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1) square; 2) monetary unit [arch] = 1/20 of a sho b = two 1/2 skar ma; 3) mouthful of food; 4) Nor lug sogs mdun so brgyad po brjes zin pa,??? 1 square (of cloth; 5) a paltry amount, a pittance; 5) a full measure, to the full [IW]
facing upwards [JV]
morsel, one part, quadrate, square, 1/6 of tibetan coin called tangka [JV]
1) full vessel; 2) filled up, full measure, full to the brim, complete, the full number; 3) mouthful; 4) a square [of cloth]; 3) money = 1/20 zho; 4) paltry amount, pittance [IW]
1) mouthful. 2) one square [of cloth]. 3) traditional Tibetan monetary unit a) equal to 1 / 20 of a sho. b) equal to 2 1 / 2 skar ma. 4) a paltry amount, a pittance. 5) a full measure, to the full [RY]

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Revision as of 08:02, 28 December 2005

facing upwards [JV]