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ka dag - primordial purity, primordially pure; original purity; originally pure, pure from the beginning / first [RY]
#redirect [[Four Human Unfree States]]
ka dag - pure from the beginning, initially pure, transcendence, purely transcendent, primordially pure, primordial purity, original purity, inherent purity, original purity, original purity, primordially empty [JV]
ka dag gi klong - 1) primordially pure space. 2) space of primordial purity [RY]
ka dag gi klong - primordially pure space, space of primordial purity, primordially pure expanse, within primordial purity [IW]
ka dag gi chos sku - primordially pure dharmakaya [IW]
ka dag gi chos sku - the primordially pure dharmakaya [RY]
ka dag gi gzhi - the ground of primordial purity, the primordially pure ground [IW]
ka dag gi gzhi - 1) ground of primordial purity. 2) the primordially pure ground [RY]
ka dag gi rig pa - primordially pure awareness, primordial purity of insight [IW]
ka dag gi rig pa - primordially pure awareness [RY]
ka dag chos kyi sku - primordially pure dharmakaya, the dharmakaya of primordial purity [IW]
ka dag chos kyi sku - 1) primordially pure dharmakaya. 2) dharmakaya of primordial purity [RY]
ka dag chos sku'i bar do - bardo of primordially pure dharmakaya [RY]
ka dag chos sku'i bar do - the bardo of primordially pure dharmakaya [IW]
ka dag chos sku'i rang gdangs - the self-manifestation of primordially pure dharmakaya [IW]
ka dag chos sku'i rang gdangs - self-manifestation of primordially pure dharmakaya [RY]
ka dag chos sku'i rig pa - primordially pure dharmakaya awareness [RY]
ka dag chos zad - primordially pure exhaustion of phenomena [IW]
ka dag chos zad - the primordially pure exhaustion of phenomena [RY]
ka dag gting gsal chos kyi sku - the primordially pure dharmakaya of basic clarity, dharmakaya the fundamentally luminous primordial purity [IW]
ka dag gting gsal chos kyi sku - 1) primordially pure dharmakaya of basic clarity. 2) dharmakaya, the fundamentally luminous primordial purity [RY]
ka dag stong pa nyid - primordially pure emptiness [RY]
ka dag stong gsal chos sku - primordially pure dharmakaya of empty cognizance [RY]
ka dag stong gsal chos sku - primordially pure dharmakaya of empty cognizance, primordial purity of empty- luminous dharmakaya [IW]
ka dag dbyings su bsgral - liberated into primordially pure space [IW]
ka dag dbyings su bsgral ba - delivered into the primordially pure space [RY]
ka dag rang rig - primordially pure self-awareness [RY]
ka dag rig pa shes rab rang byung gi sgron ma - the lamp of self-originated discriminating wisdom which is primordially pure awareness [JV]
ka dag lhun grub - primordial purity and spontaneous presence, original purity & self-perfection, primordially pure & self-perfected [JV]
ka nas dag pa'i ye shes - primordially pure wisdom [IW]
ka nas dag pa'i ye shes - primordially pure wisdom. primordially pure wisdom, wakefulness that is primordially pure [RY]
grol lugs chen po bzhi - instructions of primordially pure khregs chod, the four great means of liberating insight- awareness in dharmakaya [IW]
grol lugs chen po bzhi - instructions of primordially pure khregs chod, the four great means of liberating insight-awareness in dharmakaya [ye grol, rang grol, gcer grol, mtha' grol] [IW]
ngo bo ka dag - originally pure essence, primordially pure essence, the essence pure from the beginning [JV]
ngo bo ka dag - primordially pure essence, primordially pure nature [RY]
ngo bo ka dag - rig pa'i ngo bo chos nyid stong pa'i cha - ... primordially pure essence, primordially pure nature [IW]
ngo bo ka dag gi chos sku - dharmakaya of the primordially pure essence [RY]
ngo bo ka dag gi ye shes - the wisdom of the primordially pure essence [IW]
ngo bo ka dag gi ye shes - the wisdom of the primordially pure essence, one of the {gzhi gnas kyi ye shes gsum} [RY]
ngo bo ye dag ye shes - wisdom of the primordially pure essence [RY]
ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rje - essence, nature, and capacity. The three aspects of the sugata-garbha according to the Dzogchen system. Essence is the primordially pure wisdom of emptiness. The nature is the spontaneously present wisdom of cognizance. The capacity is the all-pervasive wisdom of indivisibility. This is, ultimately, the identity of the Three Roots, the Three Jewels and the three kayas [RY]
chos sku'i ye shes gsum - the three wisdoms of dharmakaya [those of primordially pure essence, spontaneously present nature, and all-pervading compassion {ngo bo ka dag/ rang bzhin lhun grub/ thugs rje kun khyab} [IW]
chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba - The visionary appearance of direct perception of reality, appearance of the manifestation of dharmata [one of the {snang ba bzhi} the natural state of things as they are primordially pure dharmata by its manifestation being seen transcending the extremes of labelings of intellectual analysis opens the gate to the tathagata's secret buddha fields inconceivable to thought] [IW]
chos zad ka dag gi snang ba - the experience, manifestation of the primordially pure exhaustion of phenomena [RY]
chos zad ka dag gi snang ba - the experience /manifestation / appearance of the primordially pure exhaustion of phenomena [IW]
nyon mongs pa lnga ye nas dag pa'i rang bzhin ye shes lnga - the self-nature of the five passions primordially pure, is the five wisdoms [RY]
gnyug ma'i ye shes - innate, natural, self-arising, primordially pure insight-wisdom [IW]
gnyug ma'i ye shes - innate, natural, self- arising, primordially pure insight-wisdom [= gzhi'i ye shes] [IW]
gdod nas dag pa - pure from the beginning, primordial purity, pure from the beginning, primitive purity, primordially pure [JV]
gdod nas dag pa - primordially pure [RY]
gdod nas rnam dag zhing - primordially pure realm [RY]
nang dbyings ka dag - the primordially pure inner space, inner space of primordial purity [RY]
rnam dag gdod nas - primordially pure [RY]
snang ba yul gyi gnad gsum - three essentials of objective appearance [according to the path of all-surpassing realisation According to longcenpa, treasury of the supreme vehicle, vol 2, p 282, these are the essential which intensifies the appearance of awareness, pure as it is, by focusing on the outer object which is like the vanishing of clouds in the sky {phyi'i yul nam mkha' sprin dengs la gtod pas rig pa rang sa sangs phyed la snang ba'i 'bel myur} the essential which connects w the mother and offspring inner radiance by focusing on the inner object which is the light of the expanse {nang gi yul dbyings kyi sgron ma la gtad pas 'od gsal ma bu 'brel} and the essential which clarifies the primordially pure intention wherein all things have ceased, just as it is, by focusing on the secret object which is awareness just as it is {gsangs ba'i yul rig pa rang sa la gtad pas ka dag chos zad kyi dgongs pa rang sa na gsal ba'i gnad} [gd] [IW]
phung po lnga ye nas dag pa'i rang bzhin rgyal ba rigs lnga - the self-nature of the five skandhas primordially pure, is the 5 buddhas [RY]
'bras bu rdzogs pa chen po - the fruition the great perfection. [nying ma'i mantra tradition situation in which in which insight-wisdom is free of self-obscuring stains together with their habitual patterns. Since that is the basis of arising of all the kayas and wisdoms, it is complete and perfect and, since its essence is primordially pure, renunciation is perfect and from its luminous nature the powers and so forth, all the qualities of a Victorious one are spontaneous, realization is perfect and, from the union of these two the spontaneous appearances of interdependent arising, arising as the glory of sentient beings are the perfection of buddha activity. since it has the nature of renunciation, realization, and buddha activity, it is "great."] [IW]
gzhi dbyings ka dag - the primordially pure ground space, ground space of primordial purity [RY]
gzhi'i 'od gsal ka dag chos kyi sku - the primordially pure dharmakaya of ground luminosity [RY]
ye dag - originally/ primordially pure, pure from the beginning [IW]
