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without (characteristics, fixation), non-conceptual, SA rnam thar sgo gsum, fixation without an attribute, absence of identifying characteristics, devoid of gender, without signs, beyond any symbolical attributes, without a distinguishing mark, fixation without an object, without concepts, without characteristics, without characteristics, practice of non-conceptual contemplation, practice without attributes, without attributes, absence of characteristics [JV]
rjes 'jug gi ma ning NA RA LA ming gzhi ma ning la yang 'jug yod med gang rung ste, phyind, thard, rold sogs ming gzhi drag zhan gnyis ka dang ma phrad pas mtshan med ma ning ngo [IW]
[[mtshan ma med pa]] cannot be characterized; absence of (definitive/ ordinary) characteristics; without/ involving no constructs; nonthematic; involving no thematic structures [RB]
nonconceptual, without form, formless, not centralized; markless[ness], formless, without signs / unadorned [experience]. / expressionlessness, marklessness; 1) without a distinguishing mark, 2) without an object. 3) [phenomena are] not defined by their criteria. 4) neuter, castrate [RY]
characteristicless [meditate on he natural state, emptiness [IW]
characteristicless * markless(ness), formless, w/o signs/ unadorned (experience)/expressionlessness, sexless, asexual [IW]

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Revision as of 14:03, 28 December 2005

rjes 'jug gi ma ning NA RA LA ming gzhi ma ning la yang 'jug yod med gang rung ste, phyind, thard, rold sogs ming gzhi drag zhan gnyis ka dang ma phrad pas mtshan med ma ning ngo [IW]