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(Import from RyDic2003)
(Import from RyDic2003)
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black mindedness, bad/ evil mind, meanness, malice, ill- will [IW]
mental abiding/ stillness/ quiescence [IW]

black-hearted, scowling, impious [JV]
stability of mind, mibp 56, mental states [JV]
mental abiding, quiescence of mind, mental stillness [RY]

  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:sa]]
  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:sa]]

Revision as of 17:43, 28 December 2005

mental abiding/ stillness/ quiescence [IW]

stability of mind, mibp 56, mental states [JV]

mental abiding, quiescence of mind, mental stillness [RY]