ye dag - Syn {ka dag} originally / primordially pure, pure from the beginning [RY]
ye nas dag pa - originally/ primordially pure [IW]
rang rig ka dag - primordially pure self-cognizance [RY]
rig stong ka dag gi ye shes - primordially pure wisdom of aware emptiness, the wisdom of primally pure empty awareness [IW]
rig stong ka dag gi ye shes - the wisdom of primally pure empty awareness; primordially pure wisdom of aware emptiness, the wisdom of primally pure empty awareness [RY]
gshis ka dag - the primordially pure nature, innate primordial purity [RY]
[[four stakes to bind the life-force]] ([[srog sdom gzer bzhi]]) - [detailed expl., ''[[The Light of Wisdom]]'', Vol. 2, page 108]. Furthermore: To explain the ''four stakes to bind the life-force,'' the object to be purified is the state of affairs of a [[sentient being]]'s [[body, speech and mind]] as well as its activities. The result of purification is the [[Body, Speech, Mind, Qualities and Activities]] of [[buddhahood]]. Even though this basic state of affairs of any [[sentient being]] is [[primordially pure]] as these aspects of [[buddhahood]], in the apparent state these are seen as being impure and involved in the [[cause and effect]] of [[samsaric existence]]. The [[means]] which purify are to apply these [[key points of instruction]] to these four stakes which bind this life-force and herein you come to realize the way it ultimately is. Thus, by binding [[samsara and nirvana]] with the life-force of their purity in being completely equanimous, both the basic and the apparent aspects - the practitioner's [[three gates]] and [[Activities]] and the deity's Body, Speech, Mind and Activities - are brought into the path as the [[great primordial purity]]. This is therefore the extraordinary key point of the nonseparateness of [[development stage]] and [[completion stage]] and the special feature of the Old School of the [[Early Translations]], [[Ngagyur Nyingma]]. [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] [RY]
gsangs ba'i yul rig pa rang sa la gtad pas ka dag chos zad kyi dgongs pa rang sa na gsal ba'i gnad - the essential which clarifies the primordially pure intention wherein all things have ceased, just as it is, by focusing on the secret object which is awareness just as it is [IW]
bsrung bya'i dam tshig rtsa ltung bcu bzhi - 14 basic violations of the commitments/ root downfalls of samaya, which are to be guarded against [one to disparage the master, two to transgress the three levels of vows, three to be hostile to vajra brothers and sisters, four to forsake loving kindness on behalf of sentient beings, five to abandon the enlightened mind, six to disparage 1s own doctrine and those related to it, 7 to divulge secrets to the immature, 8 to abuse the five components which are primordially pure, 9 to have compassion for evil beings, esp those who harm the doctrine, 10 to apply conceptualization to wordless natures, 11 to belittle those who have faith, 12 to violate the commitments that have been undertaken, 13 and to disparage women, 13 the source of discriminative awareness-- from Ashvaghosa's m lapattisamgraha, Tibet 5270, as quoted by Lessing and Wayman, op cit p 328] [IW]
bsrung bya'i dam tshig rtsa ltung bcu bzhi - Fourteen Basic Violations of the Commitments, Which Are To Be Guarded Against. To disparage the master, to transgress the three levels of vows, to be hostile to vajra brothers and sisters, to forsake loving kindness on behalf of sentient beings, to abandon the enlightened mind, to disparage ones own doctrine and those related to it, to divulge secrets to the immature, to abuse the five components which are primordially pure, to have compassion for evil beings, esp. those who harm the doctrine, to apply conceptualization to wordless natures, to belittle those who have faith, to violate the commitments that have been undertaken, and to disparage women, the source of discriminative awareness [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Rime']]

Revision as of 16:14, 5 March 2006