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Proponent of Differences / Distinctions [RY]
sand [RY]

Great Exposition School, Vaibhashika, [pluralistic] Atomist, [one of the two main schools of [[nyan thos kyi theg pa]]. analyst, detailists, realist, great exposition school [RY]
a desert; sand, grain, dust, sandy plain [RY]

Proponent of Differences [thd]
sand, desert, sandy place, Vimalamitra, SA dri med bshes gnyen, sand hell according to the kalacakra [JV]

Vaibashika ; 1) bye brag bshad mtsho = bye brag bshad mdzod chen mo followers [three times are sep. substances, 1 of [[grub mtha' bzhi]] Great exposition school, (pluralistic) atomist, analyst, detailists, realist (one of the two main schools of shravakas [[nyan thos kyi theg pa]] [IW]
sand, grain, dust, sandy plain [IW]
Vaibhashika [IW]
Vaibhashika school [RY]
vaibhasikas, buddhist philosophers, one of the two main hinayana schools of philosophy [JV]
Vaibhashika. One of the two main Hinayana schools of philosophy. It is based on the Abhidharma teachings compiled in the Mahavidhasa, the treatise known as the Great Treasury of Detailed Exposition (bye brag bshad mdzod chen mo) [RY]
Vaibhashika. One of the two main Hinayana schools of philosophy. School of Buddhist philosophy based on the Abhidharma teachings compiled in the Mahavidhasa [RY]
Vaibhashika: 1) bye brag bshad mtsho = bye brag bshad mdzod chen mo followers [R] [IW]
Vaibhashika, [pluralistic] Atomist, [one of the two main schools of [[nyan thos kyi theg pa]] [RY]

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  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:ba]]

Revision as of 12:31, 28 December 2005

sand [RY]

a desert; sand, grain, dust, sandy plain [RY]

sand, desert, sandy place, Vimalamitra, SA dri med bshes gnyen, sand hell according to the kalacakra [JV]

sand, grain, dust, sandy plain [IW]