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Loving kindness. The attitude of wishing that other beings may be happy [RY]
Maitreya? turning the wheel of dharma [IW]

maitreya (next buddha), kindness, love, benevolence, friendliness, mercy, loving-kindness [JV]
Maitreya? turning the wheel of dharma [one of three marvellous statues brought be King Songtsen Gampo's Nepalese queen and put in the lha ldan gtsug lag khang a silver byams sku with two hands with the mudra of turning the wheel of dharma adored by king krikri in time of buddha kashyapa [IW]
Maitreya. 'The Loving One.' The bodhisattva regent of Buddha Shakyamuni, presently residing in the Tushita heaven until becoming the fifth buddha of this aeon; author of five treatises preserved by Asanga [RY]
tenderness [RY]
1) Maitreya, the Loving One. 2) love, loving-kindness, benevolent love; friendliness, compassion, [[byams]]. maitri, mercy, benevolence, friendly, loving. 3) [[byams pa, byams pa, byams pa]] intr. v.; to be kind [towards], be loving, be affectionate [RY]
1) (Tha mi dad pa,, be kind; 1) kind[ness] love; 2) clothes shoes etc. comfortable and good for the body; 3) Dmangs gzhas nang la dga' grogs sam snying grogs kyi don du go ba, bu mo chung 'dris byams pa, spyang ki'i rigs rgyud min nam, sha 'dres lpags 'dres byung yang, ri la shor grabs mdzad gi; 4) in printing ink a plate; 5) Maitreya/ Manjushri [IW]
(benevolent) love [RB]
1) (Tha mi dad pa),, be kind ; 1) kind[ness] [wish that others be happy one of the four bhrama viharas [[tshangs pa'i gnas pa bzhi]], on regarding any sentient beings thinking why isnt it proper that these have happiness, antidote to malice]; 2) clothes shoes etc. corfortable and good for the body; 3) Dmangs gzhas nang la dga' grogs sam snying grogs kyi don du go ba, bu mo chung 'dris byams pa, spyang ki'i rigs rgyud min nam, sha 'dres lpags 'dres byung yang, ri la shor grabs mdzad gi ; 4) = byam pa; 5) Maitreya/ Manjushri [friendliness love, compassion, the loving 1 [[byams]] maitri, mercy, benevolent, friendliness, friendly, love, loving, loving-kindness] [IW]

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Revision as of 13:28, 28 December 2005

Maitreya? turning the wheel of dharma [IW]

Maitreya? turning the wheel of dharma [one of three marvellous statues brought be King Songtsen Gampo's Nepalese queen and put in the lha ldan gtsug lag khang a silver byams sku with two hands with the mudra of turning the wheel of dharma adored by king krikri in time of buddha kashyapa [IW]