]
[[gsal]] clarity, transparency, luminosity, lucidity, irradiance, lucency, illumination, effulgence, clear, luminous absorption, luminescence luminous, appear, consonants, visualize, resplendent, separate, distinct, expressed, pale, in verbal constructions, to manifest, will manifest, shone, manifests as, shine forth, shines, clear, manifests, sees [JV]
[[gsal cha]] (activity of stong pa), revealing and manifesting, clarity, vividness of awareness as well as the object in meditative practice, one the side of luminous clarity, clarity aspect [JV]
[[gsal dwangs]] cleared up, clear & limpid, clear [JV]
[[gsal la dwangs pa]] clear and bright, clear and limpid [JV]
[[gsal lam mer shar]] to shine brightly, vividly appeared, shone vividly clear [JV]
[[gsung chos]] discourse, religious discourse or sermon delivered orally, teaching [JV]
[[gsungs]] say, speak, SA gsung ba, past of gsung, to pronounce, read, recited, pronounced [JV]
[[bsang]] remove, recover, SA sang ba, consecrate, lift up, SA seng ba, purification, fumigation rite, SA bdud rtsi can gyi shing lnga, cleansing [JV]
[[bsam spyod]] attitude, thoughts & behaviors [JV]
[[bsil grib]] cool, grateful shade, cool shade [JV]
[[bsrung ba]] protection, guard against evil, guardian, watchman, sentinel, amulet, perform protections, to observe a commitment, observance [JV]
[[bsres]] mix, add, SA sre ba, to unify inseparably, unified, unify with, unifying [JV]
[[bslang]] help to rise, cause, SA slong, to intend to [JV]
[[bslebs pa]] gone, had reached, to reach, arrive back in, having arrived [JV]
[[ha cang dga' po]] very happy, so happy [JV]
[[lha 'dre]] gods and demons, deities & evil spirits [JV]
[[lha gsol]] offerings to divine spirits, place in dwag po, invocation and offerings to the local gods, pray to a deity [JV]
[[lhan cig]] simultaneous, innate, together with [JV]
[[lhan cig byed rkyen]] cooperative condition, cooperative condition, simultaneously occurring condition, concomitant factor [JV]
[[lhan du]] common together, with one another, with, together, combining also with, while at the same time, in the same moment, together with, with [JV]
[[lham mer]] clear, radiant, brightly, vividly [JV]
[[lhung]] SA ltung ba, to fall, falling into [JV]
[[lhungs]] (not in das), falling [JV]
[[lhun]] mass, bulk, spontaneous [JV]
[[lhun grub ye shes]] wisdom of self-perfection, wisdom of self-perfection [JV]
[[lhun chags]] elegant, unchanging, naturally arisen condition [JV]
[[lho phyogs]] south, southern direction, souther direction, southern [JV]
[[lhod der bzhugs]] to remain in a relaxed state, remained relaxed, sitting relaxed [JV]
[[a kha kha]] displeasure interjection, alas, what a pity! [JV]
[[a khu]] uncle, father's brother, uncle, paternal uncle [JV]
[[a thung]] upside down partial A triangle in navel, Athung [JV]
[[u rgyan]] crown, head ornament, SA o rgyan, or rgyan, Oddiyana, Oddiyana [JV]
[[e yin snyams]] think that it might be, thinking something might be the case, maybe it was for this reason, which could have been [JV]

Latest revision as of 17:10, 1 June 2006