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(The Dudjom Tersar (or the new Terma/Treasures of Dudjom))
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([[bar chad kun sel kyi chos skor]]) - Here is a short introduction to the [[Barchey Künsel]] cycle: The Barchey Künsel is the [[heart essence]] of the accomplished master [[Padmasambhava]] who perceives the [[three times]] in their entirety. It is the quintessence of one billion heart sadhanas of the Guru, the most unique terma buried in the land of Tibet; and it is the first among the [[Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana]]. This [[Guru's Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles]] contains in completeness all the profound key points of the view, meditation and conduct of the [[Three Inner Tantras]]. It manifested from the secret treasury of the great wisdom, the vast realization of the Second Buddha of Uddiyana, as the self-existing natural vajra sounds in perfect melodious tones. Its expressions which are unmodified by the intellect of ordinary people, its words which are without delusion, and its meaning which is unmistaken, are exclusively due to the kindness of the three powerful knowledge-holders [Khyentse, Kongtrül, and Chokling], the great beings of the three families, who incarnated as masters to compile and propagate an ocean of secret teachings. It is exclusively through their kindness that this teaching was established in writing as the splendor of unending welfare and happiness for the disciples in the Land of Snow, and propagated to flourish everywhere. This pure and perfect teaching, which effortlessly bestows, in accordance with one's wishes, the all-encompassing supreme and common [[siddhi]]s, temporaily and ultimately, was an unprecedented diffusion of the gemstones of the profound meaning, like opening up for the treasury of the universal monarch. [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] About the Barchey Künsel practice, which is the first and most extensive of the [[Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana]], [[Jamgön Kongtrül]] says in his Seed of the Great Sal Tree: "Generally, for the basic descriptions of how to practice this, take the third chapter taught in the Sheldam Nyingjang as basis and apply them, following your teacher's oral advice, in the extensive, medium or short version, whichever is appropriate, and in accordance with the situation in terms of place, time, and type of person. Whether you begin with the [[development stage]] or [[completion stage]], first perform the general preliminaries of the fourfold mind-training and the four special preliminaries. For the main part, according to the system of Terchen [[Chokgyur Lingpa]], take Sheldam Nyingjang as basis, and first practice ''Dharmakaya Amitayus'' followed by the ''Lotus Magical Net of Sambhogakaya'', the Great Compassionate One [[Avalokiteshvara]]. After this, combine the extensive or medium version with the [[Nirmanakaya]] [[Padmasambhava]], whichever is suitable, and complete the set number [of recitations] for [[approach and accomplishment]]. Following that, it is necessary to perform successively the specific approaches, combining the twelve manifestations with Trinley Nyingpo, and complete the four activities and the four ancillary practices as well as the practice of the teaching guardians. According to the system of the omniscient master, Padma Ösel Do-Ngak Lingpa [ [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]] ], perform, as the beginning of the main part, the single mudra according to the [[Gyüngyi Köljang]], the Daily Practice Manual, as 'approach'; the condensed outer mandala of [[Trinley Nyingpo]] as the 'full approach;' [[Trinley Dringpo]], the Medium Practice Manual, as 'accomplishment;' and [[Trinley Gyepa]], the Extensive Practice Manual, together with [[Dzapkyi Köljang]], the Recitation Manual, and so forth in a detailed way for the 'great accomplishment.' The [[samadhi]]s and [[visualization]]s for recitation of these should conform with the root text of the third chapter [of Sheldam Nyingjang]. Having properly performed the [[four aspects of approach and accomplishment]], perform then the 'specific practices' such as those for [[Dharmakaya]], [[Sambhogakaya]] and so forth, whichever is suitable. There is no difference between following either of these two systems since they both are lords of these profound teachings." [RY]
A Short Introduction of the Dudjom Tersar Lineage
Yeshe Thaye

[[bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel]] - The Guru's Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles [RY]
In general, the "Lineage" of a "Tersar" tradition comes from those new "treasures" (termas) of an individual terton, and should include the initiations (wang), scriptural transmissions (lung), and oral teachings (tri) of all the important practices and sadhanas of that particular tradition. Such are the cases with the "Chokling Tersar" and the "Dudjom Tersar" Hence, it is not necessary to include all the writings of the Terton himself (except those related commentaries on those practices). For example, the 25 volumes of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche's Collected Works (Sungbum) include both his Tersar as well as his other writings.

