dgar: Difference between revisions

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(Import from RyDic2003)
(Import from RyDic2003)
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a place, a district in Tibet, at pleasure, abbr. for dga' bar [JV]
(not in DAS) [JV]
p [[bkar]] [[dgar,, segregate, separate, quarantine, isolate, cross-examine at pleasure, Dgar place in Tibet [IW]
pt. [[bkar]] imp. [[dgar]] to segregate, separate, at pleasure, isolate, cross-examine [RY]

  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:ga]]
  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:ga]]

Revision as of 09:25, 28 December 2005

(not in DAS) [JV]