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'''Rechungpa''' ([[ras chung pa]], [[ras chung rdo rje grags pa]]), (1083/4-1161)
#REDIRECT [[Terma]]
[[Image:Rechungpa.jpg|thumb|Rechungpa (1083/4-1161)]]
Heart son of [[Milarepa]] and patriarch of the [[Kagyu]] lineage. The so-called „moon-like“ disciple of [[Milarepa]]. He met Milarepa at the age of eleven and spent many years studying and practising under the guidance of his master. He was a [[Repa]] ([[ras pa]]) like Milarepa, unlike [[Gampopa]], who was a fully ordained monk. Rechungpa travelled to India three times and obtained teachings and transmissions which [[Marpa]] had not managed to receive in his time. In fact he was prophecied by [[Naropa]] to Marpa. In particular he received the entire “nine-fold cycle of the formless Dakinis”, the [[lus med mkha' 'gro skor dgu]], of which Marpa had received only five parts. Upon his return to Tibet, he presented these teachings to Milarepa. Milarepa tramsmitted he entire cylce to [[Ngendzong Repa]] ([[ngan dzong ras pa byang chub rgyal po]] 12th cent.), another of his "Eight great Sons", who composed arrangements and commentaries on it. His lineage became knwon as the [[bde mchog snyan brgyud]]. Rechungpa'S lineage of this cycle, focussing on the practice of [[Chakrasamvara]], is preserved in a corpus of teachings known as the “hearing lineage of Rechungpa”, the [[ras chung snyan brgyud]], which nowadays is practiced mainly within the [[Drukpa Kagyu]] ([[‘brug pa bka’ brgyud]]) school, and by a subsect of the [[Karma Kagyu]], the [[Surmang Kagyu]]. Rechungpa’s main teacher in India was the [[Mahasiddha]] [[Tiphupa]]. Both streams were later re-united by Tsang Nyon Heruka ([[gtsang smyon he ru ka]] 1452-1507).
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===Literary Works===
===Main Teachers===
===Main Students===
===Main Lineages===
*[[ras chung snyan brgyud]]<br>
===Alternate Names===
*[[Rechung Dorje Drakpa]]<br>
===Other Reference Sources===
===Internal Links===
===External Links===
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]

Latest revision as of 04:48, 15 December 2005

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