[[bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel]] - Guru's Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles. See Barchey Künsel. The main cycle of teachings revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa [RY]
The "Dudjom Tersar" as a Lineage forms a whole system by itself, and thus it does not include the works or termas of other Masters. However, there are cases that the works and termas of other great Masters are also included simply because of the realizations of the terton himself, such as Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, that he felt it to be more beneficial to all sentient beings by either having some of the long termas of other tertons to be condensed, or by elaborating on some of the more concise termas of other tertons, or both. In any case, the terton himself had done so with a pure intention to benefit all others through his own realizations.

[[bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel]] - terma revealed by {mchog 'gyur gling pa} {gter ston} 1829-1870; Guru's Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel, the most prominent new treasure revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa [RY]
For example, there are two important practices on the Khandro Thugthig which was written by Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche that has been included in the Vol.16 of the Dudjom Sungbum by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche himself. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche had done so when he was still in Lhasa, as he thought this to be most appropriate and beneficial to all sentient beings.

Terchen Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987)
One important thing that differentiates the important works of these great Masters, as compared with the commentaries on both sutras and tantras by other teachers, is the fact that these works are the true realizations of these great Masters who had truly experienced the Dharmata, in order that these works will have the blessings and the continuity of the Lineage all through its Lineage Holders. Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche was being appointed by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche as his principal Doctrine-Holder (Chodak) of the "Dudjom Tersar" lineage. (Please refer to the letter written by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche in appointing Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche as his Vajra Regent, as recorded in the life story of Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche.)

There are four major cycles in the "Dudjom Tersar" of Dudjom Lingpa, with the first three as "Gong-Ters" and the last one as "Sa-Ter" namely:-
(a) The "Dagnang Yeshe Drawa" cycle (The Wisdom Nets of Pure Visions), such as the Troma teachings;
(b) The "Maha-Ati Yoga Zabcho Gongpa Rangdrol" cycle (The Profound Teachings on Naturally Self-liberating Enlightened Visions), such as the teachings of Chenresig;
(c) The "Chonyid Namkhai Longdzo" cycle (the Vast Space Treasure from the Wisdom Sky of the Ultimate Nature), with teachings of Thekchod and Thodgal; and
(d) The "Khandro Nyingthig" cycle.

There are four major cycles in the "Dudjom Tersar" of Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, which are all "Gong-Ters":
(a) The "Tsokyi Thugthig" cycle, for the practices on the outer, inner, secret and innermost secret sadhanas of the Lama;
(b) The "Pudri Rekpung" cycle, for the practices of the Yidam;
(c) The "Khandro Thugthig" cycle, for the practices on the outer, inner, secret and innermost secret sadhanas of the Khandro; and
(d) The "Dorje Drollod" cycle.

[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]]
Here in the "Dudjom Tersar" there is a cycle of "Khandro Nyingthig" discovered by Dudjom Lingpa, while there is another cycle of "Khandro Thugthig" discovered by Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje.
Then, there are two other two cycles of Dorje Phurba, namely:
(i) The "Thugdrub Sangwai Gyachan" cycle; and
(ii) The "Thugdrub Yeshe Nyima" cycle, both of which are included in the "Khandro Nyingthig" cycle of Dudjom Lingpa.
At the same time, there is the cycle of "Namchag Pudri" revealed by Dudjom Lingpa, and the cycle of "Pudri Rekpung" revealed by Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, both are of the yidam Dorje Phurba.
The Dudjom Tersar (or the new Terma/Treasures of Dudjom) as compile by Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje, the Second Dudjom Lingpa.
This includes many texts by Dudjom Lingpa along with his own treasures and writings.
gsung 'bum / 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje [TBRC Resource Code: O53] (outlines help)
Outline Type: gsung 'bum
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gsung 'bum / 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje [N2970]
1 gsung 'bum / 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje [N2826]
View bibliographic record W20869
1.1 kar gling zhi khro'i sngags gso'i cho ga [N2827]
View bibliographic record W20885
1.2 zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gyi bla ma brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs [N2828]
View bibliographic record W20886
1.3 zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gyi bka' srung sde bdun gsol mchod mdor bsdus [N2829]
View bibliographic record W20887
1.4 zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gyi sngags kyi gso sbyong gi cho ga dang 'brel ba'i gnas lung mdor bsdus [N2830]
View bibliographic record W20888
1.5 mkha' 'gro sprul sku'i snying thig gi tshogs mchod las byang khrigs su bsdebs pa padma 'od du bgrod pa'i shing rta [N2831]
View bibliographic record W20889
1.6 mkha' 'gro sprul sku'i snying thig gi brgyud 'debs [N2832]
View bibliographic record W20890
1.7 rig 'dzin srog sgrub kyi sngon 'gro'i ngag 'don khrigs su bsdebs pa zung 'jug lam bzang [N2833]
View bibliographic record W20891
1.8 rig 'dzin srog sgrub kyi phrin las rgyun khyer nyams len snying por dril ba [N2834]
View bibliographic record W20892
1.9 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las yang gsang bla ma'i las byang khrigs su bsdebs pa rig pa 'dzin pa'i dgongs rgyan [N2835]
View bibliographic record W20893
1.10 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus kyi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs dbang byin char 'bebs [N2836]
View bibliographic record W20894
1.11 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las bla ma'i gsang sgrub nor bu rgya mtsho'i phrin las lam khyer yang zab thugs kyi thig le [N2837]
View bibliographic record W20895
1.12 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las sgrub chen gyi byin 'bebs yid bzhin nor bu [N2838]
View bibliographic record W20896
1.13 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las dam rdzas bdud rtsi'i sgrub thabs gsal bar bkod pa 'chi med 'dod 'jo'i gter bum [N2839]
View bibliographic record W20897
1.14 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las las bzhi mchog lnga'i sbyin sreg gi cho ga gsal bar bkod pa phrin las nor bu'i snang ba [N2840]
View bibliographic record W20898
1.15 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las las bla ma'i dbang chog nor bu padma'i ljon shing phyag len mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa dri med bdud rtsi'i rdzing bu [N2841]
View bibliographic record W20899
1.16 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las yang gsang bla ma rtsa gsum 'dus pa'i bsnyen sgrub kyi yi ge skal bzang yid kyi 'dod 'jo [N2842]
View bibliographic record W20900
1.17 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las rim gnyis rnal 'byor thun mong gi sngon 'gro'i ngag 'don rig pa 'dzin pa'i shing rta [N2843]
View bibliographic record W20901
1.18 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus kyi gter srung bkra shis tshe ring ma'i phrin las 'dod 'jo'i snye ma [N2844]
View bibliographic record W20902
1.19 tshe khrid rdo phreng ba'i sgrub thabs [N2845]
View bibliographic record W20903
1.20 tshe dkar gyi brgyud 'debs [N2846]
View bibliographic record W20904

Revision as of 14:33, 25 April 2006

A Short Introduction of the Dudjom Tersar Lineage Yeshe Thaye

In general, the "Lineage" of a "Tersar" tradition comes from those new "treasures" (termas) of an individual terton, and should include the initiations (wang), scriptural transmissions (lung), and oral teachings (tri) of all the important practices and sadhanas of that particular tradition. Such are the cases with the "Chokling Tersar" and the "Dudjom Tersar" Hence, it is not necessary to include all the writings of the Terton himself (except those related commentaries on those practices). For example, the 25 volumes of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche's Collected Works (Sungbum) include both his Tersar as well as his other writings.

The "Dudjom Tersar" as a Lineage forms a whole system by itself, and thus it does not include the works or termas of other Masters. However, there are cases that the works and termas of other great Masters are also included simply because of the realizations of the terton himself, such as Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, that he felt it to be more beneficial to all sentient beings by either having some of the long termas of other tertons to be condensed, or by elaborating on some of the more concise termas of other tertons, or both. In any case, the terton himself had done so with a pure intention to benefit all others through his own realizations.

For example, there are two important practices on the Khandro Thugthig which was written by Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche that has been included in the Vol.16 of the Dudjom Sungbum by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche himself. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche had done so when he was still in Lhasa, as he thought this to be most appropriate and beneficial to all sentient beings. 
Terchen Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987) One important thing that differentiates the important works of these great Masters, as compared with the commentaries on both sutras and tantras by other teachers, is the fact that these works are the true realizations of these great Masters who had truly experienced the Dharmata, in order that these works will have the blessings and the continuity of the Lineage all through its Lineage Holders. Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche was being appointed by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche as his principal Doctrine-Holder (Chodak) of the "Dudjom Tersar" lineage. (Please refer to the letter written by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche in appointing Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche as his Vajra Regent, as recorded in the life story of Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche.)

There are four major cycles in the "Dudjom Tersar" of Dudjom Lingpa, with the first three as "Gong-Ters" and the last one as "Sa-Ter" namely:- (a) The "Dagnang Yeshe Drawa" cycle (The Wisdom Nets of Pure Visions), such as the Troma teachings; (b) The "Maha-Ati Yoga Zabcho Gongpa Rangdrol" cycle (The Profound Teachings on Naturally Self-liberating Enlightened Visions), such as the teachings of Chenresig; (c) The "Chonyid Namkhai Longdzo" cycle (the Vast Space Treasure from the Wisdom Sky of the Ultimate Nature), with teachings of Thekchod and Thodgal; and (d) The "Khandro Nyingthig" cycle.

There are four major cycles in the "Dudjom Tersar" of Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, which are all "Gong-Ters": (a) The "Tsokyi Thugthig" cycle, for the practices on the outer, inner, secret and innermost secret sadhanas of the Lama; (b) The "Pudri Rekpung" cycle, for the practices of the Yidam; (c) The "Khandro Thugthig" cycle, for the practices on the outer, inner, secret and innermost secret sadhanas of the Khandro; and (d) The "Dorje Drollod" cycle.

Here in the "Dudjom Tersar" there is a cycle of "Khandro Nyingthig" discovered by Dudjom Lingpa, while there is another cycle of "Khandro Thugthig" discovered by Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje.

Then, there are two other two cycles of Dorje Phurba, namely: (i) The "Thugdrub Sangwai Gyachan" cycle; and (ii) The "Thugdrub Yeshe Nyima" cycle, both of which are included in the "Khandro Nyingthig" cycle of Dudjom Lingpa. At the same time, there is the cycle of "Namchag Pudri" revealed by Dudjom Lingpa, and the cycle of "Pudri Rekpung" revealed by Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, both are of the yidam Dorje Phurba.

The Dudjom Tersar (or the new Terma/Treasures of Dudjom) as compile by Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje, the Second Dudjom Lingpa. This includes many texts by Dudjom Lingpa along with his own treasures and writings.

gsung 'bum / 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje [TBRC Resource Code: O53] (outlines help) Outline Type: gsung 'bum
Legend:  Outline node  Work with a TBRCDat catalog record  scanned pages in the Image Archive  Node with annotation

gsung 'bum / 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje [N2970]

1 gsung 'bum / 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje [N2826]

View bibliographic record W20869

1.1 kar gling zhi khro'i sngags gso'i cho ga [N2827]

View bibliographic record W20885

1.2 zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gyi bla ma brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs [N2828]

View bibliographic record W20886

1.3 zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gyi bka' srung sde bdun gsol mchod mdor bsdus [N2829]

View bibliographic record W20887

1.4 zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol gyi sngags kyi gso sbyong gi cho ga dang 'brel ba'i gnas lung mdor bsdus [N2830]

View bibliographic record W20888

1.5 mkha' 'gro sprul sku'i snying thig gi tshogs mchod las byang khrigs su bsdebs pa padma 'od du bgrod pa'i shing rta [N2831]

View bibliographic record W20889

1.6 mkha' 'gro sprul sku'i snying thig gi brgyud 'debs [N2832]

View bibliographic record W20890

1.7 rig 'dzin srog sgrub kyi sngon 'gro'i ngag 'don khrigs su bsdebs pa zung 'jug lam bzang [N2833]

View bibliographic record W20891

1.8 rig 'dzin srog sgrub kyi phrin las rgyun khyer nyams len snying por dril ba [N2834]

View bibliographic record W20892

1.9 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las yang gsang bla ma'i las byang khrigs su bsdebs pa rig pa 'dzin pa'i dgongs rgyan [N2835]

View bibliographic record W20893

1.10 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus kyi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs dbang byin char 'bebs [N2836]

View bibliographic record W20894

1.11 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las bla ma'i gsang sgrub nor bu rgya mtsho'i phrin las lam khyer yang zab thugs kyi thig le [N2837]

View bibliographic record W20895

1.12 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las sgrub chen gyi byin 'bebs yid bzhin nor bu [N2838]

View bibliographic record W20896

1.13 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las dam rdzas bdud rtsi'i sgrub thabs gsal bar bkod pa 'chi med 'dod 'jo'i gter bum [N2839]

View bibliographic record W20897

1.14 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las las bzhi mchog lnga'i sbyin sreg gi cho ga gsal bar bkod pa phrin las nor bu'i snang ba [N2840]

View bibliographic record W20898

1.15 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las las bla ma'i dbang chog nor bu padma'i ljon shing phyag len mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa dri med bdud rtsi'i rdzing bu [N2841]

View bibliographic record W20899

1.16 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las yang gsang bla ma rtsa gsum 'dus pa'i bsnyen sgrub kyi yi ge skal bzang yid kyi 'dod 'jo [N2842]

View bibliographic record W20900

1.17 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus las rim gnyis rnal 'byor thun mong gi sngon 'gro'i ngag 'don rig pa 'dzin pa'i shing rta [N2843]

View bibliographic record W20901

1.18 dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dus kyi gter srung bkra shis tshe ring ma'i phrin las 'dod 'jo'i snye ma [N2844]

View bibliographic record W20902

1.19 tshe khrid rdo phreng ba'i sgrub thabs [N2845]

View bibliographic record W20903

1.20 tshe dkar gyi brgyud 'debs [N2846]

View bibliographic record W20904